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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-07-1979June 7, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3162, MORAGA ROAD, WS 1.0, AND AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT BACKGROUND: Advertising for bids was authorized by the Board on 5/10/79. Three bids were received on June 6, 1979. The low bid, $135,550.50 submitted by D. W. Young Construction Co., Inc., is 4% higher than the engineers estimate. A tabulation of bids is attached. District staff estimated the total cost of the project of $164,298.00 (See attached post bid pre -construction estimate). The amount of $40,000 was previously authorized on December 7, 1978, leaving a balance of $124,298.00 to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to D. W. Young Construction Co., Inc., and authorize the amount of $124,298.00 to cover the balance required for the contract construction contingencies and incidentals. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:DLS:sf Attachment Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: Rog J.Dolan General. Manager -Chief Engineer CENTRAL C,aNTRA COSTA SANIYARY DISTRICT 0 B DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3162 LOCATIONMO��• , MORAGA DATE JUNE 6, 1979 ENGR. EST --$130.230.00 _... BIDDER NAME ADDRESS BID PRICE PHONE MGM CONSTRUCTION CO. P. 0. Box 5757 $1.52,741.50 Concord, CA 94524 685-8812 D. W. YOUNG CONST, CO. 976 Second Street $135,550,50 Lafayette, CA 94549 284-9420 MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. P. 0. Box 116 $143,730.00 San Ramon, CA 94583 837-1101 w BY ...... DATE CHKD. BY DA ..— SHEET NO. 1 OF _ 0 0 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3162 ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL %CONST. CONTRACT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U35-550-50 100/ _ 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . , , , , . $ 6,779.50 5% 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals $ 8,000.00 8,000.00 5.99 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 0 0 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project . . . . . . . . . , t1503'330.00 110.9% 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising . . . , 5 133.968-00 Special Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Right -of -Way Acquisition . . . . . . . . . 0 7. Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as of 4-30-79 ) , . $13,968.00 $ 13.968-00 10.'1"/_ 8. Total Estimated Project Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5164,298.00 121.2% (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,000.00 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project . . . . . . . , $124,298.00 (Item 8 minus Item 9) 2450-5-78 4 q June 7, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF PIPE (MATERIAL ONLY) FOR DSP 3170, THE OUTFALL LINE REPAIR BACKGROUND: Bids were called for and received on May 10, 1979, and were rejected by the Board on the same date because of the high cost. The Pipe design has been modified and the project rebid. Two bids were received on June 7, 1979. The low bid of $339,958.00 submitted by Cen-Vi-Ro Concrete Pipe & Products Co., Inc. is 3% higher than the engineers estimate but approximately $85,000 lower than the previous bid. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Cen-Vi-Ro for furnishing pipe for DSP 3170 and authorize $339,958.00 for purchase of the pipe. Respectfully submitted, 0 A4 Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:DLS:sf Reviewed By: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendatio Ap roved: Roge J. Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer CENTRAL (�ONTRA COSTA SANOARY DISTRICT DSP 3170 (MATERIALS) LOCATION PACHECO, CA DATE JUNE 7, 1979 ENGR. EST. $330,000.00 BIDDER NAME ADDRESS PHONE BID PRICE CEN-VI-RO CONCRETE PIPE & PRODUCTS 7020 TOKAY AVENUE SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 (916) 381-3910 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B $339,958._00 No Bid AMERON, INC. P. 0. BOX 3396 HAYWARD, CA 94540 (415) 782-5300 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B No Bid $362,258.23 JOB BY DATE-- CHKD. BY _ DATE SHEET NO. OF 0 UII. Ng 5 6/7/79 June 6, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM OF MCDONALD FORD, 1800 NORTH MAIN STREET, WALNUT CREEK FOR $504.00 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE ISSUE: This claim is the result of a stoppage in the main line serving the McDonald Ford building. BACKGROUND: The sewage overflow damaged carpeting in the owner's office to the extent that it had to be replaced. A District crew cleaned and disinfected the shop area, other offices, and all bath- rooms in the building. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim of $504.00 for carpet replacement. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Reco end?1a A roved: oger General Manager -Chief Engineer June 6, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: STAFF COMMENTS REGARDING THE DEIR FOR THE PROPOSED LA ENCINAL TO EL TOYONAL SEWER LINE EXTENSION IN ORINDA A septic tank moratorium was established in 1970 by the County Health Department in the area which includes the project site; therefore, no new building is being permitted pending construction of approved public sewer facilities. The proposed sewer extension project is required to permit development initially of six, vacant single --family residential lots in the north Orinda area. The six lots involved were annexed to the CCCSD on May 4, 1978. Local opposition to the project has primarily involved the anticipated growth inducing impact of providing sewer service to the area, with its attendant traffic and noise impacts. The following staff comments relate to the total area which would be served by the proposed sewer project i.e. the area which can connect directly as well as the total tributary area which may ultimately be served via additional gravity sewer main extensions from the project sewer: (a) The sewer construction plan, prepared by Schell & Martin and included in the DEIR, shows sewer service being provided to parcels located upstream from the six parcels owned by the project proponent (Thiessen). This additional sewer would be constructed by the project proponent, with each property owner responsible for reimbursing their share of the project costs. Staff understands that these property owners have contacted the project proponent and have requested that the required sewer extensions be constructed now either because of failing, existing septic systems or their desire to develop a currently vacant parcel. Several of these same property owners have submitted requests for District annexation which were approved several months ago. Since these properties are not owned by Mr. Thiessen, they have the same relationship as other (non -proponent) parcels located along the proposed sewer alignment which could connect to the system at any time. A total of (29) direct connections (no extension required) could be made to the project sewer, including the 6 connections proposed by Mr. Thiessen. (b) The primary approach used by the EIR consultant to discuss the growth - inducing aspect of the proposed project has been to analyze all tributary areas to identify those large and/or vacant parcels that would be encouraged to subdivide or develop, thereby creating additional building sites (growth). Figure 12 of the DEIR depicts ultimate boundaries of four areas which are considered to be tributary to the project sewer by the DEIR consultant. Each area has different requirements which must be met before sewer service could be extended from the proposed sewer project. 1 O Staff review has determined that the total tributary area presented is excessive since certain areas would be required to obtain sewer service by alternative alignments as outlined below: Area 1 - The northwesterly corner of this area (Guaranty Service Corp parcel) is considered to be in a different watershed than the project sewer and therefore will be required to gravity drain in a northerly direction, rather than easterly as proposed. The balance of the area outlined can be considered tributary to the proposed project and could ultimately be served by a gravity sewer extension from the project sewer. Area 2 - Approximately one-half of this area, involving the Guaranty Service Corp. parcel, will ultimately be required to drain to the north instead of the easterly direction proposed. The balance of the area outlined can be considered tributary to the proposed project and could ultimately be served by a gravity sewer extension from the project sewer. Area 3 - All of the area 3 would ultimately be required to drain to the north rather than easterly as proposed. The proposed use of a pump to convey the sewage easterly is in conflict with District guidelines and would not be approved since an alternative gravity alignment is available. Therefore, this area would not contribute future connections in the analysis of growth inducing impacts. Area 4 - This area cannot be considered tributary to the project sewer in view of the need for pumping (together with deep trenching) to convey the sewage in a northerly direction. Sanitary sewer service from this area must be provided by a gravity system which would connect to an existing public main located to the east. The modification of the ultimate tributary areas as outlined above would also require revisions in the projected traffic and noise impacts. Since some of the areas included in the report would not benefit from the proposed sewer project, future development of these areas and respective traffic changes should not be attributed to, or associated with, the project currently proposed. (c) The direct project connections discussed in (a) as well as the potential connections considered possible from future lot subdividing or currently vacant parcels discussed in (b), do not represent all of the connections that could ultimately be made which would benefit by the project sewer. Existing homes which are currently served by septic tanks and involve parcels that cannot be subdivided, could be served by gravity sewer extensions in the future. These existing homesites are primarily located to the south of the project sewer and they represent a major portion of the potential number of project related connections. 2 The following table summarizes all of the possible connections which could connect to the project sewer: * Most of these connections could occur only after larger parcels had been subdivided - This repre- sents growth that could be considered induced by the sewer project, assuming the required main extensions are constructed. The staff has no additional comments regarding the subject project and DEIR. JSM:RSK:sf Reviewed by W W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Jay S. Mc oy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager 3 Co is Approved - Lo . Do an General Ma ager -Chief Engineer Potential Homesites Existing Homes (Land currently on Septic vacant) Total Direct Connection 19 10 = 29 to Project Sewer Extension required from. 46 54* - 100 project sewer Total 65 64 = 129 * Most of these connections could occur only after larger parcels had been subdivided - This repre- sents growth that could be considered induced by the sewer project, assuming the required main extensions are constructed. The staff has no additional comments regarding the subject project and DEIR. JSM:RSK:sf Reviewed by W W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Jay S. Mc oy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager 3 Co is Approved - Lo . Do an General Ma ager -Chief Engineer o June 6, 1979 AGENDA FOR HEARING ON DRAFT EIR 1. President announces item and introduces Roger Dolan. 2. Roger comments on the project and asks Steve Billington (EIR Consultant) to briefly discuss content of Draft EIR. 3. Steve Billington comments. 4. President opens hearing and asks for comments from staff. 5. Jay McCoy covers staff comments. 6. President asks for comments from the audience. 7. Members of the audience will be allowed to speak. Staff and the consultant will be available to answer questions. 8. The President closes the hearing. 9. The President states: "All written and verbal comments received will be responded to by Mr. Billington. Said response will include measures to mitigate adverse environmental impacts identified in the comments. The Board will consider adotpion of the Final EIR and approval of the project at its June 21st regular meeting. Note: Board members may comment but it is not mandatory. Comments by members of the Board can be made at the June 21st meeting. + HEAQ" H SERVICES -PUBLIC HEALTH Contra Costa County TO: Jay McCoy DATE: June 1, 1979 CCCSD, Walnut Creek FROM: Che yl Steffanson, Sanitarian SUBJECT: Draft EIR for La Encinal Environmental Health, Concord to E1 Toyonal Sewer Line Extension, Orinda A septic tank moratorium has been in effect since July 31, 1970 in the upper E1 Toyonal area of Orinda. Since that time, no applications have been accepted for new construction involving septic tank systems, and only repairs to existing systems, or replacement of existing homes damaged by fire or other natural causes, have been permitted. The moratorium will continue until such time as sanitary sewers are extended to this area. Based on a number of past failures and our general experience with the area, we may anticipate a continuing problem with fail- ing septic tanks, and for this reason we urge that strong con- sideration be given by the District to extending sewer service whenever possible. Even if the moratorium was not in effect, it is our opinion that the remaining undeveloped parcels of E1 Toyonal area would not comply with the County Sewage Ordinance because of the steep contours and very poor soil conditions. Development of these parcels appears feasible only through sanitary sewer extension. Therefore, we concur with III Positive Impacts appearing on page i. CS: la cc: Martinez Environmental Health�'U' SAWARY D1Sta[C7 REC�'ti A 0 b 79 f n:XlUfiLqi►1tu;cat:, ... ...... fo G Min _ ...... C& Srj June 6, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM --ESTABLISHMENT OF COVERAGE AND RETENTION LIMITS, OTHER THAN PROPERTY DAMAGE ISSUE: At its May 31, 1979 meeting, the Board of Directors reappointed Schroder Insurance Agency as broker for the District's risk management program. Based on quotations provided in the broker's proposal, the District is now required to define the coverage and retention limits to enable final placement by the broker by the July 1, 1979 policy anniversary date. BACKGROUND: Preliminary recommendations for coverage and retention limits were made by District management at the May 31, 1979 meeting. At this time, management affirms those recommendations which are summarized below: TYPE COVERAGE LiMITS RETENTION ANNUAL PREMIUM General Liability/ Auto Liability $10 million $50,000 per occur. $87,000 100,000 aggreg. Directors and Officers Liability $ 1 million $10,000 9,180 Employee Blanket Bond $ 1 million $100,000 474 TOTAL $96,654 Architects and Engineers Errors and Omission coverage quoted at a $12,000 annual premium for a $10 million limit, with $100,000 retained, is considered unnecessary at this time owing to the relatively minor risk attaching to the plan review and approval activity in the Collection System Engineering and Services Division. Under the terms of the General Liability coverage described in the summary above, there are no specific exclusions related to architects and engineers professional liability. As a result, all claims for bodily injury or property damage related to professional liability will be honored under the General Liability policy. However, if no bodily injury or property damage results from a claim due to an error or omission, the General Liability policy will not provide coverage; only the Architects and Engineers Errors and Omissions policy will provide coverage for the added expense related to demolition or reconstruction of work caused by an error or omission. The Architects and Engineers Errors and Ommissions coverage will be required when construction management activities for major projects are undertaken by the District's Construction Division. Additional data is being assembled by management to develop appropriate coverage and retention limits for Property Damage and Boiler and Machinery coverages. Management's recommendation for these remaining coverages will be provided at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize placement of the General Liability/Auto Liability, Directors and Officers Liability and Employee Blanket Bond coverage for an approximate annual premium of $96,654. WNF:Jms Reviewed by: b-�C� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager - Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Cr Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer Amndation p ved: . Dol n General Manager - Chief Engineer VI. OB 2 6/7/79 June 4, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION ISSUE: To complete the salaries and wages items of the 0&M Budget, it is necessary to fix rates of compensation for management personnel. BACKGROUND: For many years only the General Manager -Chief Engineer, the Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer and the District Counsel were considered separately in the annual compensation study, but more recently the three Department Managers were included in this group. In practice, the management team now also involves the three Engineering Division Managers, the Finance Officer, and the Personnel Officer, as listed below: 105 94 96 89 90 86 82 86 76 80 71 RECOMMENDATION: General Manager -Chief Engineer Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Manager -Engineering Department Manager -Collection Systems Operation Department Manager -Plant Operations Department Manager -Collection System and Service Engineering Division Manager -Special Projects Engineering Division Manager -Construction Engineering Division District Counsel District Finance Officer District Personnel Officer Determine management compensation Respectfully submitted, Cceom2hE�:_ W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j v Andati roved: , n General M Hager -Chief Engineer 0 June 1, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $2,900 FOR ADDITIONAL WORK BY WOODWARD CLYDE ON DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3170, OUTFALL REPAIR ISSUE: Woodward -Clyde has performed additional analyses as outlined in the attached letter. BACKGROUND: Woodward -Clyde has been requested to do additional work outside of the scope of the original geotechnical investigation. This work was necessary in order to provide soils engineering input into decisions regarding support for and vertical alignment of the outfall repair. In addition, Woodward - Clyde will be providing details on request during the next two months after their final report is submitted. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $2,900 for additional work by Woodward -Clyde on District Sewering Project 3170, Outfall repair. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Attachment Reviewed By - W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: Rog J. clan General Ihanager-Chief Engineer VII. NB 2 6/5/79 May 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM T0: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUGMENTATION OF DISTRICT FUNDS FOR PROJECT 5A -I (C-06-0696-010 - Step 3) GRANT ADMINISTRATION ISSUE: Additional funding is necessary to continue grant administration for this project until June 30, 1980. BACKGROUND: The Construction Division is administrating the grant for construction of the 5A -I project. The prime contractor (Peterson -Simpson) has been terminated. Requests for Proposals are being prepared in order to obtain the services of another Engineer and Construction Manager to complete the 5A -I Project. In addition, the Construction Division is performing construction management on the emergency work and wind-up of the Peterson -Simpson and Brown and Caldwell contracts. Expenditures have now exceeded the previous cumulative authorizations of $961,910. Therefore, a supplemental authorization is required. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $250,000 for Grant Administration and Emergency Construction Management on Project 5A -I (C-06-0696). Respectfully submitted, K. Bar er Construction Division Manager KB/dh Attachments Reviewed by: 14. C. Dal ton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Resp9endation app d: Roger . Dol General Manager -Chief Engineer May 30, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING NEEDS FOR 1978-79 The 1979-80 organization chart and staffing requirements represent the needs beginning July 1, 1979. These staffing needs represent minor changes in the organization chart, a net increase of five permanent positions and a net decrease of 10 P. I. and temporary positions for an overall reduction of five positions at an estimated cost reduction of 4,244 dollars per month. The change in the organization chart is the reclassification of an Operator I position to an Engineering Aid i1 position which better reflects the required duties performed. The additional levels of staffing recommended are changes in the Operations Division from 42 to 43, Maintenance Division from 28 to 30, Administrative Division from 10 to 11, and Laboratory Division from five to six Positions, for a total increase of five permanent positions in the Plant Opera- tions Department. The 1978-79 budget provided for ten P. I. and ten temporary positions to supplement treatment plant staffing. Operational experience gained this year, even though major elements of the facility are incomplete, has provided a clearer understanding of 0 & M needs. Based on this experience, it is recommended that the ten P. i. and ten temporary positions be reduced to five P. I. Operator i positions, two P. I. Maintenance Technician IiI positions, and three P. I. Plant Attendant positions. These positions would be filled on an as -needed basis and will provide the flexibility required by the extended completion and startup of the treatment plant. This recommended organization chart and staffing represents our best judg- ment of immediate and long term needs of the Plant Operations Department based on the completion of the treatment facilities. Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles DGN:mg Manager, Plant Operations Reviewed: Reviewed: Recom dation AIrod:� Gai 1 Koff W. C. Dalton �-' Personnel Officer Deputy General Manager- Roger Dol n Chief Engineer g General Manager -Chief Engineer June 1, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: CLYDE M. HOPKINS, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ANNUAL WRITTEN REPORT FOR APPLICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE There is on file in this office for your use, a written report containing a description of each and every parcel of real property receiving environmental services and the amount of the Environmental Quality Charge for each parcel for the 1979-80 fiscal year. These parcels are described by reference to maps on file in the office of the County Assessor of Contra Costa County. Please cause notice of filing of this report to be published in accordance with Section 11-716 of the District Code setting forth the time and place of the hearing to be set by the Board of Directors on the question of collection of the charges on the County tax roll. Rol General Ma ager hief Engineer RJD:WCD: j v