HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-31-1979May 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ISSUE: The appointment of an insurance broker for the District's risk management program and the definition of coverages and deductible levels are to be determined. BACKGROUND: Warren, McVeigh & Griffin has submitted its evaluation of the Schroder Insurance Agency and Kaine E McAuliffe broker proposals. The evaluation is enclosed. Mr. Tom Briggin of Warren, McVeigh & Griffin is scheduled to present an oral report to the Board of Directors on May 31, 1979. After consideration of the recommendations made by Warren, McVeigh & Griffin, and previously concluded personal presentation b y the decisions regarding the appointment of an insurance broker and the coverages to be obtained as of July 1, 1979 are to be made. District management will present its recommendations at the May 31, 1979 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Management recommendations will be presented at the May 31, 1979 Board of Directors meeting. Respectfully submitted, Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer WNF:mm Enclosure: Reviewed by: L� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Re endatio a roved: Roger J. D )an Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer 0 May 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TREATMENT PLANT SITE, HOLDING BASINS, AND POND IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1979-80 ISSUE: It is necessary to coordinate certain holding basin improvements and controls with the outfall repair project. A tentative schedule has been developed which requires early authorizations for employment of consultants, purchase of equipment and material, etc. BACKGROUND: The outfall emergency and the incomplete 5A-1 contract demand certain improvements to make major facilities perform thier planned functions as soon as possible. However, the improvements proposed by this memo are being advanced in schedule to accommodate the situation which will occur when the outfall has to be shut down for connections to the new align- ment. The D.O.T. plans for the Frontage Road through the plant site also affect the first work scheduled (Project A). Following is a list of projects and tasks to be accomplished and rough costs which will be refined as engineering work progresses. Please refer to IV Old Business, Item 2 (Project A), and New Business, Item 12.a. (Project B) and 12.0 (Project A). 1979-80 Contract Project Estimated Description $ Cost Start Complete A Install 72" CSp pipe under Frontage Road between Basins An & As Tasks 1 Complete plans & spec E m 2 Order pipe 5,000 - 5-31 3 Advertise 10,000 5-31 4 Award 5-31 5 Construction6-21 25,000 7-1 8-2 Total $7010-00 B Reconstruct dechlorination facility & final sampling point Tasks 1 Hire consultant 2 Design - P&S 10000 5-31 , 3 Advertise 6-7 7-19 4 Award 7-19 5 Construct 8-2 30,000 8-9 9-27 Total $70-,000 00TF 0 Contract Project C -2 - Estimated Description $ Cost Start Complete Reconstruction of Holding Basins 6 Alum Sludge Ponds Tasks 1 Complete planning 2 Hire consultant 2,000 8,000 3 Design, P&S 4 Advertise 5 Award 6 Construct (An & As, alum) 100,000 7 Construct (B) 50,000 Total $1 0� 'O0O Force Account Project D Rev is1 ons to chlorination system Tasks 1 Design 2 Order Materials 5,000 5,000 3 Install Materials 5,000 Total $ 15,000 1979-80 Total Program $255,000 1980-81 PrJ ect for Grant Fund Application Contract Project A-1 Diversion and Control Structure (78" Plant Bypass to Basins) A-2 Drain -back structure E pump (As) A-3 Bottom drain ditches - As A-4 Levee improvements A-5 Levee surfacing A-6 New levees around north 12 acres of TP property A-7 Removal of sludge & interior levees from Basin C A-8 Installation of 72"pipe between Basin An and8 $300,000 5-31 5-31 6-7 6-8 6-21 6-21 9-6 7-5 7-12 8-16 8-16 9-27 5-31 7-5 7-5 7-19 7-19 9-6 The funding of Projects A and C has been previously initiated under Account No. 2010.209.3058 and about $50,000 is available. 1 would propose to proceed on these funds until the June 21, 1978 meeting when we will have more accurate estimates and can request funding supplementation. Projects B and D can get under way for design under Account No. 2010.606 Interim Deisgn - Construction, but should go to the Board for individual authorization by July 5, 1979, Respectfully submitted, U5_e� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Rec endati0 ap oved: oger D an Gener 1 Ma ager -Chief Engineer i VI. OB 2 5/31/79 May 29, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3203, PIPE LONNECTING PORTIONS OF POND A DIVIDED BY FRONTAGE ROAD BACKGROUND: A new 72" culvert will provide additional capacity required for interchanging flows between the north and south portion of Holding Basin "A" which is separated b the Board found y the State Frontage Road. On May 17, 1979, this project to be categorically exempt and directed the staff to file a Notice of Exemption for the project. Said NotExemption has been filed and Plans and Specifications have beenccomof pleted. The construction cost is estimated at, $39 100. RECOMMENDATION: Approve pians and project manual and authorize advertisin9 Tor bids for DSP 3203, Treatment Plant frontage road. Respectfully submitted, J y S. McCo Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Rev iewe B W. C. Dal ton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco ndat ion Appr ed: Roger . Dol n �~ General Manager -Chief Engineer J. J. CARNIATO ANTRAL CONTRA COS 4 , Counsel for the District Tel. 933-0230 SANITARY DISTRICT CLYDE M. HOPKINS 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD Secretary MAILING ADDRESS P.O BOX 5256 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94.596 TEL. 934- 6727 AREA CODE 475 May 29, 1979 I The District Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District i 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, CA 94S96 Gentlemen: Re: DSP 3203, TREATMENT PLANT FRONTAGE ROAD ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager -Chief Engineer W. C. DALTON Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Submitted herewith is an estimate of the cost of work in accor- dance with the District plans for the above -referenced prosect: ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1 134 L. F. 2 500 C. Y. 3 L. S. JSM:sf UNIT TOTAL 7211 p i pe $190.00 Structure backfill material 10.00 Shoring L.S. Subtotal Construction Contingencies Advertise, Engineering Total Sewering Cost District Supplied Materials (134 L.F. 72" pipe & couplings Very truly yours, $25,460 5,000 3,50 5% 34,000 1,700 10� 3,400 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Jay S. MCC Collection System Engineering and Services Division manager $39,100 12,550 $26;550 Recycled Paper VII. HB 2 5/31/79 May 29, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS AND THEIR RECORDING No. Grantee Job No. Parcel No. Area Remarks 1. April Lea Frates 2549 EXT None Orinda Easement was created in 1947 as a part of "Lost Valley Estates" sub. Easement was never used, staff has deter- mined it is not required for future District use. 2. Blackhawk Corp. 3160 Tract Black- Easement was created on map Easement hawk of sub 5352 for a public sewer. Staff has determined that a private 411 sewer will be adequate in this location. Respectfully submitted, J y McCo Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG: sf Reviewed By: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco endation Ap roved: o r J. tan Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer VII. N8 3 5/31/79 May 25, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JOHN E. MIGNOLA, ET UX, JOB 1528, PARCEL 18, LOCATED AT 3301 MORAGA ROAD, LAFAYETTE. ISSUE: The Mignolas desire to maintain an addition to their home which was constructed in 1963 over a portion of the District's existing sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The existing 24 -inch sewer main wasconstructed in 1948. This sewer main has been televised and is in very good condition. Staff has reviewed the situation and has determined that the house addition does not interfere with the present use of our sewer. This Agreement is similar to our standard agreement, however, upon District council's advice, the relocation provision and the requirement that the property owner be responsible for any additional District expenses have been deleted. The agreement does include a specific provision for access for District forces if it is necessary to work on the sewer in the future. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. Respectfully submitted, A/f/� iij //� Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG: sf Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Mandger-Chief Engineer Re',�iewed by: J.; Tim a o 14,strict Counsel Recommendation Approved: Roger . Dol n General Man ger-Chief Engineer May 29, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $7,000 FOR RESTORATION AND PERMANENT MARKING OF ELECTROLYSIS TEST STATIONS ON THE MARTINEZ FORCE MAINS ISSUE: It is necessary to restore and permanently mark test stations -in—the Martinez system. BACKGROUND: During the past seven years, eleven of fifty-one total electrolysis test stations have been paved over, buried and/or damaged. The consultant for corrosion engineering needs access to these eleven stations to isolate problems which exist on the Martinez force mains. Collection System Operations will do the work to restore and mark the stations. Below is an estimate of total cost for this work: Engineering Collection System Operations $3,000 Permanent marker posts 3,000 I,00� $7,000 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $7,000 for restoration and permanent marking of electrolysis test stations on the Martinez force mains. Respectfully submitted, J y S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Reviewed By: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer 101 May 29, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TECHNICAL WRITING PROGRAM FOR DOUGLAS McMILLAN, ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER ISSUE: Authorization is required for Douglas McMillan, Assistant Environmental Engineer, to attend the four-day Technical Writing Program presented by the San Francisco Regional Training Center of the United States Civil Service Commission. BACKGROUND: The United States Civil Service Commission's Technical �lriti Program is especially designed for engineers, scientists, and technical people. The program is designed to offer assistance in the translation of technical information into effective, straightforward, and readable prose. Emphasis is placed on particular writing problems. Douglas McMillan is required, during the course of his work, to prepare detailed engineering reports. This course would improve his writing skills. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize expenditure of $135 for Douglas McMillan to attend the Technical Writing Program in San Francisco. Respectfully submitted, Jo r n Senior En eer-Project Management Reco ndation Approved: oger . Do n Genera Man ger-Chief Engineer May 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SETTING ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES FOR 1979-80 AND SETTING DATE FOR HEARING FOR COLLECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES ON THE TAX ROLL rISSUE: Procedural requirements in the District Code and State law esolutbonthe above adoptng iheoEngineer�sllewed by a hearing and a second on the tax roll. Report and providing for collection BACKGROUND: Collection of Environmental ro as been determined to be the most costleffectiveemannerho tax handling this revenue and accountingfor of inue to bill directly some commercial and industrial usersOf the tDistrict system and all tax-exempt properties. The report referred to in the attached memo to the Secretary from the General Manager -Chief Engineer is the copy of the County tax roll for the District on which we ch and update all Environmental Quality Charges. eck RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution fixing Environmental Qu harges for 1979-80 and set hearing date for the question aOftcolleon on the tax roll for June 21, 1979 with further at that same hearing. consideration of rates Respectfully submitted, U4� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j v attachment A ndation App oved: V General -Chief Engineer VII. NS 8 5/31/79 May 30, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: DETERMINATION OF EQC RATE FOR 1979-80 ISSUE: Our budgetary process requires that 0 E M expenditures and revenues be determined and fixed concurrently. Each has a number of variables but they share the effects of inflation. This EQC rate study uses a range of 11% for inflation and District growth, and use of EQC Reserves (Sinking Fund) for each of the next two Fiscal years. BACKGROUND: A projection of expenditures and revenues for the next three years was made to judge the effect of fixing the 1979-80 rate. Attached is a chart of projected expenditures and revenues through 1981-82 with the anticipated inflation and growth rate, and with use of EQC reserves. Also attached is a graph which illustrates the trends. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a basic rate of $7.75 per month for residential users and an equivalent increase of 19.2% for all other users. Respectfully submitted, nn W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Attachments Reco endatio Ap r ved: Roger Do an General Manager -Chief Engineer 101 NO O O N Ma O �_ N O C M N M ` O (5 O Cl a CO O CC7 01 O O •- 0 0 O oo 01 O Coco O m M OO1Q1 O E �-+ U'1 m N N pO w a 1 O^' 4 M h M O h N Cn Ln M n '- NOD Q1 CL n � p +S .c a O O dP h Ql N M O U iJ h LLr% r M a C N N l t� N 1 �p W OI CO p a) w coo 01 N �� 0a O r' ^ Q � 3 NN Q'% � rte,- �_. .^. CO x CL W h U tly CY COCA 61h O_ _O coM O O O co co Nhh 00 ^ h � N m — N M O CO .0 I 031 h Cl Q N eU M h -T — r ^ co h co co h O U1r� O '7 dQ co LA O O NO Lf� M O O W M CO W p h Q 7 `-' W h N h W F - w m .o 00 a i ccx ^� a LL.U a vs a f O @� Q N C. fp N W c � •- a a t!} R1 N J M 1.1 W (0 4 1 + Lj3 Q O L- Ln 4-+ U Sfl •-� c � c � � O V N C '- }, a U ra 7 — �. m _ µ` — L : C O> dP C c c fp fp to ap a C L7 co a — CD U -- Ln N :3 c m a i I-- w a � �' m > �- L U m c ae 7 3 L 0 i MO crC : 41 N 4-0 L11 a O •_ C 41 _ a :3O c cb ., mC-a - c ., a M C o ,, ;, .- ,n v E N O a 4.L. O o CL a � "' a s cn w p x a a c > v) p La. .`� c crs W wa M > -W -W +a.+ •L CZ w cc � a a a V.—Ln rp u a �, 4-1 a � UUUV U a Q M M M. O W N wwwww �'�� X 3 3 �E c a a L� W W a c-0 a Ln Ln N W < C'7 0 May 30, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF DECHLORINATION FACILITIES AT THE WATER RECLAMATION PLANT ISSUE: Authorization is required for the General Manager -Chief Engineer To enter into a contract for engineering services for the design of dechlorination facilities at the water reclamation plant. BACKGROUND: The dechlorination facilities that were constructed in 1977 have proven to be unreliable and difficult to maintain. The existing facility lacks redundancy in the key components with the result that minor equipment problems require discharging effluent to the holding basins. The existing facilities cause false discharge permit violations due to inadequate mixing prior to sampling. Design and reconstruction is estimated to cost approximately $50,000. Upon completion there will be a significant reduction in operational and maintenance costs with a subsequent 5-7 year payback (assuming 7% annual interest rate). After reviewing three proposals, the firm of John Carollo Engineers in Walnut Creek is recommended as the best qualified to complete the design work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager -Chief Engineer to negotiate a contract wi John Carollo Engineers for engineering services for the design of dechlorination facilities at the water reclamation plant. The contract would be presented to the Board for approval. Respectfully submitted, 0eer-Project ohn r an Senior Management JL:jv Recommendation Reviewed: D. G. Niles Manager -Plant Operations Lje��� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer A ation pp ed•Dol a ana er-Chief Engineer May 30, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR JAKI CCTV SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $401.10. ISSUE: This equipment was declared surplus and offered for sale by the District. BACKGROUND: Sealed bids were received May 30, 1979• Sanitation District IV of Santa Clara County was high bidder at $401.10. The bid has been reviewed and found to be in order. RECOMMENDATION: Accept bid of $401.10 and award JAKI CCTV System Components to District IV of Santa Clara County. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Re endation Ap roved: Roge J. Ian General M ager -Chief Engineer PROPOSAL FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY DECLARED SURPLUS, MAY, 1979 .)OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT To: the District Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Contra Costa County Walnut Creek, CA Gentlemen: Pursuant to the publicized Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, the under- signed hereby proposes and agrees that on determination andlacceptance by the District Board under this proposal, and in.accordance with the provisions of the Instructions to Bidders adopted"therefor, to acquire from the District the following items declared by said Board to be surplus to the needs of the District for the prices set forth in this proposal as follows: Item)Description with Item Total Price Items Item Price in Words in Figures 1-6 JAKI CCTV System Components as identified and described in the Instructions to Bidders, "as -is -condition" for the Lump Sum price of Accompanying this proposal is a (Cashier's Check) for $ 7 C/- ) Dated this day of May, 1979. The items shall be considered to be bid aggregate for consideration by the Board unless otherwise conditioned hereunder. A bidder may condi- tion his bid only as to restrict his bid to one item or any combination of items listed. _ StephAn H. Goodman, D1strict Manager and Engineer County Sanitation District No. 4 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 I of a +-LIVA 'Y. NA.NI TATION DISTrZI y __�. , _f- ,.., ....� :,..... - •.-,:.: :—.—_ ,.,_, lop SANTA CLARA COUNTY G C ZQO E. SUNINYOAKS AVENUE CAMPBELL CALIF. 95008 NO. 143602 1 1.35 DATE 5-23-79 1210 PAY TO THE ORDER OF CENT. CONTRA COSTA SAN. DIST. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY $u0•11 WALNUT CREEK 95030 PAY SAN FRANCISCO CENTRAL. OFFICC ;Mill: ui'lrnrrirrl B NE /��SSERVICES SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA � L. S PRUSSIA U, 2 0 3 9 1 on 1:1,21,0003S81: 0 6 9 1 411185124n o Vice -Chairmen and Cashier COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT04 5--23--79 220391 804 DATE143602 CI -1 Fr'K NII4.1G ro AMOUNT OF PAYMENT May 29, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-13 (one parcel) DANVILLE AREA, P.A. 79-14 (one parcel) WALNUT CREEK AREA, P.A. 79-15 (two parcels) SAN RAMON AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS 4ea -1c%*1`o 1ZI 0, to Q0 V \_\o• �� e o011Paat R-6 79-13 DANV YES 2.85 DELBERT E. RAPINI 30 OAK COURT DANVILLE, CA 94526 194-070-033 (ptn). Board Action a �`�'@ pts PJ�rG\ Jyt OWNER PLANS TO DEVELOP 3 BUILDING SITES. NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY COUNTY. 79-14 .C. YES 13.25 HIGHER HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PROPOSED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SITE - 1755 SUNNYVALE AVENUE PRESENT PLANS ARE FOR ONE WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 CLASSROOM BUILDING AND 8± 138-050-006 FUTURE BUILDINGS. NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY COUNTY. 79-15 S.R. YES 1.12 DOUG OFFENHARTZ OWNERS PLAN TO DEVELOP SITE AS 580 CLIPPER HILL RD AN OFFICE COMPLEX. PRELIMIN RY DANVILLE, CA APPROVAL AND NEGATIVE DECLA ATION 209-570-02 BY COUNTY. DOUG DAHLIN E CO. 20 OAK CT. DANVILLE, CA 209-570-03 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 79-13, 79-14 and 79-15 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Respec fully subr5itted, IXKYI y S. McC Collection System Engineering JSM:WG and Services Division Manager Reviewed By: Reco ndation pp ed: W. C. Dalton Deputy oger J Do General Manager -Chief Engineer General Manager -Chief Engineer