HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-17-1979CORRECTION TO VEHICUMMARY AND REPLACEMENT CHART d, 4th, 5th sentences removed from 3rd pa aph of vehicle summary origin - Item 3 of replacement chart, the word dump replacesiQickup. May 14, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Planager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $8i,60O.00 FOR VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS AND ADDITIONS - 1979-1980 BUDGET We recommend the replacement of ten (10) vehicles with units which will yield lower total uniform equivalent annual costs based on projected capital and operating expenses; and the purchase of one (1) additional vehicle, a 4 door compact for Engineering Construction Division. A vehicle is considered eligible for replacement when the total annual uniform equivalent cost shows a trend of increasing from its apparent minimum annual cost. Replacement is justified if the projected minimum total uniform equivalent annual cost of the proposed replacement vehicle is lower than next year's estimated total annual cost of the existing vehicle. Instead of trading in our replaced vehicles this year, we propose to hold an auction. We have monitored the Contra Costa Water District and Contra Costa County vehicle auctions, and feel we can anticipate a 15% increase over normal trade-in value. Fuel economy is of paramount importance in our purchases this year with 7 of the new vehicles being small trucks and compact cars. The costs for vehicle replacements and additions: Collection System Operations $58,500.00 Collection System Enginering 11,200.00 Pump Station West 5,600.00 Engineering Construction Division 6,300.00 $81,600.00 Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hi nkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Reviewed by: Recommendation App ved: W. C. Dalton o er . Dol n Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Gener 1 Ma ger-Chief Engineer m tA m z C m x c-� r m U) w m C7 O 3 3 m Z O m n C m 2 C-) 'r m m r a n m m Z ---1 t7 O to z N in --1 m 0 0 m O z fn co Q OD Co G Q G O G O G Q GGco O co O Z2 co G co O O 1 4- 1 r� 1 V V V f V V v O •• A C p 'o r_ -L- m j c o r- p Q p w -1 C Vl ON O 0 � u� ¢ a 0 0 to O o 0 O n OD y O 0 0 O th y b o o O c O� N o 0 Q Cn O 0 0 6 W O 0 O OD V1 Q 0 O O I rf M o fit -w W W W N C O z rf us to Q .R Lp O� LTI V %0 c =3 T rn --� w N vl to r m co o p % iv in in w o elt oci Q D 0 o chi► 0 0 0 'a a o o "aj a o C (11 00 0 0 O :r o 0 O m m O a O N < O o 0 G 0. 0. 0. G w a. 0. Q m m \ \ \ i N w o N -L- CD N 0- 4- N \ n O 0 CA N O OJ. :3m 3 p -i m A - rOr o� w A :3 z vs va an c� Arl. 4^ "vy 'vy N �c N m tA m z C m x c-� r m U) w m C7 O 3 3 m Z O m n C m 2 C-) 'r m m r a n m m Z ---1 t7 O to z N in --1 m 0 0 m O z fn co Q OD Co G Q G O G O G Q GGco O co O Z2 co G co O O 1 4- 1 r� 1 V V V f V V v O •• A C p 'o r_ -L- m j c o r- w Q p w -1 C Vl ON O 0 � u� ¢ a 0 0 to O o 0 O n OD y O 0 0 O th y b o o O Vt O p a Q O� N o 0 Q Cn O 0 0 6 W O 0 O OD V1 Q 0 O O I rf M o EE N N O z to us to yr to v► Vr m <') rn --� w N vl to r m co o p % iv in in w o elt oci Q D 0 o chi► 0 0 0 'a a o o "aj a o C C Q -- O O O m p O O O O N z G Q O AA n. m CD m m w z vs va an c� Arl. 4^ "vy 'vy N N W 3 � co co W lG OD GD O� O COi 0. o a a o 0 o a o O o Q O A O O O Cl O O O O 0 M O O Q O O O 0 O. r► m tA m z C m x c-� r m U) w m C7 O 3 3 m Z O m n C m 2 C-) 'r m m r a n m m Z ---1 t7 O to z N in --1 m 0 0 m O z fn co Q OD Co G Q G O G O G Q GGco O co O Z2 co G co O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 f f 1 1 V) O •• A C p 'o r_ c C a j c a 41 - vt Q` O 0 Vl ON O 0 -• N Q o 0 u� ¢ a 0 0 to O o 0 O Uo O 0 0 Q OD y O 0 0 O th y b o o O Vt O p a Q O� N o 0 Q Cn O 0 0 6 W O 0 O OD V1 Q 0 O O I rf m tA m z C m x c-� r m U) w m C7 O 3 3 m Z O m n C m 2 C-) 'r m m r a n m m Z ---1 t7 O to z N in --1 m 0 0 m O z fn VI. OB May 8, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ISSUE: Brokers' proposals for the District's Risk Management Program were received from the Schroder Insurance Agency and Kaine 6 McAuliffe. Presenta- tion of their proposals by each broker has been placed on the Board Agenda on the following dates: May 10, 1979, Schroder Insurance Agency; May 17, 1979, Kaine s McAuliffe. BACKGROUND: The presentation of the brokers' proposals at the Board meeting dates indicated above will provide an opportunity to discuss and review specific features in the proposals, and the qualifications of the brokers and their account representatives. The following schedule will enable implementation of the District's Risk Management Program by July 1, 1979: May 10, 1979 Presentation of broker proposal by Schroder Insurance Agency. May 17, 1979 Presentation of broker proposal by Kaine & McAuliffe. May 31, 1979 Review and evaluation of brokers' pro- posals. Appointment of broker and definition of Risk Management Program in terms of coverages, limits and retention levels. June 21, 1979 Selection of Claims Adjusting firm. July 1, 1979 Implementation of Risk Management Program. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the above implementation schedule. Respectfully submitted, ,r c,a« •ss �a Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer Reviewed by: Reco ndation ap roved: `��^`�l✓1 Ott �y W. C. Dalton R ger . Dol n Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Genera Ma ger-Chief Engineer o May 15, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ' FROM: Peter M. Wiebens, President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association SUBJECT: SALARY AND BENEFIT REQUEST Attached are the employees salary and benefit request, Exhibits A, B and C for consideration and inclusion in the 1979-80 Budget. Respectfully submitted, Peter �! � M. Wiebens President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association PMW:rm Attachments EXHIBIT A 1979-80 SALARY ADJUSTMENT The Employees Association as the recognized bargaining unit for employees is requesting that the Board make salary adjustments for all employees in the amount of 9.5% which represents our best estimate of the cost -of -living for the San Francisco Bay Area. Previously, our cost -of -living increases were based on a March—March period. However, this year the index for the Bay Area has changed the reporting period. This coupled with the latest inflation spiral has lead us to use a projection which runs from March 1978 through April 1979. Exhibit 8 DISTRICT PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE EMPLOYEES SHARE OF RETIREMENT Presently the District pays 44.37% of the employee's share of County Retirement System. We request that the District increase this payment to 501/6 which is the maximum allowed by law. C Exhibit C EXTENDED SICK LEAVE PROGRAM Last year the Board started the extended sick leave program. At that time Mr. Carniato (District Counsel) was directed to meet with representatives of the Employees Association to work out the details which he has done. However, after numerous meetings, Jim and I have come to the conclusion that the proposal as conceived is very difficult to administer. Therefore, we request that the Board direct an investigation into joining the Contra Costa County Workers Compensation Plan, or a self-insurance program with equal benefit to employees. Our information is that this change could save the District initially 10% on annual premiums and would provide better coverage for job-related injuries. Realizing that this investigation will take some time, we request that the previous agreement with regard to extended sick leave remain in force until a report and recommendation can be made by staff, at which time we can meet again about this fringe benefit. May 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE 1979-80 DATE FOR HEARING ISSUE: A hearing is legally required to place the EQC on the tax roll for collections. BACKGROUND: A hearing strictly on the question of collection of EQC with county taxes is a legal formality with little controversy, but if the hearing includes the question of rate -setting and the basis for the EQC, public input can be quite varied and useful. Furthermore, such a hearing can be an excellent vehicle to inform the public of the activities, problems, and solutions of the District. The hearing date can be as early as June 7th.or as late as July 5th. The earlier date would allow continuance if desired. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD : j v Reco endation pro d: ager J Dola General Manag r -Chief Engineer May 15, 19 79 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABIE MEMBEFS OF THE BOARD OF DIFSC ORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SLMJF]CT: CCUSIDERATION OF A "PFS► UUW ENVIRCMVMnAL ASSESSMENT' FOR DSP 3203 Issue: Pursuant to our Ordinance 95 inplemanting the California Environmental ;5=ty Act, it is necessary to consider the environmental effects of DSP 3203. Background: A new 72" culvert will provide the additional capacity required or interdzanging flows between the north and south portions of Holding Basin "A", whish is separated by the State Frontage Road. An Environmental Assess- ment is required for this project by the District's Ordinance 95, which imple- ments the California Envi.ronnental Quality Act. ReccmTendation: Find project to be categorically exempt and direct staff to file Notice of Exemption. Respectfully submitted, 2on JL:dfm Senio *irneeer-roject Management Attach: Prelim. Assessment Notice of Exemption W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer May 17, 1919 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $1,500 FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AN INFORMATIONAL FILM OF THE TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS AND COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM Issue: Supplementary visuals have been requested for the Sanitary District's paper to be presented at the 1979 annual Water Pollution Control Federation meeting. Background: On March 15, 1979, the Sanitary District was invited by Dr. Irwin J. Kugelman, Environmental Protection Agency, to present -a paper at Session 43 of the annual meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation scheduled for October, 1979. This program will present "Case Histories of Five Well Managed and Success- ful Instrumentation and Control Systems." Each presentation is expected to last about 30 minutes, with visuals accompanying each paper. Since one of the largest single factors contributing to the success of our plant's operation is the color graphics CRT manrmachine interface, it is felt that a 16mm color, soundtrack film of about five minutes' duration will greatly enhance our presentation. As part of a summer session class, Diablo Valley College has offered to make this Film strictly at cost, with no charge for script and film editing, soundtrack overlay, or final production. Film cost is approximately $100/minute. To realize maximum benefit of this opportunity, the filmingshould also include other aspects of the plant process and computer control system. The final film, of about 10 minutes' duration, could then be used for plant tours, open house, and future conference presentations. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,500 for the production of an informational film of the treatment plant process and computer control system. DGN:mg Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, (:D ev. 17 j%90ft!& D. ,G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Recomm dation App ov . Roger J. olan General snag r -Chief Engineer G May 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REJECT ALL BIDS FOR THE PREPURCHASE OF PIPE FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3170, OUTFALL REPAIR ISSUE: The two bids received are far in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. BACKGROUND: CEN-VI-RO and Ameron submitted bids for the furnishing of 72 -inch RCP see attached tabulation). The specification for the pipe was based on a pile support system, special aggregate and a double gasket. After bids were received, the requirements for the pipe design were re-evaluated. A more conventional design would provide for a satisfactory product with a cost savings which could reach $100,000. It would be to the District's advantage to rebid the pipe at a later date. RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids for the prepurchase of pipe for District Seweirng Project 3170, outfall repair. Respectfully submitted, AK/ /44� Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSMc:jf Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engr. Reco mandation a roved: �CA-IL- — Roge J. lan General Manager -Chief Engineer o May 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RECORD OF STEAM LINE EMERGENCY DECLARATION ISSUE: A Declaration of Emergency was required for the steam line situation because of the danger of sudden failure of the existing steam line. On April 24, 1979, Board President Carlson verbally issued the Declaration of Emergency, and this position paper records and formalizes that action. BACKGROUND: The new 14"0 steam lines at the treatment plant have been discovered to be stressed beyond the boiler code limits; and, therefore, an imminent danger to life, property, and continued safe operation of the treatment plant exists. The unsafe steam lines are located in the plant access tunnels, and these areas have been cordoned off to prevent danger to operating personnel. In order to ensure safe operations of the treatment plant, it is vital that the steam line be repaired as quickly as possible. The cost of the emergency repair work is estimated to be approximately $250,000. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution declaring that an emergency situation exists and authorizing District personnel to spend an amount up to $250,000 for the repair of the defective steam lines, work to be done without formal bids. Respectfully submitted, K-r4erZ Construction Division Manager Reviewed by: 64. �� 00�k �- 14. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco endation app ved: Roger D an Genera Manager -Chief Engineer Reviewed by: D. G. Niles Plant Operations Manager Recornendation approved: John J. Carniato Counsel for the District