HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-10-1979VI. OB Z 5/10/79 May 4, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ACME FILL CORPORATION, FOR PARCELS A, B, C, D 6 E, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3170, MARTINEZ AREA ISSUE: The District Board of Directors must adopt the subject Resolution to permit District Counsel to prosecute condemnation proceedings in a proper court and obtain an order for immediate possession. BACKGROUND: The hearing concerning the condemnation of Acme Fill has been set for May 10, 1979. Proper notices of the hearing were mailed on April 23, 1979. One response has been received pursuant to the notices (copy attached). Mr. Olney has indicated a desire to speak at the hearing. Once the hearing is closed, it will be necessary for the Board to take action to authorize staff to proceed with the condemnation. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings against Acme Fill Corporation for Parcels A, B, C, D and E, District Sewering Project 3170, Martinez area. Respectfully submitted, lae5� of/ Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Attachments Reviewed by: Reviewed y: R o endati roved: Dt J. J. Carniato W. C. Dalton, Deputy Roger A. tan District Counsel Gen. Mgr. -Chief Engr. Gen. Mgr. Chief Engr. May 4, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT EIR FOR THE LA ENCINAL TO EL TOYONAL SEWER LINE EXTENSION IN ORINDA AND ESTABLISHING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE EXTENSION ISSUE: The Draft EIR for the sewer extension in Lake Orinda Highlands area prepared by Mr. Brian Thiessen's consultant is ready for presentation to the Board. BACKGROUND: The 45 -day review period for the Notice of Preparation of the Draft EIR expired on April 27, 1979. Three letters were received and are attached. The comments in the letter from the Orinda Association relating to indirect growth inducement and increased traffic are addressed in the Draft EIR. Staff has determined that the Draft EIR is acceptable for review and recommends that the Board take the actions contained in the next paragraph. RECOMMENDATIONS: I. Make a finding that the Draft EIR is in order and that it reflects the independent judgment of the District. 2. Instruct staff to file a Notice of Completion (attached) with the Secretary for Resources. 3. Instruct staff to mail a Notice of Completion to all organizations which received a Notice of Preparation. 4. Instruct staff to give public notice of the completion of the Draft EIR by mailing a copy of the Notice of Completion to owners contiguous to the site of the proposed project as their names and addresses are shown on the last equalized assessment roll of Contra Costa County. 5. Establish June 7, 1979 as the date for the public hearing on the environmental impacts of the sewer line extension. JSM:sf Reviewed By: J. J. Carniato District Counsel Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCo Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager Reviewed w6a2E_ W. C. Dalton, Deputy Gen. Mgr. -Chief Engr. \1 Rec me dati A oved: ge o n Gen. r. -C ief Engr. April 27, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ORDINANCE AMENDING WATERSHED 44 TRUNK CHARGES ISSUE: Watershed trunk sewer plans and charges are incorporated in the District Code and changes require an Ordinance to be legally effective. BACKGROUND: The Board accepted and adopted the management study and recommendation for changes to this Watershed 44 plan and charges on April 19, 1979. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Ordinance No. 140 amending the Code to reflect the Watershed 44 trunk charges adopted on April 19, 1979. Respectfully submitted, William C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:jv Recommendation approved: Roger Dol n General Man ger-Chief Engineer VI. OB 4 5/10/7 V1. 5B 1 5/10/7 May 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: DETERMINATION OF EQC RATE FOR 1979-80 ISSUE: Our budgetary process requires that O & M expenditures and revenues be determined and fixed concurrently. Each has a number of variables but they share the effects of inflation. This EQC rate study uses a range of 10% to 14% for inflation and District growth. BACKGROUND: A projection of expenditures and revenues for the next three years was deemed essential to judge the effect of fixing the 1979-80 rate at certain levels. Attached is a chart of projected expenditures and revenues through 1981-82 with emphasys on the anticipated range of inflation, and growth rates, and the choices available with or without use of EQC reserves. Also attached are two graphs which illustrate the trends and choices. A basic change between this study and the earlier presentation is the higher projected total for next year's budget. This has the effect of eliminating the choices of continuing the present rate, or staying within the 7% Presidential Guidelines. If the projected budget total cannot be reduced substantially, the only resource available for rate reduction would be borrowing from the Sewer Construction Fund after utilizing the EQC sinking fund. RECOMMENDATION: Select a combined rate of inflation and growth, a level of reserves to be maintained and decide if further study is needed. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j f Attachments RecendYn A oved: Roger . Dol General Manager -Chief Engineer ¢ILLS K L) d w 0 00 e m O1 r 11. Q 2 C> Q w w w C) >r �n F L/f N co O O 0 CD O O Co 00 00 0 Ln U1 L!1 0 1 OCD O OD Orr OMMM b O r r CO r r M N 'y' f►'1 r r O OO 0 O QC>N O C) Mr O r C) 0 0 L[1 C:) Qr OCJ C14 p C0 O r r r w r r 1 w w M _ w w 00 v - .-- r 01 o co b a bo 0 b -:r � r" o Ol rEi O N r. N 07000N1 _ 000000 o 0000100 Ln r r O 4! 1� 07 L11 0 0 CQ Q .CD lf1 %D � r r r Q .s d r CO r w• M %0 O 64P -� a p O O O �+ O1 N Co N 1\ O 1 Ltl N M a C)1 %0r C-4 r\ QZ r w o— C) 00 N O1 d N r w w .- •-• IONpip �- r.0 .? •- �. v -O' ^ M .-. %.0 n 00 'op -� b 00 O O M 0�0 4m M O 00 o M .. N n n LPl �p 00 � N -� 000 N MO Ol 0o Is w �. M : a Do co r .- 1` co v v � v Ln O -T O1 Lr% CD NO co %,o O r-. N Lc1 M 000 O �w 4r O � ` 'T 00 M " N LA � M co p 10 a ^ d r 111 N M •- �-- w ti N t!} V a 3 3 b Q a 0 cm cm m a u x 0 a M U W M F t♦ w a W to 0 tall N co N C Cu 0c to O Oa to OO , + 41 4-b 0 -'o L .-- L L. cp a00 •-- •� V-> a U w U C 3 C 7 LA- 0 O m C -- LL .-. dP dP N a 0 Y C a -T -fie C ~ c- : 1 C •- V) N) N u in 10 w c/) W 41 VI N U > III c " O _ to C 4- �.. O z L L L- a[ Oa N O m to Q N O JV plu LO 44 m _ " m o O = c a '° c c � .� .3 Lrt� in O � Q CD Q w 0 n=0 v Q ZI 4j 3 3 a M �o a m lr o 1s a s x > ++aciaaa c O► C) QJ vl C ro r as W x x a H cm :3 J✓ L '-' w CC sU r1 > 4�j u 41 > dpiu iaJ m U F- � L 4-2 v U OC c'1 rJ mm w 0 m ro ro LL'cc cc w _Ie C L "t3 Q) Q1 a u' . a u rofo 4� 4 > .-- U C m rn m C G L aj 11 L U U U U U C-3 Ll U U tr'f O o Fa L s L� Fp w w w w LLg a c -0 cn Lau Liu u�r uar Lau tau ani aci cntnww¢cz Cil e EQC RATE STUDY — I979-80 Million $ I 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 76-77 77-78 7A_74 7Q an o,. — -- CSD 78-79 79--80 Rn --Al ... .... VII. NB 2 5/10/79 May 1, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ANNEXATION REQUEST - DANVILLE AREA, PROPOSED SUBDIVISION 5392 (A.P.N. 199-090-006) PROPOSED ANNEXATION 79-11 ISSUE: This annexation request is for property outside of the District's sphere of influence in an area that the Board of Directors was particularly concerned about three years ago. BACKGROUND: After the Blackhawk annexation controversies in 1975 and 1976, the Board directed management to bring any annexation requests in the Danville area to the Board's attention and not to act upon such requests until full county planning approval had been received by the applicant. Hearings were held on two such requests after which the annexations were approved. Both areas were, however, in the District's sphere of influence. This property must also be annexed to EBMUD for development, so the owner has been advised of the Board's concern and he has been referred to LAFC for initiation of reorganization and change of spheres of influence. He has stated that the county will not take further action without the Sanitary District's agreement to annex and serve. RECOMMENDATION: Agree to provide service after the property has been annexed to the Sanitary District by order of LAFC. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:sf Re m ndatio A oved: Roger J, lan General M nager-Chief Engineer 0 May 8, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH U.W.C. - WALNUT CREEK ASSOCIATES, JOB 3066, LOCATED AT MONTEZUMA COURT, WALNUT CREEK vzz. NB 3 5/70/79 ISSUE: The property owners desire to maintain a reinforced concrete footing and concrete block retaining wall within a portion of the District's existing sewer easements. BACKGROUND: The existing sewer main was constructed in late 1978 as a part of Subdivision 5211. The above improvements enroach into the District's easement a maximum of 9 feet. The corner of the footing has been modified so that there will be 1.5 feet of clearance from District facilities. Staff has reviewed the situation and has determined that the improve- ments do not interfere with the present use of our sewer, however, if they should become an interference or cause extra maintenance expense, the property owner is liable for these added costs to the District. If the District determines the structure to be harmful or detrimental, the property owner is required to remove the structure or relocate the sewer at his own expense. RECOMMENDATION: recording. JSM: WG: mm Reviewed by: Lxf� Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager- Chief Engineer Reviewed by: J. J. Carniato Counsel for the District Rec0m1D,eqdaAion approved: Rog J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer V1I. N8 4 5/10/79 May 8, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3162, MORAGA ROAD, MORAGA ISSUE: This line is necessary to relieve the currently over- loaded existing 12 -inch trunk sewer and to assure adequate capacity for future tributary developments within the watershed area. BACKGROUND: On December 7, 1978, $40,000 was authorized for the preparation of a negative declaration, plans and specifications for 2,500 linear feet of parallel trunk line in Moraga Road, WS10 West. Plans and specifications have been completed. The Engineer's estimate is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids for DSP 3162, Moraga Road, Moraga. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering & Services Division Manager Attachment: Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation pproved: Roge J. olan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 6 5/10/79 May 9, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000.00 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION TO APPLY TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF A FOAMAKER GENERATOR ISSUE: The purchase of a sewer rodder was authorized in the 1978/1979 budget. I want to defer that purchase and use the budgeted funds plus $3,000.00 to buy a foamaker generator at a cost of $10,800.00. BACKGROUND: A foamaker is used to pump sanafoam vapo-rooter into 6" and 81'root lines. Vapo-rooter is the chemical treatment we are using on these lines. The initial results of 2 years of treatment of 35,000' of pipeline lead us to conclude that a full scale program is justified. We plan to treat 100,000' or about 1/3 of our root lines in 1979/1980. In order to start this work (it will be an on-going maintenance program), we will cut back on our rodding efforts. It will take a 3 man crew and a foamaker about 8 months to do the job. The personnel will come from our cleaning section where their normal assignment is sewer rodding. At the present time there is $7,800.00 in the equipment account earmarked for the purchase of a new sewer rodder. If purchased now, this machine would be seriously under used. My proposal is to use this money plus $3,000.00 and purchase the foamaker now. This will preclude budgeting for this equipment in 1979/1980, thereby saving $7,800.00 in capital expenditure. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $3,GGU.UO from sewer construction to apply towards the purchase of a foamaker generator. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson RHH:yb Manager, Collection System Operations Reco endation Approved: RogeAJIDol n General Manager -Chief Engineer J. J. CARNIATO ENTRAL CONTRA CO Counsel for the DisulcrSANITARY DISTRICT General MO nas r -C iefA Engineer Tei. 933-Q230 CLYDE M. HOPKINS 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD W. C. DALTON Secretary MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 5266 Deputy WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 General Manager -Chief Engineer TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 May 4, 1979 The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek CA 94596 Gentlemen: with Item Re: District Sewering Project 3162 - Moraga Rd Submitted herewith is an estimate of the cost of work in accordance District plans for District Sewering Project No. 3162: Quantity Description Unit Price Total 1 1,249 L.F. 18" Pipe $ 55.00 $ 68,695.00 2 1,233 L.F. 18" Liner 28.00 34,524.00 3 15 L.F. Relay 8" Pipe 25.00 375.00 4 4 Ea, Std. Trunk Manholes 1,650,00 6,600.00 5 3 Ea, Special Trunk Manholes 2,600.00 7,800.00 6 50 C.Y. Foundation Material Removal & 12,00 600.00 Replacement 7 3,500 S.Y. Replace Permanent Surfacing 1.30 4,550.00 8A 60 L.F. 30" Steel Pipe Removal, Case I 35.00 2,100.00 8B 60 L.F. 30" Steel Pipe Removal, Case II 25.00 1,500.00 9 L.S. 8" Line Abandonment L.S. 86.00 10 L.S. Shoring L.S. 3,400.00 Sub --Total $130,230.00 Construction Contingencies - 5% 6,520.00 Incidentals (Engineering, Legal, Survey, Construction Inspection, TV, Printing & Advertising) - 18% 23,450.00 Total Sewering Cost $160,200.00 JSM:mm Very truly yours, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ✓CCJay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager ';U9Recycled Paper May 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TEMPORARY APPODMaM OF ORRIN LAWSON, OPERATOR II, TO THE POSITION OF SHIFT SUPERVISOR R -71C AT $1,878 EFFECTIVE MAY 10, 1979 Issue: The Plant Operations Department has an open position which requires fi-- g. Background: The shift supervisor position has been vacant since June 15, 1978, when Clarence Covey was transferred to the pump stations. Mr. Covey's position was filled frau an eligibility list. However, before his replace- ment was fully trained, Mr. Swain retired, leaving another vacancy in the same category. Due to the workload and the inportance of this position, Air. Lawson has been filling the opening of the shift supervisor since June, 1978, when Mr. Covey was transferred. Recommendation: In accordance with Section 4-416 of the District code, it is requested that Orrin Lawson receive a teaporary appointment effective May 10, 1979 to the shift supervisor position, R -71C, $1,878, until the authorized position can be filled by examination. Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -C lef Engineer Reviewed: Gail Koff Personnel Officer Respectfully submitted, Q - 0 )/� %-A-4 D. G. Niles Manage', Plant Operations TRe dation roved: Rog J. lan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. 7b 5/10/ Q i^, VII. NB �_ ,� 9 a 5/10/79 MAY 8, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-12 (ONE PARCEL) PLEASANT HILL AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS atm o� Qe 2a�'\\�°� Board Action �' °0 e � °at °� a 5 � °. � a P Q tca x`,�\g met at°5tC; t�. C`ti0°� P `moo oe 79-12 P. H. YES 21.44 PRESLEY OF NORTHERN CALIF. Proposed Subd. 5407- with 39 QUAIL CT. SUITE 303 67 lots(single family homes WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94596 Approved E.I.R. and pre - portion 153-060-009 liminary map by the City of Pleasant Hill. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 79-12 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Respectively su itted, ay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG Reviewed ,1 by: Lk;=, `' W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco ndation pp ved: g Do n Genera Ma ager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 9b 5/10/79 May 8. 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM(S)" AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM(S) Assessment Diagrams are amended as follows: Original Amended Assess - Assessment Number Amount ment No. 44-5-4-9 $2,175.36 44-5-4-34 -35 -36 JSMc:WG: jf Apportioned Amount Area $1,087.68 Danville 1,087.68 0.00 (ptn road) Respectfully submitted, 1� Jay 5. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager App ved: Roger o an Gener 1 Manager -Chief Engineer Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engr. VII. NB 5 5/10/79 May 8, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS - SUMMER 1979 ISSUE: It is necessary to coordinate staff scheduling with Board meetings and agendas so that preparation for each business item can be promptly and properly accomplished. BACKGROUND: Vacation plans of Board Members may require adjustment to this tentative schedule, and certain items may require Board committees or additional Board meetings. Management has to schedule staff work to meet Board meetings and other deadlines. RECOMMENDATION: Review the tentative schedule and indicate necessary changes at the May 10, 1979 meeting. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j Re enda/ae a roved: Rag J . D Gen ral Mar -Chief Engineer X TENTATIVE SCHEDULE - SUMMER 1979 Proposed Board Actions May 10, 1979 1. Establish EEC rate for 1979-80, set hearing date for collection on tax roll. 2. Approve equipment, tools, etc. budget for 1979-80 3. Approve condemnation of Acme Fill Outfall Right of Way 4. Set hearing date for Lake Orinda Highlands EIR 5. Insurance broker presentation 6. Receive bids for outfall pipe materials - award May 17, 1979 1. Preliminary approval of 1979-80 Budget line items (except personnel related) 2. Insurance broker presentation May 24, 1979 May 31, 1979 1. Approve Risk Management Program - Select broker 2. Accept Report on Delinquent Sewer Service Charges, give Notice, set hearing date 3. Receive management review & recommendation - Employee salaries & benefits 4. Review revised chapter 4 5. Approve Regional Sewage Solid Waste Plan June 7, 1979 1. Establish employee salaries & benefits for 1979-80 2. Adopt Revised Chapter 4 3. Watershed 10 charge revision 4. Hearing on Lake Orinda Highlands - Draft EIR June 14, 1979 June 21, 1979 1. Hearing on collection EOC on tax roll 2. Risk Management Program Report 3. Establish Management compensation 4. 1979 -BO Capital Budget review z 5. Selection of Claims Adjust'ng firm 6. Acceptance of Final EIR for Lake Orinda Highlands 7. Employ auditor for 1978-79 8. Submittal of Employees Handbook June 28, 1979 July 5, 1979 1. Hearing on delinquent Sewer Service Charges 2. Adopt final O & M Budget, 1979-80 3. Receive bids for outfall pipe installation - award July 12, 1979 July 19, 1979 1. Adopt resolution on Running Expense Fund tax rate or share 2. Set forth fund for GO bond service July 26, 1979 August 2, 1979 District Annexation - Annual (Environmental Assessment Notice of Negative Declaration) August 9, 1979 August 16, 1979 District Annexation - Annual Negative Declaration Resolution of Application August 23, 1979 August 30, 1979 September 6, 1979 Watershed 23 Charge Revision Accept 1977-78 Audit September 13, 1979 September 20, 1979 Watershed 33 Charge Revision September 27, 1979 0 0 VII. NB May 9, 1979 5/10/79 MEMORANDUM TO: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE DISMISSAL OF CHARLOTTE CLIFFORD EFFECTIVE APRIL 30, 1979, WITH REINSTATEMENT RIGHTS ISSUE: Charlotte Clifford's leave of absence ended March 31, 1979. Mrs. Clifford has not returned to work and has not accepted staff's proposal for an extension of a leave of absence (see attached letters). BACKGROUND: During the month of April, the issues of resignation, termination or returning to work were discussed with Mrs. Clifford. She indicated that she was not in a position to return to work and gave the impression that she was going to resign. In late April, Mrs. Clifford informed staff that she was still pursuing an extension of her leave of absence. Several discussions were held by staff concerning outright termination versus a leave extension. The attached letter dated May 3, 1979 states the position of District staff with respect to an extension of the leave. Mrs. Clifford did not accept said position and requested unconditional leave in her letter dated May 7, 1979 (copy attached). Based on Mrs. Clifford's rejection of staff's proposal, it is recommended that Charlotte Clifford be dismissed from employment in accordance with Sec. 4-603(3) of the District Code "Failure to Perform Duties" with a provision for conditional reinstatement. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the dismissal of Charlotte Clifford for failure to perform duties, effective April 30, 1979, with the right for reinstatement without testing through the period of time ending April 30, 1980 to a position of Engineering Aid 1, II or III based on (1) Mrs. Clifford's desire to return to work, (2) a determination that Mrs. Clifford is capable of performing the required work, and (3) the availability of an open position. JSM: j f Attachment Re endation Rev'ewed: ZGail Koff Personnel Officer Recommendation Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCby Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager 4ral nd ion Approved: . DolanManager-Chief Engineer 0 C REQUEST TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT: Acme Fill Corporation, a California corporation, hereby files its written request to appear and be heard at the meeting of May 10, 1979, at which the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District served notice of its intention to adopt a resolution invoking the power of eminent domain pertaining to the real property of Acme Fill Corporation which was described in "Exhibit A" attached to said Notice. This request is being made pursuant to the provisions of §1245.235 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. DATED: This day of April, 1979 19 President, ACME FILL "CORPORATION