HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-25-1979VII. NB 3 1/25/7! January 19, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT TO COMMON USE OF COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT WITH C.C.C.S.D. FOR USE AS A SEWER EASEMENT (JOB NO. 3050 - PARCEL 2) MARTINEZ AREA (NO COST TO THE DISTRICT) ISSUE: The proposed sewer easement across the northwestern 10 feet of Lot 2, Subdivision 5157 will cross an existing County drainage easement. BACKGROUND: The "Consent" requires a 6 -inch vertical and a 3 -foot horizontal clearance between County and District facilities. The "Consent to Common Use" requires the County and the District to protect the facilities of the other party whenever maintenance is performed or during installation of new facilities. The "Consent" provides protection to both parties from damages caused by the actions of the other party. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Execute document and forward to County. Respectfully submitted, J. W?( -- Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf f Reviewed by - W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: 4Ro&9e0yj4Vo444 General Manager -Chief Engineer MEMORANDUM FOR: VIA: SUBJECT: 79-3 79-4 79-5 �a 0�`�`0� tea�e Q Q,G West P.H. Yes 36.6 S.R. + YES1 16.8 0 V I I . New ¢ Business 1/25/79 January 22, 1979 THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-3 (one parcel) WEST PLEASANT HILL AREA, P.A. 79-4 (one parcel) SAN RAMON AREA, AND P -A• 79-5 (one parcel) DANVILLE AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. o• Board Action a °t 6t'D Kce\ tNt!�' OPPa Qa Q^eda rot\ h\0 PX GAJ 0�1 fit` O OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK 2099 RELIEZ VALLEY RD P. 0. Box 444 Lafayette, CA 94549 365-170-16 PETER C. JENSEN BOX 553 DANVILLE, CA 94526 208 -26o -ii DANV IYES1 .34 INANNETTE RAND I P. 0. BOX 512 I DANVILLE, CA 216 -090 -OS PROPOSED SUB. 5306 - 37L PLAN AND E.1.11. APPROVED BY C.C.000NTY. 3 AC * R.V. PARKING 5 AC " CONTRACTORS EQUIP.YD I AC " OFFICE BLDG 5 AC " ONE SINGLE FAM .RES . PLAN & ZONING APPROVED BY C UNTY EXISTING HOUSE FAILING SEPTIC TANK RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Parcels 79-3, 79-4 and 79-5 to be included in pending annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, Ajay-A�S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf /Reviewed b : W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Re endati n Approved: Roge J. )an General Manager -Chief Engineer January 16, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE ON TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ISSUE:A national conference on operation and maintenance problems sponsored by AMSA (Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies) will be held in Tucson, Arizona, February 21-23. BACKGROUND: Attached is information on the conference which will be Baling with problems shared by CCCSD such as design deficiencies, operational problems, management problems, costs and unrealistic standards. Spinoffs in the areas of justification for advanced treatment and wastewater reclamation costs are expected. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Mr. Niles at District expense estimated at $450. Authorize the attendance and payment of registration ($125) for Mr. Dalton, who plans to be in Tucson that week on personal business. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j v Recommendation Approved: egerJ. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer vrz. NO 13 1/25/7 TO: AMSA Members & Subscribers FROM: National Office DATE: December 5, 1978 BULLETIN NO.: 48 78-46 SUBJECT: AMSA Technical Conference FILE: AMSA - Meetings on Treatment Plant O&M "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: THE KEYS TO WATER QUALITY" Sheraton -Pueblo Inn Tucson, Arizona February 21-23, 1978 Arrmn 111018AS1092 6y W_hy 0&M7 There is a growing concern throughout the ranks of the waste treatment profession that O&M problems may be the next major stumbling block on the road to cleaner water. The 1983 deadlines are approaching look beyond the 201 grant programtoutheldaynwhenrtheirnfacilitieses are ebecomeg to fully operational. Will they perform as expected? Evidence being gathered by the U.S. EPA suggests that nearly one half of all the plants built since 1972 do not meet their NPDES permit conditions a significant portion of the time. Three broad categories have been used to classify most of the problems that have been identified so far: (1) influent variability; (2) design difficiencies; and(3) research suggests these problems are widespead, it doesanot nidentify s. etheAbest ways of dealing with such problems. AMSA`s national conference on 0&M issues will be the first major sp at which professionals from both the public and private sectors willbb�um discussing and developing solutions to those problems. In the process, f' speakers and panelists will present their own opinions on who must take what responsibilities in order to deal with such situations. As Fred Harper indicates in his general invitation, we expect quite a bit of lively, contro- versial discussion over the exact nature of the problems...as well as who can solve them best. ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE AGENCIES SWTE 200, 1015 18th ST., N.W., WASHINGTON. D. r Inn r. January 23, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: PERSONNEL, COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Issue: The Plant Operations Department requires a modification to its organization chart. Background: The Plant Operations Department has been staffed with two computer engineers during the construction and startup of the treatment facility. These are equal positions with one engineer having the responsibility of the computer and software and the other engineer being responsible for instrumentation and its related hard- ware. The computer and instrumentation system has been in operation for 13 months, and it has become apparent that in order to continue the development of an effective and reliable control system, it is necessary to have both the computer and instrumentation under the direction of one engineer who reports directly to the Manager of Plant Operations at this time. As indicated on the proposed organization chart, the position Of Computer Engineer (software) would be retitled Control Systems Engineer, and would be in charge of the total computer and instru- mentation system at Range 82, and the Computer Engineer (hardware) Position would be eliminated. A new position of Assistant Engineer (Computer Programmer), Range 72, will be established to handle the workload of the vacated Computer Engineer (hardware) position and provide backup for the Control Systems Engineer position. This reorganization of the Plant Operations Department will not require any increase to the Plant Operations Department personnel budget since there is no additional cost due to the organizational changes. 0 0 MEMO TO: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE -2- January 23, 1979 Recommendation: Board authorization to modify the Plant Operations Department organization as indicated on Attachment A, and adopt class descriptions for the positions of Assistant Engineer (Computer Pro- grammer), Range 72, and Control Systems Engineer, Range 82. Respectfully submitted, _ �v D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations DGN:mm Reviewed: Gail Koff Personnel Officer Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Rec endation Approved: Roger . D an General Manager -Chief Engineer January 24, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: GARBAGE RATES IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE ISSUE: Three collection franchises (Lafayette, Orinda-Moraga, and Valley) cover portions of the City of Lafayette, and the City in 1971 requested that all city residents be charged the rate and provided the service established for Lafayette Disposal Company. BACKGROUND: The City's request has been met on a voluntary basis for many years by Orinda-Moraga and Valley Disposal companies without question, but Orinda-Moraga has this year for the first time requested the District's permission to charge the Lafayette rate in Lafayette. Valley Disposal has carried on the practice of Lafayette rates for Lafayette voluntarily. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Orinda-Moraga's request and order that the rates and service adopted for Lafayette Disposal Company shall apply to all areas within the City until further notice, except those areas recently annexed or in the process of annexation, where the rates and service in effect January 1, 1979 shall prevail until further notice. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:rm Recommendation Approved: i''Ro `J.anGene'alger-Chief Engineer Ya. VV 5 ]/25/79 VII. NB 1�z5/; January 19, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS AND THEIR RECORDING - NO COST TO DISTRICT No. Grantee Job No. Parcel No. Area i Aurora Capitol Corpemarks p 1383 1Walnut Creek Easement relocated new easement granted - See new business - 2• Turner & Turner, Inc.Job 3021 -Parcel i 3151 Misc. Danville Easement no longer required, replaced by a private ease- ment Respectfully submitted, ay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Reviewed By: bj<1DL__z1 W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer A r ved: Roger D ]an Genera] Manager -Chief Engineer N January 24, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: SIMI VALLEY CONDITIONS FOR THE STAGE 5B ENLARGE- MENTS PROJECT ISSUE: What option should CCCSD select in complying with EPA's requirements for completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Stage 58 Enlargements Project? BACKGROUND: The State and Federal Grant funds for the Stage 5B Enlargements Project are conditioned on the completion of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) that is acceptable to EPA. EPA allowed the Stage 5B Phase I work to proceed on the basis that the San Francisco Bay Region would adopt an Air Quality Maintenance Plan (as part of the Environmental Management Plan); however, ABAG eliminated or modified elements of the plan to the extent that it is no longer acceptable to EPA. Consequently, EPA has given CCCSD two options for completing the FEIS: 1. Prepare a program to offset the secondary air quality impacts associated with the growth accomodated by an increase of 10 MGD in the Treatment Plant capcity, obtain EPA approval, and supervise implementation of the Program, or 2• Await the preparation of an Air Quality Maintenance Plan for the San Francisco Bay Region that is acceptable to EPA. The first option, referred to as the Simi Valley Conditions, has been discussed with EPA at length. EPA is unwilling to make a formal commitment on the nature and extent Of an "acceptable program." The activities that would most likely be associated with this option are: 1. Conduct an introductory meeting between the CCCSD Board of Directors and the elected officials of the cities and the County. EPA officials would Present their objectives for the program. CCCSD would present the financial impact to the homeowners that would result from the loss of grant funds. A decision would be reached on whether to proceed with this option. 2• CCCSD representatives would contact each general purpose government to define work already planned for implementation that would have beneficial air quality impacts (e.g. BART Feeder System, bike paths, streamlined traffic flow). 3• CCCSD would compile the planned project work, estimate the reduction in air emissions that would result, and submit the package for EPA evaluation and approval. 4. When approved by EPA, the program would be included in the FEIS and design on the project would be allowed to proceed. 0 5. CCCSD would monitor progress on each of the Projects.report progress to EPA on a quarterly basis. CCCSD would 6• At the completion of the design, EPA would determine if adequate progress had been demonstrated by the general purpose governments and the construc- tion work would be allowed to proceed. 7. CCCSD would continue the quarterly progress reports until all of the projects in the program are completed or the Stage 5B construction work is comple- ted. Estimates of the cost of this work range from $80,000 to $150,000 depending on the extent of the program and the length of time that the quarterly reporting continues. The second option would put CCCSD into its previous role of supporting the Air Quality Maintenance planning that may be required of ABAG in order to obtain EPA's approval. There is significant controversy surrounding the amount of work that ABAG must undertake to gain EPA approval. ABAG representatives claim that the current plan, augmented by the on-going non -attainment planning, meets all of EPA's require- ments. EPA, on the other hand, has taken the position that the current plan is, at best, only conditionally approvable. The activities that would involve CCCSD are: 1. Send a letter to each of the general purpose governments showing the financial impact to their constituents that would result from the loss of funding for the Stage 5B Enlargements Project. z• Monitor the status of the on-going planning effort and provide support that is within CCCSD's authority. It is impossible to estimate the range of costs associated with this option because neither the time nor the level of effort is known at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Proceed in the preparation of an Air Quality Impact Mitigation Program for submission to EPA. Continue to monitor the progress of the ABAG planning effort. If an earlier FEIS completion can be attained by awaiting the completion of the ABAG work then stop work on the Air Quality Impact Mitigation Program. planning effort to the fullest extent possible. g g Su pport the ABAG JAL:jf Reviewed: ~ n arson -�T� Seni ngin -Project Management W. C. Dalton Deputy General -Mgr. -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: og J. lan General anagen -Chief Engineer January 16, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer FROM: Gail B. Koff, personnel Officer Compliance Officer - Affirmative Action SUBJECT: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM VII. N13 16 a 3/25/79 An analysis of the District's employees by minority and sexual distribution indicate a significant increase when comparing the employment data of July 197 with July 1978. District wide the number of employees working full time increased 8%-' The percentage of minority employees increased from a 1977 figure of 12.889,'o to 14.2% in 1978, which brings us closer to parity with the County's minority work force of 17%. The District's female population, although increasing from 9.82% in 1977 to 10.8% in 1978 still falls behind the County's female work force of 34.9%. This discrepancy is partially accountable by the fact that the m women reported in the County's statistics occupy ajority of the traditional female -oriented jobs, which account for only 5% of the District's positions. I believe that our female population will increase as more women choose non- traditional careers and we continue to increase our efforts of reaching these individuals through recruitment activities. The attached work force survey report and bar charts are included to give additional supportive information concerning our employees. The job categories as shown in the second bar chart, are specified and definsd by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Their definition of an administrative category, includes, not only administrative and departmental managers, but also division managers and supervisors within those divisions. That is the reasonttve large number of employees included in this category. for the explanatory. 9 y• The other categories are self - In summary, the District has completed a successful year in working towards its Affirmative Action goals. We will have to continue promotionaf7advancement as well as consider more specialized female and minority rect��ent made. activi les if further gains are to be Mrs. Gail B. Koff Personnel Officer GBi<:rm Compliance Officer -Affirmative Action cc: W. C. Dalton Department Managers Affirmative Action Committee White Black Hispanic Asian Amer. Indian Other Minorities Total Minorities Total Employees MALE FEMALE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Workforce Survey Report as of July 1, 1978 No. 151 10 11 3 0 25 176 157 19 District Total 85.79 5.68 6.25 1.7 .6 2.3 0 14.2 100 89.2 10.8 County Labor Force 83.0 6.5 8.3 ( ) 2.3 t } 17.0 65.1 34.9 County Population 69.2 11.6 10.8 { } { } 8.4 { } 30 49.1 50.9 County Statistics: Emma Kuevor Affirmative Action Officer Contra Costa County District Statistics: Gail Koff -- Personnel Officer Compliance Officer, Affirmative Action January 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $250 FOR WILLIAM HORSFALL AND RANDY COVEY TO ATTEND A TRAINING COURSE ON MECHANICAL. SEALS GIVEN BY PAN -PACIFIC SUPPLY COMPANY AT THE SHERATON INN -AIRPORT, CONCORD, CALIFORNIA ON FEBRUARY 6,7, AND 8, 1979 Issue: The District requires well trained personnel in order to effectively maintain the plant equipment. Background: The wastewater treatment plant has a great number of water Pumps, many of which have mechanical seals. These seals are very expensive, some in excess of $800 each and are difficult to obtain, having six to eight months delivery dates. Therefore it is imperative that they are properly installed and maintained. Specialized training of District Maintenance Division personnel will reduce costly repairs. Recommendation: Authorization of $250 to cover all training materials and registration fees for two people to attend the Mechanical Seal school given by Pan -Pacific Supply Company. DGN:mg Reco endation proved: Roge 4J. olan General anagen -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, (�?- 0 // D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations V1I. NB 14 1/25/79 NB 12 1/25/79 January 16, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $199.00 FOR MARJORIE GRIFFIN AND JAN FROST TO ATTEND THE PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY SEMINAR ON FEBRUARY 6, 1979 IN SAN FRANCISCO ISSUE: There Is a need for training in the area of supervision and interpersonal relations for the two Administrative Secretaries. BACKGROUND: The number of employees at the District has increased rapidly thereby creating more paperwork and filing for the secretaries and clerks. This, in turn, entails more supervision and better coordin- ation on the part of the Administrative Secretaries. It is necessary to make decisions in setting priorities, managing time more effectively and motivating others. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize attendance at the Professional Secretary Seminar for Marjorie Griffin and Jan Frost on February 6, 1979 in San Francisco at a cost of $99.50 per person. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by: . ar' ie G n W. C. Dalton Jan rost Dep. General Mgr. -Chief Engineer Reco endation Approved: Roger Do an General Manager -Chief Engineer January 11, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERTS IN A FLOOD CONTROL LEVEE ISSUE: Additional culvert capacity is required to discharge treatment plant effluent to Pacheco Slough in the event of an outfall failure. BACKGROUND: The contingency plan to be implemented in the event of outfa 1 failure is to discharge the treatment plant effluent to Pacheco Slough. Additional culvert capacity is required downstream to accommodate this flow. The District must have an agreement with Contra Costa County Public Works Department to do work in their existing flood control levee at Pacheco Slough. The conditions to be negotiated include method of construction, indemnification, and short and long term maintenance responsibilities. The form of the agreement (permit to construct, encroachment permit, or agreement) is unknown at this time. This authorization is required to expedite the contingency work currently in progress. Awaiting action until the next Board meeting could delay vital work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager -Chief Engineer to negotiate an agreement with Contra Costa County Public Works Department for the construction of additional culverts in their flood control levee at Pacheco Slough. JAL: j v Reviewed by: 00 - J. S. McCay Collection System Eng. and Serv. Div. Mar. Respectfully submitted, vim_ *neerL. rson Senior roject Management Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy VII. NB 11 1/25/79 nninaar VTI. NB 10 1/25/; January 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT NO. 3039, A RELOCATION OF SEWERS OFF ACACIA DRIVE, ORINDA AREA ISSUE: The project contractor, Jardin Pipeline, has satisfactorily completed work and we are ready to file Notice of Completion. RECOMMENDATION: Accept as complete and authorize the District General Manager -Chief Engineer to file a notice of completion. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. Mc C o Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM: sf Attach (Reviewed By: W W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: oger J Do n General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 9 1/25/79 January 16, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF 1978-79 TAXES TO SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND ISSUE: Taxes collected by the County for the District, except for Fond -service, are collected for and credited to the Running Expense Fund of the District. BACKGROUND: With the adoption of the Revenue Program and Environmental Quality Charge which is required to provide operation and maintenance funding, the Board decided to continue a tax rate for capital fund augmentation. Under the present system an annual transfer of these funds to the Sewer Construction Fund is necessary. We have been advised that the approximate amount which we will receive under the formula established by Senate Bills 154 and 2212 will be $1,600,000, half of which is available now. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the transfer of the 1978-79 Running Expense tax funds to the Sewer Construction Fund as they become available. Respectfully submitted, u5eca:��_ W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: jv 4Rec endati A roved: Roge J. 4an General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 1/25/79 January 8, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM OF MR. & MRS. J. ROMELFANGER, 2170 GRANITE DRIVE, ALAMO FOR $900.00 IN VEHICLE DAMAGE ISSUE: This claim was filed as a result of the Romelfanger vehicle purportably striking a manhole cover. BACKGROUND: The District had no report on this accident. The manholes in that area were under construction at the time and had not been accepted by the District. The contractor was Ernest E. Pestana, 2225 Old Oakland Highway, San Jose, California. RECOMMENDATION: Deny claim. Respectfully d'ii bmit ted, v4 . 4'� Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Re nda ion Approved: Roge J Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. r16 1/25/79 January 11, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER SUBJECT: $1,500 CLAIM BY PACIFIC TELEPHONE FOR ALLEGED DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE FACILITIES BY DALTON CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2904, DIABLO ROAD ISSUE: A claim has been filed by Pacific Telephone for alleged damage as detailed on the attachment. BACKGROUND: The subject damage occurred on October 5, 1978, and was documented by the inspector for the District on the project. The telephone facilities were shown on the construction plans. In accordance with the project specifications, the responsibility for payment of this claim rests with the contractor, Dalton Construction. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by Pacific Telephone for $1,500 and refer to District Counsel. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Attach rict Counsel Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer ARoger ndation pr ed: Dola Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB C b 1/25/79 January 23, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE DETACHMENT OF A 16.98 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM THE DISTRICT, LOCATED IN THE MARTINEZ AREA ISSUE: The property owner, Vincent Hoey, has requested that the District detach this parcel so that it may be annexed to the Mt. View Sanitary District. BACKGROUND: A tentative subdivision map for a townhouse development has been prepared for the parcel which is proposed for detachment. All homes in this subdivision will gravity serve into the Mt. View Sanitary District system. This detachment and annexation will be accomplished as a boundary reorganization by the Local Agency Formation Commission, at no cost to the District. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize detachment of the subject property from this D1'str.i:ct. Respectfully submitted, ?+ Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Reviewed B W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recmendation Approved: R er J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 5 1/25/79 January 16, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPLICATION OF OLD ANNEXATION RATE ($800 PER ACRE) FROM M. D. TAGG ISSUE: The Taggs did not apply for annexation before the January 1, 1979 deadline for the annexation charge increase to $1,000 per acre established by Ordinance 137, September 7, 1978. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the letter requesting the old rate. Annexation petitions were furnished with the letter. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request and approve the inclusion of the two contiguous properties (2.74 and 15.6 acres) in the pending annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, LUCOXQ�_ W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: jv Rec en/anager-Chief A proved: Rog General Engineer