HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-21-1978y -12-r -/V o c. September 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CAPTAIN ALAN BURTON, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SHERIFF -CORONER TO ACT FOR THE DISTRICT ON MATTERS RELATING TO RADIO STATION LICENSE APPLICATIONS ISSUE: The FCC has informed Captain Burton that the signature on license applications or renewals must be an elected official or a person specifically appointed by name by the Board. BACKGROUND: The communications division of the sheriff's office has been handling these matters on the District's behalf for many years. While license renewing is a fairly routine procedure, applying for one and some of the other FCC matters are not. I feel Captain Burton's expertise in these affairs would be very beneficial. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Captain Burton to act for the District on matters relating to radio station license applications. Respectfully submitted, I f� Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Rec endatio Ap roved: Ro a J. Ian Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer qlzll�� VII. NB 6 9/21/78 September 13, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT SEMINAR BACKGROUND: A seminar titled "Self Insurance and Risk Management Services" will be conducted by Warren, McVeigh and Griffin on October 9 and 10 in San Francisco. The two -day seminar is designed for risk managers currently managing a self- insurance program and those contemplating such a program. The subject matters to be covered are: Risk Retention Level Workers' Compensation Liability Coverage Property Coverage Loss Prevention Services Sources of Adjusting Services Design of a Claims Program Contract Adjusting Firms The Claims Audit The cost of the seminar is $445.00. This seminar is particularly pertinent to the current review of the recommendations contained in the July, 1978 risk management report prepared by Warren, McVeigh and Griffin. A major recommendation made by the consultants is the District's conversion to a self- insurance program for certain risk retention levels. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance by Walter N. Funasaki at the risk management seminar. Respectfully submitted, Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer WNF:jf Reviewed by: r w W. C. Dalton Deputy General Mgr. -Chief Engineer Recommend ' on Approved: Rog J. olan General Mgr. -Chief Engineer September 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF AN ADVANCED GAS CHLORINATOR FOR ODOR CONTROL AT A COST OF $1,700 Issue: The 30 inch Martinez line entering the treatment plant requires an odor control system. Background: In the past, the District has had problems with odors in the Martinez line system. This has been controlled by the use of H2O2 at a temporary field location. Although the use of concentrated hydrogen peroxide has proven effective, the lack of permanent facilities has made handling difficult. This,with possible ensuing safety problems, has demonstrated to management that either a permanent station designed for H2O2 use should be designed or the use of alternate methods of odor control. The District has tried chlorine at this location and found it to be quite effective. The purchase of an advanced gas chlorinator, Model No. 271 can be effectively used with a ton cylinder to control the problem since water is available at the field location. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,700 for the purchase of an advanced gas chlorinator, Model No. 271, from sewer cons.tructi,on Funds. DGN:mg Rec endation Ap roved: Roger 0 ]an General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, C 4"_4� D. G. Niles anager, Plant Operations VII. NB S 9/21/78 September 14, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF $2,000,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO RUNNING EXPENSE FUND ISSUE: The balance of available cash in the Running Expense Fund has dropped to a level requiring augmentations to continue District operations. $1,000,000 is needed immediately. BACKGROUND: Before the implementation of the Environmental Quality Charge when the 0 &M budget was largely derived from taxes, the County advanced operating funds as needed between July and December lOth when the first tax payments were due. With the EQC as the main source of revenue for O &M, we must now finance our operating costs from July through December from District funds Last year we were able to transfer $2,000,000 from the Running Expense Fund to the Sewer Construction Fund for investment, but budgeted to return these funds when needed. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the transfer of $2,000,000 from Sewer Construction fund to Running Expense as needed. Respectfully submitted, W W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Cief Engineer WCD:jv Reco endation Approved: Roge J. D lan General Manager -Chief Engineer 0 N.B. 3 9/21/78 September 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONFIRM AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM Assessment Diagrams are amended as follows: Original Amended Assess- Apportioned Assessment Number Amount ment No. Amount 52- 7 -15 -5 $5,777.16 52- 7 -15 -15 $2,888.58 -16 2,888.58 Respectfully submitted, 9. Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Ap o ed: Roger J. olan General anager -Chief Engineer Area Diablo 0 September 21, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR ROBERT A. BAKER, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, TO ATTEND THE WPCF CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA ISSUE: The District would benefit from Mr. Baker's attendance at the WPCF Conference. BACKGROUND: Mr. Baker is involved in the process control /process optimization decision making at the water reclamation plant. Information that will be presented at the WPCF Conference will be directly applicable to the District operation. A partial listing of applicable papers is attached. Additionally, the opportunity to examine the latest equipment and to make contacts with other treatment agencies from across the country will provide long -term benefits for the District. Funds for this activity are available in the approved Engineering Department budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Robert A. Baker to attend the WPCF Conference in Anaheim, California, at District expense. Respectfully submitted, Oeer-P n ers n Senior ' ct anagement Reviewed By: /Joaly McCoy Collection Systems Engineering Service Division Manager Reviewed By: LU&D,_E� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Mgr. -Chief Engineer JAL:jf Recommendation Approved: Rog J. olan General Manager -Chief Engineer PAPERS TO BE PRESENTED AT THE WPCF CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 1. Controlling Autogenous Incineration at Cowlitz County, Washington 2. Operating Experience with Waste Heat Recovery Boilers on Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge 3. Control of Activated Sludge Butting by Ecological Means 4. Alternative fuels for Multiple Hearth Furnaces 5. The Relationship Between Organic Loading, Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and Sludge Settleability in the Completely -Mixed Activated Sludge Process 6. Sludge Management and Energy Independance 7. Optimization of Grit Removal at a Wastewater Treatment Plant New Business 2 9/21/78 September 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger. J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR ONE PARCEL, P.A. 78 -47 ORINDA AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Q K \O a �o �+ aGam\ P� Q� Ps et, �a � \-\o� ale Qs Polo �o. t �g5 C; O'��ePa�t Qat +11 a� Board Action �a PJ�ro \may\ ��a 78 -47 ORIND Yes .25 JOHN A. CRONIN Existing house owner would 16 Mira Monte Rd like to connect to sewer Orinda, CA when it is installed. 264- 250 -17 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Parcel 78 -47 to be included in pending annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:WG:sf Rec endatioA Approved: 44", RogeJ. D Ian General M nager -Chief Engineer 0 VI. OB 2 September 15, 1978 9/21/78 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: HIRING A PUBLIC INFORMATION CONSULTANT AT A COST OF UP TO $2,800 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978/79 ISSUE: Central San can expect several items to develop over the coming year which are of public interest. In order to provide information to the public in a timely and complete manner, it is proposed that we arrange for the services of a public information consultant. BACKGROUND: To determine the range of cost and available talent, several calls were made to other agencies in the area. As a result of these calls, two interviews were held. Of the two, Mr. Paul Fletcher of Inovative Communica- tions, Inc. (proposal attached) appeared to have the most applicable experience. His fees were considered to be quite reasonable. The service that would be provided would be the writing of press releases or public information fact sheets for distribution to the news media to explain various actions of the District. It is suggested that any press release issued under this arrangement would be subject to the approval of the President of the Board as well as the approval of any board member quoted in the press release. It is not possible at this time to predict with any accuracy the amount of use the District will make of this service. It is suggested that the Board budget for 80 hours of work at the $35 per hour proposed, for a total of $2,800. Should this amount be spent before the end of this fiscal year, a suplimentary authorization might be requested. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the hiring of Inovative Communication, Inc. on a case -by -case basis, to produce public information materials at a fee not to exceed $35 per hour; and, authorize the expenditure of up to $2,800 for this purpose during fiscal year 1978/79. �2 j6z(�? oger . Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer RJD:jf Attachment