HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-10-19780 0 August 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBhRS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2904, DIABLO ROAD, W.S. 35 NO. TRUNK SEWERS, AND AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT. BACKGROUND: The Board authorized staff to advertise DSP 2904 for bids 7- 13--78 and such were received 8 -9 -79. Engineering Department staff has reviewed and checked bids submitted from ten contractors and the firm of Dalton Construction Co., is the apparent low bidder at $169,478.00. (see attached bid tabulation). District staff estimated the cost of the work under contract at $174,600.00 in July 1978 and a total Project cost of $225,200.00. Including the low bid received of $169,478.00, 0.0/ under that estimated), the revised total estimated project cost is $211,990.00 or 6.2% under that estimated prior to receiving bids. An amount of $30,000.00 was previously authorized on 7 -7 -77 which leaves a balance of $181,990.00 to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract for the construction of DSP 2904 to Dalton Construction Co., and authorize the amount of $181,990.00 to cover the balance required for the contract, construction contingencies and incidentals and street resurfacing. Respectfully submitted, OAJa! S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:DJ:sf Attachment Recommendation Approved: Roge J. olan F1W� Gene al Manager - Chief Engineer August 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $2,300 FOR ARCHITECT'S ANALYSIS OF SPRINGBROOK ROAD SITE ISSUE: The Board has directed Mackinlay, Winnacker, McNeil to prepare a scope of work and cost for analyzing expansion of the present office site. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $2,300 for Architect's analysis of Springbrook Road site and authorize Roger J. Dolan to sign proposal dated August 9, 1978 on behalf of the District. RespgRoger y suVla to J. 0 General Manager -Chief Engineer RJD:JM:sf VII. N8 8/10/78 August 9, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER - CHIEF ENGINEER TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT DATED JUNE 26, 1978. Issue: A resolution by the Board of Directors is required to support a proposal being prepared to obtain waste to energy grant funds from the Depart- ment of Energy. Background_: The Department of Energy has announced that it has $2 Million available for grants for waste to energy projects. CCCSD is preparing a proposal that will request approximately $700,000.00 for predesign work on the Stage 5B Phase II Energy Production Facilities. The Department of Energy requires both authorization to submit the proposal and a firm commitment to support the proposed program as a condition for consideration. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager -Chief Engineer to submit a proposal in response to the Department of Energy Program announcement dated June 26, 1978. Respectfully submitted, ............ V J6hqAarrson Senior Engineer- Special Projects Reviewed: Rec endation Approved: "4 tin bjcQr_v� W.C. Dalton Roger J. Dolan Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer General Manager -Chief Engineer August 8, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR TWO PARCELS, P.A. 78 -36 ALAMO AREA AND F.A. 78 -37 WALNUT CREEK AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Qe�a� o a �o P��Q tG0\ ea Pt ea \�xo� a QO�c PGte \-%o• C e`'y C; o�tePa� <Qat VII. NB 4 8/10/78 Board Action 78--36 ALAMO YES 1.76 CANTRELL DEV. CO., INC. PARCEL MAP FILED AT COUNTY P. 0. BOX 830 OWNER WANTS TO CONNECT ALAMO, CA THREE HOUSES TO EXISTING 191 - 010- 15, -16 & -17 SEWER 78 -37 W.C. YES 2.0 WILLIAM E. MORGAN NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY 110 CASTLE ROCK RD COUNTY. PRELIMINARY PARCEL WALNUT CREEK, CA MAP APPROVED BY COUNTY. 138- 080 -033 FOUR BUILDING SITES RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Parcels 78 -36 and 78 -37 to be included in pending annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, L W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:WG:sf Rec mendation Approved: Roge J. olan General anager -Chief Engineer n 0 VII. SIB 7 8%10/78 August 7, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION ISSUE: Additional office equipment is needed to support new engineering personnel currently being recruited. BACKGROUND: Two new engineers will be hired during September to fill positions previously aut orized by the Board of Directors. Their office spaces are extremely limited in size requiring specialized office equipment. This item was not included in the 1978 -79 Budget because the decision to recruit these people had not been made at that time. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $3,260 for purchase of additional office equipment for the Special Projects Engineering Divisionfrom the Sewer Construction Fund. Respectfully submitted, r *Jo s n Senior Engineer - Project Mgmt. RECOMMENDED BY: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer JAL:jf Z REC MEN PP OVED: t Roger J Dola General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. 3 3 8/10/78 August 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JOHN 0. VAN HOFWEGEN, ET UX, JOB 731, PARCEL 2, LOCATED AT 288 CASTLE CREST ROAD, WALNUT CREEK. ISSUE: The Van Hofwegen's, owners of Lot 33, Tract 3737, desire to maintain an addition to their home which was recently constructed over a portion of the District's existing sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The existing sewer main was constructed in 1961. A corner of the above - mentioned addition and the roof overhang encroaches into the District's easement. Staff has reviewed the situation and has determined that the house addition does not interfere with the present use of our sewer, however, if it should become an interference or cause extra maintenance expense, the property owner is liable for these added costs to the District. If the District determines the structure to be harmful or detrimental, the property owner is required to remove the structure or relocate the sewer at his own expense. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. Respectfully submitted, ay S. ' Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager- -Chief Engineer Rec end Ap ro al: Roger olan General Manager -Chief Engineer VI. 08 1 8/10/78 August 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL $12,000 FOR STAFF WORK ON THE NEW OFFICE SITE & BUILDING, DSP 3000 ISSUE: Additional money is needed to cover the cost of work performed by staff in conjunction with the architect for the new office. BACKGROUND: Authorization of 10/6/77 & 3/2/78 $15,000 Additional Request 12,000 Total $27,000 To date, $16,000 has been expended on the study of the new office site and building. Staff will continue to advise and direct. In addition, a site topo map will be prepared. I anticipate an expenditure of approxi- mately $12,000 for the remainder of 1978. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize additional $12,000 total for staff work on the new office site and building, DSP 3000. Respectfully submitted, T ay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco nd Approval• Roger J Dola General Manager -Chief Engineer August 3, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VII. NB 5 8/10/78 VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: WATERSHED 35 SOUTH (SYCAMORE VALLEY) TRUNK CHARGE, SERVICE CONDITIONS, AND AGREEMENT WITH BLACK HAWK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ISSUE: The central segment of the trunk sewer for the Sycamore Valley has been designed by the District (see attachments DSP 2970, Project A) and is ready for construction by Blackhawk Development Company subject to establishing a new watershed trunk charge, future service conditions and, a construction agreement. BACKGROUND: The Sycamore Valley Watershed Trunk plan has been in effect since March 1, 1962 and pipeline installation from the main trunk at the SPRR to the junction of Sycamore Valley and Park Hill Roads near Tassajara Road has been accomplished. As of January 1978, $138,000 in private funds have been expended of which $47,000 remain to be rebated to the installers; $129,000 has been expended by the District out of the WS 355, Sycamore Valley Fund. The District has collected $190,000, in watershed charges leaving a reserve of $61,000. About 20% of the pipe line footage planned in 1962 is in place. The history of the Blackhawk Ranch development is well known. The District indicated the approximate location and size of this watershed trunk sewer to them for inclusion in their environmental documents. The development EIR contains statements about offsite sewer requirements and we consider their approved EIR adequate for the proposed sewer projects. Due to inflation and changing land use patterns, it is necessary to update the watershed study and set a new charge to provide equity in funding. Complicating this process is the fact that the new trunk is to be built in three phases. The first phase is the most expensive, but will have limited capacity until the second stage, involving paralleling of the original installations of the early 1960'x, is complete. The third stage is a future easterly extension and involves service to properties some of which are presently outside of the District. Most of the land to be served by this extension (Project C) was beyond the service limit of the original plan, and outside of the District sphere of influence. Very rough estimates of costs and future connections are presented here to establish a basis for policy and procedure in this particular watershed. Sewer Units Approx.1978 Project Purpose Served Cost A To serve Blackhawk, Phase III (985 Units) 1100 units $1,500,000 B* Parallel old trunk to increase capacity 1100 units 5007000 C Extension to serve future Blackhawk, etal 1400 units 1 ?000,000 *(Payoff of rebates ($47,000 -) included in cost of B 3600 units $3,000,000 See Figure II for Blackhawk phases Total Cost - 1978 Dollars $3,000,000 Units to be served during planning period 3,000 ** - $1,000 per unit Sewer Project Staging and Proposed Service Conditions A Blackhawk plans to construct this project in fiscal year - 1978 -79. Connections from Blackhawk Unit III and other properties within present District boundary will proceed until existing downstream capacity of 1100 units is reached, at which time Project B will be required. B Construction schedule indefinite - probably after 19B0. Annexations of properties outside of the present District sphere of influence to be accepted only after "Sphere of Influence" line is changed by property owner petitions to LAFC. All future annexations in the watershed will be conditioned on pre - payment of watershed trunk charges and no service connections until Project B is complete. Pre - payment will be made upon demand after the project is designed and an adequate area of annexation to finance the project has been incorporated into the District. In the event that annexations of sufficient size and number to pay for Project B do not occur, properties presently within the District will have to finance Project B construction prior to further development. Upon completion of Project B, Sec. 9 -403 of the District Code which provides for the purchase of rebate rights by giving credit to an installer for annexation and fixture charges could be considered for any installer who has invested more in the watershed trunk sewer than his share. C Schedule indefinite - probably after 1983. By the time this project is ready for consideration, the watershed plan will have to be updated financially and rebalanced due to inflation and possible land use changes. * *Of the 3600 units planned it is estimated that 3,000 will be constructed with the 10 year planning period. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Increase Watershed 35 South charge from $300 to $1,000 per residential unit, (or equivalent of 300 gallons per day or 25 Fixture Unit Equivalents) with a minimum of $2,000 per acre for developed non - residential uses. (Based on $3,000,000 cost shared by 3000 units connected during planning period.) 2. Adopt a policy that no annexations will be accepted in this watershed without guarantee of prepayment of watershed trunk charges or installation of needed ultimate facilities, and that no service will be provided outside of present District boundary until planned facilities are installed downstream of the property seeking service. 3. Adopt a policy that property owners outside of Districts sphere of influence will be required to arrange changes in said sphere of influence either by direct petition to LAFC or through the intervention of a public agency other than CCCSD. 4. Upon adoption of the above recommendations, authorize management to notify affected property owners in Watershed 35 South of the conditions of annexation and service. &NfOXAE:�_ W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:jf R wed by: Rog J. olan General anager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 1 2 8/10/71 August 1, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION Na. Job No. Tract No. Area Remarks 1. 1597/64 MS 241--77 Alamo Short Form - we retain prior rights - No cost to District. Respectfully submitted, J S. MCCoy Collection System Engineer & Services Division Manager JSM:sf A%0J D an General Manager -Chief Engineer