HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-13-1978VI. OB 3 7/13/78 AGENDA 7 -13 -78 OLD BUSINESS MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2981, STEWART AVENUE, WALNUT CREEK. ISSUE: This line is necessary to relieve the currently overloaded existing 6" main and to assure capacity for future tributary developments within this watershed area. BACKGROUND: The existing 6" line was installed in 1950 as part of L.E.D. 9. Subsequently, as the watershed area developed, a 15" watershed line was installed downstream of the now deficient 6" line. The construction of 2250 L.F. of 10" line will provide continuity for the existing trunk system. The Engineer's estimate is attached. Authorization to prepare plans and specifications was made on December 15, 1977. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids for DSP 2981, Stewart Avenue, Walnut Creek. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best anager- Engineering Department JLB:DLS:js Recommendation Approved: Roger J. olan General anager -Chief Engineer J. rI �NTRAL CONTRA COSI() Counseel l for the District J. SANITARY DISTRICT he Tel. 939 -5330 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD Secretary CLYDE M. HOPKINS MAILING ADDRESS P.O . BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934 -6727 AREA CODE 415 July 12, 1978 The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Gentlemen: Re: District Sewering Project 2981 ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager- -Chief Engineer W. C. DALTON Deputy General Manager —Chief Engineer Submitted herewith is an estimate of the cost of work in accordance with District plans for the above - referenced project: Item Quantity Description Unit Cost Total 1 2,251 L.F. 10t1 Pipe $ 33.00 $ 74,283 2 150 L.F. 4" Side Sewer, CIP or DIP 25.00 3,750 3 150 L.F. 4" Side Sewer, other than CIP or DIP 20.00 3,000 4 6 Ea. 48" Std. Main Manhole 1,500.00 9,000 5 L.S. Main Manhole Modification L.S. 900 6 5 Ea. Side Sewer Reconnections 150.00 750 7 2 Ea. Backwater Overflow Device 25.00 50 8 50 C.Y. Foundation Material Removal /Replacement 12.00 600 9 L.S. Shoring L.S. 2,497 Subtotal $ 94,830 Construction Contingency 10% 9,500 Incidentals 25% 23,700 Road resurfacing 2,500 $130,530 Very truly yours, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Jack L. Best eager- Engineering Department JLB:DLS:js Recycled Paper VI. OB �J q 7/13/78 AGENDA 7 -13 -78 OLD BUSINESS MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2904, DIABLO ROAD, DANVILLE. ISSUE: The development of the Up Stream properties necessitates the expansion of our present trunkline capacities in the watershed 35 North area. BACKGROUND: This project will complete the watershed 35 North Trunk System. Authorization to prepare plans and specifications was made on July 7, 1977• The Engineer's estimate is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids for QSP 2904, Diablo Road, Danville. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best M ger- Engineering Department JLBOLS : J s Reco endatiger-Chief pp ved: Roger r Genera Engineer J. J. CA146ATO C.._'NTRAL CONTRA COST Counsel for the District SANITARY DISTRICT Tel. 939 -5330 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD CLYDE M. HOPKINS MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 5266 Secretary WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934 -6727 AREA CODE 415 July 5, 1978 The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Gentlemen: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager —Chief Engineer W. C. DALTON Deputy General Manager —Chief Engineer Re: DSP 2904, Diablo Road Submitted herewith is an estimate of the cost of work in accordance with District plans for the above - referenced project: ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL 1 3240 L.F. 21" Pipe 2 35 L.F. Concrete encasement 3 9 Ea. Std. Trunk Manholes 4 2 Ea. Side Sewer Reconnections 5 2 Ea. Side Sewer Relocation /Repair 6 L.S. 8" Line Abondonment Foundation Material 7 150 C.Y. Removal & Replacement 8 L.S. Shoring JLB:DLS:js $ 45.00 $145,800.00 100.00 3,500.00 1,700.00 15,300.00 500.00 1,000.00 400.00 800.00 L.S. 400.00 12.00 1,800.00 L.S. 6,000.00 Sub -Total $174,600.00 Construction Contingency 5% 8,700.00 Incidentals 20% 34,900.00 Seal Cost 5,000.00 R/W 2,000.00 Total Sewering Cost $225,200.00 Very truly yours, Jack L. Best M ager- Engineering Department Recycled Paper 1�3� July 13, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager- Chief. Engineer SUBJECT: CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM(S)" AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM(S) Assessment Diagrams are amended as follows: Original Assessment Number Amount 52- 7 -10 -6 $25,588.98 JLB:WG:js Amended Assess- ment No. 52-7 -10 -9 52- 7 -10 -10 52-- 7 -10 -11 Apportioned Amount $ 5,117.80 12,794.48 7,676.70 Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best M ager- Engineering Department Ap ed: Roger J. olan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 7 7/13/78 Area DIABLO DIABLO DIABLO VII. NB 15b 7/13/78 July 13, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: BOARD APPOINTMENT TO THE REGIONAL PLANNING COMM- ITTEE OF ABAG ISSUE: Central San has been approached by Supervisor Diridon of ABAG to represent special districts on a Regional Planning Committee that ABAG is assembling. BACKGROUND: As part of the continuing planning process, ABAG is planning to assume the management of the Regional Plan and the Environmental Management Plan which is an element of the Regional Plan. ABAG is putting together a Regional Planning Committee which will have 37 members, 12 public members and 25 regular ABAG members. One of the so called public members would represent the special districts. It is for this position, that Central San has been nominated. Member Boneysteele's name was specifically mentioned. When I asked if Central San could appoint another representative if Member Boneysteele was unable to assume this position, I was told that we could. While I personally feel that it would be advisable to have our representative be an elected official, I was told that this not necessary. RECOMMENDATION: The Board should consider whether or not to accept the position on the ABAG Regional Planning Committee, representing special districts. If it is decided to accept that position, it is recommended that the Board select a representa- tive. Z4�' 6 Vt'_'Zf' R ger J. olan General nager Chief Engineer RJD:jf July 12, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $5036.97 BILL FROM MACKINLAY, WINNACKER, MCNEIL & ASSOCIATES ISSUE: Architect has done work on the new office project and has submitted the attached bill. BACKGROUND: Mackinlay, Winnacker, & McNeil were authorized to proceed with selection of office site while the agreement was being formulated. They have incurred costs amounting to $5036.97, as of July 7, 1978. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize payment of $5036.97 bill for Mackinlay, Winnacker, McNeil. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager - Engineering Dept. JLB : ,iM: j s Attachment Reco endation A proved: o er an General M ager- -Chief Engineer V. BIDS July 12, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2856, FERRY ST., MARTINEZ, AND AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT. BACKGROUND: The Board authorized staff to advertise DSP 2856 for bids 6 -15 -78 and such were received 7- 12 -78. Engineering Department staff has reviewed and checked bids submitted from five contractors and the firm of Mountain Construction, Inc., is the apparent low bidder at $75,699.00 (see attached bid tabulation). District staff estimated the cost of the work under contract at $69,500.00 in June 1978 and a total Project cost of $108,100. Including the low bid received of $75,699.00, (8.9% over that estimated) the revised total estimated project cost is $113,399 or 4.9% over that estimated prior to receiving bids. $69,150.00 was previously authorized on 8- 25 -77, which leaves a balance of $44,249.00 to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract for the construction of DSP 2856 to Mountain Construction, Inc., and authorize the amount of $44,249 to cover the balance re- quired for the contract, construction contingencies and incidentals and street resurfacing. JLB:js Attachment 'Jmm- Respectfully submitted, V Jack L. Best nager= Engineering Department General M nager -Chief Engineer F� N M 4 5 CENTRALOCONTRA COSTA SFMITARY DISTRICT JOB District Sew. Proj. No. 2856 LOCATION Ferry St., Martinez DATE July 12, 1978 ENGR. EST. $69,500.00 BIDDER NAME ADDRESS BID PRICE PHONE Mountain Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 116 $75,699.00 San Ramon, CA 94583 (415)837 -1101 D.W. Young Construction Co. P.O. Box 685 $77,035.00 Alamo, CA 94507 (415)820 -4389 Slavo Ri.gisich, Inc. P.O. Box 4749 $86,524.00 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (415)283 -8029 Peter Cole Jensen, Inc. P.O. Box 553 $94,304.72 Danville, CA 94526 (415)837 --7600 M.G.M. Construction Co. r.0. Box 5757 $98,212.00 Concord, CA 94524 (415)685 -8812 JOB DSP 2856 --- - BY._.,_ CH KO. BY _ _ DATE._ 7-12-78 DATE_7 -- 12--78 SHEET NO. _ OF 2 IV. HEARINGS 1 7/13/78 July 11, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: HEARING ON DELINQUENT CHARGES AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ADOPTING THE REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE ISSUE: Certain owners have not paid charges due in 1977 -78. These charges will be placed on the owner's tax bill for 1978 -79. BACKGROUND: By law, the District is required to have a hearing for the purpose of placing delinquent charges on tax bills. Notices of this hearing were sent to approximately 220 owners. Of these, 15 owners have paid as of July 12. The report containing all owners who have not paid delinquent charges is on file with the Secretary. Considering valid protests,the remaining delinquent charges should be placed on the tax roll for collection. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Overruling protests and Adopting The Report Pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code. Respectfully submitted, WeQOD�� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:JSM:js Re endatio A roved: g J. olan Ge ra1 pager -Chief Engineer VI. OB z 7/13/78 July 11, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CAPITAL BUDGET AND CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS ISSUE: By combining my cash flow projections and investment controls which have been part of the Financial Plan for years, a form of an annual capital budget has been prepared for the review and use of management .and the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The capital budget and Financial Plan in the past were geared to projects, grants and revenues from contracts and charges, and were constantly updated rather than timed to coincide with the O &M budget and our fiscal year. The updating will still occur as circumstances change, but the approval of a fiscal year capital budget in addition to the Financial Plan brings the District into conformity with most other local governmental units and should help the planning and audit systems of the District. It also ties together a more formalized goals and objective approach to management. The revised Financial Plan will be prepared after the 77--78 audit is submitted. RECOMMENDATION: Review and and author1ze the transfer Sewer Construction Fund. approve the capital budget for 1978 -79 as presented, of tax funds to be received in 1978 -79 to the Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: jv Rec endation proved: Roger �U . D an General Manager -Chief Engineer VI. O.B. 7 July 11, 1978 7/13/78 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ANNEXATION OF LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS AREA DESIGNATED AS DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 61 ISSUE: The County Local Agency Formation Commission on July 5, 1978 approved the District's application for annexation of DA 61, thus clearing the way for the final Board action ordering annexation. BACKGROUND: Although the annexation proceeding can be completed, there remain questions about the EIR for the sewer line construction and /or the proposed buildings. The attached letters from District Counsel and the property owner relate to those questions. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution ordering the annexation of DA 61 and refer the question of sewer line construction requirements to District Counsel for recommendation. Respectfully submitted, L9fo=�4� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Reco ndati A proved: . D Genera M ager -Chief Engineer July 11, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR SEVEN PARCELS, P.A. 78 -23, DANVILLE, P.A. 78 -24, ALAMO AREA, P.A. 78 -25, ALAMO AREA, P.A. 78 -26, WALNUT CREEK AREA, P.A. 78 -27, ORINDA AREA, P.A. 78 -28, DANVILLE AREA, P.A. 78 -29 MARTINEZ AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT 0. 4p -Q' {Gel �t�a 4e�� Q.C, ���a��4��Ge a Board Actio e{�y of- 78-23 yor g Danv Yes 19.14 Tibros Corp. Sub. 5223. Preliminary 2948 Buskirk Ave. plan & E.I.R. approved by Walnut Creek, CA 94596 County�of the 69 lots in 207 -081 -026 this subdivision, 16 lots l are in this annexation, 53' lots are within present District boundaries 78 -24 Alamo Yes 218.53 ELBACO, INC. E.I.R. and Preliminary P.O. Box 415 plans approved by County. Danville, CA 94526 Proposed subdivision 4915 193 - 180 -06 Roundhill Unit 8 (last 193 - 190 -07 & -08 unit) 150 lots+ 7 &- fgAlamo Yes; 6.4 Del Chase Owner wants to build one 56 Mott Mott Drive house on property and Alamo, CA 94507 connect to sewer 197 - 180 -13 78 -26 W.C. Yes 0.46 Eddy M. Ruiz Failing septic tank 108 Castlerock Rd. I Walnut Creek, CA 94598 E 138 - 080 -28 18 -27 Orind Yes 1.12 Seymour Dudley Owner would like to connec Haciendas Rd. existing house to sewer. 125 Orinda, CA 94563 263- 010 -005 78 -28 iDanv. Yes 318' John M. Bryan Sub. 5026 - Preliminary 220 Russ Building plan and E.I.R_ approved f San Francisco, CA 94101 by County 321 lots 194 - 060 -01 (portion) { 193 -- 190 --06 (portion) o• 4e 6:oA a�0e 4a�Ge� � O Board Action a .9 Skye �o0 �e0� 78 -29 Mtnz. Yes 1 W.J. Rutherford Owner wants to build one 916 Vine Ave. house. Property zoned Martinez, CA 94553 R-40. 162- 120 -009 BACKGROUND: Last year a study was made on the growth of the District versus plant capacity. At that time, it was hoped that the next plant capacity addition would be underway by now. Since the work on the addition (5B1) has not as yet started, the staff considers that it is now appropriate to develop a Board policy on growth. The situation is further complicated because EPA, ABAG, RWQCB, SWRQB, and BAAPCD have attempted to make restrictions on plant capacity but their positions are not clear. It is recommended that this item be placed on the Agenda of July 27, 1978, to enable staff to meet with representatives of the above agencies and determine their positions on the growth issue. RECOMMENDATION: Place the development of a growth policy on the agenda for July 27, 1978, for the purpose of discussing growth, plant capacity, annexations, future connections and related matters. Respectfully submitted, Glx� W.C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:WG:js Recomm ation App ed- Roger J. D Ian General Manage -Chief Engineer VII. 9 NB 7/93/78 June 26, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $3,600 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A THREE TON YORK SELF - CONTAINED WATER COOLED AIR CONDITIONING UNIT IN THE UPS ROOM Issue: A cooling system is needed to protect the uninterruptible power source which is a solid state system that is unable to withstand high temperatures. Background: The uninterruptible power source is placed in a small room at the Water Pollution Control /Reclamation facility. This room does not have adequate ventilation during the summer to keep the room temperature below 1040F. which is the maximum allowable for this unit. It is recommended that this solid state unit operate at a much lower temperature for maximum life and efficiency. The installation of a small three ton self- contained water cooled air conditioning unit has been found to be much less expensive than a major modification of the air conditioning duct system to the room. This would enable the UPS system to run at a cooler temperature for longer life. Recommendation: Authorization of $3,600 for the installation of a three ton self - contained water cooled air conditioning system in the UPS room. DGN:mg Reco endati n pproved: oger J. la Genera] Hager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WORK ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION Job No. Description Position Paper: Date 6'26'7$ Lead Dept. Plant 0 s. Date Board Approved Authorization S Date Acctg. Notified Date Work Complete Date Closed Account Request approval of the following work order and authorization: proposed Position Paper (P.P.) attached if further information is needed complete requested data below DESCRIPTION: Installation of a three ton York self- contained water-cooled air conditioning unit in the UPS room BACKGROUND: The UPS room does not have adequate ventilation and therefore needs a special cooling unit to maintain the cooling needs of the' uninterruptible power source. COST DETAIL: Is this a grant project? Yes No (If yes, attach accounting procedure for grant) Dept. Share Engineering Maintenance Plant Operations Others: Total Authorization(s) REMARKS: Requested By: Department Manager Estimate Acct. No. Final Cost $3,6o0 Reviewed By: W.C. Dalton, Deputy GMCE $3,600 Authorized By: Roger J. Dolan, GMCE Attachment: Proposed P.P. to Board 2069 -6.77 i c :f o tj V1 U 5-1 Q � z R �. U U o � N r JIO0 U UM v � a F to H I } 0 �. U U o a�j o uj JIO0 U UM a .j G � a Q 2N a v .i to ki ?I NII J h d w I oc 2 Lu N Yf D L:t ae CC e ` VZ1Z W �I .i- I, S 0 ti V L4 VII, NB _ 10 7/13/78 July 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM OF PAT JARVIS, 1911 POMA.R WAY, WALNUT CREEK FOR $177.00 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE ISSUE: This claim is the result of a stoppage in the main line sewer serving the Jarvis residence. BACKGROUND: This stoppage caused an overflow in the Jarvis home. Carpeting in the bathroom and bedroom had to be removed, cleaned and reinstalled. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim of $177.00. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Re endation Approved: Roge J. lan General Manager -Chief Engineer :s 3,411z ' .. AUTHORIZED BY • .. r' ►�r� it RES. t1 c plis i�fL~E �.��t PHONE 93 • 935 —a 7GO- a j . z , , LASTNAM9 n r DATE 6 -1S OATS INITIAL AweA.— 1114J. t) Q 1.GJ"4 REFERRED BY- Pfomfar Way' - CITY A• E ZtP COD ICOMPL&TED PiR SPRCIFICATIONS LIST FURNITURE BY ROOM SYSTEMS AND TYPE OF SERVICE -Oi"- CATEG BY CODE NO. SOT i. I 2. 3. a. 6. 6. HOME CARE PRODUCTS PRICE 2Y TYPE OF SERVICES BY CODE NO. L R H ROOM 801 COTSIClsonlnq 802 Fumitwe Cl/an;nq 004 Odorcantral 8D6 l/Oth/r S Plank Cln¢ 007 Poli.ItingFumlkwo, 809 SloticProalinq 810 SlainProolinq 811 Soilproofinq 812 OuuDroofirg 817 Ca=scrt0lsinq, 826 Wall & Coiling Clog. 836 Flow Maintenance a23 Other Services ' e70 Onwier RRNgrcnan 873 HouarWldtClwninf� , 880 Contma Servicas 3-20-79 max or. i swLe . • s.r jn,./ "r.■ ToT stwt e; r �R�1� �► INVOICE HOME CARE PRODUC S e 891 F1ruA1dKI1 , 691 FlberheshOIA 091 FibwFr..b Gai 891 SolvOil 091 urin.x 14. 891 ChernGlid/Sprnge 691 Cwpet Groomer 892+ OthM Products ; TERMS: NET ON COMPLETION. SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. .. , Y11 I77 23 " PAY THIS ttO KCt /. R /a. 3 1 ° 1 5 s upB5�1-E-Sm" I m���_M t.1M, CHIC. GMO. C D S misimmmmom .m-.m®m® .m.-..■® ■®----■Mm 891 TOTAL - ACCT -NCI: TOTAL UNITS swLe . • s.r jn,./ "r.■ ToT stwt e; r �R�1� �► INVOICE NO OTHER WILL BENT - RETURN STUB WITH REMITTANCE ; TERMS: NET ON COMPLETION. SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. .. , Y11 I77 23 " PAY THIS ttO KCt /. R /a. AMOUNT'' 2 INVOICE COPY ~' SEE REVERSE'SIDE NN- 21 Iq July 7, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ESTABLISH A CHARGE FOR PROCESSING OF " QUITCLAIM NCE DEEDS AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. AMENDING DISTRICT FEES AND CHARGES, DISTRICT CODE, CHAPTER 11, SECTION 101 BY ADDING A CHARGE FOR PROCESSING QUITCLAIM DEEDS" ISSUE: The District should charge for work done on processing of quitclaim deeds when the quitclaim is for the sole benefit of a private owner. VII. NB 6 7/13/78 BACKGROUND: From time to time, requests are received from private owners for the elimination of sewer easements located on their property. Usually, the District receives no benefit from the elimination. However, costs are incurred in the preparation of quitclaim deeds and other documents necessary to eliminate the easements. It seems reasonable that the private owners should pay the costs of processing documents if they are the only ones benefited. RECOMMENDATION: Establish a charge of $20 per hour with a minimum of 60 for work necessary to process quitclaim deeds and adopt Ordinance No. , "An Ordinance Amending District Fees and Charges, District Code, Chapter 11, Section 101 by Adding a Charge for Processing Quitclaim Deeds ". Respectfully submitted, t W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:JMcC:jv Recndation approved: Generg Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 4 7/13/78 July 7, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: "AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY" WITH HOFMANN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LOCATED AT 3+35 NORTH MAIN STREET, PLEASANT HILL, JOB NO. 1551 ISSUE: The Hofmann Construction Company has requested permission to maintain a carport roof which encroaches into an existing 20 feet in width District ease- ment. BACKGROUND: The carport roof overhangs the District easement with a minimum overhead clearance of 8 feet. The carport roof encroachment is approximately 10 feet long by lb feet wide. Staff has reviewed the situation on the site and has determined that the carport will not interfere with the operation and normal maintenance of this sewer main. The agreement requires the property owners to accept liability for any addi- tional costs or damages that we may incur as a result of the location of the carport. The agreement is revocable; with 30 days notice the property owner can be required to remove the above encroachment. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Agreement Relating to Real Property and authorize Its recording. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager- Engineering Department JLB:JSM:js Rec endation proved: Rog J. olan General anager -Chief Engineer ` VII. NB 3 7/13/78 June 29, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: "AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY" WITH MR. SHELBY NOTKIN, ET UX „LOCATED AT #20 SILVERWOOD COURT, ORINDA, JOB NO. 1101 ISSUE: The Notkins have requested permission to construct a swimming pool within a portion of an existing sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The Notkins have excavated for a pool near one of our manholes within their property. Staff has recommended that they move the pool location to avoid conflict with the manhole and two existing cast iron main sewers. The owners propose to relocate the pool 70 feet south of the present location. This new location will still encroach upon our easement, with the shallow end of the pool over the existing cast iron main. District staff has reviewed the Notkins request and staff has determined that the pool will not interfere with the operation of the sewer main. The agreement requires the Notkins to accept liability for any additional costs or damages that we may incur as a result of the location of the pool. The agreement is revocable, with 30 days notice the property owner can be required to remove the above encroachment. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Agreement Relating to Real Property and authorize its recording. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Beat Ma ger- Engineering Department JLB:WG:sf Rec mendat- n pproved: Roge J. o an General anager -Chief Engineer 0 VII. NB 2 Date: July 5, 1978 7/13 '78 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT TO JOINT USE OF EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT EASEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL, FOR USE AS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT (JOB NO. 1586 - PARCELS 21 and 24) PLEASANT HILL AREA {NO COST TO DISTRICT} ISSUE: The County has requested permission to install a 30-inch R.C.P. storm sewer crossing existing District facilities; after the storm sewer is constructed the City of Pleasant Hill will assume full maintenance responsibility. BACKGROUND: This "Consent" was originally executed by the District Board on June 1, 1978 in favor of the County. However, since that time the City of Pleasant Hill has agreed to assume full maintenance responsibility. Therefore, the Consent must be re- executed,substituting the City of Pleasant Hill for the County of Contra Costa. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, Execute Consent document and forward same to the City of Pleasant Hill. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best anager- Engineering Dept. JLB:WG:js Re endat' n Approved: Roge J. Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer