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AGENDA BACKUP 06-15-1978
VII. NS 3• e 6/15/78 June 15, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF 1979 -80 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE ISSUE: For technical legal reasons, it appears prudent to protect the major source of District revenue for the 1979 -80 fiscal year by appropriate action before July 1, 1978. BACKGROUND: The uncertainties created by the passage of Proposition 13 may continue for many months with the District's ability to levy taxes in doubt and the EQ Charge subject to question, and possibly requiring a vote to increase the rate. Attached is the last complete Financial Plan adopted which shows the 1979-80 EQ Charge (line 58) to be $95.00. Until this years budget is adopted and last years audit complete, this rate is the best estimate available. It represents a 21.8% increase over the current rate and 1978 -79• RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution regarding application of Environmental Quality Charges for all served properties for 1979 -80 providing for the base rate of $95.00 per year and a 21.8% increase over the 1978 -79 rates for all other services. Resp ctful itted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:jf Re m endati roved: Roger . D Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer r r r r r 1 June 15, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH A COMPENSATION INCREASE FOR DISTRICT STAFF EMPLOYEES, TO ESTABLISH A COMPENSATION INCREASE FOR DISTRICT MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES AND TO APPROVE THE LINE ITEMS IN THE 1978- 79 OPERATIONS BUDGET The Board of Directors has reviewed the salary and benefit package for staff and management and the 1978 -79 operations budget. Resolutions are necessary to approve the changes. Since the final budget is scheduled for adoption on June 29, 1978, it's appropriate to have the necessary resolutions passed so they can be incorporated into the final budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize: 1. A Resolution establishing a compensation increase for District staff employees; 2. A Resolution establishing a compensation increase for District manage- ment employees; and 3. A Resolution approving the line items in the 1978 -79 operations budget. Respectfully submitted, Rfer J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer JM:sf _ V I I . NB 3.b 6/15/78 June 14, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAORD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM OF SALLY K. SMITH, 230 NORMAN AVENUE, CLYDE, FOR $1,107.52 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE ISSUE: This claim is the result of a stoppage in the main line serving the Smith residence. BACKGROUND: This line was plugged at a location upstream from the Smith's home. When the stoppage was relieved the line could not accomodate the heavy flow and the surcharge entered the home. The overflow took place in the bathroom and hallway. The hall area was the most severely damaged and because of the difficulty matching the existing carpeting, the Smith claim is for total replacement rather than just the hall and living room. We feel that the District should should not be held responsible for the entire cost. We offered to settle this claim for $557.52 and Ms. Smith accepted. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim in the amount of $557.52. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Recommendation Approved: 4RorJ. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer May 24, 1978 Don L. Allan, President Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P.O. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 Dear Mr. Allan, „?A OSTA ��PICT ncD ;SAY 26'78 .. -f. .h .• ............ ............. ir1 F .......... I would like to make a claim for damage to my house on April•49''tk; ” when the main sewer line backed up through the plumbing in my ba0hr M............... The bathroom and hallway was flooded with sewer water, with the.m�a,�• oar ......""' damage occurring in the hallway. It would have been much worse, ru t we kept the sewage from flo, ;ing into adjacent rooms by stuffing a towel around the door of the bathroom. The bathroom floor is covered with a waterproof tile, so there appears to be no damage there. There probably was some seepage around the toilet and the bathtub, but I can't tell without taking out part of the floor. The carpeting in the hallway was damaged to the extent that it will need to be replaced. After checking several stores, it seems impossible to find carpeting to match the adjoining rooms. Therefore, the attached estimate is for the 60 yards of carpeting necessary to cover the hall, the living room, the stairs, and the landing. The adjoining bedroom is also carpeted with the same carpet (and it had to be cut at the doorway to remove the hall carpet) but, I am willing to have the edge finished off, and not include this cost in the replacement claim. When I first thought of replacing the carpet, I thought it would be adequate to put in a claim for the hall and the living room. But, after more consideration, I feel the only satisfactory settlement would be for the whole 60 yards. It would not be at all acceptable to have different carpeting coming from the same area. There were two other items damaged in the bathroom. One is a bath- room scale, and the other a small throw rug. Total items in the claim: 1. Carpeting (as per Brueners estimate) $1089.52 2. Bathroom scale 10.00 3. Bathroom rug 8.00 total $1107.52 Yours truly, Sally Smith 230 Norman Ave Clyde, Ca. 94520 Phone:458 -0581 ESTATE AND ORDER TO PROCEED ORANCEL ,t 1 �--� , '{ , l f` "X_�? •__. �.. -mac' • f .a� .. CUSTOMER'S NAME ADDRESS � % '-"l�_. � "- <' -•_- CITY __ _ _ _ _ f — _ TELEPHONE Breuners SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR STORE LOCATIONS WE SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE TO CONFIRM OUR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR ORDER. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. VERIFY ALL SPECIFICATIONS. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO EXPLAIN ALL DETAILS. WHEN YOU SIGN BELOW WE WILL PROCEED. l � ' /_-4 0 ESTIMATED PRICE: Subject to correction upon measure and customer approval. CONDITIONS 0 FIRM PRICE: Measure and analysis completed. Merchandise you order cut to size may be subject to a cancellation charge. All fabrics will fade with time. Draperies will change size owing to atmospheric conditions. Fabrics will show seams and pile crushing. We cannot be responsible for delays beyond our control. All merchandise is to remain personal property until paid in full. The salesperson has informed me orally that I have the right to cancel within the given conditions. You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. See the reverse side for notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right. UNDERSTOOD AND ACCEPTED _._ DATE SALESPERSON �f� .- %��t'��!A r -r / DATE �' - ' APPROVED BY DATE CONFIRMED: 0 IN PERSON 0 TELEPHONE SALESPERSON DATE CAC ©r ROUTING: WHITE = STORE - PINK =" SALESPERSON - YELLOW b GOLD ■ CUSTOMER CO. 30 -9 -78 VI. OB 4 6/15/78 June 13, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT OF $25,000 TO PACIFIC, GAS, AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Issue: There exists a need for a backup power supply at the treatment plant for use in the event of an accidental shutdown to the existing power supply system. Background: The need for a backup power supply to run essential equipment at the Water Pollution Control /Reclamation plant during a power failure has been recognized, and the majority of this system will be installed under the Stage 5B, Phase I contract. However, a portion of the new power supply system will be installed by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and prior to starting work, P, G & E has requested an advance payment of $25,000 to reimburse them for costs incurred for ordering the new transformer and related engineering costs. The total advance cost to P, G C E will be finalized upon their completion of engineering and contract preparations. It is considered that having Pacific Gas and Electric Company purchase and own the new 20 kv transformer is more advantageous to the District than having the District purchase, own, and maintain the transformer. Recommendation: Authorization to make an advance payment of $25,000 to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company for part of the Emergency Power Supply System. KB: mg Roger Do] n Gener Man ger -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, K. Barker Construction Coordinator VII. NB 3. a 6/15/78 June 13, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ROGER J. DOLAN TO SIGN "AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF DATA FOR COMPUTATION OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGE" WITH EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT ISSUE: EBMUD requires the execution of the attached agreement before water consumption records will be made available. BACKGROUND: When the EQC system was adopted in 1976, water data was obtained from EBMUD through its Walnut Creek office. Since that time, EBMUD has become concerned about the confidential nature of their water records. They now require a formal agreement be signed before releasing water data. Said data is necessary to calculate accurate charges for environmental quality for 1978 -79. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing Roger J. Dolan, General Manager - Chief Engineer to sign "Agreement for Provision of Data for Computation of Sewer Service Charge ". Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager - Engineering Department JLB:JM:sf Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recom ndation Ap raved: u Roger Do an General Manager -Chief Engineer VI. OB 3. 6/15/78 June 8, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2856, FERRY STREET MARTINEZ ISSUE: Improvement to existing downtown Martinez City sewers to alleviate some of the overflow problems. BACKGROUND: On August 25, 1977 funds were authorized ($69,150) to improve the existing downtown Martinez sewers to cure existing problems and accom- modate the added load of the Detention Center connection. Plans and Speci- fications have been completed. The construction cost is estimated at $83,800. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids for DSP 2856, Ferry Street, Martinez. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager - Engineering Department JL.B- DLS:sf Rec. endation Approved: Roge J. olan General Manager--Chief Engineer V11. N8 3. 6/15/78 3. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA a. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Roger J. Dolan to Sign "Agreement for Provision of Data for Computation of Sewer Service Charge" with East Bay Municipal Utility District Res. No. , A Resolution Authorizing Roger J. Dolan, General Manager - Chief Engineer to Execute Agreement for Provision of Data for Computation of Sewer Service Charge b. Claim of Sally K. Smith, 230 Norman Avenue, Clyde, for $1,107.52 in Property Damage c. Appointment of Sandra Lacy to the Position of Records Clerk - Treatment Plant Res. No. , A Resolution Appointing Sandra Lacy to the Position of Records Clerk - Treatment Plant, Range 49 -A, ($949,00), effective June 19, 1978 d. Appointment of Helen Baumgartner to the Position of Records Clerk - Treatment Plant Res. No. , A Resolution Appointing Helen Baumgartner to the Position of Records Clerk - Treatment Plant, Range 49-A, ($949.00), effective July 3, 1978 e. Adoption of 1979 -80 Environmental Quality Charge Res. No. A Resolution Regarding Application of Environmental Quality (Sewer Use) Charges by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for all Served Properties for 1979 -80