HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-04-1978'r FILE, Filed: May 5, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager, Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PRICE BREAKDOWN ON COLOR GRAPHICS PURCHASE REQUEST 1 each Color Graphics Terminal 8001 G $1,925 1 each Color Graphics Terminal 8001 G 3,150 2 each Function Keyboard 24 $0p 2 each Light Pens 28 1,100 2 each 25 inch Tube Assembly 1,000 7,975 Tax 518.37 TOTAL $8,493.37 DGN:j1 Reviewed: Say $8,500 Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Recommendation Approved: sr q- ?A W. C. Dalton Roger J. Dolan Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer General Manager -Chief Engineer May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HALF TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL/RECLAMATION PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION Issue: There is a need for transportation for the plant maintenance division. Background: The water pollution control /reclamation division, comprised of 16 people, is charged with the task of maintaining equipment and structures spread over an area of 250 acres. The maintenance and operations divisions have been sharing one truck. However, due to increased operations workload, the truck is required 100 per cent of the time by operations. Maintenance personnel need to transport tools and equipment to and from each job site. Maintenance per- sonnel are required to be on standby duty for emergency calls. This truck may be used for after hours call out by the standby employee. Presently, there are no vehicles available to cover these needs. RecoiTm endation: Authorization for the purchase of a half ton pickup truck for the water pollution control /reclamation plant maintenance division. DGN:mg Recoa,,menda t i on Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer P CT) P `l '"May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE FOUR --DOOR AUTOMOBILE AND ONE HALF TON PICKUP TRUCK Issue: There exists a need for transportation of Construction Division personnel. Background: The District will perform its own construction management services on the Stage 5B, Phase I contract and for the construction of the new main office building. Additionally, the District will increase its present staff to handle the anticipated litigation involving the ongoing construction contracts. In order to properly coordinate this work, and perform these tasks, a great deal of travel will be required between the various sites of activity. Recommendation: Authorization for the purchase of one four -door automobile and one half ton pickup truck for the use of the Construction Division personnel. KB: mg Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Z, K. Barker Construction Coordinator Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A FOUR -DOOR AUTOMOBILE FOR THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL/ RECLAMATION PLANT Issue: There is a need for an additional automobile for the water pollution control /reclamation plant for transportation of laboratory personnel, samples, and chemical supplies. Background: To comply with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, the water pollution control /reclamation plant laboratory personnel must collect and analyze samples from various points throughout the system. This includes the outfall line and the receiving waters of Suisun Bay. The laboratory is responsible for the proper operation and calibration of continuous monitoring equipment in the plant outfall line. This equipment verifies continuous compliance of discharge limitations. Service of this equipment is often missed due to the absence of needed transportation. Chemi- cals must be prepared in the laboratory and delivered to the continuous analyzers. This is often done by using personal transportation. Recommendation: Authorization for the purchase of a four -door automobile for use at the water pollution control /reclamation plant. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: UPDATING OF CERTAIN CODE SECTIONS AND REVISION OF SEC 11 -306, MULTI - STORIED BUILDING ISSUE: There are a number of Code sections which require updating and these are listed separately and are self explanatory. The portion of Sec 11 -306 dealing with multi- storied buildings was adopted as a stop -gap measure in 1971 and needs a less complex and more equitable formula. BACKGROUND: The multi- storied bulidng fixture mutiples were developed as an ex- tension of the density surcharges for residential uses. The density surcharges were established to provide funds for local sewer replacements (and paralleling) neces- sitated by re- zonings and further urbanization of central city core areas. With a few exceptions most of the older commercial areas in the district were either sewered to out -dated standards of design and construction or were converted from residential uses by re- zonings. After many years of trying to solve this collection system problem on a piece -meal basis, the density surcharges were adopted and the District assumed respon- sibility for system corrections as needed to provide capacity where needed. Since the residential surcharge, or the other classes of charges (which were based mainly on strengths of sewage), did not provide an adequate commercial densification charge, the present multi- storied building surcharge by height of building was adopted after a limited study. The problem with the present schedule lies in the fact that height of building may relate to increased sewer loading in some cases, but due to the variety of uses involved in multi - storied buildings, a surcharge based on height alone is not capable of producing additional revenue in direct relation to additional use -- as does the residential area - density table. Since our intent is to charge for the additional demand on the system, we need a more accurate measure of that demand and a charge based on that increase. The best measuring device we found in our study is the "fixture unit equivalent" as used and defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code, and which we use in our Standard Specifications for sizing of side sewers. Fixture unit requirements are based on the size of the trap required for each type of wastewater fixture installed in a building. They have a direct bearing on flow and potential flow. The F.U.E. study encompassed residential uses, costs per person, costs per gallonage, and F.U.E. per person. The conclusion of our study showed that the residential F.U.E. base was $18 and with the density surcharge went as high as $42 under unusual circumsatance with the normal maximum being $36, and that the commercial surcharge should be directly related to this range rather than height of building. In other words, a charge per F.U.E. which Includes a density surcharge could be applied to commercial multi- storied buildings; regardless of use or height, and it would accurately measure demand on the system and provide the funds to meet that demand in a manner consistant with the residential density surcharge. Rather than a range of charges, a single unit which would vary with the number of wastewater plumbing fixtures installed automatically compensates for densification. Because commercial uses frequently involve use of fixtures by the public or large numbers of persons, and because this surcharge is still a continuation of dense residential uses, the high end of that range is recommended as the base. MEMO: HON. MEM. BD. DIR. Page 2 May 4, 1978 RECOMMENDATION: Insert a F.U.E. table and a uniform charge of $40 per F.U.E. in place of the present multi - storied building table in Sec. 11 -306 and qualify it for buildings over two stories. (One and two storied buildings will be covered by a general or specific use charges). Adopt ordinance -- modifying the code sections as presented. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer 2 SEC. Pages 1,2,4,5 11 -306 MEMO INDEX Revise multi- storied buildings portion in accordance to memo and new insert I MISCELLANEOUS CODE CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS SEC. P. 6 2 -103 Change amount at end of Note to read $200.00 SEC. P. 7 3 -104 Change to include wording of Health & Safety Code Sec. 6523.2 SEC. P. 8 3 -205 Insert after "3 -103" in second sentence, "and Chapter 4" SEC. P. 9 4 -103 Add new section 4 -103 by inserting Sec. 14 -203. Delete old Sec. 14 -203 SEC. P. 10 10 -101 Insert New activity reading " {7} industrial wastewater discharge to the District system" Add to Cross - reference "See Section 8 -404 for industrial wastewater discharge permits" SEC. P. 11 10 -103 Add to first sentence after removing period, "and section 8 -404" SEC. P. 12 10 -107 Add after changing period to comma, "unless stated otherwise on the permit" SEC. P. 13 11 -302 Change Cross- reference to read "See Sec 11 -401 which provides for the termination of elective fixture charges Eliminate the second *CROSS- REFERENCE SEC. P. 14 11, Article 8 Revise title to substitute "FOR" for "PER" I 0 0 Sec. 11 -303. Basic fixture rate schedule for ordinary plumbing-fixtures connected to the sewer system. The charges for connection of the fixtures set forth in this section are as follows: (l) toilet $22.50 (2) floor drain 22.50 (3) lavatory 22.50 (4) bath or shower 67.50 (5) laundry outlet 112.50 (6) sink and auxiliary appliances 112.50 (7) swimming pool backwash .0225 per square foot of pool surface (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, yo -v. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 103, December 19, 1974.) 5] Sec. 11 -304. Special commercial and public fixture charges. The charges for the special commercial and public use fixtures set forth in this Section are as follows, when connection is permitted- garbage grinder and disposal $150 plus $150 per horsepower dental chair, drinking fountain 15 automatic washing machine (under 20 lb. capacity) 375 floor drain 75 typesof special fixtures not listed special study (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as atrended by Ord. 103, December 19, 1974.) Sec. 11 -305. Rate schedule_ for multiple uses. When a fixture listed in the basic fixture schedule set forth in Sec. 11 -303 is used by more than one residential, or commercial user, the fixture charge is the amount reached by multiplying the charge for each fixture by the number of separate users or units able to use the fixture by the fixture multiple set forth in Sec. 11 -306. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 51, Feb. 20, 1964; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -306. Rate schedule for residential uses,_general commercial and miscellaneous uses and multi - storied buildings. The fixture charge for any use is the minimum charge set forth in the following schedule or the amount reached by multiplying the charge for each fixture listed in Sec. 11 -303 by the fixture multiple set forth below, which- ever is the greater. Where the fixture Multiple is designated a "special study ", the extent of use and its effect on the District system is not readily ascertainable and the District shall conduct a study to determine the fixture multiple. Sec. 11 -303. Basic fixture rate schedule for ordinary plumbing-fixtures connected to the sewer system. The charges for connection of the fixtures set forth in this section are as follows: (1) toilet $22.50 (2) floor drain 22.50 (3) lavatory 22.50 (4) bath or shower 67.50 (5) laundry outlet 112.50 (6) sink and auxiliary appliances 112:50 (7) swimming pool backwash .0225 per square foot of pool surface (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 103, December 19, 1974.) 4 -0 Sec. 11 -304. Special commercial and public fixture charges. The charges for the special commercial and public use fixtures set forth in this Section are as follows, when connection is permitted: garbage grinder and disposal $150 plus $190 per horsepower dental chair, drinking fountain 15 automatic washing machine (under 20 lb. capacity) 375 floor drain 75 typesof special fixtures not listed special study (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973;, as amended by Ord. 103, December 19, 1974.) Sec. 11 -305. Rate schedule for multiple uses. When a fixture listed in the basic fixture schedule set forth in Sec. 11 -303 is used by more than one residential, or commercial user, the fixture charge is the amount reached by multiplying the charge for each fixture by the number of separate users or units able to use the fixture by the fixture multiple set forth in Sec. 11 -306. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 51, Feb. 20, 1964; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -306. Rate schedule for residential uses 1 commerc and miscellaneous uses and multi- storied buildings. The fixture charge for any use is the minimum charge set forth in the following schedule or the amount reached by multiplying the charge for each fixture listed in Sec. 11-303 by the fixture multiple set forth below, which- ever is the greater. Where the fixture multiple is designated a "special study ", the extent of use and its effect on the District system is not readily ascertainable and the District shall conduct a study to determine the fixture multiple. o c� The minimum total fixture charges and fixture multiple are as follows: Type of Use RPSidPnP1A1 Living units 05 Fixtures 6 ~ 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 50 aver 51 per gross acre Minimum Charge Per Unit $375.00 337.50 300.00 262.50 225.00 Use multi - storied building Fixture Multiple 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 fixture multiples Multi- storied buildings: The fixture charge shall be at the rate of $40.00 per fixture unit equivalent in accordance with the following table and with the Uniform Plumbing Code for fixtures not listed herein. Residential Type Fixtures Units Special or Commerical Fixtures Units Bathtub 1 -1/2" trap 2 Floor Drain 2" -3" trap 2 -6 Floor Drain 2" It 2 Drinking Fountain 1 -1/4" " 1 Laundry Outlet 1 -1/2" " 2 Dental Unit 1 -1/2" " 1 Shower 2" It 2 Urinal, wall 2" 5 Sink 1--1/2" " 2 Grease Interceptor 2" -3" " 3 -6 Dishwasher 1 -1/2" It 2 Grease & Sand Trap 3'= " 6 Lavatory 1 -1/2" " 1 Air Conditioner 1/2" supply 4 Toilet 3" " 6 Swim, Pool Backwash 3/4" supply 6 Gargage Disposal 1--1/2" " 1 Commercial Carbage Grinder 1" supply 10 Sink 14 -3" trap 3 -6 Laundry Outlet 2" to 4 General Auditorium, bank, bakery, barber or beauty shop, church, cleaning plant, delicatessen, department store, drug store, dog kennel, fire house, grocery, hall, meat market, medical or office building $375 3.0 Types of uses not listed hereon 375 3.0 Cocktail lounge, bar, club, gas station, garage, restaurant, fountain, drive -in, funeral parlor 753 5.0 Convalescent hospital, rest home, hospital 150 per bed Creamery, food processor 750 special study Factory, industry 375 special study Multi -use building, each use 375 by use School 165 per classroom (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 51, Feb. 20, 1954; as amended by Ord. 52, Mar. 5, 1964; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 73, Feb. 25, 1971; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amande'd, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; ameudc-d by Ord. 193, December 19, 1974.) 11 0 0 5 -0 The minimum total fixture charges and fixture multiple are as follows: Type of Use Minimum Charge Residential Per Unit Fixture Multiple Living units per gross acre 0 -5 $375 1.0 6 -10 337.50 1.2 11 -20 300 1.5 21 -30 262.50 1.8 31 -50 225 2.0 over 51 use multi- storied building fixture multiples Multi storied buildings 2 story $2 ?5 3� 0 3sory 25 39 4sory 25 42 5sory 25 45 6 story 2 5 4.8 7 story 2 5 .1 8 story 5 .4 9 story 5 .7 10 s I ory or higher 5 .0 General ' Auditorium, bank, bakery, barber or beauty shop, church, cleaning plant, delicatessen, department store, drug store, dog kennel, fire house, grocery, hall, meat market, medical or office building $375 3.0 Types of uses not listed hereon 375 3.0 Cocktail lounge, bar, club, gas station, garage, restaurant, fountain, drive -in, funeral parlor 753 5.0 Convalescent hospital, rest home, hospital 150 per bed Creamery, .food processor 750 special study Factory, industry 375 special study Multi -use building, each use 315 by use School. 165 per classroom (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 51, Feb. 20, 1964; as amended by Ord. 52, Mar. 5, 1964; as amended by Ord. 67, June 1, 1967; as amended by Ord. 69, Dec. 7, 1967; as amended by Ord. 73, Feb. 25, 1971; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amendad by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 503, June 21, 1973; amend,-d by Ord. 103. Decer.iber 19, 1974.) Sec. 11 -307. Additional charge for change of use. The fixture charge applies to the use made of the sewer at the time the connection is made. If an additional or different use is made of the sewer, an additional charge is imposed for the additional or different use_ The amount of this charge is the difference between the fixture charge paid and the amount applicable under this Article. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) CHAPTER 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.* ARTICLE 1. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. Secs. 2 -101 to 2 -103. ARTICLE 2. MEETINGS. Secs. 2 -201 to 2 -205. ARTICLE 1. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. Sec. 2 -101. Selection and term of President. Sec. 2 -102. Appointment of committees. Sec. 2 -103. Compensation of Board Members. Sec. 2 -101. Selection and term of President. The Board shall choose one of its members as President after each general District election. The President holds office at the pleasure of the majority of the Board and until his successor is chosen. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 2 -102. Appointment of committees. When the Board considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating and recommending with reference to a parti- cular matter. The President shall appoint the members of the committee. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 2 -103. Compensation of Board Members. Each Board Member shall receive compensation in an amount not to exceed fifty Dollars ($50) per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a director by request of the Board, not exceeding a total of four days in any calendar month together with any expenses incident thereto. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 126, August 25, 1977.) NOTE: Section 6489, Health and Safety Code, limits the total compensation a Board Member may receive for any one calendar month. At the date of the adoption of this Code the amount is $200.00. ARTICLE 2. MEET Sec. 2 -201. Sec. 2 -202. Sec. 2 -203. Sec. 2 -204. Sec. 2 -205. INGS. Time and place of regular meetings. Holidays. Adjournment of meetings. Special meetings: calling; notice. Order of business. N. Sec. 2 --201. Time and place of regular meetings. The regular meetings Thursday of each of the Board of D rectors are on the -first and third calendar Walnut Creek, California, month at the office of the at at;time District, 1250 Springbrook Road, exact time to be as from time not earlier than 7:30 P.M. to time fixed by the Board. or later than 8:00 P.N (Adopted by Ord. 50, as amended by Ord. 126, Aug. Dec. 5, 1563; readopted by 25, 1977; Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; WTC: Section 5455',, as amended by Ord. 127, Government Code, Jan. 12, 1978.) in determining gives the time and Board discretion place of regular meetings. O O 6-0 CHAPTER 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.* ARTICLE 1. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. Secs. 2 -101 to 2 -103. ARTICLE 2. MEETINGS. Secs. 2 -201 to 2 --205. ARTICLE 1. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. Sec. 2 -101. Selection and term of President. Sec. 2 -102. Appointment of committees. Sec. 2 -103. Compensation of Board Members. Sec. 2 -101. Selectiop and term of President. The Board shall choose one of its members as President after each general District election. The President holds office at the pleasure of the majority of the Board and until his successor is chosen. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 2 -102. Appointment of committees. When the Board considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating and recommending with reference to a parti- cular matter. The President shall appoint the members of the committee. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 2 -103. Compensation of Board Members. Each Board Member shall receive compensation in an amount not to exceed Fifty Dollars ($50) per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a director by request of the Board, not exceeding a total of four days in any calendar month together with any expenses incident thereto. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 126, August 25, 1977.) NOTE: Section 6489, Health and Safety Code, limits the total compensation a Board Member may receive for any one calendar month. At the date of the adoption-of this Code the amount is ARTICLE 2. MEET Sec. 2 -201. Sec. 2 -202. Sec. 2 -203. Sec. 2 -204. Sec. 2 -205. INGS. Time and place of regular meetings. Holidays. Adjournment of meetings. Special meetings: calling; notice. Order of business. Sec. 2 -201. Time and place of rear meetings. The regular meetings of the Board of D rectors are on the `first and third Thursday of each calendar month at the office of the District, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, California, at at time not earlier than 7:30 P.M. or later than 8:00 P.M. exact time to be as from time to time fixed by the Board. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 126, Aug. 25, 11077; as amended by Ord. 127, Jan. 12, 1978.) "NOTE: Section 54354, Covernhient Code, gives the ooard discretion in determining time and place of regular meetings. *NOTE: The Board of Directors is further regulated in Sections 6400 to 6499, Health and Safety Code. �, n 7 • CHAPTER 3. OFFICERS Ay - �i'IPLOYEES. ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Secs. 3 -101 to 3 -104. ARTICLE 2. GENERAL r1ANAGER- CHIEF ENGINEER Secs. 3 -201 to 3 -205. ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Sect. 3- -101. Salaries and hours of employment to be set by resolution. Sec. 3 -102. Salary reduction in merit system to be proportionate. Sec. 3- -103. Board may fix different rate of compensation for temporary em- ployees. Sec. 3 --104. Right of entry. Sec. 3 -101. Salaries and hours of employment to be set by resolution. The Board shall by resolution establish a schedule of salaries and hours of employment for each position of employment in the merit system_ The Board may by resolution prescribe the payroll period and other con- ditions and benefits of employment. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3--102 . Salary reduction in merit system to be proportionate. The Board may not reduce the salary for one position in the merit system without reducing the salaries proportionately for all positions in the merit system. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -103. Board may fix different rate of compensation for tempora employees. The Board may establish a rate of compensation for a temporary employee different from that of a permanent employee. A temporary employee is an employee hired for emergency or temporary work not exceeding a period of 1.2 Pon the . (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 55, May 21, 1964; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -104. Right to enter on private property and to terminate service: Notice and hearinq Each designated District employee shall carry official evidence establishing his position, and upon exhibiting it, may enter upon on rivate property for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of sanitary and waste disposal facilities. The District may terminate service to prqL>erty in which a violation of an rule or regulation is found to exist. Prior to termination of service, however, the district board shall notify, in writing, the owner and tenant, if any, of such property that service is intended to be so terminated and conduct a hearing thereon as herein provided. Such notice shall be mailed to the owner at the address shown on the records of the assessor of the county or as known to the clerk, and a copy shall be delivered to the tenant or posted consPicuousJY on the pr.operty. This notice shall state the date of proposed termination of service and the reasons therefore and the date the district board shall hold a hearinq upon such intended termin- ation. Such hearin shall nat be held less than 10 days subse uent to the diving of notice as herein required. i Qx) 7-o CILTTER 3. OFFICERS AND DfPLOYEES. ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Secs. 3 -101 to 3 -104. ARTICLE 2. GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER Secs. 3 -201 to 3 -205. ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Sec. 3 -101. Salaries and hours of employment to be set by resolution. Sec. 3 -102. Salary reduction in merit system to be proportionate. Sec. 3 -103. Board may fix different rate of compensation for temporary em- ployees. Sec. 3 -104. Right of entry. Sec. 3 -101. Salaries and hours of employment to be set by resolution. The Board shall by resolution establish a schedule of salaries and hours of employment for each position of employment in the merit system. The Board may by resolution prescribe the payroll period and other con- ditions and benefits of employment. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -102. Salary reduction in merits stem to be pro2ortionate. The Board may not reduce the salary for one position in the merit system without reducing the salaries proprtionately for all positions in the merit system. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -103. Board may fix different rate of compensation for temporary employees. The Board may establish a rate of compensation for a temporary em- ployee different from that of a permanent employee. A temporary employee is an employee hired for emergency or temporary work not exceeding a period of 12 months. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 55, May 21, 1964; readopted by Ord. 50A, Tune 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -104. � RI-F AL of Each District tablishing his po_ " in the ance of %`ode . (Adopted by Ord. 1973.) Note: The right Section 6, ems. ector sh upon exhibiting it, may enter the premises his of duties and in the enforcement of 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, of entry in this section is provided for under 523.2, Eealth and Safety Code. 9 8 ARTICLE 2. GENE Sec. 3 -201. Sec. 3 -202. Sec. 3 -203. Sec. 3 -204. Sec. 3-205. RAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER. Chief administrative officer. Appointment and qualifications of General Manager-Chief Engineer. Authority and responsibility. Duties. General Manager -Chief Engineer may employ assistants. Sec. 3 -201. Chief administrative officer. There is created the office of "General Manager -Chief Engineer ". The General Manager -Chief Engineer is the chief administrative officer of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -202. Appointment and qualifications of General Manager -Chief The Board shall appoint the General Manager -Chief Engineer. The General Manager -Chief Engineer shall be a civil engineer and shall have a certificate of registration in the State of California. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -203. Authority and responsibility. The General Manager -Chief Engineer of the District has the admini- strative authority and responsibility for the operation of the District and the enforcement of all District rules and regulations. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -204. Duties. The General Manager -Chief Engineer shall: (1) establish departments and organize the functions of the District; (2) recommend rules and regulations for adoption, in- cluding specifications and requirements controlling the construction, repair, maintenance and operation of garbage and sewage systems; (3) approve plans and drawings, specifications and des- criptions for work upon sewers in the District; (4) collect fees and charges, issue permits and maintain records of all transactions. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -205. General Manager -Chief Engineer may employ assistants. upon approval of the Board of Directors the General Manager -Chief Engineer may appoint assistants. Each appointment shall be made in ac- cordance with the employment procedures specified in Sections 3 -101, 3 -102 and 3 -103 of this Code. (Adopted b* Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973•) and Chapter 4 0 0 ARTICLE 2. GENE Sec. 3 -201. Sec. 3 -202. Sec. 3 -203. Sec. 3 -204. Sec. 3 -205. RAL Mk AGER -CHIEF ENGINEER. Chief administrative officer. Appointment and qualifications of General Manager -Chief Engineer. Authority and responsibility. Duties. General Manager -Chief Engineer may employ assistants. Sec. 3 -201. Chief administrative officer. There is created the office of "General Manager -Chief Engineer". The General Manager -Chief Engineer is the chief administrative officer of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -202. Appointment and qualifications of General manager-Chief Engineer. The Hoard shall appoint the General Manager -Chief Engineer. The General Manager -Chief Engineer shall be a civil engineer and shall have a certificate of registration in the State of California. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -203. Authority and responsibility. The General Manager- -Chief Engineer of the District has the admini- strative authority and responsibility for the operation of the District and the enforcement of all District rules and regulations. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 3 -204. Duties. The General Manager -Chief Engineer shall: (1) establish departments and organize the iunctiuns of the District; (2) recommend rules and regulations for adoption, in- cluding specifications and requirements controlling the construction, repair, maintenance and operation of garbage and sewage systems; (3) approve plans and drawings, specifications and des- criptions for work upon sewers in the District; (4) collect fees and charges, issue permits and maintain records of all transactions. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5,.1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 197-1.) Sec. 3 -205. General Mana er- C_zief. En sneer ma em ploy. assistants. tipo_z approval of the Board of Directors the General Manager -Chief Engineer may appoint assistants. Each appointment shall ba made in ac- cordance with the employment procedures specified in Sections 3 -101, 3 -102 and 3 -103 of this Code. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) 8 -0 _ _ _ 9 - CHAPTER 4. MERIT TER Ai4D CIVIL SERIVCE CLASSIF ION.* ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Secs. 4--101 to 4 -102. ARTICLE 2. EXENR'TIONS . Sec. 4 -201. ARTICLE 3. CLASSIFICATIONS. Secs. 4 -301 to 4 -418. ARTICLE 4. EXAHINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Secs. 4 -401 to 4 -418. ARTICLE 5. REDUCTION IN PERSONNEL. Secs. 4 -501 to 4 --505. ARTICLE 6. SUSPENSION, DEMOTION AND DISMISSAL_ Secs. 4 -601 to 4 -608. ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Sec, 4 -101. Declaration of policy. Sec. 4 -102. Establishment of merit system. Sec. 4 -101. Declaration of policy. It is the policy of the District to select employees on the basis of merit and to determine merit through practice and competitive examina- tion. In return for faithful service, district employees are entitled to reasonable security of tenure. Tenure shall be dependent upon good be- havior, efficiency, necessity of the work and the appropriation of suf- ficient funds. The acts and decisions of the District shall be in accord- ance with good merit system practices and policies. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 4 -102. Establishment of merit system. The merit system and the positions as classified in the manner prescribed in this Chapter are established. Every classified position is under the merit system except the following: (1) elective officers; (2) professional, technical and expert services furnished to the District under contract. (Adopted by Ord. 50,, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord_ 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 114, Mar. 18, 1976.) Sec. .4 -t03. Conflict of duties of employees. An officer or employee of the District shall not engage in any activity which is inconsistent, incompatible, or it confi..ct wit:► his duties as an officer or employee of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1 1063; readopted by Ord. 50A, Ju►ze 21, ARTICLE 2. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Sec. 4 -201. Statement of Policy_ Sec. 4 -202. Equal Opportunity Sec. 4 -203. Dissemination of Policy. Sec. 4 -201. Statement of Polic It is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to recruit, hire, and promote for all job classifications without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex or age. The same policy applies to transfers, promotions, compensation, benefits, District sponsored training, education, social and recreational programs and for all layoff and return - from - Layoff practices. CHAPTER 4. MERIT SYSTEM AND CIVIL SERIVCE CLASSIFICATION.* ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Secs. 4 -101 to 4 -102. ARTICLE 2. EXEMPTIONS. Sec. 4-201. ARTICLE 3. CLASSIFICATIONS. Secs. 4 -301 to 4 -418. ARTICLE 4. EXAMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Secs. 4 -401 to 4 -418. ARTICLE 5. REDUCTION IN PERSONNEL. Secs. 4 -501 to 4 -505. ARTICLE 6. SUSPENSION, DEMOTION AND DISMISSAL. Secs. 4 -601 to 4 -608. ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Sec. 4 -101. Declaration of policy. Sec. 4 -102. Establishment of merit system. Sec. 4 -101. Declaration of colic It is the policy of the District to select employees on the basis of merit and to determine merit through practice and competitive examina- tion. In return for faithful service, District employees are entitled to reasonable security of tenure. Tenure shall be dependent upon good be- havior, efficiency, necessity of the work and the appropriation of suf- ficient funds. The acts and decisions of the District shall be in accord- ance with good merit system practices and policies. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 4 -102. Establishment of merit system. The merit system and the positions as classified in the manner prescribed in this Chapter are established. Every classified position is under the merit system except the following: (1) elective officers; (2) professional, technical and expert services furnished to the District under contract. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 114, Mar. 18, 1976.) ARTICLE 2. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Sec. 4 -201. Statement of Policy. Sec. 4 -202. Equal Opportunity Sec. 4 -203. Dissemination of Policy. Sec. 4 -201. Statement of Policy. It is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to recruit, hire, and promote for all job classifications without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex or age. The same policy applies to transfers, promotions, compensation, benefits, District sponsored training, education, social and recreational programs and for all layoff and return- from - layoff practices. CHAPTER 10. PERMITS AND LICENSES. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Secs. 10 -101 to 10 --108. ARTICLE 2. REQUIREr�ENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Secs. 10 -201 to 10 -212. ARTICLE 3. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS. Secs. 10 -301 to 10 -303. ARTICLE 4. FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMITS. Sec. 10 -401. ARTICLE 5. OWNERS SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT Secs. 10 -501 to 10 -509. ARTICLE 1. GENER Sec. 10 -101. Sec. 10 -102. Sec. 10 -103. Sec. 10 -104. Sec. 10 -105. Sec. 10 -106. Sec. 10 --107. Sec. 10 -108. AL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Permit required. Permit application. Permit form and agreement. Inspection. Notice that work is ready for inspection. Changes in terms of permit. Effective period of permit. Permits not transferable. Sec. 10 -101. Permit required. A person engaging in any of the following activities shall obtain a permit from the District: (1) construction or repair of a trunk, main, or side sewer; (2) connection to a trunk, main or side sewer; (3) excavation within the paved surface of a public right of way for the purpose of working on a sewer; (4) engaging in the business of cleaning septic tanks; (5) disposing waste from a septic tank into the District system; (6) discharging contents of a swimming pool into a sewer, subject to the provisions of Section 8 --308. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, . 197 ° 5 0ss -1 e en e. a ec on tar perk t ea, as ection 11- for fee for disposing of septic tank waste into the District system. 102 See Section 8 -404 for industrial wa ewafier diG,_.haX:g „&,,,,- Sec. 10 -102. Permit application. The applicant for permit shall submit: (1) a description of the work proposed, including costs; (2) the location of the work; (3) the date the work will begin; and (4) the names of each person who may perfo_m the work. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 --103. Permit form and agreement. The Genera?. Manager -Chief Engineer tray prescribe the fora of permit application and require information in addition to that required by Section 10 -102. The signature of the applicant on the permit application is an agreement to comply with the rules and regulation of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) 50 10 J CHAPTER 10. PERMITS AND LICENSES. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Secs. 10 -101 to 10 -108. ARTICLE 2. REQUIRa ENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Secs. 10 -201 to 10 -212. ARTICLE 3. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS. Secs. 10 -301 to 10 --303. ARTICLE 4. FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMITS. Sec. 10 -401. ARTICLE 5. OWNERS SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT Secs. 10 -501 to 10 -509. ARTICLE 1. - GENERAL PROVISIONS ANrD ADMINISTRATION. Sec. 10 -101. Permit required. Sec. 10 -102. Permit application. Sec. 10 -103. Permit form and agreement. Sec. 10 -104. Inspection. Sec. 10 -105. Notice that work is ready for inspection. Sec. 10 -106. Changes in terms of permit. Sec. 10 -107. Effective period of permit. Sec. 10 -108. Permits not transferable. Sec. 10 -101. Permit required. A person engaging in any of the following activities shall obtain a permit from the District: (1) construction or repair of a trunk, main, or side sewer; (2) connection td a trunk, main or side sewer; (3) excavation within the paved surface of a public right of way for the purpose of working on a sewer; (4) engaging in the business of cleaning septic tanks; (5) disposing waste from a septic tank into the District system; (6) discharging contents of a swimming pool into a sewer, subject to the provisions of Section 8 --308. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Section 11 -101 for permit fee, and Section 11 -102 for fee for disposing of septic tank waste into the District system. _Sec. 10 -102. Permit ap location. The applicant for permit shall submit: (1) a description of the work proposed, including costs; (2) the location of the work; (3) the date the work will begin; and (4) the names of each person who may perform the work. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50x1, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -103. Permit form and agreement. The (;eneraZ 'manager -Chief Engineer may prescribe the fora of permit application and require information in addition to that required by Section 10 --102. The signature of the applicant on the permit application is an agreement to comply with the rules and regulation of tha District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1903; as attended by Ord. 50A, .Tune 21, 1973.) 0 0 CHAPTER 10. PERMITS AND LICENSES. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Secs. 10 -101 to 10 --108. ARTICLE 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Secs. 10 --201 to 10 -212. ARTICLE 3. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS. Secs. 10 -301 to 10 -303. ARTICLE 4. FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMITS. Sec. 10 -401. ARTICLE 5. OWNERS SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT Secs. 10 -501 to 10 -509. ARTICLE 1. GENER Sec. 10 -101. Sec. 10 -102. Sec. 10 -103. Sec. 10 -104. Sec. 10 -105. Sec. 10 -106. Sec. 10 -107. Sec. 10 -108. AL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Permit required. Permit application. Permit form and agreement. Inspection. Notice that work is ready for inspection. Changes in terms of permit. Effective period of permit. Permits not transferable. Sec. 10 -101. Permit re uired. A person engaging in any of the following activities shall obtain a permit from the District: (1) construction or repair of a trunk, main, or side sewer; (2) connection to a trunk, main or side sewer; (3) excavation within the paved surface of a public right of way for the purpose of working on a sewer; (4) engaging in the business of cleaning septic tanks; (5) disposing waste from a septic tank into the District system; (b) discharging contents of a swimming pool into a sewer, subject to the provisions of Section 8 --308. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Section 11 -101 for permit fee, and Section 11 -102 for fee for disposing of septic tank waste into the District system. Sec. 10 --102. Permit application. The applicant for permit shall submit: (1) a description of the work proposed, including costs; (2) the location of the work; (3) the date the work will begin; and (4) the names of each person who may perform the work. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -103. Permit form and agreement. The General Manager - -Chief Engineer may prescribe the form of permit application and require information in addition to that required by Section 10 -10 The signature of the applicant on the permit application is an agreeme t to comply with the rules and regulation of the District. (Adopte by Ord., 50, Dec. 5, 1953; as amended by Ord. 50A, Juno 21, 1973.) and section 8 -404. ¢n 11 0 0 CHAPTER 10. PERMITS AND LICENSES. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Secs. 10 -101 to 10 -108. ARTICLE 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Secs. 10 -201 to 10 -212. ARTICLE 3. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS. Secs. 10 -301 to 10 -303. ARTICLE 4. FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMITS. Sec. 10 -401. ARTICLE 5. OWNERS SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT Secs. 10 -501 to 10 -509. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION. Sec. 10 -101. Permit required. Sec. 10 -102. Permit application. Sec. 10-103. Permit form and agreement. Sec. 10 -104. Inspection. Sec. 10 -105. Notice that work is ready for inspection. Sec. 10 -106. Changes in terms of permit. Sec. 10 -107. Effective period of permit. Sec. 10 --108. Permits not transferable. Sec. 10 -101. Permit required. A person engaging in any of the following activities shall obtain a permit from the District: (1) construction or repair of a trunk, main, or side sewer; (2) connection to a trunk, main or side sewer; (3) excavation within the paved surface of a public right of way for the purpose of working on a sewer; 11 -0 (4) engaging in the business of cleaning septic tanks; (5) disposing waste from a septic tank into the District system; (6) discharging contents of a swimming pool into a sewer, subject to the provisions of Section 8 -308. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Section 11 -101 for permit fee, and Section 11 -102 for fee for disposing of septic tank waste into the District system. Sec. 10 -102. Permit a location. The applicant for permit shall submit: (1) a description of the work proposed, including costs; (2) the location of the work; (3) the date the work will begin; and (4) the names of each person who may perform the work. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -'03. Permit form and agreement. The General Manager -Chief Engineer may prescribe the form of permit application and require information in addition to that required by Section 10 -102. The signature of the applicant on taa permit application is an agreement to comply with the rules and regulation of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sn Sec. 10 -104. Inspection. The District shall inspect the work done under each permit. If the work does not meet DLstrict standards and requirements, the District may order disconnection, or other corrective measures at the expense of the permit holder. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference; See Section 11 -101 for inspection fees. 12 Sec. 10 -105. Notice that work is ready for inspection. The holder of the permit shall advise the District that the work is ready for inspection on a normal working day by giving written notice to this effect at least forty -eight (48) hours in advance of the time he desires inspec (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, i 1973; ameu(;ed by LOy, Noveitiber 6, IM.) Sec. 10 -106. Changes in terms of permit. �- At any time before work under a permit is complete, the District may change any term of the permit. This Section applies to permits outstanding on the date this section takes effect. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -101. Effective period of permit. A permit is effective for a period of 6 months from the date it is issued# unless stated otherwise on the permit. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -108. Permits not transferable. A permit is not transferable. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) ARTICLE 2. REQUI Sec. 10 -201. Sec. 10-202. Sec. 10 -203. Sec. 10 -204. Sec. 10 -205. Sec. 10 -206. Sec. 10 -207. Sec. 10 -208. Sec. 10 -209. Sec. 10 -210. Sec. 10 -211. Sec. 10-21.2. RMENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Insurance required. Cash deposit for sewer construction permit. Deposit required before permit. Condition of cash deposit. Forfeiture of deposit. Notice and hearing of forfeiture and order to correct work. District may correct work and deduct cost from deposit. District may correct work if permit violation creates emergency. Increasing deposit. Return of cash deposits. Continuing deposit by contractor licensed under state law. Disposition of deposits. 01 c.� Sec. 10 -104. Ins ectian. The District shall inspect the work done under each permit. If the work does not meet District standards and requirements, the District may order disconnection, or other corrective measures at the expense of the permit holder. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Szction 11 -101 for inspection fees. Sec. 10 -105. Notice that work is ready for inspection. The holder of the permit shall advise the District that the work is ready for inspection on a normal working day by giving written notice to this effect at least forty -eight (48) hours in advance of the time he desires inspec (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, i 1973; amended by O.ct. 109, Ni ovember 6, ].975.) Sec. 10 -106. Changes in terms At any time before work u change any term of the permit. on the date this section takes (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 1973.) of permit. :-der a permit is complete, the District may This Section applies to permits outstanding effect. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, Sec. 10 -107. Effective Reriod of 2 rznit. A permit is effective for a period of 6 months from the date it is issued. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 10 -108. Permits not transferable. A permit is not transferable. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) ARTICLE 2. REQUI Sec. 10 -201. Sec. 10 -202. Sec. 10 --203. Sec. 10 -204. Sec. 10 -205. Sec. 10 -206. Sec. 10 -207. Sec. 10 -208. Sec. 10 -209. Sec. 10 -210. Sec. 10 -211. Sec. 10 -212. RELENTS FOR APPLICANTS. Insurance required. Cash deposit for sewer construction permit. Deposit required before permit. Condition of cash deposit. Forfeiture of deposit. Notice and hearing of forfeiture and order to correct work. District may correct work and deduct cost from deposit. District may correct work if permit violation creates emergency. Increasing deposit. Return of cash deposits. Continuing deposit by contractor licensed under state law. Disposition of deposits. 13 Sec. 11 -208. Time o playment of annexation charge. The annexation charge is due when the property is annexed to the District. However, the District may grant a deferment of payment until each structure built on the territory annexed has been made ready for connection to the District sewer system. As sewer service is provided to each property upon which a structure is located, that property, or portions thereof, shall be charged its proportionate amount of total annexation charge due which amount shall be paid prior to actual connection. (Adopted by Ord. 60, Jan. 21, 1965; as amended by Ord. 86, as amended, June 1,. 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -209. Inclusion of charge in special assessments. The annexation charge may be collected by or included in a special assessment upon the property benefited. (Adopted by Ord. 60, Jan. 21, 1965; as amended by Ord. 86, as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) ARTICLE 3. FIXTURE CHARGES.* Sec. 11 -301. Definitions. Sec. 11 -302. Fixture charge established. Sec. 11 -303. Basic fixture rate schedule for ordinary plumbing fixtures connected to the sewer system. Sec. 11 -304. Special commercial and public fixture charges. Sec. 11 -305. Rate schedule for multiple uses. Sec. 11 -306. Rate schedule for residential uses, general commercial and miscellaneous uses and multi- storied buildings. Sec. 11 -307. Additional charge for change of use. Sec. 11 -308. Fixture charge due upon connection. Sec._11 -301. Definitions. In this Article unless the context otherwise requires: (1) the basic fixture rate schedule is the list of charges for connection of individual plumbing fixtures ordinarily used (Sec. 11 -303). (2) "fixture multiple" means the number of times that the amount listed for a fixture in the basic fixture rate schedule is multiplied to reach the amount of total fixture charge. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 52, Mar. 5, 1964; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -302. Fixture charge established. A person desiring to connect to either a public sewer in the District or a sewer flowing into a public sewer in the District shall pay a fixture charge to the District. The fixture charge is in addition to all other fees and charges. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Sec. 11 --401 which provides for the termination of elective fixture charges. 13 -o Sec. 11 --208. Time of payment of annexation charge. The annexation charge is due when the property is annexed to the District. However, the District may grant a deferment of payment until each structure built on the territory annexed has been made ready for connection to the District sewer system. As sewer service is provfded to each property upon which a structure is located, that property, or portions thereof, shall be charged its proportionate amount of total annexation charge due which amount shall be paid prior to actual connection. (Adopted by Ord. 60, Jan. 21, 1965; as amended by Ord. 86, as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -209. Inclusion of charge in s ecial assessments. The annexation charge may be collected by or included in a special assessment upon the property benefited. (Adopted by Ord. 60, Jan. 21, 1965; as amended by Ord. 86, as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) ARTICLE 3. FIXTURE CHARGES.* Sec. 11 -301. Definitions. Sec. 11 -302. Fixture charge established. Sec. 11 -303. Basic fixture rate schedule for ordinary plumbing fixtures connected to the sewer system. Sec. 11 -304. Special commercial and public fixture charges. Sec. 11 -305. Rate schedule for multiple uses. Sec. 11 -306. Rate schedule for residential uses, general commercial and miscellaneous uses and multi- storied buildings. Sec. 11 -307. Additional charge for change of use. Sec, 11 -308. Fixture charge due upon connection. Sec. 11 -301. Definitions. In this Article unless the context otherwise requires: (1) the basic fixture rate schedule is the list of charges for connection of individual plumbing fixtures ordinarily used (Sec. 11 -303). (2) "fixture multiple" means the number of times that the amount listed for a fixture in the basic fixture rate schedule is multiplied to reach the amount of total fixture charge. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 52, Mar. 5, 1964; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11 -302. Fixture charge established. A person desiring to connect to either a public sewer in the District or a sewer flowing into a public sewer in the District shall pay a fixture charge to the District. The fixture charge is in addition to all other fees and charges. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Cross - reference: See Sec. 11 -401 which allows certain non - residential users to pay an elective fixture charge instead of the fixture charge. *CROSS - REFERENCE: A special service charge for connection in addition to the charges in this Article may be imposed under Section 8 -304 which applies to a connection involving an unusual use. r, 1 0 0 .. _Sec. 11 -717_. Government or ublic premises. The provisions of this Article shall apply to governmental or public premises as well as to premises which are not governmental or public pre- mises. As used herein the terms "governmental or public premises" means and includes premises which are owned, controlled or used by (1) the United States Government or any department or agency thereof, (2) the State of California or any department or agency thereof, (3) any city, county, town or city and county or any of their departments or agencies, (4) any school district, (5) any other governmental or public entity. (Adopted by Ord. 86 as amended, June 11, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; readopted by Ord. 117, stay 11, 1976.) ARTICLE 8. USE OF TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION. Sec. 11 -801. District may elect to use tax roll for collection. Sec. 1.1 -801. District may elect to use tax roll for collection. The District may elect to use the tax roll on which general District taxes are collected for the collection of current or delinquent charges for services and facilities furnished by the District. Said election is pursuant to Sec. 5470 et seq. of the Health and Safety Code. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 117, May 11, 1976.) rAI 0 14 -0 Sec. 11 -717. Government or public vremises. The provisions of this Article shall apply to governmental or public premises as well as to premises which are not governmental or public pre- mises. As used herein the terms "governmental or public premises" means and includes premises which are owned, controlled or used by (1) the United States Government or any department or agency thereof, (2) the State of California or any department or agency thereof, (3) any city, county, town or city and county or any of their departments or agencies, (4) any school district, (5) any other governmental or public entity. (Adopted by Ord. 86 as amended, June 11, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; readopted by Ord. 117, May 11, 1976.) ARTICLE 8. USE OF TAX ROLL PER COLLECTION. Sec. 11 -801. District may elect to use tax roll for collection. Sec. 11 -801. District may elect to use tax roll for collection. The District may elect to use the tax roll on which general District taxes are collected for the collection of current or delinquent charges for services and facilities furnished by the District. Said election is pursuant to Sec. 5470 et seq. of the Health and Safety Code. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973; as amended by Ord. 117, May 11, 1976.) 75 0 0 Sec. 14-203. Conflict of duties of emeloyees. An officer or employee in the classified service shall not engage in any activity which is inconsistent, incompatible, or in conflict with his duties as an officer or employee of the District. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; readopted by Ord. 50P, June 21, 1973.) Auditor-Controller offic Finance Building PJlartiovm, California 94553 (415) 372.2181 IS / 4sista • t . ' Donald L. Bouchot Acting Auditor - Controller Contra Divisions Costa Accounting Nicholas G. Morris 372 -226 Charge Baidgets County Charles D. Thompson 372 -2i Cost Accounting James A. Horst 372 -2895 Data Processing Glen C. Taylor $72.2377 Internal Audit John A. Aylard 372.2161 Purchasing ✓ William A. Schmidt 372 -217: Systems Arthur T. Sturges$ 372 -2157 Special Districts /Taxes April 28, 1978 Sam Kimoto 372 -2236 District The Behr Bill (SBl) and the proposed follaa --up legislation (AB 1840, lbri) requires the county auditor to conpute rnximunn tax rates and transmit such rates to the governing board of each local agency within 30 days of completion of the local roll. The bill also provides that such rm.� .mum tax rates shall be for general purpose only based on the 1977 -78 levied tax rate. This cleans that any override items that you specifically levied (additional tax as allowed by Sections 2270 to 2279, Revenue and Taxation Code, such as employee retirement, principal -and interest on debt repayment, federal and court mandates, etc.) must be removed from your 1977 -73 tax rate: In this connection, please provide us w3.th your 1977 -78 tax rate with all levied override rates renoved. Ina, -Mich as we are planning and preparing For the mandates of this legislation, your providing us with this ini'ormation as early as possible will be appreciated. Please note that our calculating your maxinz:n tax rates is a require - r. nt. Unless you provide us with the tax rate, we will not be able to co Tute your maximnn tax rate and thus you will not be able to set tax rates for your district. Very truly yours, DONALD L. BOUCHET Acting Auditor- Coatroller By... `.�- Sam Kinoto Deputy County Auditor SK :MP ci ak 0 r]:) r ?4 cc fn >' c;3 • S X13 ".". ��— ;� _ � eft .� (• r; li � P` t: 4 1? ;u UII. NB 10 5/4/78 May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RESTORATION OF HOLDING BASINS AT PLANT (PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION OF $10,000) ISSUE: Since completion of the two contracts for construction of the holding basins under Grant Project C06 -0501 in 1974, it has been necessary to utilize portions of these basins for other construction - related purposes, and restoration is vital to plant operation. BACKGROUND: The holding basins were conceived in 1967 and completed at a cost of $815,000 (excluding land) in 1974. They are a unique and vital adjunct to our treatment plant. During the construction of the 5A projects, it has been necessary for economic and control reasons to use portions of the holding basins for sludge, supernatant, and alum sludge storage, and to store excess excavated materials and debris in them. It has also been expedient to construct interior levees and change flow patterns to meet control and discharge requirements. Many of these interim uses have changed the conditions of the ponds and must be corrected. We are also studying a plan of drainage which will permit a substantial increase in basin capacity. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $10,000 to study and prepare a plan of action for the restoration and improvement of the holding basins at the treatment plant. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Recommendation Approved: Roger J. D lan General Manager -Chief Engineer May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIREXTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3814, ST. RT. 4, GRAYSON CREEK TO WALNUT CREEK AND AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT BACKGROUND: Subsequent to executing utilities agreement No. U.T. 466.61 for the relocation of existing District facilities, the Board authorized staff to advertise DSP 2814 for bids 4 -6 -78 and such were received 5 -3 -78. Engineering Department staff has reviewed and checked bids submitted from eight contractors and the firm of Burdick Contractors, Inc., is the ap- parent low bidder at $383,057.00 (See attached bid tabulation). District staff estimated the cost of the work under contract at $363.085 in December 1977 and projected this cost at an inflation rate of 7�% to $390,315+ for 1978. Total projected project cost, authorized by the Utilities Agreement (U.T. 466.61) is $469,000. Including the low bid received of $383,057, the revised total estimated project cost is $466,527. Thirty thousand dollars was previously authorized on 5 -5 -77, which leaves a balance of $436,527.00 to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Subject only to concurrance by the State, award contract for the construction of ASP 2814 to Burdick Contractors, Inc., and authorize the amount of $436,527 ($383,057 contract, $53,470 construction contingency and incidentals). Respectfully submitted, �l Jack L. Best Ma ager- Engineering Department JLB:mm Attachment Z n ation Approved: . Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $1,200 FOR A MOBILE RADIO FOR THE MATER POLLUTION CONTROURECLAMATION PLANT SENIOR ENGINEER, PLANT OPERATIONS Issue: Mobile communications are very beneficial between plant operations, Pump station operations, and other District equipment. Background: The District's water pollution control /reclamation plant, Senior Engineer of Plant Operations is on call 24 hours per day. The plant has a base radio station for long distance communications with District: equipment in addition to the interplant radio system. A mobile radio will permit long distance communications between the plant, the District office, and other radio - equipped vehicles. With this radio, information and instructions can be transmitted while on route in response to emergency calls. This will permit fuller utilization of District equipment. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,200 for the purchase and installation of a mobile radio in the vehicle of the Senior Engineer, Plant Operations. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved- Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 3 5/4/78 May 4, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT OFFICE BUILDING OVER DISTRICT EASEMENT NEAR NORTHEAST CORNER OLD TUNNEL ROAD AND PLEASANT HILL ROAD IN LAFAYETTE AREA - JOB 1565 PARCEL MISC. ISSUE: Mr. Ken DeFrees, the site developer, has requested permission to speak to the Board regarding staff's decision not to allow any building over our easement which crosses their property. BACKGROUND: Mr. DeFrees has presented plans for our review that indicate a portion of his proposed building would be constructed on columns above our easement with about 7 feet of overhead clearance. After revew, staff decided not to grant his request. RECOMHENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of construction over existing pipeline. Relocate line or pull structure back from easement. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best manager- Engineering Department JLB:WG Attach. Reco endation Approved: Roger . Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer 0 VI. OB May 4, 1978 5/4/7 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: FIRST ANNUAL INTEREST ALLOWANCE AND FEE SURCHARGE FOR REBATE INSTALLATIONS ISSUE: Ordinance 128 (Code Section 9 -702) provides for annual review and increase, if justified, of installers recovery amounts and rebate fees charged. BACKGROUND: This first action under this new code section will increase rebate fees beginning July 1, 1978. Rebate recoveries will be increased by the same percentage beginning July 1, 1979. We have reviewed the ENR Construction Cost Index and other related indexes between March 1977 and March 1978 which would apply to sewer construction and value and recommend a six percent (6%) increase. The depreciation we recommend is based on a 100 year economic life for sewer pipe lines or one percent (1%) per year. RECOMMENDATION: Increase all rebate fees by five percent (5 %) effective July 1, 1978, and rebate recovery amounts in all installers accounts by five percent (5 %) on July 1, 1979. Respectfully submitted, U3 W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm A endJ n pproved: SO&." J. n General Manager -Chief Engineer May 2, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $2,614.59 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR THE FABRICATION OF PIPING FOR TWO SUMP PUMPS IN THE DRAINAGE SUlIPS ADJACENT TO THE AERATION AND NITRIFICATION TANKS Issue: The Phase I contract does not provde for the installation of sump pumps in the northwest and south drainage sumps adjacent to the aeration tanks. Back &round: Because of contractual commitments, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District purchased the sump pumps required for the north- west and south drainage sumps. These drainage sumps serve the aeration and nitrification tanks, the secondary clarifiers, and the final clarifiers. These 10 -inch pumps were previously purchased by the District for the sumps. Due to the District personnel's workload, it is more practical to hire an outside contractor to fabricate piping for these pumps. These sumps are approximately twenty -five feet deep. Recommendation: Authorization of $2,614.59 from the field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for the fabrication of piping for two sump pumps. DGN:s1 Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations 0 0 May 2, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $4,882.39 EXPENDITURES FROM THE STAGE 5A, PHASE I CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT Issue: The following expenditures were made from the 5A, Phase I construction account and are submitted for your approval: Description Cost Authorized Pipe Fabrication for two Sump Pumps $ 2,614.59 75,305.95 adjacent to the A/N tanks Electrical work including rewiring 2,267.60 strainer controls and power for machine shop $ 4,882.19 Previously Approved Expenditures 25,305.95 Total Expended $30,188.14 Recommendation: Board approval of $4,882.19 expenditures from the 5A Phase I construction account and reimbursement of this amount to the construction account. DGN:mg Rec endation A proved: Roger . olan General nager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, "-C/. (2. gi—e-- D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations May 1, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED AND ITS RECORDING No. Grantee 1. M. R. Wolfe, et ux JLB:sf Job No. Parcel No. 2876 2 VII. NB 2 5/4/78 Area Remarks Orinda Sewer realigned. New Easement granted (see New Business No. 1, above) Respectfully submitted, 7 < Jack L. est Ma''ager- Engineering Department Approved: Roge J. inager-Chief n General Engineer 0 VII. NB 11 May 1, 1978 8/4/71 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE FOR 1978 -79 ISSUE: The early fixing of the EQ charge permits better scheduling of work for collection on the tax rolls, and removes one variable from the budget process. BACKGROUND: The Revenue Program as prepared by Brown & Caldwell in cooperation with staff proposes a rate of $78.00 for both 1977 -78 and 1978 -79. A pre - budget review of District finances indicates that an increase in rate might be necessary for 1978 -79 if we had not developed a surplus last year. However, with that surplus and the Board of Directors' stated intention of using it to hold the EQ charge level as long as possible, we can make this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the 1977 -78 Environmental Quality rate schedule for use in the 1978 -79 fiscal year. (We will prepare the necessary Resolutions for adoption at our next meeting.) Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:mm Re mendati0 Ap oved: Ro�J. an General Manager -Chief Engineer 0 0 VII. NB 8 5/4/78 April 27, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $200 REGISTRATION FEES FOR ASSESSMENT TRAINING WORKSHOP IN SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE, 1978 ISSUE: Cooperative Personnel Services is conducting an Assessment Center Training Course in San Francisco on June 28 and 29, 1978. BACKGROUND: This course will assist Gail Koff, District Personnel Officer, in developing alternate examination testing methods for our selection process. It will also give her an in- depth understanding of the issues and strategies involved in administering public agency assessment centers. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Gail Koff to attend workshop: Registration $175.00 Transportation 20.00 Meal Allowance 5.00 $200.00 Respectfully submitted, Gail Koff Personnel Officer GK: mm Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Ap 4J.olan by- "Y General Manager -Chief Engineer Q April 27, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER $8,500 FROM THE EXISTING 1977 -78 BUDGETED FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO INTECOLOR 8001G COLOR GRAPHICS COMPUTER TERMINALS Issue: The Plant Operations Engineer and Computer Engineer do not have computer terminals in their offices. VII. NS 7 8/4/78 Background: Under the Stage 5A, Phase I contract, computer terminals were located in the Plant Manager's office, the Maintenance Superintendent's office, the Laboratory, and computer room. These terminals are required in order to interface to the main computer Management Information Services package, viz operations data logs, efficiency reports, trend plots, his- torical data review, maintenance information; scheduling, and parts inven- tory. It is recommended that these two requested terminals be low cost color graphics units manufactured by Intelligent Systems Corporation (ISC). Purchase of these units at this time will enable the District to take advantage of a discount to first -time purchasers with a resultant savings of $1,255. Recommendation: Authorization to transfer $8,500 from the existing 1977 -78 budgeted un s, for the purchase of two Intecoior 8001G color graphics computer terminals. DGN :mg Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, <P (-,� )//'V, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Cofer 661661unkates faster. Barley (Teter, Taylor lj`s uments, ICiow "_Chem cal, International Paper ACCO Bristol. PPG Industries come from a long list of industry leaders who have integrated our I ntecolor 8001 color data terminal into their systems — sophisticated systems that demand critical control Now we can bring you the Intecolor8001G. the same precision terminal with a special colorgraph cs package as a standard feature. at con- FM wcv f iar u mdre ana Sottwa re graphics 148 lines by 80 characters with two dif- ferent character heights • Eight foreground colors. Pius eight background colors for additional definition - Character and line Insert and delete • Page roll -up • 64 Stan- dard Instrument Society of America char- acters • Plotting capability on a 160 by 192 matrix • Expanded keyboard with cursor and color controls • 19" display A 25" unit with the same standard features is available at slightly extra cost We guarantee del very of your Inteco or 8001 G evaluation unit for or more. Get-the jump on your compe- tition without outspending your eom- pet tion, Get the 15tecolor 80Q1G. 13 Intelligent Systems Corp., 5%5 Peachtree Corners East Norcross Georgia 30071 Telephone 404 -449 -5961 TWX 810.766 -1581 Color eommandeates faster. *U.S domesut prke VII. NB 4 5/4/78 April 27, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO COUNTY No. Job No. Tract No. Area Remarks 1. 1597 M.S. 192 -77 Alamo Our existing easement is within Pcl.48 area dedicated to C.C. County for Bunce Meadows Drive. Short form, we retain prior rights. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Mager-Engi neering Department JLB:sf Approved: RWan General Manager -Chief Engineer April 26, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 61 (LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS - THIESSEN - 5 LOTS) ISSUE: Pursuant to District Ordinance 95 implementing the CEQA of 1975, we have completed an Environmental Impact Assessment for District Annex- ation No. 61, which concludes that a Negative Declaration should be prepared. BACKGROUND: Upon direction by the Board to prepare a Negative Declaration, the staff will post public notice of the Board's intention to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to prepare a Negative Declaration to be submitted for Resolution on May 4, 1978. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:DLS:sf Recommendati pproved: Rage J. lan General M nager -Chief Engineer