HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-16-1978VII. NB 3 2/16/, February 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR TWO PARCELS, P.A. 78 -9 DANVILLE AREA AND P.A. 78 -10 WALNUT CREEK AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT .0 �o • Board Action tGP Pt' Qa `ot� ePaatea 0y � Pt66 o Gt�0!11 0 78 -9 DANV YES 1.03 V. J. SPEAKS Owner will extend existing 291 Cross Rd. sewer to serve this parcel. Danville, CA 196 - 110 -11 YES 4.31 NEIL CHRISTENSEN, ET UX No present plans for devel 170 Oak Road opment. The owners are dev - Danville, CA opers and would like to have 196- 100 -09 & 10 this property included in District boundaries.Owners 78 -10 W.C. YES 3+ R. J. GALLAGHER live on Parcel -09 c/o Merritt Restaurant Property to be split into residential building sites. 203 East 18th St. Property to be annexed to City Oakland, CA of W.C. Tentative approval -- for split by the city. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Parcels 78 -9 and 78 -10 to be included in pending annexation to the District. WCD:WG:sf ARec datio prove d: DMa ager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Z//,�// _Zg o c, February 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer FOR: ENGINEERS REPORT - BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1968 I. PROGRESS REPORT ON LOCATING A SEPARATE SITE FOR ADMINISTRATION AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS We contacted Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Company to investigate availability of land and /or buildings in the general Walnut Creek area. The criterion we furnished them was a 3 or 4 story building having a minimum total of 20,000 square feet. Including landscaping and parking, it appears we need a 1 -1/2 to 2 acre site. Based on these guidelines, Grubb & Ellis submitted the following available sites and /or buildings for our consideration: A layout of a 3 -story building is being prepared by staff. The first floor has areas for a lobby, boardroom (100 seat capacity), permit division, surveyors, inspectors, mechanical room, restrooms, etc., which would require approximately 10,000 square feet including space for hallways, stairs and elevators. The middle floor will contain the majority of the Engineering staff and the top floor will house Administration. J S McCoy Senior Engineer Site Area Price Problems 1. Ygnacio Valley 100,000 S.F. $2.70 /S.F.= Remote; Sub- & No. Wiget $270,000 dividing 2. No. Civic & 320,000 S.F. $7.00 /S.F.= Recently sold Pine or 7.35 Ac. $2,240,000 3. Treat & 3.64 Ac $2.49/S.F.= Zoning Oak Road $400,000 4. Taylor Blvd At 3.44 Ac $1.41 /S.F.= Access; Norse Dr.,P.H. $212,000 Location 5. Monument Plaza & 57.374 S.F. $3 to $5.50 Size, Cleaveland, P.H. per S.F. Location 6. Olympic Blvd 9.4 Ac $3 to $5 Zoning per S.F. 7. Camino Diablo 5.2 Ac $0.43 /S.F. = Location, $97,500 Slope, Slide 8. 1266 Springbrook .293 Ac $215,000 Size 9. No. California & 74,000 S.F. $16.50/S.F. Redevelopment Pringle $1,221,000 A layout of a 3 -story building is being prepared by staff. The first floor has areas for a lobby, boardroom (100 seat capacity), permit division, surveyors, inspectors, mechanical room, restrooms, etc., which would require approximately 10,000 square feet including space for hallways, stairs and elevators. The middle floor will contain the majority of the Engineering staff and the top floor will house Administration. J S McCoy Senior Engineer 0 vrr. NB 4 2/26/78 February 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $3,418.04 EXPENDITURES FROM THE 5A, PHASE I CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT Issue: The following expenditures were made from the 5A, Phase I construction account and are submitted for your approval: P. 0. No. Description Cost Avthnri7nr4 34654 34760 34754 34757 34771 34734 34 764 Purchase of steel scum plate covers Auxiliary Boiler Safety Valve Telephone Cable and Equipment Recorder and Chart 275 Tons of Rock Galvanizing steel launder troughs L t h $ 251.76 $64,952.88 132.88 182.50 634.00 1,422.50 540.00 a c sets for fire doors 254.40 $ 3,418.04 Previous approved expenditures 14,952.82 Total Expended $18,370.86 Recommendation: Board approval of $3,418.04 expenditures from the 5A, Phase I construction account and reimbursement of this amount to the constructions account. DGN:jl Rec ndati n pproved: Roger J. D lan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations (J vli. rya 6 2/16/78 February 9, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT THE CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYORS CONVENTION ISSUE: The California Land Surveyors Convention will be held in San Diego March 30, 31 and April 1, 1978. BACKGROUND: Wendle Whipple is a licensed land surveyor and represents the District as an active member of the California Land Surveyors Association. He is Vice President of the East Bay Chapter and will be attending committee meetings and giving reports at this convention. Surveying conventions enable those attending to keep current in ever - changing technology which affects surveying in the District. As surveyor for the District, Wendle Whipple should attend this convention. Allowance for the conference was included in the 1977 -78 Engineering Department Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize expenses for Wendle Whipple to attend this Convention: Per diem for 3 days $132 Registration 55 Plus Transportation $187 Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best anager - Engineering Department JLB:WW :sf c da on Approved: R er J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer January 16, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: BOARD AUTHORIZATION OF $15,000 FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONAL SERVICES Issue: The present startup and operation of the Water Pollution Control/ Reclamation Plant requires special operational services. Background: The Water Pollution Control /Reclamation Plant is entering into the fourth week of operation. This has required the startup of the secondary system and the development of special solids handling systems. We are also scheduling the startup of the chemical feed systems and furnace operation. The temporary solids handling and solids conditioning system operations are presenting an abnormal workload and an operational cost which is very sensitive to operational procedures and techniques. Mr. Ron Doty, Plant Management Consultant, of Brown and Caldwell has 25 years of experience in plant operations and the technical back- ground to meet this immediate need and provide a cost - effective solution to this problem. It is proposed that Brown and Caldwell be authorized to provide Mr. Doty for a maximum of 300 hours at $46.83/hr. to perform special services under Section IJ of the Brown and Caldwell /Sanitary District contract for engineering services dated January 3, 1974. Recommendation: Board authorization of $15,000 for special engineering services under Section IJ of the Brown and Caldwell /Sanitary District contract for engineering services dated January 3, 1974• DGN:mg Encl. Reco end?1' n A roved: Roger J. n General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, ce •g' / /G� D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations VII. NB 5 2/16/78 RONALD N. DOTY Page 2 101 • Contract administration, accounting and billing for joint exercise of powers agreements involving several cities and assessment districts. • Award and completion of EPA and state research grants to demonstrate feasibility and guidelines for use of computers in wastewater plants. • Design and implementation of computerized construction payment control system and NPDES compliance reports. • Consolidation of water and sewer system operations. • Design and implementation of Public Awareness program resulting in over 10, 000 visitor tours of plant. While employed at Palo Alto, served in the following regional planning and training activities: • Bay Area Sewer Services Agency; chairman of residuals management committee, formed to develop an overview of residual solids management needs in the area surrounding San Francisco Bay. • Wastewater Solids Study; served on subregional advisory committee representing South Bay Area, also member of Staff Review Committee. • Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California; served as member of curriculum advisory board, wastewater training program. 1977 - Present Joined Brown and Caldwell as plant management consultant responsible for development, review, and implementation of treatment plant management techniques for operation and maintenance. Membership: California Water Pollution Control Association Publications: Urban Public Works Administration, 1976 Edition, published by International City Management Association. Awards: California Water Pollution Control Association, San Francisco Bay Section, 1972 Man of the Year . Palo Alto, City Manager's Special Award for Outstanding Performance, 1972. Palo Alto, Award for Performance on Organizational Development, 1976. February 2, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR MANAGEMENT STAFF TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CONFERENCE ISSUE: CWPCA, 50th Annual Training School and Conference will be held at the Red Lion Inn, in Sacramento on April 19 -22, 1978. BACKGROUND: Attendance at this annual water pollution control conference has proven to be of considerable benefit to District and its staff. The knowledge gained in the training school and the contacts made with other people in the field are of great value to the District. Authorization for other staff members to attend conference will be requested at a future date, when the program for maintenance and operations personnel is received from the CWPCA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize five management staff members to attend the CWPCA April 19 -22 Conference in Sacramento and payment of their registration and actual expenses. Respectfully submitted, Roge J. olan General Manager- hief Engineer RJD:sf February 1, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF 1976 -77 08M BUDGET SURPLUS FUNDS AND 1977 -78 RUNNING EXPENSE TAX FUNDS TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. ISSUE: Investments can only be made from the Sewer Construction fund. While the 1976 -77 EQC surplus is being held in reserve for future application to the operating budget, it should be earning interest. Legally it also is necessary to transfer 1977 -78 Running Expense Tax funds to Sewer Construction for fiscal control and investment. BACKGROUND: We have previously transferred $1,000,000 of the EQC surplus, but were unable to transfer the balance because it was being used for current operating expenses until receipt of this years first installment payments of the EQ charge in December. The County has instituted a new fund accounting procedure which in this case has delayed balancing of special district funds. We now have $4,400,000 in the Running Expense Fund, $1,400,000 of which is 1977-78 tax receipts. We will receive another $3,000,000 in EQC and taxes in April. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize transfer of $1,400,000 in tax receipts and 1,000,000 in 1976 -77 EQC revenues from the Running Expense fund to the Sewer Construction fund of the District. Respectfully submitted, WeCIQZ�_� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:pI Rec endation A proved: oger . Dal n General Manager -Chief Engineer January 31, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY No. Job No. Tract No. Area Remarks 1 2496/3 M.S. 240 -77 Alamo Portion of existing easement in Via Bonita and Las Trampas Road. Execute short form, District retains prior rights. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Hager- Engineering Department JLB:WG:sf Ap ved: Roger J. Zan General Manager -Chief Engineer