HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-26-19780 VII. NB 1 %2b /' January 24, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $8,477,42 EXPENDITURES FROM THE 5A, PHASE I CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT ISSUE: The following expenditures were made from the 5A, Phase I construction account and are submitted for your approval: P. 0. No. Description Cost Authorized Rerouting of Storm Drainage 34661 Purchase of Safety Signs 34680 Purchase of U -Bolts 34645 Steel Plate for Scum Box Cover 34663 Construction of Steel Slide Gates 34648 Construction of steel liners to reinforce fiberglass launders Previous approved expenditures Total Expended $ 6,000.00 $56,475.40 345.20 62.62 268.12 333.24 1,468.24 $ 8,477.42 6,z'75.40 $14,952.82 RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of $8,477.42 expenditures from the 5A, Phase I construction account and reimbursement of this amount to the construction account. Respectfully submitted, (;;) �o I, �4 D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations DGN:jf Re mendation Approved: o r J. olan General Manager-Chief Engineer / / 2 VI. OB 5 1/26/78 January 24, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager--Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONTINUATION OF FINANCIAL CONSULTATION SERVICE ISSUE: Updating of the contractural arrangement with Bartle Wells Associ- ates for general consultation on financing matters. BACKGROUND: We have been operating under a contract, dated September 7, 1972, with Bartle Wells and have discussed that contract with them in terms of present day District needs. They have suggested and prepared a Memorandum of Understanding to continue their services in a more flexible pattern. We have reviewed this proposal and agree that it is appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager -Chief Engineer to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding 1977/78 with Bartle Wells Associ- ates. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:jf A ndation proved: oger . Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer 0 Vi. OB 4 1/26/78 January 24, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT AUDIT ISSUE: Adequate insurance coverage and the need to determine whether undue exposure exists, and whether the total costs of risks can be reduced. BACKGROUND: This matter has previously been considered by the Board, and management was directed to investigate the availability of experts for such a survey. A scope of study was prepared to encompas: I. Analysis of District operations to identify and measure risks 2. Analysis of loss history with projections of future losses 3. Detailed review of policies 4. Analysis of insurance market-a written report giving conclusions and recommendations is to be prepared We have received and discussed proposals from the two leading companies in this field. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the "Proposal for Risk Management Audit" from Warren, McVeigh E Griffin and authorize $2,600.00 for the cost of this work. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: jf Reco endation Approved: Roge J. olan General Manager -Chief Engineer Q C� F L Filed: - January 23, 1978 I -2 b -7ef" yOPY7 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $8,477.42 EXPENDITURES FROM THE 5A, PHASE I CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT Issue: The following expenditures were made from the 5A, Phase construction account and are submitted for your approval: P. 0. No. Description Cost Authorized Recommendation: Board approval of $8,477.42 expenditures from the 5A, Phase I construction account and reimbursement of this amount to the construction account. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Rerouting of Storm Drainage $ 6,000.00 $50,000 34661 Purchase of Safety Signs 345.20 3468o Purchase of U -Bolts 62.62 34645 Steel Plate for Scum Box Cover 268.12 34663 Construction of Steel Slide Gates 333.24 34648 Construction of steel liners to reinforce fiberglass launders 1,468.24 $ 0,477.42 Recommendation: Board approval of $8,477.42 expenditures from the 5A, Phase I construction account and reimbursement of this amount to the construction account. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations VII. NB 3 1/26/78 January 23, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ACCEPT GRANT DEED FROM PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THEIR 12.2 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND ADJOINING OUR WATER RECLAMATION PLANT PROPERTIES NORTHWESTERN BOUNDARY, AT A COST OF $36,000 ISSUE: This property is required for present and future District use. BACKGROUND: The District Board previously authorized purchase of this property on October 6, 1977, subject to Counsel's approval. Counsel has approved the purchase and the Grant Deed as executed by P.G. & E. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of Grant Deed and authorize its recording. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager- Engineering Department JIB: WG:sf Rec endatio proved: Roger D lan General Manager -Chief Engineer MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR TWO PARCELS, P.A. 78 -7 ALAMO AREA AND P.A. 78 -8 WALNUT CREEK AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN PENDING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT �o' ofiob �o • �b � Q' Pry 5g G�ti �� o 'y� y '�; � - ` � - am o fi ti Q QG Q e� BOG �fi 78 -7 Alamo Yes 1.62 ' Mike Conklin Property o be split into Y p 345 Kinross Dr. three residential sites. Walnut Creek,CA Preliminary approval by 198- 040 -014 County 78 -8 W.C. IYes 2.74 i Kenneth S. Uston Property to be split into and H. E. Erb four residential sites. 1626 Newell Ave. Preliminary approval and ![ Walnut Creek, CA negative declaration by 139 -052 -007 and -008 County. { RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Annexation of Parcels 78 -7 and 78 -8 Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:WG:sf Rec endation roved; Roge J. olan General nager -Chief Engineer G COPY January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager - -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $12468.24 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LINERS TO REINFORCE THE FIBERGLASS LAUNDERS Issue: The fiberglass launders in the eight clarifiers have failed due to floatation. Background: The floatation of the launders occurred at the exit from each clarifier. By constructing a steel trough,to be inserted in the liner, the launders may temporarily be kept in service by properly fastening the steel trough to the underlying supporting member, !tie iaunaers no .Longer float and are functional. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,468.24 from the field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for material for the construction of steel liners to reinforce the fiberglass launders. DGN:sl ACR Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations COPY January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $345,20 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR THE PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS SAFETY SIGNS REQUIRED FOR THE PLANT Issue: Cal/OSHA requires that certain safety signs be installed in the plant. Background: According to contract specifications for the phase I and Phase II projects, many of the required safety signs were furnished by the Contractor. These safety signs were incomplete due to changes in regulations and operation procedures, The District has elected to upgrade these signs in order to meet regulations and provide safe operating conditions. Recommendation: Authorization of $345.20 from the field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for the purchase of miscellaneous safety signs to be installed by District personnel, DGN :sI ACR Recommendation Approved; Roger J, Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G, Niles Manager, Plant Operations Q'_ Q [F f� iIr f � i d: r January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Enginner SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $62,62 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR THE PURCHASE OF U -BOLTS Issue: The fiberglass launders, as designe4 have failed due to floatation. Background: The District has constructed a steel liner for the interior of the launders. These U -bolts will be used for fastening the steel liner to the structural member located beneath the launders, Recommendation: Authorization of $62.62 form the field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for the purchase of U -bolts to be used to correct the launder failure. DGN:sl ACR Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D, G, Niles Manager, Plant Operations n � F C.-V J i IE:v: r January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE ME:IRERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager - -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $268.12 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR A STEEL PLATE Issue: The scum boxes located on each of the eight clarifiers have overflowed. Background: The Engineer designed the scum boxes on the clarifiers to be used as a drain inlet and scum box, The Engineer used a steel. grating for this design. The top of the scum box is at ;round level, approximately 2'-s feet lower than the top o1 the- clarifier, Several tines, the District has experienced difficulty with the scuts backing up in the box and overflowing onto the ground, creating a health hazard. Temporarily, a steel plate will be used to contain the scum, Recommendation: Authorization of $268.12 from the .field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for the purchase of a steel plate to be used as a scum box cover. DGN:sl ACR Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan Gener,.l Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations C) F I 1 rm Filed., (, f January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $333,24 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL SLIDE GATES Issue: Two specification aluminum slide gates, provided by the Contractor, failed during initial plant operations, Back round: The Contractor supplied two aluminum slide gates according to the contract plans and specifications, These slide gates have failed during plant operation and cannot be repaired, It is the Engineer's opinion that the best solution is to fabricate the gates out of 3/8 -inch plates with proper reinforcement, Either the aluminum or the steel gates require mechanical help in order to be put into operation, Recommendation: Authorization of $333,24 from the field modification approval of November 15, 1977 for the purchase of steel to replace the aluminum slide gates. DGNtsl ACR Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D, G, Niles Manager, Plant Operations FT January 19, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $6,000 FROM THE FIELD MODIFICATION APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 15, 1977 FOR REROUTING OF STORM DRAINAGE INTO PLANT INLET Issue: Presently, all outside sludge spills at the new reclamation facility drain directly into Grayson Creek, Background: The new drainage system, as designed by Brown and Caldwell, is designed to spill directly into Grayson Creek, Any type of outside sludge spill throughout the entire facility could be washed into the creek, resulting in an immediate violation. In order to remedy this situation, a proposal has been made to install a 24- 7inch? reinforced, concrete pipe from the catch basin to Manhole, No, 4. The existing new pipe into Grayson Creek would be blocked off, resulting in all surface drainage returning to the plant inlet, Recommendation: Authorization of approval of November 15, 1977 for into the plant inlet, DGN:sI ACR Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager —Chief Engineer $6 ?000 from the field modification the rerouting of storm drainage Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations VII. N8 �J 1/26/7 January 16, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTION OF STATE UTILITIES AGREEMENT (U.T. 466.61) OUR PROJECT - DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2814 -- ADJACENT TO STATE'S ROUTE 4 FREEWAY ISSUE: Relocation of 39-inch Trunk Line C between Walnut Creek and Grayson Creek Channels to accommodate the State's Route 4 Freeway Construction, DSP 2814. BACKGROUND: The State issued the District a "Notice to Relocate" quently $30,000 was authorized on May 5, 1977 for ,subse- p now 90% complete. The subject utilities agreement established gthe hState's 100% liability for the cost of relocation. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution to execute utilities agreement No. 466.61. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager - Engineering Department J LB: sf 'Rec mendation proved: Rog Do n Gen al Ma ger -Chief Engineer