HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. Zeolite AnammoxCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2014 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO REVISE AGREEMENT 041599 WITH COLLISON ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BY INCREASING THE COST CEILING FROM $95,000 TO $225,000 TO INCLUDE THE SURFACE AREA METHOD WITH THE ZEOLITE - ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT STUDY AND EXTEND THE AERATED METHODS BY 12 ADDITIONAL MONTHS Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Randy Schmidt, PE, Senior Engineer Operations Department REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Jean -Marc Petit, Acting Deputy General Manager Edgar Lopez, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement when aggregated revisions are expected to total more than $100,000. Agreement 041599 with Collison Engineering for $95,000 to construct and operate the Phase 1 of the Zeolite - Anammox Pilot Plant was signed on June 12, 2014. The Phase 1 of the Zeolite - Anammox Pilot Plant consists of building and operating blown aeration and re- circulating trickling filter aeration units mounted in an insulated semi - trailer processing approximately 3,000 gallons per day of final effluent for a period of 12 months, June 2014 to June 2015. There is a third variation of the process called the surface area method which is a non - aerated method with no energy demand. This method could potentially be used as a polishing step for removal of low levels of ammonia. Additional funds are needed to build the surface area pilot plant on a second semi - trailer, operate the surface area pilot plant for 24 months, and operate the aerated pilot plant for an additional 12 months. These additional funds total $130,000. The aggregate amount of the revised contract would therefore be $225,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to revise Agreement 041599 with Collison Engineering for professional engineering services by increasing the cost ceiling from $95,000 to $225,000 to add the surface area method to the Zeolite- Anammox Pilot Plant Study and extend the aerated methods by 12 additional months. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated cost for Phase 1 of the Zeolite- Anammox Pilot Plant Study, including the Surface Area Method, is $250,000. Adequate funds are available in the Treatment Plant Program of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to cover this contract. Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2014 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO REVISE AGREEMENT 041599 WITH COLLISON ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BY INCREASING THE COST CEILING FROM $95,000 TO $225,000 TO INCLUDE THE SURFACE AREA METHOD WITH THE ZEOLITE ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT STUDY AND EXTEND THE AERATED METHODS BY 12 ADDITIONAL MONTHS ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decide not to authorize the revision of the professional engineering services agreement with Collison Engineering. However, doing so would prevent the investigation of the surface area method for ammonia removal as well as limit the time that the aeration method could be tested. BACKGROUND: Robert Collison, PhD, through his company, Collison Engineering, is the researcher doing scale -up on the unique Zeolite - Anammox process to reduce ammonia from a final effluent single vessel, two -stage bio- reactor. Dr. Collison has a pending patent on the Zeolite - Anammox process and is the only local source of Anammox bacteria to convert ammonia to nitrogen and water. Having just completed a pilot test at Union Sanitary District and the Oro Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant, he is now ready to pilot test another pilot plant at CCCSD. This project has been identified and submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in the 2013 Nutrient Visioning Plan as one of the preferred cutting - edge nitrogen removal technologies to pilot test for meeting future ammonia limits in final effluent and recycled water. In addition, the proposed pilot plant ties directly to two of the goals specified in the draft 2014 Strategic Plan: Goal No. 1 includes an initiative to explore technologies that use less energy and produce less greenhouse gases, and Goal No.4 states the District's strategy to be a leader in the wastewater industry by embracing innovation. This Phase 1 pilot plant would collect data on the blown aeration, trickling filter aeration, and surface area methods of ammonia removal for a larger Phase 2 pilot plant, at approximately 100,000 gallons per day. It would demonstrate process and site - specific viability, generate design data and parameters, determine site - specific nutrient removal performance, and estimate capital and operational expenses for a full -scale treatment for the District. CCCSD entered into an agreement with Collison Engineering in June of 2014 to pilot test the blown aeration and trickling filter aeration methods of zeolite - anammox utilization to removal ammonia. The challenge with either active aeration method is how to meet the energy demand. There is an additional zeolite - anammox method called "surface area method," which utilizes oxygen transfer across the water -air interface over a bed of submerged zeolite. There is no energy demand for aeration. The goal of the addition of the surface area method as polishing tanks is to determine the surface area requirement and optimize Page 3 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2014 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO REVISE AGREEMENT 041599 WITH COLLISON ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BY INCREASING THE COST CEILING FROM $95,000 TO $225,000 TO INCLUDE THE SURFACE AREA METHOD WITH THE ZEOLITE ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT STUDY AND EXTEND THE AERATED METHODS BY 12 ADDITIONAL MONTHS the energy usage in the hope of reducing aeration - related cost in full -scale treatment. Additional funds are needed to build the surface area pilot plant on a second semi- trailer, operate the surface area pilot plant for 24 months, and operate the aerated pilot plant for an additional 12 months. These additional funds total $130,000. The aggregate amount of the revised contract would therefore be $225,000. The total cost of Phase 1 of the Study is estimated at $250,000, which includes $225,000 for the Collison Engineering Contract and $25,000 for purchasing equipment needed for the pilot project. The Zeolite - Anammox Pilot Plant Study is included as part of DP 7315 - Plant of the Future Roadmap project in the FY 2014 -15 CIB on page TP -10. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Treatment Plant Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available for this pilot study, as shown below: FY 2014 -15 Treatment Plant Program Allocation Budget: Authorized Program Allocations $ 4,261,700 Previous FY 14 -15 Allocations to date $ 0 This Allocation for DP 7315 $ 155.000 Remaining Authorization Budget $ 4,106,700 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this matter at its September 22, 2014 meeting and recommended that... RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to revise Agreement 041599 with Collison Engineering for professional engineering services by increasing the cost ceiling from $95,000 to $225,000 to include the surface area method with the Zeolite Anammox Pilot Plant Study and extend the aerated methods by 12 additional months. Page 3 of 3 Zeolite Anammox Pilot Plant Update and Contract Amendment Randy Schmidt, P.E. Senior Engineer Plant Operations Department September 22, 2014 e- �� Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Background on Zeolite Anammox • Patent - pending system by Collison Engineering — Researcher -Robert Collison, Ph.D, P.E. • Single -stage process for converting ammonia to nitrogen aas j�• Srt'% Y 11 y I #V' • Zeolite immobilizes ammonium by cation Step 1 exchange capacity • Anammox bacteria colonizes ammonium - Step 2 coated zeolite • Bacteria consumes NH4 and regenerate Step 3 the zeolite in -situ D 4 y I #V' • Zeolite immobilizes ammonium by cation Step 1 exchange capacity • Anammox bacteria colonizes ammonium - Step 2 coated zeolite • Bacteria consumes NH4 and regenerate Step 3 the zeolite in -situ D Where does Zeolite Anarnmox fit in? • 2013 Nutrient Visioning Plan submitted to the Regional Board —One of the 5 recommended technologies • 2014 Strategic Plan — Explore technologies that use less energy and produce less GHGs — Become a leader in the wastewater community by embracing innovation 0�0, Current Phase 1 Zeolite Anarnmox Scope of Work • $95,000 Professional Engineering Agreement with Collison Engineering for 12 months (DP 7315) • Approx. 5,000 gal /day volume method system Ammonia - Nitrogen < 2mg /L Nitrate - Nitrogen < 10mg /L Ammonia - Nitrogen < 0.5mg /L Nitrate - Nitrogen < 10mg /L Two different aeration methods — blown aeration and re- circulating trickling filter aeration ..�. , w Proposed Zeolite Anarnmox Pilot Contract Revision • Amend Agreement No. 041599 with Collison Engineering to increase cost ceiling from $95,000 to $225,000 — Construct and operate surface area (non- aerated) method in a second semi - trailer for 24 months — Extend the aerated methods by 12 additional months • Surface area tanks act as final polishing tanks for removing low levels of ammonia • Minimize energy demand by testing both aerated and non - aerated methods • Determine the surface area requirement ,, DRAFT yy I{,M► im�r� T rickling filter • bencMop/ • benchtop/ Lab analyses ate continuous tonitorinc t continuous DLANT 4M N..PLANTOPS,Reg Workgroup.Rogulzttory Sti WZeokte. Anamma %Expetimmal Pfan'Schemabcs 1.5" Pipe from FLOW VIEW Final Effluent Chann iroF Not to Scale (Trader Influent) f' Influent Piping Influent Tank j BA TF Overfill T 16 Effluent Piping BA I I TF 7 15 BA I TF G 14 BA TF � TANKS BA: Blown Air TF: Re- circulating Trickling Filter BA TF 1 4 12 BA TF 11 r BA' I TF 2 10 1.5" Outlet CCCSD to Nearby BA TF ` ZEOLITE- ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT 1 9 ' Manhole August 15, 2014 \N 'PtANTOPS Peg Workgroup'.RegW x<xy / SupporftZ"*e-AnanYrm ExWmer tai Rw S&wmatts DOORS =BSI 1.5" Pipe from Final Effluent Channel (Trailer Influent) Influent Tank,-, Overfill Piping TRAILER I I FRONT ; BA BA 7 Effluent TF 1 Piping BA 6 TF 10 TANKS BA: Blown Air TF: Re-circulating Trickling Filter PT: Polishing 44 BA BA 2 1.5" Outlet to Nearby Manhole SA FLOW VIEW Not to Scale TF 1b TF 14 0� TF i J3 fi TRAILER 2 11 PT 11 PT 11 PT qp� I - - rd-sF1, romCl L0A, 61, . TF 1 TF 10 TF 9 ............ ...... TRAILER 2 11 PT 11 PT 11 PT qp� I - - rd-sF1, romCl L0A, 61, . ,, � ` Aeration Hose (TANK TOP VIE W1 � Influent Re- circulating Trickling Filter Tank —Side View Aeration 1.5" Pipes for *000 Hose ' .. P r b e A c c Aeration ........ Ports Aerated Zone 1- '__-. Anoxic Bottom of Tank Zone (Above Effluent Pipe) LL NOTE: Shown connected to another tank. May be connected to effluent- see TF schematic. ess ......................... I__ N Q To Effluent or Tank in Series, See NOTE L 3 , „ ' Ir, ji ,r 'I Q J !I it 1 .I ----------- - - - - -I Effluent Pipe Effluent CCCSD ZEOLITE - ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT August 15, 2014 N.-Pt RNTOPS'Reg L' ork9mup'ReWlatay Support 'ZWte- i+arnmwc °Experme^tal Ptays'Sem.v; _s Re- circulating Trickling Filter Tank —Side View Bottom of Tank (Above Effluent Pipe) Effluent 0.1....4.........0..........• Aerated Zone Anoxic Zone 1.5" Pipes for Probe Access J1. .................. ........... To Effluent or Tank in Series. See NOTE •- rw- rwrr- wr-- rw -r--- ----------- rwrrwww-rrrwrr ---------------------------------------------- NOTE: Shown connected to effluent pipe. May be connected to another tank - see BA schematic. Effluent Pipe oR M A Next Tank in Series Re- Circulating Pump f— Effluent CCCSD ZEOLITE- ANAMMOX PILOT PLANT August 15, 2014 h:.PLANTOPSReg WorkgmORegal" Supper,,ZecAteAnamv)e E*enrnenW PtanSSchemx Sampling /Monitoring Plan • Combination of manual sampling and continuous monitoring to evaluate performance • Parameters being tracked: — Flowrate, Dissolved Oxygen, NH4, NO3, 1\102, Alkalinity, pH, TN, TKN, Total P, COD, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Cl ZA trailer arriving on site .ZF.OLITE-ANAMMO\ DE-AM NIONIFICATION 1'I LOT PLANT J m � �I�A1�t �' N 1110 LN Fa zing 4 oom Y� f e R .. pp-- r Access into ZA Trailer a- AL ..�.1........... I Mi• n i..mmi......I.........J INl�nnu��n��AAl�y�!�.�L..�� Inside ZA Trailer r Inside ZA Trailer I t a� 0 FAA Zeolite rocks before tanks were filled �• 1 eoll /•1 + r � •. �-'�/ � fir- � I r `J � � � ',1� .,..� 1 ,T Y art 1 77, Blown Air Tank I "AW 57 VIDEO- Blown Air Tank f V �G�►SI Re- circulating T f i YT' fir. ���RiYui ) r T rickling Filter Tanks 09.12.2014 VIDEO- Re -circ TF Tank V _ -.-A r� y. COMMITTEE ACTION •Recommendation to Full Board to Authorize Collision Engineering Contract Revision at October 2, 2014 Meeting —Add surface area method investigation to pilot plant studies for 24 months —Add 12 additional months to investigation of blown aeration and trickling filter aeration methods