HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Succession Planning Committee Update'F Central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 11, 2014 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER Ob FROM: RITA CHENG, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER CHRIS CARPENTER, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVA1 SUBJECT: SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE UPDATE The 2014 Strategic Plan highlights the development of succession planning strategies as one of the initiatives for supporting the growth of our human capital resources. In May 2014, the Succession Planning Committee (SPC) was formed under the direction of the General Manager to establish a formalized succession plan in order to maintain the continuity of high service levels within the District. The purpose of the Committee is to create an environment that encourages retention by identifying and developing internal staff to perform critical functions within CCCSD. There are also five sub - committees dedicated to address different aspects of succession planning and to assist the succession planning development process. The main focus of the SPC and its subcommittees will be the development of a committee charter, recommendations on mentoring and cross - training programs, determination of critical job functions, identification of organizational "gaps" for succession opportunities, and researching succession plans from other organizations. The recently adopted charter for the SPC is attached for your review. Also attached is the FY 2014 -2015 Succession Planning Key Performance Indicator Plan that outlines the Committee's goals and deliverables for the current fiscal year. WPOSUP\Sucession Planning - Districtwide \Update Memo for Administration Committee 09- 2014.docx CHARTER OF THE SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE ADOPTED ON September 3, 2014 I.PURPOSE Create an environment that encourages retention. Identify and develop internal staff to perform critical functions within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) in order to maintain the continuity of high service levels. This will be accomplished through classroom and hands -on training, documentation, other development opportunities, performance review and continuous improvement with support from the Board of Directors and Senior Leadership. II. STRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS Membership The Succession Planning Committee (Committee) is comprised of District representatives from the following Departments: • Operations • Administration • Engineering Officers: • The Committee has two officer positions, the Chair and Co- Chair. Both positions are elected by and from the Committee membership by a simple majority vote. Duties of the Chair: • Organize and attend all Committee meetings. • Coordinate setting up meeting agendas. • Facilitate the Committee meetings in a professional manner. • If the Committee Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the Co -Chair will facilitate the meeting in their absence. • Assist in providing orientations to new Committee representatives. • At the Committee's request, advise and seek direction from the Department Directors, Deputy General Manager or General Manager. • With administrative support, ensure that agendas and meeting packets are produced for each meeting; and minutes are reviewed, approved, and made available to the Committee and all District employees. Duties of the Co- Chair: • Provide Committee Chair assistance and perform all the same duties as those designated for the Committee Chair, as needed. CHARTER OF THE SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 2OF5 Duties of the Note Taker: • Take detailed minute notes during the meetings. Distribute draft minutes to Chair and Co -Chair for review. Send meeting minutes to the Committee members. Duties of Members: • Serve as an advocate for succession plans and planning. • Actively participate on the Committee; provide departmental insight and ideas; arrive prepared, on time; and actively participate in meetings. • Support the District's Succession Plan. Committee decisions will be made collaboratively. Although the Committee welcomes discussion and understands that differences in opinion will arise, members are expected to support decisions that have been adopted by the Committee. • Issues discussed in the meetings could present a potential conflict of interest with those of the individual members. If such conflict of interest arises, members should disclose any conflicts during the discussion, and try to mitigate them to the extent possible. • Communication: Actively seek input, ideas, feedback and concerns from co- workers. Bring these items back to the Committee for discussion and resolution. Provide recommendations to Management and inform staff of the latest outcomes. Duties of Sub - Committees Chair and Co- Chairs: • Recruit members. • Organize monthly Sub - Committee meetings. • Attend all Succession Planning Committee monthly meetings and provide status updates at these meetings. • Facilitate the Succession Planning Sub - Committee meetings in a professional manner. • If the Succession Planning Sub - Committee Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the Co -Chair will facilitate the meeting in their absence. • At the Committee's request, advise and seek direction from the Department Directors, Deputy General Manager or General Manager. • With administrative support, ensure that agendas and meeting packets are produced for each meeting; and minutes are reviewed, approve, and made available to Sub - Committee members and Succession Planning Committee members. Sub - Committees: • Mentorship Sub - Committee o Purpose: Research and develop mentoring opportunities for District employees. • Chair: Craig Mizutani • Co- Chair: Stephanie Gronlund CADocuments and Settings \cgee \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \4VS9801A \Committee Charter 08 -2014 FINAL.docxP: P0Wi1M ties CHARTER OF THE SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 3OF5 • Supervisory Sub - Committee o Purpose: Identify "gaps" in current positions to better prepare internal staff for succession opportunities and provide recommendations as necessary. • Chair: Colleen Henry • Co- Chair: Stephanie King • Supergroup Sub - Committee o Purpose: Identify key job functions necessary to maintain continuity, develop effective knowledge retention through standard operating procedures and trainings. • Chair: Greg St. John • Co- Chair: Neil Meyer • Innovation and Research Sub - Committee o Purpose: Research succession plans from different organizations and develop ideas for innovation /continuous improvement. • Chair: Rick Hernandez • Co- Chair: Dan Frost • Charter Sub - Committee o Purpose: Lead development of Committee Charter. • Neil Meyer, Chair • Edgar Lopez, Co -Chair III. MEETINGS Meetings: • The Committee will meet once a month. Meetings will be held at the District's Multi- Purpose Room in Martinez. IV. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES The following functions shall be common recurring activities of the Committee in carrying out its purpose as set forth in Section I of this Charter. These functions should serve as a guide with the understanding that the Committee may carry out additional functions and adopt additional procedures as may be appropriate in light of changing business, legislative, regulatory, legal or other conditions. The Committee shall also carry out any other responsibilities and duties delegated to it by the General Manager from time to time related to the purpose of the Committee set forth in Section I of this Charter Roles and Responsibilities: • Establish and review the overall succession planning process and philosophy of the District. • Establish succession plans to ensure critical functions are sustainable and repeatable. Identify new ways to perform these functions, as well as meet future CADocuments and Settings \cgee \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \4VS9801A \Committee Charter 08 -2014 FINAL.docx CHARTER OF THE SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 4OF5 needs. Work with key stakeholders to identify the important duties and skillsets. This should include a detailed list and description for both technical and administrative responsibilities. Establish process to document and maintain detailed description of tasks, duties and procedures for all critical functions. • Review gaps in the organization chart. Review and approve the District's goals and objectives relevant to the succession planning. Provide recommendations for addressing the gaps. • Proactively identify and address critical functions that may become disrupted due to retirement or other personal reasons. • Link succession planning to performance monitoring at the supervisory level. Include succession planning as a part of annual performance appraisal. • Develop mentoring and training strategies to cultivate internal staff in preparation for retirements and future promotional opportunities. • Develop strategies to fill positions with qualified candidates due to retirements, resignations, or extended leave. • Conduct annual review of the Staffing Plan. Incorporate succession planning into the annual Staffing Plan process. Update succession plans as needed. • Research succession plans from different organizations and develop ideas for organizational innovation and continuous improvement. • Select, retain, and /or replace, as needed, succession planning consultants and other outside experts to provide independent advice to the Committee. • Report regularly to the General Manager and meet on an as needed basis to report and receive feedback. Provide annual reports to the Board of Directors regarding succession planning status. • Mentor new employees and encourage them to participate and serve on the Committee. • Review and evaluate employee suggestions and serve as a resource and point of contact for District employees for succession planning concerns or ideas. V. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The Committee shall perform a review and performance evaluation once a year. In addition, the Committee shall review and reassess the adequacy of this charter and recommend any improvements to this charter that the Committee considers necessary or appropriate. The Committee shall conduct such evaluation and reviews in such manner as it deems appropriate. CADocuments and Settings \cgee \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \4VS9801A \Committee Charter 08 -2014 FINAL.docx CHARTER OF THE SUCCESSION PLANNING COMMITTEE ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 PAGE 5OF5 Representative Terms • Each representative shall serve for 18 months. Member Representation Start term End term Notes Chris Carpenter Communications Chris Goward POD Operations Colleen Henry Source Control Craig Mizutani POD Maintenance David Heath Director of Administration Doug Little POD Operations Ed Silva CSO Ed ar Lo ez Capital Projects Greg St. John Survey Judy Freier Capital Projects Administration Lu a Saldana Administration - Records Matthew Thomas Household Hazardous Waste Melody LaBella Environmental Services - Plannin Mike Silva POD Maintenance Nancy Molina Capital Projects Neil Meyer POD Management Nicole Marshall Accounting Paul Kelly Development Services Paul Seitz CSO Management Rick Hernandez Environmental Services -ROW Rita Cheng POD Regulatory Roger Bailey General Manager Roy Manes Buildings and Grounds Sasha Mestetsky Capital Projects Spencer Chun IT Stephanie Gronlund Environmental Services Stephanie King Purchasing Tri Nguyen Laborato Twila Mullenix Human Resources CADocuments and Settings \cgee \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \4VS9801A \Committee Charter 08 -2014 FINAL.docxPAPubl+s t �i4fi1#A� eex Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Aoa'h� FY 2014 -2015 Succession Planning Key Performance Indicator Plan Version: 1.0 Date: August 28, 2014 Prepared by: Succession Planning Committee 1. Overview This Succession Planning Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Plan defines the primary success indicators of the Succession Planning Committee and its Subcommittees. KPIs are predetermined measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. The Succession Planning Committee (SPC) was established in May 2014 under the direction of the General Manager and is comprised of over 30 members, with representatives from various work groups within the District. The purpose of the SPC is to develop a formal succession plan to be used as a tool in maintaining the continuity of high service levels by preparing the District to address future retirements and sudden changes in staffing with support from the Board of Directors and Senior Leadership. The details of the specific goals of the Committee are outlined in the attached Committee Charter (Attachment 1). The SPC's general goals are listed as follows: ➢ Create an environment that encourages employee development and staff retention Identify and develop internal staff to perform critical functions within the District ➢ Promote staff development through mentoring and cross - training programs ➢ Ensure thorough documentation for key District functions to aid in the retention of institutional knowledge Link succession planning to performance monitoring at the supervisory level ➢ Support continuous improvement of staff and District policies, procedures, and programs Develop strategies to fill positions with qualified candidates due to retirements, resignations, or extended leave ➢ Ensure the development of the formal Succession Planning Manual ➢ Help guide its subcommittees in the planning process and ensure the proposed deliverables are met ➢ Carry out responsibilities and duties delegated to it by the General Manager This Succession Planning KPI Plan provides an overview of the important tasks and deliverables that will be performed during FY 2014 -2015 to achieve the KPIs. The KPIs will be carried out by the SPC and its four subcommittees, whose purposes are listed below: ➢ Mentorship Sub - Committee Purpose: Research and develop mentoring opportunities for District employees. ➢ Supervisory Sub - Committee Purpose: Identify "gaps" in current positions to better prepare internal staff for advancement opportunities and provide recommendations as necessary. ➢ Supergroup Sub - Committee Purpose: Identify key job functions necessary to maintain continuity, develop effective knowledge retention through standard operating procedures and cross- training programs. Innovation and Research Sub - Committee Purpose: Research succession plans from other organizations and develop ideas for innovation /continuous improvement. Charter Sub - Committee Purpose: Develop, review, and update Committee Charter. 2 KPI PLAN 2. FY 2014 -2015 Succession Planning Key Performance Indicators 1) Report monthly to General Manager and annually to Board of Directors regarding succession planning status Meetings of the SPC and its subcommittee will be held on a monthly basis. The SPC Chair and Co -Chair will report to the General Manager on a monthly basis to report the status of the succession planning progress. A report will be presented annually to the Board of Directors. 2) Establish FY 2014 -15 Succession Planning Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Plan and annual update of the Succession Planning KPI Plan The SPC will establish an annual Succession Planning Key Performance Indicator Plan (KPI Plan) that outlines the goals and action items for the fiscal year. The KPI Plan will be reviewed internally by the General Manager. The final version will be distributed to all District staff and the Board of Directors. The SPC is also responsible for reviewing and updating the Succession Planning KPI Plan on an annual basis to ensure the annual goals are met and the future goals are established. 3) Guide the outcomes of its sub - committees and ensure implementation timelines for the KPIs are met The SPC will work closely with its subcommittees on implementation plans to ensure that their implementation goals and deadlines are met. The SPC will also conduct monthly status reviews to ensure that the appropriate progress and implementation goals are met. 4) Incorporate Succession Planning Committee and succession planning into the Strategic Plan The SPC will ensure that the District's Strategic Plan includes the development and continuous support of the SPC and its deliverables, such as the annual KPI Plan and Succession Planning Manual. The SPC will ensure that the KPIs in the SPC KPI Plan are reflected in the KPIs included in the District's strategic plans. 5) Recruit members and formalize subcommittees The General Manager was responsible for the initial establishment of SPC. The SPC is responsible for establishing the subcommittees and managing the memberships. 6) Annual review of the District's Staffing Plan The SPC will conduct an annual review of the District's Staffing Plan and provide suggestions and comments related to succession planning. 7) Draft an outline of the Succession Planning Manual The Succession Planning Manual will serve as a guideline document for succession planning. The Manual will summarize the major components of succession planning and will include references and resources for District employees. An outline of the Succession Planning Manual will be drafted during FY 2014 -2015. 8) Establish Committee Charter The Charter Subcommittee is responsible for establishing the Committee Charter. The Charter outlines the goals and accomplishments of the Committee, responsibilities and expectations of the members, officers, and Sub - Committees. 9) Identify critical job functions using District -wide questionnaires The Supergroup Subcommittee is responsible for identifying functions where the District would suffer a heavy impact to its level of service should a vacancy occur, a vacancy which would create a gap that would be difficult to fill either internally or externally by a consultant without a lapse. A process is being developed for workgroups to use questionnaires to identify at -risk functions, ones where standard operating procedures and cross - training would help provide continuity. Additional follow -up discussions and investigations may be conducted to fully identify and understand the critical functions. 10) Establish Standard Operating Procedures guidelines The Supergroup Subcommittee is responsible for providing recommendations to document knowledge retention, specifically for the key functions where the District would suffer a heavy impact to its level of service should a vacancy occur and the function cannot immediately performed. 11) Identify gaps in the organization chart The Supervisory Subcommittee is responsible for identifying "gaps" in the organization where an employee may not have the opportunity to gain supervisory experience through the current organizational structure. The subcommittee will provide recommendations on how to fill these "gaps ", which will include allowing substitutions of supervisory experience with education that adequately prepares an employee to take on supervisory roles, such as leadership and management classes. 12) Make recommendation to allow substitutions of supervisory experience with relevant education in Leadership /Management The Supervisory Subcommittee will provide recommendations on how to fill the organizational "gaps" identified in KPI #11, which will include allowing substitutions of supervisory experience with education that adequately prepares an employee to take on supervisory roles, such as leadership and management classes. 13) Recommend and support the development of mentoring and cross - training programs The Mentorship Subcommittee is responsible for researching and developing mentoring and cross - training opportunities to support internal staff development. Cross - training opportunities will capture institutional knowledge that supports the critical functions at the District. Mentoring opportunities will focus on longer term growth of staff, with a focus on leadership and supervisory skills. 4 KPI PLAN 14) Establish a resource tracking spreadsheet for innovation and succession planning references and research The Innovation and Research Subcommittee is responsible for exploring ideas to encourage innovation at the District and locating and sharing research related to innovation and succession planning that may be helpful for the development of the District's Succession Planning Manual. 5 FY 2014 -2015 Summary of Key Performance Indicators The Succession Planning Committee hopes to accomplish the following KPIs for the current FY 2014 -2015. Key Performance Indicator Report monthly to General Manager and annually to Board of Directors regarding succession planning status Establish FY 2014 -15 Key Performance Indicator Plan and perform annual review /update of the KPI Plan Guide the outcomes of its sub - committees and ensure implementation timelines for the KPIs are met Incorporate Succession Planning Committee and succession planning into the Strategic Plan Recruit members and formalize subcommittees Annual review of the District's Staffing Plan Initial draft/outline of Succession Planning Manual Establish committee charter Identify critical job functions using District -wide questionnaires Establish SOP guidelines Identify gaps in the organization chart Responsible Party SPC Chair & Co -chair Succession Planning Committee Succession Planning Committee Succession Planning Committee Succession Planning Committee Succession Planning Committee Succession Planning Committee Charter Subcommittee Supergroup Subcommittee Supergroup Subcommittee Supervisory Subcommittee Comments Make recommendation to allow substitutions of supervisory ; ; Work with HR to develop experience with relevant education in i Supervisory Subcommittee 1 minimum qualifications Leadership /Management 1 language Recommend and support the development of mentoring and Mentorship Subcommittee Work with HR to develop draft cross-training programs , , Ian Establish a resource tracking spreadsheet for innovation and Innovation and Research Subcommittee Assist other Sub - Committees succession lannin references /research 3. FY 2014 -2015 Succession Planning Committee and Sub - Committees Membership List FY 2014 -2015 CCCSD Succession Planning Committee Membership List Member Representation Position 1 Chris Carpenter Communications Co -Chair 2 Chris Goward POD Operations Member 3 Colleen Henry Source Control Member 4 Craig Mizutani POD Maintenance Member 5 Doug Little POD Operations Member 6 Ed Silva CSO Member 7 Edgar Lopez Capital Projects Member 8 Greg St. John Survey Member 9 Judy Freier Capital Projects Administration Member 10 Lupe Saldana Administration - Records Member 11 Melody LaBella Environmental Services - Planning Member 12 Mike Silva POD Maintenance Member 13 Nancy Molina Capital Projects Member 14 Neil Meyer POD Management Member 15 Nicole Marshall Accounting Member 16 Paul Kelly Development Services Member 17 Paul Seitz CSO Management Member 18 Rick Hernandez Environmental Services -ROW Member 19 Rita Cheng POD Regulatory Chair 20 Roger Bailey General Manager Member 21 Roy Manes Buildings and Grounds Member 22 Sasha Mestetsky Capital Projects Member 23 Spencer Chun IT Member 24 Stephanie Gronlund Environmental Services Member 25 Twila Mullenix Human Resources Member 26 Tri Nguyen Laboratory Member 27 Matthew Thomas Household Hazardous Waste Member 28 Stephanie King Purchasing Member FY 2014 -2015 CCCSD Succession Planning Sub - committees Membership List Mentorship Supervisory Supergroup Innovation & Research Charter 1 Chair Craig Mizutani* Colleen Henry* Greg St. John* Rick Hernandez* Neil Meyer* 2 Co -Chair Stephanie Gronlund* Stephanie King* Neil Meyer* Dan Frost Edgar Lopez* 3 Member Russ Leavitt Nicole Marshall* Deborah Harris Jean -Marc Petit 4 Member Randy Schmidt Starlin Jones Jeff Skinner Doug Little* 5 Member Kit Chlman Kim Stahl 6 Member Danea Gemmell David Clayton 7 Member Anita Setty PJ Turnham 8 Member Paul Kelly* Paul Seitz 9 Member Lisa Hiddleson * Existing SPC member