HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.a.2) Refund of SSC3.a - 2) ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 5, 2014 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: JEAN -MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING FROM: DANEA GEMMELL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER SUBJECT: REFUND OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGES On occasion, staff is contacted by a property owner who claims they are paying District sewer service charges but not receiving service. Each claim is investigated by District staff who verify property ownership, payment of fees and connection to public sewer, prior to issuing any refunds. Although several sections of California law limit the length of time required for refunds to three years, the District's practice is to refund all amounts paid by the owner of record for the entire period in which the payments were made, as service was not provided to these customers. Since 2011, there have been a total of five refunds, including Diana Lago's at 53 Chaucer Drive in the amount of $6757. No interest is paid and the refund is based on the actual amount paid on the property tax by the current property owner. For Chaucer Drive, there was an additional year of sewer service charges paid by a previous owner that was not refunded to Ms. Lago. For the purpose of refunding sewer service charges, "no service provided" refers to a property that is served by a septic tank, undeveloped property or property with other uses not physically connected to the public sewer system (e.g. parking lots, roadways, etc.). Attached is the Payment Authorization and backup information regarding the payment to Diana Lago, Check #201069 dated 7/17/14 for $6,757.00. DSG:sdh Attachment N: \ENVRSRV\Board CommitteesTinance Committee\2014 \Refund of Sewer Service Charges 8- 5- 14.docx 0 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Payment Authorization f- (a I Pay to: Diana Lago Address: 53 Chaucer Drive City: Pleasanton State: CA Zip: 94523 Amount: $ 6757.00 7pate Desired: Distribute Check to: Jolene Bertera Description: Refund for payment of sewer service charges paid for a second living unit billed in error on parcel 170 - 212 -013 -8 from FY83/84 to FY13/14. Confirmed no second living unit on property. ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT 001 - 0000 - 300.22.00 (SSC) County Billing 6757.00 TOTAL $6757.00 Initiated By: Signature (USE BLIJE INK) Date: 6/24/14 Approved By: Signatur US ) Date:.? (` Approved B Signature (USE BLUE INK) Date: 0/4, / HAPayment AuthorizationsTlana Lago.doc I tVi 1. �m 1983 -84 $124.00 1984 -85 $129.00 1985 -86 $124.00 1986 -87 $116.00 1987 -88 $116.00 1988 -89 $116.00 1989 -90 $124.00 1990 -91 $136.00 1991 -92 $151.00 1992 -93 $165.00 1993 -94 $185.00 1994 -95 $188.00 1995 -96 $188.00 1996 -97 $188.00 1997 -98 $188.00 1998 -99 $188.00 1999 -00 $188.00 2000 -01 $200.00 2001 -02 $224.00 2002 -03 $248.00 2003 -04 $272.00 2004 -05 $280.00 2005 -06 $280.00 2006 -07 $289.00 2007 -08 $300.00 2008 -09 $311.00 2009 -10 $311.00 2010 -11 $311.00 2011 -12 $341.00 2012 -13 $371.00 2013 -14 $405.00 $6,757.00 0 ,.,CENTRAL SANITARY DISTRICT r FINAL SERYLCE CHARGE FDR TAX YEA0 1979 q REPT PE3244 DATE 06/2W79 PAGE IL7 0 AMOUNT PARCEL NUMBER USE AMOUNT PARCEL NUMBER USE ANOW { _ 1.7.0 -150 -042 -1 11 93.00 170-162 -003 -9 11 .11 170 -150 -043 -9 11 93.00 170- 162 -004 -7 11 93.00 170- 150 -044 -7 11 93.00 170 -162 -005 -4 11 43:.40 ' _ _;170 -150 -045 -4 11 93.00 170 -162 -006 -2 11 170 -1S2 -007 -4 170 -150 -046 -2 11 93.00 170 -162 -007 -0 11 11 170 -150 -047 -0 11 93.00 170 -162 -008 -8 11 93.00 170 -150 -048 -8 11 93.00 170 -162 -009 -6 11 93.A.0 '^ 170- 150 -049 -6 11 93.00 170- 162-010 -4 11 r 170 -150 -050 -4 11 93.00 170- 162 -011 -2 11 11 170 -150 -051 -2 11 93.00 170 -171 -001 -2 11 93.00 170 -150 -053 -8 11 93.00 170 -171 -002 -0 11 93:40 170 -150- 054 -6 11 93.00 170- 171 -003 -8 11 170 -1S2 -013 -2 170- 150 -055 -3 11 93.00 170 -171 -004 -6 11 11 170- 150 -056 -1 11 93.00 170 -171 -005 -3 11 93.00 170- 150 -057 -9 11 93.00 170 -171 -006 -1 11 93.40 170- 150 -058 -7 11 93.00 170 -171 -007 -9 11 170 -192 -016 -5 170 - 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Total Value: $151,393 Use Code: 13 Use Type: SINGLE FAMILY Land Value: $80,574 Tax Rate Area: 012 -064 Zoning: ImprValue: $70,819 Year Ass d: 2013 Census Tract 3250.0013 Other Value: Properly Tax Price /SgFt: % Improved: 46% DelinquentYr: Exempt Amt HO Exempt: N Sale History Sale1 Sale2 Sale3 Transfer Recording Date: 06/27/1996 04/16/1996 05/05/1983 06/27/1996 Recording Doc: 120672 69166 11238-141 120672 Rec. Doc Type: Transfer Amount: Seller (Grantor): 1stTrust Dd Amt 2nd Trust Dd Amt: Property Characteristics Bedrooms: 3 Fireplace: Units: Baths (Full): 2 A/C: Stories: Baths (Half): Heating: Quality. Total Rooms: 9 Pool: Building Class: Bldg /LIYArea: 1,476 Park Type: GARAGE Condition: Lot Acres: 0.191 Spaces: Site Influence: Lot SgFt: 8,320 Garage SgFt: 400 Timber Preserve: Year Built: 1964 Bsmt SgFt NIA Ag Preserve: Effective Year: 1964 1/2 t .. s First American Title 56242 MAY - 51983 ] • Order Nn. �UPR �' 238 f Escrow No. 117074 KC pMrj�gUMIH RECORDEO AT REC1J£ST 01r f'S4k Lott. No. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY ►-- -M L AM OFKI L REC�ORD`3 OF WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: TRA COSTA COUNTY Jon K, Lago COSTA 00, J..R. OL.SSOTN Dipna R. Lago C U14 fY RECORDER 53 Chaucer DrivFEE _ P3epsant Hill, Ca. ♦ /S - hl•Aa:Y AY,)VE T «10 I,.NE Ft)h RECOrIV[F'Y V.Y MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: 46.20. • DOC. \1NIENTARV TRANSFER TAX i.. ...._.._...._.___,._..»a..,_... same as above .xx COmlwted sn the nondd.ralen or vNw el wood ty e.meved: OR ... Cttmttttt.d � ..... �Iow­ ■lue la[ liem or incuMfreneee thy Cabral >lr" a;. .1 i irst American Title GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, raeeipt of wllieh Ie horYbV feknoWlndvad."�` WILLIAM F. GREEN. Jr. as his sole and separate property ' - hereby GRANT(S)to _ -ION K. LAGO andi,DIANA R. LAGO. his wife, III@ fast property ih ua. Clay of Pleasant Hill •z.: - County of .Contra Costi! St.l. I- C.slil.mia,. dwicr l»d ae For legal description see Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof: Dated— April 27, 1983 VWillia 'F. reen, Jr. cMOTDyooFAUFe8flt6ra Costa -•- - --1� a' - - beta. IM. Me wedonpaned. Y Nolery PuPlie In and for said 91.24 Pet` „� - '• 7 conchs Yptleered_:.b1.�l.L3Am _.. F. "�. CarSSn_,...f�C .••••_ _ .. .._ _ . PUT"MIty known w the dW Pr d 20 me on Ih. ww el YkpeGery MARGARET E CORDNAY _ NOTARY PUBLIC - CAUFOiWA widerloe) 10 be Ihtt PerAMV W whrtee hnMMSI AVAI0 Wbe bed to Itm CONTRA COSTA OOLMTV '1 eAlmn tnNhtaent arse 4kneMedped to me Met ha/eh.Ah.i, MI0!Vtetl t:a11.r�..1st �� Nnlr SM. 1W !I M. Mma w2TN11f[S M, hend.nd oelelal ta.1, n 1 y Ir r Ijf •f 61phe1V�,C.�.�.LQ' IThM ..n 1.. et1.c,M +tare.:rw ,r11 _ - 2007 (6187) MAIL. TAX STA EMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE A •� t e3' -•T+, ZjTy uj� ryt 2