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California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 1 2014
Off to a Great Start!
The WateReuse Research Foundation, in partnership with WateReuse California, launched
the DPR Initiative in June of 2012 to advance DPR as a water supply option in California.
This was driven by the establishment in recent years of statewide goals for the use of
recycled water, and a mandate from the California legislature to come up with a feasibility
study by 2016 to investigate developing uniform water recycling criteria for DPR.
Since then, the DPR Initiative has raised almost $6 million for cutting edge DPR research.
This includes $500,000 in matching funds from The Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California (MWD) to fund four projects on public acceptance, critical control points, source
water control, and development of an operations plan. Additionally, we forged a valuable
partnership with the Water Research Foundation, resulting in WRF along with six of its
member agencies funding and managing two research projects (worth $600,000) from the
list of 22 identified as essential by experts at a WRRF workshop. WRRF welcomed this
additional support to augment the leadership shown by California municipal water agencies
and other stakeholders. Not included in that total is a $2.1 million grant application to the
State of California that has been approved for a DPR demonstration project. This work in
San Diego is expected to start this fall.
WateReuse Research Foundation DPR Research Program
The Beginnings
This Initiative was built upon a solid DPR Research Program that started in 2011 when
WRRF began funding research identified by WateReuse's Direct Potable Reuse: A Path
Forward, the 2012 NRC report on potable reuse, and the investors of the California DPR
Initiative. The six resulting projects initiated in 2011 and 2012, representing over $3.8
million in research, created a solid foundation exploring the viability of DPR. Significant
findings and conclusions will arise from these initial DPR projects and will help steer future
DPR research.
Launching of the DPR Initiative
WRRF and WRCA hosted a DPR Research Needs Workshop at West Basin's Edward C. Little
Water Recycling Facility in December 2012 to identify research gaps to be addressed in new
research. Attended by more than 50 (Appendix A) international leaders in potable reuse, the
workshop divided the experts in industry, academics, consulting, and regulators into four
strategic breakout groups (Operations, Quality Assurance, Treatment Technology, and Public
Acceptance). Descriptions for 22 projects resulted and were ranked by the workshop
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
This ranked list was submitted to the Foundation's Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for
review and selection at their January 2013 meeting. The RAC further developed four projects
addressing regulatory, utility, and community concerns. This 2013 DPR research approved
by the Board (WRRF- 13 -02, 13 -03, 13 -12, 13 -13) totals $1,000,000 and is funded by the
CA DPR Initiative donors as well as Metropolitan Water District of Southern CA. This program
is further enhanced by collaboration with the Water Research Foundation (WRF), who is
funding and managing an additional two projects (WRF4536 and 4506) at $600,000.
The RAC again met in January 2014 and added more important research to address key
questions in DPR. The RAC built off of existing projects and recommended research to
develop four new projects to be started in 2014. These projects were approved by the Board
in March and add another $1 million to the DPR program to address technical and public
acceptance concerns with DPR. The nine projects funded by the DPR Initiative are
represented below.
Current DPR Research
WRRF Project
In Kind
Project #
Research Project Title
Mark Millan, Data
WRRF -13 -02
Model Public Communication Plan for
Instincts; Patsy
Advancing DPR Acceptance
Tennyson, Katz &
Critical Control Point assessment to quantify
Troy Walker, Hazen
WRRF -13 -03
robustness and reliability of multiple
& Sawyer
treatment barriers of DPR scheme
Evaluation of Source Water Control Options
WRRF -13 -12
and the Impact of Selected Strategies on
Development of Operation and Maintenance
WRRF -13 -13
Plan and Training and Certification
Troy Walker, Hazen
Framework for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR)
& Sawyer
WRRF -13 -15
John Whitler
Blending Requirements for Water from
Direct Potable Reuse Treatment Facilities
WRRF -13 -14
John Whitler
Assessment of Techniques to Evaluate and
Demonstrate the Safety of Water from
Direct Potable Reuse Treatment Facilities
WRRF -14 -01
Integrated Management of Sensor Data for
Real Time Decision Making and Response
WRRF -14 -02
Establishing additional log reduction credits
for WWTPs
Develop Methodology of comprehensive
WRRF -14 -03
(fiscal /triple bottom line) analysis of
alternative water supply projects compared
to DPR
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
CDPH Expert Panel
On March 5, NWRI convened a kickoff conference call with CDPH staff, expert panelists, and
WRCA /WRRF staff. The objectives of the call were to (1) Provide an overview of the CDPH's
mandate regarding the Expert Panel, (2) Review the Panel's scope of work, and (3) Review
DPR research efforts to date and future research needs. The Foundation staff provided a 30
minute overview of our DPR research, initiating in 2011 and gaining new momentum in with
the launch of the DPR Initiative. A preliminary report was drafted by Jeff Mosher and shared
with the Foundation Board at the March 26 meeting. A formal response from the Expert
Panel is expected in the end of April to advise the Foundation on remaining research gaps.
The Foundation will assemble an ad -hoc RAC group to review the report and develop new
research to add to our 2014 program.
CDPH Expert Panel Members
Rhodes Trussell, Trussell Technologies (Chair)
Michael Anderson, UC Riverside
Dick Bull, MoBull Consulting
J6rg Drewes, Technische Universitat Munchen
Chuck Haas, Drexel University
Walter Jakubowski, WaltJay Consulting
Perry McCarty, Stanford University
Kara Nelson, UC Berkeley
Adam Olivieri, EOA, Inc.
Joan Rose, Michigan State University
David Sedlak, UC Berkeley
Tim Wade, US EPA.
Advisory Committee Representatives
Ray Tremblay, LACSD
Jim Fiedler, Santa Clara Valley Water District
Marsi Steirer, City of San Diego
Mike Wehner, Orange County Water District
Al Lau, Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Keith Solar, San Diego County Taxpayers Association
Traci Minamide, LA Bureau of Sanitation
Garry Brown, Orange County Coastkeeper
Andria Ventura, Clean Water Action
Conner Everts, Environmental Justice Coalition for
Fran Spivy - Weber, SWRCB
Alisa Reinhardt, San Diego Regional Chamber of
Charles Mosher, Mariposa County Health
Bruce Macler, U.S. EPA
Mark Bartson, CDPH
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
Project Status Summaries
WRRF- 13 -02: Model Public Communication Plan for Advancing DPR Acceptance
The objective of this project is to establish a framework Listen
communication plan and develop an implementable,
strategic communication plan to achieve DPR acceptance for
the State of California. The contractor -led portion of this high
profile project officially commenced on October 15, 2013. Engage Learn
The Data Instincts project team led by Mark Millan meets
weekly by phone and is active on several fronts at this time: y
• A literature review and summary were
completed. Retool
• One -on -one interviews were conducted with
individuals at a variety of agencies /utilities who are considering potable reuse
to learn what concerns /challenges they face.
• PAC Workshop #1 was held March 19th in Newport Beach
• Target audience lists were assembled and draft questions for one -on -one
interviews with representatives of these target audiences were prepared, both
were reviewed by the PAC at Workshop #1. The PAC and project team also
discussed which Legislators, Health Officials, and Special Interest groups
would have the most valuable input, and a priority list was developed for the
team to use when assembling interview subjects.
• One on one interviews with Legislators are currently taking place, and the team
is working to schedule interviews with Health Officials and Special Interest
• Next steps: The two model communities selected are San Diego and Santa
Clara. The team will survey and interview these communities to test and refine
their messaging. A second workshop is being held in July to review findings
from all of the interviews and focus groups and begin to plan for Phase II
(development of a toolkit of materials to be used for outreach)
LEFT: A delegation from the Model Public Communication
Plan for Advancing DPR Acceptance Project (WRRF- 13 -02)
' traveled to Brisbane to meet with the Australian Water
Recycling Centre of Excellence on March 24 -26. Project PI
h Mark Millan, Research Manager Stefani McGregor, and
PAC members Dave Smith and Ron Wildermuth toured the
Bundamba Advanced Water Treatment Plant and received
an overview of South -East Queensland history on
challenges around water supply and water reuse from Don
Alcock, Sue Keay, and Greg Oliver of the A WRCoE. The
tours were followed up by a two day forum with
presentations from both groups and their respective
project teams and provided an opportunity to explore for
cross - linkages and collaboration between AWRCoE and
WRRF projects (NDEEP and 13 -02); and to share
knowledge around drivers and needs of the industries in
both countries.
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
WRRF- 13 -03: Critical Control Point Assessment to Quantify Robustness and Reliability of
Multiple Treatment Barriers of DPR Scheme
1. Conduct hazard assessment for key unit operations for two or more direct potable
reuse (DPR) treatment trains, including the following:
a. MF /UF - RO - UV /H2O2 - C12 - Engineered Storage
b. 03 - BAC - GAC - UV - C12 - Engineered Storage
2. Develop best design, monitoring, and operational practices by evaluating critical
process control points in each of the DPR treatment trains evaluated to meet overall
system robustness and reliability.
3. Develop standard design approaches and response strategies (i.e., operations plan
and standard operating procedures) to mitigate upset events to strive towards `fail -
safe' operation of a DPR plant.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Research Approach:
• Conduct hazard assessment
for key unit operations and
determine critical control
• Conduct bench /pilot level
challenge test studies
• Conduct Monte Carlo risk
analysis and develop
standard design approaches,
operational procedures, and
response strategies
Hazard Analysis
Critical Limits Procedures
Record Keeping
The contractor -led portion of the project officially commenced on December 3, 2013. The
Hazen & Sawyer project team is led by Troy Walker and Ben Stanford.
• A multi - disciplinary Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) team
has been assembled to assist in the delivery of the project outcomes.
• The first HACCP workshop was held on February 25th and 26th resulting in the
first determination of critical control points and monitoring options
• Critical Control Points (CCP) for both processes (FAT membrane treatment and
Ozone /BAC /GAC /UV) were identified.
• Key items for utility data gathering were identified and actions for collection.
• Detailed water quality risk assessment to be undertaken separately (more
value for the team to work on CCP selection).
• A "kick -off" conference call was conducted on April 10th between the project
team, PAC, and PM.
• In addition, the literature review is underway and operating data from
participating utilities is continually being gathered.
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
WRRF- 13 -12: Evaluation of Source Water Control Options and the Impact of Selected
Strategies on DPR
The goals are to evaluate upstream
wastewater treatment impacts (e.g. N /dN-
nitrification /denitrification, industrial
source control) on DPR source water
quality and DPR process, and to evaluate
impact of hydraulic control mechanisms
(e.g. flow equalization and source water
storage buffers) on influent water quality
and flow variations that "stress" the DPR
Proposal selection has occurred and
contracting is in process so that an award
should be announced shortly.
WRRF- 13 -13: Development of Operation and Maintenance Plan and Training and
Certification Framework for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Systems
The object of this project is to develop a standard
operations and maintenance plan for various
DPR treatment processes, including appropriate
portions of the upstream secondary wastewater
treatment processes providing feedwater to the
DPR processes. A DPR Training and Certification
framework for DPR system operators will also be
Proposal selection has occurred and contracting
is in process so that an award should be
announced shortly.
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
WRF 4536: Blending Requirements for Water from DPR Treatment Facilities
The objective of this project is to optimize with respect to water quality, the blending of DPR
water with existing water supplies based on existing information. Phase II will conduct case
studies of selected blending strategies. Proposal selection has occurred and contracting is
in process so that an award should be announced shortly. Water Research Foundation will
fund and manage this project.
Potable Raw Water Supply
Recycled Water
(Blend Locations and Blend Percentages
Depend Upon Recycled Water Quality)
Water Treatment Plant
Blending Locations proposed for analysis (taken from awarded team's (TBA) proposal)
Finished Water
WRF 4508: Assessment of techniques for evaluating and demonstrating safety of DPR
product water
The objectives of this project are to evaluate known techniques /methodologies (and
potentially develop new technologies) for the assessment of DPR water safety (work with
public outreach group to identify key criteria by which public would evaluate safety); to
evaluate the effectiveness of currently accepted and alternative treatment trains for the
production of DPR water using the developed techniques; and to develop tools and methods
for utilities to demonstrate water safety to the public, elected officials, etc. Proposal
selection has occurred and contracting is in process so that an award should be announced
shortly. Water Research Foundation will fund and manage this project.
,� ,���� aF —� Reuse*
o, Drinking ---► Reuse*
3 Raw 40�� Reuse*
Wastewater ' Level of treatment depends
on the reuse application
Treatment technologies are available to achieve any desired level of water quality (taken from EPA, 2012)
7 p
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 12014
The 2014 DPR projects were approved by the Board on March 26, 2014. Project
managers are currently working on forming PACs and refining RFPs. RFPs can be expected
this summer. Please contact Julie Minton or the project manager (see table on page 2) if you
would like to serve on the PAC or if your utility would like to participate on the project (e.g.
provide in -kind support). Additional DPR projects will be announced later in the year.
WRRF- 14 -01: Integrated Management of Sensor Data for Real Time Decision Making and
The objectives of this project are as follows:
• Develop an operation support tool that integrates diverse sensors within the treatment
process for immediate feedback /alerts. Integrate existing sensors as an early warning
system for a Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) treatment process to provide:
• Real time sensor network for tracking system
performance and key quality parameters,
A tool for early detection of system anomalies
prior to any compromise in water quality.
Build on criteria developed in WRRF -13 -03 and
13 -13 for decision making based on
established critical control points.
Develop framework for sensor data integration
based on above criteria.
WRRF- 14 -02: Establishing additional log reduction credits for WWTPs
The objectives are as follows:
• Obtain more accurate picture of the microbial treatment requirements by addressing the
major source of uncertainty —the concentration of pathogens in raw wastewater and
secondary effluent.
• Establish if there is any correlation
between the number of pathogens in
raw wastewater and secondary effluent.
• Establish removal credit for biological
treatment provided (e.g., activated
sludge) for protozoa, bacteria, and
• Determine validity of pathogen log -
removal requirements identified by
CDPH for potable reuse projects.
California Direct Potable Reuse Initiative - Research Update for DPR Donors 1 2014
WRRF- 14 -03, Develop Methodology of comprehensive (fiscal /triple bottom line) analysis of
alternative water supply projects compared to DPR
The objective of this project is to develop
and demonstrate an assessment
method (spreadsheet, database, or
other) to provide information to decision
makers in considering the full economic,
social, and environmental impacts of a
DPR water supply versus other
alternative supplies.
Triple Bottom Line Approach
eo Economic
Equitable Viable
mi Sustainable
Social Liable Environmental