HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.d.1)a) Action Summary-Administration Committee 8-19-14Central contra costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair McGill Member Williams Tuesday, August 19, 2014 8:00 a.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DAVID R. WILLIAMS President MICHAEL R. MCGILL President Pro Tent PAUL H CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY TAD J PILECKI PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX.- (925) 372 -0192 www.centralsan.org PRESENT: Chair Mike McGill, Member David Williams, General Manager Roger Bailey (arrived during Item 4.), Director of Administration David Heath, Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit (arrived during Item 3.), Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley, Communication Services Manager Michael Scahill, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme, Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch (left after Item 3.), Human Resources Analyst Twila Mullenix, and Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Risk Management a. Review Loss Control Report and discuss outstanding claims Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch reviewed the Loss Control Report included with the agenda packet. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report and discussed outstanding claims. Administration Committee Action Summary August 19, 2014 Page 2 b. Discuss new claims, if any Ms. Deutsch stated that the District was recently served in the following matter related to the seismic retrofit project for the Headquarters Office Building, District Project 8226: B. A. Retro, Inc. v. D. L. Falk, Central San, et al., Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. C14 -01229 The subcontractor that performed the welding work and steel plate for the project issued a stop payment notice to the District last fall, and the District has been named as a defendant to enforce the stop notice. Ms. Deutsch said the District has a bond to cover the unpaid fees and District Counsel is handling the matter. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed new claim. 4. Receive verbal report that Bruce Heid, President of IEDA (Industrial Employers Distributors Association), would serve as lead negotiator, and recommend that the Board approve that IEDA be hired as labor relations consultant Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley stated that Mr. Heid has confirmed that, if hired as the District's labor consultant to represent its interests in the 2017 labor negotiations, he would be the chief negotiator for both the Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local One, and the Management Support/Confidential Group (MS /CG). His associate, Stacey Cue would serve as lead for the Management Group. Ms. O'Malley responded to several questions from the Committee Members as to IEDA's fees, noting that any brainstorming, strategizing and research for the labor negotiations up until six months before expiration of the current contracts on December 17, 2017 was included under the discounted flat fee structure as previously quoted. Any use of IEDA for employee training would be in addition to the flat monthly fee. The Committee Members concurred with staff's recommendation to retain IEDA. If the full Board concurs, the Committee Members asked staff to work with IEDA to develop a preliminary schedule of milestones and associated timeframe for addressing the various issues related to the 2017 labor negotiations. The Committee was also interested in the anticipated approach to addressing these issues. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended that the Board hire IEDA as the District's labor relations consultant for the 2017 labor negotiations. If the Board hires IEDA, staff was asked to work with IEDA to (1) develop a preliminary schedule of milestones and associated timeframe to address the various issues related to the negotiations, and (2) provide information on the anticipated approach for addressing the issues, for discussion at a future Committee meeting. Administration Committee Action Summary August 19, 2014 Page 3 5. Review draft Position Paper establishing, adding, and authorizing the filling of a Collection System Maintenance Scheduler (G -67, $6,614 - $8,003); and delete a vacant Maintenance Crew Leader (G -67, $6,614 - $8,003) position Ms. O'Malley explained that the recommended changes were more of a housekeeping nature to ensure the job classification was properly aligned with the actual duties performed by the person in that position. There would be no net financial impact to the District. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the draft Position Paper and recommended the Board establish, add, and authorize the Collection System Maintenance Scheduler and delete the vacant Maintenance Crew Leader position. 6. Receive report on upcoming Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association ( CCCERA) audit Ms. O'Malley stated that CCCERA is mandated under the Public Employers Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) to conduct regular audits to ensure that the employee and compensation data utilized to calculate retiree pension benefits is accurate and verifiable. She said the District has no control over this process, which is scheduled to begin this month. As an outgrowth of this discussion, the Committee Members made several suggestions for future agenda items, as reflected under Item 13 below. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 7. Review Overtime Report/Trends /Comparisons COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report and requested information as to how overtime is assigned and approved across the District. 8. Discuss potential customer service survey Communication Services Manager Michael Scahill stated that any work on a potential customer service survey has been suspended since the last time the Committee discussed the matter, and some of the elements that would have been included in the survey are being dealt with as part of the ongoing Cost of Service Study. The District has paid roughly ten percent of the total $77, 000 contract amount. Chair McGill said his impression was that the Board was not particularly desirous of moving forward with a survey at this time, yet he was not inclined to cancel the contract at this point. Mr. Scahill said focus group surveys could be conducted, at a reduced cost. General Manager Roger Bailey said it may be helpful to consider utilizing a customer service survey when the request for proposal (RFP) on the Administration Committee Action Summary August 19, 2014 Page 4 Treatment Plant Master Plan goes forward because it will include Plant of the Future components. That process is expected to take place in 12 -18 months. Chair McGill suggested revisiting this matter once the Cost of Service Study and Staffing Needs Assessment are completed because the results may reveal areas where further assessment is needed. Member Williams concurred. COMMITTEE ACTION: Tabled the matter for further discussion upon completion of the Cost of Service Study and Staffing Needs Assessment. 9. Receive information on the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program ( BACBP), which must be implemented by September 30, 2014 Ms. O'Malley noted that the BACBP is a regional commuter benefits program that promotes the use of alternative commute modes such as transit, ridesharing, bicycling, and walking. The intent of the program is to reduce motor vehicle travel and traffic congestion and decrease emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Bay Area employers with 50 or more full -time employees must implement one of four options under the BACBP by September 30, 2014. She said staff recommended approval of Option 4B, as described in the memo included with the agenda packet, because it was the most cost effective and quickest way to bring the District into compliance. Other options, which may bring the District into a higher level of compliance, can be evaluated in the future. Chair McGill said the top priority was to assure the District is in compliance with the BACBP. Having said that, he expressed interest in learning about what would be involved in bringing the District to the next most cost effective level of compliance. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received information and recommended Board approval of Option 4B as described in the memo. 10. Receive report on upcoming Management Group Total Compensation Survey Item 10. was taken out of order, immediately after Item 8. General Manager Roger Bailey said this item resulted from a commitment made to the Management Group during the last labor negotiations to conduct a total compensation survey on .the overall pay and benefits of management employees in order to ensure that the District continues to recruit and retain high quality managers. The Committee Members provided input to staff with regard to other agencies to use for comparison and elements of compensation. They further requested that staff return with its plan for conducting the survey after taking into consideration the Committee's input. COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff. Administration Committee Action Summary August 19, 2014 Page 5 11. Planning for 2017 Labor Negotiations No discussion was held. 12. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. (Rescheduled from September 24, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.) Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. (Alternate for Member Williams TBD) Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements and requested that the following meetings be added: Friday, October 3, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. Friday, November 7, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. 13. Suggestions for future agenda items a. The Committee requested a standing item on future agendas for updates on the effect that limitations under PEPRA, as well as CCCERA's July 2014 actions with regard to terminal pay, will have on both the District's unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) and contribution rates under the District's defined benefit plan. b. With regard to the action taken above by CCCERA, which reduced enhancements under the District's defined benefit plan to a level below that established during the last round of labor negotiations, the Committee suggested the full Board be polled to see if this is an issue they wish to address. If so, the Committee would like information as to what options might be available. C. The Committee requested regular updates on the status of pending litigation relating to AB 197 (PEPRA). 14. Adjournment — at 9:45 a.m.