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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
environment Ith and the •
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
Chair McGill FAX: (925) 372 -0192
Member Williams www.ceiztralsan.org
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
8:00 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
PRESENT: Chair Mike McGill, Member David Williams, General' Manager Roger
Bailey, Director of Administration David Heath, Finance Manager Thea Vassallo,
Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley, Finance Administrator Todd Smithey,
Human Resources Analyst Twila Mullenix, John Bartel of Bartel Associates, LLC, and
Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson
Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Receive presentation from John Bartel of Bartel Associates, LLC, and continue
discussion regarding (1) Contra Costa Employees Retirement Association
(CCCERA) /California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS), and
(2) defined benefit versus defined contribution plans. (Previous discussions took
place on April 2 and June 18, 2014.)
John Bartel of Bartel Associates, LLC, confirmed with the Committee Members
that they were satisfied from an educational perspective with the information he
presented at the April 2 and June 18, 2014 meetings comparing pension plan
administration under CCCERA and CaIPERS. Therefore, he proceeded to the
next topic on the potential ramifications of switching from a defined benefit plan
(DBP) to a defined contribution plan (DCP), a discussion begun with the
Administration Committee Action Summary
July 2, 2014
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Committee on June 18, 2014. He referred to the new material distributed with
the agenda packet, which included the addition of several slides containing
information requested by the Committee.
Mr. Bartel explained the chart on slide 3 which set out three tiers of pension
benefits used by CCCERA since enactment of the California Public Employees'
Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) on January 1, 2013. Tier 1 (employees
hired before 2011) and Tier 2 (employees hired during 2011 and 2012) differ in
the amount of terminal pay (spiking) that can be included in the final average
salary, which he said can matter quite a bit in terms of final compensation. The
terminal pay for Tier 1 employees is, on average, 20 -22% of pay because it
includes vacation, sick leave, and holiday compensation. The percentage for
Tier 2 is much lower because the terminal pay includes just one year of vacation
and no sick leave or holiday compensation. No spiking is allowed for Tier 3
(employees hired after January 1, 2013, subject to PEPRA).
Chair McGill noted that it can be confusing to distinguish between the tiers
utilized by CCCERA and those used by the District. It was explained that while
both sets of tiers are based on employee hire date, the CCCERA tiers relate to
pension benefits and the District's tiers relate other District issued benefits. For
purposes of this discussion on pension matters, only the CCCERA tiers are
relevant. Chair McGill also asked how the "legacy employees" and "estoppel
class" fit with the tier descriptions. It was noted that legacy employees are those
hired prior to January 1, 2013. The estoppel class is composed of legacy
employees hired prior to January 1, 2011.
Mr. Bartel explained that while the age 67 benefit factor is a bit higher for Tier 3
employees (2.5% versus 2.42 %), the pensionable wage cap (the base number
used to determine retirement benefits) is substantially lower. In 2014, the cap is
$138,077. Even though it is indexed to inflation, Mr. Bartel believes more and
more Tier 3 District employees will exceed the cap as time goes by, which could
prove problematic from a recruitment standpoint. Lower benefit formulas under
PEPRA mean that newer employees will need to contribute more toward their
retirement. While there is no big sense of urgency for the District, it is something
he believes the District may want to address, perhaps sooner than other
It was noted that some agencies have begun making contributions to individual
deferred compensation accounts to make benefit packages more attractive to
prospective employees. Referring to slide 6, General Manager Roger Bailey
asked if, from a legal standpoint, salaries could be increased to cover the
difference between "normal cost" and the total cost to the District, with the
increased amount placed in a deferred compensation plan, without affecting the
pensionable wage cap. Mr. Bartel said yes.
Administration Committee Action Summary
July 2, 2014
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In response to a question from Chair McGill, Mr. Bartel said that PEPRA was
implemented via AB340 effective January 1, 2013. AB197 is a separate but
related issue, in that District employees have relied upon CCCERA to determine
terminal pay, and CCCERA has historically taken a broad view of what may be
included in terminal pay. AB 197 was enacted to clarify the components of
terminal pay, which will effectively reduce the amount that CCCERA may include
in its terminal pay calculations going forward, to the detriment of some current
District employees. Mr. Bartel explained that the District's DBP is a tax qualified
plan that enjoys favorable tax treatment in that benefits are not taxed until paid.
However, one of the rules of such plans is that retirees are not paid more than
what is allowed under the plan. While unlikely, he noted a potential issue with
plan disqualification due to CCCERA's past liberal interpretation of terminal pay.
Mr. Bartel briefly reviewed slides 7 -10 which compared the differences between a
DBP and DCP in terms of the nature of the promise to employees, retirement
benefit levels, contribution levels, vesting, portability, death, and who accepts the
risk and reward. Mr. Bailey asked if the District could expect reduced costs with
comparable benefits by moving to a DCP. Mr. Bartel said no. While the risk can
be transferred from the District to the employees by switching to a DCP, which is
what most companies in the private sector have done, investment returns under
DCPs are, by and large, lower than with a DBP.
With regard to risk, Mr. Bartel said the agency assumes the risk and reward
under a DBP if returns exceed the set benefit formula. In a DCP, the employee
assumes the risk and reward because there is no set benefit formula. As
explained at the June 18 meeting, studies consistently show that administrative
costs are almost always greater with a DCP because expenses tend to be higher
as a percentage of assets and the investments tend to be more conservative.
Also, movement of assets in a DCP increases the profits made by investment
advisors, which is not the case in a DBP. Member Williams asked if educational
programs for employees on the basic concepts of investing could mitigate these
findings. Mr. Bartel said it was his belief that investment results under a DCP will
always be lower than in a DBP, regardless of any such programs, because
individual employees are unable to enjoy the lower expenses afforded DBPs.
Chair McGill said that while there are cost issues, there are also issues of
fairness in considering the two types of plans. There needs to be a balance
between what is appropriate for the District's rate payers and its employees. The
question is where to balance that fairness. Mr. Bartel said he is absolutely
convinced that Tier 1 and Tier employees must have a stake in relieving the
unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL). He has seen this be successful
when there is upside potential for the employees (e.g., a higher benefit formula).
Chair McGill said if he were to be asked to make a recommendation to the full
Board at this point, he would recommend remaining with CCCERA as the
Administration Committee Action Summary
July 2, 2014
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District's retirement plan administrator, and keeping the existing DBP. While
Member Williams agreed with the retirement plan administration
recommendation, he was not comfortable making a recommendation on the
DBP /DCP issue because he believes ratepayers expect that District employees
should assume at least some risk associated with their retirement package.
Chair McGill did not disagree, but said he was unaware of any reasonable
mechanism for accomplishing that.
Mr. Bartel noted that in another ten or so years, PEPRA (Tier 3) employees will
comprise a majority of District employees, which will affect future labor
negotiations. He also reiterated the impact to the District on recruitment of future
employees. To that end, he said he could bring back to the Committee a sample
DCP as well as a hybrid DBP /DCP for illustrative purposes. Given the
importance of this issue, the Committee Members agreed that it would be
beneficial to review the new material prior to making any recommendation to the
full Board.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation and scheduled a further
discussion with Mr. Bartel on July 16, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. to review samples
of a DCP and a hybrid DBP /DCP with a view toward making a
recommendation to the full Board on July 17, 2014 after Mr. Bartel's
scheduled presentation.
4. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. (Special)
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. (Alternate for Member
Williams to be determined)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement.
5. Suggestions for future agenda items
6. Adjournment — at 10:20 a.m.