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(Budget) 2014-15 Operations & Maintenance, Debt Service Fund, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets & Staffing Plan�WC S • :• Protecting Public Health and the Environment FY 2014 -15 Budgets Operations &Maintenance Debt Service Self- Insurance s Staffing Plan Board Adoption: June 5, 2014 -- mm Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2014 -15 Budget Table of Contents Introduction • Narrative about each section of the document • Graphic of the Strategic Plan and Budget Process • Combined Budget Revenue & Expense Graphic Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget • Pie Chart of Revenue and Expense • Position Paper • District Revenue • Salary & Benefits • District Expense • Department Expense - Administrative - Engineering - Collection Systems & Pumping Stations - Plant Operations • Technical Training, Meetings & Conferences Debt Service Fund Budget • Graphic Summary of Current Debt Service • Summary of Debt Service Fund Budget • Budget Report with Account Number Detail Self- insurance Budget • Pie Chart of Revenue and Expense • Position Paper with Budget Attachments & Historical Charts • Budget Report with Account Number Detail Staffing Plan • Position Paper • Authorized and Budgeted Positions Introduction This bound budget document contains the Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget, Self Insurance Budget, and the Staffing Plan. The Capital Improvement Plan /Budget, including the Equipment Budget summaries and detail, is produced as a separate document. Following this introduction is a graphic illustration of the District's Strategic Plan and Budgeting process. Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget This section of the budget document contains the O &M Budget. Total revenues and expenses are summarized using a pie chart format. Graphic illustrations and summary tables are provided for easy reference. As always, staff advises the Board that current year projections are subject to change due to possible year -end audit entries, changes in economic conditions, and other variables beyond our control. The final section lists anticipated training, travel and conference needs. Debt Service Fund Budget To improve the clarity of the budgets presented to the Board, a Debt Service Fund was created in the 2004 -2005 fiscal year. The main source of revenue comes from ad Valorem tax. The debt service fund does not have a separate position paper; it is included in the O &M position paper. Included in this section are: a bar chart and a table summarizing historical, current, and future debt, a table summarizing the Debt Service Budget, and a detailed budget listing with account numbers. Self- Insurance Budget The District created the Self- insurance Fund in 1986. The Self- Insurance Budget section of this document includes a pie chart showing revenue and expense for the budgeted fiscal year, a position paper, detailed budget attachments, bar charts showing historical revenue, expense and end of year reserve balances, and a detailed budget listing with account numbers. Staffing Plan Staffing requirements were reviewed by each of the departments in preparation of this plan. This section of the budget includes the approval position paper and detailed information by department. The last tab compares authorized to budgeted positions for all District staff. cemai conga cosec sanitary District Financial Planning Process 0 Action step 0 Output Board of Directors and staff identify significant issues/ Refine Issues planning process begins: Capital Budget Workshop - Develop next fiscal year goals • policy • Goals & Objectives Develop financial projections • Strategic Plan • Business Plan 10 Year Financial Plan • Financial . Revenue • Investment Policy /GASB 451ssues /Reserve Policy . Expenses • Capacity Fees, Rates It Charges . Reserves • Developer - Related Fees, Rates and Charges - O&M Projections • SSC Rate Structure - Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) • Regulations • Labor /Contract Begin updating Capacity If Developer - Related Fees, • Capital Projects Rates and Charges SSC from prior year placed on tax roll by mid - August Recycled Water rates updated Administrative Overhead calculated based on prior fiscal year data January - March Financial planning workshop March - June Board Committees /Meetings /Workshops • Strategic Plan Staffing Plan • 10 -Year Financial Plan OBM Budget • Rate Scenarios GASB 45 • Self Insurance Budget Receive Board of Director input /direction on: Capital Improvement Budget • Staffing Plan Prop 218 Mailing • O£tM Budget Public Hearings • Self Insurance Budget • Capital Improvement Budget • Budgets • SSC Rates • Vote to put SSC on property tax bill • Capacity £t Developer - Related Fees, Rates and Charges Board final adoption of budgets and resolutions 0 Action step 0 Output Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Combined Budgets - FY 2014 -15 Total District Revenue & Expense Fund Revenue Operations & Maintenance $ 86,231,600 Debt Service 5,576,347 Self- Insurance 694,970 Sewer Construction 22,281,000 $ 114,783,917 Self- Insurai 0.6% Debt Service 4.9 Sewer Fund Expense Operations & Maintenance $ 88,198,895 Debt Service 5,576,347 Self- Insurance 661,500 Sewer Construction 25,079,000 $ 119,515,742 Operations & Maintenance 75.1 Operations & Maintenance 73.8 N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Bud Combined charts Page 1 Sanitary District Protecting Public Health and the Environment FY 2014 -15 Operations & Maintenance Budget �r �i_ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Operations and Maintenance Budget Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 ($000 omitted) FY 2014 -15 Budgeted O &M Revenue Sewer Service Charge $ 69,447 80.5% City of Concord 13,500 15.7% All Other 3,285 3.8% $ 86,232 100.00% Sewer Servi Charge 80.5% :ity of Concord 15.7% All Other 3.8% FY 2014 -15 Budgeted O &M Expenses Total Labor $ 66,645 75.6% Chemicals & Utilities 6,466 7.3% Repairs & Maintenance 4,912 5.6% Outside Services 3,303 3.7% All Other 2,619 3.0% Materials & Supplies 2,024 2.3% Hauling & Disposal 1,040 1.2% Self- Insurance Contribution 650 0.7% Professional & Legal 539 0.6% $ 88,199 100.0% Outsid Repairs E Maintenan 5.6% Chemicals & Utilities 7.3% Materials & All Other Supplies Hauling & _i.n% 1) :2v Disnosal elf- Insurance ;ontribution 0.7% Professional & Legal 0.6% al Labor '5.6% N :\ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\BudO &Mcharts Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 Subject. RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Thea Vassallo CPA, Finance Manager Administration /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. Kent Alm Roger S. Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: The proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget are being submitted for review at the May 15, 2014 Board Meeting, and are scheduled for approval and adoption at the June 5, 2014 Board Meeting. The budget document was provided to the Board under separate cover dated May 1, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the public hearing, approval, and adoption of the Budgets at the June 5, 2014 Board Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget was prepared using the $34 Sewer Service Charge (SSC) rate increase previously approved by the Board on June 20, 2013. The $439 SSC in FY 2014 -15 is allocated as follows: O &M $416; Capital $23 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE). The FY 2014 -15 SSC O &M allocation is $51 /RUE higher than in FY 2013 -14 which produces $8.4 million in additional O &M SSC revenue. The FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget results in a decrease of $2.0 million to O &M reserves, and total O &M reserves are projected to be $11.2 million at the end of FY 2014 -15. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: At a Board Meeting in February, staff presented several different scenarios with various SSC rate with rate increases between $0 -$37 that considered the impact on District revenues as well as the fiscal year -end reserve balance. At a public hearing on April 17, 2014, the Board took no action to change the SSC rate increase of $34 for FY 2014 -15. BACKGROUND: Staff has developed a 10 -year financial model for forecasting revenues, expenses and fund balance. The model assists the District in setting and projecting SSC rates. The model funds in the following order: Debt Service, O &M /Self- Insurance, and then Sewer Construction Fund. In May, 2013, the District ratepayers received a NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING /COMPLIANCE WITH PROPOSITION 218 N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 subject: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET stating a rate increase of up to $34 for FY 2013 -14 for a total up to $405 per year effective July 1, 2013, and up to an additional $34 increase for FY 2014 -15, effective July 1, 2014, for a total of up to $439 per year. The proposed FY 2014 -15 budget includes the allocation of $8.1 million from the O &M Fund towards the unfunded liability associated with GASB 45 post - employment healthcare benefits and current year retiree premiums. This amount is based on the draft of the most recently completed two -year actuarial study by Bartel Associates. The $8.1 million includes an approximate payment of $5.3 million for retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums annually and $2.8 million to be deposited in a GASB 45 PARS investment trust to fund future retiree benefit costs. This position paper focuses on variances between projected FY 2013 -14 expenses and the proposed FY 2014 -15 Budget. The position paper also notes any significant variances between the FY 2013 -14 and FY 2014 -15 Budgets. Attachment summarizes the Debt Service Fund Budget. Attachment II summarizes the O &M revenues, expenses, and reserve balances for seven years - FY 2008 -09 through FY 2014 -15 (five years of actual expenses plus FY 2013 -14 projected and FY 2014 -15 proposed budget numbers). N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 subject: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET O &M Revenue: The following table compares Projected FY 2013 -14 to Budget FY 2014 -15 O &M Revenue: Total District O &M Revenue for FY 2013 -14 is projected to be $77.2 million compared to the FY 2014 -15 Budget amount of $86.2 million, resulting in an increase of $9.0 million, or 11.7 %. This is due to: • The O &M SSC allocation increases from $365 to $416; the SSC allocation to the Sewer Construction Fund decreases from $40 to $23. The increased O &M allocation of $8.4 million results in an increase to O &M SSC revenue of $8.2 million compared to Projected FY 2013 -14. • Concord primarily shares a flow portion of Treatment Plant and Source Control expenses and is charged administrative overhead and a finance charge. City of Concord revenue is expected to be $0.9 million, or 7.1 %, more than Projected FY 2013 -14, mainly due to higher treatment plant operating expenses in FY 2014- 15. N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx Projected Budget Increase /Decrease ( -) FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Variance $ Variance % Sewer Service Charge $ 61,253,000 $ 69,447,000 $ 8,194,000 13.4 % City of Concord 12,600,000 13,500,000 900,000 7.1% All Other 3,335,200 3,284,600 (50,600) -1.50/ Total $ 77,188,200 $ 86,231,600 9,043,400 11.7 ° / Total District O &M Revenue for FY 2013 -14 is projected to be $77.2 million compared to the FY 2014 -15 Budget amount of $86.2 million, resulting in an increase of $9.0 million, or 11.7 %. This is due to: • The O &M SSC allocation increases from $365 to $416; the SSC allocation to the Sewer Construction Fund decreases from $40 to $23. The increased O &M allocation of $8.4 million results in an increase to O &M SSC revenue of $8.2 million compared to Projected FY 2013 -14. • Concord primarily shares a flow portion of Treatment Plant and Source Control expenses and is charged administrative overhead and a finance charge. City of Concord revenue is expected to be $0.9 million, or 7.1 %, more than Projected FY 2013 -14, mainly due to higher treatment plant operating expenses in FY 2014- 15. N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 subject: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET O &M Expense: The following table compares Projected FY 2013 -14 to Budget FY 2014 -15 O &M Expense: Total District O &M Expenses are projected to be $76.5 million in FY 2013 -14 compared to a FY 2014 -15 O &M budget of $88.2 million. This reflects an $11.7 million, or 15.2 %, increase in expenses. Variances are discussed in detail below: O &M Salaries: District O &M salaries are projected to be $25.6 million in FY 2013 -14 compared to a budget of $28.6 million in FY 2014 -15 resulting in an increase of $3.0 million, or 11.7 %. This increase is due to many factors: there is a 4% assumed cost -of- living increase (inclusive of the additional 1 % per contracts), there are a large number of merit increases and personnel advancements for recently- hired, current employees, and several positions that are currently open and budgeted in FY 2014 -15. Benefits Including Capitalized Administrative Overhead Credit: District O &M benefits including the capitalized administrative overhead credit for FY 2013 -14, are projected to be $32.8 million compared to a budget of $38.0 million in FY 2014 -15 resulting in an increase of $5.2 million, or 15.9 %. This is mainly due to an increase in retirement expenses of 5.6 million in FY 2014 -15 and, to a lesser extent, an increase in medical expenses. Benefit rate assumptions are provided in the following bulleted list: • Kaiser — 7.52% rate increase for active ; 6.28% weighted average retiree rate increase • Health Net — 9.5% rate increase in HMO for actives employees; 6.51 % weighted average retiree rate increase N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx Projected Budget Increase /Decrease ( -) FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Variance $ Variance % Salaries $ 25,624,572 $ 28,618,169 $ 2,993,597 11.7% Benefits & Cap O/H Credit 32,807,653 38,026,430 5,218,777 15.9% Chemicals 1,582,000 1,605,000 23,000 1.5% Utilities 4,716,950 4,861,350 144,400 3.1% Repairs & Maintenance 3,455,127 4,911,762 1,456,635 42.2% Hauling & Disposal 1,063,600 1,040,200 (23,400) -2.2% Professional & Legal 462,200 539,400 77,200 16.7% Outside Services 2,415,148 3,303,021 887,873 36.8% Self- Insurance 600,000 650,000 50,000 8.3% Materials & Supplies 1,859,754 2,024,315 164,561 8.8% All Other 1,959,954 2,619,248 659,294 33.6% Total $ 76,546,958 88,198,895 11,651,937 15.2°/ Total District O &M Expenses are projected to be $76.5 million in FY 2013 -14 compared to a FY 2014 -15 O &M budget of $88.2 million. This reflects an $11.7 million, or 15.2 %, increase in expenses. Variances are discussed in detail below: O &M Salaries: District O &M salaries are projected to be $25.6 million in FY 2013 -14 compared to a budget of $28.6 million in FY 2014 -15 resulting in an increase of $3.0 million, or 11.7 %. This increase is due to many factors: there is a 4% assumed cost -of- living increase (inclusive of the additional 1 % per contracts), there are a large number of merit increases and personnel advancements for recently- hired, current employees, and several positions that are currently open and budgeted in FY 2014 -15. Benefits Including Capitalized Administrative Overhead Credit: District O &M benefits including the capitalized administrative overhead credit for FY 2013 -14, are projected to be $32.8 million compared to a budget of $38.0 million in FY 2014 -15 resulting in an increase of $5.2 million, or 15.9 %. This is mainly due to an increase in retirement expenses of 5.6 million in FY 2014 -15 and, to a lesser extent, an increase in medical expenses. Benefit rate assumptions are provided in the following bulleted list: • Kaiser — 7.52% rate increase for active ; 6.28% weighted average retiree rate increase • Health Net — 9.5% rate increase in HMO for actives employees; 6.51 % weighted average retiree rate increase N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 Subject: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET • CCCERA — Additional $5 million payment towards the unfunded retirement liability; 21 % average rate increase (change from prior year's rate, not percentage of payroll) due to five -year smoothing of 2008 market losses (this is the last year recognizing those losses) • Delta Dental — Estimated 4% rate increases • Long -Term Disability (LTD) — Estimated 2% rate increases • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) — 2.1 % rate increase • Workers' Compensation — Estimated 10% rate increase • Life Insurance — Estimated 3% rate increase All Other O &M Expenses: The remaining O &M non -labor and benefit expenses total a projected $18.1 million in FY 2013 -14 compared to a budgeted $21.6 million in FY 2014 -15 resulting in an increase of $3.4 million, or 19.0 %. Expense category variance explanations are provided in the budget document at a District and Department level. The two largest expense category increase between Projected FY 2013 -14 and Budgeted FY 2014 -15 are noted below: • Repairs and Maintenance are $1.5 million higher in Budgeted FY 2014 -15 than Projected FY 2013 -14. This is largely due to the Roto- Rooter TV Inspection Program contract switching to the O &M budget from the Capital budget, and due to some drought preparation expenses. • Outside Services are $0.9 million higher in Budgeted FY 2014 -15 than Projected FY 2013 -14 due to several new training programs in the Administration Department. N :\ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 Subiect: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Any revisions to the proposed FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget determined at the May 15, 2014 Board Meeting will be incorporated in the Budget submitted for approval at the June 5, 2014 Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled for Board consideration: • Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget, Self- Insurance Fund Budget, and Debt Service Fund Budget. • Approve and adopt the FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget, Self- Insurance Fund Budget, and Debt Service Fund Budget. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee will review the FY 2014- 15 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget on May 5, 2014. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Review the FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the approval and adoption of the Budgets at the June 5, 2014 Board Meeting. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Debt Service Fund FY 2014 -15 2. O &M Revenues, Expenses and Reserves FY 2008 -09 Through 2014 -15 N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Budget Review OM and DS 14 -15 PP 5- 15- 14.docx CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 2014 -15 Debt Service Revenue: Sewer Service Charge Reserve Account Bond Interest Income Ad Valorem Tax (portion allocated to Debt Service) Total Debt Service Revenue Debt Service Expense: Attachment I 40,700 5,535,647 $ 5,576,347 2009 Bond Interest Payment and Amortized Costs, less Tax Subsidy on BAB $ 1,494,218 7.2% reduction of tax subsidy due to congressional sequestration (2/14) 30,009 Recycled Water Loan Interest Payment 18,259 Total Interest Payment and Amortization Costs $ 1,542,486 2009 Bond Principal Payment Recycled Water Loan Principal Payment Total Principal Payments Total Debt Service Interest, Amortized Costs and Principal Payments Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Revenue over Expense Transfer from /(to) O &M or Capital Fund Balance - End of Year $ 3,865,000 168,861 $ 4,033,861 $ 5,576,347 N :\ACCOUNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Debt Service Fund - Attachment 1 O &M Revenues: Sewer Service Charge (O &M Only) City of Concord Other Total Revenues O &M Expenses: Administration Engineering Collection System Operations Plant Operations Pumping Stations Total Net Expenses (1) Revenues Over (Under) Expenses O &M Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Revenues Over (Under) Expenses O &M Fund Balance - End of Year (2) CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT O & M REVENUES, EXPENSES AND RESERVES FISCAL YEARS 2008 -09 THROUGH 2014 -15 FY 2008 -09 FY 2009 -10 FY 2010 -11 Actual Actual Actual 43,087,454 8,755,857 3,414,478 55,257,789 16,304,462 6,834,323 9,064,672 22, 927, 971 2,752,950 57,884,378 (2,626,589) 6,783,105 (2,626,589) 4,156,516 48,692,520 8,664,668 2,899,485 60,256,673 16,468,495 6,898,357 8,949,125 21,467,827 2,773,800 56,557,604 3,699,069 4,156,516 3,699,069 7,855,585 49,095,869 9,224,952 1,858,977 60,179,798 18,432,632 6,855,747 8,529,492 21,360,057 2,938,697 58,116,625 2,063,173 7,855,585 2,063,173 9,918,758 FY 2011 -12 Actual 49,123, 847 10, 647, 389 3,367,309 63,138, 545 20,631,971 8,023,225 9,281,886 23,708,322 2,705,489 64,350,893 (1,212,348) 9,918,758 (1,212,348) 8,706,410 FY 2012 -13 Actual 56,770,984 10,483,421 3,593,410 70,847,815 20,936,708 8,680,940 11,278,661 23, 035, 932 3,049,274 66,981,515 3,866,300 8,706,410 3,866,300 12,572,710 Attachment II FY 2013 -14 FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Projected Budget Budget 61,253,000 12,600,000 3,335,200 77,188,200 21,234,375 10,707,730 12,964,680 28,337,209 3,302,964 76,546,958 641,242 12,572,710 641,242 13,213,952 59,531,700 12,800,000 2,820,300 75,152,000 22, 048, 046 10,582,751 13,088,979 28,619,007 3,486,169 77,824,952 (2,672,952) 69,447,000 13,500,000 3,284,600 86,231,600 24,476,326 12,229,549 15,617,120 32,523,037 3,352,863 L- M-Ai�'1< ::i~'1: (1,967,295) 13,213,952 (1,967,295) 11,246,657 Sewer Service Charge Rate - O &M 260 292 300 302 302 365 416 Sewer Service Charge Rate - Capital /Debt 51 19 11 39 39 40 23 Sewer Service Equivalent Units 165,721 166,755 163,653 162,662 187,983 164,839 164,994 Notes: (1) Net Expenses include Operating and Maintenance expenses only and do not include any capital salaries or benefits. (2) Prudent fund balance assumed to be approximately 10% of annual expense. N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\2014 -15 Attachmentll (Revised 5- 15 -14) $70,000,000 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 s- Operations and Maintenance Revenue FY 2013 -14 Budget, FY 2013 -14 Projected and FY 2014 -15 Budget Sewer Service Charge City of Concord All Other H Budget FY 2013 -14 V Projected Actual FY 2013 -14 1 Budget FY 2014 -15 PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:24:17 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROGRAM GM601L BUDGET SUMMARY ANALYSIS - DISTRICT REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED PROJECTED 14 -15 BUDGET TO EST 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -14 ACTUAL 13-14 FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE RUNNING EXPENSE 001 - 0000 - 300.10 -00 PERMIT /APPLICATION FEES 230,000 340,000 330,000 10,000- 2.94- 100,000 43.48 001 - 0000 - 300.17 -00 SEPTIC TANK DUMPING 65,000 90,000 69,600 20,400- 22.67- 4,600 7.08 001 -0000- 300.19 -00 OVERTIME INSPECTION 91000 12,000 12,000 0 .00 3,000 33.33 001- 0000 - 300.20 -00 SIDE SEWER INSPECTION 489,000 620,000 550,000 70,000- 11.29- 61,000 12.47 001- 0000 - 300.22 -00 SEWER SVC CHARGE- COUNTER 99,100 245,000 189,500 55,500- 22.65- 90,400 91.22 001- 0000- 300.23 -00 SEWER SVC CHRG- COUNTY 58,580,200 60,000,000 68,227,800 8,227,800 13.71 9,647,600 16.47 001 - 0000 - 300.24 -00 SEWER SVC CHRG- DIRECT 874,400 1,008,000 1,052,800 44,800 4.44 178,400 20.40 001 - 0000 - 300.25 -00 SEWER SVC CHRG -PRIOR YEAR 22,000- 0 23,100- 23,100- .00 11100- 5.00 001 -0000- 300.26 -00 SERVICE CHARGES- CONCORD 12,800,000 12,600,000 13,500,000 900,000 7.14 700,000 5.47 001- 0000- 300.27 -00 SALES 2,000 2,200 2,000 200- 9.09- 0 .00 001- 0000- 300.29-00 OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 145,000 165,000 150,000 15,000- 9.09- 5,000 3.45 001- 0000 - 300.30 -00 INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES 95,000 95,000 95,000 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.32 -00 NEW INDUSTRY PERMIT FEES 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 .00 0 .00 001 - 0000 - 300.33 -00 POLLUTION PREVENTION 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 001 - 0000- 300.33 -01 MVSD P2 PROGRAM 24,000 22,000 24,000 2,000 9.09 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.35 -00 LEASE RENTAL INCOME 527,300 541,000 566,000 25,000 4.62 38,700 7.34 001- 0000 - 300.36 -00 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM FINE 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.38 -00 RECYCLED WATER 102,000 100,000 103,000 3,000 3.00 1,000 .98 001 - 0000- 300.38 -01 RECYCLED WATER GRANTS 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.43 -00 ANNEXATION CHARGES 24,000 32,000 24,000 81000- 25.00- 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.45 -00 INTEREST INCOME 119,000 85,000 90,000 5,000 5.88 29,000- 24.37- 001- 0000 - 300.46 -00 TAX REVENUE 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.47 -00 OTHER AGENCY REIMS -MISC 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000- 300.55 -00 STORMWATER PROGRAM 230,000 240,000 245,000 5,000 2.08 15,000 6.52 001- 0000 - 300.56 -00 HOUSE HAZARD WASTE REIMB 745,000 867,000 895,000 28,000 3.23 150,000 20.13 001 - 0000 - 300.60 -00 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 110,000 115,000 5,000 4.55 115,000 .00 001 - 0000 - 300.63 -00 PARTNERING 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 001- 0000 - 300.64 -00 RIGHT -OF -WAY FEES 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 .00 0 .00 * ------ - - - - -- 75,152,000 ------ - - - - -- 77,188,200 ------ - - - - -- 86,231,600 ------ - - - - -- 9,043,400 --- - - - - -- 11.72 --------- - - - - -- 11,079,600 --- - - - - -- 14.74 *+ RUNNING EXPENSE ------ - - - - -- 75,152,000 ------ - - - - -- 77,188,200 ------ - - - - -- 86,231,600 ------ - - - - -- 9,043,400 --- - - - - -- 11.72 --------- - - - - -- 11,079,600 --- - - - - -- 14.74 ------ - - - - -- 75,152,000 ------ - - - - -- 77,188,200 ------ - - - - -- 86,231,600 ------ - - - - -- 9,043,400 --- - - - - -- 11.72 --------- - - - - -- 11,079,600 --- - - - - -- 14.74 PAGE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT FY 2013 -14 AND FY 2014 -15 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGETS DISTRICT SALARIES AND BENEFITS (A) Benefit total does not include capitalized administrative overhead - listed separately in the table. N:\A000UNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET \2014 -2015 BUDGET \salchrt for PP TOTAL DISTRICT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION Variance Variance Variance FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Favorable/ FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Favorable/ FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 Favorable/ Budget Budget (Unfavorable) Budget Budget (Unfavorable) Budget Budget (Unfavorable) SALARIES $ 29,018,485 31,145,749 (2,127,264) 26,034,763 27,988,018 (1,953,255) 2,983,722 3,157,731 (174,009) Salary Vacancy (565,000) (607,000) 42,000 (510,000) (549,000) 39,000 (55,000) (58,000) 3,000 OVERTIME 1,095,803 1,084,635 11,168 969,535 958,128 11,407 126,268 126,507 (239) STANDBY 227,723 221,023 6,700 227,723 221,023 6,700 - - - BENEFITS (A) 40,410,086 46,270,487 (5,860,401) 37,829,384 43,127,388 (5,298,004) 2,580,702 3,143,099 (562,397) Benefit Vacancy (1,135,000) (1,294,000) 159,000 (1,135,000) (1,294,000) 159,000 - - - CAP. ADMIN. O/H - - - (4,124,238) (3,806,958) (317,280) 4,124,238 3,806,958 317,280 TOTAL $ 69,052,097 76,820,894 (7,768,797) 59,292,167 66,644,599 (7,352,432) 9,759,930 10,176,295 (416,365) (A) Benefit total does not include capitalized administrative overhead - listed separately in the table. N:\A000UNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET \2014 -2015 BUDGET \salchrt for PP $26,000,000 $24,000,000 $22,000,000 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Workers' Compensation Operations & Maintenance Benefits (w /o vacancy factor) FY 2013 -14 Budget, FY 2013 -14 Projected, FY 2014 -15 Budget Medical & Health 6111111111 -1, 1 Dental Retirement "- I Deferred Comp /Medicare 7 LJ Other Benefits (Includes OPEB Contribution for Future Costs) o Budget FY 2013 -14 u Projected Actual FY 2013 -14 j Budget FY 2014 -15 Accrued Compensated Absence Salaries &M Workers' Compensation O &M Medical & Health Total District Salaries, Benefits, and Capitalized Administrative Overhead Expense BUDGET FY 2014 -15 COMPARED TO PROJECTED FY 2013 -14 Projected . • Favorable /(Unfavorable) FY 2013 -14 Variance Variance % Variance Explanations $ 25,624,572 28,618,169 (2,993,597) (11.68 %) Increases due to cost -of- living increases, merit increases, personal advancements and filling of vacant positions (particularly two department directors). FY 2014 -15 includes a 2% vacancy factor. 211,956 (292,4211)I (137.96 9,622,989 r (959,467)1 (9.9 O &M Dental 892,075 1 • . (79,023) (8.86 %) O &M Retirement 19,938,852 : I (5,578,328) (27.98 %) O &M Deferred Comp /Medicare 1,836,783 (204,449) (11.13 %) O &M Other Benefits O &M Salaries 315,285 (25,760) (8.17 %) OPEB Contribution (Future contribution O &M Workers' Compensation O &M Medical & Health 3,152,400 342,400 10.86% only - Does not Include retiree healthcare O &M Dental 912,856 • : (581242) (6.38 %) The assumed rate increase is 4 %; confirmed rates have not been received at this time. As with medical benefits, the total number of covered employees and retirees increase each year as employees retire and new hires replace them. O &M Accrued Compensated Absence 20,640,634 (4,876,546) 300,000 (60,000) (20.00 %) O &M Benefit Vacancy Factor I - SOMMUNOMH 1,294,000 The assumed rate increase is 10 %; confirmed rate increases have not been received at this time. Insurable earnings in Budget FY 2014 -15 are higher than Projected FY 2013 -14. FY 2014 -15 Kaiser rate increases are 7.52% for active members and a weighted 6.28% for retirees. HealthNet increases are 9.50% for active employees and a weighted 6.51% for retirees. The total number of covered employees and retirees increase each year as employees retire and new hires replace them. The assumed rate increase is 4 %; confirmed rates have not been received at this time. As with medical benefits, the total number of covered employees and retirees increase each year as employees retire and new hires replace them. Increase due to rate increases averaging 21 % and higher pensionable wages. This is the last fiscal year with new rates that are recognizing the large market losses from 2008. Increase due to increase in subject wages. The assumed rate increase is 2% for LTD and 3% for Life; confirmed rate increases have not been received at this time. This amount represents the future payment into the PARS trust for Retiree healthcare. The OPEB figure declines when Retiree healthcare costs increase. The total annual required contribution (ARC) including retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums $8.103M. This account calculates leave balances at a point in time. Trend analysis is used to determine the annual projected and budgeted amounts, but this account can be hard to predict. 3% of budaeted benefits. O &M Capitalized Administrative Overhead (3,462,687) 344,271 9.94% The Capitalized Administrative Overhead was 135% of salary in FY 2012 -13 and is 113% of salary in FY 2013 -14, which causes most of the variance decrease. Credit I This is offset by an increase in salaries. *CAPITAL SALARY AND BENEFITS 8,357,571 (1,818,724) (21.76 %) Increased capital salaries and associated benefits in FY 2014 -15. Total O &M and Capital $ 66,789,796 : • (10,031,098) (15.02 %) * Made up of capitalized salaries, benefits, and administrative overhead charged to District capital projects. BUDGET FY 2014 -15 COMPARED TO BUDGET FY 2013 -14 Budget . • Favorable /(Unfavorable) FY 2013 -14 Variance Variance % Variance Explanations O &M Salaries 26,722,021 (1,896,148) (7.10 %) Increases due to cost -of- living increases, merit increases, personal advancements and filling of vacant positions. FY 2014 -15 includes a 2% vacancy factor. O &M Workers' Compensation O &M Medical & Health 585,515 81,138 9,735,139 (847,317) 13.86% (8.70 %) Decrease due to a lower experience factor, which lowers the gross rates. FY 2014 -2015 Kaiser rate increases are 7.52% for active members and a weighted 6.28% for retirees. HealthNet increases are 9.5% for active employees and a weighted 6.51% for retirees. The total number of covered employees and retirees increase each year as employees retire and new hires replace them. O &M Dental 912,856 • : (581242) (6.38 %) The assumed rate increase is 4 %; confirmed rates have not been received at this time. As with medical benefits, the total number of covered employees and retirees increase each year as employees retire and new hires replace them. O &M Retirement 20,640,634 (4,876,546) (23.63 %) Increase due to rate increases averaging 21% and higher pensionable wages. This is the last fiscal year with new rates that were recognizing the large market losses from 2008. O &M Deferred Comp /Medicare O &M Other Benefits OPEB Contribution (Future contribution only - Does not Include retiree healthcare 1,934,547 (106,685) 276,293 (64,752) 3,384,400 574,400 (5.51 %) (23.44 %) 16.97% Increase due to increase in subject wages. The assumed rate increase is 2% for LTD and 3% for Life; confirmed rate increases have not been received at this time. This amount represents the future payment into the PARS trust for Retiree healthcare. The OPEB figure declines when Retiree healthcare costs increase. The total annual required contribution (ARC) including retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums $8.103M. O &M Accrued Compensated Absence 360,000 - 0.00% No change in assumption. This account calculates leave balances at a point in time. Trend analysis is used to determine the annual projected and budgeted amounts, but this account can be hard to predict. O &M Benefit Vacancy Factor (1,135,000) 159,000 (14.01 %) 3% of budgeted benefits. O &M Capitalized Administrative Overhead Credit (4,124,238) (317,280) (7.69 %) The Capitalized Administrative Overhead was 135% of salary in FY 2013 -14 and is 113% of salary in FY 2013 -14, which causes most of the variance decrease. This is offset by an increase in salaries. *CAPITAL SALARY AND BENEFITS Total O &M and Capital 9,759,930 (416,365) $ 69,052,097 1 : • (7,768,797) (4.27 %) (11.25 %) Increase largely due to employee benefit rate increases, mainly in retirement and medical. * Made up of capitalized salaries, benefits, and administrative overhead charged to District capital projects. PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:24:38 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION RUNNING EXPENSE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. -* SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT * SALARIES & WAGES -COMP ASS * OVERTIME * STANDBY PAID * SALARY VACANCY ** SALARIES & WAGES * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS * STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB * DENTAL INSURANCE * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS * LIFE INSURANCE * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS * BENEFIT VACANCY * OPES CONTRIBUTION * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * ** RUNNING EXPENSE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 1 BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 HIE & SIC SALARIES & BENEFITS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 Y -T -D BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED ACTUAL PROJECTED 14 -15 BUDGET TO EST 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 EXPENDED ACTUAL 13 -14 FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 2,176,963 1,310,960 1,810,310 2,368,609 558,299- 30.84- 191,646- 8.80- 23,557,800 16,939,384 22,638,635 25,319,409 2,680,774- 11.84- 1,761,609- 7.48- 300,000 246,728 1,700 300,000 298,300- 7,547.06- 0 .00 969,535 672,605 952,697 958,128 5,431- .57- 11,407 1.18 227,723 168,521 221,230 221,023 207 .09 6,700 2.94 510,000- 0 0 549,000- 549,000 .00 39,000 7.65- 26,722,021 19,338,198 25,624,572 28,618,169 2,993,597- 11.68- 1,896,148- 7.10- 585,515 179,939 211,956 504,377 292,421- 137.96- 81,138 13.86 30,000 17,432 26,010 30,000 3,990- 15.34- 0 .00 370,161 269,055 363,131 400,644 37,513- 10.33- 30,483- 8.24- 9,735,139 6,918,868 9,622,989 10,582,456 959,467- 9.97- 847,317- 8.70- 20,640,634 16,167,932 19,938,852 25,517,180 5,578,328- 27.98- 4,876,546- 23.63- 1,564,386 1,116,576 1,473,652 1,640,588 166,936- 11.33- 76,202- 4.87- 912,856 675,491 892,075 971,098 79,023- 8.86- 58,242- 6.38- 74,135 53,111 71,019 76,199 51180- 7.29- 2,064- 2.78- 172,158 121,412 218,256 234,846 16,590- 7.60- 62,688- 36.41- 360,000 53,670- 300,000 360,000 60,000- 20.00- 0 .00 1,135,000- 0 0 1,294,000- 1,294,000 .00 159,000 14.01- 3,384,400 3,384,400 3,152,400 2,810,000 342,400 10.86 574,400 16.97 4,124,238- 2,243,164- 3,462,687- 3,806,958- 344,271 9.94- 317,280- 7.69 32,570,146 26,607,382 32,807,653 38,026,430 5,218,777- 15.91- 5,456,284- 16.75- ------------ 59,292,167 ------ - - - - -- 45,945,580 ------ - - - - -- 58,432,225 ------ - - - - -- 66,644,599 ------ - - - - -- 8,212,374- --- - - - - -- 14.05- --------- - - - - -- 7,352,432- --- - - - - -- 12.40- PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:24:38 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SEWER CONSTRUCTION * OVERTIME * CAPITALIZED SALARIES * OVERTIME + SALARY VACANCY +* SALARIES & WAGES * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB + DENTAL INSURANCE * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS * LIFE INSURANCE * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * ** SEWER CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 R/E & SIC SALARIES & BENEFITS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 Y -T -D BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED ACTUAL PROJECTED 14 -15 BUDGET TO EST 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 EXPENDED ACTUAL 13 -14 FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 2,983,722 1,543,175 2,422,853 3,157,731 734,878- 30.33- 174,009- 5.83- 126,268 45,756 142,100 126,507 15,593 10.97 239- .19- 55,000- 0 0 58,000- 58,000 .00 3,000 5.45- 3,054,990 1,588,931 2,564,953 3,226,238 661,285- 25.78- 171,248- 5.61- 22,352 8,141 91990 20,170 10,180- 101.90- 2,182 9.76 41,455 22,122 26,986 44,008 17,022- 63.08- 2,553- 6.16- 478,261 253,157 336,219 535,123 198,904- 59.16- 56,862- 11.89- 1,791,108 876,906 1,785,734 2,287,252 501,518- 28.08- 496,144- 27.70- 175,756 89,910 118,986 181,162 62,176- 52.25- 5,406- 3.08- 49,407 26,754 36,016 54,412 18,396- 51.08- 5,005- 10.13- 8,500 4,929 7,005 8,295 - 1,290- 18.42- 205 2.41 13,863 6,719 8,995 12,677 3,682- 40.93- 1,186 8.56 4,124,238 2,243,164 3,462,687 3,806,958 344,271- 9.94- 317,280 7.69 6,704,940 3,531,802 5,792,618 6,950,057 1,157,439- 19.98- 245,117- 3.66- ------------ 9,759,930 ------ - - - - -- 5,120,733 ------ - - - - -- 8,357,571 ------ - - - - -- 10,176,295 ------ - - - - -- --- 1,818,724- - - - - -- 21.76- --------- - - - - -- 416,365- --- - - - - -- 4.27- 69,052,097 51,066,313 66,789,796 76,820,894 10,031,098- 15.02- 7,768,797- 11.25- $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 i $5,000,000 Operations and Maintenance Expense FY 2013 -14 Budget, FY 2013 -14 Projected and FY 2014 -15 Budget Salaries Benefits & Chemicals Utilities Cap O/H Credit wa"--j - . I Repairs & Hauling & Professional Outside Self- Materials & All Other Maintenance Disposal & Legal Services Insurance Supplies ® Budget FY 2013 -14 V Projected Actual FY 2013 -14 J Budget FY 2014 -15 PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:24:46 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROGRAM GM601L BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DISTRICT EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PAGE 1 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED 2013 -2014 BUDGETED TO ACT 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES 26,722,021 25,624,572 28,618,169 2,993,597- 11.68- 1,896,148- 7.10- * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 32,570,146 32,807,653 38,026,430 5,218,777- 15.91- 5,456,284- 16.75- * DIRECTOR FEES & EXPENSES 155,637 172,100 199,800 27,700- 16.10- 44,163- 28.38- * CHEMICALS 1,561,000 1,582,000 1,605,000 23,000- 1.45- 44,000- 2.82- * UTILITIES 4,117,650 4,716,950 4,861,350 144,400- 3.06- 743,700- 18.06- * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 3,765,527 3,455,127 4,911,762 1,456,635- 42.16- 1,146,235- 30.44- * HAULING & DISPOSAL 1,100,500 1,063,600 1,040,200 23,400 2.20 60,300 5.48 * PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 477,350 462,200 539,400 77,200- 16.70- 62,050- 13.00- * OUTSIDE SERVICES 2,801,621 2,415,148 3,303,021 887,873- 36.76- 501,400- 17.90- * SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- 8.33- 50,000- 8.33- * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,016,715 1,859,754 2,024,315 164,561- 8.85- 7,600- .38- * OTHER EXPENSES 1,936,785 1,787,854 2,419,448 631,594- 35.33- 482,663- 24.92- 77,824,952 76,546,958 88,198,895 11,651,937- 15.22- 10,373,943- 13.33- PAGE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET LISTING BY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE PROGRAM GM601L PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. 2,176,963 1,810,310 2,368,609 558,299- * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 23,557,800 22,638,635 25,319,409 2,680,774- * SALARIES & WAGES -COMP ABS 300,000 1,700 300,000 298,300- * OVERTIME 969,535 952,697 958,128 5,431- * STANDBY PAID 227,723 221,230 221,023 207 * SALARY VACANCY 510,000- 0 549,000- 549,000 ** SALARIES & WAGES 26,722,021 25,624,572 28,618,169 2,993,597- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 585,515 211,956 504,377 292,421- * STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 30,000 26,010 30,000 3,990- * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 370,161 363,131 400,644 37,513- * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 9,735,139 9,622,989 10,582,456 959,467- * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 20,640,634 19,938,852 25,517,180 5,578,328- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 1,564,386 1,473,652 1,640,588 166,936- * DENTAL INSURANCE 912,856 892,075 971,098 79,023- * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 74,135 71,019 76,199 5,180- * LIFE INSURANCE 172,158 218,256 234,846 16,590- * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS 360,000 300,000 360,000 60,000- * BENEFIT VACANCY 1,135,000- 0 1,294,000- 1,294,000 * OPEB CONTRIBUTION 3,384,400 3,152,400 2,810,000 342,400 * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 4,124,238- 3,462,687- 3,806,958- 344,271 ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 32,570,146 32,807,653 38,026,430 5,218,777- * DIRECTOR MEETING FEES 59,200 59,000 65,224 6,224- * BOARD TRAINING AND CONF 64,000 42,000 64,000 22,000- * BOARD HEALTH BENEFITS 32,437 71,100 70,576 524 ** DIRECTOR FEES & EXPENSES 155,637 172,100 199,800 27,700- * LIME 300,000 350,000 350,000 0 * POLYMER 450,000 450,000 450,000 0 * BOILER CHEMICALS 72,000 83,000 70,000 13,000 * OTHER CHEMICALS 540,000 500,000 520,000 20,000- * HYPOCHLORITE 199,000 199,000 215,000 16,000- ** CHEMICALS 1,561,000 1,582,000 1,605,000 23,000- * ELECTRICAL 995,200 1,866,800 1,593,100 273,700 * NATURAL GAS 2,216,500 2,128,200 2,396,500 268,300- * LAND -FILL GAS 473,000 313,400 450,000 136,600- * WATER 102,250 101,450 101,250 200 * TELEPHONE 330,700 307,100 320,500 13,400- ** UTILITIES 4,117,650 4,716,950 4,861,350 144,400- * OUTSIDE VEH /EQUIP REPAIR 91,100 65,000 77,400 12,400- * VEHIC /EQUIP REPAIR MAINT 110,000 110,000 140,000 30,000- * GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 962,000 1,016,000 1,084,500 68,500- * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT. 2,046,701 1,821,801 3,010,851 1,189,050- * COMPUTER REPAIRS & MAINT 555,726 420,326 584,011 163,685- * REAL PROPERTY REPAIRS 0 22,000 15,000 7,000 ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 3,765,527 3,455,127 4,911,762 1,456,635- * ASH REMOVAL 152,000 152,000 152,000 0 * SLUDGE REMOVAL 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 * GRIT REMOVAL 90,000 80,000 90,000 10,000- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET LISTING BY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE 2 PROGRAM GM601L PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 289,800 271,800 289,500 17,700- * SPOILS REMOVAL 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 + HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 513,700 504,800 403,700 101,100 * MOBILE COLLECTION -HHW 0 0 50,000 50,000- ** HAULING & DISPOSAL 1,100,500 1,063,600 1,040,200 23,400 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 126,250 78,000 143,550 65,550- * LEGAL SERVICES -BOARD 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 * LEGAL SERVICES -STAFF 271,100 304,200 315,850 11,650- ** PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 477,350 462,200 539,400 77,200- * OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 89,200 71,200 101,200 30,000- * TECHNICAL SERVICES 2,271,520 1,937,297 2,794,020 856,723- * DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 300 300 300 0 * OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY SERVS 309,500 309,750 311,400 1,650- * REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 13,101 6,601 8,101 1,500- * RECRUITMENT 118,000 90,000 88,000 2,000 ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 2,801,621 2,415,148 3,303,021 887,873- * SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- ** SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- + OFFICE EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES 213,260 203,560 180,880 22,680 * GASOLINE, OIL & FUEL 272,000 272,000 272,000 0 * OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,190,410 1,127,305 1,244,610 117,305- * OPERATING FUEL 48,000 18,000 33,000 15,000- * LABORATORY SUPPLIES 154,700 138,000 155,500 17,500- * SAFETY SUPPLIES 138,345 100,889 138,325 37,436- * INVENTORY OVER /SHORT 0 0 0 0 ** MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,016,715 1,859,754 2,024,315 164,561- * RENTS & LEASES 195,801 187,001 170,501 16,500 * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 493,844 461,571 487,410 25,839- * PUBLIC INFORMATION 285,500 280,300 336,500 56,200- * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 53,550 28,500 61,370 32,870- * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 393,570 323,820 446,995 123,175- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 19,397 17,230 24,023 6,793- * CLAIMS 501 501 501 0 * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 34,688 30,440 32,073 1,633- * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 9,490 11,440 9,840 1,600 * PUBLIC NOTICES 5,850 4,250 6,100 11850- * OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION FEES 314,040 311,620 362,664 51,044- * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 39,224 37,431 40,271 2,840- * MISCELLANEOUS 41,330 46,750 37,700 9,050 * ELECTION EXPENSE 0 0 350,000 350,000- + PROFESSIONAL EXP REIMB 50,000 47,000 53,500 6,500- ** OTHER EXPENSES 1,936,785 1,787,854 2,419,448 631,594- 77,824,952 76,546,958 88,198,895 11,651,937- PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:25:27 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ADMINISTRATION * SALARIES & WAGES * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * DIRECTOR FEES & EXPENSES * UTILITIES * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE * PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV * OUTSIDE SERVICES * SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES * OTHER EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 1 BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DEPARTMENT EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROTECTED BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED 2013 -2014 14 -15 BUDGET TO ACT 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 ACTUAL FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 5,001,596 4,363,000 5,569,575 1,206,575- 27.65- 567,979- 11.36- 13,247,168 13,440,530 14,479,456 1,038,926- 7.73- 1,232,288- 9.30- 155,637 172,100 199,800 27,700- 16.10- 44,163- 28.38- 120,100 90,100 98,500 8,400- 9.32- 21,600 17.99 534,715 384,715 463,300 78,585- 20.43- 71,415 13.36 343,250 368,000 430,300 62,300- 16.93- 87,050- 25.36- 1,265,700 1,156,550 1,447,000 290,450- 25.11- 181,300- 14.32- 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- 8.33- 50,000- 8.33- 227,385 148,910 165,005 16,095- 10.81- 62,380 27.43 552,495 510,470 973,390 -- 462,920- ------ - - - - -- 90.69- ---- - - - - -- 420,895- --------- - - - - -- 76.18- ---- - - - - -- ------------ 22,048,046 ------ - - - - -- 21,234,375 ------ - - - - 24,476,326 3,241,951- 15.27- 2,428,280- 11.01- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. 1,062,282 899,600 1,151,271 251,671- * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 3,630,918 3,391,800 4,140,855 749,055- * COMP ABS- ACCRUAL PAYMENTS 300,000 1,700 300,000 298,300- * OVERTIME 97,396 69,900 78,449 8,549- * SALARY VACANCY 89,000- 0 101,000- 101,000 ** SALARIES & WAGES 5,001,596 4,363,000 5,569,575 1,206,575- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 25,560 9,252 22,608 13,356- * STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 30,000 26,010 30,000 3,990- * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 67,679 66,393 75,357 8,964- * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 5,212,659 5,353,769 5,805,775 452,006- * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 3,815,002 3,685,291 4,931,781 1,246,490- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 282,960 266,548 310,580 44,032- * DENTAL INSURANCE 483,306 467,250 510,900 43,650- * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 11,889 11,390 13,358 11968- * LIFE INSURANCE 74,392 126,257 137,770 11,513- * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS. 360,000 300,000 360,000 60,000- * BENEFIT VACANCY 443,000- 0 477,000- 477,000 * OPEB CONTRIBUTION 3,384,400 3,152,400 2,810,000 342,400 * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 57,679- 24,030- 51,673- 27,643 ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 13,247,168 13,440,530 14,479,456 1,038,926- * DIRECTOR MEETING FEES 59,200 59,000 65,224 6,224- * BOARD TRAINING AND CONY 64,000 42,000 64,000 22,000- * BOARD HEALTH BENEFITS 32,437 71,100 70,576 524 ** DIRECTOR FEES & EXPENSES 155,637 172,100 199,800 27,700- * ELECTRICAL 0 0 0 0 * TELEPHONE 120,100 90,100 98,500 8,400- ** UTILITIES 120,100 90,100 98,500 8,400- * GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 5,000 2,000 5,000 3,000- * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT 64,800 39,800 37,300 2,500 * COMPUTER REPAIRS & MAINT 464,915 342,915 421,000 78,085- * REAL PROPERTY REPAIRS 0 0 0 0 ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 534,715 384,715 463,300 78,585- * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 126,250 78,000 143,550 65,550- * LEGAL SERVICES -BOARD 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 * LEGAL SERVICES -STAFF 137,000 210,000 206,750 3,250 ** PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 343,250 368,000 430,300 62,300- * OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 50,000 37,500 50,000 12,500- * TECHNICAL SERVICES 914,900 850,000 1,120,200 270,200- * DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 300 300 300 0 * OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY SERVS 173,000 173,250 183,000 9,750- * REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 9,500 5,500 5,500 0 * RECRUITMENT 118,000 90,000 88,000 2,000 ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,265,700 1,156,550 1,447,000 290,450- * SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- ** SELF - INSURANCE EXPENSE 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- * OFFICE EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES 122,700 88,500 79,320 9,180 * OPERATING SUPPLIES 61,860 44,260 50,360 6,100- PAGE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SAFETY SUPPLIES 42,825 16,150 35,325 19,175- * INVENTORY OVER /SHORT 0 0 0 0 ** MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 227,385 148,910 165,005 16,095- * RENTS & LEASES 39,200 26,000 26,000 0 * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 2,500 0 0 0 * PUBLIC INFORMATION 278,500 278,500 329,500 51,000- * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 10,000 5,000 13,500 8,500- * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 107,600 74,000 130,100 561100- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 * CLAIMS 500 500 500 0 * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 7,815 7,965 7,040 925 * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 5,800 6,200 5,800 400 * PUBLIC NOTICES 750 750 1,000 250- * OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION FEES 35,000 38,000 40,000 2,000- * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 9,680 9,255 10,650 1,395- * MISCELLANEOUS 15,350 27,500 16,000 11,500 * ELECTION EXPENSE 0 0 350,000 350,000- * PROFESSIONAL EXP REIMB 38,500 35,500 42,000 6,500- ** OTHER EXPENSES 552,495 510,470 973,390 462,920- 22,048,046 21,234,375 24,476,326 3,241,951- PAGE 2 PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:25:27 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ENGINEERING * SALARIES & WAGES * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * UTILITIES * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE * HAULING & DISPOSAL * PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV * OUTSIDE SERVICES * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES * OTHER EXPENSES ** ENGINEERING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DEPARTMENT EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED 2013 -2014 14 -15 BUDGET TO ACT 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 ACTUAL FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 6,008,963 5,979,395 6,209,497 230,102- 3.85- 200,534- 3.34- 2,672,555 3,013,950 3,688,705 674,755- 22.39- 1,016,150- 38.02- 192,400 175,800 189,000 13,200- 7.51- 3,400 1.77 106,861 113,061 196,061 83,000- 73.41- 89,200- 83.47- 521,200 521,300 471,200 50,100 9.61 50,000 9.59 99,100 85,700 99,100 13,400- 15.64- 0 .00 515,100 369,100 891,500 522,400- 141.53- 376,400- 73.07- 194,710 201,260 204,110 2,850- 1.42- 9,400- 4.83- 271,862 ------------ 248,164 280,376 32,212- 12.98- 8,514- 3.13- 10,582,751 ------ - - - - -- 10,707,730 ------ - - - - -- 12,229,549 ------ - - - - -- 1,521,819- ---- - - - - -- 14.21- --------- - - - - -- 1,646,798- ---- - - - - -- 15.56- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT- ENGINEERING FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE 1 PROGRAM GM601L PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. 417,722 329,410 510,507 181,097- * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 5,604,241 5,539,835 5,713,990 174,155- ' SALARIES & WAGES -COMP ASS 0 0 0 0 * OVERTIME 107,000 110,150 110,000 150 * SALARY VACANCY 120,000- 0 125,000- 125,000 ** SALARIES & WAGES 6,008,963 5,979,395 6,209,497 230,102- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 77,606 28,094 67,349 39,255- ' FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 84,135 82,538 87,208 4,670- * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 1,193,204 1,126,384 1,177,025 50,641- * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 4,751,622 4,590,066 5,572,592 982,526- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 350,902 330,550 349,460 18,910- * DENTAL INSURANCE 118,694 117,388 115,613 1,775 * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 16,882 16,172 16,113 59 * LIFE INSURANCE 28,215 26,550 26,951 401- * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS. 0 0 0 0 * BENEFIT VACANCY 189,000- 0 214,000- 214,000 ' CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 3,759,705- 3,303,792- 3,509,606- 205,814 ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,672,555 3,013,950 3,688,705 674,755- * ELECTRICAL 108,000 101,000 105,000 4,000- * NATURAL GAS 21,500 12,700 21,500 8,800- * WATER 6,500 5,700 6,500 800- * TELEPHONE 56,400 56,400 56,000 400 ** UTILITIES 192,400 175,800 189,000 13,200- * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT. 54,050 41,650 64,050 22,400- ' COMPUTER REPAIRS & MAINT 52,811 49,411 117,011 67,600- * REAL PROPERTY REPAIRS 0 22,000 15,000 7,000 ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 106,861 113,061 196,061 83,000- * JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 21,000 21,000 21,000 0 * HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 500,200 500,300 400,200 100,100 * MOBILE COLLECTION -HHW 0 0 50,000 50,000- ** HAULING & DISPOSAL 521,200 521,300 471,200 50,100 * LEGAL SERVICES -STAFF 99,100 85,700 99,100 13,400- ** PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 99,100 85,700 99,100 13,400- * TECHNICAL SERVICES 381,000 236,500 765,500 5291000- * OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY SERVS 131,500 131,500 123,400 8,100 * REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 2,600 1,100 2,600 1,500- ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 515,100 369,100 891,500 522,400- * OFFICE EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES 56,460 78,460 65,460 13,000 * OPERATING SUPPLIES 118,250 106,450 119,050 12,600- * SAFETY SUPPLIES 20,000 16,350 19,600 3,250- *' MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 194,710 201,260 204,110 2,850- * RENTS & LEASES 10,300 12,000 9,700 2,300 * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 6,000 61000 5,000 11000 ' PUBLIC INFORMATION 7,000 1,800 7,000 5,200- * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 22,800 14,500 33,120 18,620- * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 138,660 127,260 138,065 101805- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 2,890 2,890 3,205 315- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT- ENGINEERING FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE PROGRAM GM601L PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 21,473 18,225 20,083 1,858- * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 1,490 2,340 1,590 750 * PUBLIC NOTICES 51100 3,500 51100 11600- * OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION FEES 25,540 25,540 27,164 1,624- * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 10,909 10,909 10,649 260 * MISCELLANEOUS 11,200 14,700 11,200 3,500 * PROFESSIONAL EXP REIMB 8,500 8,500 8,500 0 ** OTHER EXPENSES 271,862 248,164 280,376 32,212- 10,582,751 10,707,730 12,229,549 11521,819- PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:25:27 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION COLLECTION SYSTEM UPS. * SALARIES E WAGES * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * UTILITIES * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE * HAULING 6 DISPOSAL * PROFESSIONAL 6 LEGAL SERV * OUTSIDE SERVICES * MATERIALS S SUPPLIES * OTHER EXPENSES COLLECTION SYSTEM OPS. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DEPARTMENT EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED 2013 -2014 14 -15 BUDGET TO ACT 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 ACTUAL FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 5,242,615 5,258,847 5,575,455 316,608- 6.02- 332,840- 6.35- 5,829,820 5,743,726 6,937,623 1,193,897- 20.79- 1,107,803- 19.00- 135,600 135,600 136,900 1,300- .96- 1,300- .96- 750,001 727,401 1,820,151 1,092,750- 150.23- 1,070,150- 142.69- 120,800 120,800 121,000 200- .17- 200- .17- 10,000 3,500 5,000 11500- 42.86- 51000 50.00 93,371 45,371 81,121 35,750- 78.79- 12,250 13.12 710,620 740,615 754,900 14,285- 1.93- 44,280- 6.23- 196,152 188,820 184,970 3,850 2.04 11,182 5.70 13,088,979 12,964,680 15,617,120 2,652,440- 20.46- _____ __________ 2,528,141- 19.32- PAGE 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT- COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE 1 PROGRAM GM601L PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. 168,276 197,000 181,939 15,061 * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 4,860,487 4,679,000 5,174,613 495,613- * SALARIES & WAGES COMP ABS 0 0 0 0 * OVERTIME 248,852 315,847 259,903 55,944 * STANDBY PAID 66,000 67,000 66,000 1,000 * SALARY VACANCY 101,000- 0 107,000- 107,000 ** SALARIES & WAGES 5,242,615 5,258,847 5,575,455 316,608- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 163,039 59,021 140,777 81,756- * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 73,064 71,677 77,828 61151- * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 1,314,952 1,241,315 1,409,877 168,562- * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 4,088,532 3,949,522 5,117,380 1,167,858- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 328,308 309,267 343,722 34,455- * DENTAL INSURANCE 127,928 126,521 139,548 13,027- * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 16,248 15,565 16,785 1,220- * LIFE INSURANCE 24,243 22,813 23,864 1,051- * BENEFIT VACANCY 178,000- 0 213,000- 213,000 * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 128,494- 51,975- 119,158- 67,183 *+ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5,829,820 5,743,726 6,937,623 1,193,897- * ELECTRICAL 56,000 56,000 56,000 0 * NATURAL GAS 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 * WATER 15,000 15,000 14,000 11000 * TELEPHONE 54,600 54,600 56,900 2,300- ** UTILITIES 135,600 135,600 136,900 1,300- * OUTSIDE VEH /EQUIP REPAIR 91,100 65,000 77,400 12,400- * VEHIC /EQUIP REPAIR MAINT 110,000 110,000 140,000 30,000- * GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT 546,901 550,401 1,601,751 1,051,350- ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 750,001 727,401 1,820,151 1,092,750- * JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 90,800 90,800 91,000 200- * SPOILS REMOVAL 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 ** HAULING & DISPOSAL 120,800 120,800 121,000 200- * LEGAL SERVICES -STAFF 10,000 3,500 5,000 1,500- ** PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 10,000 3,500 5,000 1,500- * OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 8,000 6,500 81000 1,500- * TECHNICAL SERVICES 85,370 38,870 73,120 34,250- * REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 1 1 1 0 ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 93,371 45,371 81,121 35,750- * OFFICE EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES 81100 11,100 10,100 1,000 * GASOLINE, OIL & FUEL 272,000 272,000 272,000 0 * OPERATING SUPPLIES 389,300 420,295 435,000 14,705- * SAFETY SUPPLIES 41,220 37,220 37,800 580- ** MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 710,620 740,615 754,900 14,285- * RENTS & LEASES 97,801 92,301 74,301 18,000 * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 35,810 34,810 38,735 3,925- * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 41,370 41,370 50,470 91100- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 4,095 5,200 4,388 812 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 PAGE BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT- COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * CLAIMS 1 1 1 0 * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 500 500 500 0 * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 7,075 7,138 7,075 63 * MISCELLANEOUS 3,000 1,000 3,000 2,000- * PROFESSIONAL EXP REIMS 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 ** OTHER EXPENSES 196,152 188,820 184,970 3,850 13,088,979 12,964,680 15,617,120 2,652,440- PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:25:27 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PUMP STATIONS * SALARIES & WAGES * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * CHEMICALS * UTILITIES * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE * HAULING & DISPOSAL * OUTSIDE SERVICES * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES * OTHER EXPENSES PUMP STATIONS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DEPARTMENT EXI FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGETED 2013 -2014 14 -15 BUDGET TO ACT 13 -14 2013 -2014 ACTUAL FINAL PASS VARIANCE 1,111,047 928,000 976,245 48,245- 1,041,975 1,001,517 1,038,401 36,884- 420,000 420,000 420,000 0 521,350 521,350 519,050 2,300 230,450 230,450 230,450 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 75,100 106,950 75,100 31,850 40,600 50,800 47,800 3,000 38,647 36,897 38,817 1,920- --------- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 3,486,169 3,302,964 3,352,863 49,899- PAGE 5 TENSES BUDGET 14 -15 TO PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 5.20- 134,802 12.13 3.68- 3,574 .34 .00 0 .00 .44 2,300 .44 .00 0 .00 .00 0 .00 29.78 0 .00 5.91 7,200- 17.73- 5.20- 170- .44- ---------- --------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 1.51- 133,306 3.82 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT -PUMP STATIONS PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 994,058 784,000 861,431 77,431- * SALARIES & WAGES -COMP ABS 0 0 0 0 * OVERTIME 36,989 43,000 31,814 11,186 * STANDBY PAID 100,000 101,000 100,000 1,000 * SALARY VACANCY 20,000- 0 17,000- 17,000 ** SALAR.IES & WAGES 1,111,047 928,000 976,245 48,245- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 33,661 12,185 23,218 11,033- * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 14,833 14,551 12,834 1,717 * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 147,049 138,814 138,663 151 * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 797,229 770,123 825,191 551068- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 64,733 60,978 55,936 5,042 * DENTAL INSURANCE 14,902 14,738 13,653 1,085 * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 3,183 3,049 2,612 437 * LIFE INSURANCE 4,058 3,819 3,321 498 * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ASS 0 0 0 0 BENEFIT VACANCY 31,000- 0 31,000- 31,000 * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 6,673- 16,740- 6,027- 10,713- ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,041,975 1,001,517 1,038,401 36,884- * OTHER CHEMICALS 420,000 420,000 420,000 0 ** CHEMICALS 420,000 420,000 420,000 0 * ELECTRICAL 457,600 457,600 457,600 0 * WATER 15,750 15,750 15,750 0 * TELEPHONE 48,000 48,000 45,700 2,300 ** UTILITIES 521,350 521,350 519,050 2,300 * GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT. 190,450 190,450 190,450 0 ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 230,450 230,450 230,450 0 * JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 ** HAULING & DISPOSAL 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 * OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 8,200 8,200 8,200 0 * TECHNICAL SERVICES 66,900 98,750 66,900 31,850 ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 75,100 106,950 75,100 31,850 * OPERATING SUPPLIES 19,000 29,200 26,200 3,000 * OPERATING FUEL 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 * SAFETY SUPPLIES 3,600 3,600 3,600 0 ** MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 40,600 50,800 47,800 3,000 * RENTS & LEASES 1,000 1,000 11000 0 * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 19,585 19,585 19,585 0 * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2,750 1,000 2,750 1,750- * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 11,990 11,990 12,160 170- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 1,140 1,140 1,140 0 * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 200 200 200 0 * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 200 200 200 0 * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 1,482 1,482 1,482 0 * MISCELLANEOUS 300 300 300 0 ** OTHER EXPENSES 38,647 36,897 38,817 1,920- 3,486,169 3,302,964 3,352,863 49,899- PAGE 1 PREPARED 04/29/14, 09:25:27 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PLANT OPERATIONS * SALARIES & WAGES * EMPLOYEE BENEFITS * CHEMICALS * UTILITIES * REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE * HAULING & DISPOSAL * PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV * OUTSIDE SERVICES * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES * OTHER EXPENSES PLANT OPERATIONS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 BUDGET SUMMARY BY TYPE - FUND 001 DEPARTMENT EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED BUDGET 14 -15 BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGETED 2013 -2014 14 -15 BUDGET TO ACT 13 -14 PERCENT BUDGET 13 -14 PERCENT 2013 -2014 ACTUAL FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE 9,357,800 9,095,330 10,287,397 1,192,067- 13.11- 929,597- 9.93- 9,778,628 9,607,930 11,882,245 2,274,315- 23.67- 2,103,617- 21.51- 1,141,000 1,162,000 1,185,000 23,000- 1.98- 44,000- 3.86- 3,148,200 3,794,100 3,917,900 123,800- 3.26- 769,700- 24.45- 2,143,500 11999,500 2,201,800 202,300- 10.12- 58,300- 2.72- 451,500 414,500 441,000 26,500- 6.39- 10,500 2.33 25,000 5,000 5,000 0 .00 20,000 80.00 852,350 737,177 808,300 71,123- 9.65- 44,050 5.17 843,400 718,169 852,500 134,331- 18.70- 9,100- 1.08- 877,629 ------------ 803,503 941,895 138,392- 17.22- 64,266- 7.32- 28,619,007 ------ - - - - -- 28,337,209 ------ - - - - -- 32,523,037 ------ - - - - -- 4,185,828- ---- - - - - -- 14.77- --------- - - - - -- 3,904,030- -- -- - - - - -- 13.64- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT -PLANT OPERATIONS PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE * SALARIES & WAGES- MGMNT. 528,683 384,300 524,892 140,592- * SALARIES & WAGES -NON MGMT 8,468,096 8,244,000 9,428,520 1,184,520- * COMP ABS- ACCRUAL PAYMENTS 0 0 0 0 * OVERTIME 479,298 413,800 477,962 64,162- * STANDBY PAID 61,723 53,230 55,023 1,793- * SALARY VACANCY 180,000- 0 199,000- 199,000 ** SALARIES & WAGES 9,357,800 9,095,330 10,287,397 1,192,067- * WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS 285,649 103,404 250,425 147,021- * FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 130,450 127,972 147,417 19,445- * MEDICAL & HEALTH INSUR 1,867,275 1,762,707 2,051,116 288,409- * RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 7,188,249 6,943,850 9,070,236 2,126,386- * DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIB 537,483 506,309 580,890 74,581- * DENTAL INSURANCE 168,026 166,178 191,384 25,206- * LONG -TERM DISABILITY INS 25,933 24,843 27,331 2,488- * LIFE INSURANCE 41,250 38,817 42,940 4,123- * ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS 0 0 0 0 * BENEFIT VACANCY 294,000- 0 359,000- 359,000 * CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD 171,687- 66,150- 120,494- 54,344 ** EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9,778,628 9,607,930 11,882,245 2,274,315- * LIME 300,000 350,000 350,000 0 * POLYMER 450,000 450,000 450,000 0 * BOILER CHEMICALS 72,000 83,000 70,000 13,000 * OTHER CHEMICALS 120,000 80,000 100,000 20,000- * HYPOCHLORITE 199,000 199,000 215,000 16,000- ** CHEMICALS 1,141,000 1,162,000 1,185,000 23,000- * ELECTRICAL 373,600 1,252,200 974,500 277,700 * NATURAL GAS 2,185,000 2,105,500 2,365,000 259,500- * LAND -FILL GAS 473,000 313,400 450,000 136,600- * WATER 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 * TELEPHONE 51,600 58,000 63,400 5,400- ** UTILITIES 3,148,200 3,794,100 3,917,900 123,800- * GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 915,000 972,000 1,038,500 66,500- * OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT 1,190,500 999,500 1,117,300 117,800- * COMPUTER REPAIRS & MAINT 38,000 28,000 46,000 18,000- ** REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 2,143,500 1,999,500 2,201,800 202,300- * ASH REMOVAL 152,000 152,000 152,000 0 * SLUDGE REMOVAL 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 * GRIT REMOVAL 90,000 80,000 90,000 10,000- * JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 171,000 153,000 170,500 17,500- * HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 13,500 4,500 3,500 11000 ** HAULING & DISPOSAL 451,500 414,500 441,000 26,500- * LEGAL SERVICES -STAFF 25,000 5,000 5,000 0 ** PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 25,000 5,000 5,000 0 * OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 23,000 19,000 35,000 16,000- * TECHNICAL SERVICES 823,350 713,177 768,300 55,123- * OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY SERVS 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 * REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 11000 0 0 0 PAGE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREPARED 04/29/14 BUDGET LISTING BY DEPARTMENT -PLANT OPERATIONS PROGRAM GM601L FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 PROJECTED FINAL BUDGET 14 -15 TO BUDGET 2013 -2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL 13 -14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2013 -2014 ACTUAL 2014 -2015 VARIANCE ** OUTSIDE SERVICES 852,350 737,177 808,300 71,123- * OFFICE EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES 26,000 25,500 26,000 500- * OPERATING SUPPLIES 602,000 527,100 614,000 86,900- * OPERATING FUEL 30,000 0 15,000 15,000- * LABORATORY SUPPLIES 154,700 138,000 155,500 17,500- * SAFETY SUPPLIES 30,700 27,569 42,000 14,431- ** MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 843,400 718,169 852,500 134,331- * RENTS & LEASES 47,500 55,700 59,500 3,800- * PUBLIC AGENCY FEES 429,949 401,176 424,090 22,914- * TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 16,000 6,000 10,000 4,000- * TECH TRAIN, CONF & MEETS 93,950 69,200 116,200 47,000- * CERTIFICATION & LICENSES 9,972 6,700 13,990 7,290- * SUBSCRIPTION /PUBLICATION 4,700 3,550 4,250 700- * MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 500 1,200 750 450 * OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION FEES 253,500 248,080 295,500 47,420- * EMPLOYEE MEMBERSHIPS 10,078 8,647 10,415 1,768- * MISCELLANEOUS 11,480 3,250 7,200 3,950- ** OTHER EXPENSES 877,629 803,503 941,895 138,392- 28,619,007 28,337,209 32,523,037 4,185,828- PAGE 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS (ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05) FY 2014 -15 BUDGET The Board was advised at the June 5, 2014 Board Meeting that changes were being made to the Technical Training & Conferences Budget. A revised document adding potential Board attendees was distributed on June 9th. The final report is now included in the Training and Conferences section of the final budget document. The final report is reformatted, but contains the same detail provided previously. The Technical Training and Conference Budget changes reduced the number of attendees to key conferences and the budgeted reduction of $70,015 was reclassified to a District contingency amount, leaving the total District budget amount unchanged. The table below is provided for your reference during FY 2014 -15. Please use the table and the detailed listing in the Technical Training Section of your budget document to determine your reduced Technical Training Budget for FY 2014 -15 (Net Budget). The total District Technical Training Budget remains at $446,995, but $70,015 was shifted and is considered a contingency amount to be used only if necessary with pre - approval by the General Manager. Because there is currently no District contingency account outside of the Departmental expenses in our financial statements, the shift is not reflected in the SunGard financial accounts. Because technical training is usually underspent, we do not foresee many issues with this change. Please contact Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator, if you have any questions. Department SunGard Budget As Originally Input Reallocated to Contingency if Needed Net Remaining Budget for Department Use Administrative $ 130,100 $ 5,600 $ 124,500 Environmental Services $ 88,265 $ 17,865 $ 70,400 Capital Projects $ 49,800 $ 4,100 $ 45,700 Engineering $ 138,065 $ 21,965 $ 116,100 Plant Operations (POD) $ 116,200 $ 26,200 $ 90,000 Collection Systems (CSO) $ 50,470 $ 16,250 $ 34,220 Pumping Stations (PS) $ 12,160 $ - $ 12,160 Total Account 12 -05 $ 446,995 $ 70,015 $ 376,980 7/1/2014 8:49 AM N:\ ACCOUNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\TRAINING ANALYSIS FOR BUDGET 14 -15 ccb.xlsx Internal Summary CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT FY 2014 -15 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS The following list describes by department and division the types of training budgeted in Account 03 -02, Board of Director Training and Conferences, and Account 12 -05, Technical Training, Conferences and Meetings. This format is intended to give the reader a description of the types of training, conferences and meetings planned, yet allows District Management the flexibility to substitute training or conferences as is prudent, so long as the division does not exceed its budget. Out -of -State conferences determined to be necessary after budget adoption exceeding $1,000 /person need specific Board Approval via position paper. • Out -of -State conferences approved via the budget process must still be included as an announcement in a Board meeting prior to travel. • South Lake Tahoe, CA and Reno, NV are considered to be synonymous for budget purposes and are considered to be travel within the State of California. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 03-02 BOARD OF DIRECTORS FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount CASA 0100 -402 3 BOARD DIRECTORS Indian Wells 6,000 Williams, Pilecki, McGill CASA 0100 -402 2 BOARD DIRECTORS Washington DC 6,000 Causey, McGill, Williams CASA 0100 -402 1 BOARD DIRECTORS Sacramento 1,000 McGill CASA 0100 -402 2 BOARD DIRECTORS Monterey 4,000 Williams. McGill CSDA 0100 -402 1 BOARD DIRECTOR Palm Springs 2,000 McGill WEFTEC 0100 -402 2 BOARD DIRECTORS New Orleans 5,000 Williams, McGill NACWA 0100 -402 2 BOARD DIRECTOR Santa Fe 5,000 Causey, Williams NACWA 0100 -402 1 BOARD DIRECTOR Washington DC 6,000 Causey, McGill NACWA 0100 -402 1 BOARD DIRECTOR Portland 2,000 Causey CALPELRA 0100 -402 2 BOARD DIRECTOR Monterey 4,000 McGill, Pilecki CWEA 0100 -402 1 BOARD DIRECTOR Santa Clara 2,000 McGill Contingency 0100 -402 BOARD DIRECTORS 21,000 Board of Directors Total Technical Training and Conferences 64,000 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount LEADERSHIP PROGRAM 0100 -400 ADMIN STAFF 10,000 CASA 0100 -400 1 GM Washington DC 2,000 CASA 0100 -400 1 GM Monterey 2,000 NACWA 0100 -400 1 GM Washington DC 2,000 NACWA 0100 -400 1 GM Portland 2,000 PARMA 0100 -399 1 DIR OF ADMIN Anaheim 2,500 CALPELRA 0100 -400 1 DIR OF ADMIN Monterey 2,500 CCAC /ARMA /CSDA 0100 -400 SECRETARY / STAFF 7,500 MISC 0100 -400 1 SECRETARY / STAFF 2,000 CSMFO 0110 -400 2 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOF Monterey 4,000 SUNGARD 0110 -400 2 ACCOUNTING STAFF Orlando, FL 3,000 IRS UPDATE 0110 -400 1 SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Continental US 2,000 GFOA 0110 -400 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOF Philadelphia 3,000 LAIF 0110 -400 2 ACCOUNTING STAFF Sacramento 500 MISC 0110 -400 ACCOUNTING STAFF 5,000 NEOGOV 0120 -400 1 HR ANALYST 2,000 LCW 0120 -400 1 HR MANAGER Anaheim 2,500 CAPELRA 0120 -400 1 HR MANAGER Monterey 2,500 CALPELRA 0120 -400 1 HR ANALYST Monterey 2,500 MISC 0120 -400 HR STAFF 7,000 CAPPO 0140 -400 2.5 PURCHASING STAFF Monterey 3,500 NIGP 0140 -400 2 PURCHASING STAFF Philadelphia 3,500 MISC 0140 -400 7 PURCHASING STAFF 3,000 PARMA 0150 -400 RISK MANAGEMENT STAFF 10,000 CASA 0170 -400 1 COMMUNICATIONS MGR 2,000 CASA 0170 -400 1 COMMUNICATIONS MGR 2,000 CASA 0170 -400 1 COMMUNICATIONS MGR 2,000 CWEA 0170 -400 1 COMMUNICATIONS MGR 3,000 MISC 0170 -400 COMMUNICATIONS STAFF 4,000 SUNGARD 0180 -400 1 IT STAFF Orlando, FL 2,500 MISC 0180 -400 7 IT STAFF California 22,500 Administration Total 124,500 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount CASA 0200 -410 1 Dir of Engr /ES Div Mgr California 2,000 WEF 0200 -410 1 Dir of Engr /ES Div Mgr Continental US 1,500 MISC 0200 -410 2 Dir of Engr /ES Div Mgr Local 300 IRWA 0200 -420 2 ROW staff Continental US 31500 MISC 0200 -420 4 Staff Local 600 CWEA BAY SEC. 0200 -420 6 Engineers Local 200 MISC 0200 -420 2 Admin. Staff Local 1,000 SUNGARD HUG 0200 -420 2 Staff Continential US 4,500 MISC 0200 -420 5 Inspectors Local 800 WEFTEC 0200 -420 2 Algae Cmtee, Ldshp Group Continental US 3,000 MISC 0200 -420 4 Staff Local 300 MMANC 0200 -420 1 Eng. Asst. III California 500 Misc State Operator 0200 -420 1 Engineers California 1,100 Collection Sys Technical Planning 0200 -420 2 Enginers Continental US 3,000 Treatment Pint Technical Planning 0200 -420 2 Engineers Continental US 3,000 MISC 0200 -420 2 Engineers California 800 MISC 0200 -420 2 Eng. Asst. III Local 1,500 MISC 0200 -420 5 Staff Local 2,000 CLSA 0200 -420 4 Surveyors Local 700 ACSM /CLSA 0200 -420 2 Surveyors Nevada 3,000 MISC 0200 -420 4 Surveyors California 2,000 MISC 0200 -420 4 Surveyors Local 500 TRIMBLE DIMENSIONS 0200 -420 1 Enginer Nevada 1,000 LBICA HEXAGON 0200 -420 1 Engineer Nevada 1,000 EPA 0200 -490 1 EC staff Continental US 1,000 NACWA 0200 -490 2 Panel & Committee Continental US 1,700 CWEA 0200 -490 4 P3S California 2,800 CWEA 0200 -490 1 EC staff California 2,500 CALRECYCLE 0200 -690 2 HHW staff California 800 HHWIE 0200 -690 3 HHW staff California 2,000 NAHMMA 0200 -690 2 HHW staff Orlando FL 4,200 Pollution Prevention (132) MISC 0200 -710 2 staff Continential US 1,000 CWEA 0200 -710 1 P2 staff California 2,100 NACWA 0200 -710 1 P2 staff Continential US 3,000 Reclaimed Water (REW) WATEREUSE 0200 -750 1 staff Dallas, TX 1,700 WATEREUSE 0200 -750 2 REW staff California 1,400 Technical Training: Hazwoper; Compliance Miscellaneous 0200 -490 9 Stormwater California 8,400 Environmental Services Division Total 70,400 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount CWEA 0250 -470 2 Engineering staff California 2,400 WEF - Utility 0250 -470 1 Engineering staff Continental US 2,000 WEFTEC 0250 -470 2 Staff Presentations New Orleans 5,000 Leadership 0250 -470 4 Engineering staff California 1,050 Pipe Utilities Group 0250 -470 13 Engineering staff California 1,050 AUTO CAD 0250 -470 4 Engineering staff California 2,000 Construction Management 0250 -470 2 Engineering staff Continental US 3,000 Construction Inspection 0250 -470 3 Engineering staff California 2,000 Soils Engineering 0250 -470 2 Engineering staff California 1,500 Pumps & Meters 0250 -470 2 Engineering staff California 1,500 Pipeline Design 0250 -470 5 Engineering staff California 2,000 Misc State Operator 0250 -470 4 Engineering staff California 1,250 Cathodic Protection 0250 -470 1 Engineering staff California 1,200 Misc Technical Training 0250 -470 Engineering staff Cont US /CA 3,000 Construction Admin. 0250 -470 16 Engineering staff California 7,550 Miscellaneous 0250 -470 7+ Eng /Admin staff California 3,200 GIS 0250 -550 1 Engineering Support Las Vegas, NV 1,000 GIS 0250 -550 2 Engineering Support California 1,500 Mapping 0250 -550 4 Engineering Support California 2,100 Misc - Auto Cad 0250 -550 6 Engineering Support California 1,000 Project Management 0250 -550 1 Engineering Support California 400 Capital Projects Total 45,700 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND PUMPING STATIONS FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount CWEA Northern Regior 0300 -570 4 2 Mgmt & 2 Field Staff Sacramento 3,000 CWEA Annual Conf 0300 -570 5 3 Mgmt & 2 Field Crew San Diego 7,500 CWEA Northern Safety 0300 -570 10 CSO Staff Woodland 1,000 CWEA SFBS 0300 -570 CSO Staff Local 1,000 WEFTEC Annual 0300 -570 1 Division Manager New Orleans 3,000 MISC Locating CCTV 0300 -570 6 CSO Field Staff Local 2,000 MISC Supervisor Trainii 0300-570 CSO Supervisors Local 1,500 PFSA 0300 -570 2 Supervisor & Superintende Local 720 MISC Mechanics 0300 -570 2 Mechanics Local 3,500 NTEA Truck Show 0300 -570 1 Supervisor Indianapolis 2,000 MISC Computer 0300 -570 3 Tech Services Staff Local 1,500 CWEA TCP Seminars 0300 -570 CSO Staff Local 1,500 Misc State Operator 0300 -570 1 Crew Leader CA 750 CASSE 0300 -570 1 CSO Staff CA 1,000 MISC Industry meeting 0300 -570 CSO Staff Local 500 MISC Locating Digger 0300 -570 1 Field Crew CA 750 CWEA Mid Summer 0300 -570 2 Supervisor & Division Mangy Cambria 1,000 BACWA TRI TAC Regula 0300 -570 1 Division Manager CA 2,000 CSO Total 34,220 MISC Technical traininf 0500 -930 PS Staff CA 1,850 CWEA Annual conf 0500 -930 3 PS Superintendents & PS 0 San Diego 3,000 CWEA Northern Reg 0500 -930 3 PS Staff Sacramento 1,500 MISC Supervisor /Super 0500 -930 3 PS Supervisor & Superinter Local 700 CWEA Northern Safety 0500 -930 4 PS Staff Woodland 380 MISC Training 0500 -930 8 PS Staff CA 3,500 AWWA Online Training 0500 -930 1 Superintendent Online 230 PS TOTAL 12,160 Total 46,380 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT FY15 BUDGET Conference Division No. Staff Position Attending Destination Amount 0 &M Professional Meetings 0400 -410 3 POD Management California 750 Tri -TAC 0400 -410 2 POD Management California 300 CASA 0400 -410 2 POD Management California 1,250 WEFTEC 0400 -410 1 POD Management New Orleans 3,000 NACWA 0400 -410 1 POD Management Portland 2,000 NACWA 0400 -410 1 POD Management Charleston, SC 2,000 Computer /Business Skills Classes 0400 -700 3 POD Admin Staff California 1,200 CWEA 0400 -740 1 POD Safety Person on the Year California 1,000 CWEA Northern Safety 0400 -740 1 POD Safety Specialist California 200 Safety Center Forum 0400 -740 1 POD Safety Specialist Sacramento 200 PASMA 0400 -740 1 POD Safety Specialist California 200 Misc State Operator 0400 -740 1 POD Safety Specialist California 500 CWEA North 0420 -720 1 Chemist 1 /II Sacramento 1,000 ICP -MS Training 0420 -720 1 Chemist III Alpharetta, GA 2,350 CWEA Northern Safety 0420 -730 10 Plant Operations Staff California 1,000 CWEA 0420 -730 1 Plant Operations Superintendent San Diego 1,000 CWEA North 0420 -730 Plant Operations Staff Sacramento 2,500 WEFTEC 0420 -730 1 Plant Operations Coordinator New Orleans 21250 Operator Certification Training 0420 -730 12 Plant Operations Staff California 7,000 CWCCG 0420 -760 1 Senior Engineer California 500 Tri -TAC 0420 -760 2 Regulatory Workgroup California 200 NACWA 0420 -760 2 Senior /Associate Engineer Portland 5,000 NACWA 0420 -760 1 Senior /Associate Engineer Charleston, SC 2,500 WERF 0420 -760 2 Senior /Associate Engineer TED 6,000 Wastewater Training 0420 -760 Regulatory Workgroup 1,000 CWEA 0420 -760 3 Regulatory Workgroup San Diego 3,000 BACWA AIR 0420 -760 2 Senior /Associate Engineer California 200 DYNAC Training 0420 -770 Process Control Group California 500 WEFTEC 0420 -770 1 Senior Engineer New Orleans 3,000 Process Control Conference 0420 -770 1 Process Control Group 2,500 Unity Pro PLC 0420 -770 2 Process Control Group California 2,000 Control System Training 0420 -770 1 Process Control Group California 6,000 MISC 0420 -770 Process Control Group California 200 Supervision /Management Training 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff California 1,000 CWEA Northern Safety 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff California 1,000 CWEA North 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff Sacramento 3,500 Technical Training - Mechanical 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff 4,000 Technical Training - Electrical 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff 5,000 Technical Training - Computers 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff California 1,000 Technical Training - Buildings and Grounds 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff California 3,000 Mainsaver Training 0440 -800 Maintenance Staff CCCSD 7,200 PANC 0440 -860 1 Senior Engineer California 400 Environmental Energy Users Group 0440 -860 1 Senior Engineer California 700 CWEA North 0440 -861 2 Senior Engineer Sacramento 900 POD Total 90,000 District Total Before Contingency (Account No. 12 -05 - Staff Costs) (Account No. 12 -05) District Technical Training and Conferences Total (Account No. 12 -05) 446, Managers and Supervisors Academies (In Technical Services Account No. 09 -02) 1 Manager's Professional Expense Reimbursement (Account No. 12 -13) 53,500 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF TECHNICAL TRAINING, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS - ACCOUNT NO. 12 -05 FY15 BUDGET Original Revised Conference No. Staff No. Staff Difference WEFTEC 17 8 -9 CASA 26 16 -10 CWEA - San Diego 22 15 -7 NACWA 15 13 -2 SUNGARD 9 5 -4 CALPELRA 7 5 -2 Protecting Public He FY 2014 -15 Debt Service Fund Budget Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Summary Of Current Debt Service $6,000,000 1 Type Of Debt Tvae Of Debt Summary Fiscal Year Principal Amortization & Interest Total Debt Service 2009 Bonds Amortization & Total Principal Interest Debt Service Recycled Principal Water Loan Interest Total Debt Service 1994 -95 688,127 688,127 1995 -96 1,458, 830 1,458, 830 1996 -97 755,000 1,459,741 2,214,741 1997 -98 790,000 1,421,245 2,211,245 1998 -99 835,000 1,150,177 1,985,177 $139,194 47,925 187,119 1999 -00 725,000 1,221,898 1,946,898 114,900 72,219 187,119 2000 -01 1,245,000 1,181,356 2,426,356 117,887 69,232 187,119 2001 -02 1,285,000 1,195,057 2,480,057 120,952 66,167 187,119 2002 -03 1,330,000 1,832,680 3,162,680 124,097 63,022 187,119 2003 -04 1,375,000 1,790,547 3,165,547 127,323 59,796 187,119 2004 -05 1,995,000 1,719,372 3,714,372 130,634 56,486 187,119 2005 -06 2,060,000 1,641,214 3,701,214 134,030 53,089 187,119 2006 -07 2,135,000 1,559,500 3,694,500 137,515 49,604 187,119 2007 -08 2,210,000 1,472,113 3,682,113 141,090 46,029 187,119 2008 -09 2,300,000 1,379,326 3,679,326 144,759 42,360 187,119 2009 -10 2,390,000 190,068 2,580,068 1,255,607 1,255,607 148,522 38,597 187,119 2010 -11 3,460,000 2,027,168 5,487,168 152,384 34,735 187,119 2011 -12 3,465,000 1,888,601 5,353,601 156,346 30,773 187,119 2012 -13 3,605,000 1,775,376 5,380,376 160,411 26,708 187,119 2013 -14 3,720,000 1,645,435 5,365,435 164,582 22,538 187,119 2014 -15 3,865,000 1,494,218 5,359,218 168,861 18,258 187,119 2015 -16 2,210,000 1,394,785 3,604,785 173,251 13,868 187,119 2016 -17 2,300,000 1,295,051 3,595,051 177,756 9,363 187,119 2017 -18 2,405,000 1,217,926 3,622,926 182,377 4,742 187,119 2018 -19 2,480,000 1,123,235 3,603,235 2019 -20 2,580,000 1,020,701 3.600.701 2020 -21 2,685,000 922,578 3,607,578 2021 -22 2,785,000 812,111 3,597,111 2022 -23 2,900,000 693,499 3,593,499 2023 -24 3,015,000 568,720 3,583,720 2024 -25 1,905,000 488,937 2,393,937 2025 -26 1,975,000 407,102 2,382,102 2026 -27 2,060,000 320,001 2,380,001 2027 -28 2,145,000 229,281 2,374,281 2028 -29 2,235,000 134,764 2,369,764 2029 -30 1 1 1 1 2,330,000 1 16,533 1 2,346,533 rinai vayment mace trom Keserve runs ccb 6/19/2014 3:33 PM N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\debtgraphs.xls CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 2014 -15 Debt Service Revenue: Sewer Service Charge Reserve Account Bond Interest Income Ad Valorem Tax (portion allocated to Debt Service) Total Debt Service Revenue Debt Service Expense: 2009 Bond Interest Payment and Amortized Costs, less Tax Subsidy on BAB 7.2% reduction of tax subsidy due to congressional sequestration (2/14) Recycled Water Loan Interest Payment Total Interest Payment and Amortization Costs 2009 Bond Principal Payment Recycled Water Loan Principal Payment Total Principal Payments Total Debt Service Interest, Amortized Costs and Principal Payments Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Revenue over Expense Transfer from /(to) 0 &M or Capital Fund Balance - End of Year Attachment I 40,700 5,535,647 $ 5,576,347 $ 1,494,218 30,009 18,259 $ 1,542,486 $ 3,865,000 168,861 $ 4,033,861 $ 5,576,347 N: \ACCOUNTING \GMTEMP1 \BUDGET12014 -2015 BUDGET\Debt Service Fund - Attachment 1 PREPARED 06/18/14, 07:47:40 PROGRAM GM601L CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT W /DETAIL - FINAL PASS FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 2011 -12 2012 -13 BUDGET BUD 14 -15 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2013 -14 14 -15 BUDGET BUD 13 -14 FINAL PASS VAR ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION DEBT SERVICE 004 -0000- 300.45 -50 1998 BOND INTEREST INCOME 0 004 - 0000 - 300.45 -51 2002 BOND INTEREST INCOME 0 004 - 0000 - 300.45 -52 RECYC H2O LOAN INT INCOME 0 004- 0000- 300.45 -53 2009 BOND INTEREST INCOME 139,181 - LEVEL TEXT PF96 US BANK CD'S(2009A /20098) LESS US BANK FEES $2,750 USED 0.9$ INTEREST RATE BASED ON US BANK CD RATE OF 0.97$ ON 3-YR. CD'S 2 -YR CD'S YIELDING 0.36$ VAR 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 0 .00 28,537 25,000 40,700 15,700- 62.80 - TEXT AMT 40,700 40,700 004 -0000- 300.46 -00 TAX REVENUE 5,679,901 5,538,959 5,563,816 5,535,647 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT PF96 BOND PRINCIPAL 3,865,000 2009 BONDS - GROSS INTEREST 1,891,307 BOND ISSUANCE AMORITIZED COSTS 19,705 FEDERAL TAX SUBSIDY ON BAB PORTION (REDUCED 7.2$)* 386,785 - RECYCLED WATER LOAN 187,120 LESS RESERVE INTEREST (NET OF $2,750 USBANK FEES) 40,700 - ROUNDING *DUE TO CONGRESSIONAL SEQUESTRATION $416,794 - $30,009 = $386,785 28,169 .51 5,535,647 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- * 5,540,720 5,567,496 5,588,816 5,576,347 12,469 .22 ** REVENUE 5,540,720 5,567,496 5,588,816 5,576,347 12,469 .22 PAGE 1 PREPARED 06/18/14, 07:47:40 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 004 - 0000 - 888.12 -50 1998 BOND INTEREST EXP 004 - 0000 - 888.12 -51 2002 BOND INTEREST EXP 004 - 0000 - 888.12 -52 RECYC H2O INTEREST EXP LEVEL TEXT PF96 RECYCLED WATER PRINCIPAL - $168,861 RECYCLED WATER INTEREST 004 - 0000 - 888.12 -53 2009 BOND DEBT EXPENSE LEVEL TEXT PF96 9/2014 INTEREST $ 336,690.00 3/2015 INTEREST 932,770.00 6/2015 INTEREST 621,846.67 BOND ISSUANCE COST 19,705.41 TAX SUBSIDY - 416,794.00 LESS 7.2$ SEQUESTRATION 30,009.18 1,524,227 * 1,919,374 1,802,084 1,704,234 1,542,485 161,749 9.49 ** DEBT SERVICE 1,919,374 1,802,084 1,704,234 1,542,485 161,749 9.49 PAGE 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT W /DETAIL - FINAL PASS FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 2011 -12 2012 -13 BUDGET BUD 14 -15 $ ACTUAL ACTUAL 2013 -14 14 -15 BUDGET BUD 13 -14 VAR FINAL PASS VAR 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 0 0 .00 30,773 26,708 22,538 18,258 4,280 18.99 TEXT AMT 18,258 18,258 1,888,601 1,775,376 1,681,696 1,524,227 157,469 9.36 TEXT AMT 1,524,227 1,524,227 * 1,919,374 1,802,084 1,704,234 1,542,485 161,749 9.49 ** DEBT SERVICE 1,919,374 1,802,084 1,704,234 1,542,485 161,749 9.49 PAGE 2 i S ... Protecting Public Health and the Environment FY 2014 -15 Self- Insurance Fund Budget SIF Allocation 0 &M Fun( Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Self- Insurance Budget Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 ($000 omitted) FY 2014 -15 Revenue $694,970 Mce Allocation rom HHW SIF Allocation from O &M Fund $ 650,000 93.53% Insurance Allocation from HHW 33,100 4.76% Interest Income, Subrogation Recovery 11,870 1.71% Total Revenues $ 694,970 100.00% Insurance Premiums FY 2014 -15 Expense $661,500 Loss Payments Interest Income ,gal Services Insurance Consulting Technical Services Loss Payments $ 55,000 8.31% Legal Services 95,000 14.36% Insurance Consulting 6,500 1.37% Technical Services 30,000 4.54% Insurance Premiums 475,000 71.81% Total Expenses $ 661,500 100.00% From Reserves $ 33,470 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 Subject: REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $650,000 TO THE FUND FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Shari Deutsch, ARM -P— Safety & Risk Administrative /Safety & Risk Management Administrator Management REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Thea Vassallo, CPA, CMA Finance Manager ..J L I k. R. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: The Self - Insurance Fund (SIF) is reviewed each year by the Board of Directors with staff presenting funding recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 SIF Budget and authorize the allocation of $650,000 from the FY 2014 -15 Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget to the SIF. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: A transfer of $650,000 from FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget to the SIF. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The alternatives to this action are to provide less funds than recommended, to not fund the SIF, or to increase the funds by transferring more than $650,000. BACKGROUND: The District has self - insured a portion of its liability and property risks since July 1, 1986, when the Board approved the establishment of the SIF. The District currently self - insures general and auto liability risks up to a $1,000,000 and purchases a $15 million excess liability insurance policy. At this time, the District does not purchase insurance coverage for earthquake or flood losses because insurance programs currently available in California are too expensive for the scope and limits of coverage provided. As a result, the District self - insures these risks as well. The SIF has effectively funded the District's retained losses since its inception. Each year funds are transferred from the O &M Budget to the SIF. According to the ten - year plan presented earlier this year, the recommended O &M contribution for FY 2014- 15 was $650,000. Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 Subject REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $650,000 TO THE FUND FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Fund Allocation In 1994, the Government Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 10 (GASB -10) which established requirements on how public agencies must fund their self - insured risks. To assure compliance with GASBA 0, the District restructured the SIF into three sub - funds. Each of the three sub -funds was established to pay for specific losses and costs. SUB -FUND A: Actuarially -Based Risks. These include general liability and automobile liability risks. Under the requirements of GASB -10, risks that can be actuarially studied must be funded based on an actuarial study performed at least every two years. General liability and automobile liability risks are readily studied throughout the insurance and self- insurance industry to project funding levels for future losses. The District obtained an actuarial review of its self - insured general liability and automobile liability risks in October 2012. The next actuarial report will be performed in August 2014 using loss data through June 30, 2014. The District maintains a $1,000,000 target reserve for Sub -Fund A. This is used to pay claims and loss costs throughout the year and to provide funding toward a loss that would exceed the District's self- insured retention. The average annual expense for Sub -Fund A over the last three fiscal years has been approximately $124,930, offset by average revenue of approximately $11,415, for an average draw down of reserves of $113,515 per year. The budgeted revenue for FY 2014 -15 is $2,780 with expenses of $115,000 for an estimated reduction in Sub -Fund A reserves of $112,220. A transfer of $112,220 from Sub -Fund C is necessary in order to maintain the target reserve at $1,000,000. SUB -FUND B: Non - Actuarially -Based Risks. These include employment liability and pollution liability risks. Because employment liability and pollution liability losses occur infrequently and the costs of claims vary widely, the frequency and severity of these losses are less predictable than those addressed by Sub -Fund A. For this reason, GASB -10 does not require a biennial actuarial review of these risks. However, GASB -10 requires that these risks be adequately funded even though they are not actuarially reviewed. The District established Sub -Fund B with a target reserve of $2,400,000 to fund employment liability and pollution liability risks. This fund pays for Employment Practices Liability losses and costs within the District's self- insured retention. It also pays for pollution losses not otherwise covered by insurance. Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 SubJect REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $650,000 TO THE FUND FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET The average annual expense for Sub -Fund B over the last three years has been $174,752, offset by revenue of $8,466 for an average annual reserve draw down of $166,286. The budgeted revenue for FY 2014 -15 is $6,680 with expenses of $55,000 for an estimated reduction in Sub -Fund B reserves of $48,320. A transfer of $48,320 from Sub -Fund C is necessary in order to maintain the target reserve at $2,400,000. SUB -FUND C: Non -GASB 10 Risks. This Sub -Fund covers all risk management program insurance premiums, self- insured property losses, potential losses from uninsurable risks, and the costs of initiating claims and lawsuits against others who have damaged the District. Specific costs include: insurance premiums for a $15,000,000 excess general liability policy; $5,000,000 excess general liability and $10,000,000 pollution liability policy for the Household Hazardous Waste facility, $1,000,000 employment practices liability with $25,000 retention, and a crime policy which includes coverage for computer fraud and insurance premiums for insuring District properties for fire, explosion, water damage, etc. for losses above $250,000. As noted earlier, the District does not currently purchase insurance coverage for damages from flood or earthquakes. These insurance policies are extremely expensive and offer very limited coverage. The District maintains Sub -Fund C at a target reserve of at least $1,000,000 to cover self- insured property losses arising from floods, earthquakes or other self- insured hazards. The annual average expense for Sub -Fund C over the past three years has been $1,118,424 offset by average revenue of $1,246,760 for an average increase of $128,336 to reserves. When reduced by the average annual transfer from Sub -Fund C to other Sub -Funds over the past three years, the annual average decrease to Sub - Fund C reserves is approximately $151,465. The budget for FY 2014 -15 revenue is $685,510 with expenses of $491,500 for an estimated addition to Sub -Fund C reserves of $194,010. However, $160,540 would be transferred to Sub -Funds A and B for a net increase in Sub -Fund C reserves of $33,470. This leaves a reserve balance of $1,202,510. Exhibits and Charts Exhibit I presents a recent financial history and projection of the SIF and shows the FY 2014 -15 SIF budget estimated total revenues of $694,970 and total expenses of $661,500, increasing the projected FY 2014 -15 total SIF reserves by $33,470 to $4,602,510 on June 30, 2015. The budgeted revenues include the recommended allocation of $650,000 from the FY 2014 -15 O &M budget to the SIF. Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 Subject REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $650,000 TO THE FUND FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Exhibits II, III & IV present the projected Sub -Fund A, Sub -Fund B and Sub -Fund C FY 2014 -15 budget summary. Chart 1 shows the history of revenue, expense and reserve balance for the entire SIF. Chart 2 shows the history of loss payments and insurance premiums. Chart 3 shows fund reserves by Sub -Fund. Chart 4 shows the individual Sub -Funds and combined SIF history of reserves. COMMITTEE RECOMENDATION On March 24, 2014, the Finance Committee reviewed and recommended approval of the SIF and annual transfer in FY 2014 -15 of $650,000. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the proposed FY 2014 -15 SIF Budget and approve the allocation of $650,000 to the SIF from the FY 2014 -15 O &M Budget. Attached Supaortina Documents: Exhibit I SIF July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2015 Exhibit II SIF Sub -Fund A Exhibit III SIF Sub -Fund B Exhibit IV SIF Sub -Fund C Chart I SIF History of Revenue, Expense and Reserve Balance Chart 2 SIF History of Loss Payment & Insurance Premiums Chart 3 SIF Reserves by Sub -Fund Chart 4 SIF History of Reserves Page 4 of 4 Revenues SIF Allocation from O &M Fund Insurance Allocation from HHW Subrogation Recovery Interest Income Total Revenue Expenses Claims Adjusting Insurance Consulting Loss Payments Legal Services Technical Services Insurance Premiums Total Expenses Revenue Over Expense Reserves Beginning of Year Revenue over Expense End of Year Reserves Uncommitted Reserves CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF INSURANCE FUND (SIF) July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2015 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Budget 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 850,000 1,383,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 600,000 650,000 0 52,471 26,563 24,878 21,183 32,300 33,100 18,031 0 7,500 1,660 1,349,322 22,500 0 87,106 29,815 23,873 19,436 15,269 13,350 11,870 955,137 1,465,286 907,936 895,974 2,235,774 668,150 694,970 0 0 0 0 1,218,301 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 6,500 166,040 45,347 240,844 72,605 440,991 160,000 55,000 200,710 31,163 210,677 304,672 266,900 141,750 95,000 83,962 15,482 137,445 14,803 24,856 30,000 30,000 388,013 404,620 414,149 418,769 424,419 450,000 475,000 838,725 496,612 1,003,115 810,849 2,380,467 781,750 661,500 116,412 968,674 (95,179) 85,125 (1±1,693) 113,600) 33,470 3,752,303 3,868,715 4,837,389 4,742,210 4,827,335 4,682,642 4,569,042 116,412 968,674 (95,179) 85,125 (144,693) (113,600) 33,470 Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund A) 750,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Non- Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund B) 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 Non -GASB 10 Reserves (Fund C) 718,715 1,437,389 1,342,210 1,427,335 1,282,642 1,169,042 1,202,512 Total Reserves 3,868,715 4,837,389 4,742,210 4,827,335 4,682,642 4,569,042 4,602,512 Change in Reserves 116,412 968,674 (95,179) 85,125 (144,693) (113,600) 33,470 Exhibit I SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND A Actual 2012 -2013, Projected 2013 -14 and Budget 2014 -2015 SUB -FUND A: GASB -10 ACTUARIALLY BASED RISKS GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Actual Projected Budget 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 - Beginning of Year $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Revenues: O &M Subrogation Recovery Interest Total Revenues Expenses: Losses Legal Technical Total Expenses Revenue over Expense Reserves: Transfer (to) /from Sub -Fund C Transfer (to) /from Sub -Fund C Total Reserves Projected End of Year - 22,000 - 3,314 3,130 2,780 3,314 25,130 2,780 59,970 100,000 50,000 34,178 40,000 40,000 24,856 25,000 25,000 119,004 165,000 115,000 (115,690) (139,870) (112,220) 115,690 139,870 112,220 $ 11000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Exhibit 11 SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND B Actual 2012 -2013, Projected 2013 -14 and Budget 2014 -2015 SUB -FUND B: GASB -10 NON - ACTUARIALLY BASED RISKS EMPLOYMENT RELATED AND POLLUTION RISKS Actual Projected Budget 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 BeninninQ Reserves $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 Revenues: O &M - - - Recovery - - - Interest 7,953 7,510 6,680 Total Revenues 7,953 7,510 6,680 Expenses: Losses - 55,000 - Legal 223,242 100,000 50,000 Technical - 5,000 5,000 Total Expenses 223,242 160,000 55,000 Revenue over Expense (215,289) (152,490) (48,320) Reserves: Transfer (to) /from Sub -Fund A - - - Transfer (to) /from Sub -Fund C 215,289 152,490 48,320 Total Reserves Projected End of Year $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 Exhibit III SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND C Actual 2012 -2013, Projected 2013 -14 and Budget 2014 -2015 SUB -FUND C: NON GASB -10 RISKS RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND COSTS OF INITIATING CLAIMS /LAWSUITS AGAINST OTHERS Beginning Reserves Revenues: Actual Projected Budget 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 $ 1,427,335 $ 1,282,642 $ 1,169,042 O &M 850,000 600,000 650,000 Subrogation Recovery * 1,349,322 500 - Insurance Recovery from HHW Partners 21,183 32,300 33,100 Interest 4,002 2,710 2,410 Total Revenues Expenses: Insurance Consulting Services Claims Adjustment Losses* Legal Technical Insurance Premiums Total Expenses Revenue over Expense Reserves: Transfer (to) /from Sub -Funds A Transfer (to) /from Sub -Funds B Total Reserves Projected End of Year 2,224,507 635,510 685,510 5,000 - 6,500 1,218,301 - - 381,021 5,000 5,000 9,480 1,750 5,000 424,419 450,000 475,000 2,038,221 456,750 491,500 186,286 178,760 194,010 (115,690) (139,870) (112,220) (215,289) (152,490) (48,320) $ 1,282,642 $ 1,169,042 $ 1,202,512 * Includes Cogen recovery of $381,100 and expenses of $631,100 transferred from O &M in 12/13 Exhibit IV $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 N `° $3,000,000 0 0 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2008 -2009 Actual Chart 1 Self Insurance Fund History of Revenue, Expense and Reserve Balance 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 Actual Actual 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Actual Actual Projected Budget Fiscal Year 0 Total Revenue 0 Total Expenses ■ End of Year Reserves $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 0 0 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Chart 2 Self Insurance Fund History of Loss Payment & Insurance Premiums 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Budget Fiscal Year ■ Loss Payments ■ Insurance Premiums $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 N m $1,500,000 - 0 0 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 2008 -2009 Actual 2009 -2010 Chart 3 Self Insurance Fund Reserves by Sub -Fund 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 Actual Actual I Actual Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Actual Projected Budget ❑ Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund A) ❑ Non- Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund B) ■ Non -GASB 10 Reserves (Fund C) $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 0 0 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Chart 4 Self Insurance Fund History of Reserves 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Budget Fiscal Year ❑Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund A) ❑ Non- Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund B) ■ Non -GASB 10 Reserves (Fund C) PREPARED 06/17/14, 10:58:24 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SELF- INSURANCE 003- 0000 - 301.45 -01 INTEREST 003 - 0000 - 301.73 -01 SUBROGATION RECOVERIES 003 - 0000 - 301.74 -01 CONTRIBUTION FROM O&M 003 - 0000 - 302.45 -01 INTEREST 003 - 0000 - 302.73 -01 SUBROGATION RECOVERIES 003 - 0000 - 302.74 -01 CONTRIBUTION FROM O&M 003 - 0000 - 303.45 -01 INTEREST 003 - 0000 - 303.73 -01 SUBROGATION RECOVERIES 003 - 0000 - 303.74 -01 CONTRIBUTION FROM O5M 003 - 0000 - 303.75 -01 INSURANCE RECOVERY - HHW + REVENUE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF INSURANCE BY ACCOUNT W /DETAIL - FINAL PASS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 BUDGETED BUDGET 14 -15 PERCENT BUDGET 14 -15 TO PERCENT 2013 -2014 PROJECTED 14 -15 BUDGET TO EST 13 -14 VARIANCE BUDGET 13 -14 VARIANCE ACTUAL 13 -14 FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE 3,250 3,130 2,780 350 10.77 470 14.46 0 22,000 0 22,000 .00 0 .00 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 7,800 7,510 6,680 830 10.64 1,120 14.36 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 3,800 2,710 2,410 300 7.89 1,390 36.58 0 500 0 500 .00 0 .00 600,000 600,000 650,000 50,000- 8.33- 50,000- 8.33- 31,500 32,300 33,100 800- 2.54- 1,600- 5.08- 646,350 668,150 694,970 26,820- 4.15- 48,620- 7.52- PAGE 1 PREPARED 06/17/14, 10:58:24 PROGRAM GM601L ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 003 - 0000 - 991.14 -20 LOSSES 003 - 0000 - 991.14 -21 LEGAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 991.14 -22 TECHNICAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 992.14 -20 LOSSES 003- 0000 - 992.14 -21 LEGAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 992.14 -22 TECHNICAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -20 LOSSES 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -21 LEGAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -22 TECHNICAL SERVICES 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -23 LIABILITY INSURANCE 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -24 PROPERTY INSURANCE 003 - 0000 - 993.14 -25 INSURANCE CONSULTING 003 - 0000- 993.14 -26 OUTSIDE CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT * SELF INS EXPENSE ACCTS PAGE 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF INSURANCE BY ACCOUNT W /DETAIL - FINAL PASS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -2015 BUDGETED BUDGET 14 -15 PERCENT BUDGET 14 -15 TO PERCENT 2013 -2014 PROJECTED 14 -15 BUDGET TO EST 13 -14 VARIANCE BUDGET 13 -14 VARIANCE ACTUAL 13 -14 FINAL PASS VARIANCE VARIANCE 250,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 20.00 200,000 80.00 15,000 40,000 40,000 0 .00 25,000- 166.67- 40,000 25,000 25,000 0 .00 15,000 37.50 0 55,000 0 55,000 .00 0 .00 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50.00 50,000 50.00 35,000 5,000 5,000 0 -00 30,000 85.71 10,000 5,000 5,000 0 .00 5,000 50.00 15,000 1,750 5,000 3,250- 21.67- 10,000 66.67 5,000 0 0 0 .00 5,000 100.00 351,000 350,000 375,000 25,000- 7.12- 24,000- 6.84- 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 .00 0 .00 0 0 61500 6,500- .00 6,500- .00 1,500 0 0 0 .00 1,500 100.00 922,500 781,750 661,500 120,250 13.04 261,000 28.29 PAGE 2 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2014 -15 Staffing Plan Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Roger Bailey General Manager Administration /Human Resources REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: A. Antkowiak, Capital Projects Division Manager D. Gernmell, Environmental Services Division Manager N. Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager T. O'Malley, Human Resources Manager Ian P. Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager C. Swanson, Director of Operations R. Bailey T. Vassallo, Finance Manager General Manag A. Weer, Plant Operations Division Manager ISSUE: The Administration Committee reviewed the staffing needs of the District for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 at its March 11, 2014, meeting. Accordingly, staff is submitting the Staffing Plan for Board approval. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Staffing Plan for FY 2014 -15, FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed Staffing Plan would increase budgeted annual salary costs in FY 2014 -15 by $249,778 and benefit costs by $199,858 for a total increase of $449,636. This action will eventually result in a maximum net annual cost of $456,535 which takes Into account salary, benefits, and pension costs at the maximum steps of the salary ranges for all permanent personnel changes (excluding co -ops and seasonal employees). The proposed seasonal staffing will cost $355,507, an increase of $6,066 from the prior fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Modify or reject the proposed Staffing Plan. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for FY 2014 -15. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District and the cost of salaries and benefits. The number of authorized regular positions in the District will increase by two positions. Eight co -op student positions are requested which is an increase from the seven positions that were approved for FY 2013 -14. A chart is attached reflecting the Department/Division's requests. Staff is recommending the salaries for Operations and Engineering co -ops remain at $24 an hour, which has not changed since 2007. C:\ Users\ danderson \AppOata\Local\Microsoft\Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Final).doc Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Each year, the District also hires students during the summer months for seasonal maintenance, vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects. Board authorization was given for 32 student positions last year. Authorization is requested for 33 seasonal positions in FY 2014 -15. It is recommended that the hourly rates for seasonal employees remain the same as last year: Student Positions Proposed Salary* Clerical Laborer Technical /Professional $13.00 $15.00 $18.00 *For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers. For example, a student clerical who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $15.00 per hour this summer. The extra dollar an hour recognizes the experience and serves as an incentive for returning students. REQUESTED PERMANENT CHANGES: Administration Establish the classification of Internal Auditor (S -70, $6,899 - $8,352) and add and authorize the filling of one position. Justification: Given the complexity of the District's operations and the high level of risk exposure, staff has determined that there is a need for one individual to manage the overall auditing function of the District. This will allow the District to ensure that the financial, administrative, and operational programs are in compliance with all laws, regulations, and District policies and procedures and, since the duties allocated to this position do not fall within any existing District classifications, the District has determined that there is a need to establish a new classification. The Internal Auditor position would be responsible for auditing a wide variety of financial, administrative, and operational programs, functions, processes, and activities to ensure compliance and efficiency; develop and implement financial, administrative, and operational standards, policies, and procedures; and evaluate and ensure the reliability of financial and administrative reporting. C:\ Users\ dandersonWppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \DVCG8C5G\PP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Final).doc Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 Subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Attached is a draft of the job description detailing the duties that would be allocated to the classification. Operations 2. Add one Systems Administrator (G -70, $6,873 - $8,315) position. 3. Add one Electrical Technician (G -69, $6,710 - $8,113) position. 4. Reallocate the salary of the Field Operations Superintendent classification from salary level S80 ($8,763- $10,617) to salary level S81 ($8,974- $10,854). 5. Reallocate the salary of the Utility Worker classification from G52 ($4,478- $5,410) to G55 ($4,800 - $5,815). 6. Delete a vacant Shift Supervisor (S76, $7,960- $9,639) position. Justification: Systems Administrator in the Control Systems Section: The District's Treatment Plant Control System (Dynac) consists of extensive software and hardware including servers, workstations, routers, and switches. The Plant Operations Division (POD) staff is responsible for maintaining the system but lacks many of the required specialized skills. Currently, staff focuses on this system when an issue arises. The result is a reactive approach to maintenance and system upgrading. If a Dynac server or other critical hardware fails, the results could be catastrophic. A dedicated Systems Administrator is essential for future reliability of the Treatment Plant Control System. The Systems Administrator would also support other essential plant systems. This includes the Plant's computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), as well as associated components that are key elements to the development of the asset management program. This position will perform functions of a highly technical nature in the maintenance and enhancement of database management systems, operating systems, data communication systems, and computer applications for the Plant. The position will play a key role as liaison with the IT Division and other technical groups. In addition to providing technical support to the District's Treatment Plant's critical system(s), the new System Administrator position will also support the District's Collection System CMMS. This system requires support for software and hardware maintenance and upgrades. The District's current CMMS is scheduled to be replaced next fiscal year and will require continuous support throughout the project as well as continuing support for maintenance and upgrades in the future. This position will C:\ Users\ dandersonWppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Final).doc Page 3 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 subject. APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 oversee the security of the system and will work with the IT Administrator to insure network continuity. In order to properly maintain the collection system and avoid sanitary sewer overflows, the reliability of the CMMS program is critical. Electrical Technician in the Electrical Shop: The Electrical Shop is responsible for maintaining the electrical equipment and systems for the Treatment Plant, 19 pumping /lift stations, three metering stations, the CSO building and the Vehicle & Equipment Shop. Staff has evaluated the staffing levels in the shop and has determined that the Electrical Technician position is needed in order to maintain appropriate staffing levels. The backlog in the shop has increased over 30 percent in the last 12 months. There are currently 11 work orders overdue by more than 90 days, four of which are PM's, which has an adverse effect on the ratio of reactive to preventive work. Mark Cavallero, Assistant Engineer, who has assisted with some Electrical Technician duties, has now permanently moved to Maintenance Engineering and will be devoting his time to capital project work and is anticipated to be a valuable player in the District's asset management program. Also, the Maintenance Technician who has been developing Hazardous Energy Control Procedures for the District's Lock - Out/Tag -Out program for the last several years was recently promoted and transferred to Engineering. As a result of her departure, the Electrical Shop will play a larger role in developing these procedures. The addition of this position will also allow the Electrical Shop to participate in a new technologies task force, and explore alternate energy sources and more energy efficient equipment/devices which is in alignment with the District's Strategic Plan. Additionally, one Electrical Technician who specializes in high voltage will likely retire in 2017 so the addition of this position would also contribute to effective succession planning. Reallocate the Salary of the Field Operations Superintendent Classification: This action is necessary in order to align the salary of all the Superintendents within the District. A salary survey was conducted for the Environmental Compliance Superintendent classification and an adjustment was warranted for that classification. In order to maintain internal parity among the Superintendent classifications, a simultaneous adjustment is necessary for the Field Operations Superintendent classification. Reallocate the Salary of the Utility Worker Classification: Staff has evaluated the Utility Worker classification and has determined several changes are necessary. Revisions to the job description are being made to accurately reflect the essential functions that are currently assigned to the classification and the salary reallocation is now necessary to ensure that the classification is being compensated appropriately. C:\ Users\ danderson\ AppData\ LocalWicrosoft \Windows\Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5GWP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Final).doc Page 4 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Historically, the District has utilized the Utility Worker classification to perform very basic and routine maintenance duties; however, over time the classification has evolved to perform semi - skilled maintenance tasks in support of District operations. This change has increased the complexity of the classification. It also allows the District greater flexibility to assign higher level duties to the classification versus utilizing contractors or skilled personnel which results in a cost savings and promotes organizational effectiveness. Staff also conducted a salary survey and the proposed salary falls within the relative labor market and will maintain internal parity with other semi - skilled classifications at the District. Cancel the Shift Supervisor Position in Plant Operations Section: This position is currently vacant and is no longer needed. The cancellation of the position will be utilized to offset a portion of the cost for the abovementioned actions. Engineering 7. Reallocate the salary of the Environmental Compliance Superintendent classification from S77 ($8,150- $9,875) to S81 ($8,974 - $10,854). Reallocate the salary of the Environmental Compliance Superintendent classi>Ircation: A salary survey, both internal and external, was conducted for this classification and it was determined that the current salary level is below the relative labor market and is not in alignment with the other Superintendent classifications that are assigned to the Operations Department. Staff is recommending the proposed salary in order to bring the classification closer to the median within the relative labor market while also maintaining internal parity with the other Superintendent classifications. Furthermore, this action necessitated the reallocation of the salary for the Field Operations Superintendent classification (Item #4 above) so that the Environmental Compliance Superintendent, the Field Operations Superintendent, the Plant Operations Superintendent, and the Plant Maintenance Superintendent are all allocated to salary level S81($8,974- $10,854). Secretary of the District 8. No changes requested. co-ops 9. Authorize the hiring of students to fill 8 Co -op positions. C:\Users\danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft\Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outfook\DVCG8C5G \PP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Finaq.doc Page 5 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 3, 2014 Subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Seasonal Employees 10. Authorize the hiring of 33 students for seasonal employment. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 — 2015 herein identified by items 1 —10. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Summary Sheet 2. Co-op Chart 3. Internal Auditor Job Description C:\ Users\ danderson \AppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook\DVCG8C5G \PP - Staffing Plan FY 2014 -15 (Final).doc Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2014 -15 Staffing Plan Department Deleted Regular Position Additional Regular 9 Salary Range 2013- 2014- 2013- 2014- Salaries Benefits Salary �� Salaries Benefits Salar and Positions 2014 2015 2014 2015 Benefits Benefits Administration 47 48 0 0 B �� Internal Auditor S -70 $82,788•$100,224 84,828 S 64,828 $ 169,656 S 100,224 S 100,224 $ 2 0,448 Subtotal for Administration 0 $ 84,828 S 84,828 169,656 Q S 100,224 F$--1 00,224 $ 200,448 Engineering 83 63 $ 5 6 $ 49,920 $ 49,920 Field Operations Superintendent salary change from S- 77($97,803- $118,501) to S -81 ($107,698 - S 11,754 $ 11,754 S 23,508 S 11.754 $ 11,754 S 23,507 $130,255) Subtotal for Engineering $ 61,674 $ 11,754 $ 73,42.8 Q S 11,754 $ 11,754 S 23,507 Operations 154 155 2 2 $ $ Systems Administrator G-70,$82,482 - $99,785 $ 84,487 $ 84,487 $ 168,974 S 99,785 S 99.785 $ 199,570 Electrical Technician G -69, $80,521 - $97,359 S 82,441 S 82,441 $ 164,882 S 97,359 $ 97,359 $ 194,718 Utility Worker salary change from G- 52 ($53,743 - $64,926) to G -55 $ 28,526 S 28,526 S 57,052 $ 29,122 S 29,122 $ 58,244 ($57.605.60 - $69,780 Field Operations Superintendent salary change from S -80 ($105,166 - $127,406) to S -81 ($107,698 - S 5,698 S 5,698 Ll 11,396 S 5,898 S 5,698 $ 11,396 $130,255 Shift Su ervisor S -76 $95,524 - $115,674.21 $ (97,876) (97,876) 95 752 S 115 674 115 674 $ (231,348) Subtotal for Operations Q $ 103,276 $ 703,276 S 206,552 Q S 116,290 S 116,290 IS 232,579 District Total Additions (Savings) 7 8 284 286 S 249,778 S 199,858 S 449,636 S 228,267 S 228,267 S 456,535 N :\ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI \BUDGET\2014 -2015 BUDGET\Staffing Plan \FY14 -15 staffing plan summary sheet (FINAL) FWAV 0 rA91 sl yihl►11 " CO -OP STUDENTS STAFFING PLAN REQUESTS 2014-2015 DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /SECTION NUMBER OF POSITIONS FY 2013 -14 NUMBER OF POSITIONS July —Dec. 2014 NUMBER OF POSITIONS Jan. —June 2015 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Plant Operations Division Laboratory 1 1 1 Maintenance Engineering /Regulatory 1 1 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Capital Projects Division Design /Construction Groups 2 2 2 Environmental Services Division Planning /Recycled Water 1 1 1 Development Services 1 1 1 Treatment Plant/Collection System Planning 1 1 1 Survey 0 1 1 TOTAL 7 8 8 C: \Users \danderson\AppData\Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \COOP CHART 14 -15 (FINAL).doc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 7/1/14 Range: S70 Respirator Class: 3 INTERNAL AUDITOR DEFINITION ATTACHMENT 3 Responsible for auditing a wide variety of financial, administrative, and operational programs, functions, processes, and activities to ensure compliance and efficiency; develop and implement financial and administrative standards, policies, and procedures; evaluate and ensure the reliability of financial and administrative reporting; and perform other related duties as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS ' This single position class is responsible for independently managing the overall auditing function(s) of the District to ensure financial, administrative, and operational programs and activities are in compliance with all laws, regulations, and District policies and procedures. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive administrative direction from the Director of Administration. May exercise indirect supervision over consultants engaged in special projects. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform financial, administrative, and operational audits of District programs, records, and internal control systems to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and District policies and procedures. Develop audit scope and objectives that ensure that audits identify and address areas of risk and non - compliance. Collect, analyze, and document audit data as it relates to the audit objectives. Prepare detailed audit work papers, worksheets, schedules, and flow charts. Prepare audit reports incorporating findings and recommendations for improvement and /or compliance. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INTERNAL AUDITOR (Continued) Prepare and present audit results to management, the Board of Directors and other parties. Utilize and/or develop automated auditing techniques for data collection and analysis. Ensure the implementation of corrective action in order to strengthen District controls and improve performance efficiency and effectiveness. Perform control and risk assessments of District policies, procedures, and processes. Assist in the development of District standards, policies and procedures. Interview District staff to gather information related to fiscal and administrative activities. Perform a variety of complex financial and statistical analyses. Monitor and analyze legislation and regulations related to financial, administrative, and operational standards and practices and implement changes as needed. Participate in various conferences /training in order to maintain awareness of new trends and developments related to auditing practices and standards. Perform related duties as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Knowledge of: Auditing and accounting principles, practices, and techniques. Financial reporting and internal controls. Management and organizational principles and practices as they relate to governmental agencies. Budgeting principles and practices. Financial analysis, work paper, budget and report preparation procedures and practices. 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INTERNAL AUDITOR (Continued) Applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations as they relate to administrative and financial standards and controls. Safety precautions as required by the District, including but not limited to, Cal /OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, Districts Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. Ability to: Interpret and analyze audit results and make recommendations that ensure District processes and procedures are in compliance with all regulations and best practices. Manage and conduct complex financial and administrative audits. Document audit observations and findings. Gather, evaluate, and analyze complex data. Utilize software applications to perform data manipulation and analysis. Prepare comprehensive audit reports and provide recommendations. Work effectively and cooperatively with District staff, the Board of Directors, and the general public. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Understand, interpret, and explain complex laws and regulations. Make effective written, graphic, and oral presentations of complex and highly technical information. Sit at desk for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk and perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use telephone, and write or use keyboard to communicate through written means; and lift or carry weight of 25 pounds or less. Perform work under minimal supervision and within an environment of competing priorities and deadlines. 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INTERNAL AUDITOR (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience Two years of increasingly responsible professional auditing experience. Education Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a major in finance, accounting, business administration or a closely related field. Substitution for Education: Four years of additional qualifying professional auditing experience as noted above may be substituted for the bachelor's degree. Licenses and Certifications: A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certificate is desirable. 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET - SUMMARY OF POSITIONS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014 -15 0100 -410 General Manager (Budget resides in Admin) 1 1 Director of Administration 1 1 Central Services 0100 -410 Secretary of the District 1 1 0100 -400 Executive Assistant 1 1 Administrative Services Supervisor 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 3 3 Assistant to Secretary of the District 1 1 Internal Auditor 1 1 Finance & Accounting 0110 -410 Finance Manager 1 1 0110 -400 Finance Administrator 1 1 Senior Accountant 1 1 Accountant 3 3 Payroll Technician 1 1 Accounting Technician III 3 3 Human Resources 0120 -410 Human Resources Manager 1 1 0120 -400 Human Resources Analyst 3 3 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 Purchasing 0140 -410 Purchasing Manager 1 1 0140 -400 Senior Buyer 3 3 Materials Services Supervisor 1 1 Senior Materials Coordinator 1 1 Materials Coordinator 2 2 Safety & Risk Tanaement 0150 -400 Safety & Risk Management Administrator 1 1 Safety and Risk Management Technician 1 1 Communication Services 0170 -410 Communication Services Manager 1 1 0170 -400 Community Affairs Representative 2 2 Public Information & Production Asstistant 1 1 Graphics Technician 1 1 Senior Administrative Assistant 1 1 Media Production Technician 1 1 Information Technology 0180 -400 Information Technology Administrator 1 1 Programmer Analyst 1 1 Information Technology Analyst 1 1 System Administrator 2 2 Technical Support Analyst 2 2 Information System Specialist 1 1 Authorized Budgeted 50 50 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014 -15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUDGET - SUMMARY OF POSITIONS FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Environmental Services Division Authorized Budgeted Management 77 0200 -410 Director of Engineering 1 1 Cots tin t't Environmental Svcs. Division Mgr. 1 1 0250 -470 Senior Engineer 3 3 Associate Engineer 3 3 0200 -420 Senior Engineer 9 Associate Engineer 3 3 1 Assistant Engineer 2 1 1 Development Services Supervisor 2 2 1 Senior Right -of -Way Agent 2 2 2 Right -of -Way Agent 1 1 Construction Inspector 4 4 1 Engineering Asst III 5 4 2 Engineering Asst 1 /11 3 4 3 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Enviri nn ont l omp*q, 2 0200 -490 Envir Comp Superintendent 1 1 Authorized Sr Environ Compliance Inspector 2 2 33 Environ Compliance Inspector 1 /11 6 6 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Sitrve'' 0200 -510 Land Surveyor 1 1 Assistant Land Surve or 3 3 IH 0200 -690 HHW Supervisor 1 1 Senior HHW Technician 2 2 HHW Technician 1 /11 3 2 Authorized Bud eted 48 46 Capital Projects Division Authorized Budgeted ftanaglent '; 0250 -410 Capital Pro'ects Division Manager 1 1 Cots tin t't 0250 -470 Senior Engineer 3 3 Associate Engineer 7 7 Assistant Engineer 9 9 Maintenance Planner 1 1 Sr. Engineering Assistant 1 1 Engineering Assistant III 1 1 Administrative Assistant 2 2 Enginring;;tpport 0250 -550 Engineering Support Supervisor 1 1 Eng. Support Info. Sys. Analyst 2 2 Engineering Technician III 3 3 Engineering Technician 1 /II 2 2 Uacan�y'- Authorized Budgeted 33 33 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TOTAL 81 79 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014 -15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014-15 Authorized Budgeted 1�t tit 0300-410 CSO Division Manager 1 11 it M 0300-570 Administrative Services Supv Administrative Assistant 0300-610 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. Supervisor 1 Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic 2 2 Vehicle & Equip. Service Worker 1 1 Ttt M- 0300-640 Senior Engineer Field Operations Superintendent 1 1 Administrative Technician 2 2 7 7,777 0300-660 Operations Safety Specialist 1 1 FIB ` ttt do Al -11M 0310-580 Maintenance Crew Leader 7 7 Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 5 5 Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 0310-590 Maintenance Crew Leader 3 3 Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 6 7 Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 Construction Equipment Operator 3 3 Utility Worker (currently a trainee) 1 0 " nk TIM- 7' 0310-600 Maintenance Crew Leader 1 1 Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 4 4 Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 0310-650 Maintenance Crew Leader 7 7 Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 2 2 Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 Ft tier , .... . ..... . 0310-680 Field Operations Superintendent 1 1 0500-930 Field Operations Superintendent 1 1 Pumping Stations Supervisor 1 1 Pumping Stations Operator 111 2 2 Pumping Stations Operator 1/11 4 4 Authorized Budgeted 64 64. 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014-15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014 -15 Authorized Budgeted Marta genw 0400 -410 Director of Operations 1 1 Plant Operations Division Manager 1 1 Plant Maintenance Division Mana er 1 1 itrt�tistrati 0400 -700 Administrative Services Supv 1 1 Administrative Assistant 2 2 tfy . 0400 -740 Safety Officer 1 1 O erations Safety Specialist 0 1 Op qrm - Laboratory . 0420 -720 Laboratory Superintendent 1 1 Senior Chemist 1 1 Chemist III 1 1 Chemist 1 /11 5 5 Ope tion = 3 . " ` 77777777- -7 0420 -730 Plant Operations Superintendent 1 1 Shift Supervisor 7 7 Senior Plant Operator 8 13 Plant Operator III 9 7 Plant Operator Vil 4 0 Plant 02s Training Coordinator 1 1 Opeloons - Nwes1t control 0420 -760 Senior Engineer 1 1 Associate Engineer 1 1 Assistant En ineer 1 1 At�lons Control Ojw 0420 -770 Senior Engineer 1 1 Staff Engineer 0 1 System Administrator 1 1 Associate Control Systems Eng. 2 2 Control S stems Technician 1 1 Maintenance,-- 0440 -800 Plant Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Maintenance Planner 2 2 Administrative Technician 1 1 Maintenance - Eltotrical ... 0440 -810 Electrical Shop Supervisor 1 1 Assistant Engineer 1 1 Electrical Technician 4 4 Iatflte�t �ttrfitt�tt�ttot�. 0440 -820 Instrument Shop Supervisor 1 1 Instrument Technician 3 3 I�JI�t�[isoe _ lsll�a>° 0440 -830 Mechanical Supervisor 1 1 Maintenance Tech III, Mechanical 7 6 Maintenance Tech 1 /11 2 2 #�aiteo� � ivt�irtt� 0440 -840 Mechanical Supervisor 1 1 Machinist 2 2 Painter 1 1 t ainten =- BuI wW- r r W&' 0440 -850 Buildings and Grounds Supervisor 1 1 Maintenance Crew Leader 1 1 Utility Worker 7 7 MNntimance and 0440 -860 Senior Engineer 1 1 Authorized Budgeted 91 91 6/17/2014 3:21 PM Authorized Positions to bud 2014 -15