HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Board-Approved Policies and Administrative Procedures5.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
June 25, 2014
Member Williams has stated his opinion that policies and procedures should be
separate documents, and the Board should focus on policies rather than procedures.
He has asked to see a list of Board policies /procedures.
The District's various policies and procedures are listed on OTIS, the District's intranet.
They have been identified and sorted into three categories: Board Policies,
Administrative Procedures, and Departmental Instructions. Each Department has
reviewed and sorted its own list of documents, and these were reviewed by the General
Board Policies (BP) are either stand -alone documents or are embedded in the following
documents adopted by the Board:
• Capital and Operations and Maintenance Budgets (adopted annually)
• District Code (updated by Board as needed)
• Memoranda of Understanding (adopted by Board in 2012)
• Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual (adopted by Board in 2003 and
updated by Board in 2009 and 2011)
Other documents not formally adopted by the Board that contain policies and
procedures are:
• Human Resources Procedures Manual (contains requirements set forth in the
MOUs and required by State and Federal laws)
• Safety Directives Manual (presented to the Board as an informational item and
contains requirements and policies as set forth by CalOSHA and Federal OSHA).
In addition, there are stand -alone Board Policies as listed below:
• BP 001 Employee Computer Purchase Assistance Program
• BP 002 Cultural Diversity
• BP 003 Hiring District Retirees
• BP 004 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
• BP 005 Investment Policy
• BP 006 Records Retention Schedules
• BP 007 Teleconferencing Policy
• BP 008 Travel and Expense Reimbursement
• BP 009 Manager Cell Phone Reimbursement
• BP 010 Contractual Assessment District (CAD) Policy
• BP 011 Proposition 218 Protest Policy
• BP 012 Parliamentary Procedure Policy
• BP 013 Standing Committee Charters
• BP 014 Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members
• Conflict of Interest Code
Administrative Procedures (AP) set forth general administrative policies set by the
General Manager, or provide clarification and procedures on Board Policies contained
in the MOUs, District Code and other documents listed above, or as required by State or
Federal laws. These Administrative Procedures and any revisions must be approved by
the General Manager. They are revised as needed as source documents change or as
internal administrative policies are revised. Examples include "Petty Cash," "Meetings
with Union Representatives," "Use of Meeting Rooms," or "Recruitment Procedures."
Departmental Instructions (DI) are basically "how to" documents or procedures prepared
by departments for internal processes and to implement Board Policies or
Administrative Procedures. These Departmental Instructions may be changed by
appropriate staff as processes change. An example would be "Position Paper
Deadlines" or "Operator Certificate Payment Request."
Numbers have been assigned to the existing stand -alone Board Policies. As any new
or existing Board Policies are scheduled for approval, revision or update, any
administrative /procedural aspects will be excised and managed by staff.
Attached: Board Policies 001 -014
Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual Index
Department/Division Master Lists
Number: BP 001
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: July 1, 1995
Revised: January 24, 2013
Reviewed: August 4, 2011
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
This policy will provide employees with a low cost resource to purchase a personal
computer and /or other authorized hardware or software for the purpose of improving
employee computer skills.
The District will provide loans to District employees under the Employee
Computer Purchase Assistance Program to purchase a personal computer
and /or other authorized hardware or software in accordance with the parameters
set forth in this policy.
2. The annual funding limit for the program is $30,000.
3. The maximum computer loan per employee under the program is $2,000, with a
minimum of $600.
4. Staff shall provide the Board of Directors with an annual report including the
status of participation and outstanding loans under the program.
5. The program shall be administered by the Accounting Department.
Below are the conditions and necessary steps to receive a computer loan. (These
steps also appear on the District's intranet.)
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Employee Computer Loan Program
The program is administered by the Accounting Department ( "Program
Administrator ").
2. The employee must be non - probationary.
3. The employee must contact Accounting to initiate the loan process.
4. The computer system /technology being purchased must be pre- approved by the
Information Technology (IT) Administrator to ensure it meets the District's current
standards. This approval process is accomplished by submitting a quote from the
vendor to the IT Administrator.
5. Allowable purchases under the program include desktops, laptops, tablets,
printers, software, and /or related equipment of any brand.
6. An employee may borrow up to $2000, with a minimum of $600.
7. Only one loan can be outstanding at any one time per employee.
8. Once the quote from a vendor has been approved, Accounts Payable will
produce a check to the employee.
9. Upon receiving the check from the District, the employee must sign a promissory
note, which allows the District to deduct $100 from their monthly paycheck to
reimburse the District for the loan. The interest rate the employee pays the
District is tied to that of the most current Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF).
10. The original purchase receipt must be submitted to the Program Administrator
and will be kept in the Accounting Department.
11. The loan must be repaid to the District in full. Should an employee terminate
before the loan is paid, any outstanding amount will be withheld from the
employee's final paycheck.
When inquiring about a computer loan, please contact Accounting, extension 325.
Number: BP 002
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: December 18, 2008
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
To establish a policy recognizing cultural and workforce diversity.
At the Board meeting of December 18, 2008, the Board adopted the following
"The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District believes that diverse perspectives
foster innovation and creativity, enhance effective customer service and support
processes and practices that ensure all viewpoints are understood, respected
and appreciated. CCCSD will strive to recruit, retain and advance men and
women of all backgrounds so that our workforce reflects the diversity of our
customers and our communities."
Number: BP 003
Authority: Board of Directors, CCCERA
Effective: May 18, 2006
Revised: September 14, 2010
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Human Resources
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
To establish a policy for the hiring back of District retirees.
The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons.
The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement
for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or
expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to
complete specific short -term tasks or projects, or to provide a short -term service
normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District
retiree is to address a short -term need in a method beneficial and cost - effective to the
District, and not as a means for providing on -going employment or income.
Hiring or contracting with a retired District employee requires Board of Directors'
notification through an announcement from the General Manager prior to such action.
The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association (CCCERA) and the State
of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The
District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures:
District Temporaries -The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is
based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District
to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and
twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year.
It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is
vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of
the step and range at which he /she was assigned upon retirement from the
District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual
benefits accorded to regular, full -time employees.
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When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine - hundred
and sixty hours per fiscal year and /or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a
capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options:
Independent Contractor — The retiree may become an independent contractor
under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her /his own working hours, provide
his /her own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff,
contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the
final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s /he
must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or
Contract Employee — Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self -
employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District.
For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the
employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee.
The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the
CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his /her income by working for
himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the
CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income.
Number: BP 004
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: September 15, 2011
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Env. Svcs.
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
The purpose of this policy is to promote the combined use of physical, cultural,
biological, and chemical control methods to effectively manage pests with minimal risk
to humans and the environment.
In support of the District's mission to protect public health and the environment, it will be
the policy of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) to manage pests on District
properties and facilities using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles and
IPM: A science -based strategy and decision - making process that provides effective,
long -term pest control while emphasizing pest prevention and the use of non - chemical
pest management practices. IPM includes the following activities:
Inspection, monitoring, and record - keeping are used to determine if thresholds
for acceptable pest levels have been exceeded and to select the location, timing,
and type of management strategies needed to successfully manage pests.
Appropriate and site - specific treatments are selected from educational, cultural,
manual, mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical strategies. They are used
within an integrated program to achieve long -term solutions that minimize
hazards to human health and the environment.
Reduced -risk chemical controls are included in the treatment program when non -
chemical methods are insufficient to solve the pest problem in an effective and
affordable manner.
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Pest: A general term that includes problem insects, mites, arachnids, birds, mammals,
weeds, and other organisms. Organisms become "pests" when their numbers are high
enough to be damaging or to be a serious nuisance.
Threshold Level: The point at which pest populations or environmental conditions
indicate that a pest control action must be taken. Threshold levels are decided by the
implementing agency and can be expressed quantitatively (five yellow jackets at a trash
can, 10 percent feeding damage to a plant, three flies in a classroom) or qualitatively
(light or no infestation vs. heavy infestation).
Goals of this Polic
1. Minimize risks to human health, water quality, and the environment as a result of
pest control activities conducted by CCCSD staff and contractors.
2. Create awareness and education of IPM techniques to staff and the public.
3. Encourage our customers to follow our example.
Require Compliance with CCCSD's IPM Policy
All District staff and contractors, as appropriate, will be required to comply with this IPM
Policy. District Departments will be required to help create, implement, and periodically
review the IPM Program.
Designate an IPM Coordinator
In recognition that the development, implementation, and oversight of an IPM Program
requires a lead person and a coordinated effort, the role of IPM Coordinator shall be
established and designated by the General Manager.
The IPM Coordinator will chair the IPM Committee, lead the development,
implementation and oversight of the IPM Program, work with Safety & Risk
Management staff to maintain appropriate pest control records, serve as a resource for
Departments, assist Departments in identifying priorities, acquire data to properly
evaluate pest control needs and appropriate solutions, and maintain a database of the
best - available information on IPM techniques for employee reference.
Create an IPM Committee
An IPM Committee will be created consisting of the IPM Coordinator and liaisons from
each Department. The IPM Committee will serve as a resource to help Departments
review and improve the process of making pest management decisions, consistent with
the goals of this Policy. Each Department will designate a liaison to the IPM
Committee. At the discretion of the General Manager, the IPM Committee may use
technical assistance to develop information regarding pest control decisions.
Information regarding preferred pest control solutions could include data regarding
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comparative efficacy, cost, environmental impact, and hazards to employees, the
public, and the applicator.
Require Annual Reporting
The District shall provide, as a method of tracking success, an annual reporting of
pesticide use along with other measures of progress toward the development and
implementation of the IPM Program in the Annual Pollution Prevention Report to the
San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Incorporate IPM in CCCSD Contracts
The IPM Coordinator will work with District Purchasing & Materials Manager and the
Capital Projects Division to develop specifications for District contracts that include pest
control and that are consistent with this Policy and the IPM Program.
Provide IPM Training
The IPM Coordinator will work with the District Safety Officer and the IPM Committee to
develop education and training programs to ensure that CCCSD staff understand IPM
techniques and comply with the IPM Policy.
Number: BP 005
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: September 1, 2011
Revised: November 7, 2013
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Finance
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
The investment policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District governs the District's
temporary investments. A separate investment policy governs the District's GASB 45
Trust. This investment policy is embodied in the following eleven sections:
Statement of Objectives
The temporary investment portfolio of the District will be managed to ensure
that normal cash needs, as well as scheduled extraordinary cash needs can
be met. Therefore, adequate liquidity will be the first priority. Second priority
will be the safety of the portfolio ensuring that the investments could be
readily converted to cash if needed without causing a material change in the
value of the portfolio. Lastly, the portfolio will be invested to attain a market
average rate of return, after meeting the first two previously stated objectives.
Permissible Investments
Within the constraints prescribed by the Government Code of the State of
California for permissible investments, the District's investment portfolio will
only be invested in the following instruments:
• United States Treasury Bills and Notes, and obligations of government
agencies for which the full faith and credit of the United States are
• Bankers Acceptances, drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank,
which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System.
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• Collateralized Certificates of Deposit issued by a Federal or State
chartered bank or a Federal or State chartered savings and loan
• Negotiable Certificates of Deposit issued by a Federal or State chartered
bank or a Federal or State chartered savings and loan association.
• Commercial Paper of prime quality limited to corporations with assets over
• Medium Term Notes of a maximum of five years maturity issued by U. S.
corporations or any Federal or State depository institution.
• Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California.
III. Bank and Dealers
The District will use the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of
Contra Costa which will transact the District's investment decisions in
compliance with the requirements described in this investment policy. The
County Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such
brokers, dealers and financial institutions as are approved by the County
Treasurer, and through the State Treasurer's Office for investment in the
Local Agency Investment Fund.
IV. Maturities
The maximum maturity for investments of the District is one year. Prior
approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained to acquire investments
with maturities beyond one year. However, investments in Treasury Notes
and the Local Agency Investment Fund would not be subject to the one -year
maximum maturity.
V. Diversification
To minimize the risk of loss through default, the total amount invested in a
single issuer will not be greater than 10 percent of the District's investment
portfolio value, except that the 10 percent limitation will not apply to United
States Treasury Bills and Notes and investment in the Local Agency
Investment Fund.
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VI. Risk
Credit and market risks will be minimized through adherence to the list of
permissible investments, a limit on maximum maturities, and the limitation on
the total investment in a single issuer.
VII. Delegation and Authority
The District Finance Manager will be responsible for investment transactions
which should be made in accordance with this investment policy and within
the internal controls described in Section IX.
Vlll. Prudence
Prudent judgment must be exercised by the District Finance Manager
responsible for investment transactions undertaken in accordance with this
investment policy.
IX. Controls
The District Finance Manager will establish subsidiary accounting records of
each investment which will enable the determination of income earned
monthly and through maturity, and the balancing of the principal amounts to a
control account in the general ledger. Internal control procedures require the
Finance Manager to sign all transactions, which are then countersigned by
the General Manager. Such internal controls are to be reviewed by the
District's independent auditors annually.
X. Reporting
The District Finance Manager will annually render a statement of investment
policy to the Board of Directors. Also, annually, the GASB 45 Trust
Investment Policy will be brought before the Board. The Finance Manager
will submit a monthly report to the District's General Manager and Board of
Directors showing the type of investment, issuer, date of maturity, par (or
face), dollar amount invested, current market value of all securities, and the
source of this same valuation, and a statement of compliance of the portfolio
with the investment policy.
XI. Performance Evaluation
A performance evaluation will be completed by the District's independent
auditors every year, commencing with the 2004 -2005 fiscal year, to determine
whether the investment objective of achieving a market - average rate of return
is being realized. In determining the market - average rate of return, the
average return, of three -month U.S. Treasury Bills will be used as a
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comparison. The weighted average of the portfolio will be calculated each
month and compiled to determine the annual yield. Results of the
comparison between the District's portfolio and the three -month Treasury-Bill
benchmark will be reported to the Board annually.
Number: BP 006
Authority: Board of Directors /State Law
Revised: November 18, 2011, March 1, 2012
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
To establish appropriate requirements for the retention and destruction of District
records in compliance with State law.
The Records Retention Schedules are reviewed and revised as needed to comply with
State law and District operational needs. See attached for latest Schedules.
Number: BP 007
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: May 5, 2011
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
To provide guidelines whereby a member of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board of Directors may participate in a meeting using electronic communications
devices for teleconferencing.
It is the purpose of this policy to encourage physical attendance by all members of the
Board of Directors at all meetings. However, with prior Board approval or approval by
the Board President as set forth in D., a Board member may participate in a Board
meeting via teleconferencing in accordance with state law, when the member is unable
to resolve a scheduling conflict.
A. California Government Code Section 54953 provides that in connection with a
meeting, "....the legislative body of a local agency may use teleconferencing for
the benefit of the public and the legislative body." The Code requires that:
1. A quorum of the members of the legislative body shall participate from
locations within the agency's jurisdiction.
2. Agendas shall be posted identifying all locations where members of the
legislative body will be present during the meeting, and posted as required
by law at all such locations.
3. All such locations shall be accessible to the public and the public shall be
given an opportunity to address the legislative body directly at all such
4. All votes taken during a teleconferenced meeting shall be by roll call.
B. The requirement in the Code for public accessibility at all locations is generally
interpreted to mean that all locations must be fully accessible to handicapped
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persons, and that a speakerphone or similar amplification device be used so that
members of the public can hear both sides of telephonic conversations.
C. A member wishing to arrange for teleconferencing for a meeting shall request
that an item be placed on a Board agenda prior to the date in question, formally
requesting approval for the teleconference. Orally and /or in writing the member
shall outline to the Board the circumstances and reasons for the request. The
member requesting the teleconference shall be permitted to vote on the question.
D. In emergencies, special meetings called at short notice, and unforeseen
circumstances, when the member is unable to make a timely request of the
Board, the Board President (or President Pro Tern if the President is not
available) shall approve or deny the request.
E. Approval shall not be granted unless conditions set forth in Section A are met.
F. If a member anticipates being absent from a Board meeting at which an item of
significance is being discussed, he /she may ask that the matter be moved to a
meeting at which he /she will be in attendance. Staff will take into account any
planned absences when scheduling matters for Board action when the matter is
not time - sensitive and District business will not be hindered by such action.
G. Requests by a Committee Member to teleconference shall be addressed as
described in Sections A - F above.
Number: BP 008
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: November 21, 2008
Revised: December 20, 2012
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
To establish a policy for appropriate reimbursement of expenses and costs incurred by elected
officials, appointed officials, District Counsel and staff for travel activities that are necessary,
legitimate, permissible, and actually incurred when traveling on authorized District business,
provided they are itemized, fully explained and approved on the Travel Expense
Reimbursement Report.
All District travel must be approved in advance, excepting urgent or emergency travel
benefiting the District. Board member travel is approved by budget approval and /or public
report, by the General Manager, with Board majority concurrence. The General Manager's
report will allow for Board consideration and approval, or denial, as well as meet AB 1234
intent for public disclosure. General Manager, District Counsel and Secretary to the District
travel is approved by Board majority through budget approval, report, or position paper.
Employee travel is approved through the budget by the appropriate Division Managers, and
Division Managers travel will be approved by the General Manager.
2. Travel approval is to be consistent with the budget guidelines for travel.
3. Board Members and the General Manager are authorized to travel without prior approval for
compelling reasons, provided reasonable effort has been made to obtain prior approval.
Review of such travel will occur consistent with the approval process identified in item 7
4. While traveling on District business, it is the responsibility of the elected officials, appointed
officials and employees to use sound judgment to ensure reasonable expenditure of District
funds. If there is no receipt for any given expenditure, the Supervisor's signature on the
Travel Expense Reimbursement Report will act as authorization of the charge.
District Board members whose expenses do not fall within this policy may be submitted to
the Board of Directors for approval, in a public meeting, before the expense is incurred.
5. Board Members' attendance at conferences will be approved by the Board in advance for
the fiscal year on a Board agenda.
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6. Travelers are responsible for the timely preparation and submission of their Travel Expense
Reimbursement Reports (instructions for completion are on the reverse side of the form) to
the Accounting Office for payment. Reports must be submitted within 30 days of the event or
trip completion. Travelers should retain copies of the Report and receipts for their personal
7. The President of the Board of Directors shall approve travel reimbursement documents for
all Board Members, District Counsel, the General Manager and the Secretary of the District.
The Board President Pro Tem, or in his /her absence another designated Board member,
shall have authority to approve travel reimbursement for President of the Board. The
General Manager shall approve all travel reimbursement documents for his /her direct
reports, and in certain instances, other staff. Division Managers shall approve all travel
reimbursement documents of those in their charge.
1. Making Travel Arrangements:
All District travel arrangements are to be booked through department related support staff.
Staff will follow the approved District Travel Policy and parameters when making travel
arrangements for District employees. Staff will make sure that requesting staff has received
prior budget approval and /or Division Manager approval before making arrangements (via
email, memo, etc.)
2. Transportation:
a. Commercial Airline Travel: Elected officials, appointed officials and District employees
will travel at the lowest reasonable coach class airfare within the following guidelines:
(1) In order to obtain low airfares, a two -hour window policy will be used in searching
for a low fare. This window policy involves searching for fares one hour prior to and
after the requested departure /arrival time. The lower fare quoted within this two -
hour window must be taken unless time constraints make it impossible.
(2) Direct flights (one -stop) and connections (change of planes), rather than non -
stops, may represent substantial savings to the District. Non -stop flights, if more
expensive, cannot be taken if lower direct/ connecting fares are available and does
not place an unreasonable burden on the traveler.
(3) Early departures and late returns are encouraged to avoid lodging for an additional
night. Travel arrangements should allow for full attendance at the subject event.
(4) Air travel arrangements should be reserved as far in advance of travel date as
possible. Advance planning, rather than last- minute reservations, allow for the
opportunity to obtain lower fares. Travel arrangements should be booked a
minimum of seven days prior to departure.
(5) Reimbursable expenses shall be limited to the actual dates of travel, which shall
be as near the event as practical, allowing for timely arrival and departure and the
carrier's schedule. If the extension of travel time would achieve lower airfare and
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would result in a net cost savings to the District, the District will pay for actual costs
incurred for hotel and meals only, subject to the other limitations of this policy,
provided they do not exceed the costs which would have been incurred without an
extension, and the extension is approved in advance. Any additional time
(exceeding the above) taken prior to or after the event will be at the employee's
time and expense. The District will not reimburse for excess baggage fees if not
related to District business.
(6) Use of penalty or non - refundable airfares should be considered, depending on the
nature of travel, and the certainty that the trip will take place as planned. These
lower- cost fares shall be selected at the traveler's discretion. If a change results in
penalties, the Department Directors shall have the authority to include these
charges as reimbursable, if appropriate.
(7) If there is a significant difference between the cost of the flight used and a less
expensive flight that was available, or if the traveler uses first -class or business
class instead of an available coach -class airfare without approval from the
appropriate supervisor, the traveler will be required to pay the difference in
(8) Use of a specific airline for the purpose of obtaining Frequent Flyer miles will not
be authorized, unless the airfare is among the lowest available.
b. Car Rentals: The use of a rental car must be authorized in advance. When a car
rental is authorized, the elected official, appointed official or employee shall be limited
to a compact or mid -size vehicle. A larger vehicle may be rented if for the purpose of
transporting a group of District elected officials, appointed officials or employees. A
rental car may be authorized only for a business necessity or if it is the most
economical means of transportation available. The employee should be prepared to
show a cost savings to the District by the use of a rental car as compared to other
modes of transportation. When traveling in groups, sharing of cars is encouraged to
minimize costs. Collision and liability insurance offered by the rental company should
be accepted. Employees should refuel cars before returning them to the rental agency
to avoid the large refueling mark -up, when economical. Officials and employees are
required to notify the District's Safety and Risk Administrator and the employee's
supervisor within 24 hours of any event, incident or accident related to the rental
C. Taxi and Other Local Transportation: The use of a taxi is authorized when more
economical services are not available, or in cases when valid business reasons, such
as timing limitations, warrant use of such transportation. If available and practical,
public or courtesy limousine transportation to and from airports should be used. Use
of private limousines or chauffeured cars hired solely to transport District Board
Members and /or staff is prohibited.
d. Travel in District Vehicles: District vehicles are available for local seminars. District
vehicles shall not be used for personal use when attending seminars.
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e. Travel in Personal Vehicles: When use of a privately -owned vehicle is authorized in
lieu of a common carrier, reimbursement will be based on the prevailing mileage rate,
but will not exceed air coach rate to and from the destination plus local transportation
costs. When travel is to a local seminar, mileage reimbursement will be calculated
based on the shortest distance to the seminar from home or from work. Reasonable
costs for parking and tolls will be reimbursed.
3. Lodging/Telephone:
a. Lodging: Employees should limit their stay to a minimum number of nights.
Reimbursement for the daily cost of lodging includes only the single occupancy room
rate and applicable taxes unless shared by more than one District employee. When
making reservations for lodging, attempts should be made to obtain a discounted or
governmental agency rate. District travelers are expected to use good quality, but
reasonably priced hotels or motels wherever practical. (The conference hotel, or its
equivalent, at the conference rate, is acceptable lodging for District business.) When
attending conferences, a block of hotel rooms may be offered at a reduced rate.
Nevertheless, travelers should check to see if a lower rate, at the same facility, is
Hotels will be paid for by personal credit card or by acquiring a cash advance for the
hotel before the conference. (Make sure when checking out of hotels that they do not
charge for any nights that the District has paid for in advance such as first nights
deposit to hold room). If the traveler requires a cash advance and possesses a
procurement card, they may be allowed to pay for the hotel costs on that card once they
check out at the end of the conference if prior approval by their Division Manager is
given in order to avoid the need for a cash advance.
b. Telecommunication: On authorized travel, necessary business- related telephone
calls, faxes and modem connections incurred may be reimbursed. The cost of personal
telephone calls made while attending a seminar will be borne by the employee.
However, employees are allowed one personal call of reasonable length and cost per
day at District expense. The District's Controller shall make the final determination of
reasonable duration and cost on a case -by -case basis.
4. Meals:
The cost of each meal is to be reported separately on a daily basis and covers the District
traveler only. Receipts for all claimed meals should be included with the travel expense
report. The cost of meals includes taxes and tips or service charges as applicable.
Purchases of alcoholic beverages shall not be reimbursed. The maximum reimbursement for
meals is $64 per day, given proper documentation by providing receipts.
In cases where the individual signs up for meals that have a separate cost in addition to the
conference registration, that meal would be excluded from the daily allowance. If a District
traveler is accompanied by a spouse or guest and the District or a District staff person
covers the cost, the District traveler will be billed for the cost of his /her spouse /guest's meal
or other related costs. If the guest is a business associate, the cost may be reimbursable.
See criteria and requirements in Paragraph 6, Special Expenses Paid by Employee, below.
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5. Travel Advances:
A request for a travel advance must be made at least two weeks prior to travel by submitting
a completed Payment Authorization Request form to Accounting. There will be no travel
advances for the cost of airline travel due to the District's payment for the ticket in advance.
Advances must be utilized immediately and accounted for within two weeks after completion
of a trip. No additional advances will be granted before settlement of an outstanding
advance. In the event an advance remains open beyond 30 days, the District may elect to
deduct the amount advanced from the employee's next regular paycheck.
6. Special Expenses Paid by Employee such as Meals for Business Associates:
Report only expenses paid by cash, personal check, or credit card. Meal expenses, to be
reimbursable, must be an expenditure necessary for the transaction of District business.
The Internal Revenue Code requires that specific details showing names of guests and
employees, cost, date and place, business purpose, and the business relationship of
individuals be supplied. Attach receipts whenever possible. Receipts for expenditures of $25
or more are required.
7. Travel Expense Reimbursement Reports:
Travel Expense Reimbursement Reports must be legible and in all cases be signed in ink by
both the employee and the Division Manager. Each expense shall be clearly and accurately
identified and shown on the Report on the day the expense was actually incurred. Report all
expenses paid by cash, personal check, credit card, and those paid directly by the District.
Auditing and control procedures of the District require that receipts substantiating travel
expenses be provided by the traveler whenever possible. Original receipts, including hotel
statements, airline ticket stubs, car rental invoices, credit card receipts, paid invoices, or any
receipt, which shows the date, location, nature and amount of the expenditure, shall be
attached to the Report. When a receipt is not available and the expense is more than
$25.00, the traveler shall provide a statement detailing the expenditures and explaining the
reason for the lack of a valid receipt. However, in accordance with Government Code
53232.3 and Assembly Bill 1234, elected and appointed officials are required to submit
receipts documenting each expense claimed. All documents related to reimbursable agency
expenditures are public records, subject to disclosure under California Public Records Act.
In addition, AB 1234 requires Board members to provide a report, written or verbal, to the
Board in open session on the event, conference, seminar or training attended, to be
agendized within 30 days of the event.
Number: BP 009
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: December 3, 2009
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
To establish a cell phone policy to reimburse Managers for the use of their personal cell
phone to conduct District business, with the goal of providing an efficient method of
enhancing District communications and improving productivity, and to facilitate the
establishment and maintenance of a key component of the District communications
network in the event of an emergency.
All Managers will be eligible for cell phone reimbursement in accordance with the
terms of the Management MOU in effect at the time.
2. Effective January 1, 2010, until further change, Managers who have cell phones
will have two options:
a. If the Manager has a regular cell phone, the prior policy of reimbursement
of up to $50 for the monthly service fee is.still available.
The Manager must give Accounting a copy of their annual service contract
and a copy of their billing statement, which will be kept on file by
b. If the Manager wishes to purchase a smart phone (e.g. Blackberry,
iPhone, etc), they will be reimbursed half the cost of the purchase price of
the phone (up to $150) and up to $100 per month for the monthly service
The Manager must give Accounting a copy of the receipt for the purchase
of the smart phone, and a copy of their billing statement, which will be kept
on file by Accounting. Smart phones purchased on or after June 18, 2009
would be eligible for reimbursement.
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Managers may purchase new smart phones not more frequently than
every two years and receive half the purchase price (up to $150). If, in the
interim, the phone is lost or damaged, the Manager is fully responsible for
its replacement.
3. The monthly allowance will be included in the paycheck, and is taxable income.
The Manager will be taxed according to the regulations contained in the IRS
4. The Manager is responsible for the cost of any technical support on the cell
phone. The phone service provider should be contacted for instructions on use,
not IT. It is strongly recommended that the insurance plan for the phone be
5. The Department Director must notify the appropriate departments within three
days of any changes to a Manager's status that would affect their eligibility to
continue to receive a cell phone allowance.
6. The Manager must sign an agreement with the District stating that they will be
reimbursed monthly through payroll, and will notify the District immediately if the
service agreement is terminated.
7. It is a requirement to set up a password to block access to the District e -mail
account should the phone be lost or stolen.
8. Software required for two -way synchronization between Groupwise and the
smart phone will be paid annually by the District.
9. Additional long- distance business - related calls will be reimbursed through petty
10. Employees who are not assigned a cell phone may request reimbursement for
any actual expenses incurred resulting from the use of their personal cell phone
for District business upon approval of their Department Director.
Number: BP 010
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: January 7, 1999
Revised: February 1, 2001, September 5, 2002,
October 4, 2012
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Env. Services
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The purpose of the Contractual Assessment District (CAD) program is to provide
financial assistance to small groups of homeowners with inadequate septic tank
systems so that they may extend the public sewer system to serve their properties. The
intent of the CAD program is to assist single family homeowners with failing or
inadequate septic tanks who might not otherwise have the means to finance the cost of
extending the public sewer. The CAD program is intended for residential properties,
primarily owner - occupied, and not commercial properties.
This policy statement for the CAD program establishes the criteria for formation of CAD
projects, the process for the CAD program and methodology for allocating costs and
assessments among CAD participants.
CADs are small assessment districts formed pursuant to Streets and Highways Code
Section 5898, et seq. to extend sewer facilities to residential areas currently served by
septic tank and leachfield systems.
The District Board of Directors first approved a CAD Policy Statement in January 1999.
Also, at that time, the Board authorized $1,000,000 per fiscal year for three fiscal years
beginning July 1998 and ending June 2001. This funding level continues to be
evaluated each year and a suggested level of funding is approved by the Board and
included in the Capital Improvement Budget. The Board also evaluates the
effectiveness of the CAD program from time to time. While the CAD policy is intended
to treat similar properties in a similar fashion, applicants may appeal to the Board of
Directors to consider exceptions if they believe there is a benefit to the environment or
to the District that would warrant such an exception.
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CAD Program Fundinq
The District will continue with the policy of a $1,000,000 per year budgetary ceiling for
CADs during the fiscal years 2001 -02 and 2002 -03. This ceiling amount is to be
calculated based on the total allocation to CAD projects receiving Board approval during
each fiscal year. The Board of Directors, in their discretion, may modify this program,
including increasing or decreasing the budgetary ceiling, at anytime. Nothing in this
policy is intended to bind the District to continue with the program for any predetermined
time period, nor does it create any right or entitlement in favor of potential program
participants. In the absence of any intervening action of the Board of Directors, it will
review the effectiveness of the CAD program at or near the end of Fiscal Year 2002 -03.
• A Contractual Assessment District (CAD) is a legal entity established pursuant
to Streets and Highways Code Chapter 5898 for the purpose of financing the
construction of sewers in residential areas currently being served by septic tanks.
• Parcel or property denotes in this policy a piece of residential real estate,
including land and anything permanently affixed to the land, including buildings.
The terms "parcel" and "property" have the same meaning herein and shall refer
to the divisions of property as indicated on County Assessor's Parcel maps.
• Participants are owners of properties directly tributary to the proposed facilities
who voluntarily agree to enter into a CAD contract.
• Non - participants are owners of properties directly tributary to the proposed
facilities who do not to enter into a CAD contract. Non - participants will not be
assessed for their share of the sewer improvement costs until the time of
• Non - participant reimbursement fees are fees collected from owners of non-
participant parcels at the time of connection to the sewer to reimburse current
participant parcel owners for the non - participant parcel's share of the cost of
sewer improvements installed under the CAD.
Criteria for Formation
In order to be eligible for participation in the District's CAD assessment financing
program, the proposed sewer extension project must meet the CAD formation criteria.
District staff will make a threshold eligibility determination and will provide proponents
with a written determination of eligibility. The criteria are as follows:
A minimum of five properties must be directly tributary to the proposed CAD
BP 010
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2. A minimum of 60 percent of the properties directly tributary to the proposed CAD
facilities must have existing homes served by the septic tank systems.
3. A participant parcel may not have more than two (2) dwellings to participate in
a CAD.
Notwithstanding the above - listed criteria, the District's decision as to whether to form a
CAD will be determined on a case -by -case basis and is at the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors. The Board may consider technical, economic, staffing, budgetary,
environmental and other factors in its consideration of whether to form a CAD.
CAD Formation Process
There are several staff -level actions and three Board approval steps in the CAD
process. The District Board of Directors will consider approval of individual CAD
projects which staff has determined meet the formation criteria. The following Board
actions are required: (1) initiation of a CAD; (2) approval of the Engineer's Report and
assessments, ordering of the improvements, and approval of the CAD election; and
(3) approval and levying of final assessments.
Initial Actions
Small groups of property owners may be eligible for a CAD if (1) they occupy
houses served by septic tanks, and (2) they seek a sewer main extension to
provide for connection to the District system. District staff will work with the
owners to explain the CAD process. If a sufficient number of property owners
and the District remain interested in proceeding with a CAD and the criteria for
CAD formation appears to be met, the District will consider initiation of a CAD.
Property owners will be requested to submit letters indicating their interest in
formation of a CAD. Property owners will also be requested to submit
annexation petitions if their properties are not already part of the District. Staff
will issue a letter setting forth its initial determination of eligibility for the CAD
2. If District staff determines that a proposed CAD does not meet the formation
criteria, staff will notify the property owners in the proposed CAD of the staff
decision in writing. Property owners may appeal this staff decision to the District
Board of Directors in accordance with Chapter 1.16 of the District Code except
as modified by this policy. This policy allows property owners 30 days to request
an appeal of a staff decision. The Secretary of the District will schedule the
matter for a hearing before the Board of Directors and provide written notice of
the time and place of that hearing to the affected property owners.
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Creation of Assessment District
Participants are required to retain an engineer to design and solicit bids for the
private work (the sewer facilities).
2. An Engineer's Report estimating project costs and assessment levels will be
prepared by the District in accordance with state law. Residents will have 18
months from when the District initiates formation of a CAD to submit sewer plans,
construction bids and other information necessary for the District to prepare an
Engineer's Report.
3. The District will distribute Notices of Proposed Assessment and conduct an
election in accordance with state law by which property owners may indicate their
approval of or opposition to the proposed assessment.
4. The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing to announce the outcome of
the election and receive public comment about the proposed assessment. In
addition, the public hearing will be to receive comments on annexation of
properties in a CAD if a public hearing is required as part of the annexation
5. Following the public hearing, Board of Directors will determine the election
results and consider approval of the Engineer's Report, preliminary assessments,
and the CAD improvements.
6. If the proponent property owners do not provide all necessary information,
including approved plans and construction bids, within 18 months of District's
initiation of CAD proceedings, the CAD process will be terminated.
Assessment Contract and Construction
Following approval by the Board of Directors of the Engineer's Report and CAD
improvements, the participants must enter into a written contract with the District
which describes the responsibilities of the parties, the work, and the provisions
for payments.
2. The District will undertake the procedural requirements to form the CAD, and will
review the plans for compliance with District standards, finance the work, and
establish the assessments.
3. Participants are required to hire a contractor and to supervise the construction of
the private works CAD facilities. The District will have no contractual relationship
with the contractor and will not provide construction management or site
supervision; however, the District will inspect the project consistent with
prevailing District inspection procedures.
BP 010
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4. The District will accept the work if the work is done in accordance with District
5. Participants shall be required to provide all project cost records and related
information. District staff will review project costs, evaluate eligible project costs,
and determine the proposed final assessments. The Board of Directors will then
consider approval and levying of the final assessments.
Payments and Assessments
1. Unless limited by other provisions of this policy, each participant shall have the
option to pay for his share of CAD expenses after the work is completed by either
(1) lump sum cash payment or (2) by contractually subjecting his property to an
annual assessment, including interest, over the term of the CAD. Regardless of
the payment option chosen, participants pay all costs of the sewer main
extension and other appurtenant facilities required to bring service to the
participants' parcels. The existence or non - existence of potential non - participant
connectors shall not affect the obligation of the participants to pay for all costs
associated with the project.
2. The term of the participants' assessment (payback period) shall be ten years.
The interest rate shall be fixed when the contract between the participants and
the District is signed for the District by the General Manager. The annual
interest rate for assessments shall be one percent (1 %) above the current
average interest rate on District temporary investments or an interest rate of six
percent (6 %), whichever is greater.'
3. Participants are limited to use of the ten -year annual assessment payment option
for a single parcel at any given time. If a person(s) owns two or more parcels in
the same CAD or different CADs, that person(s) may be a participant for more
than one parcel, but will be eligible for the annual assessment option for a single
parcel. The shares of the CAD expenses for the other parcels must be paid by
the lump sum payment option.
4. In the event a participant is not eligible for the CAD assessment financing option,
the participant shall make a full lump sum payment prior to initiation of contract
based on the preliminary assessment figures set forth in the Engineer's Report.
Return of any excess payment or additional required payments shall be made at
the time of fixing of final assessments.
5. The assessments shall be equal for each participant's parcel unless otherwise
provided for in the contract and documents creating the CAD. If an existing
participant's parcel can be legally subdivided, there are two dwellings currently
The language regarding the minimum 6% interest resulted from an amendment adopted September 5,
2002 via Resolution No. 2002 -071.
BP 010
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existing on a single parcel, or other cost -of- service related factors justifying
differing assessments are present, said parcel may be assigned more than one
6. The costs of the work associated with sanitary sewer mains, manholes, rodding
inlets and private sewer laterals within public streets or rights of way may be
included as eligible costs of the CAD. Eligible CAD costs may also include costs
for other appurtenances within public streets or rights of way necessary to bring
the sewer service to the participants. The cost of septic tank abandonment,
installation of the private sewer laterals (not within a public street or public right of
way), and District fees and charges customarily due upon connection to the
public sewer shall be excluded from CAD financing. For purposes of this
paragraph, "rights of way" shall include public or private roads providing legal
ingress and egress to multiple parcels.
7. The CAD assessments will be imposed on each participant's parcel and recorded
as a lien against the parcel. The assessment will include the principal and
interest and will be collected on the property tax bill as an assessment along with
taxes and other assessments and charges on the subject parcel.
CAD Non - Participant Reimbursement Fees
1. CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be established by the District Board
of Directors in accordance with District practice and the CAD contract if District
staff determines that there are non - participant parcels which could connect to the
CAD facility. The District will collect CAD non - participant reimbursement fees for
a period of 20 years from the date of the CAD formation. The obligation of a non-
participant parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee upon connection to a CAD
sewer will expire after the 20 -year period.
2. CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be established by the Board after a
public hearing and after final assessments have been established.
3. For purposes of calculating the amount of a CAD non - participant reimbursement
fee to be applied to a subsequently connecting parcel, a non - participant parcel
will be treated as a participant parcel for the purposes of calculation and
distribution of subsequently collected reimbursement fees.
4. CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be calculated by dividing the total
CAD cost by the current number of participants. The number of participants for
this purpose shall include the total of the original and subsequent connectors,
and the current non - participant reimbursement fee payor. The following example
illustrates this calculation process.
BP 010
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Total assessments to be paid = $80,000; there are 4 original participants and 4 non-
participants. Each of the 4 original participants assumes a $20,000 assessment.
Non - Participant
Credit to Each Prior
Net Cost to All
$80,000 - 5 =
$16,000 - 4 =
- 4,000
$80,000 - 6 =
$13 333 - 5 =
$13,333 $2,667
$80,000 - 7 =
$11,429 - 6 =
$80,000 T 8=
$10,000 T 7=
$111,4 9
6. As non - participating owners connect their homes to the sewer extension, District
staff will collect a CAD non - participant reimbursement fee from each newly
connecting non - participant parcel owner. Each newly received CAD non-
participant reimbursement fee will be divided uniformly among the current owners
of participant parcels. The owner(s) of the participant parcel at the time of the
distribution shall receive any excess amount of a reimbursement share over that
needed to extinguish any remaining CAD assessment, such amount to be limited
to the total amount of CAD assessments or lump sum payment paid by the then
current parcel owner(s), reduced by other excess reimbursement amounts
previously paid to this same parcel owner(s). The District will forward a
notification of available funds and a verification form to the current participant
parcel owner(s) at the address reflected in the then current Assessor's records.
Upon receipt of a properly completed verification form by the District, the District
will forward a check to the then current participant parcel owner in the amount of
the participant parcel owner's share as determined herein.
7. The District shall have no affirmative responsibility to locate the eligible
participant parcel owner(s), other than to mail notice to the Assessor's address
2 After a non - participant parcel owner pays their reimbursement fee, the non - participant parcel owner
becomes a participant for the purpose of further reimbursement fee calculations.
BP 010
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for the parcel owner; nor shall the District be required to attempt to contact an
eligible owner's estate, or heirs, nor to locate or protect other potential interest
holders. Any proceeds from collections of CAD non - participant reimbursement
fees which are held by the District for over three years due to inaction on the part
of an eligible owner, or excess proceeds from CAD non - participant
reimbursement fees accumulated pursuant to the procedures set forth herein, will
become the property of the District.
Number: BP 011
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: March 17, 2011
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
The purpose of the Policy for the Submission and Tabulation of Proposition 218 Notice
Protests is to clarify the District's process for handling protests of Proposition 218
This policy statement for handling protests establishes the criteria for handling written
protests of Proposition 218 Notices. According to Article XIIID of the California
Constitution and California Government Code section 53755, an owner or tenant of a
parcel receiving a property- related service may, after receiving notice (Proposition 218
Notice) of a proposed increase in a fee or charge, submit a written protest to the
proposed increased fee or charge. This policy was established to adopt more detailed
guidelines for the submission and tabulation of the written protests. The validity of
written protests that are signed by the owner or tenant would allow validation in the
event of a challenge or suspected irregularity.
Submittal of Protests
Any property owner and /or tenant of a parcel may submit a written protest to the
Secretary of the District.
2. To be valid, a written protest must bear the signature of the record owner or
tenant with respect to the property identified and may not have been altered by
anyone who did not sign the protest. Each protest must identify the affected
property by Assessor's Parcel Number or street address.
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3. Protests may be delivered to the Secretary of the District or submitted at the
public hearing. Protests may be delivered by personal delivery, mail, fax, or e-
mail (pdf). Preferably, mailed protests will note on the envelope, "Sewer Service
Charge Protest." Protests must be received by the end of the public hearing. No
postmarks will be accepted.
4. Only one protest will be counted per parcel. If a signed written protest is
received from both the property owner and tenant, only one protest will be
counted. If a parcel served by the District is owned by more than a single record
owner, either or both owners may submit a protest, but only one protest will be
counted per parcel and any one protest submitted in accordance with these rules
will be sufficient to count as a protest for that property.
5. Any person who submits a protest may withdraw it by submitting to the Secretary
of the District a writing requesting that the protest be withdrawn. The withdrawal
of a protest shall contain sufficient information to identify the affected parcel and
the name of the record owner or tenant who submitted both the protest and the
request that it be withdrawn.
6. The Board welcomes input from the community at any time, including during the
public hearing on the proposed charges, but only written protests will be counted
as formal protests. Other electronic means of communication which are not fully
compliant with the signature and informational requirements set forth herein shall
not be considered as valid protests.
7. To ensure transparency and accountability in the protest process, protests shall
be maintained in confidence from their receipt until disclosure of the number of
protests at the public hearing, at which time they shall become disclosable public
Tabulation of Protests
The Secretary of the District shall determine the validity of all protests. The
Secretary shall not accept as valid any protest if the Secretary determines that
any of the following conditions exist:
a. The protest does not identify a property served by the District;
b. The protest does not bear a signature of a record owner or tenant of the
parcel identified on the protest;
C. The protest does not clearly state its opposition to the proposed charges;
d. The protest was not received by the Secretary before the close of the
public hearing on the fee increase;
e. A request to withdraw a previously- submitted protest is received prior to
the close of the public hearing on the proposed charge;
f. The protest was altered by one other than the owner or tenant who
signed it.
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2. The Secretary of the District's decision that a protest is not valid or does not
apply to a specific charge shall constitute a final action of the District and shall
not be subject to any internal appeal.
3. A majority protest exists if written protests are timely submitted and not
withdrawn by the record owners or tenants of a majority of the properties subject
to the proposed charge.
Number: BP 012
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: January 9, 2014 (Resolution 2014 -005)
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
I � 1
To adopt a set of parliamentary procedures to assist in conducting meetings of the
Board of Directors in an orderly fashion with rules that establish order, are easy to
understand, and preserve the will of the majority while protecting the rights of the
The proceedings of the Board shall be governed by the provisions of law applicable
thereto and by Rosenberg's Rules of Order, as modified and incorporated herein by
RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -005
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors requested that the Policy Development and Internal
Operations Committee look at options for possible adoption of a set of parliamentary
procedures to assist with the conduct of District Board meetings; and
WHEREAS, staff obtained information on the three most commonly -used sets of procedures:
Roberts Rules of Order, Sturgis, and Rosenberg's Rules of Order; and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of October 15, 2013, the Policy Development and Internal
Operations Committee reviewed and compared the three options; and
WHEREAS, the Policy Development and internal Operations Committee recommended
adoption of Rosenberg's Rules of Order as the most suitable for District Board meetings; and
WHEREAS, District Counsel has amended the rules to clarify voting requirements and how
abstentions are counted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows:
The Board hereby adopts Rosenberg's Rules of Order, as amended, as the set of
parliamentary procedures that will govern the conduct of Board meetings.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of January, 2014, by the Board of Directors of the
District by the following vote:
Causey, McGill, Nejedly, Pilecki, Williams
David R. Williams
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State f Califor ig
Approved as to form: , ) (C U-A-- 11
Kenton L. AI r fffq-
Counsel for the District
Rosenberg's Rules of order
Simple Rules of Parliamentary Procedure for the 21st Century
As revised by
District Counsel
By Judge Dave Rosenberg
As adopted by Central Contra
Costa Sanitary Board 1/9/14
About the Author ........................ ............................... ii
Introduction ............................. ............................... 2
Establishing a Quorum ................. ............................... 2
The Role of the Chair .................. ............................... 2
The Basic Format for an Agenda Item Discussion ................ 2
Motions in General ..................... ............................... 3
The Three Basic Motions ............... ............................... 3
Multiple Motions Before the Body ... ............................... 4
To Debate or Not to Debate ........... ............................... 4
Majority and Super - Majority Votes .. ............................... 5
CountingVotes .......................... ............................... 5
The Motion to Reconsider ............. ............................... 6
Courtesy and Decorum ................. ............................... 7
Special Notes About Public Input .... ............................... 7
To expand and protect local control for cities through education and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for all Californians.
To be recognized and respected as the leading advocate for the common interests of California's cities
About the t ague of California Cities
Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a member organization that represents California's incorporated cities
The League strives to protect the local authority and automony of city government and help California's cities effectively
serve their residents. In addition to advocating on cities' behalf at the state capitol, the League provides its members with
professional development programs and information resources, conducts education conferences and research, and publishes
Western City magazine.
O 2011 Leagne of California 0hei All nghta reserved.
Dave Rosenberg is a Superior Court Judge in Yolo County. He has served as presiding judge of his court, and as
presiding judge of the Superior Court Appellate Division. He also has served as chair of the Trial Court Presiding Judges
Advisory Committee (the committee composed of all 58 California presiding judges) and as an advisory member of the
California Judicial Council. Prior to his appointment to the bench, Rosenberg was member of the Yolo County Board of
Supervisors, where he served two terms as chair. Rosenberg also served on the Davis City Council, including two terms
as mayor. He has served on the senior staff of two governors, and worked for 19 years in private law practice. Rosenberg
has served as a member and chair of numerous state, regional and local boards. Rosenberg chaired the California State
Lottery Commission, the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, the Yolo -Solano Air Quality
Management District, the Yolo County Economic Development Commission, and the YoIo County Criminal Justice
Cabinet For many years, he has taught classes on parliamentary procedure and has served as parliamentarian for large
and small bodies.
The rules of procedure at meetings should be simple enough for
most people to understand. Unfortunately, that has not always
been the case. Virtually all clubs, associations, boards, councils
and bodies follow a set of rules - Robert's Rules of Order —
which are embodied in a small, but complex, book. Virtually no
one I know has actually read this book cover to cover. Worse yet,
the book was written for another time and for another purpose. If
one is chairing or running a parliament, then Robert's Rules of
Order is a dandy and quite useful handbook for procedure in that
complex setting. On the other hand, if one is running a meeting
of say, a five- member body with a few members of the public in
attendance, a simplified version of the rules of parliamentary
procedure is in order.
Hence, the birth of Rosenberg's Rules of Order.
What follows is my version of the rules of parliamentary
procedure, based on my decades of experience chairing meetings
in state and local government These rules have been simplified
for the smaller bodies we chair on in which we participate,
slimmed down for the 21st Century, yet retaining the basic tenets
of order to which we have grown accustomed. Interestingly
enough, Rosenberg's Rules has found a welcoming audience.
Hundreds of cities, counties, special districts, committees,
boards, commissions, neighborhood associations and private
corporations and companies have adopted Rosenberg's Rules in
lieu of Robert's Rules because they have found them practical,
logical, simple, easy to learn and user friendly.
This treatise on modern parliamentary procedure is built on a
foundation supported by the following four pillars:
I. Rules should establish order. The first purpose of rules
of parliamentary procedure is to establish a framework
for the orderly conduct of meetings.
2. Rules should be clear. Simple rules lead to wider
understanding and participation. Complex rules create
two classes: those who understand and participate; and
those who do not fully understand and do not fully
3. Rules should be user friendly. That is, the rules must
be simple enough that the public is invited into the body
and feels that it has participated in the process.
4. Rules should enforce the wilt of the majority while
protecting the rights of the minority. The ultimate
purpose of rules of procedure is to encourage discussion
and to facilitate decision making by the body. In a
democracy, majority rules. The rules must enable the
majority to express itself and fashion a result, while
permitting the minority to also express itself, but not
dominate, while fully participating in the process.
Establishing a Quorum
The starting point for a meeting is the establishment of a quorum.
A quorum is defined as the minimum number of members of the
body who must be present at a meeting for business to be legally
transacted. The default rule is that a quorum is one more than
half the body. For example, in a five- member body a quorum is
three. When the body has three members present, it can legally
transact business. If the body has less than a quorum of members
present, it cannot legally transact business. And even if the body
has a quorum to begin the meeting, the body can lose the quorum
during the meeting when a member departs (or even when a
member leaves the dais). When that occurs the body loses its
ability to transact business until and unless a quorum is
The default rule, identified above, however, gives way to a
specific rule of the body that establishes a quorum. For example,
the rules of a particular five- member body may indicate that a
quorum is four members for that particular body. The body must
follow the rules it has established for its quorum. In the absence
of such a specific rule, the quorum is one more than half the
members of the body.
The Role of the Chair
While all members of the body should know and understand the
rules of parliamentary procedure, it is the chair of the body who
is charged with applying the rules of conduct of the meeting. The
chair should be well versed in those rules. For all intents and
purposes, the chair makes the final ruling on the rules every time
and the chair states an action. In fact, all decisions by the chair
are final unless overruled by the body itself.
Since the chair runs the conduct of the meeting, it is usual
courtesy for the chair to play a less active role in the debate and
discussion than other members of the body. This does not mean
that the chair should not participate in the debate or discussion.
To the contrary, as a member of the body, the chair has the full
right to participate in the debate, discussion and decision - making
of the body. What the chair should do, however, is strive to be
the last to speak at the discussion and debate stage. The chair
should not make or second a motion unless the chair is convinced
that no other member of the body will do so at that point in time.
The Basic Format for an Agenda Item Discussion
Formal meetings normally have a written, often published
agenda. Informal meetings may have only an oral or understood
agenda. In either case, the meeting is governed by the agenda and
the agenda constitutes the body's agreed -upon roadmap for the
meeting. Each agenda item can be handled by the chair in the
following basic format:
First, the chair should clearly announce the agenda item number
and should clearly state what the agenda item subject is. The
chair should then announce the format (which follows) that will
be followed in considering the agenda item.
Second, following that agenda format, the chair should invite the
appropriate person or persons to report on the item, including any
recommendation that they might have. The appropriate person or
persons may be the chair, a member of the body, a staff person,
or a committee chair charged with providing input on the agenda
Third, the chair should ask members of the body if they have any
technical questions of clarification. At this point, members of the
body may ask clarifying questions to the person or persons who
reported on the item, and that person or persons should be given
time to respond.
Fourth, the chair should invite public comments, or if
appropriate at a formal meeting, should open the public meeting
for public input. If numerous members of the public indicate a
desire to speak to the subject, the chair may limit the time of
public speakers At the conclusion of the public comments, the
chair should announce that public input has concluded (or the
public hearing, as the case may be, is closed).
Fifth, the chair should invite a motion. The chair should
announce the name of the member of the body who makes the
Sixth, the chair should determine if any member of the body
wishes to second the motion The chair should announce the
name of the member of the body who seconds the motion. It is
normally good practice for a motion to require a second before
proceeding to ensure that it is not just one member of the body
who is interested in a particular approach. llswevef, a seeend i
not an abselut and the Chia: 'W.
seeend T1.: is a ..uef 1 ft •1 di ti of t ehair-
Seventh, if the motion is made and seconded, the chair should
make sure everyone understands the motion.
This is done in one of three ways:
1. The chair can ask the maker of the motion to repeat it;
2. The chair can repeat the motion; or
3. The chair can ask the secretary or the clerk of the body
to repeat the motion.
Eighth, the chair should now invite discussion of the motion by
the body. If there is no desired discussion, or after the discussion
has ended, the chair should announce that the body will vote on
the motion. If there has been no discussion or very brief
discussion, then the vote on the motion should proceed
immediately and there is no need to repeat the motion. If there
has been substantial discussion, then it is normally best to make
sure everyone understands the motion by repeating it.
Ninth, the chair takes a vote Simply asking for the "ayes" and
then asking for the "nays" normally does this. If members of the
body do not vote, then they "abstain " Unless the rules of the
body provide otherwise (or unless a super majority is required as
delineated later in these rules), then a simple majority (as defined
in law or the rules of the body as delineated later in these rules)
determines whether the motion passes or is defeated.
Tenth, the chair should announce the result of the vote and what
action (if any) the body has taken. In announcing the result, the
chair should indicate the names of the members of the body, if
any, who voted in the minority on the motion. This
announcement might take the following form: "The motion
passes by a vote of 3 -2, with Smith and Jones dissenting. We
have passed the motion requiring a 10 -day notice for all future
meetings of this body."
Motions in General
Motions are the vehicles for decision making by a body. It is
usually best to have a motion before the body prior to
commencing discussion of an agenda item. This helps the body
Motions are made in a simple two -step process. First, the chair
should recognize the member of the body. Second, the member
of the body makes a motion by preceding the member's desired
approach with the words "I move ..."
A typical motion might be: "I move that we give a 10 -day notice
in the future for all our meetings."
The chair usually initiates the motion in one of three ways:
1. Inviting the members of the body to make a motion,
for example, "A motion at this time would be in order."
2. Suggesting a motion to the members of the body, "A
motion would be in order that we give a 10 -day notice
in the future for all our meetings."
3. Making the motion. As noted, the chair has every right
as a member of the body to make a motion, but should
normally do so only if the chair wishes to make a
motion on an item but is convinced that no other
member of the body is willing to step forward to do so
at a particular time.
The Three Basic Motions
There are three motions that are the most common and recur
often at meetings:
The basic motion. The basic motion is the one that puts forward
a decision for the body's consideration. A basic motion might be:
"I move that we create a five - member committee to plan and put
on our annual fundraiser."
The motion to amend. If a member wants to change a basic
motion that is before the body, they would move to amend it. A
motion to amend might be: "I move that we amend the motion to
have a 10- member committee." A motion to amend takes the
basic motion that is before the body and seeks to change it in
some way.
The substitute motion. If a member wants to completely do
away with the basic motion that is before the body, and put a new
motion before the body, they would move a substitute motion. A
substitute motion might be: "I move a substitute motion that we
cancel the annual fundraiser this year."
"Motions to amend" and "substitute motions" are often confused,
but they are quite different, and their effect (if passed) is quite
different. A motion to amend seeks to retain the basic motion on
the floor, but modify it in some way. A substitute motion seeks to
throw out the basic motion on the floor, and substitute a new and
different motion for it. The decision as to whether a motion is
really a "motion to amend" or a "substitute motion" is left to the
chair. So if a member makes what the member calls a "motion to
amend," but the chair determines that it is really a "substitute
motion," then the chair's designation governs.
A "friendly amendment" is a practical parliamentary tool that is
simple, informal, saves time and avoids bogging a meeting down
with numerous formal motions. It works in the following way: In
the discussion on a pending motion, it may appear that a change
to the motion is desirable or may win support for the motion
from some members. When that happens, a member who has the
floor may simply say, "I want to suggest a friendly amendment to
the motion." The member suggests the friendly amendment, and
if the maker and the person who seconded the motion pending on
the floor accepts the friendly amendment, that now becomes the
pending motion on the floor. If either the maker or the person
who seconded rejects the proposed friendly amendment, then the
proposer can formally move to amend.
Multiple Motions Before the Body
There can be up to three motions on the floor at the same time.
The chair can reject a fourth motion until the chair has dealt with
the three that are on the floor and has resolved them. This rule
has practical value. More than three motions on the floor at any
given time is confusing and unwieldy for almost everyone,
including the chair.
When there are two or three motions on the floor (after motions
and seconds) at the same time, the vote should proceed first on
the last motion that is made. For example, assume the first
motion is a basic "motion to have a five - member committee to
plan and put on our annual fundraiser." During the discussion of
this motion, a member might make a second motion to "amend
the main motion to have a 10- member committee, not a five -
member committee to plan and put on our annual fundraiser."
And perhaps, during that discussion, a member makes yet a third
motion as a "substitute motion that we not have an annual
fundraiser this year." The proper procedure would be as follows:
First, the chair would deal with the third (the last) motion on the
floor, the substitute motion. After discussion and debate, a vote
would be taken first on the third motion. If the substitute motion
passed, it would be a substitute for the basic motion and would
eliminate it. The first motion would be moot, as would the
second motion (which sought to amend the first motion), and the
action on the agenda item would be completed on the passage by
the body of the third motion (the substitute motion). No vote
would be taken on the first or second motions.
Second, if the substitute motion failed, the chair would then deal
with the second (now the last) motion on the floor, the motion to
amend. The discussion and debate would focus strictly on the
amendment (should the committee be five or 10 members). If the
motion to amend passed, the chair would then move to consider
the main motion (the first motion) as amended. If the motion to
amend failed, the chair would then move to consider the main
motion (the first motion) in its original format, not amended.
Third, the chair would now deal with the first motion that was
placed on the floor. The original motion would either be in its
original format (five- member committee), or if amended, would
be in its amended format (10- member committee). The question
on the floor for discussion and decision would be whether a
committee should plan and put on the annual fundraiser.
To Debate or Not to Debate
The basic rule of motions is that they are subject to discussion
and debate. Accordingly, basic motions, motions to amend, and
substitute motions are all eligible, each in their turn, for full
discussion before and by the body. The debate can continue as
long as members of the body wish to discuss an item, subject to
the decision of the chair that it is time to move on and take
There are exceptions to the general rule of free and open debate
on motions. The exceptions all apply when there is a desire of the
body to move on. The following motions are not debatable (that
is, when the following motions are made and seconded, the chair
must immediately call for a vote of the body without debate on
the motion):
Motion to adjourn. This motion, if passed, requires the body to
immediately adjourn to its next regularly scheduled meeting. It
requires a simple majority vote.
Motion to recess. This motion, if passed, requires the body to
immediately take a recess. Normally, the chair determines the
length of the recess which may be a few minutes or an hour. It
requires a simple majority vote.
Motion to i"ix the time to adjourn. This motion, if passed,
requires the body to adjourn the meeting at the specific time set
in the motion. For example, the motion might be: "I move we
adjourn this meeting at midnight." It requires a simple majority
Motion to table. This motion, if passed, requires discussion of
the agenda item to be halted and the agenda item to be placed on
"hold." The motion can contain a specific time in which the item
can come back to the body. "I move we table this item until our
regular meeting in October." Or the motion can contain no
specific time for the return of the item, in which case a motion to
take the item off the table and bring it back to the body will have
to be taken at a future meeting. A motion to table an item (or to
bring it back to the body) requires a simple majority vote.
Motion to limit debate. The most common form of this motion
is to say, "I move the previous question" or "I move the
question" or "I call the question" or sometimes someone simply
shouts out "question." As a practical matter, when a member
calls out one of these phrases, the chair can expedite matters by
treating it as a "request" rather than as a formal motion. The chair
can simply inquire of the body, "any further discussion ?" If no
one wishes to have further discussion, then the chair can go right
to the pending motion that is on the floor. However, if even one
person wishes to discuss the pending motion futther, then at that
point, the chair should treat the call for the "question" as a formal
motion, and proceed to it.
When a member of the body makes such a motion ( "I move the
previous question "), the member is really saying: "I've had
enough debate. Let's get on with the vote." When such a motion
is made, the chair should ask for a second, stop debate, and vote
on the motion to limit debate. The motion to limit debate requires
a two- thirds vote of the body.
NOTE: A motion to limit debate could include a time limit. For
example: "I move we limit debate on this agenda item to 15
minutes." Even in this format, the motion to limit debate requires
a two- thirds vote of the body. A similar motion is a motion to
object to consideration of an item. This motion is not debatable,
and if passed, precludes the body from even considering an item
on the agenda. It also requires a two- thirds vote.
Majority and Super Majority Votes
In a democracy, a simple majority vote determines a question. A
tie vote means the motion fails. So in a seven- member body, a
vote of 4 -3 passes the motion. A vote of 3 -3 with one abstention
means the motion fails. If one member is absent and the vote is
3 -3, the motion still fails.
All motions require a simple majority, but there are a few
exceptions. The exceptions come up when the body is taking an
action which effectively cuts off the ability of a minority of the
body to take an action or discuss an item. These extraordinary
motions require a two - thirds majority (a super majority) to pass
Motion to limit debate. Whether a member says, "I move the
previous question," or "I move the question," or "I call the
question," or "I move to limit debate," it all amounts to an
attempt to cut off the ability of the minority to discuss an item,
and it requires a two- thirds vote to pass.
Motion to close nominations. When choosing officers of the
body (such as the chair), nominations are in order either from a
nominating committee or from the floor of the body. A motion to
close nominations effectively cuts off the right of the minority to
nominate officers and it requires a two - thirds vote to pass.
Motion to object to the consideration of a question. Normally,
such a motion is unnecessary since the objectionable item can be
tabled or defeated straight up. However, when members of a
body do not even want an item on the agenda to be considered,
then such a motion is in order. It is not debatable, and it requires
a two - thirds vote to pass.
Motion to suspend the rules. This motion is debatable, but
requires a two- thirds vote to pass. If the body has its own rules of
order, conduct or procedure, this motion allows the body to
suspend the rules for a particular purpose. For example, the body
(a private club) might have a rule prohibiting the attendance at
meetings by non -club members. A motion to suspend the rules
would be in order to allow a non -club member to attend a
meeting of the club on a particulate date or on a particular agenda
Counting Votes
The matter of counting votes starts simple, but can become
Usually, it's pretty easy to determine whether a particular motion
passed or whether it was defeated. If a simple majority vote is
needed to pass a motion, then one vote more than 50 percent of
the body is required. For example, in a five - member body, if the
vote is three in favor and two opposed, the motion passes. If it is
two in favor and three opposed, the motion is defeated.
If a two - thirds majority vote is needed to pass a motion, then
how many affirmative votes are required? The simple rule of
thumb is to count the "no" votes and double that count to
determine how many "yes" votes are needed to pass a particular
motion. For example, in a seven - member body, if two members
vote "no" then the "yes" vote of at least four members is required
to achieve a two - thirds majority vote to pass the motion.
What about tie votes? In the event of a tie, the motion always
fails since an affirmative vote is required to pass any motion. For
example, in a five- member body, if the vote is two in favor and
two opposed, with one member absent, the motion is defeated.
Vote counting starts to become complicated when members vote
"abstain" or in the case of a written ballot, cast a blank (or
unreadable) ballot. Do these votes count, and if so, how does one
count them? The starting point is always to check the statutes.
In California, for example, for an action of a board of supervisors
to be valid and binding, the action must be approved by a
majority of the board. (California Government Code Section
25005.) Typically, this means three of the five members of the
board must yote affirmatively in favor of the action. A vote of 2-
1 would not be sufficient. A vote of 3 -0 with two abstentions
would be sufficient. In general law cities in California, as another
example, resolutions or orders for the payment of money and all
ordinances require a recorded vote of the total members of the
city council. (California Government Code Section 36936.)
Cities with charters may prescribe their own vote requirements.
Local elected officials are always well- advised to consult with
their local agency counsel on how state law may affect the vote
"these After- eeftsultifirg
., state swees, step numbeF two is to ebeek
mler, ef the body. if the rules ef the bedy say that yeti eouatvetes
ef ,)
if the rules a f!b bed, .�. ..t r these vetes '!present Md J
And if the mles-ef&ew subjeet; then
vetes #at are "present and setiff,—"
Aeeerdinglj, Where there is a no statutory super majority
requirement, the eeneral rule and the default rule is to proceed
under the `present and voting rule" with regard to how to count
abstentions. Uender the "present and voting" system, you would
NOT count abstention votes on the motion Members who
abstain are counted for purposes of determining quorum (they are
"present "), but you treat the abstention votes on the motion as if
they did not exist (they are not "voting "). , '
abstention «
Holy does this rvo)k in practice?
Here are a few examples.
Assume that a five- member city council is voting on a motion
that requires a simple majority vote to pass, and assume further
that the body has no specific rule on counting votes.
Accordingly, the default rule kicks in and we count all votes of
members that are "present and voting." If the vote on the motion
is 3 -2, the motion passes. If the motion is 2 -2 with one
abstention, the motion fails.
Assume a five- member city council voting on a motion that
requires a two- thirds majority vote to pass, and further assume
that the body has no specific rules on counting votes. Again, the
default rule applies. If the vote is 3 -2, the motion fails for lack of
a two - thirds majority. If the vote is 4 -1, the motion passes with a
clear two - thirds majority. A vote of three "yes," one "no" and
one "abstain" also results in passage of the motion. Once again,
the abstention is counted only for the purpose of determining
quorum, but on the actual vote on the motion, it is as if the
abstention vote never existed - so an effective 3 -1 vote is clearly
a two - thirds majority vote.
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Now, exactly how does a member cast an "abstention" vote? Any
time a member votes "abstain" or says, "I abstain," that is an
abstention. However, if a member votes "present" that is also
treated as an abstention (the member is essentially saying,
"Count me for purposes of a quorum, but my vote on the issue is
abstain. ") In fact, any manifestation of intention to vote either
"yes" or "no" on the pending motion may be treated by the chair
as an abstention. If written ballots are cast, a blank or unreadable
ballot is counted as an abstention as well.
Can a member vote "absent" or "count me as absent ?" Interesting
question. The ruling on this is up to the chair. The better
approach is for the chair to count this as if the member had left
his /her chair and is actually "absent." That, of course, affects the
quorum. However, the chair may also treat this as a vote to
abstain, particularly if the person does not actually leave the dais.
The Motion to Reconsider
There is a special and unique motion that requires a bit of
explanation all by itself; the motion to reconsider. A tenet of
parliamentary procedure is finality. After vigorous discussion,
debate and a vote, there must be some closure to the issue. And
so, after a vote is taken, the matter is deemed closed, subject only
to reopening if a proper motion to consider is made and passed.
A motion to reconsider requires a majority vote to pass like other
garden- variety motions, but there are two special rules that apply
only to the motion to reconsider.
First, is the matter of timing. A motion to reconsider must be
made at the meeting where the item was first voted upon- A
motion to reconsider made at a later time is untimely. (The body,
however, can always vote to suspend the rules and, by a two -
thirds majority, allow a motion to reconsider to be made at
another time.)
Second, a motion to reconsider may be made only by certain
members of the body. Accordingly, a motion to reconsider may
be made only by a member who voted in the majority on the
original motion. If such a member has a change of heart, he or
she may make the motion to reconsider (any other members of
the body - including a member who voted in the minority on the
original motion - may second the motion). If a member who
voted in the minority seeks to make the motion to reconsider, it
must be ruled out of order. The purpose of this rule is finality. If
a member of minority could make a motion to reconsider, then
the item could be brought back to the body again and again,
which would defeat the purpose of finality.
If the motion to reconsider passes, then the original matter is
back before the body, and a new original motion is in order. The
thiFds majefity
veie ie pass, but Row assuffle- dh_;& 1-he h-04 DOES-
have a speeifia
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Now, exactly how does a member cast an "abstention" vote? Any
time a member votes "abstain" or says, "I abstain," that is an
abstention. However, if a member votes "present" that is also
treated as an abstention (the member is essentially saying,
"Count me for purposes of a quorum, but my vote on the issue is
abstain. ") In fact, any manifestation of intention to vote either
"yes" or "no" on the pending motion may be treated by the chair
as an abstention. If written ballots are cast, a blank or unreadable
ballot is counted as an abstention as well.
Can a member vote "absent" or "count me as absent ?" Interesting
question. The ruling on this is up to the chair. The better
approach is for the chair to count this as if the member had left
his /her chair and is actually "absent." That, of course, affects the
quorum. However, the chair may also treat this as a vote to
abstain, particularly if the person does not actually leave the dais.
The Motion to Reconsider
There is a special and unique motion that requires a bit of
explanation all by itself; the motion to reconsider. A tenet of
parliamentary procedure is finality. After vigorous discussion,
debate and a vote, there must be some closure to the issue. And
so, after a vote is taken, the matter is deemed closed, subject only
to reopening if a proper motion to consider is made and passed.
A motion to reconsider requires a majority vote to pass like other
garden- variety motions, but there are two special rules that apply
only to the motion to reconsider.
First, is the matter of timing. A motion to reconsider must be
made at the meeting where the item was first voted upon- A
motion to reconsider made at a later time is untimely. (The body,
however, can always vote to suspend the rules and, by a two -
thirds majority, allow a motion to reconsider to be made at
another time.)
Second, a motion to reconsider may be made only by certain
members of the body. Accordingly, a motion to reconsider may
be made only by a member who voted in the majority on the
original motion. If such a member has a change of heart, he or
she may make the motion to reconsider (any other members of
the body - including a member who voted in the minority on the
original motion - may second the motion). If a member who
voted in the minority seeks to make the motion to reconsider, it
must be ruled out of order. The purpose of this rule is finality. If
a member of minority could make a motion to reconsider, then
the item could be brought back to the body again and again,
which would defeat the purpose of finality.
If the motion to reconsider passes, then the original matter is
back before the body, and a new original motion is in order. The
matter may be discussed and debated as if it were on the floor for
the first time.
Courtesy and Decorum
The rules of order are meant to create an atmosphere where the
members of the body and the members of the public can attend to
business efficiently, fairly and with full participation. At the
same time, it is up to the chair and the members of the body to
maintain common courtesy and decorum. Unless the setting is
very informal, it is always best for only one person at a time to
have the floor, and it is always best for every speaker to be first
recognized by the chair before proceeding to speak.
The chair should always ensure that debate and discussion of an
agenda item focuses on the item and the policy in question, not
the personalities of the members of the body. Debate on policy is
healthy, debate on personalities is not The chair has the right to
cut off discussion that is too personal, is too loud, or is too crude.
Debate and discussion should be focused, but free and open In
the interest of time, the chair may, however, limit the time
allotted to speakers, including members of the body.
Can a member of the body interrupt the speaker? The general
rule is "no." There are, however, exceptions. A speaker may be
interrupted for the following reasons:
Privilege. The proper interruption would be, "point of privilege."
The chair would then ask the interrupter to "state your point."
Appropriate points of privilege relate to anything that would
interfere with the normal comfort of the meeting. For example,
the room may be too hot or too cold, or a blowing fan might
interfere with a person's ability to hear.
Order. The proper interruption would be, "point of order."
Again, the chair would ask the interrupter to "state your point."
Appropriate points of order relate to anything that would not be
considered appropriate conduct of the meeting. For example, if
the chair moved on to a vote on a motion that permits debate
without allowing that discussion or debate.
Appeal. If the chair makes a ruling that a member of the body
disagrees with, that member may appeal the ruling of the chair. If
the motion is seconded, and after debate, if it passes by a simple
majority vote, then the ruling of the chair is deemed reversed.
Call for orders of the day. This is simply another way of
saying, "return to the agenda." If a member believes that the
body has drifted from the agreed -upon agenda, such a call may
be made. It does not require a vote, and when the chair discovers
that the agenda has not been followed, the chair simply reminds
the body to return to the agenda item properly before them. If the
chair fails to do so, the chair's determination may be appealed.
Withdraw a motion. During debate and discussion of a motion,
the maker of the motion on the floor, at any time, may interrupt a
speaker to withdraw his or her motion from the floor. The motion
is immediately deemed withdrawn, although the chair may ask
the person who seconded the motion if he or she wishes to make
the motion, and any other member may make the motion if
properly recognized.
Special Notes About Public Input
The rules outlined above will help make meetings very public.
friendly. But in addition, and particularly for the chair, it is wise
to remember three special rules that apply to each agenda item.
Rule One: Tell the public what the body will be doing
Rule Two: Keep the public informed while the body is doing it
Rule Three: When the body has acted, tell the public what the
body did.
Number: BP 013
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: March 6, 2014
Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration
The purpose of this Board Policy is to adopt charters for the District's Standing Committees.
The Board has determined that it is beneficial to adopt charters for each of the District's
Standing Committees below:
Engineering & Operations
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning
These charters define the mission and goals of the Committees, list key staff liaisons, and set
forth the Committee scope with an emphasis on policy rather than operational matters. They
provide a framework within which the Committees and staff can operate. They can be revised
as needed by the Board.
The General Manager will determine to which Committee items are assigned as they arise, and, in
cases where certain topics may span two Committees, the General Manager may confer with the
Board President for guidance.
[Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]
Number: BP 013
Page 2 of 6
Monthly (subject to rescheduling or cancellation)
Primary Staff
General Manager
Secretary of the District
Director of Administration
Human Resources Manager
Communication Services Manager
Risk Management Administrator
Information Technology Administrator
The Mission of the Administration Committee is to provide input and
Mission/ Goals:
recommendations to the Board regarding administrative policy matters,
including District policies on Human Resources matters, internal
operations, outreach, information technology, and legislation that support
the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan
• Policy development and review
• Oversight of Human Resources policies /matters
• Internal operations
• Effective public outreach
• Review of information technology policies
• Legislative review
• Oversight of Risk Management
• Transparency
The Committee may review and make recommendations to the full Board.
The Committee may direct the General Manager to conduct additional
research on policy issues within the Committee Charter.
The Committee may concur with General Manager recommendations
when within General Manager authority, which will be reported to the
Board as appropriate.
• Develops new, or reviews and revises existing, District policies for
Board consideration
• Reviews and makes recommendations on Human Resources
• Reviews and advises on internal operating issues that fall within
the Committee Charter
• Ensures adequate public outreach of District services and
Number: BP 013
Page 3 of 6
• Reviews District information technology policy matters
• Reviews legislation affecting the District
• Oversees Risk Management and associated legal matters
Accepted by
March 6, 2014
Number: BP 013
Page 4 of 6
Committee Members:
Meeting Schedule:
Monthly subject to rescheduling or cancellation
Primary Staff Liaison:
General Manager
Secretary of the District
Director of Engineering
Director of Operations
Capital Projects Division Manager
Collection System Operations Division Manager
Environmental Services Division Manager
Plant Operations Division Manager
Plant Maintenance Division Manager
Committee Mission/
The Mission of the Engineering & Operations Committee is
primarily to provide oversight and direction to staff on Board -
adopted policy issues relating to the District's Capital
Improvement Program and Operations consistent with the
District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan.
• Fiscal sustainability
• Budgetary transparency
• Ensure appropriate level of internal controls
• Regulatory compliance
• Operational effectiveness /resilience
• Oversight of District Safety Program
Committee Scope:
The Committee may review and make recommendations to the
full Board. The Committee may direct the General Manager to
conduct additional research on policy issues within the
Committee Charter.
The Committee may concur with General Manager
recommendations when within General Manager authority,
which will be reported to the Board as appropriate.
• Reviews Capital Improvement Program and Budget for
planning, funding and regulatory compliance, and
• Reviews Engineering, Plant Operations, Maintenance and
Collection System Operations issues as they arise; keeps
Board informed as to how these issues impact customer
service and the priority of upcoming capital work
• Reviews Asset Management Program
• Reviews and monitors District's Safety Program
Accepted by Board:
March 6, 2014
Number: BP 013
Page 5 of 6
Committee Members:
Meeting Schedule:
Twice a month subject to rescheduling or cancellation
Primary Staff Liaison:
General Manager
Secretary of the District
Director of Administration
Finance Manager
Purchasing and Materials Manager
Committee Mission/
The Mission of the Finance Committee is primarily to provide
financial oversight and direction to staff on adopted policy
issues, and to ensure fiscal sustainability of the District
consistent with the District's Mission, Vision and Values and
Strategic Plan.
• Fiscal sustainability
• Compliance with federal, state, and public financing
• Ensure appropriate level of internal controls
• Recommend policies to safeguard the District's assets
• Transparency
Committee Scope:
The Committee may review and make recommendations to
the full Board. The Committee may direct the General
Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues
within the Committee Charter.
The Committee may concur with General Manager
recommendations when within General Manager authority,
which will be reported to the Board as appropriate.
• Provides recommendations related to the annual
budget, its implementation and future projections
• Reviews financial reports for completeness and
• Oversees proper use of resources
• Reviews development, implementation and oversight of
the District's investment policies and practices
• Reviews expenditures and makes recommendations to
the Board
Accepted by Board:
March 6, 2014
Number: BP 013
Page 6 of 6
Committee Members:
Meeting Schedule:
Monthly subject to cancellation or rescheduling)
Primary Staff Liaison:
General Manager
Secretary of the District
Director of Administration
Director of Engineering
Director of Operations
Environmental Services Division Manager
Committee Mission/
The Mission of the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning
(BEEP) Committee is to ensure long -range planning
that supports the District's Mission, Vision and Values and
Strategic Plan
cost - effectively engage in resource recovery and recycling
• Cost - effectively engage in resource recovery and
recycling activities
• Regulatory compliance
• Appropriate use of District land, resources and facilities
• Long -range planning
• Transparency
Committee Scope:
The Committee may review and make recommendations to the
full Board. The Committee may direct the General Manager to
conduct additional research on policy issues within the
Committee Charter.
The Committee may concur with General Manager
recommendations when within General Manager authority, which
will be reported to the Board as appropriate.
• Reviews long -range planning documents including master
plans and strategic plans
• Oversees the District's regulatory and permitting strategies to
remain in compliance with federal, state and county regulatory
• Oversees use of land resources and facilities in accordance
with District policies
• Reviews year -end annual reports for Household Hazardous
Waste, Pollution Prevention, and Recycled Water
Accepted by Board: I
March 6, 2014
Number: BP 014
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: March 20, 2014
Initiating Dept. /Div.: SOD /ADMIN
To establish a policy for providing mobile computing devices to Board Members to
facilitate implementation of the transition to a paperless agenda process at the District.
If District -owned devices are furnished to Board Members, the parameters set forth
under the following section below will apply. If a Board Member utilizes a personal
mobile computing device rather than a District -owned device to access Board and
Committee agenda packets, only items 8 through 10 will apply.
District -Owned Mobile Computing Devices Offered to All Board Members:
The District will offer to purchase a District -owned mobile computing device for
any Board Member wishing to utilize the device to access the District's electronic
agenda packets. The specifications of the device must meet standards set by
the Information Technology Administrator.
2. Accessories, Etc.: Any District -owned mobile computing device will include at
District expense Wi -Fi and cellular data capability, extended warranty, protective
case, software applications, charging cables, training and support, as necessary
to conduct District business.
3. District E -Mail Accounts: All Board Members must be offered a District email
account through which all District business should be conducted.
4. Personal Use: Personal use of a District -owned mobile computing device is
permitted at the discretion of the Board Member.
5. Cellular Data Plan: A District -owned mobile computing device will be provided
with a cellular data plan at a level sufficient to conduct District business at no
cost to the Board Member. If a Board Member wishes to use the mobile
equipment device for personal use, they will be provided the higher level
Number: BP 014
Page 2 of 2
bandwidth available through the District to accommodate that use, and must
reimburse the District the cost difference between the two data plans or pay for
their own plan.
6. End of Board Member Tenure: Any District -owned mobile computing device
must either be relinquished to the District upon conclusion of a Board Member's
tenure or purchased by the Board Member at current market value as quoted on
Gazelle.com (or similar valuation method), at which time the device will become
the personal property of the owner.
7. Loss/Theft/Damage: If a District -owned mobile computing device is lost, stolen
or damaged, the Board Member must notify the Secretary of the District
immediately. All District -owned devices are required to have a password to block
access to the District e -mail account in the event the device is lost or stolen.
8. Personal Mobile Computing Devices: Any Board Member wishing to utilize a
personal mobile computing device rather than a District -owned device to access
Board and Committee agenda packets must bear all costs associated with that
device, including any cellular data plan; however, the District will reimburse any
such Board Member for the cost of software applications necessary to conduct
District business.
9. E- Communications During Meetings: Mobile computing devices are being
provided to Board Members for use during Board meetings and Committee
meetings to access the District's paperless agenda materials. Use of electronic
devices to communicate with other Board Members during public Board or
Committee meetings is prohibited by this policy. Any other use during public
Board or Committee meetings is discouraged. The goal is for Board Members to
be present and engaged in the meeting. The Brown Act should be adhered to
with all electronic communications.
10. Public Records Act/Due Process: District records, whether paper or
electronic, are governed by the public disclosure requirements of the California
Public Records Act. In the event that a message is received by a member of the
Board or Committee during a meeting regarding a matter that is on the agenda
for said meeting, the content of the message shall be disclosed publically to the
entire Board or Committee as it has been received during the consideration of
the matter at an open and public meeting. It will become a part of the public
[Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]
Purchasing Duties
Goals and Objectives of the Purchasing Division
Coordination with District Departments
Requisition Review
5 -9
General Requirements
Statement of Philosophy
Institute for Supply Management Public Purchasing Standards
California Association of Public Purchasing Officers Standards
Conflict of Interest Regulations
Purchasing for Personal Use
Gifts and Gratuities
Unethical Use of Confidential Information
Recovery of Value Transferred or Received
Sanctions for Ethical Violations
10 -14
General Requirements
Authorized Signature List and Approval Limits Form
Approval of Agreements and Agreement Amendments
Types of Agreements
Approval of Agreements - Authorization Limits Matrix
Amendments to Agreements
Approval of Contracts and Contract Change Orders
Equipment Budget Expenditures
Equipment Item Overrun
15 -29
General Requirements
Objective of Purchasing
Purchases of $500 or Less — Best Judgment Purchases
Purchases Greater than $500
Purchases Greater than $3,500
District Projects
Getting Started with the Acquisition Process
Methods of Acquisition
Purchase Requisition
Quotation and Formal Bid Processes
Annual Contracts
Definition of District Project and Related Terms
District Project
Sewer Facility
Prevailing Wages
Chapter Page
4 District Projects of $15,000 or Less
District Projects Greater than $15,000
Exemptions to Competitive Pricing
Goods and Services Valued at $3,500 or Less
Annual Contracts
Emergency Purchases
Extraordinary Circumstances
Best Interest of the District
Governmental Agencies
Cooperative and "Piggyback" Purchases
Unique Goods and Sole Source Purchases
Proprietary Source
Trade or Brand Name Items to Match Existing Items
Purchase for Field Test or Pilot Test
Purchase of Replacement Parts
Purchases and Leases of Real Property
Risk Management Claims Settlement
Travel and Per Diem
Utility Services
Books, Subscriptions and Periodicals
Safety Shoes
Safety Glasses
Acquisition Matrix — Figure 4.A
Purchase Instrument Matrix — Figure 4.13
30 -39
General Requirements
Information Systems
Grant - Funded Programs
Requisitioning Fleet Equipment
Materials Services Stock
Annual Contracts
Procurement Card Purchase
Field Purchase Order
Blanket Purchase Order
Payment Authorization
Petty Cash
Emergency Purchases
Office Furniture
Office Supplies
Safety Glasses
Safety Shoes
Sole Source Purchases
Sole Source Justification Form
Books, Subscriptions and Periodicals
Employee Uniforms
Make or Buy
Use of the District's Name
Cooperative and Piggyback Purchases
Chapter Page
Program Evaluation
43 -50
General Requirements
Supplier Visits with Purchasing Division Buying Staff
Supplier Visits with Other District Employees
Supplier Contact with District Departments During Bid Process
Supplier Offers of Free Trials and Samples
Supplier Offers of Free Repairs
Production Samples for Evaluation
Product Endorsements
Suppliers as Consultants
Releasing Pricing Information or Bid Results
Supplier Protests
Confidential Supplier Information
Bidders' List Development and Management
Bidders' List
Grounds for Removal from Bidders' List
Supplier and Contractor Outreach
51 -54
General Requirements
Competitive Pricing
Restrictions on Competition
Anti- Competitive Practices
Exemptions to Competitive Pricing
55 -59
General Requirements
Types of Specifications
Standard Specifications
Brand Name Specifications
Qualified Products Lists
Design Specifications
Performance Specifications
Specification Checklist
Value Analysis
60 -62
General Requirements
Preparing the Scope of Work Exhibit
11 QUOTATIONS 63 -66
Purpose 63
Policy 63
Chapter Page
11 General Requirements 63
Cooperative and Piggyback Purchasing 65
Sole Source Purchases 65
67 -86
General Requirements
Definition of a District Project
Definition of a Sewer Facility
Definition of Repair
Definition of Maintenance
Annual Contracts
Lease and Rental of Goods and Authorizations for Services
Segmenting of District Projects into Multiple Units
Use of District Force Account Labor
Change Orders
Preference for Materials
Pre - Qualification and Other Alternative Bidding Procedures
District Projects Less than or Equal to $15,000
District Projects Greater than $15,000
Invitation to Bid /Bid Request
Pre -Bid Conference
Form of Bid
Receipt and Control of Bids
Late Bids
Bid Opening
Insufficient Number of Bid Copies
Bid Acceptance and Bid Evaluation
Mistakes in Bid Detected Prior to Bid Opening
Mistakes in Bid Detected after Bid Opening
Relief of Bidders
Minor Informalities and Irregularities in Bids
Background Review of Contractors
Partial Award
Tie Bids
Exception to Award to Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder
Cancellation of Bid or Rejection of All Bids
Notice of Cancellation or Rejection of Bids
Disclosure of Bid Results
Award of Contract
Bid Bonds and Contract Bonds
Inspection of Plant and Audit of Records
Exemptions to Competitive Bidding
Emergency Purchases
Extraordinary Circumstances
Best Interest of the District
Governmental Agencies
Cooperative and "Piggyback" Purchases
Unique Goods and Sole Source Purchases
Proprietary Source
Trade or Brand Name Item to Match Existing Items
Purchase for Field Test or Pilot Test
Purchase of Replacement Parts
12 Purchases and Leases of Real Property 86
Utility Services 86
87 -94
General Requirements
Contractual Requirements
Solicitation of Responses to the RFP
Pre - Proposal Conferences and Equipment Demonstrations
Amendments to the RFP
Modification or Withdrawal of Proposals
Late Proposals
Receipt and Registration of Proposals
Evaluation of Proposals
Evaluation Factors
Methods of Evaluation
Utilizing a Scoring Method
Negotiate with Most Responsive Offeror
Double- Tiered Proposal
Award and Execution of the Contract or Agreement
Development of the Contract or Agreement Document
Other Considerations
Public Inspection
Rejection of Proposals
95 -99
General Requirements
Criteria and Guidelines for Utilization
Criteria and Guidelines for Selection
Selection Procedures
Informal Selection Procedures — Fees Less than $30,000
Informal Selection Procedures — Fees $30,000 - $100,000
Formal Selection Procedures — Fees Greater than $100,000
Debriefing Policy
100 -113
General Requirements
Elements of a Contract
Uniform Commercial Code and the Statute of Frauds
Contract Types
Professional Consulting Services Agreement
Technical Consulting Services Agreement
Professional Engineering Services Agreement
Joint Powers Agreement
Lease and Lease Purchase Contract
Rental Contract
Equipment Maintenance and Supply Contract
Capital Project/Public Works Contract
Annual Contract
Purchase Order
Confirming Purchase Order
Blanket Purchase Order
Field Purchase Order
15 Procurement Card
Compensation for Contracts and Agreements
Cost Plus Fixed Fee
Lump Sum Price
Lump Sum with Escalator
Lump Sum with Incentive
Hourly Rate with Cost Reimbursement and a Ceiling on Total Project
Daily Compensation with Cost Reimbursement
Monthly Compensation
Net Rate
Time and Materials
Contract Costs and Contract Payments
Rate of Compensation
Incidental Costs
Transportation Costs
Other Expenses
Progress Payments
Advance Payments
Contract Requirements
Retroactive Contracts
Approval and Commencement of Work
Contract Splitting
Contractor's Standard Contract Form
Retention of Contracts and Agreements
Cancellation Due to Unavailability of Funds (Funding -Out)
Contract and Agreement Preparation and Processing
Model Contracts and Agreements
District Departments Are Not Contracting Entities
Creating an Agreement
Creating a Contract
Annual Contracts
Contract Periods for Annual Contracts
114 -129
General Contract Administration Requirements
Contract Monitoring
Project Manager
Administrative Controls
Work Progress
Cost Controls
Amending a Contract
Renewing a Contract
Closing Out a Contract
Terminating a Contract
Stop Work Order
Outstanding Contract Obligations
Engineering and Operations Departments Contracts
Closing Out a District Project Contract
Final Inspection of Work
Acceptance of Work
Notice of Completion
Payment of Retention
Terminating a District Project Contract
Liquidated Damages
Purchase Order Contracts
"Price in Effect at Time of Shipment"
Breach of Contract
Actual Breach
Anticipatory Breach
Substantial Performance 127
Supplier's Right to Cure 127
Enforcement of Contract Provisions 127
Contract Files 128
130 -140
General Requirements - Insurance
A.M. Best's Rating
Additional Insured
Insurance Certificates
Insurance and Verbal Orders
Responsibility for Obtaining Insurance Certificates
Minimum Scope of Insurance
Limits of Insurance
General Liability Insurance
Automobile Liability Insurance
Workers' Compensation Insurance
Employer's Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Builder's Risk Insurance
Workers' Compensation Self- Insurance
Additional Insured Endorsements
Insurance Primary
Patent, Copyright and Trade Secret Indemnification
Deductibles and Self- Insured Retention
Termination or Cancellation of Policies
Basic Steps for Administering Insurance Requirements
Transit Insurance
Mailing Address
Insurance Record Retention
General Requirements — Bonds
Types of Bonds
Bid Bond
Payment or Labor and Materials Bond
Performance Bond
Warranty Bond
Fidelity Bond
Limits of Bonds
District Standards for Acceptable Surety Companies
141 -144
General Requirements
Planned Purchases
Freight Charges
Price Auditing
Prompt Payment Discounts
145 -147
19 General Requirements
Authorized Receiving Points
General Receiving Instructions
Inspecting Goods after Delivery
Lost or Damaged Goods
Filing Claims
Incorrect Goods
General Requirements
Supplier Responsibilities
Advance Payments
Problem Areas in Payment Processing
Sales and Use Tax on Transportation Charges
Liability for Sales and Use Tax
Items Exempt from Sales and Use Tax
Minimizing Sales and Use Tax
Federal Excise Tax
General Requirements
Surplus and Scrap Material
Trade -Ins and Disposal of Equipment
Sale, Scrap and Disposal of District Property
148 -149
150 -152
153 -154
Public Contract Code
Bid Procedure
Departmental Instruction
requires that construction
contracts in excess of
$15,000 be publicly bid
Capital Improvement Budget
Board sets authorization
Allocation (CIBA) Request
Departmental Instruction
levels in CIB, but staff
mana es process
Changes to Procedures
Departmental Instruction
Consultant Procurement
Purchasing Policy and
Policy & Procedure
Procedures Manual
(adopted by Board)
Contractual Assessment
Board Policy BP 010
District (CAD) Policy
District Project & Job
Departmental Instruction
Guidelines for Pre - Litigation &
Departmental Instruction
Litigation Documents
HTE Correction Notification
Departmental Instruction
Notice to Proceed-
Departmental Instruction
Construction Contracts
Pre -Bid Conference
Departmental Instruction
Pre - Construction Meetings
Departmental Instruction
Recording Documents nd
Departmental Instruction
Picking Up Assessors Maps
Responding to Bidders
Request for Clarification,
Preparation, & Issuance of
Departmental Instruction
Addenda, & Incorporation of
Addenda into Bid Documents
Review of Bids
Departmental Instruction
Safety Equipment & Training
Departmental Instruction
Contents is driven by
Integrated Pest Management
Board Policy BP 004
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \Engineering List.doc
2011 Year End Closing
Departmental Instruction
Computer Loan Program
Board Policy BP 001
CSOD Interim Director
Departmental Instruction
Needs to be deleted
(Director appointed)
Emergency Withdrawal from
Departmental Instruction
Governed by IRS
Furniture and Equipment
Departmental Instruction
Managers' Cell Phone
Board Policy BP 009
Established by MOU
Cell phones as taxable benefit
Managers' Education
Expense Reimbursement
Administrative Procedure
Established by MOU
Petty Cash Procedure
Administrative Procedure
Signature Authority Matrix
Departmental Instruction
Authority Limits established
Telephone Reimbursement
Administrative Procedure
Policy Directive
Travel Expense
Departmental Instruction
Reimbursement Instructions
Investment Policy
Board Policy BP 005
Administrative Procedure
Cash Reserve Guidelines
Administrative Procedure
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \Finance List.doc
Software Purchasing
Departmental Instruction
E -mail Policy
Administrative Procedure
Shared with Secretary of
the District
Electronic Property
Administrative Procedure
Shared with Human
Mobile Computing Devices for
Board Members
Board Policy BP 014
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \IT List.doc
Lab Policies & Procedures
Departmental Instruction
Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP s)
See attached Index
Hazardous Energy Control
Departmental Instruction
Standard Operating
Departmental Instruction
Dana Lawson is currently
working on this list
Preventative Maintenance
Departmental Instruction
(PM) Procedures
(See attached Index)
Plant Operations Painting
Departmental Instruction
Colors by brand
(See attached chart)
Coating system & general
Plant System Color Schedule
Departmental Instruction
See attached schedule
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \POD List.doc
(See attached Table of Contents from
Purchasing Policy Manual kept in
Stephanie King's office)
Annual Contracts
Administrative Procedure
Approvals & Authorizations
Board Policy
Authorized Signature List
Administrative Procedure
Board Policy for GM &
Staff Authority
Blanket Purchase Order
Administrative Procedure
Completing Payment
Administrative Procedure
Authorization Form
Consultant Selection
Administrative Procedure
& Board Policy
Contract Administration
Administrative Procedure
Contract & Agreement
Administrative Procedure
Cooperative Purchasing
Administrative Procedure
Cost Control Methods
Administrative Procedure
District Projects
State Law &
State Law
Board Policy
Emergency Purchase Orders
Administrative Procedure
Board determines
& Board Policy
Recycled Product
Procurement (Environmentally
Board Policy.
Preferable Purchasing Policy)
Equipment Budget
Board Policy
Administrative Procedure
Some Administrative
Ethical Considerations
& Board Policy
Procedure, more Board
Fair & Open Competition
Board Policy
Federal, State, & Local Tax
Administrative Procedure
Insurance & Bonds
Administrative Procedure
Introduction to Manual
Departmental Instruction
Introduction to Purchasing
Administrative Procedure
Materials Services Stock
Departmental Instruction
Office Furniture
Departmental Instruction
Office Supplies
Departmental Instruction
Payment Procedures
Administrative Procedure
Petty Cash Fund
Board Policy
Purchasing Manual & Quick
Administrative Procedure
Combination of both
Reference Guidelines
& Board Policy
Purchase Requisition
Administrative Procedure
Purchases Greater Than
Board Policy
Purchases Grater Than $500
& Less Than or Equal To
Board Policy
Purchases Less Than or
Board Policy
Equal To $500
Quick Reference Acquisition
Departmental Instruction
Quick Reference Purchase
Departmental Instruction
Instrument Matrix
Administrative Procedure
Receiving Procedures
Administrative Procedure
Request for Proposals
Administrative Procedure
Safety Glasses
Board Policy
Governed by MOU
Safety Shoes
Board Policy
Governed by MOU
Scope of Work Development
Administrative Procedure
Sole & Proprietary Source
Board Policy
Special Purchases &
Administrative Procedure
More Administrative
Procedure & some Board
& Board Policy
Specification Development
Administrative Procedure
Board Policy
Departmental Instruction
Supplier Relations & Supplier
Administrative Procedure
Surplus Equipment
Board Policy
Understanding the Role of
Administrative Procedure
(Items on this page are all
In the Safety Procedures Manual
Kept in Shari Deutsch's office and
others kept in separate binders as noted)
Injury & Illness Prevention
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Hazard Identification,
Assessment & Control
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Accident & Incident Reporting
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
& Investigation
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Confined Spaces Program
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Fall Protection Program
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Hazard Communication
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Disease Prevention &
Bloodborne Pathogens
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Exposure Control Plan
Respiratory Hazard Analysis
Matrix, Appendix A
Departmental Instruction
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
List of Job / Respiratory
Classifications, Appendix B
Departmental Instruction
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Respiratory Protection
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Hearing Conservation
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Fire Prevention Program
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Industrial Trucks (Forklift)
Safety Procedures
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Motorized Vehicle & Driver
Administrative Procedure
CalOSHA & Federal OSHA
Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility
Departmental Instruction
POD Standard Operating
Safety Procedures
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \Safety & Risk Management List.doc
Emergency Communications
Administrative Procedure
Separate Binder
California Emergency
Emergency Operations Plan
Board Policy
Service Act — Separate
Separate Binder for the
Emergency Response &
Departmental Instruction
Emergency Response &
Contingency Plans
the Contingency Plan is
shared with POD
Key Control Procedure &
Departmental Instruction
State Law &
Workers Compensation
Administrative Procedure
Shared with Human
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \Safety & Risk Management List.doc
Accessing District Libraries
Departmental Instruction
via InMagic
Conference Room
Departmental Instruction
Board Teleconferencing
Board Policy BP 007
E -Mail Policy
Administrative Procedure
Shared with IT
Fed Ex Procedures
Departmental Instruction
Gas Card Refueling
Department Instruction
Notice to Contractors for Bids
Departmental Instruction
MPR Set -up — Outside
Departmental Instruction
Placing Orders for Books,
Departmental Instruction
Publications etc.
Pool Vehicle Reservations
Departmental Instruction
Public Records Requests —
Departmental Instruction
Fee Schedule
Public Records Requests -
Departmental Instruction
Needs formatting
Public Records Requests —
Administrative Procedure
Governed by Public
Records Act
Audio Visual Equipment
Departmental Instruction
Board Presentations
Departmental Instruction
Parliamentary Procedures
Board Policy BP 012
Position Paper Deadlines
Departmental Instruction
Changed annually
Proposition 218 Protest Policy
Board Policy BP 011
Records Archiving and
Departmental Instruction
N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \SOD List.doc
Records Management and
Records Retention
Departmental Instruction
Records Retention Schedules
Board Policy BP 006
Updates approved by
Board as needed
Records Archives — Requests
Departmental Instruction
and Returns
Requesting Labels Using
Departmental Instruction
Standing Committee Charters
Board Policy BP 013
Style Guidelines
Departmental Instruction
N:\ADMINSUPWDMIN \DIST- SEC \Policies & Procedures Board & Administrative \PROJECT - Separating Policies
from Procedures \SOD List.doc