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Lower Walnut Creek
Flood Protection and Habitat Restoration Project:
Phase 1 - Project Visioning and
Restoration Implementation
EPA San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund Initial Proposal
April 30, 2014
Phase 1 of the Lower Walnut Creek Flood Protection and Habitat Restoration Project consists of a
comprehensive visioning, planning, and public outreach effort for the entire project area and
implementation of a significant component of the project: tidal marsh restoration at the mouth of
Lower Walnut Creek, Basin 2 of Pacheco Marsh. Building on the EPA - funded "Flood Control 2.0"
project, this proposed project will continue to advance the planning and implementation of
innovative multi- objective flood control and habitat restoration projects in the Bay Area.
The Walnut Creek watershed is the largest in Contra Costa County, draining over 150 square miles,
and containing eight cities, several unincorporated communities, and over 300,000 residents. The
lowest, or most downstream, portion of the watershed is called Lower Walnut Creek, and consists
of a wide trapezoidal earth channel with levees on one or both sides approximately 3 miles in
length. The channel is heavily impacted by sediment and has partially silted up, which affects its
flood carrying capacity. However, simply removing the sediment with traditional removal methods
negatively impacts habitat and wildlife associated with the channel and also is a short term
solution, as the sediment quickly returns. The long -term vision for the area is to have a sustainable
channel that provides critical flood protection while also providing important habitat for plants and
animals, and regional trails for recreation. This will be achieved by moving back the channel levees
in the lower reaches, or otherwise allowing flood waters to access the historic floodplain. The
project is a rare opportunity to create Bay wetlands and riparian habitat on a major Bay Area
The Lower Walnut Creek Flood Protection and Restoration Project (LWC Project) incorporates a
new way of approaching the traditional methods of operating and maintaining a flood control
facility. This alternative approach moves away from the single purpose design to a sustainable plan
that will increase flood protection while accommodating sediment and increasing habitat, including
improving fish passage. At a cost of $15 -$20 million to build the complete LWC Project, the Contra
Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (CCCFCWCD) recognizes the need to
undertake the project in phases, while simultaneously planning for a comprehensive, integrated
project that meets multiple objectives.
Under a previous EPA SFBWQIF grant, the multi- partner Flood Control 2.0 (FC2.0) project is
creating regional tools for advancing multi - objective flood control and habitat restoration projects.
Under that grant, $50,000 is allocated to the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) to work with
CCCFCWCD to synthesize existing data and reports pertaining to the geomorphology and hydrology
of the Walnut Creek flood control channel. This proposal builds on that foundational task by
advancing the planning, design, public outreach, and implementation of the LWC Project. By having
local flood protection and wastewater engineers working directly with the Regional Science
Advisory Team convened under FC2.0 to re- envision the LWC landscape, we have the ability to
create an ecosystem -based plan that is sufficiently practical to leverage substantial funding for
integrated flood protection and ecosystem improvements.
Lower Walnut Creek
This project carries out the much - needed translation between regional ecosystem restoration and
climate change adaptation goals, through complex multi- partner implementation. The San
Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) will provide overall project administration and assistance
with project visioning and public outreach, and CCFCWCD will lead the implementation of the
project. SFEI will provide science support, including developing information on the historical
ecology of the Lower Walnut Creek area, facilitating science workshops to advance the LWC Project,
and providing assistance with project monitoring. Other partners include East Bay Regional Park
District, Muir Heritage Land Trust, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and the Walnut Creek
Watershed Council.
The project has the following two objectives that will be developed concurrently:
• Plan, design, and build a tidal marsh restoration project using FC2.0 tools that will
inform the visioning and planning for the larger LWC Project
• Conduct a visioning and planning effort for the LWC Project that will inform the
restoration project and catalyze the next phases of restoration
1. Lower Walnut Creek Flood Protection and Habitat Restoration Project Visioning
Lower Walnut Creek offers an exceptional opportunity within the region to restore tidal
marshlands with a direct local freshwater and sediment supply, and within an ecologically
critical and under - supported portion of the estuary. To successfully achieve this potential will
require developing an ecosystem -based vision for integrating wetland restoration, flood
protection, wastewater reuse, and recreation into an integrated, resilient landscape. A key part
of the project therefore will be to develop a vision for the larger LWC Project that will guide
both the Phase 1 Pacheco Marsh restoration and the subsequent phases.
The Visioning task will build on the successful process developed in FC2.0 and most recently
demonstrated on Novato Creek in Marin County, which brings together regional science experts
with local managers and appropriate data. While existing FC2.0 funding will support an initial
"brainstorming" workshop for Lower Walnut Creek, the proposed project will produce an
actionable conceptual plan with additional science support and a resulting report. Regional
conceptual models for flood control channels that integrate historical ecology and sediment
analyses that are currently being developed under FC2.0 will be leveraged to inform the
conceptual design for Lower Walnut Creek.
Broad partner engagement in the process will include active participation and some matching
funds from a variety of companies, organizations and agencies, including Muir Heritage Land
Trust, East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, the
Walnut Creek Watershed Council, and Tesoro Refinery. Furthermore, CCCFCWCD will
contribute over $300,000 to the public outreach and community-based planning process,
ensuring that the resulting vision is not only scientifically sound but broadly supported.
2. Lower Walnut Creek Historical Ecology Study
Engineers, planners, and conservationists in central Contra Costa County have voiced a need for
detailed historical information to improve environmental management activities in this region
and to inform long -term solutions. Historical ecological data improve understanding of current
landscape processes, offering a new set of tools to scientists and managers charged with
designing tomorrow's resilient, sustainable systems. Historical ecology also helps build a
deeper connection to the local landscape, strengthening public engagement and stewardship.
For the LWC Project, there are no local examples of how stream and riparian features connected
to tidal channel networks, tidal marshlands, and natural levees to guide this type of innovative
project and allow it to maximize habitat restoration.
To fill this information need, the study will develop a picture of Lower Walnut Creek as it
functioned under more natural conditions and analyze how it provided desired ecological and
hydrological functions. The project will create maps and graphics showing the extent and
spatial relationships of riparian and Bay habitats, describing key ecological linkages and
connectivity; the position, shape, length, and size of tidal channels connecting to the creek; and
channel cross - sectional specifications. It also aims to generate public interest in watershed
planning activities, providing a communication and education tool for interfacing with the
public. The Historical Ecology Study will be funded by Central Contra Costa Sanitation District
and the Mountain View Sanitary District as match for the project.
3. Walnut Creek Tidal Marsh Restoration Project (Pacheco Marsh Basin 2)
Based on the data and vision developed in Tasks 1 and 2, the project will implement Phase 1 of
the LWC Project; a strategically significant restoration of marsh at the mouth of Walnut Creek.
Pacheco Marsh was historically part of a broad band of coastal brackish marsh along the
southwestern portion of Suisun Bay near Carquinez Strait A network of tidal channels
conveyed water, sediment, and nutrients from Suisun Bay onto the marshplain and supported
natural tidal marsh functions. Prior to human intervention, Walnut Creek Channel (then
Pacheco Slough) was a narrow tidal slough. By the late 1950s, constructed levees had
eliminated tidal inundation onto the northern portion of the site. Additional levees were
constructed in the late 1960s around the perimeter of the 120 -acre Pacheco Marsh and the site
was used to receive dredge material from the flood control project along Walnut Creek Channel,
substantially raising ground elevations.
CCCFCWCD acquired the Pacheco Marsh property in 2002, in partnership with the Muir
Heritage Land Trust and the EBRPD. As stated in the Memorandum of Understanding between
these agencies, the main goal of the acquisition is to restore wetland and wildlife habitat while
accommodating the existing uses of the site and planning for future recreation projects.
According to analyses done by SFEI for the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Climate Change
Update, the marshes along the Walnut Creek shoreline are one of only four patches of tidal
marsh in San Francisco Bay larger than 1000 ha, and the only one adjacent to Suisun Bay in the
brackish part of the estuary. Tidal marsh restoration in this part of the estuary has received less
Lower Walnut Creek
attention than the South Bay or San Pablo Bay, but is particularly important because of its
ecologically significant location. The 1999 Baylands Goals Project identified the significance of
restoring marsh here to improve habitat for anadromous fishes, including migratory
Sacramento River salmon, as well as endangered Clapper Rails, and to increase the detrital
input to the low- salinity zone recognized as essential for Delta smelt.
In 2004, Phil Williams and Associates prepared a Pacheco Marsh Restoration Plan for the Muir
Heritage Trust and CCCFCWCD. The report details site conditions, and for planning purposes
divides the property into four sub - basins. The report evaluates several restoration alternatives
for the four sub - basins and provides greater detail for the preferred alternative. The preferred
alternative, based on both ecological value and cost, is a combination of tidal marsh and
transitional and upland habitats. For Basin 2 specifically, the preferred alternative consists of
creating 21 acres of habitat. The exact acreage of each habitat type will be determined during
the final design process.
This first phase is highly achievable and, while the acreage size is not as large as is possible in
some other areas, it is highly strategic. Restoration of Pacheco Marsh Basin 2 will greatly
improve the connectivity between portions of marsh on either side of Walnut Creek,
contributing to an important corridor along the salinity gradient for species movement in
response to changing salinity conditions. The project increases the resilience of the Bay
ecosystem to climate change in multiple ways. The marsh is well located adjacent to Walnut
Creek, a stream with a substantial sediment supply, which will help the marsh be resilient to sea
level rise. Restoration of marshes in the brackish part of the estuary is also extremely important
for overall estuary adaptation, as salt marshes will need to move up- gradient to maintain
appropriate conditions.
Pacheco Marsh offers a unique opportunity to incorporate treated effluent from the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District outfall pipeline that runs through the marsh to create freshwater
wetlands within the site, particularly at the higher elevations where excavation costs are high.
Design of the Basin 2 restoration project will allow for future opportunities to integrate treated
effluent from the pipeline.
The restoration of Pacheco Marsh Basin 2 also provides a significant opportunity for greater
public awareness of and involvement in the entire LWC Project. As part of the restoration of
Basin 2, the CCCFCWCD is partnering with Muir Heritage Land Trust to create a small area for
parking, trail staging and public education. The staging area at the south end of Basin 2 would
provide connections to the planned development of the EBRPD's Iron Horse Trail along Walnut
Creek (a multi -use, whole- access trail between the cities of Concord and Dublin) and the
planned Delta Trail (linking the San Francisco Bay Trail system to the planned Sacramento
River trails in Yolo and Sacramento Counties). Public access to the Pacheco Marsh restoration
site will provide the CCCFCWCD and the Muir Heritage Land Trust with opportunities to engage
the public in the project and build public excitement and support for future phases. The
CCCFCWCD intends to further engage the public in monitoring and stewardship of the project,
through the Contra Costa Volunteer Creek Monitoring Program (a time - tested comprehensive
volunteer bioassessment program) and through a partnership with the New Leaf Leadership
Lower Walnut Creek
Academy, an innovative program within a Martinez high school where students partner with
community agencies to conduct wildlife monitoring and other environmental services.
Implementation of the Pacheco Marsh Basin 2 project within the context of the entire LWC
Project constitutes a critical first phase with short term outputs that will advance significant
long term outcomes. The CCCFCWCD is highly motivated and committed to completing the LWC
Project and will, with the coalition of project partners, provide both in -kind staff time and funds
for construction as match.
Increased flooding due to elevated sea level and increasingly intensive storms from climate change
requires increased need for flood protection in the Lower Walnut Creek area. Development of
conceptual designs for the LWC Project will be informed by knowledge of existing and projected
future risk from rising sea levels and increasing storm intensity, and will include a variety of
adaptation strategies including moving back channel levees, reducing in- channel sedimentation and
creation of riparian and tidal marsh habitats.
The Pacheco Marsh Basin 2 restoration project will be designed to maximize adaptability of the site
to increasing sea level. Unlike many potential restoration sites around the Bay, the historic use of
the property for placing dredge material has produced "elevation capital" that allows for cost -
effective adaptation to sea level rise without the need for placement of material to raise elevations.
With the inherent flexibility provided by the high elevations of the site, the final designs will
facilitate marsh establishment based on the most recent studies on elevation and restoration in the
Bay. In addition, the project will create a sediment source for the marsh from Walnut Creek,
allowing it to keep pace with rising sea levels. Finally, the project will create upland transition areas
for high tide refugia for wildlife and additional room for marsh transgression.
All project activities will be completed within four years. This includes the regional science forums,
project vision and conceptual plan, public outreach and historical ecology for the Lower Walnut
Creek Project. Final design, permitting and implementation of the Pacheco Marsh Basin 2
Restoration Project will be completed, as well as one year of post - project monitoring.
The project supports implementation of several objectives and actions in the CCMP: Aquatic
Resources Objective AR -4, Action AR -4.10; Wildlife Objective WL -1, Actions WL 1.1, WL -1.4;
Wetlands Management Objective WT -1, Action WT -1.3; Wetlands Management Objective WT -4,
Actions WT -4.2, WT -4.3; Wetlands Management Objective WT -5, Action WT -5.1; Pollution
Prevention Objective PO -4, Actions PO -4.1, PO -4.2, and PO -4.3. The project also supports
implementation of the San Francisco Bay joint Venture's Implementation Strategy, the Baylands
Ecosystem Habitat Goals and forthcoming Climate Change Update, and the Bay Area Integrated
Regional Water Management Plan.
Lower Walnut Creek
• Technical Memorandum from science
workshop with initial evaluation of
potential for recovering Bay habitats
and functions in the Lower Walnut '
Creek project
• Community outreach materials/ public
workshop summary covering Science
Workshop and Historical Ecology
• Website, brochures, newsletter and
other public outreach materials
• Educational materials (i.e., interpretive
panels) at Pacheco Marsh site
• Summaries from 4 -6 public workshops
• Well- illustrated, publicly accessible
vision and conceptual plan for an
integrated, resilient landscape for
Lower Walnut Creek Project
• GIS layers depicting historical channel
alignment and floodplain •
characteristics for lower Walnut Creek
• Final design and engineering plans for
Pacheco Marsh
• Permits for Pacheco Marsh project
• Approved QAPP for Pacheco Marsh
(1-4 years)
21 Acres of new habitat
consisting of tidal marsh,
adjacent transitional habitat
and upland habitat
supporting several
threatened and endangered
species including the Salt -
marsh harvest mouse,
California Black Rail and
California Clapper Rail
Existing tidal marshes
connected to new, high
elevation tidal marsh with
adjacent upland transition
zone providing high tide
refuge and sea level rise
Staging area (up to 200' x
200') for parking and public
education /outreach
• Increased public awareness
and support for Lower
Walnut creek project
through public access, citizen
monitoring and partnership
with local schools
• Site preparation including excavation
of dredge material, grading, channel •
excavation, levee lowering, and
• Pre- and post - project
monitoring /assessment using EPA -
supported tools such as CRAM and
• At least 30 students and volunteers
actively monitoring site for one year
post - project
• Application of regional Flood Control
2.0 approaches and tools to one of the
largest Bay Area watersheds
Lower Walnut Creek
Increased delivery of marsh
productivity to the Suisun
Bay low salinity zone,
supporting native fisheries
(5 -10 years)
• Increased flood protection
and sediment trapping to
keep pace with sea level rise
• Restoration and increased
flood protection for over 3
miles of Lower Walnut
Creek, including restoring or
enhancing 400 acres of tidal
marsh, upland transition
zone, and riparian habitat
• Increased long term
resilience to climate change
for the Lower Walnut Creek
area through restoring
multiple, connected tidal
marshes with direct fluvial
sediment input
• Restoration of key estuarine
ecological processes (e.g.,
sedimentation, nutrient
exchange) by increasing
connectivity between a
major Bay Area stream, tidal
marshes, and the Bay
• Opportunities for increased
fresh and brackish marsh
habitat using treated
• Reduction in effluent and
nutrient discharge to Bay
• Reduction of sediment input
and heavy metals from flood
flows through increased
tidal marsh acreage
The LWCFPHRP encompasses the current and historical Walnut Creek floodplain
downstream of Highway 4. In phase I, tidal marsh will be restored at Pacheco Marsh.
Lower Walnut Creek
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Lower Walnut Creek Restoration —
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- Improved aquatic, riverine, and marsh habitat
- Expanded recreation opportunities
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