HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.d. Adopt SF Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) UpdateBoard Meeting Date: May 1 2014 Subject: APPROVE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Melody LaBella Engineering /Environmental Services Provisional Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Environmental Services Division Manager 1 N. Hodges — Provisional Senior Engineer Roger S. Bai y General Mana er ISSUE: Recipients of Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (Proposition 84) grant funding are required to approve a resolution adopting the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Update. RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution adopting the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Update. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If this resolution is not adopted, the District will not be able to receive the proceeds from the $1,030,000 grant awarded to the District through the Bay Area IRWMP for the Concord Landscape Recycled Water Project, District Project 7299. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: No other alternatives were considered. BACKGROUND: In January 2011, the District, in partnership with other Bay Area water and wastewater agencies, submitted a grant application to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to obtain an Integrated Regional Water Management Implementation Grant pursuant to Proposition 84, the California Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006. In August 2011, DWR awarded approximately $30 million in Proposition 84 grant funding for Bay Area projects, including $1.03 million for the District's Concord Landscape Project. The Bay Area Clean Water Agencies ( BACWA) submitted the grant application to DWR on behalf of participating agencies, and BACWA will be the contracting entity to administer the grant agreement with DWR and will establish individual implementation agreements with each agency receiving grant funding. Recipients of Proposition 84 grant funding were required to authorize a resolution accepting the terms of the implementation agreement with BACWA and the grant funding agreement between BACWA and DWR. C: \Users \danderson\HppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Adopt Bay Area IRWMP 5 -1 -14 Final.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 1, 2014 Subject: APPROVE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE On July 19, 2012, the Board adopted a resolution accepting the terms of the Proposition 84 IRWMP grant for the Concord Landscape Project and authorized the General Manager to execute the grant implementation agreement with BACWA. A condition of that grant implementation agreement requires that agencies receiving grant funding must adopt the latest IRWMP prior to receiving the grant proceeds. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee reviewed this item at their April 8, 2014 meeting, and recommended Board adoption. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve resolution adopting the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Update. C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Adopt Bay Area IRWMP 5 -1 -14 Final.doc Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION 2014 - ADOPTING THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE WHEREAS, the State electorate approved multiple statewide bond measures since 2000, including Propositions 50 and 84, to fund water and natural resource projects and programs, including Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM); and WHEREAS, the benefits of integrated planning for water resources management activities include increased efficiency or effectiveness, enhanced collaboration across agencies and stakeholders, and improved responsiveness to regional needs and priorities; and WHEREAS, state statute and guidelines required that an IRWM Plan be adopted by the governing boards of participating agencies before IRWM grant funds would be provided for water resources management projects that are part of the IRWM Plan; and WHEREAS, several of the participating agencies in the Bay Area jointly submitted an IRWM grant application for state consideration where a condition for funding required the Bay Area IRWM Plan to be adopted by January 1, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Bay Area agencies that received funding in previous grant rounds did adopt the Bay Area IRWM Plan before such funds were received; and WHEREAS, more recent state statutes and guidelines require that the Bay Area IRWM Plan be updated before agencies may receive future IRWM grant funding; and WHEREAS, a grant was received to update the Bay Area IRWM Plan, that Plan having been completed in the fall of 2013 and approved by the Department of Water Resources in January 2014; and WHEREAS, a series of workshops were held on the initial Bay Area IRWM Plan and recently the Plan Update to provide stakeholders, including Bay Area local governments, an opportunity to ask questions, provide comments and make recommendations; and WHEREAS, the Draft Bay Area IRWM Plan Update was posted on the internet and made available for public comment; and WHEREAS, the Bay Area IRWM Plan Update before the Board for consideration incorporates changes based on comments received during the public review period in the areas of environmental justice, technical project data, and other elements of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Bay Area IRWM Plan Update provides an implementation framework that calls for tracking accomplishments, developing lists of prioritized projects and periodically updating the Bay Area IRWM Plan as conditions warrant, providing funding and resources are available to carry out these activities; and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution 2014 - Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS, adoption of the Bay Area IRWM Plan Update does not entail a direct commitment of resources and implementation of each project, as such will be the responsibility of the project proponent and any applicable project partners, and there is no joint commitment or responsibility by the Bay Area IRWM Plan Update participants to implement any or all of the projects; and WHEREAS, the IRWM Plan Update is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15262 and §15306 because the IRWM Plan Update consists of basic data collection that would not result in the disturbance of any environmental resource and involves planning studies for possible actions that the participating agencies have not yet approved; and WHEREAS, the IRWM Plan Update is meant to be complementary to participating agencies' individual plans and programs and does not supersede such plans and programs, and adoption of the IRWM does not prohibit or effect in any way a participating agencies' planning efforts separate from the IRWM Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors does hereby adopt the Bay Area IRWM Plan Update. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of May 2014, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: David R. Williams President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Elaine R. Boehme, CMC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District