HomeMy WebLinkAboutREAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING ACTION SUMMARY 04-08-1411 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
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Chair Nejedly
Member McGill
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
3:00 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX.- (925) 372 -0192
PRESENT: Chair Jim Nejedly, Member Mike McGill, General Manager Roger Bailey,
Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor
Dave Wyatt, Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Engineering
Assistant III Russ Leavitt, Jim Brezack of Brezack and Associates (left after Item 6.), Senior
Administrative Technician Christina Gee
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Nejedly called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Review draft position paper authorizing the General Manager to execute a joint
exercise of powers agreement (JEPA) to become a member of the Bay Area
Biosolids to Energy Coalition (BAB2E) and approve a supplementary authorization of
$260,000 to the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Operations and Maintenance (O &M) Budget to
cover the membership contribution and other related costs
[Continued from October 3, 2013 Board Meeting].
General Manager Roger Bailey requested that the Committee table this item to a
future meeting.
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary
April 8, 2014
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Concurred with staff recommendation and tabled the
item to a future meeting.
4. Receive update on PaintCare Reuse payment agreement
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor Dave Wyatt reported that PaintCare has
offered to pay the District on a per - container basis for eligible products distributed as
part of the Reuse Program. The proposed agreement, which has been reviewed with
District Counsel, requires the District to fully indemnify PaintCare and all its members.
Through this agreement, the District's exposure would be unchanged, but the liability
will increase in the event the District must defend PaintCare and all parties.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update and recommended that the Board
authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with PaintCare, Inc.
5. Review draft position paper adopting a resolution adopting the Bay Area Integrated
Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Update
Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella reported that Board adoption of the
resolution is an administrative item necessary to obtain the grant funding awarded for
the Concord Landscape Project, District Project 7299, because it would accept the
Plan of which the Concord Landscape Project is a part.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board adoption of the
6. Update on the Diablo Country Club Satellite Recycled Water Facility Application
Ms. LaBella introduced Jim Brezack of Brezack and Associates, who has been
working with the Diablo Country Club (DCC) on its application. She reported that the
District has received the DCC's evaluation, and more information will be available at
the next Committee meeting regarding the following issues: 1) ownership of facilities
in the street, 2) regulatory risks arising from potential spills, and 3) the value of
nutrient reduction by keeping the water on site at the DCC.
Member McGill suggested that the District should own the property from its force
main to the DCC's scalping plant. Chair Nejedly concurred.
Member McGill also noted that officials from the City of Walnut Creek were interested
in learning more about the project, and President and CEO of the East Bay
Leadership Council Tom Terrill had expressed interest in the grants potentially
available to the project. He suggested that staff meet with Walnut Creek Mayor Pro
Tern Bob Simmons.
The Committee asked Mr. Brezack to convey its appreciation to the DCC for its
efforts in doing the right thing and setting an example for the rest of the community.
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary
April 8, 2014
Page 3
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update.
7. Update on recycled water options for the drought
Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell stated that most water
agencies, including East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), are currently in
"voluntary" water conservation mode requesting up to fifteen percent reduction, in
accordance with the Governor's drought declaration in late January 2014.
Ms. Gemmell also reported that staff is working with Contra Costa Water District
(CCWD) on a 0.5 MGD Refinery project, whose final application will be due August 1,
2014. In the meantime, staff is investigating the condition of the 42 -inch steel pipe.
CCWD has agreed to file a joint application for the funding, and the concept has been
submitted to Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA). The grant will require a 25
percent match, the District and CCWD could potentially be awarded $3 million to
rehabilitate existing facilities of both agencies, through Prop 84 funding.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update.
8. Announcements
a. Receive additional research requested of Mike McCoy from Mesa Outdoors
regarding its commercial proposal for billboards on District property
The Committee commented that the commercial proposal was not an urgent
matter and expressed concerns with the aesthetics of potential billboards.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Directed staff to table the item.
b. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.
C. Recycled Water Leak in Pleasant Hill
Ms. LaBella announced at the meeting that, on April 6, 2014, there was a
break in the recycled water line at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill. The
line south of Golf Club Road, which is serviced by CCWD, was impacted, and
crews were still working to find the leak at the time of the report.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
9. Suggestions for future agenda items
10. Adjournment — at 3:45 p.m.