HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. (Handout) Action regarding administrative overhead percentage7a. (mm'd,94 Presentation of the Overhead Rate Evaluation Study r <CD matrix consulting group Presentation Goals ♦ Present study objectives and background ♦ Discuss methodology and approach s Present results and recommendations ♦ Questions Ami matrix consulting group Study Objectives ♦ In October 2013, the District contracted with the Matrix Consulting Group to review and audit the District's current administrative overhead rate methodology. ♦ Key objectives of the study were: + Audit the District's current model for developing overhead rates + Ensure compliance with GAAP, GASB, and OMB standards and guidelines + Provide recommendation for inclusion or exclusion of expenditure line items + Pros and Cons of multiple overhead rates matrix ' consulting group District Overhead Rate Background ♦ The District currently calculates an Overhead Rate in order to account for administrative operating expenses and indirect support such as administration and management, payroll, etc. ♦ This rate is primarily applied to: 3 Developer's fees and charges (Plan Reviews, Inspections, etc.) 4 Clean Water Program 4 Capital Projects (CIP) 4 External agency billings Aowk� matrix consulting group Overview of District Methodology ♦ The District currently calculates its overhead rate based on the following three components: ♦ Admin Overhead: This component distributes the administrative or indirect costs associated with managing the District. ♦ Employee Benefits: This component is calculated to determine average benefit costs for workers compensation, medical, dental, unemployment, etc. ♦ Non -Work Hours: This component accounts for actual available work hours within a year for District staff. matrix ' consulting group Discussion of Rate Components (1) ♦ Admin Overhead includes: 4 Salary, wages, and benefits associated with Administrative division and departmental Directors and support staff. 4 OPEB, retiree premiums, accrued compensation, etc. 4 Administration and Engineering Division operating costs (utilities, repairs & maintenance, materials & supplies, etc.) Other adjustments such as vehicle and building depreciation and HOB maintenance ♦ All costs included in this component are based on actual audited expenditures. k matrix consulting group Discussion of Rate Components (2) ♦ Employee Benefits includes: 4 Workers compensation, unemployment, medical, dental life insurance and retirement costs associated with all District employees. 4 All costs included in this component are based on budgeted expenditures. ♦ Non -Work Hours includes: 4 Vacation, sick leave, holidays, admin leave, birthdays, and compensated time off. matrix Ais' consulting group Overhead Rate Application ♦ Last year the District utilized two distinct overhead rates in order to stabilize the overhead rate for external customers, while achieving full cost recovery for internal customers. ♦ Three -Year Average— was applied to external billings and was based on the average of the previous three year internal full cost recovery rates. ♦ Internal Full Cost Recovery — was applied to Capital Projects, and is comprised of the three components. matrix consulting group Overview of Study Results ♦ The District's current methodology for calculating an overhead rate is in compliance with state and federal guidelines, as well as generally accepted accounting principles. 4 Inclusion of costs such as retiree premiums, OPEB, depreciation, etc. are allowable under OMB guidelines. ♦ The District's use of multiple overhead rates is consistent with other jurisdictions and is a common practice. ♦ Alternative overhead rate methodologies were assessed and it was determined that available options would neither provide a better rate, nor stabilize the volatility associated with the current overhead rate. matrix ' consulting group Recommendations e While the District's current methodology is in compliance, certain opportunities for improvement exist: -� Utilize audited actual expenditures for the calculation of the Employee Benefits component in order to be consistent with the Admin Overhead component. Allocate the OPEB costs associated with active and retired employees to their respective divisions as direct, and premiums associated with retirees as indirect. When additional CCCERA UAAL payments ($5M - $10M) are paid and included in the audit, they should be allocated directly to the divisions based on associated employee salaries. The administrative portion can then be included in the Admin Overhead component. matrix consulting group Questions and Comments matrix consulting group