HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS ACTION SUMMARY 03-17-14I( Central Contra Costa Sanitary District We 1 -19 TO,vl REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Pilecki Member Williams (Alternate) Monday, March 17, 2014 2:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DAVID R. WILLIAMS President MICHAEL R. MCGILL President Pro Tent PAUL H CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY TAD J. PILECKI PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX. (925) 676 -7211 wWW.centralsan.org PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Dave Williams (Alternate), General Manager Roger Bailey, Director of Operations Curt Swanson, Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Tom Godsey, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson, Plant Operations Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer, Accountant Amal Lyon, Finance Manager Thea Vassallo (left after Item 7.), Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (left after Item 9.), Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee 1. 2. 3. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Public Comments None. Old Business a. Review staff's responses to questions from the previous meeting: District District Project Name Information Requested Project (Responses are included in the Agenda Packet as No. Attachment 3.a.) 1) 7272 Electric Blower Why expenditures to date were such a high Renovation percentage of the estimated construction cost Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary March 17, 2014 Page 2 Regarding Item 3. a. 1), Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez reported that the electric blower project began in 2007, and a total of $441, 000 has been spent to date, with no design completed yet. The project has, since its inception, morphed to include nutrient removal evaluations and nitrification feasibility studies. Staff still plans to perform the work identified in the original evaluation. Chair Pilecki suggested that the amount spent on nitrification should be tracked as such. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed staff's response to Item 3.a.1). Deferred Items 3.a.2) and 3.a.3) to a later meeting, when Member Causey would be present for the discussion. 4. Review Fiscal Year 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2014 Ten - Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak gave the PowerPoint presentation included in the agenda packet, reviewing the proposed Ten -Year Plan, planned Capital Expenditures, programs and selected projects, and next steps in the approval process. Member Williams noted that issues related to responsibility for maintenance of private sewer laterals are becoming increasingly visible in the wastewater industry. He suggested that staff review East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)'s Regional Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance. He also inquired about the costs charged by the cities for roadway replacement, noting that if they become unreasonable, the Board may consider discussing the matter. Chair Pilecki suggested that for the Fiscal Year Treatment Plant Program and similar tables, `Annual Expense" be re- categorized as "Estimated Expenditure." Member Williams inquired as to the costs and scope of the maintenance agreement with Solar Turbines for the upgrades of the cogeneration system. He suggested that staff utilize the maintenance staff at EBMUD as a resource, since they have experience with Solar Turbines as a vendor for similar work. District Project No. District Project Name Information Requested (Responses are included in the Agenda Packet as Attachment 3.a.) 2) 8410 Cathodic Protection Breakdown of costs System U grade 3) 8226 Seismic Improvements Total cost of moving the HOB staff and a cost for Headquarters Office breakdown, including the Board - approved award Building (HOB) (lowest bid) plus contingency plus construction management plus total project cost and pre -bid expenditures Regarding Item 3. a. 1), Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez reported that the electric blower project began in 2007, and a total of $441, 000 has been spent to date, with no design completed yet. The project has, since its inception, morphed to include nutrient removal evaluations and nitrification feasibility studies. Staff still plans to perform the work identified in the original evaluation. Chair Pilecki suggested that the amount spent on nitrification should be tracked as such. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed staff's response to Item 3.a.1). Deferred Items 3.a.2) and 3.a.3) to a later meeting, when Member Causey would be present for the discussion. 4. Review Fiscal Year 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2014 Ten - Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak gave the PowerPoint presentation included in the agenda packet, reviewing the proposed Ten -Year Plan, planned Capital Expenditures, programs and selected projects, and next steps in the approval process. Member Williams noted that issues related to responsibility for maintenance of private sewer laterals are becoming increasingly visible in the wastewater industry. He suggested that staff review East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)'s Regional Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance. He also inquired about the costs charged by the cities for roadway replacement, noting that if they become unreasonable, the Board may consider discussing the matter. Chair Pilecki suggested that for the Fiscal Year Treatment Plant Program and similar tables, `Annual Expense" be re- categorized as "Estimated Expenditure." Member Williams inquired as to the costs and scope of the maintenance agreement with Solar Turbines for the upgrades of the cogeneration system. He suggested that staff utilize the maintenance staff at EBMUD as a resource, since they have experience with Solar Turbines as a vendor for similar work. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary March 17, 2014 Page 3 COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation. 5. Review schedule of upcoming bids and awards. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the schedule. 6. Review current and projected change orders over $50,000, if needed Mr. Lopez reported that staff had just executed a change order for almost $50,000 on the Cogeneration Controls Upgrade, District Project 7308, for removal and reinstallation work on the cogen generator. There was also the potential for a cost of greater than $50,000 for replacement of the damaged automated transfer switch at the Maltby Pumping Station. Both change orders would be performed by the contractor on the Primary Renovations Project, District Project 7285. Chair Pilecki suggested passing the information on the Maltby Pumping Station work to Senior Engineer Dana Lawson for asset management tracking purposes. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. *7. Discuss proposed changes to proposed matrix setting forth revised General Manager authorization limits set forth in the Capital Improvement Program Budget. Mr. Antkowiak distributed the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Authorization Limits Table 3, indicating changes made by the Board at its February 6, 2014 Board meeting. The Committee concurred with staff's proposal to include contingency in the General Manager and Board's authorization limits for individual equipment items and equipment contingency in the Equipment Budget. The Committee made no change to the proposed limits for the Individual equipment items not in the Equipment Budget. Mr. Antkowiak noted that the suggested $1,000,000 maximum per project above final project budget could be excessive for smaller projects, given that the intention of the Committee's changes was to provide oversight of large overruns. The Committee proposed changing the limits to read "15% of final project budget up to maximum of $1,000,000 per project" for the General Manager and "Greater than 15% of final project budget or above $1, 000, 000 maximum per project" for the Board. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary March 17, 2014 Page 4 COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with proposed changes. Attached is the table with previous changes made by the Committee and Board (in red) and new changes made by the Committee on March 17, 2014 (in blue). *8. Review draft position paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1.2 million to develop the Treatment Plan of the Future Roadmap; and approve a supplemental authorization of $1.3 million to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB to cover this and other project elements. Senior Engineer Randy Schmidt distributed handouts regarding master planning for facilities and the roadmap envisioned for the Treatment Plant of the Future (attached). Chair Pilecki and Member Williams agreed that the current title of District Project 7287, "Treatment Plant Master Plan Update," did not accurately describe the Plant of the Future, and staff should implement a new District Project, specific to the "Plant of the Future." The Committee expressed concerns with reconciling the multi - phased vision for the project with the variable nature of the potential technologies for the Treatment Plant. Mr. Schmidt and Director of Operations Curt Swanson explained staff's approach of the project in phases, noting that the proposed agreement was for $1.2 million but would be executed and paid in separate parts. Chair Pilecki suggested that there be a phase in between Phases 2 and 3, to perform pilot tests as needed, look closely at alternatives, research appropriately before picking one technology for the roadmap, and spend two to three years of looking at alternatives before proceeding to Phase 3. Mr. Schmidt clarified that those actions were envisioned as part of Phase 2. Member Williams suggested that after Phase 1, assessment of future facility needs, staff provide a policy -level report to the Board including costs, the current options of today's technologies, and risks of pilot efforts. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended that staff request the Board table the Position Paper at the March 20, 2014 Board Meeting, pending re- drafting to request authorization from the Board for the cost of Phase 1 only (approximately $620,000). Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary March 17, 2014 Page 5 9. Receive asset management update Senior Engineer Dana Lawson reported that staff has selected Carollo Engineers, Inc. after conducting formal interviews with the consultants who responded to the Request for Proposal (RFP). She stated that the contract amount was estimated at $96,000 to $97,000, with the possibility of additional work and costs. Since this amount approaches staffs $100,000 limit, a Position Paper will be brought to the Board at a later meeting to authorize execution of the contract. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 10. Announcements a. Next meeting scheduled for Monday, April 21, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. b. Chair Pilecki announced that he recently visited the new solids handling facility and witnessed a drill of hauling dewatered solids from the Emergency Sludge Storage Facility. He noted that the landfill warned that the District should have a backup plan in place for discarding the raw sludge. President Williams noted that EBMUD would likely take the solids, in such an event. 11. Suggestions for future agenda items None. 12. Adjournment - at 3:36 p.m. * Attachment Table 3: Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits; ACTION GENERAL MANAGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Approve Capital Plan None No limit Authorize Capital Program budgets None No limit Allocate funds to individual project budgets Total program budget No Board plus contingencyLLl authorization required Authorize Professional Consulting Services $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Consultant Technical Consulting Services. $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Contracts Professional Eng. Services. $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Allocate funds from program contingency accounts to $100,000 or less per Greater than $100,000 projects not included in the CIB project? Individual equipment items and equipment contingency in $100,000 erless Up , the Equipment Budget to amount specified Above amount in Equipment Budget specified in Equipment including contingenc Budget including contingency Individual equipment items not in the Equipment Budget $50,000 or less Greater than $50,000 Authorize supplemental funds to program budgets/ Not applicable Sewer Construction contingency accounts Fund balance Allocate funds for project budget overruns after award of dal prejest Greater than 15% of construction contract budge ?4 15% of final final project budget3 or project budget3 up to above $1,000,000 maximum of maximum per project. $1,000,000 abeve final Preiest per project. above lie 315% Af fiaal a Award construction contracts $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Authorize Additive $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 construction change orders Deductive No limit No Board authorization required Subcontractor substitutions All substitutions Substitutions protested unless protested by by subcontractor subcontractor Construction project acceptance All projects Informational announcement to the Board Close out project All projects Memo provided to the Board at end of FY i GA PPGE?MbeF 15, 2044 �'- Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program budget and contingency account ?Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable program contingency account ¢Final project budget is established at time of award of construction contract 4 There are three major "drivers" for master planning facilities Growth Regulations Aging Facilities Improved performance and efficiencies Expand treatment and permitted capacity to accommodate planned growth. Meet existing and anticipated future regulatory requirements to protect the environment, and public health and safety. Maintain reliability and cost - effectiveness of existing asset functions. Minimize the life -cycle cost to benefit ratio. The Master Plan inputs and outputs SCENARIOS Strategy Table �45i! ■� Structural Non - Conventiona Conventional I Non - Structural STRATEGIES OUTPUTS -1 ties it edule ipital penditures ash Flow Rates 3/17/2014 go 1 TREATMENT PLANT OF THE FUTURE ROADMAP MARCH 10, 2014 1) Drivers a) Rehabilitation /Replacement (Condition) b) Regulatory Requirement c) Economic d) Improved Performance Benefit e) Increased Capacity Needs f) Policy Decision 2) Planning Approach a) Confirm Existing Facilities /Performance b) Identify Gaps /Needs Analysis c) Identify Linkages /Alternative Evaluation d) Optimization & Financial Analysis e) Project Deliverables and Documentation. 3) Master Planning Workshops a) Workshop 1 — Visioning, Goals, Objectives & Evaluation Criteria b) Workshop 2 — Review Future Facility Needs c) Workshop 3 — Review Alternatives, and Select the Best Apparent Scenario d) Workshop 4 - Recommendations and Implementation Plan Phased Implementation - $1,321,000 (estimates) Phase 1 - Assessment of Future Facility Needs (Tasks 1 through 4; Workshops #1 & #2) - $613,000 1.0 Develop Goals & Objectives, Planning Principles, and Evaluation Criteria - 100 000 1.1 Project Control Plan and Outreach Support. 1.1.1 Develop Draft Project Control Plan. 1.1.2 Quality Control /Quality Assurance and Coordination. 1.2 Master Plan Goals, Planning Principles, and Evaluation Criteria 1.2.1 Develop Vision, Goals, and Objectives. 1.2.2 Develop Planning Guidance Principles. 1.2.3 Develop Alternative Evaluation Criteria and Metrics 1.3 Workshop 1 —Visioning, Goals, Objectives & Evaluation Criteria 2.0 Evaluate Existing Information and Data — $37,000 2.1 Description of Existing Facilities 2.2 Assess Past and On -going Studies and Reports. 3.0 Define Existing System and Planning Parameters - $155,000 3.1 Historical Wastewater Flows /Characteristics and Receiving Water Quality 3.1.1 Historical Wastewater Flows. 3.1.2 Historical Wastewater /Receiving Water Characteristics. 3.2 Existing Treatment Plant Performance and Capacity 3.2.1 Existing Treatment Plant Performance 3.2.2 Master Plan Design /Standby Criteria 3.2.3 Capacity Rating of Existing Facilities 3.3 Projected Wastewater Flows /Characteristics and Reuse Demands 3.3.1 Historical and Projected Service Area /Population 3.3.2 Summary of Historical and Projected Water Reuse Demands 3.3.3 Projected Wastewater Flows and Characteristics 4.0 Determine and Evaluate Future Needs - $321,000 4.1 Existing and Anticipated Regulatory Requirements 4.1.1 Review and Summarize Existing Regulations. 4.1.2 Develop Regulatory Scenarios 4.2 Asset Management Plan Review 4.2.1 Existing Asset Management Plan Description 4.2.2 Prioritization and Costs of Repair and Replacement (R &R) Projects 4.2.3 Assess Asset Management Implementation Needs 4.3 Determine Future Treatment Facilities Needs 4.3.1 Existing Process Optimization 4.3.2 Determine Level of Treatment and Capacity Needs 4.4 Workshop #2 - Future Facility Needs And "Spin Out" Projects Phase 2 — Development of Alternatives, and Selection of the Recommended Master Plan Scenario (Tasks 5 & 6: Workshop #3) - $593,000 5.0 Identify and Develop Project Alternatives - $404,000 5.1 Identify and Develop Treatment Alternatives 5.1.1 Liquids Treatment Alternatives 5.1.2 Biosolids Treatment/Reuse /Disposal Alternatives 5.1.3 Energy Use and Production Evaluation 5.1.4 Assessment of Impacts and Improvements to Address Global Climate Change 5.1.5 Odor Control and Air Emission Reduction Evaluation 5.2 Field Assessments of Operating Installations 6.0 Screen and Evaluate Alternatives - $189,000 6.1 Identify and Summarize the Master Plan Alternatives 6.2 Evaluate, rank, and select the recommended Master Plan alternative. 6.3 Workshop #3 - Alternatives Evaluation and Selection of Recommended Scenario Phase 3 — Development of the Master Plan Scenario and Implementation Plan (Tasks 7 through 9: Workshop #4) - $115,000 7.0 Develop Recommended Master Plan Program - $90,000 7.1 Description of Recommended Master Plan Program 7.2 Master Plan Implementation Schedule. 7.3 Estimated Costs and Revenues, CIP Plan, and Financial Plan 7.4 Workshop 4 - Recommendations and Implementation Plan 8.0 Prepare Master Plan Documents - $25,000 8.1 Master Plan Executive Summary 8.2 Master Plan Summary Report 8.3 Master Plan Project Notebooks 9.0 Provide Additional Services 9.1 Provide additional services as necessary and as requested.