HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. Approve conversion to paperless agenda packets and issuance of iPads to Board MembersY 0. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 subject. APPROVE CONVERSION TO PAPERLESS AGENDA PACKETS FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND ADOPT BOARD POLICY REGARDING DISTRICT -OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS Submitted By. Donna Anderson Assistant to the Secretary of the District Initiating DeptdDiv.: Secretary of the District/Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Elaine Boehme — Secretary of the District K. Im R. Bailey Counsel for the Distric General Manager ISSUE: The Board has asked staff to investigate options regarding converting from paper agenda packets for Board and Committee meetings to a paperless process transmitted via electronic means, for costs savings and increased efficiencies. RECOMMENDATION: The Board Administration Committee and staff recommend (1) converting to a paperless agenda process at the District, the first phase of which is to authorize the purchase of District -owned iPads for use by Board Members; and (2) adopting a new Board Policy regarding District -owned mobile computing devices for Board Members. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The annual cost to produce and deliver paper Board and Committee agenda packets (including copying costs, paper, courier costs, and staff time to assemble) to five Board Members is approximately $6,605. This cost would no longer be incurred with an electronic agenda process. The District's IT Division has recommended that Apple iPads be purchased to facilitate the paperless agenda process for Board Members. The one -time cost to purchase iPads for five Board Members is approximately $6,130 (including 64 GB, Wi -Fi and cellular data enabled, AppleCare warranty, case, and other needed accessories). Monthly recurring charges for data plans would cost approximately $30 -$40 per month per device. The payback period would be less than one year. Sufficient funds are available in this year's budget to purchase the Board iPads. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may choose not to convert to a paperless agenda process or to provide iPads to Board Members. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Position Papers\2014 \PP- Paperless Agenda Packets 3 -20 -14 (draft).doc Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 Subject- APPROVE CONVERSION TO PAPERLESS AGENDA PACKETS FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND ADOPT BOARD POLICY REGARDING DISTRICT -OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS BACKGROUND: Over the past few years, various Board Members have asked staff to explore options for transitioning to paperless agenda packets. Staff has participated in and monitored the results of various surveys conducted by other municipalities over the past two years. Numerous cities throughout California have already converted to paperless processes, primarily to save staff time and reduce costs. Staff recently conducted a survey of 15 local water /wastewater agencies (survey results attached). Six agencies have converted to a paperless electronic process using iPads provided by the districts. Of those, half allow personal use of district -owned devices. Initially, many cities and special districts made the transition to electronic agenda packets to realize cost savings and improved productivity. They soon found that electronic packets provide governing bodies with easier and quicker access to other materials as well. At Central San, a "dashboard" folder has been created in DropBox where Board Members have 24 -hour access to digital copies of the District's current calendar, budgets, organization charts, MOUs, phone lists, regulatory reports, etc. Because the District is a certified green business, staff contacted the Bay Area Green Business Program to obtain their views on going paperless. While paperless processes are not mandated, they are highly encouraged. In fact, the Program tracks reductions in paper use as part of the certification /recertification process. For over a year, the Secretary of the District's office has proceeded down a dual road, preparing both paper and electronic packets for every Board and Committee meeting. Thus, from a staff standpoint, the mechanics of going paperless are already in place. All packets are scanned and uploaded to DropBox for retrieval by those wishing to access the agendas electronically. Several Board Members have used this method when out of the area and unable to access the paper packet. If the Board elects to convert to a paperless agenda process, staff will arrange for a consultant to train Board Members as needed to ensure a smooth transition. The second phase of the project is to enable District staff to access the agenda packets electronically, which will result in additional cost savings. The General Manager will work with IT and other staff to develop a plan to enable staff to transition to the paperless process. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee discussed this matter at meetings held January 22, February 11 and March 11, 2014. At the most recent meeting, the Committee members discussed the following two issues raised by District Counsel: N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Position Papers\2014 \PP- Paperless Agenda Packets 3 -20 -14 (draft).doc Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 subject: APPROVE CONVERSION TO PAPERLESS AGENDA PACKETS FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND ADOPT BOARD POLICY REGARDING DISTRICT -OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS Personal Use /Cost Sharing: District Counsel Kent Alm recommended that Board Members wishing to utilize a District -owned iPad for personal use should share in a portion of the cost. He suggested that one way of doing that would be to share in the cost of the cellular data plan associated with the device. IT Administrator Roy Li said his department could set a basic level of data plan adequate for conducting District business and offer a higher, unlimited data plan for those Board Members wishing to use their iPad for personal use. The Committee recommended that all District -owned iPads include a basic level of data plan as determined by the IT Administrator at no cost to the Board Member. If personal use of the iPad is desired, the Board Member will receive the unlimited data plan and shall reimburse the District the cost difference between the two plans. It was suggested that Board Members be billed annually for the cost differential. District Email Accounts: Mr. Alm noted that it is conceivable that a member of the public could make a Public Records Act request for emails sent from a mobile computing device, whether or not District owned. For this reason, he reiterated his earlier recommendation that utilizing a District email account to conduct all District business would, in essence, allow for segregation of emails by account. While it may sound cumbersome to have an additional email account, it was demonstrated to the Committee that iPads can be configured for viewing multiple email accounts at the same time, or selectively as desired. The ability to do this would be covered during training on use of the device. The Committee agreed with Mr. Alm's recommendation to use District email accounts to conduct District business. After discussing these issues, the Committee made the following recommendations: 1. Approve transitioning to a paperless agenda process as soon as practicable, preferably within the next six months; 2. Purchase District -owned iPads for Board Members to facilitate a paperless process, the specifics of which shall meet standards set by the IT Division; 3. Provide District email accounts to all Board Members, which should be used to conduct all District business; 4. Permit personal use of District -owned iPads, provided that any Board Member wishing to utilize a District -owned iPad for personal use shall. reimburse the District the cost difference between the District's basic data plan designated for business use and the unlimited data plan offered for personal use. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Position Papers\2014 \PP- Paperless Agenda Packets 3 -20 -14 (draft).doc Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 subject: APPROVE CONVERSION TO PAPERLESS AGENDA PACKETS FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND ADOPT BOARD POLICY REGARDING DISTRICT -OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS 5. Any District -owned iPad shall include at District expense a protective case as well as all other accessories, software applications, charging cables, extended warranty, training, and wi -fi /cellular data plan capability necessary to conduct District business; 6. Any District -owned iPad shall be either relinquished to the District upon conclusion of a Board Member's tenure or bought back by the Board Member at current market value as quoted on Gazelle.com (or similar valuation method); 7. Any Board Member wishing to utilize a personal device rather than a District - owned iPad to access agenda packets shall bear all costs associated with that device, including any cellular data plan; however, the District will reimburse any such Board Member for the cost of any software applications necessary to conduct District business; and 8. Adopt a Board Policy regarding District -owned mobile computing devices for Board Members (draft policy attached). RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the conversion to paperless agenda packets for Board and Committee meetings, including issuance of District -owned iPads to Board Members as recommended by the Administration Committee to facilitate electronic transmission /review of agenda material, and adopt a new Board Policy regarding District -owned mobile computing devices for Board Members. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Survey of Local Agencies re Paperless Agendas 2. Draft Board Policy re District -Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIMDIST- SEC \Position Papers\2014 \PP- Paperless Agenda Packets 3 -20 -14 (draft).doc Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 PAPERLESS AGENDAS - SURVEY OF LOCAL DISTRICTS March 2014 Agency Contact Comments Vallejo Sanitation Board: The City provides iPads to the City Councilmembers (who and Flood Control are also the District's Board Members). Two or three of the Board District Members still prefer paper packets. Personal use allowed? Yes Staff.- The District has provided iPads to staff (two of whom still use paper packets); personal use is allowed. Union Sanitary Board: All Board Members use iPads provided by the District. They District are fully paperless. Personal use allowed? Yes Staff. Extra iPads are kept on hand for staff to "check out" when they have need or when they attend Board meetings. Novato Sanitary Board: The Board is fully paperless with District - provided iPads. District They utilize district email accounts to provide separation in the event of a Public Records Act request. Personal use allowed? Yes, without restriction, but Board Members must adhere to the District's Technology Policy. Staff.- Only the Manager and Deputy Manager attend board meetings. Both are provided District owned iPads, which they also use for other job duties. EBMUD Board: District provides iPads to all Board Members; they are now fully paperless. Board Members using their own device receive a $50 monthly stipend. Personal use allowed? If purchased by District, no; if purchased by Board Members, no use restrictions. Staff.- Some staff have been issued iPads, if it relates to their job function. Unknown as to the rest. Also unknown as to whether personal use is allowed on District - issued devices. West County Board: District provides iPads to Board Members; they have been Wastewater District fully paperless for at least three years. Personal use allowed? No Staff: The District has provided iPads to Division Managers. N.b4DMINSUPb4DMIN IDIST- SEC\DonnaVPad InformationlPaperless Agenda Process - Survey Results 03- 2014.doc ATTACHMENT 1 PAPERLESS AGENDAS - SURVEY OF LOCAL DISTRICTS March 2014 Agency Contact Comments Inland Empire Board: The District issues iPads to those Board Members wishing Utilities Agency to take advantage of paperless agendas (two Board Members still prefer paper packets). Personal use allowed? No Staff. Only GM and Asst. GM have been issued iPads. Contra Costa Water Board: While several Board Members have requested iPads, District nothing has been done to date. Paper copies are still used. Staff. Began a pilot project in January 2014 for managers only before testing it out on the Board. Dublin San Ramon Board: A couple of Board Members use their personal iPads to Services District access packets, but most still prefer paper packets. No District- provided devices. Personal use allowed? N/A Staff: GM and some staff use their own personal iPads. The District purchased an iPad for the District Secretary to better familiarize her and her staff with electronic packet accessibility and the apps /tools that are available. Fairfield- Suisun Board: "Loaner" iPads are given to Board Members who wish to Sewer District participate in paperless agenda program. Personal use allowed? Unknown Staff: Unknown Napa Sanitation Board: District does not provide devices; Board Members using District their own devices receive a $20 monthly allowance toward cellular data plan. Personal use allowed? N/A Staff: No. Delta Diablo Still use paper packets. In 2012 the District ran a first -time trial run of scanning the agenda packet to all recipients except Board Members. In the meantime, paper packets are still being used, although one Board Member uses an iPad for his /her City Council agenda and speaks favorably of it. N. 6ADMINSUPIADMINIDIST- SECIDonnaVPad InformationlPaperless Agenda Process -Survey Results 03- 2014.doc I ATTACHMENT 1 PAPERLESS AGENDAS - SURVEY OF LOCAL DISTRICTS March 2014 Agency Contact Comments Ironhouse Sanitary While interested in a paperless process, any decisions have been District put off due to budgetary issues. Castro Valley As of this time, no decisions have been made toward moving to a Sanitary District paperless agenda process. Mt. View Sanitary May be interested at some point in the future. District Oro Loma Sanitary Not considering going paperless at this time. District N: IADMINSUPIADMINIDIST- SECIDonnaVPad InformationlPaperless Agenda Process - Survey Results 03 -2014, doc Number: BP XXX Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 20, 2014 Revised: Reviewed: Initiating Dept. /Div.: SOD /ADMIN ATTACHMENT 2 / / I www.centralsan.org BOARD POLICY DISTRICT -OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS PURPOSE To establish a policy for providing mobile computing devices to Board Members to facilitate implementation of the transition to a paperless agenda process at the District. If District -owned devices are furnished to Board Members, the parameters set forth under the following section below will apply. If a Board Member utilizes a personal mobile computing device rather than a District -owned device to access Board and Committee agenda packets, only items 8 through 10 will apply. POLICY District -Owned Mobile Computing Devices Offered to All Board Members: The District will offer to purchase a District -owned mobile computing device for any Board Member wishing to utilize the device to access the District's electronic agenda packets. The specifications of the device must meet standards set by the Information Technology Administrator. 2. Accessories, Etc.: Any District -owned mobile computing device will include at District expense Wi -Fi and cellular data capability, extended warranty, protective case, software applications, charging cables, training and support, as necessary to conduct District business. 3. District E -Mail Accounts: All Board Members must be offered a District email account through which all District business should be conducted. 4. Personal Use: Personal use of a District -owned mobile computing device is permitted at the discretion of the Board Member. 5. Cellular Data Plan: A District -owned mobile computing device will be provided with a cellular data plan at a level sufficient to conduct District business at no cost to the Board Member. If a Board Member wishes to use the mobile equipment device for personal use, they will be provided the higher level Number: BP XXX DISTRICT - OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS Page 2 of 2 bandwidth available through the District to accommodate that use, and must reimburse the District the cost difference between the two data plans or pay for their own plan. 6. End of Board Member Tenure: Any District -owned mobile computing device must either be relinquished to the District upon conclusion of a Board Member's tenure or purchased by the Board Member at current market value as quoted on Gazelle.com (or similar valuation method), at which time the device will become the personal property of the owner. 7. Loss/Theft/Damage: if a District -owned mobile computing device is lost, stolen or damaged, the Board Member must notify the Secretary of the District immediately. All District -owned devices are required to have a password to block access to the District e-mail account in the event the device is lost or stolen. 8. Personal Mobile Computing Devices: Any Board Member wishing to utilize a personal mobile computing device rather than a District -owned device to access Board and Committee agenda packets must bear all costs associated with that device, including any cellular data plan; however, the District will reimburse any such Board Member for the cost of software applications necessary to conduct District business. 9. E- Communications During Meetings: Mobile computing devices are being provided to Board Members for use during Board meetings and Committee meetings to access the District's paperless agenda materials. Use of electronic devices to communicate with other Board Members during public Board or Committee meetings is prohibited by this policy. Any other use during public Board or Committee meetings is discouraged. The goal is for Board Members to be present and engaged in the meeting. The Brown Act should be adhered to with all electronic communications. 10. Public Records Act/Due Process: District records, whether paper or electronic, are governed by the public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. In the event that a message is received by a member of the Board or Committee during a meeting regarding a matter that is on the agenda for said meeting, the content of the message shall be disclosed publically to the entire Board or Committee as it has been received during the consideration of the matter at an open and public meeting. It will become a part of the public record. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]