HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.d.1)a) Action Summary-Administration Committee 3-11-14REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R. YVILLI"S SANITARY DISTRICT President ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE I�PesdentMoGTL em I PAUL H CAUSEY ACTION SUMMARY JAMES A. TAD J PILECKI PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 Chair McGill FAX.- (925) 372 -0192 Member Williams www.centralsan.org Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:00 a.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Mike McGill, Member David Williams, General Manager Roger Bailey, Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme, District Counsel Kent Alm, Human Resources Analyst Twila Mullenix, Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch (left after Item 3.), Information Technology Administrator Roy Li (left after Item 5.), Senior Engineer Tom Godsey, Finance Administrator Todd Smithey (left after Item 8., which was taken out of order) Senior Right -of -Way Agent III Rick Hernandez (left after Item 8., taken out of order), Accounting Technician III David Rolley (left after Item 8., taken out of order) Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Risk Management a. Review Loss Control Report and discuss outstanding claims Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch reviewed the Loss Control Report included with the agenda packet, stating that it Administration Committee Action Summary March 11, 2014 Page 2 indicated the status of claims against the District. She provided updates on all pending matters. District Counsel Kent Alm responded to a question from Member Williams about the District's responsibility with respect to manholes. Mr. Alm said the various cities and County in the District's service area typically notify the District of paving or other work affecting the District's manholes. A claimant would need to demonstrate that a dangerous condition existed for which the District has received actual or constructive notice. Chair McGill and Member Williams agreed it would be beneficial to firm up agreements with local municipalities with regard to constructive notice in order to minimize exposure to liability. Mr. Alm noted that past informal practices have worked well, although personnel changes over time could affect them. General Manager Roger Bailey said he would coordinate with Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell and Mr. Alm to recommend an approach for addressing the Committee's concerns. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report and discussed outstanding claims. The Committee also requested that staff develop a recommendation for a more formalized approach for coordinating with local municipalities with regard to constructive notice of dangerous conditions involving manholes, in order to minimize the District's exposure to risk. b. Discuss new claims, if any COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed new claims. C. Receive Self- Insured Legal Expenses Quarterly Report Ms. Deutsch said the report included in the agenda packet contained legal expenses paid during the last quarter out of the Self - Insurance Fund. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 4. Review draft position paper for March 20, 2014 public hearing to conduct annual review of Board Member compensation and benefits and consider amending District Code Section 2.04.030, "Compensation of Board Members" Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme explained that the annual survey of local special districts had been updated to reflect any changes in Board Member compensation at those agencies. Administration Committee Action Summary March 11, 2014 Page 3 Koji ►7 rl �ia';44V_[! i TT • u c� - •C �T:Za�'fTit [ 5. Review draft position paper to approve conversion to paperless agenda packets for Board and Committee meetings, including issuance of District -owned iPads for Board Members to facilitate electronic transmission /review of agenda materials; and review draft Board Policy regarding District -owned mobile computing devices for Board Members Mr. Alm expressed his viewpoint that Board Members wishing to use District - owned iPads for personal use should share in the cost of monthly fees associated with a cellular data plan for the device. Chair McGill recommended that the District provide a basic data plan sufficient to conduct District business on any District -owned device at no cost to the Board Members. Any Board Members wishing to use a District -owned device for personal use will receive the District's unlimited data plan and should reimburse the District the cost difference between the two plans. Member Williams agreed. The Committee Members also agreed with Mr. Alm's recommendation to use District email accounts to conduct District business. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed draft position paper and draft policy, and directed staff to incorporate several changes to reflect the discussions at the meeting before presenting them to the Board for approval. 6. Review revised proposed Employee Total Compensation Template, incorporating comments made by the Committee at its February 11, 2014 meeting Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley presented a revised template that eliminated the line items for vacation sellbacks and tuition reimbursement, as suggested by the Committee at the previous meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and concurred with staff's recommendation to distribute the revised template. 7. Review proposed reclassification of Director of Operations position as Deputy General Manager General Manager Roger Bailey explained that after surveying five local agencies (East Bay Municipal Utility District, Contra Costa Water District, Union Sanitary District, Dublin San Ramon Services District, and Delta Diablo), it was his recommendation to assign Deputy General Manager duties to the Director of Operations position. Member Williams suggested that the Deputy General Manager duties not be linked to a particular position to allow the General Manager the flexibility to assign the duties to any of the department director positions according to the needs of the District. Chair McGill said he was in Administration Committee Action Summary March 11, 2014 Page 4 support of either of these suggestions, noting that any final decision should rest with the General Manager. In response to a question from Mr. Bailey, the Committee said it would support looking at a new salary structure related to the Deputy General Manager's increased duties, which should be included as part of the upcoming cost -of- service study. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 8. Review Fiscal Year 2014 -15 Staffing Plan This item was taken out of order, after Item 3 was concluded. The Committee Members reviewed the proposed Staffing Plan, including the addition of an Internal Auditor position in the Administration Department. Local One President David Rolley noted that while there are approximately 30 vacant positions in the Staffing Plan, the vast majority are currently filled by temporary employees because they are necessary positions. He also said the District should develop a standard operating procedure for salary surveys. He noted that the Right -of -Way section is currently understaffed and requested that a salary study be conducted with comparable agencies. He suggested that any salary study for the Right -of -Way section should exclude the County and cities because the type of work performed in those agencies is different from sanitary districts. Senior Right -of -Way Agent Rick Hernandez shared this belief, noting that the Right -of -Way section also should be reclassified because of new responsibilities added in recent years, including real property management. Member Williams said having a standard approach to salary studies was a reasonable request. While it is most important to look at comparable work, he generally cautioned against excluding certain local governmental agencies from salary surveys. Chair McGill recommended that the comments of Mr. Rolley and Mr. Hernandez be taken into consideration as part of the upcoming cost -of- service study, which will include a staffing needs assessment. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. Administration Committee Action Summary March 11, 2014 Page 5 9. Announcements a. Announcement regarding arbitration costs for recent Management Support / Confidential Group (MS /CG) contract language dispute District Counsel Kent Alm said Meyers Nave has offered to split the approximately $65, 000 cost of the arbitration with the District; he will prepare an explanatory memo to the full Board. b. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. C. General Manager Roger Bailey said the upcoming cost -of- service study will generate two reports: a staffing needs assessment and a cost -of- service report. The former will be brought to this Committee; the latter to the Finance Committee. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 10. Suggestions for future agenda items Chair McGill requested that a portion of each Committee meeting be dedicated to issues related to the 2017 labor negotiations. General Manager Roger Bailey said staff will compile of list of issues for presentation to the Committee. Member Williams asked to see the calendar of upcoming agenda items for the Administration Committee for the next six months. 11. Adjournment — at 10 :20 a.m.