HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Approve minutes of February 20, 2014 Board meeting411.4
The Board of Directors of the Central -Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
meeting in the Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of
California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2014.
President Williams called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Causey, Nejedly, Pilecki, Williams
ABSENT: Members: McGill
The Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no public comments.
a. Approve minutes January 23, 2014 Board meeting.
b. Approve expenditures dated February 20, 2014. Approval recommended by
Finance Committee.
C. Set March 20, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing for annual
review of Board Member compensation and benefits and to consider amending
District Code Section 2.04.030, "Compensation of Board Members."
d. Approve the Pleasant Hill- Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer, District Project 8412, for
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) /permitting purposes and direct staff to
file a Notice of Exemption with the Contra Costa County Clerk. Approval
recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. [Continued from
February 6, 2014.]
It was moved by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member Causey to adopt the Consent
Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board:
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
AYES: Members: Causey, Nejedly, Pilecki, Williams
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: McGill
President Williams asked for clarification regarding Counsel's February 14, 2014 memo to
the Board regarding the new Senate Bill 751, governing the reporting of all action taken at
public meetings. District Counsel Kent Alm stated that, in issues requiring a vote or motion,
the votes should be recorded. If a vote is unanimous, a statement that the vote was
unanimous satisfies the bill's requirement. If a vote is not unanimous, it should be stated
who voted for and who voted against the item. The vote does not need to be called out
every time, as it varies case by case. When a decision is being made by consensus of the
Board, where there is a determination by the Board to agendize or move forward with an
item, there should be a motion and the vote should be called out. When the Board
provides direction that does not require a decision, the vote does not need to be counted.
Mr. Alm noted that there are differing views on the statute and how rigorously it should be
adhered to. He added that his memo was generic, with a fairly rigorous interpretation and
conservative approach.
1) Pollution Prevention Report for 2013 and Pollution Prevention Plan for 2014
This matter was reviewed by the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning
Committee on February 11, 2014.
General Manager Roger Bailey stated that each February, as required by the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, staff
submits an annual report of the District's pollution prevention activities for the
previous calendar year.
Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella reported the highlights of the
2013 Pollution Prevention Annual Report and reviewed the 2014 Pollution
Prevention (P2) Plan, which will include outreach on personal care products,
specifically those with plastic microbeads that do not break down during
processing, and ultimately get discharged into the bay.
2) Recap of panel on flushable wipes conducted at recent National Association
of Clean Water Agencies ( NACWA) Winter Conference in New Mexico
General Manager Roger Bailey stated that Provisional Associate Engineer
Melody LaBella was invited by NACWA to moderate a panel discussion on
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
"Toilets Are Not Trash Cans!" at its Winter Conference in Santa Fe, New
Mexico on February 4, 2014. Member Causey had requested that she recap
the discussion for the benefit of staff and the other Board Members.
Ms. LaBella presented an abbreviated version of her discussion, which
focused on fats, oils and grease, flushable wipes and pharmaceuticals. She
discussed the "fatberg" that was discovered in a London sewer in August
2013, which brought mainstream attention to the dangers of fats, oils, and
grease in wastewater systems. She also showed examples of the "Wipes
Clog Pipes" ad campaigns, mentioning that more and more people are
flushing paper towels which do not break down during the treatment process.
She also discussed the longstanding problem of pharmaceuticals entering the
wastewater stream and recent legislative efforts underway to mitigate the
The Board thanked Ms. LaBella for her presentations.
3) Update on recruitment of open department director positions and discuss
retitling of Director of Operations position to Deputy General Manager
General Manager Roger Bailey reported that 99 applications were received
for the Director of Administration position. Koff and Associates will help
narrow that pool to at least 10 candidates to be interviewed. For the Director
of Engineering position, 77 applications were received, which will also be
whittled down, with interviews to follow in the next few weeks. The Director of
Operations position has been advertised and will close on March 10, 2014.
Mr. Bailey asked for the Board's input on the possibility of making one of the
Director positions a Deputy General Manager. He stated that he was leaning
toward retitling the Director of Operations position as such.
Member Pilecki stated that the District has had a Deputy General Manager in
the past, and he would support moving forward with reinstating that position
again. He suggested that, after the three new directors have been in position
for six to twelve months, the General Manager should decide who to promote,
or rotate the candidates in the role and decide based on their performance.
Member Causey stated that he was concerned about the suggestion to rotate
candidates within the position, as it could cause a significant delay in the
appointment of a Deputy General Manager and hinder the ability to move
forward with other issues. He suggested that if there is to be a Deputy
General Manager, that person be appointed sooner rather than later.
President Williams stated that he had envisioned a short waiting period rather
than the rotation in the scenario suggested by Member Pilecki, to allow the
General Manager to become familiar with each director's capabilities, but
noted that he would be comfortable with the approach suggested by Member
Causey as well.
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
Member Nejedly stated that the District should hire a Director of Operations
and make the Deputy General Manager responsibilities be part of that
General Manager Roger Bailey noted that, as the applicants are considered,
staff will look for leadership traits in each candidate, to which Member Causey
suggested incorporating skills testing into the hiring process, including public
speaking and the ability to work in a group setting.
3) Announcements
The following written announcements were included with the agenda packet:
a) Personnel Advancement - Bret Greenwald advanced to Plant Operator
II, effective January 3, 2014.
b) Resignation - Senior Right -of -Way Agent Kathleen West resigned on
February 10, 2014 after five years of service.
c) 2013 Title V Clean Air Act Annual Report available
d) Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA)
Board votes to reduce Employer Retirement Contribution
e) Public Workshop for District Project 8413 — Walnut Creek Sewer
Renovations Project, Phase 10, to be hosted Thursday, February 20
from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. at CSO in Walnut Creek.
f) District Project 8411 — North Orinda Sewer Renovations Project,
Phase 5, to be hosted Thursday, February 27 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. at
the Orinda Library's Garden Room (26 Orinda Way).
The following announcement was made at the meeting:
g) General Manager Roger Bailey announced that he, Member Causey,
and President Williams planned to attend the 2014 California
Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference in Washington,
DC. General Manager Roger Bailey stated that, as a result, he would
be out of the office from February 24 through February 26, during
which time Director of Operations Curt Swanson would be delegated
his authority as General Manager.
No report.
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme announced the upcoming meeting of the
Finance Committee on February 24, 2014.
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1) Board Member reports on recent meetings for which they received the
stipend; and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their
expenses; future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the
stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses
President Williams noted that since Action Summaries were included in the
Board agenda packets, it would no longer be necessary for Board Members
to report on each item, but he encouraged the Board Members to highlight the
topics they felt to be particularly important.
Member Causey
Member Causey and Member Nejedly reported on the February 10, 2014
Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The Board
received the report without comment.
Member Causey reported that he attended the San Ramon State of the City
Address on February 11, 2014 and sat with the Senior District Representative
for Congressman Swalwell, Josh Huber. Since Mr. Huber indicated a strong
interest in recycled water, Member Causey suggested that staff set a meeting
with his office. Member Causey also reported that he attended a Bay Area
Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Collection Systems meeting, for which he did
not receive a stipend.
Member Causey and Member Pilecki also reported on the February 18, 2014
meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee regarding CoCo San Sustainable Farm.
Member Causey stated that the Committee met to review the status of the
negotiations and learned that the organization had renamed its public benefit
corporation to "AgLantis." They are applying for a grant, and the draft lease
should be developed in the next two weeks.
Member Nejedly
Member Nejedly reported on the February 11, 2014 Real Estate, Environmental
& Planning Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary.
Member McGill was not present at the Board meeting to report out, but he
served on the Committee for that meeting.
Board Members discussed the possibility of looking at alternate sites for the
updated treatment plant as part of the Treatment Plant of the Future Study.
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
Member Pilecki
Member Pilecki reported on the Martinez State of the City breakfast he attended
on February 11, 2014. He stated that there should be a new City Manager by
July 2014. He and General Manager Roger Bailey will meet with him or her
once appointed.
Member Pilecki and Member Causey also reported on the February 11, 2014
meeting of the Engineering & Operations Committee and summarized the
Action Summary. Member Pilecki stated that, since the meeting, staff has
determined that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) section of the
Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) is not needed and will be removed from
future versions. The Board received the report without comment.
Member Williams
Member Williams reported on the February 10, 2014 liaison meeting he and
General Manager Roger Bailey had with Lafayette Mayor Tatzin and City
Manager Falk.
Member Williams also reported on the February 11, 2014 meeting of the
Administration Committee and summarized the Action Summary. The Board
received the report without comment. Member McGill was not present at the
Board meeting to report out, but he served on the Committee for that meeting.
District Counsel Kent Alm expanded on his opinion regarding standing
committee alternates and the Brown Act, which was included in the
Administration Committee agenda, cautioning that, to prevent a Brown Act
violation, Board Members should not have conversations with other Board
Members in cases where they are serving alternates on Committees.
President Williams stated that, in looking at the Committee action summaries,
he noticed that the Committees other than Engineering & Operations met for
shorter duration and focused on high - level, policy- setting discussions. He
asked that, in drafting the Committee charters, staff write them with a
"dashboard review," particularly for the Finance and Engineering & Operations
Committees, which relegates the Committee's purview to policy issues and
higher -level matters that are appropriate for the Board and Committee level.
Member Causey responded that, as part of the Engineering & Operations
Committee, he and Member Pilecki recognized the concerns voiced by
President Williams and had asked at the last meeting that future quarterly
reports they requested be trimmed. Additionally, since future Engineering &
Operations Committee meetings will typically begin two hours before the start of
the Finance Committee meetings, the meetings will not run as long as in the
past. He stated that the Committee is determining what information it needs to
make decisions at a policy level, and it was not their intent to manage individual
projects. Member Pilecki agreed with these statements.
Board Minutes of February 20, 2014
2) Announcements
Member Pilecki suggested that consideration be given to accepting the East Bay Municipal
Utility District ( EBMUD) Board's recent offer to give a presentation to the District's Board
and staff regarding the drought. There was consensus to accept the offer.
Member Nejedly suggested that staff investigate possible methods of providing recycled
water (via truck) to residential and /or commercial customers for landscape and construction
use during the drought. President Williams stated that EBMUD did something similar
during a previous drought and suggested staff contact EBMUD for information. There was
consensus to pursue these suggestions.
Member Causey suggested that consideration be given to holding a joint Board meeting
with the Contra Costa Water District's (CCWD) Board to determine areas where the two
agencies could collaborate regarding recycled water. There was consensus to pursue this
Member Causey requested a staff update on outstanding action items arising from the
Board Priorities Workshop held last October. General Manager Roger Bailey said staff
would be presenting a proposed Strategic Plan to the Board in late March or early April.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Williams adjourned the
meeting at 3:12 p.m.
David R. Williams
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California