HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. Agenda1) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REVISED AGENDA Chair Pilecki Member Williams (Alternate) Meeting time Monday, March 17, 2014 was changed 2:00 p.m. from 1:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DAVID R. 97LLIAMS President MICHAEL R. MCGILL President Pro Tem PA UL H. CA USEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY TAD J. PILECKI PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX.- (925) 676 -7211 www.centralsan.org Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. Engineering & Operations Committee March 17, 2014 Page 2 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Public Comments 3. Old Business a. Review staff's responses to questions from the previous meeting: Staff Recommendation: Review staff's responses. *4. Review Fiscal Year 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2014 Ten - Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff as needed. *5. Review schedule of upcoming bids and awards. Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff as needed. 6. Review current and projected change orders over $50,000, if needed Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff if needed. 7. Discuss proposed changes to proposed matrix setting forth revised General Manager authorization limits set forth in the Capital Improvement Program Budget. Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. District District Project Name Information Requested Project (Responses are included in the Agenda Packet as No. Attachment 3. a.) *1) 7272 Electric Blower Why expenditures to date were such a high Renovation percentage of the estimated construction cost *2) 8410 Cathodic Protection Breakdown of costs System Upgrade *3) 8226 Seismic Improvements Total cost of moving the HOB staff and a cost for Headquarters Office breakdown, including the Board - approved award Building (HOB) (lowest bid) plus contingency plus construction management plus total project cost and pre -bid expenditures Staff Recommendation: Review staff's responses. *4. Review Fiscal Year 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2014 Ten - Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff as needed. *5. Review schedule of upcoming bids and awards. Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff as needed. 6. Review current and projected change orders over $50,000, if needed Staff Recommendation: Review and provide input to staff if needed. 7. Discuss proposed changes to proposed matrix setting forth revised General Manager authorization limits set forth in the Capital Improvement Program Budget. Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. Engineering & Operations Committee March 17, 2014 Page 3 *8. Review draft position paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1.2 million to develop the Treatment Plan of the Future Roadmap; and approve a supplemental authorization of $1.3 million to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB to cover this and other project elements. Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. 9. Receive asset management update Staff Recommendation: Receive the update and provide input to staff if needed. 10. Announcements a. Next meeting scheduled for Monday, April 21, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. 11. Suggestions for future agenda items 12. Adjournment * Attachment Electric Blower Renovation, DP 7272 Expenditures Date Description Total Expenditures Position Paper to authorize $80,000 agreement with HDR to evaluate Feb. 15, 2007 the electric blower and investigate aeration needs, blower capacity, $110,000 replacement alternatives so that the blower can meet the summer needs of the plant. Staff time $30,000 Position Paper to authorize $110,000 agreement revision ($190,000 total) with HDR to produce a nitrification feasibility study looking at Sept. 4, 2008 several alternatives. This study was used to help develop long term $260,000 financial planning. Staff time $40,000. The electric blower project was delayed due to the significant air savings achieved by the aeration basin renovation project. Position Paper to authorize $120,000 agreement revision ($310,000 Feb. 19, 2009 total) with HDR to include nutrient removal along with the nitrification $421,000 study alternatives. Staff time ^'$41,000. Provided engineering support to Operations to help evaluate the FY 13/14 electric blower actuator and controls. Blower was having controls issues $441,000 and staff help support the repair and recommended actuator replacement. Total to Date: $441,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Cathodic Protection Upgrade Plan - Collections Systems Cost Estimate Collections San Ramon P.S. /San Ramon FM 2" Fuel Vent Pipe Replace anode bed & ensure electrical isolation of yard structures. M6 Force Main High M6 Force Main Instal two (2) magnesium anodes and one (1) diode to mitigate unknown interference. Orinda Crossroads P.S. /K -3A FM High Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Install two (2) test stations on force main & install cathodic protection. Lower Orinda P.S. /K -1 FM High Lower Orinda Pump Station Replace five (5) missing test stations on parallel K1 FM. Morgaga P.S. and force main High Moraga P.S. Install 10 amp ICCP system at pump station and install 4 ETS on the alignment. Wagner Ranch P.S. Moderate Wagner Ranch Pump Station Design and install ICCP. San Ramon P.S. /San Ramon FM Moderate San Ramon Force Mains Replace missing foreign pipeline test station on 24" FM at 134 +30, and replace cts on 12" & 14" FM at 98 +58 (post and board only) Bates Blvd Pump Station Moderate Bates Blvd PS Install ICCP (pending decision to replace existing test station) Concord Industrial P.S. Moderate RConcPS Install replacement anode bed. Fairview Pump Station Moderate M4A Force Main Install one (1) test station at manhole at east end of steel pipeline beneath 1 -680 overpass. Camino Tassajara 30" & 20" DI Sewer Pipeline Moderate 30" DI Sewer Pipeline Install four (4) test stations. $70,000.00 $70, 000.00 $5,000.00 PROJECT BUDGET OVERRUNS WITHIN THE 15% GM AUTHORITY 3/17/14 ENGR. & OPS COMMITTEE MEETING SIESMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DP 8226: Board Approved Budget: Construction Contract - Contingency at 15% - Construction Management - Moving Expenses - Prebid expenditures - Total Project Budget at Award Current Estimate to complete project: Construction Contract - Change Orders - Construction Management - Moving Expenses - Prebid expenditures - New total project budget: *Costs for HOB staff relocation: Concord Building Rental: $ 355,000 Relocation work: $ 347,000 Xerox, Rental Furniture: $ 51,000 IT (Concord and Martinez): 77,000 $ 830,000 $ 2,807,151 $ 421,849 $ 978,000 $ 559,000 $ 950,000 $ 5,716,000 $ 2,807,151 $ 340,000 $ 1,013,849 $ 830,000* $ 950,000 $ 5,941,000 ao►.37 4-15 Capital Improvement Budget ,, • Plan Andrew Antkowiak Engineering & Operations Committee March 17, 2014 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget and Ten Year Plan Agenda • Review proposed Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan • Review planned 2014 -15 Capital Expenditures • Review programs and selected 2014 -15 projects - Treatment Plant Program - Collection Systems Program - General Improvements Program - Recycled Water Program • Review next steps in CIB /CIP approval process 0 Proposed 2014 Ten-Year Le • . • • •• Estimated Expenditures * _.... ............. _____ ...... __ _ _ . ..... 2614 -2015 , ........ 1 2015 -2016 _ _ -- 2016 -2017 __ 2017 -2016 2018 -2019 _ 2019 -2020 __ _ 2620 -2621 ____ _ 2021- 2022 2022 -2023 2023 -2624 - -- Total Treatment Plant 9 -R . CompliancarPlannin Safety 661,1 691,000 925,000 1,035, 575,G� 425,000 431,E 3,877 1, 9290,E 16,015,OD3 34,019.E 12 -One -Time Renovation 7,9,57,000 7,3213;000 9,381,000 8;621,004 7,710,0 5,555,000 2,0601,000 5W:000 277,1 3 1,2r.03,t J 5;3,687,0 3- RecurrinrgRenovation 356,E 2,670,E 2,060MO 1,160, 3,050,000 3,0 ti, 4,810,E 3,370,�i 4,673, 72:x'3 23 X26, :4 - Expansion Treatment Plant Subtotal 3,974 10,687,0 12,366 90 M,= ' 11,:x£= 98040,00, 7,321, 50,E 7,1371, _ 100,,= 11,63 , 440 000 18,375,000 590,0 108,422,000 Collection System ? - Renovation 9,466,E 6,701,000 13,651,000 13.401,000 14,614,000 13,501,01 5,751,0011 8,851,OW 8, , '10 10:21 ,M 10.93oa 12 -Reg, Compllance�Piannin°Safety 3- Expansion 6W,00i 1 ,701,00`0 575 >OD3 6,201,0 3 3Q000 1,301,CW 340,004 1,201,000 240,000 1,401,0010 240,000 2,002,0€0 140,000 11,502,000 140,000 6;352,03 140,£00 6,371,00} 140mO a,9i0t3, 0 j: 2.895, 44,030;{ '4- Pumping Stations Collection System Subtotal 450,000 12,217,t0i 240,000 13,717, 345,000 2180,0 17,122,0 1,610,000 17,865,000 435,000 16,178,000 635,0 18,028,MD 9,535,0 16,878, OW 2.1 17,446,000 935,0Q 17,273,000 10,5C4,COO le2,361,- .15,637,MO General Improvements , I - Vehicles & equipment 691,01 501.000 501,000 501,000 501,001 50£1,010 5030,0 500310 5 ,003 5W,000 5,194,000 2- Management tnformation Systems 1.450,000 500,000 500,000 50.1,001 500;00 500,000 500,00 501,03001 5X_,001 500,WD 5,950; Projects 495,000 495,000 470;000 493,001 860,000 480,000 480,03010 480, 480:000 480,00 4i40;0i 5E i�5,00v 4- Asset Management Program General Improvements Subtotal 700,OW 3,3364000 5W,000 1,971,000 500,000 1£991,0010 50101,001 2,36a1� 500,000 1,9e#i¢ 501,000 1 *000 14590,000 110;001 1,590,011 60,03 601.001 3540,000 Recycled Water Rec cled Water Subtotal 55ZOOO I 487,00D 427,000 W1,000 560,OM 550,000 565,0 565,000 W,000 1 515,0001 5,341,000 Capital Program Total 25,079E ,0003 30,421, OM 30,859, ()W, 31,740, 27,jj6,000 27,5014, 3181 , 73703, * All figures shown in 2014 dollars. $296 Million Ten Year Plan Is a Responsible ' That Funds.... • Treatment Plant — Primary Sedimentation Renovation $ 15 M - Screenings Removal $ 10M - — Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades $ 4.8 M — Treatment Plant Planning $ 2.1 M — Nitrification $ 5.5 M — Contaminated Soils Remediation $ 7.5 M — Incinerator /Solids Handling Improvements $ 6.2 M — Alternative Energy Facility $ 6.3 M — Treatment Plant Facilities Renovation $ 18.1 M • Collection System — Identified Renovation Needs $ 105 M — Compliance /Planning /Safety $ 2.9 M — Identified Capacity Needs $ 31.3 M — Pumping Station Renovation $ 10.5 M — CAD's and Developer Sewers $ 12.7 M $296 Million Ten Year Plan Is a Responsible One That Funds..._. • General Improvements — Seismic Improvements $ 9 M — Vehicles & Equipment $ 5.2 M — Information Technology $ 5.5 M — Asset Management Plan $ 3.5 M • Recycled Water — Urban Landscaping and Planning $ 5.3 M 3 Proposed FY 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget PROJECT FY 2t�14 -�1 CiE� ragrarr� Teat Cost Collection System $12.2 million (48.6 %) .Treatment Plant $ 9.0 million (35.9 %) Recycled Water $ 0.6 million (2.4 %) Total $25.1 million (100 %) Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades $ 800,000 Pump & Blower Seismic Upgrade $ 100,000 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $ 200,000 Recurring Renovation Piping Renovation Phase 8 $ 150,000 All Other TV inspection program not included In Capital Improvement Budget FY 2014 -15 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CATEGORY PROJECT ANNUAL EXPENSE Reg. Compliance /Planning Collection System $12.2 million (48.6 %) General Improvements $ 3.3 million (13.1 %} Recycled Water $ 0.6 million (2.4 %) Total $25.1 million (100 %) FY 2014 -15 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CATEGORY PROJECT ANNUAL EXPENSE Reg. Compliance /Planning Treatment Plant Planning & Master Plan $ 400,000 One Time Renovation Primary Treatment Renovation $ 6,000,000 DAF Tank Renovation $ 500,000 Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades $ 800,000 Pump & Blower Seismic Upgrade $ 100,000 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $ 200,000 Recurring Renovation Piping Renovation Phase 8 $ 150,000 All Other $ 824,000 Total $ 8,974,000 Ongoing Renovations — Replace Scum Collection System — Replace Chain Drives — Rehabilitate Concrete — Replace water and air supply piping — Replace Scum Skimmers and Thickener — Construct New Grit Handling Facilities — Upgrade/Renovate Electrical Conduits/Equipment — Primary Effluent Pumps IFY 14-15, $ 6.0 million Total project $ 15.0 million R Cis ti CIn *3 • Plant of the Future Roadmap (Estimated Cost 1.7 Million) • Assessment of Future Facility needs • Develop Alternatives and Recommend Roadmap Scenario • Develop Implementation Plan • Nitrification (planning /design start in year 7 — FY 21 -22) • Treatment Plant Soil Remediation (Planning /Design start in year 7 — FY 21 -22) • New Solids Handling Facilities (Planning /Design in year 6 — FY 20 -21) • Alternative Energy Facilities (Planning/Design in year 7 - FY 21 -22) Project Pump & Blower POB Office Area TP Warehouse Laboratory SCB1 Total O t 3,400,000 E� • 1.111 , 111 1111/1 I Seismic Retrofit of SCB is estimated at $7 -8 Million for construction; does not include bracing furnaces. Budgeted outside 10 year plan in anticipation of potential change in solids handling method. i• '' • -s �, 1 111 9 FY 4 COLLECTION , CATEGORY PROJECT ANNUAL EXPENSE Renovation program North Orinda 5, Walnut Creek $ 9,000,000 2008/09 10, Martinez 4, CIPP Lining 2009/10 7.5 Miles and other projects 2.6 Miles Capacity /Renovations Grayson Creek Trunk in $ 800,000 5.3 Miles Pleasant Hill 4.5 Miles Pumping Stations Pumping Station equipment, $ 450,000 piping replacement and Safety, Security Improvements Developer services Developer Services $ 700,000 Contractual Current CADs $ 200,000 Assessment Districts Reg. Compliance & Planning and CS Modeling $ 600,000 Planning All others $ 467,000 Total $ 12,217,000 " . TV Inspection program not Included In Capital program Pipe Renovated to Date Miles of pipe (6, 8 &10 Inch) renovated to date. FISCAL YEAR PIPE RENOVATED 2006/07 8.1 Miles 2007/08 5.6 Miles 2008/09 6.3 Miles 2009/10 7.5 Miles 2010/11 2.6 Miles 2011/12 6.8 Miles 2012/13 5.3 Miles 2013/14 4.5 Miles TOTAL Completed Renovation 46.7 Miles Ice • • • • r # r • !MM13 if a aacity Progra Ptan.a.% Hill Pd�a�atlk: trttiltGY&�4lT GYBOU � �` - � "^� _ C4.A. \ C4 ..F �= 10 year plan includes " "° -$31 M for high priority i"lOY%i0#ItQ Hill iZaact"w � (co" lefea +n FY 2oi rya ) 4`4 capacity projects Wtlilaul HiYq- M�9a.. :- Y a� $Aa . S.hi m Tt Cbgd ipt iibficlaneY6ra f+ Pe c�snk F N PiR Cmp ktY a0n ('tat'1�(#'A 8GEf 4[lWC C 11 `Y­ S-9 . Y .. i3 -biHGQ Ur Ir+o Y PItV P16'.Aa - r SIF• FY 2014-15 GENERAL PROGRAM PROJECT ANNUAL. EXPENSE Vehicles and Equipment $ 690,000 Information Technology $ 1,000,000 GDI Treatment Plant and SMMS Replacement $ 450,000 Asset Management $ 700,000 All Other $ 496,000 Total $ 3,336,000 Iii s Y 14 -15 $ 691,000 10 year program $ 5,194,000 13 Fes' 14!15` $ 700,000 10 year program $ 3,540,000 Using Asset Management Techniques to Scope Renovation Proiects Assets Conditlon Assessment Bu roes Rlsk fW osure' BRE - Remaining useful life? - Consequences of failure (criticaFity )? - Deficiencies' Likelihood of failure? Business Risk Analysis Determine Projects & Group Appropriately — byLocation "Primary Renovation" or by Asset Type "Piping Renovation Incorporate in' 19 year C I P, FY 2014 -15 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM PROJECT ANNUAL EXPENSE, Pleasant Hill Zone 1, Martinez $ 182,000 Refineries and other REW Planning Concord Landscape — Customer $ 370,000 Connections Total $ 552,000 1161 ■iJ Customer Connections pY` _ Up to 34 New Customers W; p µ k•' y $... FY 14 -15 Y y f y ■iJ 11 gill FY 2014_15 CIB Program Total CQSt Treatment Plant $ 9.0 million (35.9 %) Collection System $12.2 million (48.6 %) General Improvements $ 3.3 million (13.1 %) Recycled Water $ 0.6 million (2.4 %) Total $25.1 million (100 %) TV inspection program not included in Capital Improvement budget Next Steps in CIB /CIP approval process • Initial Capital Funding Levels were set in December • Capital Funding Levels were confirmed in March as part of overall District Ten Year Financial Plan • Board Workshop Focused on CIB /CIP Projects scheduled for April • Authorize CIB /Program Budgets and O &M Budget in June 17 +' r I. mk.aueshons or "kaomments? m 5 Schedule of Upcoming Bids and Awards (January - July 2014) DP No. Project Title Project Manager Scheduled Bid Opening * Engineer's Estimate Date Bids Received Low Bid Contractor Award Date 8411 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 Mark Wenslawski 04/01/14 $ 1,800,000 04/17/14 8406 Pump Station Security Upgrades Brad Leidecker 04/24/14 $ 250,000 06/05/14 7309 DAF Tanks Renovation Brad Leidecker 04/25/14 $ 500,000 05/15/14 8413 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 10 Nancy Molina 05/01/14 $ 1,800,000 05/15/14 7311 TP Safety Enhancements, Phase 4 Brad Leidecker 06/03/14 $ 200,000 8410 Collection System Cathodic Protection System Upgrade Project Michael Penny 07/14/14 $ 400,000 8415 Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 Michael Penny 07/15/14 $ 1,800,000 7310 TP Piping Renovations, Phase 8 Brad Leidecker TBD TBD * Dates are subject to change .\37 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER L Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE PLANT OF THE FUTURE ROADMAP, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7287, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,300,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Submitted By Initiating Dept. /Div.: Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer Operations /Regulatory Workgroup REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: C. Swanson — Director of Operations R. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement greater than $100,000. Board authorization is required for the addition of funds to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., to develop a roadmap to meet the Plant of the Future Vision for an amount not to exceed $1,200,000; and approve a supplemental authorization of $1,300,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB to cover this and other project elements. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) shows that the Treatment Plant Master Plan Update, District Project 7287, has expended approximately $375,000 on the development of a Treatment Plant of the Future vision and wastewater treatment process simulator. There is approximately $100,000 of allocated but unspent funds for FY 2013 -14 and $300,000 in unallocated funds for FY 2014 -15. The estimated cost for the Treatment Plant of the Future roadmap is approximately $1,700,000. A supplemental authorization of $1,300,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB is required to fully fund the project. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The $400,000 of budgeted funds will allow for limited near -term Treatment Plant planning, but is insufficient to conduct the long -term visionary planning recommended in the Plant of the Future findings. Failure to conduct the long -term visionary planning for the Plant of the Future leaves the District susceptible to unexpected costs in energy, regulatory compliance, process renovation, and possible unsustainable operational costs. The supplemental authorization of $1,300,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB is not budgeted in the 10 -year CIP. r POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE PLANT OF THE FUTURE ROADMAP, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7287, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,300,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET BACKGROUND: The District spent approximately $375,000 to date for the Treatment Master Plan Update, District Project 7287. This included $225,000 for conducting the Treatment Plant of the Future visioning exercise in 2011 and $150 000 for development of a site - specific Treatment Plant Process Simulator using BioWinfM. Several competent consulting firms were asked to participate in a Treatment Plant of the Future visioning exercise for the District. Two firms elected to participate. The goals of the visioning exercise were to identify future actions and /or projects that: • Minimize discharge to the water, land and air. • Provide energy self- sufficiency. • Increase the use of Recycled Water. • Insure 100% compliance with all future air, water, and solids regulations. • Direct active management of monetary and human resources for long -term sustainable operation. . Each Plant of the Future Vision was reviewed by an expert Technical Advisory Council (TAC) for strengths and weaknesses. The TAC along with District Staff conducted a day -long discussion for each of the Plant of the Future Visions. The TAC prepared a Technical Memorandum which summarized the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. After careful consideration, the District determined that Carollo Engineering, Inc., had the best combination of approach, team, and master planning background to assist the District in this effort. This effort is much more than a traditional Master Plan (Master PlanO. A better name would be Roadmap to Treatment Plant of the Future ( Roadmap). In order to reach the Plant of the Future Plan vision, this project will address all of the current and future issues that are facing the District in sufficient scope and depth to be able to make the right CIP project and program investment decisions at the right time. Major issues to consider include energy optimization, nutrient removal, and minimization of greenhouse gas impacts. It is also expected that the Roadmap will help to streamline work flow, improve internal consistency and communications, optimize on -going operations and implement near -term projects consistent with the long -term vision, and improve efficiencies in all dimensions of performance. The Roadmap will maximize the use of past, current, and future research developments as well as coordinate and compile ongoing planning and capital project efforts to provide a plant -wide comprehensive roadmap for the next 20 years. The Roadmap will C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Treatment Plant of the Future 03- 20- 14.doc 1) POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE PLANT OF THE FUTURE ROADMAP, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7287, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,300,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET serve as a living and guiding document for the treatment plant that is still flexible to changing needs, goals, and regulatory requirements. The Roadmap team will develop the project deliverables through the following steps: • Document Existing Facilities /Performance - Build on already completed work to assimilate the findings and conclusions of past studies and reports to confirm existing facilities and performance. Complete and coordinate the asset condition assessment(s) with the Asset Management Plan. Develop the future regulatory and capacity requirements. • Identify Gaps /Needs Analysis - Compare the existing facilities condition, performance, and capacity against the anticipated future needs in order to identify any gaps in performance or capacity. • Identify Linkages /Alternative Evaluation - Develop a wide range of alternatives and identify the key linkages among the planning issues and elements. Advance the resulting ideas through a step -wise series of analyses using a proven planning decision analytic framing process. This process will identify critical issues, quantify costs and benefits, and rank the alternatives. • Optimization & Financial Analysis - Use an optimization analysis approach to set up a computer- driven scenario builder. Run combinations of alternatives to identify the optimum. The result is the best combination of policies, projects, and on -going programs. This step includes developing estimated costs; and a financial evaluation. • Project Deliverables and Documentation - Documents all findings, conclusions, and recommendations to complete the Roadmap deliverables and files. The process is planned for three phases. Each phase will coincide with major milestones and a workshop. The phases are as follows: 1. Phase 1 —Assessment of Future Facility Needs 2. Phase 2 — Development of Alternatives, and Selection of the Recommended Roadmap Scenario 3. Phase 3 — Development of the Roadmap Scenario and Implementation Plan a. Description of planning policies, projects, and programs. b. 30 -year Implementation Schedule. c. Estimated capital, and O &M costs. d. Funding requirements and rates & charges. C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Treatment Plant of the Future 03- 20- 14.doc P POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 20, 2014 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE PLANT OF THE FUTURE ROADMAP, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7287, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,300,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET e. Development of Roadmap Documents. There are four master planning workshops planned for critical milestones during the process. These workshops are intended to help assure the integration of the major issues and planning elements. The goal is to bring together multiple disciplines to develop a full range of visioning ideas and conceptual alternatives. The workshops are intended to engage the stakeholders in interactive sessions to review, understand, and agree upon the key master planning decisions and recommendations. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., to develop the Treatment Plant of the Future Roadmap for an amount not to exceed $1,200,000; and approve a supplemental authorization of $1,300,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB to cover this and other project elements. C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Treatment Plant of the Future 03- 20- 14.doc