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Board Meeting of February 20, 2014
Written Announcements:
a) Personnel Advancement
Brett Greenwald advanced to Plant Operator II effective January 3, 2014.
b) Resignation
Senior Right -of -Way Agent Kathleen West resigned on February 10, 2014 after five
years of service.
c) 2013 Title V Clean Air Act Annual Report
The Treatment Plant has two air quality permits. The first is the annual Permit -to- Operate
(PTO) issued and enforced by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District ( BAAQMD).
The second air permit is the five -year Federal Title V Major Facility Air Permit (Title V
Permit) issued and enforced by both BAAQMD and the United States Environmental
Protection Agency ( USEPA).
The District is required to prepare a comprehensive report once a year, which
summarizes our compliance status for the both the Title V Permit and the PTO air
permits. Staff is pleased to report that no notices of violations were issued pursuant to
our Title V and PTO Permit requirements during calendar year 2013. This extends the
District's air quality compliance record to nearly six years without an issuance of a notice
of violation. The Annual Title V Major Facility Report was submitted to both BAAQMD
and USEPA on January 29, 2014.
A copy of the Title V Annual Report is available upon request from the Secretary of the
d) Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Board
Votes to Reduce Employer Retirement Contribution
As expected, the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA)
Board voted to lower the District's employer retirement contribution rate by 1.45 percent
of payroll starting July 1, 2014 as a result of the District's $5 million Unfunded Actuarial
Written Announcements
February 20, 2014
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Accrued Liability (UAAL) prepayment in December 2013. The next step is for the County
Board of Supervisors to approve the change, and that vote can be seen as a procedural
formality. The 1.45 percent of payroll reduction will be applied every year for the next 18
years (CCCERA's amortization period). For the coming fiscal year, the reduction in
contribution will be approximately $375,000.
e) District Proiect 8413 — Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations Project,
Phase 10
The District will host a public workshop on Thursday, February 20 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
at CSO in Walnut Creek.
The project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 7,500 feet of sewer pipe at several
different sites in Walnut Creek using open -cut and pipe- bursting methods. Staff has
contacted 54 different residents who will be affected by easement work on their property.
f) District Project 8411 — North Orinda Sewer Renovations project,
Phase 5
The District will host a public workshop on Thursday, February 27 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
at the Orinda Library's Garden Room (26 Orinda Way).
The project will install approximately 8,850 linear feet of 6 -,8 -, and 12 -inch sewer lines
within public right -of -way and easements by using pipe- bursting and open -cut methods.
Staff has contacted 36 different residents who will be affected by easement work on their