Sanitary District
Chair Nejedly
Member McGill
Monday, January 13, 2014
3:00 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX. (925) 676 -7211
Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee
Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be
permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has
commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is
no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee.
In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda.
You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within its jurisdiction,
under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for
action or calendared on a future agenda.
Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019
Imhoff Place, Martinez, and on the District's website at www.centralsan.org. Not every agenda item is
accompanied by written supporting material. Reports and information relating to agenda items distributed within
72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception
Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the meeting room.
In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those
with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the
Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303.
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee
January 13, 2014
Page 2
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Public Comments
*3. Set meeting schedule for 2014
Staff Recommendation: Set meeting schedule.
*4. Provide direction regarding Collection System Operations (CSO) Facility operating
under Stormwater General Industrial Permit Notice of Intent
Staff Recommendation: Provide direction to staff.
*5. Consider developing updated goals for the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
program based on what is being done currently (rather than based on when the
program was new in 1997)
Staff Recommendation: Discuss and provide direction to staff.
6. Announcements
a. Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 11 at 3 p.m.
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
8. Adjournment
* Attachment
Chair Neiedly /Member McGill
DATES 2014
Monthly at 3 p.m.
Committee Meeting Date
Second Tuesday February 11
Second Tuesday March 11
Second Tuesday April 8
(hold 3 p.m. Tuesday April 15 as backup date)
Fourth Wednesday May 28
Second Tuesday June 10
Second Tuesday July 8
Third Tuesday August 19
Second Tuesday September 9
First Tuesday October 7
November ?
Second Tuesday December 9
Board Meeting Date
February 20
March 20
April 17
June 5
June 19
July 17
September 4
September 18
October 16
December 18
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
January 8, 2014
The District's Collection System Operations facility in Walnut Creek has been operating under
the statewide storm water Industrial General Permit (IGP). Review of the applicability of the
IGP indicates the District does not have to operate under this permit. Staff is considering filing
a Notice of Termination (NOT) with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for
the CSO facility to discontinue operating under the IGP.
The current IGP was adopted in 1997 and contains permit elements that businesses must
comply with if they are subject to the statewide permit. Businesses regulated under the
statewide IGP must also comply with their local jurisdiction's storm water ordinance
requirements (City of Walnut Creek for the CSO facility). A business that is subject to the IGP
must file a Notice of Intent (NOI) document to be covered under the permit. A NOI was filed
for the CSO facility and the District has been operating under the IGP standards since filing
the NOI.
Significant elements of the IGP include:
• Compliance with discharge prohibitions. In general, these standards are also
contained in the local jurisdiction's storm water ordinances.
• In lieu of effluent limits, require use of best management practices (BMPs). Numeric
guidelines established to trigger follow -up actions if exceeded.
• Develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with two
• Identify and evaluate potential pollutant sources
• Specify non - structural and structural BMPs to control potential pollutant sources
• Monitoring Program
o Periodic inspections (visual observations monthly during wet season and
comprehensive annual) to evaluate effectiveness of BMPs and assess
compliance with standards.
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o Sampling and analysis of storm water and any non -storm water discharges
during qualifying storm events.
Submit Annual Report
Retain Records
During the construction of the new CSO facility, the NOI for the District was suspended and
the contractor responsible for the construction project filed a NOI for coverage under the
statewide Construction General Permit. When the District was going to take possession of
the new CSO facility, the NOI under the IGP needed to be reactivated. District staff evaluated
the IGP standards at that time and determined that the CSO facility was not required to
operate under the IGP. SF Bay RWQCB staff responsible for the storm water program was
contacted to determine if she concurred with this assessment which she did. During a
meeting of District staff to determine if the historic NOI filed by the District for the CSO facility
would be reactivated, General Manager, Jim Kelly, instructed staff to activate the NOI to
avoid the appearance of the District not practicing environmental stewardship. The NOI was
reactivated and the new CSO facility has been operating under the IGP.
The new CSO facility has many design elements that support compliance with storm water
management standards both under the IGP and the City of Walnut Creek's storm water
management ordinance (e.g. pervious concrete in large vehicle parking area, bio- swales
treating parking area runoff, covered spoils dewatering area with plumbing to sanitary sewer).
Non - structural BMPs are used to manage the remaining potential pollutants to the storm
water drainage system present at the facility.
The State Water Resources Control Board ( SWRCB) is currently in the process of reissuing
the IGP. After an extended process, the current reissue date is planned for 1/1/15. However,
the SWRCB received extensive comments to make the effective date 7/1/15 to avoid having
to "split" compliance elements, in particular annual reporting, across two different permits so
the effective date could be modified.
The modified IGP includes significant changes to the current permit that include:
• Effluent limits are not established but the guidelines in the current permit are
reclassified as Numeric Action Levels (NALs).
• Enhanced enforcement response standards, or Exceedance Response Action (ERA),
if NALs are exceeded or non - compliance with the permit standards is documented:
• Level 1 ERA Reports
• Level 2 ERA Technical Reports
• Level 2 ERA Action Plans
• More specific details on the elements of the SWPPP. The current SWPPP was
developed considering the standards in the proposed modified IGP.
• The SWPPP and Site Map need to be uploaded to the state database. Current
standard is to retain the documents on -site.
• Requires Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP) if facility enters Level 1
status ERA.
Establishes training standards.
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The District's CSO facility has been operating in substantial compliance with the current IGP
and can continue to do so under the current NOI. Since the CSO facility is not required to
operate under the IGP, the District should make a deliberate decision whether to continue
operating under the IGP. Issues to consider in making this decision include:
• The annual fee to operate under the IGP is $1,480 for FY 13 -14.
• Cost of compliance to operate under the IGP is primarily staff time.
• Some efforts should be continued even if the District files a NOT (e.g.
implementation of BMPs, periodic visual observations) to ensure compliance
with the City of Walnut Creek's ordinance.
• Some efforts could be discontinued which would enable District staff resources
to be directed toward other functions (e.g. sampling and analysis of storm water
samples, annual report preparation).
• The current SWPPP needs to be updated if we decide to continue operating under the
• Violations of the IGP are subject to citizen lawsuits under the Clean Water Act. Several
citizen groups are active in California filing lawsuits against industrial and municipal
facilities for violations of the IGP. While the District's compliance status should not
result in a lawsuit being filed, continuing to operate under the IGP creates exposure to
such lawsuits.
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
January 8, 2014
At the September 24, 2013 Environmental Services Committee meeting, Member
Causey asked if the District had a strategic plan for encouraging increased participation in
San Ramon, and Chair Pilecki expressed a desire to see updated goals for the HHW
Program based on current operations, rather than those based on targets established when
the program was launched in 1997.
Since the permanent HHW Facility ( HHWCF) opened in October 1997, the minimum goal for
community participation rate at the HHWCF has not been updated. It has remained at 4
percent mainly because San Ramon has barely exceeded the minimum over the last 16
years. By adding mobile collection event participation collection sponsored by the city, San
Ramon averages around 5.5 percent.
When the City of San Ramon added their own Door to Door collection program two years
ago, their overall HHW collection participation rate (including the HHW Facility) averaged 7.7
percent. Door to Door has improved their rates, but at a premium the City has elected to take
on. Cost per car rates at the HHW Facility for fiscal year (FY) 2012/13 were $93. The cost per
pick -up for their Door to Door program for the same year was $146.
Participation statistics for the HHW Program have been reported out for mainly what comes
through the HHW facility. In the past we have not taken credit for the participation at the
additional collection locations outside the facility that we sponsor including the
Pharmaceutical Collection Program, Pollution Solution Program at retail hardware stores and
community offices, and the outreach we provide for local used oil collection locations. We
estimate that based on the waste volumes collected at these locations that the HHW Program
served an additional 5,800 participants from all over the service area last fiscal year. This
would add roughly 3 percent to the overall participation rate of 15.4 percent bringing
our total rate to over 18.4 percent.
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14 doc
Real Estate, Environmental And Planning Committee
January 8, 2014
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While San Ramon has been an enigma since the HHW Program began, serving other areas
within the HHW Service area has also been problematic, mainly due to access to the facility.
Regulations require residents to drop off their wastes in a vehicle which limits homebound,
and some elderly and disabled residents from using either the facility or a mobile collection
event. Attention to these rate payers could be the next evolution to the HHW Program by
providing a Door to Door collection program of our own for only the homebound and disabled.
In the mid- 1990's, when the HHW Facility was being contemplated, the District set forth a
goal to serve four percent of the households in the service area each year which could
eventually rise to seven percent. The four percent goal was based on similar HHW program
participation rates at the time. Staff envisioned that residents would clean out their stockpiles
of old chemicals by delivering them in the first few years after opening, then the facility would
only need to collect small amounts of waste afterward.
In FY 1998/99, the first full year in operation, the program, overall, served 7.7 percent, with
individual communities averaging between 7 and 11 percent. Lafayette, San Ramon and the
unincorporated communities were outliers at 14.3, 3.2 and 3.4 percent respectively. Today,
overall participation is over 15 percent, with individual community participation between 14
and 23 percent; the current outliers are Martinez, San Ramon and unincorporated County at
35.4, 3.0 and 7.5 percent respectively.
Although participation rates have increased over the years for all communities, San Ramon
has stayed relatively the same. As shown in the graph below, San Ramon participation at the
HHW facility has been historically low; serving 3.5% of the San Ramon households in FY
1998/99 (the first complete year of the HHW facility operations), then peaking at 4.8% in FY
2004/05. The second graph compares the 16 year average rates of individual communities.
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, 14.0%
LL > 12.0%
0 6.0%
rho 4.0%
Overall Program Participation Rates Compared to San Ramon's Participation Rates
97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10 /11 11/12 12/13
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January 8, 2014
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_U 15.0%
= 12.0%
CL 6.0%
M 3.0%
Average Individual Community Participation
FY 1997/98 to 2012/13
o� o� ca Pa z ati
a e
Since the HHW facility opened in 1997, San Ramon residents were able to utilize mobile
events held at the San Ramon Services Center, Danville Library parking lot, and the
Lafayette Bart Station parking lot each year. FY 2002/03 was the last year that the District
held mobile events in Lafayette and Danville as HHW facility participation by those
communities was among the highest in the service area. Only the San Ramon mobile event
remained due to the low overall participation in that community.
Outreach campaigns by both the District and the City have provided little improvement.
Articles in the Districts Pipeline newsletter, City of San Ramon newsletter and website, and
garbage bill inserts have all been used. Comments from San Ramon residents in the past
have included: "Martinez is too far", "I shop in the Tri- Valley area ", and "Dropping off my
waste is not convenient"
Statewide Participation
HHW Program participation varies across the state due to a number of factors including: size
and location of the service area, the number of operating days, the type of wastes collected
(e- waste), and how the waste is collected (permanent facility, mobile events, Door to Door).
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The participation rate for California in FY 2011/12 was 5.1 %. Even though this number may
seem low, it is actually an inflated number as it combines participation from HHW programs
that collect electronic waste and HHW together. There are no requirements to separate the
participation of the two different waste types when reporting to the state.
Determining the effectiveness of an HHW program is a challenge as it is difficult to measure
when, how and where the public will manage their wastes. A household can easily store
many years of HHW and it is often generated because of an "event" such as spring cleaning
following the death of a family member, a major remodeling project, routine maintenance, or
a change of residence. These generation events are typically not weekly, monthly or even
annually, but more often multi -year. Therefore, the appropriate performance measurement
criteria must be based on a longer timeframe, probably some number of years.
Calculating Program Effectiveness
Expecting 100% annual participation would be unreasonable and impractical. A 30%
participation rate would be a giant achievement, but should the District set a goal so high that
it is unachievable?
Special Waste Associates Principal Dave Nightengale (who helped design the HHW Facility)
has developed what is believed to be the first formula to estimate HHW program
effectiveness. It is based on the age of paint delivered to HHW facilities. Since paint is the
single largest waste stream collected by HHW programs (about 50% by volume), it is a very
good indicator to show the age of the waste and how often those wastes are brought to an
HHW facility. Paint collected by the District's HHW program is equal to about 55% of the total
amount of waste This includes latex and oil based paint, and the paint given away through
the Reuse Program.
Nightengale measured the lifecycle of paint by taking the date of manufacturing on paint cans
and compared it to the date it was delivered to an HHWCF. The average lifecycle between
when paint is made and when it was recycled was 7.4 years. Below is the formula from
Nightengale's study and the Districts result using the formula:
Formula: PPR% X 7.4 = HHWEff.%
• PPR% is the Annual Participation Rate for the service area in a year
• 7.4 years is the assumed disposal cycle for HHW
HHWEtt.% is the Estimated Percent Effectiveness of the HHW collection program in
a year
HHW Effectiveness calculation example:
7.0 % (avg. ann. participation) X 7.4 = 51.8% effective.
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C 140%
� 120%
O 100%
3 90%
x 70%
X 60%
- 50%
C 20%
4) 10%
> 0%
h�h �
HHW Collection Effectiveness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Annual HHW Participation Rate, % of Households
District's result using the formula:
15.4% (current participation) X 7.4 = 114% effective.
By using the constant multiplier and achieving annual participation rates of 13.5% or more,
the result will be an annual effective rate of over 100 %. Possible reasons for effective rates
more than 100% could be because the average age of the non -paint waste is older than the
paint, customers bring in non -paint waste more frequently than the average age of paint, or it
is due to the residents in our service area have a higher understanding of recycling and
proper waste management.
Other Considerations in Program Participation
As participation at the HHW facility is the main focus of the District's tracking and reporting,
we should not overlook the additional services the District provides outside of the HHW
Facility. This would include our Pollution Solutions retail partnerships and the pharmaceutical
collection sites. Another collection resource staff promotes is the State funded Certified Used
Oil Collection Centers in the HHW Program service area. All of these collection sites are
convenient for the residents for wastes that are most commonly generated; fluorescent
lamps, household batteries, unwanted pharmaceuticals and used oil.
Pollution Solutions
There are eight District sponsored Pollution Solution collection sites around the service area
that are typically closer for residents to drop off their Universal Waste such as household
batteries and fluorescent lamps, rather than coming to the HHWCF. These collection sites
are located in Ace Hardware stores in Alamo, Blackhawk, Clayton, Martinez, Moraga,
Pleasant Hill, and two in Walnut Creek. The District also accepts household batteries
collected from City halls, libraries and schools if the waste origin is from residential sources.
Participation at these locations is not tracked, but waste volumes are tracked. In FY 2012/13,
a total of 19,900 pounds of lamps and batteries was collected from these sites. Assuming that
each person dropped off 10 pounds of waste, an additional 1,990 participants used the HHW
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program last year. This would bring total participation to over 31,100 households and our rate
to over 16.4 %.
Pharmaceutical Collection Program
The District sponsors 12 pharmaceutical collection sites at law enforcement agencies in nine
different communities in our service area. Similar to the Pollution Solutions sites only waste
volumes are tracked.
The pharmaceutical program collected 11,575 pounds of medications in FY 2012/13. If the
average person dropped off 3 pounds of medications, the program served an additional 3,850
participants. Adding the 3,850 participants to the total from above would bring the HHW total
participation to 34,950 and the participation rate to over 18.4 %.
Certified Used Oil Collection Centers
CalRecycle provides funding to used oil collection centers around the State to collect oil from
DIY'ers. This would include retail sites such as Pep Boys and AutoZone, as well as service
stations, auto repair, and tune -up centers. There are over 60 used oil collection sites to
choose from in Central County. Participation and waste volumes are not available. When a
participant drops off used oil at the HHW Facility, we provide them with a list of used oil
collection centers in the community they live to provide a convenient option.
San Ramon Door to Door Program
In November 2010, the San Ramon City Council voted to utilize Curbside Inc. to
augment HHW services in San Ramon. Curbside Inc. collects household hazardous
waste "door -to- door" on an on -call basis. The program began in June 2011.
The cost of San Ramon's Door -to -Door Program (DTD) is approximately $149,000 a year,
which is paid by San Ramon garbage rates and other solid waste funds. San Ramon
requested that the District restructure its HHW Services agreement with San Ramon to pay
on a per capita basis, with the savings available for the City of San Ramon to use pay for the
DTD on its own. The new agreement does not offer San Ramon the option to request HHW
mobile events.
Historically, San Ramon residents have had a number of opportunities to dispose of their
wastes through District sponsored mobile events. However, participation has been relatively
inconsistent over the years. San Ramon's best overall participation rates have come in the
past two years with the addition of the city's DTD, which has increased overall participation in
San Ramon by 31% (overall rate of 8.4 %) in its first year of operation (FY 2011/12) when
compared to the highest overall participation rate of 6.4 %, which occurred in FY 2007/08
when one mobile event was held in San Ramon. Although the overall participation rate in FY
2012/13 is lower at 6.9 %, this rate is still higher than previous years with District sponsored
mobile events.
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As expected, DTD collection has improved participation rates in San Ramon due to the
convenience of the program. The process is simple for residents to make an appointment,
bag the waste and have it ready for DTD staff to pick it up. However, DTD has inherent
drawbacks including up to five -week lead times on appointments, limitations on the amount of
waste and the types of wastes that can be picked up. For these reasons DTD is an effective
way to augment an HHW Program, but is not a viable single method of collection.
As a comparison, participation at the HHWCF by the Town of Danville last year was 13.2%
without mobile events or DTD service. At the farthest reaches of Danville, Diablo Vista Middle
School in the Camino Tassajara area is about 22 miles from the HHWCF.
The City of San Ramon had a participation rate of 3% at the HHWCF and at its southern
most residential area at the DVC San Ramon Campus on Bollinger Canyon Road the
distance is about 25 miles.
Based on the roughly three mile difference, distance cannot be the main reason for the
10.2% participation gap, but it is the most common excuse for why San Ramon residents do
not use the HHWCF.
The District's HHW Program is recognized as a leader of the industry when it comes to
operations, efficiency and statistics. There is always room for improvement and a number of
things can be done to increase service, which will increase participation and convenience to
the ratepayers with an associated increase in program cost
Increase outreach regarding the HHWCF including newspapers advertisements;
record public service announcement for radio and television; produce and distribute
YouTube videos; and build a brand for the HHW Program. Low to medium costs if
done in -house
• Pollution Solution Partnerships
Continue to expand Pollution Solution partnerships with eligible agencies to provide
more convenient drop off locations. Promote the locations in newsletters and on
Mobile Collection Events
San Ramon residents have historically been low performers at the HHW facility, with
an average participation rate of about 3 %. Mobile collection events have helped over
the years, increasing the overall rate to about 5 -6 %. The average cost of a mobile
event is about $60,000 per event which serves approximately 300 -400 San Ramon
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• Door to Door Collection for Homebound and Disabled
Accessibility to the HHW Program could be improved with a modified DTD similar to
the San Ramon program. As it is required by law, all HHW must be delivered to a
collection facility in a vehicle. This presents a challenge to some disabled and
housebound residents who must rely on neighbors, relatives or pay someone to drop it
off for them. Areas such as Rossmoor in Walnut Creek and the Monument corridor of
Concord are filled with residents that are either unable to drive or do not have the
means to drive. Statistics in the Monument corridor show that 18% of residents do not
own vehicles and must rely on public transportation which is not a legal alternative.
• Utilize the Alameda County HHW Facility in Livermore
In the past Alameda County has rejected the District's request to allow residents to use
the Livermore HHW Facility on a pay per use basis. Recent communications with staff
may make alternatives available if the District is inclined.
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