HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.d. CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) as of June 30, 2013CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT
Cent ra l Cont ra Costa S anitar y Di s t r i c t 5019 Imhoff Pl a ce, M ar t i n e z , CA 94553 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2013 Ultraviolet
Light Disinfection Unit
CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Table of Contents For the Year Ended June 30, 2013 INTRODUCTORY SECTION: Letter of Transmittal ...........................
.................................................................... i Board of Directors ................................................................................................
vii Mission Statement .............................................................................................. viii Organization Chart ..........................................................
.....................................ix Map of Service Area ............................................................................................. x Certificate of Achievement
.................................................................................... xi FINANCIAL SECTION: Independent Auditors’ Report ...............................................................
................ 1 Management’s Discussion and Analysis .............................................................. 3 Basic Financial Statements Statement of Net Position .........................
............................................... 10 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ........... 11 Statement of Cash Flows .................................................
................... 12-13 Notes to Financial Statements – The accompanying notes are an integral part of the basic financial statements .................................... 15-37 Supplementary
Information Combining Schedule of Statement of Net Position .................................. 41 Combining Schedule of Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position –
Enterprise Sub-Funds .................................. 42 Schedule of Running Expenses -Comparison of Budget and Actual Expenses by Department .......................................................
................ 43 Running Expense -Schedule of Supplemental Net Position Analysis ..... 44 STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited): Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position -Last
Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-1 Revenue by Type -Last Ten Fiscal Years .....................................................
.... S-2 Operating Expenses by Type -Last Ten Fiscal Years ....................................... S-3 Major Revenue Base and Rates -Historical and Current Fees -Last Ten Fiscal Years
..................................................................................... S-4 Sewer Service Charge -List of Ten Largest Customers -Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................
................................................... S-5 Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation of Taxable Property -Last Ten Fiscal Years ............................................................
......................... S-6 Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected -Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................
... S-6
Summary of Debt Service -Type, Debt Service Coverage, Debt Ratio -Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-7 Demographic
and Economic Data -Population Served -Last Ten Calendar Years ................................................................................ S-8 List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra
Costa County -Last Year and Seven Years Ago .................................................................... S-8 Demographic and Economic Statistics -Contra Costa County -Last Ten
Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-9 Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department -Last Ten Fiscal Years ........ S-10
Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses -Last Ten Fiscal Years .............. S-10 Capital Asset and Operating Statistics -Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years ... S-11 Miscellaneous Statistics
.................................................................................. S-11
Cent ra l Cont ra Costa S anitar y Di s t r i c t Introductory Section
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392
ii The District is committed to protecting the public health and preserving the environment while minimizing facility and operating costs. The District has approximately 1,500 miles
of sewer pipeline, ranging in size from 6 inches to 120 inches in diameter, and 16 sewage-pumping stations in the District’s sewage collection system. The District is the sole provider
of wastewater service within the District limits (see map of service area). Residents make up the largest segment of the District’s customer base representing approximately 82% of the
Sewer Service Charge revenue. The District’s treatment capacity has grown from 4.5 million gallons per day (mgd) initiated in 1948 to 53.8 mgd currently. Bonds, state grants, federal
grants, and pay-as-you-go resources of the District have financed expansions. The District also provides an alternative source of water for irrigation by producing high quality recycled
water. Recycled water can safely be used on freeway landscaping, street medians, golf courses, athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, schoolyards and multifamily residential common areas.
In addition to its wastewater responsibility, the District also teamed with Mountain View Sanitary District and other local governments to build and operate the first permanent Household
Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility in Contra Costa County. The HHW Collection Facility is located adjacent to the District’s wastewater treatment plant and seeks to keep pollutants
out of the sewer system, making this facility an important part of our Pollution Prevention Program. Completing its sixteenth year of operation, the HHW currently serves approximately
15.5 percent of the central County households. Organization, Accounting and Budgetary Controls A 5-member Board of Directors governs the District. Board members are elected on a non-partisan
basis and serve a four-year term. The Board appoints the General Manager, who in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors, manages District affairs. The District
employs 254 regular employees organized in four departments led by Managers responsible for their budgets and expenses. The four departments are: Administrative, Engineering, Collection
Systems, and Plant Operations. The District by law uses an enterprise fund to account for the operations of the District, which is run in a manner similar to private industry. The District
currently has one enterprise fund which is comprised of four internal sub-funds: Running Expense -accounts for the general operations of the District. Substantially all operating revenues
and expenses are accounted for in this fund (also referred to as Operations & Maintenance or O&M). Sewer Construction -accounts for non-operating revenues that are to be used for acquisition
or construction of plant, property, and equipment (also referred to as the Capital Fund). Self-Insurance -accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub-fund and cash
allocations from other funds, as well as costs of insurance premiums and claims not covered by the District’s insurance policies.
iii Debt Service – accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District’s long term bonds and loans. Each year, the Board adopts the following four budgets: Operations
and Maintenance, Capital Improvement and Sewer Construction, Self-Insurance, and Debt-Service. The Board Finance Committee reviews disbursements prior to each regular Board meeting,
and disbursements are then approved by the full Board. Monthly financial statements are issued to management and the Board. A detailed mid-year and annual budget analysis are prepared
and presented to the Board. District management is accountable for variances and adhering to budget constraints. The District also has several documented financial policies that are
reviewed and updated as appropriate. ASSESSING THE DISTRICT’S ECONOMIC CONDITION Local Economy and Outlook While the nation as a whole is slowly recovering from the most severe economic
contraction since the Great Depression, economic data for the past year indicate California, in particular the Bay Area, is leading the nation in job gain and economic recovery. Employment
in the Bay Area has consistently grown at a faster rate than the country as a whole during the year. According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), voter approval of Proposition
30 (a temporary ¼ cent increase in sales tax and an income tax increase on earnings over $250,000), improved state economy, and budget cuts will produce a budget reserve for the first
time in five years. Contrary to budget shortfalls of recent years, a projected surplus in general fund is restoring some programs, such as school funding, from prior year cuts and will
see an increase in state funding. Key economic indicators show positive signs of growth for the East Bay and the state. Furthermore, the UCLA Anderson Forecast predicts the nine-county
region of the Bay Area will continue as a top performer in job and economic recovery. The decline in home values and foreclosures from sub-prime lending leading to a restrictive credit
market has turned the corner and home prices in California have risen steeply in the past year. In contrast to the bursting of the housing bubble which began in 2008 and continued for
several years, a rapid recovery is underway in the housing market. Existing single-family home prices in the East Bay, as in the rest of the state, have increased dramatically and the
upswing is predicted to continue. Low interest rates on mortgages along with declining inventory of affordable homes have caused a flurry of activities in the housing market that is
expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Both single-family and multi-family residential building permits have increased as a result of the strong housing market. The strong housing
market has a positive effect in the growth of new sewer service connections for the District. New construction of multi-family housing units in Walnut Creek and San Ramon have increased
connection fees and will add to the stream of sewer service charge revenue. The District and the bargaining units have agreed on a 5-year contract that will go to December of 2017. The
new contract continues the bulk of employee retirement cost being paid by the District. Payment of the unfunded liability is a major financial concern for the District as it is for many
public entities. The District
iv has an excellent reputation in all areas of public service, which include finance, collection, treatment, training, safety, technology, capital projects, construction and customer
service. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has balanced revenue sources, adequate reserves, and a moderate debt obligation. CCCSD reviews its rate and other charges annually.
The District can increase its sewer service charge rates when needed to make up revenue shortfalls by providing public notice to all customers, holding a Public Hearing, and obtaining
approval by the Board of Directors. The District is also able to obtain bond financing, as needed, due to the District’s AAA bond rating. The District anticipates that it will continue
to meet its mission and goals, continue to provide excellent customer service and reasonable rates to its customers, and meet compliance requirements given the current economic conditions.
Long Term Financial Planning District management analyzes and updates their strategic plan annually, with the four main goals being: providing exceptional customer service, maintaining
full regulatory compliance, maintaining responsible rates, and continuing to be a high performance organization. Strategies to achieve each of the goals are developed, as well as metrics
to evaluate success. The District performs a 10-year long-term cash flow forecast each year shortly before the budget process begins. The main economic factors considered in long range
forecasting are: the impact of state legislation and mandates, regulatory compliance, GASB requirements, negotiated salary increases and employee benefits including significant increases
in retirement and health care costs, energy costs and interpreting the energy market, housing growth, and infrastructure renewal and replacement needs. The District has a significant
amount of unfunded actuarial liability for both pension and other post employment costs (OPEB) and various options for managing these liabilities are explored in the financial planning
process. Relevant Financial Policies Investment Policy: The District’s investment policies for District assets and GASB 45 Trust are reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors
in accordance with District investment policy. Section 53646 of the California Government Code governs our investment practices, and is reviewed annually by staff, legal counsel and
the Board. No required changes were necessary. The Board receives monthly financial statements that include District investment performance. Since 2008, the GASB 45 Trust investments
are in a moderate investment strategy fund. The Board Budget and Finance Committee reviews GASB 45 Trust quarterly financial statements to monitor the District’s investment strategy
in the current volatile economy. Major Initiatives The District’s vision is to be a high-performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and full regulatory compliance
at responsible rates. Full regulatory compliance is provided through exceptional operation of our collection system and treatment facilities, as well as through continued investment
in our infrastructure. Our current capital plan has an emphasis on renovation, particularly in the collection system, in order to improve service, and fix deteriorating pipes and pumping
stations before they can contribute to a sewer system overflow. Both at the state and federal level, regulations addressing sewer system overflows and public notification have become
v increasingly stringent over the last several years. Collection system operations was enhanced by the newly constructed administration/crew/warehouse building, which was designed to
be LEED certified and incorporates many green design features. LEED represents “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,” which is administered by the U.S. Green Building Council.
Our capital plan is also addressing treatment plant reliability through design and construction of several recently completed projects. The Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 project, allowed
the District to inspect and repair the 3.5 mile 72-inch diameter outfall pipeline that transports fully treated effluent from the Martinez Treatment Plant Facility to Suisun Bay. A second
project, the Piping Renovations, Phase 6 project, replaces aging pipe infrastructure with new modern piping. These projects are supplemented with treatment plant renovation projects
to increase safety and replace other plant infrastructure. The District has received Platinum and Gold awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for fifteen
straight years in recognition of 100 percent compliance with our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. It has also reduced the number of sanitary sewer overflows
by more than 70% in the past 10 years by improved sewer cleaning and a robust sewer rehabilitation program. AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Government Finance Officers Association of
the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for its comprehensive annual
financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. This was the thirteenth consecutive year that the District has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate
of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting
principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our current comprehensive annual financial report continues
to meet the program’s requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. This report could not have been accomplished without the
dedication and commitment provided by District staff. I would like to express my appreciation to the following employees who assisted in its preparation: The Finance and Accounting
staff who compiled the information contained in this document with a special thanks to Jamie King, Accountant, and Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator. The Reproduction and Graphics
Team who creatively and professionally prepared this finished document.
vi Engineering and Operations staff who provided much of the statistical information included in this document. The District’s Board of Directors and Management Team for their support
in preparing this document as well as their day-to-day support in conducting the financial operations of the District in a prudent and responsible manner. Respectfully submitted, Thea
Vassallo Finance Manager
vii CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS June 30, 2013 James A. Nejedly .............................................. President David R. Williams ...............................
President Pro-Tem Paul H. Causey ................................................... Member Michael R. McGill ................................................ Member Tad J. Pilecki ..................
.................................... Member
Our Mission Our Vision Our Values To protect the public health and the environment by: • Collecting and treating wastewater • Recycling high quality water • Promoting pollution prevention
Be a high performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and full regulatory compliance at responsible rates. We will achieve our goals by valuing: • Each other
• Ethics and integrity • A healthy and safe environment • Community relationships • The meeting of commitments • All aspects of diversity Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 0021-10/08
Cent ra l Cont ra Costa S anitar y Di s t r i c t Financial Section
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez, California Report on Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial
statements of the business-type activities of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2013, and the related notes to the financial
statements, which collectively comprise the District’s basic financial statements as listed in the Table of Contents. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management
is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this
includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance
with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In
making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the District’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the District’s internal control. Accordingly, we express
no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well
as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
opinions. Opinions In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial positions of the business-type activities
and each major fund of the District as of June 30, 2013, and the respective changes in the financial positions and cash flows, where applicable, thereof for the years then ended, in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Emphasis of Matters Management adopted the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 63 -Financial Reporting of Deferred Outflows of Resources, Deferred Inflows
of Resources, and Net Position, which became effective during the year ended June 30, 2013 and required changes to statement titles and other nomenclature within the financial statements.
The emphasis of this matter does not constitute a modification to our opinion. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America require that Management’s Discussion and Analysis be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial
statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in
an appropriate operational, economic or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to this information in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in
the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s
responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide
any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Other Information Our audit
was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the District’s basic financial statements as a whole. The Introductory Section,
Supplemental Information and Statistical Section, as listed in the Table of Contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not required parts of the basic financial
statements. The Supplemental Information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare
the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including
comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves,
and other additional procedures in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States of America. In our opinion, the Supplemental Information is fairly stated
in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole. The Introductory and Supplemental Sections have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied
in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on them. Pleasant Hill, California September 18, 2013
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392
Cent ra l Cont ra Costa S anitar y Di s t r i c t Statistical Section
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Statistical Section Table of Contents Financial Trends These schedules contain trend information to help the reader understand how the District’s
financial performance has changed over time. Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position -Last Ten Fiscal Years .............................................................................
......... S-1 Revenue by Type -Last Ten Fiscal Years ......................................................... S-2 Operating Expenses by Type -Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................
.... S-3 Revenue Capacity These schedules contain information to help the reader assess the District’s most significant revenue sources. Major Revenue Base and Rates -Historical and
Current Fees -Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-4 Sewer Service Charge -List of Ten Largest Customers -Last
Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-5 Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation of Taxable Property -Last Ten Fiscal
Years ...................................................................................... S-6 Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected -Last Ten Fiscal Years
...................................................................................... S-6 Debt Capacity This schedule contains information to help the reader assess the affordability
of the District’s current levels of outstanding debt and the District’s ability to issue additional debt in the future. Summary of Debt Service -Type, Debt Service Coverage, Debt Ratio
-Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-7 Demographic and Economic Information This schedule offers demographic
and economic indicators to help the reader understand the environment within which the District’s financial activities take place. Demographic and Economic Data -Population Served -Last
Ten Calendar Years ................................................................................ S-8 List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra Costa County -Last Year and Seven Years
Ago .................................................................... S-8 Demographic and Economic Statistics -Contra Costa County -Last Ten Fiscal Years ..........................................
............................................ S-9 Operating Information These schedules contain service and infrastructure data to help the reader understand how the information in the
District’s financial report relates to the services the District provides and the activities it performs. Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department -Last Ten Fiscal Years ........
S-10 Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses -Last Ten Fiscal Years .............. S-10 Capital Asset and Operating Statistics -Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years ... S-11 Miscellaneous
Statistics .................................................................................. S-11 Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the information in these schedules is derived from
the comprehensive annual financial reports for the relevant year. The District implemented GASB Statement 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year; schedules presented include information beginning
in that year.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position Changes in Net Position 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Operating Revenues: Sewer Service Charges (SSC) 33,935,899 32,282,806 37,781,774 35,057,668 40,207,157 43,087,454 48,692,520 49,095,870 49,123,848 56,770,984
City of Concord 6,609,602 6,603,000 7,383,011 9,043,215 8,206,860 8,755,857 8,664,668 9,224,952 10,647,389 10,483,421 Other Service Charges 648,617 672,887 755,827 793,395 869,589 872,978
824,022 913,017 915,485 1,076,401 Miscellaneous Charges 560,454 612,851 517,741 863,843 595,980 667,855 650,876 662,721 929,917 751,880 Total Operating Revenue 41,754,572 40,171,544
46,438,353 45,758,121 49,879,586 53,384,144 58,832,086 59,896,560 61,616,639 69,082,686 Operating Expenses: Salaries & Benefits 28,095,636 27,989,401 29,875,340 34,678,665 37,312,472
39,440,034 39,986,763 41,705,131 45,562,430 49,811,218 Chemicals, Utilities & Supplies 5,808,070 6,801,750 7,646,866 8,759,490 8,952,840 9,368,755 7,973,992 7,609,127 8,121,809 7,401,103
Professional & Outside Services 2,282,408 2,350,387 2,850,825 2,298,712 2,613,658 2,832,001 2,129,552 2,425,615 4,099,876 2,836,638 Hauling, Disposal, Repairs & Maintenance 3,871,749
3,716,176 3,826,165 4,105,082 3,863,555 3,938,129 3,808,635 3,916,789 4,077,741 4,239,421 Self-Insurance (net of transfers) 464,702 1,189,693 629,513 (180,716) (215,004) 90,876 (688,859)
119,051 (65,688) 159,961 Depreciation 15,186,594 16,041,555 16,354,488 17,714,714 18,615,747 19,417,941 20,969,429 20,580,061 21,190,059 21,596,266 All Other 1,267,809 1,437,272 1,330,946
2,144,082 2,378,941 2,305,459 2,658,662 2,459,966 2,489,019 2,693,135 Total Operating Expenses 56,976,968 59,526,234 62,514,143 69,520,029 73,522,209 77,393,195 76,838,174 78,815,740
85,475,246 88,737,742 Operating Loss (15,222,396) (19,354,690) (16,075,790) (23,761,908) (23,642,623) (24,009,051) (18,006,088) (18,919,180) (23,858,607) (19,655,056) Non-Operating Revenues
(Expenses): Property Taxes * 8,919,327 4,010,380 4,836,301 11,762,731 12,254,168 12,539,375 12,260,123 12,213,624 12,047,169 13,010,477 Connection & Other Fees 2,936,298 4,265,620 2,062,216
1,615,308 1,335,160 1,093,756 776,348 895,825 903,810 1,169,809 Interest Income 831,215 1,519,192 2,465,985 3,257,773 2,527,621 1,033,095 570,024 673,990 294,938 405,474 Interest Expense
(1,101,115) (1,775,857) (1,694,304) (1,609,104) (1,518,142) (1,421,686) (1,553,467) (2,061,903) (1,919,375) (1,802,084) All Other * 1,467,877 1,109,716 1,096,401 1,316,383 1,243,817
639,523 12,295 (523,209) 931,660 951,100 Total Non-Operating 13,053,602 9,129,051 8,766,599 16,343,091 15,842,624 13,884,063 12,065,323 11,198,327 12,258,202 13,734,776 Income Before
Contributions and Transfers (2,168,794) (10,225,639) (7,309,191) (7,418,817) (7,799,999) (10,124,988) (5,940,765) (7,720,853) (11,600,405) (5,920,280) Customer Contributions** 10,187,725
14,716,585 9,862,620 15,945,915 14,970,637 13,938,421 6,793,040 5,018,092 8,888,663 8,001,147 Contributed Sewer Lines 4,410,808 5,530,848 3,044,945 3,521,704 1,444,420 1,231,022 1,840,259
533,616 792,011 939,628 Capital Contributions -Connection Fees 6,585,984 10,728,717 10,496,898 8,917,658 9,259,160 5,025,493 7,078,635 3,515,804 5,724,833 6,091,529 CHANGE IN NET POSITION
19,015,723 20,750,511 16,095,272 20,966,460 17,874,218 10,069,948 9,771,169 1,346,659 3,805,102 9,112,024 Total Net Assets -Beginning 506,907,911 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417
583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871 626,602,973 Total Net Assets -Ending 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417 583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871
626,602,973 635,714,997 Statement of Net Position 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Investments in Capital Assets, Net
of Related Debt 453,251,761 469,375,715 486,098,303 513,580,658 531,119,639 552,165,498 531,324,187 541,613,208 549,462,506 559,523,642 Restricted for Debt Service 3,035,944 3,118,704
3,647,257 3,216,163 3,185,416 3,163,956 4,565,970 4,612,103 4,663,601 4,730,837 Unrestricted 69,635,929 74,179,726 73,023,857 66,939,056 67,305,040 56,350,589 85,561,055 76,572,560 72,476,866
71,460,518 Total Net Position 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417 583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871 626,602,973 635,714,997 * Includes Prop 1A loan receivable
revenue and offset of $985,916. The revenue is offset by the provision for losses categorized in other. ** Classification reclassed 2010-11, prior years reclassed for consistency. Previously
included in Non-Operating. Includes capital cost contributions from the City of Concord and customer contributions (SSC). The District implemented GASB 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year,
one year earlier than required. Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements Last Ten Fiscal Years S-1
Fiscal Sewer Service City of Other Service Miscellaneous Total Year Charges* Concord Charges Charges Operating 2003-2004 $33,935,899 $6,609,602 $648,617 $560,454 $41,754,572 2004-2005
32,282,806 6,603,000 672,887 612,851 40,171,544 2005-2006 37,781,774 7,383,011 755,827 517,741 46,438,353 2006-2007 35,057,668 9,043,215 793,395 863,843 45,758,121 2007-2008 40,207,157
8,206,860 869,589 595,980 49,879,586 2008-2009 43,087,454 8,755,857 872,978 667,855 53,384,144 2009-2010 48,692,520 8,664,668 824,022 650,876 58,832,086 2010-2011 49,095,870 9,224,952
913,017 662,721 59,896,560 2011-2012 49,123,848 10,647,389 915,485 929,917 61,616,639 2012-2013 56,770,984 10,483,421 1,076,401 751,880 69,082,686 Fiscal Property Customer Connections
All Total Non-Operating Year Taxes *1 Contributions *2 & Other Fees *3 Interest Other & Contributions 2003-2004 $8,919,327 $14,598,533 $9,522,282 $831,215 $1,467,877 $35,339,234 2004-2005
4,010,380 20,247,433 14,994,337 1,519,192 1,109,716 41,881,058 2005-2006 4,836,301 12,907,565 12,559,114 2,465,985 1,096,401 33,865,366 2006-2007 11,762,731 19,467,619 10,532,966 3,257,773
1,316,383 46,337,472 2007-2008 12,254,168 16,415,057 10,594,320 2,527,621 1,243,817 43,034,983 2008-2009 12,539,375 15,169,443 6,119,249 1,033,095 639,523 35,500,685 2009-2010 12,260,123
8,633,299 7,854,983 570,024 998,211 30,316,640 2010-2011 12,213,624 5,551,708 4,411,629 673,990 -22,850,951 2011-2012 12,047,169 9,680,674 6,628,643 294,938 931,660 29,583,084 2012-2013
13,010,477 8,940,775 7,261,338 405,474 951,100 30,569,164 * Sewer Service Charge (SSC) represents the Running Expense Fund portion of SSC County collections along with District direct
billings and counter collections. *1 2009-2010 property taxes includes Prop 1A loan receivable revenue of $985,916. contributed sewer lines beginning in 2000-2001, due to changes in
GASB 33 reporting requirements. *3 Includes connection fees, non-operating permit, inspection, and other fees. Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements
Operating Revenue Non-Operating Revenue *2 Customer Contributions include the portion of SSC that is allocated to Sewer Construction Fund, City of Concord reimbursement of capital costs,
and developer $-$20,000,000 $40,000,000 $60,000,000 $80,000,000 $100,000,000 $120,000,000 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Dollars Fiscal Year Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Revenue By Type Last Ten Fiscal Years Operating Revenue Non-Operating Revenue S-2
Fiscal Salaries Chemicals, Utilities Professional & Hauling, Disposal, Self-Insurance Depreciation All Total Operating Non-Operating Year and Benefits & Supplies Outside Services Repairs
& Maintenance Other Expenses Expenses * 2003-2004 $28,095,636 $5,808,070 $2,282,408 $3,871,749 $689,702 $15,186,594 $1,042,809 $56,976,968 $1,101,115 2004-2005 27,989,401 6,801,750 2,350,387
3,716,176 1,189,693 16,041,555 1,437,272 59,526,234 1,775,857 2005-2006 29,875,340 7,646,866 2,850,825 3,826,165 879,513 16,354,488 1,080,946 62,514,143 1,694,304 2006-2007 34,678,665
8,759,490 2,298,712 4,105,082 519,284 17,714,714 1,444,082 69,520,029 1,609,104 2007-2008 37,312,472 8,952,840 2,613,658 3,863,555 916,639 18,615,747 1,247,298 73,522,209 1,518,142 2008-2009
39,440,034 9,368,755 2,832,001 3,938,129 958,906 19,417,941 1,437,429 77,393,195 1,421,686 2009-2010 39,986,763 7,973,992 2,129,552 3,808,635 746,612 20,969,429 1,223,191 76,838,174
2,539,383 2010-2011 41,705,131 7,609,127 2,425,615 3,916,789 1,003,115 20,580,061 1,575,902 78,815,740 2,585,112 2011-2012 45,562,430 8,121,809 4,099,876 4,077,741 810,849 21,190,059
1,612,482 85,475,246 1,919,375 2012-2013 49,811,218 7,401,103 2,836,638 4,239,421 2,380,466 21,596,266 472,630 88,737,742 1,802,084 Informational -not graphed * 2009-2010 non-operating
expenses includes Prop 1A loan receivable revenue offset of $985,916. Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial StatementsOPERATING EXPENSES $-$10,000,000 $20,000,000
$30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 $70,000,000 $80,000,000 $90,000,000 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Dollars Fiscal Year Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Operating Expenses by Type Last Ten Fiscal Years Salaries and Benefits Chemicals, Utilities & Supplies Professional & Outside
Services Hauling, Disposal, Repairs & Maintenance Self-Insurance Depreciation All Other S-3
Facility Pump Fiscal Year Operations Capital Total Capacity Fee *2 Zone Fee *3 2003-2004 $218 $54 $272 $3,983 $988 2004-2005 204 76 280 3,983 988 2005-2006 234 46 280 4,150 1,331 2006-2007
213 76 289 4,263 1,404 2007-2008 242 58 300 4,524 1,466 2008-2009 260 51 311 4,923 1,586 2009-2010 292 19 311 5,298 1,651 2010-2011 300 11 311 5,451 1,641 2011-2012 302 39 341 5,465
1,606 2012-2013 344 27 371 5,797 1,625 *1 All residential accounts pay a flat annual sewer service charge shown above per household. The charge for commercial users consists of an annual
rate based on a measured volume of water usage per 100 cubic feet (HCF). *2 New users who are connected to the Wastewater System are charged Capital Improvement Fees called Facility
Capacity Fees. Fee is per connection. *3 New customers in areas where wastewater pumping stations are needed to reach the District's gravity fed sewers are charged a Pump Zone Fee. Fee
is per connection. Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division Historical and Current Fees Last Ten Fiscal Years Annual Sewer Service Charge (SSC)
*1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Major Revenue Base and Rates $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Annual SSC Fiscal Year Operations Capital S-4
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Customer Revenue
Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue City of Concord* $ 6,609,602 1 15.83% $ 6,603,000 1 16.44% $ 7,383,011 1 15.90% $ 9,043,215
1 19.76% $ 8,206,860 1 16.45% Chevron Offices & Office Park ------$ 340,389 2 0.68% Contra Costa County General Services 250,442 3 0.60% 294,670 2 0.73% 295,173 2 0.64% 322,351 2 0.70%
316,854 3 0.64% First Walnut Creek Mutual 258,400 2 0.62% 266,000 3 0.66% 295,120 3 0.64% ----Park Regency Apartments 242,624 4 0.58% 249,760 4 0.62% 249,760 4 0.54% 257,788 3 0.56%
267,600 4 0.54% Second Walnut Creek Mutual Apts 204,000 5 0.49% 210,000 5 0.52% 210,000 5 0.45% --120,000 8 0.24% Sun Valley Mall 145,169 6 0.35% 158,077 6 0.39% 169,916 6 0.37% 176,293
4 0.39% 183,380 6 0.37% Archstone/Treat Commons Apartments 138,720 7 0.33% 142,800 7 0.36% 142,800 7 0.31% 101,150 9-10 0.22% --St. Mary's College Contract 97,670 10 0.23% --117,119
10 0.25% 127,355 6 0.28% 136,016 7 0.27% Willows Shopping Center 111,822 9 0.27% 120,459 9 0.30% --128,303 5 0.28% --Bay Landing Apartments ------104,040 8 0.23% 108,000 10 0.22% Muirland
@Windemere Apartments ------101,150 9-10 0.22% --Reflections San Ramon Apartments 134,912 8 0.32% 139,062 8 0.35% 139,062 8 0.30% ----Kaiser Foundation Hospital --100,976 1 0 0.25% 126,904
9 0.27% --118,809 9 0.24% John Muir Health ------121,613 7 0.27% 223,775 5 0.45% Total $ 8,193,361 19.62% $ 8,284,804 20.62% $ 9,128,865 19.66% $ 10,483,258 22.91% $ 10,021,683 20.09%
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Customer Revenue
Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue City of Concord* $ 8,755,857 1 16.40% $ 8,664,668 1 14.73% $ 9 ,224,952 1 15.40% $ 10,647,389
1 17.28% $ 10,483,421 1 15.18% Park Regency Apartments 277,412 4 0.52% 277,412 3 0.47% 277,412 3 0.46% 304,172 2 0.49% 330,932 2 0.48% Contra Costa County General Services 320,866 3
0.60% 305,880 2 0.52% 301,430 2 0.50% 292,384 3 0.47% 321,803 3 0.47% Willows Shopping Center --------197,567 4 0.29% John Muir Health 125,292 7 0.23% ------176,381 5 0.26% Sun Valley
Mall 190,734 5 0.36% 197,566 4 0.34% 193,957 4 0.32% 203,037 4 0.33% 174,038 6 0.25% St. Mary's College Contract 126,222 6 0.24% --98,521 10 0.16% 119,407 7 0.19% 158,480 7 0.23% Branch
Creek Vista Apartments 124,400 8 0.23% 124,400 7 0.21% 124,400 5 0.21% 136,400 5 0.22% 148,400 8 0.21% Bay Landing Apartments 111,960 10 0.21% 111,960 8 0.19% 111,960 6 0.19% 122,760
6 0.20% 133,560 9 0.19% Archstone Apartments --108,850 9-10 0.19% 108,850 7-8 0.18% 119,350 8-9 0.19% 129,850 10 0.19% Muirland @Windemere Apartments --108,850 9-10 0.19% 108,850 7-8
0.18% 119,350 8-9 0.19% 129,850 10 0.19% Creekside Oaks Apartments ------107,756 10 0.17% --Chevron Offices & Office Park 363,739 2 0.68% 165,561 5 0.28% ------Kaiser Foundation Hospital
112,727 9 0.21% 136,753 6 0.23% 102,893 9 0.17% ----Total $ 10,509,209 19.69% $ 10,201,900 17.34% $ 10,653,225 17.79% $ 12,172,005 19.75% $ 12,384,282 17.93% * Contract with the City
of Concord to treat and dispose of wastewater for Concord and Clayton. The District implemented GASB 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year, one year earlier than required. Source: Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division 2011-2012 2007-2008 2012-2013 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer Service Charge List Of Ten Largest Customers
Ten Fiscal Years 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 S-5
Fiscal Year Local Secured Unsecured Total 2003-2004 $46,821,339,668 $1,446,650,234 $48,267,989,902 8.2% 2004-2005 50,577,841,843 1,416,240,351 51,994,082,194 7.7% 2005-2006 55,586,311,888
1,463,536,750 57,049,848,638 9.7% 2006-2007 61,409,513,246 1,533,076,135 62,942,589,381 10.3% 2007-2008 66,416,736,187 1,583,187,663 67,999,923,850 8.0% 2008-2009 68,888,723,534 1,738,606,038
70,627,329,572 3.9% 2009-2010 68,640,287,188 1,723,710,536 70,363,997,724 -0.4% 2010-2011 67,889,370,916 1,647,537,385 69,536,908,301 -1.2% 2011-2012 67,486,938,247 1,591,574,852 69,078,513,099
-0.7% 2012-2013 67,538,246,870 1,604,518,295 69,142,765,165 0.1% Property Tax* Sewer Service Charges* Fiscal Year Levied & Collected % Change Levied & Collected 2003-2004 $9,013,484
6.5% $41,499,031 10.7% 2004-2005 4,027,427 -55.3% 43,327,756 4.4% 2005-2006 4,856,758 20.6% 44,261,318 2.2% 2006-2007 11,860,961 144.2% 46,694,671 5.5% 2007-2008 12,092,637 2.0% 48,883,932
4.7% 2008-2009 12,492,502 3.3% 50,743,258 3.8% 2009-2010 11,253,233 ** -9.9% 50,896,210 0.3% 2010-2011 12,171,725 8.2% 50,196,629 -1.4% 2011-2012 12,032,525 -1.1% 54,586,208 8.7% 2012-2013
13,185,988 9.6% 60,068,807 10.0% * General County taxes collected are the same as the amount levied since the County participates in California's alternative method of apportionment
called the Teeter Plan. The Teeter Plan as provided in Section 4701 et seq. of the State Revenue and Taxation Code, establishes a mechanism for the County to advance the full amount
of property tax and other levies to taxing agencies based on the tax levy, rather than on the basis of actual tax collections. Although this system is a simpler method to administer,
the County assumes the risk of delinquencies. The County in return retains the penalties and accrued interest thereon. ** Actual amount received from the County. Net of Prop 1A loan
to state of $985,916. Source: Contra Costa County Auditor-Controller's Office % Change Last Ten Fiscal Years Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation
of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected % Change S-6
Fiscal Total Total Total Revenue Water Rec. Total Debt Year Principal Interest Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service Bonds Loan Outstanding 2003-2004
1,375,000 1,583,739 2,958,739 127,323 59,796 187,119 1,502,323 1,643,535 3,145,858 35,940,000 2,172,519 38,112,519 2004-2005 1,995,000 1,719,372 3,714,372 130,634 56,485 187,119 2,125,634
1,775,857 3,901,491 33,945,000 2,041,885 35,986,885 2005-2006 2,060,000 1,641,215 3,701,215 134,030 53,089 187,119 2,194,030 1,694,304 3,888,334 31,885,000 1,907,855 33,792,855 2006-2007
2,135,000 1,559,500 3,694,500 137,515 49,604 187,119 2,272,515 1,609,104 3,881,619 29,750,000 1,770,340 31,520,340 2007-2008 2,210,000 1,472,113 3,682,113 141,090 46,029 187,119 2,351,090
1,518,142 3,869,232 27,540,000 1,629,250 29,169,250 2008-2009 2,300,000 1,379,326 3,679,326 144,759 42,360 187,119 2,444,759 1,421,686 3,866,445 25,240,000 1,484,491 26,724,491 2009-2010
2,390,000 1,514,871 3,904,871 148,523 38,596 187,119 2,538,523 1,553,467 4,091,990 54,125,000 1,335,968 55,460,968 2010-2011 3,460,000 2,027,168 5,487,168 152,385 34,734 187,119 3,612,385
2,061,903 5,674,288 50,665,000 1,183,583 51,848,583 2011-2012 3,465,000 1,888,601 5,353,601 156,346 30,773 187,119 3,621,346 1,919,375 5,540,721 47,200,000 1,027,237 48,227,237 2012-2013
3,605,000 1,775,376 5,380,376 160,411 26,708 187,119 3,765,411 1,802,084 5,567,495 43,595,000 866,827 44,461,827 Total Total Operating Non-Operating Debt Service Capital Debt Service
Annual Debt Annual Debt Total Debt Fiscal Debt Operating Expenses less Revenue & Net Coverage Improvement Adjusted Net Coverage Service to Service per Outstanding Year Service Revenue
Depreciation Contributions Revenue *1 (Net Revenue) *2 Fees/Concord Revenue*3 (Adj. Net Revenue)*4 Operating Exp. Customer Per Customer 2003-2004 3,145,858 41,754,572 41,790,374 35,339,234
35,303,432 11.22 8,370,344 26,933,088 8.56 7.53% 20.21 244.83 2004-2005 3,901,491 40,171,544 43,484,679 41,881,058 38,567,923 9.89 13,351,448 25,216,475 6.46 8.97% 24.65 227.41 2005-2006
3,888,334 46,438,353 46,159,655 33,865,366 34,144,064 8.78 12,931,577 21,212,487 5.46 8.42% 24.08 209.29 2006-2007 3,881,619 45,758,121 51,805,315 46,337,472 40,290,278 10.38 12,353,170
27,937,108 7.20 7.49% 23.58 191.51 2007-2008 3,869,232 49,879,586 54,906,462 43,034,983 38,008,107 9.82 14,595,433 23,412,674 6.05 7.05% 23.29 175.56 2008-2009 3,866,445 53,384,144 57,975,254
35,500,685 30,909,575 7.99 10,511,351 20,398,224 5.28 6.67% 23.33 161.26 2009-2010 4,091,990 58,832,086 55,868,745 30,316,640 33,279,981 8.13 10,707,584 22,572,397 5.52 7.32% 24.47 331.68
2010-2011 5,674,288 59,896,560 58,235,679 22,850,951 24,511,832 4.32 6,731,994 17,779,838 3.13 9.74% 34.67 316.81 2011-2012 5,540,721 61,616,639 64,285,187 29,583,084 26,914,536 4.86
8,266,521 18,648,015 3.37 8.62% 34.06 296.47 2012-2013 5,567,495 69,082,686 67,141,476 30,569,164 32,510,374 5.84 9,708,300 22,802,074 4.10 8.29% 33.78 269.73 Note: Details regarding
the District's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. *1 Net Revenue = Operating Revenue less Total Operating Expenses less Depreciation plus Non-Operating
Revenue & Contributions. Debt Restrictions: *2 This ratio must be above 1.00 to meet the Debt Rate Covenant (Net Revenue/Total Debt Service). Revenue Pledge & Covenant: The District
pledges *3 Adjusted Net Revenue = Net Revenue less Capital Improvement Fees (Connection Fees) and City of Concord Capital Charges. Property Tax Revenue along with its ability to raise
Sewer *4 This ratio must be above 1.25 to meet the Debt Rate Covenant (Adjusted Net Revenue/Total Debt Service). Service Charge (SSC) rates. Debt Coverage requirements are discussed
in the footnotes to the left. Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements and Internal Accounting Records Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Summary
Of Debt Service Last Ten Fiscal Years Summary By Type Of Debt Debt Ratios Revenue Bonds (2009, 2002 & 1998) Water Reclamation Loan Total Debt Service Annual Expense Debt Service Coverage
Summary TOTAL DEBT SERVICE OUTSTANDING $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 Dollars Debt Service Paid Each Fiscal Year $0 $15,000,000 $30,000,000 $45,000,000
$60,000,000 Dollars Outstanding Debt Each Fiscal Year In 2009, the District issued Bonds which retired the 2002 and 1998 bond debt and gained $30 million in net proceeds dedicated to
fund Capital Improvements. S-7
Inside District Concord/Total % As Of January 1 Boundaries Clayton Served Change 2004 303,980 135,845 439,825 0.3% 2005 308,428 135,780 444,208 1.0% 2006 309,600 135,400 445,000 0.2%
2007 314,400 134,300 448,700 0.8% 2008 317,340 134,560 451,900 0.7% 2009 322,200 134,000 456,200 1.0% 2010 326,600 135,400 462,000 1.3% 2011 321,800 133,600 455,400 -1.4% 2012 326,900
134,200 461,100 1.3% 2013 332,600 134,900 467,500 1.4% Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division Estimated % of Total County Estimated % of Total
County Employers Employees Rank Employment Employees Rank Employment John Muir Physician Network --2,200 1 0.5% Kaiser Foundation Hospitals 2,300 3 0.5% 2,000 2 0.4% Chevron Corporation
5,000 1 1.0% 1,329 3 0.3% Target Corporation 3,400 2 0.7% 1,262 4 0.3% Walmart Stores, Inc --1,150 5 0.2% Contra Costa Newspapers, Inc. --1,140 6 0.2% Doctors Medical Center 900 8 0.2%
937 7 0.2% Shell/Martinez Refinery 1,000 6 0.2% 900 8 0.2% Bio-Rad Laboratories --900 9 0.2% Texaco Inc --800 10 0.2% USS Posco Industries 975 7 0.2% --John Muir Medical Center 1,900
4 0.4% --John Muir/Mt. Diablo Medical Center 1,500 5 0.3% --Bank of the West 800 9 0.2% --Aetna Health Services 600 10 0.1% --All Others 465,825 96.2% 465,281 97.3% 484,200 100.0% 477,899
100.0% Source: * County of Contra Costa, California, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 6/30/12, Statistical Section, excludes government employers. Data for 2002, 2003, and 2004
are unavailable. List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra Costa County Last Year and Seven Years Ago 2005* 2012* Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Demographic and Economic Data Population
Served Last Ten Calendar Years S-8
Fiscal Year Per Capita Ended Personal Personal June 30 Population* Income* Income* 2003 987,531 45,775,727,000 46,354 6.1% 2004 992,424 48,923,798,000 49,297 5.4% 2005 999,013 51,534,263,000
51,585 5.1% 2006 1,000,834 55,318,933,000 55,273 4.5% 2007 1,009,152 58,043,926,000 57,518 4.7% 2008 1,023,344 59,914,142,000 58,547 6.3% 2009 1,037,890 55,781,843,000 53,745 10.8% 2010
1,052,605 57,700,398,000 54,817 11.3% 2011 1,066,096 60,778,675,000 57,011 11.0% 2012 N/A N/A N/A 9.0% N/A -Information not available at this time. * U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau
of Economic Analysis, 2009 & 2010 Per Capita Personal Income updated. Estimates as of April 2012. ** State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD), annual calendar figure.
Unemployment Rate** Demographic and Economic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Contra Costa County Average Annual S-9
Department 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Administration 42 43 42 42 45 45 45 44 39 39 Engineering 71 76 73 75 76 80 76 75 71 75 Operations Collection Systems 45 46
49 50 50 52 47 44 47 56 Plant 82 81 88 83 77 82 78 74 71 76 Pumping Station 9 9 9 10 11 10 10 8 7 8 Operations Total 136 136 146 143 138 144 135 126 125 140 District Total 249 255 261
260 259 269 256 245 235 254 District Total 163 167 167 177 178 187 201 215 237 244 Last Ten Fiscal Years Full-time Equivalent Employees as of June 30 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department Last Ten Fiscal Years Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses as of June 30 S-10
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Capital Asset and Operating Statistics Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years Treatment Plant Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Treatment Plant Permitted Capacity Calendar 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) Calendar 40.0 40.6 41.4 41.6 38.6 36.6 32.5 38.9 37.2 33.2
Wastewater Treated per day Calendar 42.9 44.7 48.0 50.4 41.2 41.0 37.0 40.6 41.9 39.8 Tons per Year Sludge to Furnace (Dry)*1 Fiscal 16,053 16,727 15,841 15,341 15,340 15,212 15,299
15,056 15,790 15,097 Ash to Reuse Site (Wet)*2 Fiscal 5,384 5,397 5,074 4,418 4,418 4,177 4,082 3,814 3,850 3,667 *1 In the multi-hearth furnace, the wet sludge is converted to dry ash.
Water is added to the dry ash as it is loaded into trucks (ratio of 60 percent ash to 40 percent water) to prevent the ash from blowing out of the truck during transport. *2 Wet sludge,
which at 19 to 23 percent solids, is pumped to the multiple-hearth furnace for incineration. The table above shows the dry tons per year of sludge to the furnace, excluding the 77 to
81 percent water in the wet sludge. Collection Systems/Pumping Stations/Outfall Sewers Other Data Pipeline Miles Calendar 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,526
Number of pumping stations Calendar 20 21 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 Recycled Water Recycled Water Produced per day Calendar 1.4 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.5
mgd 1.6 mgd 1.6 mgd Number of Recycled Water Customers Calendar 21 23 24 30 30 31 30 33 35 35 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) -Inception 1997/1998 Program Participation (Number of cars)
Fiscal 23,061 22,872 23,897 26,392 27,940 28,210 29,347 29,441 29,112 29,119 Percentage of Households in Service Area Fiscal 12.3% 12.1% 12.3% 13.6% 14.5% 14.4% 15.0% 15.6% 15.4% 15.4%
Operating Cost per Car Fiscal $ 62 $ 58 $ 6 0 $ 64 $ 61 $ 76 $ 76 $ 8 2 $ 87 $ 9 3 Pounds of HHW per Car Fiscal 71 64 65 80 71 67 65 68 67 68 Governing Body: Elected 5-Member Board of
Directors Governmental Structure: Established in 1946 under the Sanitary District Act of 1923 Staff: 254 full-time equivalent employees Authority: California Health and Safety Code Section
4700 et. Seq. Services: Wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal Household Hazardous Waste Facility Recycled Water Type Of Treatment: Discharge -Secondary; Reclamation -Tertiary
Service Area: 144 square miles Total Population Served: 467,500 Sewer Service Charge: $371 annually per residential equivalent unit Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District records.
Millions of Gallons per Day (mgd) Miscellaneous Statistics S-11
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Table of Contents
For the Year Ended June 30, 2013
Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................... i
Board of Directors ................................................................................................ vi i
Mission Statement .............................................................................................. viii
Organization Chart ............................................................................................... ix
Map of Service Area ............................................................................................. x
Certificate of Achievement .................................................................................... xi
Independent Auditors’ Report ............................................................................... 1
Manage ment’s Discussion and Analysis .............................................................. 3
Basic Financial Statements
Statement of Net Position ........................................................................ 10
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ........... 11
Statement of Cash Flows .................................................................... 12 -13
Notes to Financial Statements – The accompanying notes are an
integral part of the basic financial statements .................................... 15-37
Supplementary Information
Combining Schedule of Statement of Net Position .................................. 41
Combining Schedule of Statement of Revenues, Expenses and
Changes in Net Position – Enterprise Sub-Funds .................................. 42
Schedule of Running Expenses - Comparison of Budget and Actual
Expenses by Department ....................................................................... 43
Running Expense - Schedule of Supplemental Net Position Analysis ..... 44
Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-1
Revenue by Type - Last Ten Fiscal Years ......................................................... S-2
Operating Expenses by Type - Last Ten Fiscal Years ....................................... S-3
Major Revenue Base and Rates - Historical and Current Fees -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-4
Sewer Service Charge - List of Ten Largest Customers -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-5
Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation of Taxable Property -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-6
Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-6
Summary of Debt Service - Type, Debt Service Coverage, Debt Ratio -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-7
Demographic and Economic Dat a - Population Served -
Last Ten Calendar Years ................................................................................ S-8
List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra Costa County -
Last Year and Seven Years Ago .................................................................... S-8
Demographic and Economic Statistics - Contra Costa County -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................................................................................... S-9
Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department - Last Ten Fiscal Years ........ S-10
Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses - Last Ten Fiscal Years .............. S-10
Capital Asset and Operating Statistics - Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years ... S-11
Miscellaneous Statistics .................................................................................. S-11
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Introductory Section
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392
The District is committed to protecting the public health and preserving the environment
while minimizing facility and operating costs. The District has approximately 1,500
miles of sewer pipeline, ranging in size from 6 inches to 120 inches in diameter, and 16
sewage-pumping stations in the District’s sewage collection system . The District is the
sole provider of wastewater service within the District limits (see map of service area).
Residents make up the largest segment of the District’s customer base representing
approximately 82 % of the Sewer Service Charge revenue. The District’s treatment
capacity has grown from 4.5 million gallons per day (mgd) initiated in 1948 to 53.8 mgd
currently. Bonds, state grants, federal grants, and pay-as -you-go resources of the
District have financed expansions.
The District also provides an alternative source of water for irrigation by producing high
quality recycled water. Recycled water can safely be used on freeway landscaping,
street medians, golf courses, athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, schoolyards and multi-
family residential common areas.
In addition to its wastewater responsibility, the District also teamed with Mountain View
Sanitary District and other local governments to build and operate the first permanent
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility in Contra Costa County. The
HHW Collection Facility is located adjacent to the District’s wastewater treatment plant
and seeks to keep pollutants out of the sewer system, making this facility an important
part of our Pollution Prevention Program. Completing its sixteenth year of operation,
the HHW currently serves approximately 15.5 percent of the central County households.
Organization, Accounting and Budgetary Controls
A 5-member Board of Directors governs the District. Board members are elected on a
non -partisan basis and serve a four-year term. The Board appoints the General
Manager, who in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors,
manages District affairs. The District employs 254 regular employees organized in four
departments led by Managers responsible for their budgets and expenses. The four
departments are: Administrative, Engineering, Collection Systems, and Plant
Operations .
The District by law uses an enterprise fund to account for the operations of the District,
which is run in a manner similar to private industry. The District currently has one
enterprise fund which is comprised of four internal sub-funds:
Running Expense - accounts for the general operations of the District.
Substantially all operating revenues and expenses are accounted for in this fund
(also referred to as Operations & Maintenance or O&M).
Sewer Construction - accounts for non-operating revenues that are to be used for
acquisition or construction of plant, property, and equipment (also referred to as the
Capital Fund).
Self-Insurance - accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub-fund
and cash allocations from other funds, as well as costs of insurance premiums and
claims not covered by the District’s insurance policies.
Debt Service – accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District’s
long term bonds and loans.
Each year, the Board adopts the following four budgets: Operations and Maintenance,
Capital Improvement and Sewer Construction, Self-Insurance, and Debt-Service. The
Board Finance Committee reviews disbursements prior to each regular Board meeting,
and disbursements are then approved by the full Board. Monthly financial statements
are issued to management and the Board. A detailed mid-year and annual budget
analysis are prepared and presented to the Board. District management is accountable
for variances and adhering to budget constraints. The District also has several
documented financial policies that are reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Local Economy and Outlook
While the nation as a whole is slowly recovering from the most severe economic
contraction since the Great Depression, economic data for the past year indicate
California, in particular the Bay Area, is leading the nation in job gain and economic
recovery. Employment in the Bay Area has consistently grown at a faster rate than the
country as a whole during the year. According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO),
voter approval of Proposition 30 (a temporary ¼ cent increase in sales tax and an
income tax increase on earnings over $250,000), improved state economy, and budget
cuts will produce a budget reserve for the first time in five years. Contrary to budget
shortfalls of recent years, a projected surplus in general fund is restoring some
programs, such as school funding, from prior year cuts and will see an increase in state
funding. Key economic indicators show positive signs of growth for the East Bay and
the state. Furthermore, the UCLA Anderson Forecast predicts the nine-county region of
the Bay Area will continue as a top performer in job and economic recovery.
The decline in ho me values and foreclosures from sub-prime lending leading to a
restrictive credit market has turned the corner and home prices in California have risen
steeply in the past year. In contrast to the bursting of the housing bubble which began
in 2008 and continued for several years, a rapid recovery is underway in the housing
market. Existing single-family home prices in the East Bay, as in the rest of the state,
have increased dramatically and the upswing is predicted to continue. Low interest
rates on mortgages along with declining inventory of affordable homes have caused a
flurry of activities in the housing market that is expected to continue in the foreseeable
fu ture. Both single-family and multi-family residential building permits have increased
as a result of the strong housing market.
The strong housing market has a positive effect in the growth of new sewer service
connections for the District. New construction of multi-family housing units in Walnut
Creek and San Ramon have increased connection fees and will add to the stream of
sewer service charge revenue. The District and the bargaining units have agreed on a
5-year contract that will go to December of 2017. The new contract continues the bulk
of employee retirement cost being paid by the District. Payment of the unfunded liability
is a major financial concern for the District as it is for many public entities. The District
has an excellent reputation in all areas of public service, which include finance,
collection, treatment, training, safety, technology, capital projects, construction and
customer service. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has balanced revenue
sources, adequate reserves, and a moderate debt obligation. CCCSD reviews its rate
and other charges annually. The District can increase its sewer s ervice charge rates
w hen needed to make up revenue shortfalls by providing public notice to all customers,
holding a Public Hearing, and obtaining approval by the Board of Directors. The District
is also able to obtain bond financing, as needed, due to the District ’s AAA bond rating .
The District anticipates that it will continue to meet its mission and goals, continue to
provide excellent customer service and reasonable rates to its customers, and meet
compliance requirements given the current economic conditions .
Long Term Financial Planning
District management analyzes and updates their strategic plan annually, with the four
main goals being: providing exceptional customer service, maintaining full regulatory
compliance, maintaining responsible rates, and continuing to be a high performance
organization. Strategies to achieve each of the goals are developed, as well as metrics
to evaluate success. The District performs a 10-year long-term cash flow forecast each
year shortly before the budget process begins. The main economic factors considered
in long range forecasting are: the impact of state legislation and mandates, regulatory
compliance, GASB requirements, negotiated salary increases and employee benefits
including significant increases in retirement and health care costs, energy costs and
interpreting the energy market, housing growth, and infrastructure renewal and
replacement needs. The District has a significant amount of unfunded actuarial liability
for both pension and other post employment costs (OPEB) and various options for
managing these liabilities are explored in the financial planning process.
Relevant Financial Policies
Investment Policy: The District’s investment policies for District assets and GASB 45
Trust are reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors in accordance with
District investment policy. Section 53646 of the California Government Code governs
our investment practices, and is reviewed annually by staff, legal counsel and the
Board. No required changes were necessary. The Board receives monthly financial
statements that include District investment performance. Since 2008, the GASB 45
Trust investments are in a moderate investment strategy fund. The Board Budget and
Finance Committee reviews GASB 45 Trust quarterly financial statements to monitor
th e District’s investment strategy in the current volatile economy.
Major Initiatives
The District’s vision i s to be a high-performance organization that provides exceptional
customer service and full regulatory compliance at responsible rates. Full regulatory
compliance is provided through exceptional operation of our collection system and
treatment facilities, as well as through continued investment in our infrastructure. Our
current capital plan has an emphasis on renovation, particularly in the collection system,
in order to improve service, and fix deteriorating pipes and pumping stations before they
can contribute to a sewer system overflow. Both at the state and federal level,
reg ulations addressing sewer system overflows and public notification have become
increasingly stringent over the last several years. Collection system operations was
enhanced by the newly constructed administration/crew/warehouse building, which was
designed to be LEED certified and incorporates many green design features. LEED
rep resents “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,” which is a dministered by
the U.S. Green Building Council.
Our capital plan is also addressing treatment plant reliability through design and
construction of several recently completed projects. The Outfall Improvements, Phase
6 project, allowed the District to inspect and repair the 3.5 mile 72-inch diameter outfall
pipeline that transports fully treated effluent from the Martinez Treatment Plant Facility
to Suisun Bay. A second project, the Piping Renovations, Phase 6 project, replaces
aging pipe infrastructure with new modern piping. These projects are supplemented
with treatment plant renovation projects to increase safety and replace other plant
The District has received Platinum and Gold awards from the National Association of
Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for fifteen straight years in recognition of 100 percent
compliance with our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
It has also reduced the number of sanitary sewer overflows by more than 70 % in the
past 10 years by improved sewer cleaning and a robust sewer rehabilitation program.
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
(GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for its comprehensive annual financial report
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. This was the thirteenth consecutive year that
the District has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of
Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized
comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted
accounting principles and applicable legal requirements.
A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our
current comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the program’s
requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for
another certificate.
This report could not have been accomplished without the dedication and commitment
provided by District staff. I would like to express my appreciation to the following
employees who assisted in its preparation:
The Finance and Accounting staff who compiled the information contained in this
document with a special thanks to Jamie King, Accountant, and Todd Smithey,
Finance Administrator.
The Reproduction and Graphics Team who creatively and professionally prepared
this finished document.
Engineering and Operations staff who provided much of the statistical information
included in this document.
The District’s Board of Directors and Management Team for their support in
preparing this document as well as their day-to -day support in conducting the
financial operations of the District in a prudent and responsible manner.
Respectfully submitted,
Thea Vassallo
Finance Manager
June 30, 20 13
James A. Nejedly .............................................. President
Dav id R. Williams ............................... President Pro-Tem
Paul H. Causey ................................................... Member
Michael R. McGill ................................................ Member
T ad J. Pilecki ...................................................... Member
O ur M issi O n
O ur V isi O n
O ur V alues
T o protect the public health and the
environment by:
• Collecting and treating wastewater • Recycling high quality water • Promoting pollution prevention
B e a high performance organization
that provides exceptional customer
service and full regulatory compliance
at responsible rates.
W e will achieve our goals by valuing:
• Each other • Ethics and integrity • A healthy and safe environment • Community relationships • The meeting of commitments • All aspects of diversity
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Financial Section
To the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Martinez, California
Report on Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the business-type activities of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District (District) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2013, and the related notes to the
financial statements, which collectively comprise the Di strict’s basic financial statements as listed in the
Table of Contents.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United St ates of America; this includes
the design, implementation, and maintenance of intern al control relevant to the preparation and fair
presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express opinions on these fina ncial statements based on our audit. We c onducted
our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those
standards require that we plan a nd perform the audit to obtain reason able assurance about whether the
financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing proce dures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected de pend on the auditor’s judgme nt, including the assessment
of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fr aud or error. In making
those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the District’s preparation and fair
presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the District’s internal
control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of
accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounti ng estimates made by management,
as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinions.
In our opinion, the financial statemen ts referred to above present fair ly, in all material respects, the
respective financial positions of the business-type activities and each majo r fund of the District as of June
30, 2013, and the respective changes in the financial pos itions and cash flows, wher e applicable, thereof for
the years then ended, in conformity with accounting pr inciples generally accepted in the United States of
Emphasis of Matters
Management adopted the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 63 -
Financial Reporting of Deferred Outflows of Resources, Deferred Inflows of Resources, and Net Position ,
which became effective duri ng the year ended June 30, 2013 and requi red changes to statement titles and
other nomenclature within the financial statements.
The emphasis of this matter does not c onstitute a modification to our opinion.
Other Matters
Required Supplementary Information
Accounting principles generally accepted in the Unite d States of America requi re that Management’s
Discussion and Analysis be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information,
although not a part of the basic fina ncial statements, is required by th e Governmental Accounting Standards
Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial
statements in an appropriate operational, economic or historical context. We have applied certain limited
procedures to this information in accordance with ge nerally accepted auditing standards in the United States
of America, which co nsisted of inquiries of mana gement about the methods of preparing the information
and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic
financial statements, and other knowl edge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements.
We do not express an opinion or provide any assuranc e on the information because the limited procedures
do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance.
Other Information
Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opi nions on the financial statements that collectively
comprise the District’s basic fina ncial statements as a whole. The Introductory Section, Supplemental
Information and Statistical Section, as listed in the Table of Contents are presented for purposes of
additional analysis and are not required parts of the basic financial statements.
The Supplemental Information is th e responsibility of management a nd was derived from and relates
directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepar e the financial statements. The
information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the a udit of the financial statements and
certain additional procedures, incl uding comparing and reconciling such information directly to the
underlying accounting and other records used to prepar e the financial statements or to the financial
statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards in the United States of Amer ica. In our opinion, the Supplement al Information is fairly stated in
all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole.
The Introductory and Supplemental Sect ions have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in
the audit of the basic financial statements and, acco rdingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any
assurance on them.
Pleasant Hill, California
September 18, 2013
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Statistical Section
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Statistical Section
Table of Contents
Financial Trends
These schedules contain trend information to help the reader understand how the
District’s financial performance has changed over time.
Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-1
Revenue by Type - Last Ten Fiscal Years ......................................................... S-2
Operating Expenses by Type - Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................... S-3
Revenue Capacity
These schedules contain information to help the reader assess the Di strict’s most
significant revenue sources.
Major Revenue Base and Rates - Historical and Current Fees -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-4
Sewer Service Charge - List of Ten Largest Customers -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-5
Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation of Taxable Property -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-6
Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-6
Debt Capacity
This schedule contains information to help the reader assess the affordability of the
Distric t’s current levels of outstanding debt and the District’s ability to issue additional
debt in the future.
Summary of Debt Service - Type, Debt Service Coverage, Debt Ratio -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-7
Demographic and Economic Information
This schedule offers demographic and economic indicators to help the reader
understand the environment within which the District’s financial activities take place.
Demographic and Economic Data - Population Served -
Last Ten Calendar Years ................................................................................ S-8
List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra Costa County -
Last Year and Seven Years Ago .................................................................... S-8
Demographic and Economic Statistics - Contra Costa County -
Last Ten Fiscal Years ...................................................................................... S-9
Operating Information
These schedules contain service and infrastructure data to help the reader understand
how the information in the District’s financial report relates to the services the District
provides and the activities it performs.
Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department - Last Ten Fiscal Years ........ S-10
Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses - Last Ten Fiscal Years .............. S-10
Capital Asset and Operating Statistics - Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years ... S-11
Miscellaneous Statistics .................................................................................. S-11
Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the information in these schedules is derived from the comprehensive annual
fi nancial reports for the relevant year. The District implemented GASB Statement 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year;
schedules presented include information beginning in that year.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Changes in Net Position and Statement of Net Position
Changes in Net Position 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Operating Revenues:
Sewer Service Charges (SSC)33,935,899 32,282,806 37,781,774 35,057,668 40,207,157 43,087,454 48,692,520 49,095,870 49,123,848 56,770,984
City of Concord 6,609,602 6,603,000 7,383,011 9,043,215 8,206,860 8,755,857 8,664,668 9,224,952 10,647,389 10,483,421
Other Service Charges 648,617 672,887 755,827 793,395 869,589 872,978 824,022 913,017 915,485 1,076,401
Miscellaneous Charges 560,454 612,851 517,741 863,843 595,980 667,855 650,876 662,721 929,917 751,880
Total Operating Revenue 41,754,572 40,171,544 46,438,353 45,758,121 49,879,586 53,384,144 58,832,086 59,896,560 61,616,639 69,082,686
Operating Expenses:
Salaries & Benefits 28,095,636 27,989,401 29,875,340 34,678,665 37,312,472 39,440,034 39,986,763 41,705,131 45,562,430 49,811,218
Chemicals, Utilities & Supplies 5,808,070 6,801,750 7,646,866 8,759,490 8,952,840 9,368,755 7,973,992 7,609,127 8,121,809 7,401,103
Professional & Outside Services 2,282,408 2,350,387 2,850,825 2,298,712 2,613,658 2,832,001 2,129,552 2,425,615 4,099,876 2,836,638
Hauling, Disposal, Repairs & Maintenance 3,871,749 3,716,176 3,826,165 4,105,082 3,863,555 3,938,129 3,808,635 3,916,789 4,077,741 4,239,421
Self-Insurance (net of transfers)464,702 1,189,693 629,513 (180,716)(215,004)90,876 (688,859)119,051 (65,688)159,961
Depreciation 15,186,594 16,041,555 16,354,488 17,714,714 18,615,747 19,417,941 20,969,429 20,580,061 21,190,059 21,596,266
All Other 1,267,809 1,437,272 1,330,946 2,144,082 2,378,941 2,305,459 2,658,662 2,459,966 2,489,019 2,693,135
Total Operating Expenses 56,976,968 59,526,234 62,514,143 69,520,029 73,522,209 77,393,195 76,838,174 78,815,740 85,475,246 88,737,742
Operating Loss (15,222,396)(19,354,690)(16,075,790)(23,761,908)(23,642,623)(24,009,051)(18,006,088)(18,919,180)(23,858,607)(19,655,056)
Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses):
Property Taxes *8,919,327 4,010,380 4,836,301 11,762,731 12,254,168 12,539,375 12,260,123 12,213,624 12,047,169 13,010,477
Connection & Other Fees 2,936,298 4,265,620 2,062,216 1,615,308 1,335,160 1,093,756 776,348 895,825 903,810 1,169,809
Interest Income 831,215 1,519,192 2,465,985 3,257,773 2,527,621 1,033,095 570,024 673,990 294,938 405,474
Interest Expense (1,101,115)(1,775,857)(1,694,304)(1,609,104)(1,518,142)(1,421,686)(1,553,467)(2,061,903)(1,919,375)(1,802,084)
All Other *1,467,877 1,109,716 1,096,401 1,316,383 1,243,817 639,523 12,295 (523,209)931,660 951,100
Total Non-Operating 13,053,602 9,129,051 8,766,599 16,343,091 15,842,624 13,884,063 12,065,323 11,198,327 12,258,202 13,734,776
Income Before Contributions and Transfers (2,168,794)(10,225,639)(7,309,191)(7,418,817)(7,799,999)(10,124,988)(5,940,765)(7,720,853)(11,600,405)(5,920,280)
Customer Contributions** 10,187,725 14,716,585 9,862,620 15,945,915 14,970,637 13,938,421 6,793,040 5,018,092 8,888,663 8,001,147
Contributed Sewer Lines 4,410,808 5,530,848 3,044,945 3,521,704 1,444,420 1,231,022 1,840,259 533,616 792,011 939,628
Capital Contributions - Connection Fees 6,585,984 10,728,717 10,496,898 8,917,658 9,259,160 5,025,493 7,078,635 3,515,804 5,724,833 6,091,529
CHANGE IN NET POSITION 19,015,723 20,750,511 16,095,272 20,966,460 17,874,218 10,069,948 9,771,169 1,346,659 3,805,102 9,112,024
Total Net Assets - Beginning 506,907,911 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417 583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871 626,602,973
Total Net Assets - Ending 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417 583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871 626,602,973 635,714,997
Statement of Net Position 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Investments in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 453,251,761 469,375,715 486,098,303 513,580,658 531,119,639 552,165,498 531,324,187 541,613,208 549,462,506 559,523,642
Restricted for Debt Service 3,035,944 3,118,704 3,647,257 3,216,163 3,185,416 3,163,956 4,565,970 4,612,103 4,663,601 4,730,837
Unrestricted 69,635,929 74,179,726 73,023,857 66,939,056 67,305,040 56,350,589 85,561,055 76,572,560 72,476,866 71,460,518
Total Net Position 525,923,634 546,674,145 562,769,417 583,735,877 601,610,095 611,680,043 621,451,212 622,797,871 626,602,973 635,714,997
* Includes Prop 1A loan receivable revenue and offset of $985,916. The revenue is offset by the provision for losses categorized in other.
** Classification reclassed 2010-11, prior years reclassed for consistency. Previously included in Non-Operating. Includes capital cost contributions from the City of Concord and customer contributions (SSC).
The District implemented GASB 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year, one year earlier than required.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Fiscal Sewer Service City of Other Service Miscellaneous Total
Year Charges*Concord Charges Charges Operating
2003-2004 $33,935,899 $6,609,602 $648,617 $560,454 $41,754,572
2004-2005 32,282,806 6,603,000 672,887 612,851 40,171,544
2005-2006 37,781,774 7,383,011 755,827 517,741 46,438,353
2006-2007 35,057,668 9,043,215 793,395 863,843 45,758,121
2007-2008 40,207,157 8,206,860 869,589 595,980 49,879,586
2008-2009 43,087,454 8,755,857 872,978 667,855 53,384,144
2009-2010 48,692,520 8,664,668 824,022 650,876 58,832,086
2010-2011 49,095,870 9,224,952 913,017 662,721 59,896,560
2011-2012 49,123,848 10,647,389 915,485 929,917 61,616,639
2012-2013 56,770,984 10,483,421 1,076,401 751,880 69,082,686
Fiscal Property Customer Connections All Total Non-Operating
Year Taxes *1 Contributions *2 & Other Fees *3 Interest Other & Contributions
2003-2004 $8,919,327 $14,598,533 $9,522,282 $831,215 $1,467,877 $35,339,234
2004-2005 4,010,380 20,247,433 14,994,337 1,519,192 1,109,716 41,881,058
2005-2006 4,836,301 12,907,565 12,559,114 2,465,985 1,096,401 33,865,366
2006-2007 11,762,731 19,467,619 10,532,966 3,257,773 1,316,383 46,337,472
2007-2008 12,254,168 16,415,057 10,594,320 2,527,621 1,243,817 43,034,983
2008-2009 12,539,375 15,169,443 6,119,249 1,033,095 639,523 35,500,685
2009-2010 12,260,123 8,633,299 7,854,983 570,024 998,211 30,316,640
2010-2011 12,213,624 5,551,708 4,411,629 673,990 - 22,850,951
2011-2012 12,047,169 9,680,674 6,628,643 294,938 931,660 29,583,084
2012-2013 13,010,477 8,940,775 7,261,338 405,474 951,100 30,569,164
* Sewer Service Charge (SSC) represents the Running Expense Fund portion of SSC County collections along with District direct billings and counter collections.
*1 2009-2010 property taxes includes Prop 1A loan receivable revenue of $985,916.
contributed sewer lines beginning in 2000-2001, due to changes in GASB 33 reporting requirements.
*3 Includes connection fees, non-operating permit, inspection, and other fees.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements
Operating Revenue
Non-Operating Revenue
*2 Customer Contributions include the portion of SSC that is allocated to Sewer Construction Fund, City of Concord reimbursement of capital costs, and developer
2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Fiscal Year
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Revenue By Type
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Operating Revenue Non-Operating Revenue
Fiscal Salaries Chemicals, Utilities Professional &Hauling, Disposal,Self-Insurance Depreciation All Total Operating Non-Operating
Year and Benefits & Supplies Outside Services Repairs & Maintenance Other Expenses Expenses *
2003-2004 $28,095,636 $5,808,070 $2,282,408 $3,871,749 $689,702 $15,186,594 $1,042,809 $56,976,968 $1,101,115
2004-2005 27,989,401 6,801,750 2,350,387 3,716,176 1,189,693 16,041,555 1,437,272 59,526,234 1,775,857
2005-2006 29,875,340 7,646,866 2,850,825 3,826,165 879,513 16,354,488 1,080,946 62,514,143 1,694,304
2006-2007 34,678,665 8,759,490 2,298,712 4,105,082 519,284 17,714,714 1,444,082 69,520,029 1,609,104
2007-2008 37,312,472 8,952,840 2,613,658 3,863,555 916,639 18,615,747 1,247,298 73,522,209 1,518,142
2008-2009 39,440,034 9,368,755 2,832,001 3,938,129 958,906 19,417,941 1,437,429 77,393,195 1,421,686
2009-2010 39,986,763 7,973,992 2,129,552 3,808,635 746,612 20,969,429 1,223,191 76,838,174 2,539,383
2010-2011 41,705,131 7,609,127 2,425,615 3,916,789 1,003,115 20,580,061 1,575,902 78,815,740 2,585,112
2011-2012 45,562,430 8,121,809 4,099,876 4,077,741 810,849 21,190,059 1,612,482 85,475,246 1,919,375
2012-2013 49,811,218 7,401,103 2,836,638 4,239,421 2,380,466 21,596,266 472,630 88,737,742 1,802,084
Informational - not graphed
* 2009-2010 non-operating expenses includes Prop 1A loan receivable revenue offset of $985,916.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements
2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Fiscal Year
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Operating Expenses by Type
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Salaries and Benefits Chemicals, Utilities & Supplies Professional & Outside Services Hauling, Disposal, Repairs & Maintenance Self-Insurance Depreciation All Other
Facility Pump
Fiscal Year Operations Capital Total Capacity Fee *2 Zone Fee *3
2003-2004 $218 $54 $272 $3,983 $988
2004-2005 204 76 280 3,983 988
2005-2006 234 46 280 4,150 1,331
2006-2007 213 76 289 4,263 1,404
2007-2008 242 58 300 4,524 1,466
2008-2009 260 51 311 4,923 1,586
2009-2010 292 19 311 5,298 1,651
2010-2011 300 11 311 5,451 1,641
2011-2012 302 39 341 5,465 1,606
2012-2013 344 27 371 5,797 1,625
*1 All residential accounts pay a flat annual sewer service charge shown above per household. The charge for commercial users consists of an annual
rate based on a measured volume of water usage per 100 cubic feet (HCF).
*2 New users who are connected to the Wastewater System are charged Capital Improvement Fees called Facility Capacity Fees. Fee is per connection.
*3 New customers in areas where wastewater pumping stations are needed to reach the District's gravity fed sewers are charged a Pump Zone Fee.
Fee is per connection.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division
Historical and Current Fees
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Annual Sewer Service Charge (SSC) *1
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Major Revenue Base and Rates
2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Fiscal Year
Operations Capital
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of
Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating
Customer Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue
City of Concord*6,609,602 $ 1 15.83%6,603,000 $ 1 16.44%7,383,011 $ 1 15.90%9,043,215 $ 1 19.76%8,206,860 $ 1 16.45%
Chevron Offices & Office Park ------340,389 $ 2 0.68%
Contra Costa County General Services 250,442 3 0.60%294,670 2 0.73%295,173 2 0.64%322,351 2 0.70%316,854 3 0.64%
First Walnut Creek Mutual 258,400 2 0.62%266,000 3 0.66%295,120 3 0.64%----
Park Regency Apartments 242,624 4 0.58%249,760 4 0.62%249,760 4 0.54%257,788 3 0.56%267,600 4 0.54%
Second Walnut Creek Mutual Apts 204,000 5 0.49%210,000 5 0.52%210,000 5 0.45%--120,000 8 0.24%
Sun Valley Mall 145,169 6 0.35%158,077 6 0.39%169,916 6 0.37%176,293 4 0.39%183,380 6 0.37%
Archstone/Treat Commons Apartments 138,720 7 0.33%142,800 7 0.36%142,800 7 0.31%101,150 9-10 0.22%--
St. Mary's College Contract 97,670 10 0.23%--117,119 10 0.25%127,355 6 0.28%136,016 7 0.27%
Willows Shopping Center 111,822 9 0.27%120,459 9 0.30%--128,303 5 0.28%--
Bay Landing Apartments ------104,040 8 0.23%108,000 10 0.22%
Muirland @ Windemere Apartments ------101,150 9-10 0.22%--
Reflections San Ramon Apartments 134,912 8 0.32%139,062 8 0.35%139,062 8 0.30%----
Kaiser Foundation Hospital --100,976 10 0.25%126,904 9 0.27%--118,809 9 0.24%
John Muir Health ------121,613 7 0.27%223,775 5 0.45%
Total 8,193,361 $ 19.62%8,284,804 $ 20.62%9,128,865 $ 19.66%10,483,258 $ 22.91%10,021,683 $ 20.09%
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of
Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating
Customer Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue Revenue Rank Revenue
City of Concord*8,755,857 $ 1 16.40%8,664,668 $ 1 14.73%9,224,952 $ 1 15.40%10,647,389 $ 1 17.28%10,483,421 $ 1 15.18%
Park Regency Apartments 277,412 4 0.52%277,412 3 0.47%277,412 3 0.46%304,172 2 0.49%330,932 2 0.48%
Contra Costa County General Services 320,866 3 0.60%305,880 2 0.52%301,430 2 0.50%292,384 3 0.47%321,803 3 0.47%
Willows Shopping Center --------197,567 4 0.29%
John Muir Health 125,292 7 0.23%------176,381 5 0.26%
Sun Valley Mall 190,734 5 0.36%197,566 4 0.34%193,957 4 0.32%203,037 4 0.33%174,038 6 0.25%
St. Mary's College Contract 126,222 6 0.24%--98,521 10 0.16%119,407 7 0.19%158,480 7 0.23%
Branch Creek Vista Apartments 124,400 8 0.23%124,400 7 0.21%124,400 5 0.21%136,400 5 0.22%148,400 8 0.21%
Bay Landing Apartments 111,960 10 0.21%111,960 8 0.19%111,960 6 0.19%122,760 6 0.20%133,560 9 0.19%
Archstone Apartments --108,850 9-10 0.19%108,850 7-8 0.18%119,350 8-9 0.19%129,850 10 0.19%
Muirland @ Windemere Apartments --108,850 9-10 0.19%108,850 7-8 0.18%119,350 8-9 0.19%129,850 10 0.19%
Creekside Oaks Apartments ------107,756 10 0.17%--
Chevron Offices & Office Park 363,739 2 0.68%165,561 5 0.28%------
Kaiser Foundation Hospital 112,727 9 0.21%136,753 6 0.23%102,893 9 0.17%----
Total 10,509,209 $ 19.69%10,201,900 $ 17.34%10,653,225 $ 17.79%12,172,005 $ 19.75%12,384,282 $ 17.93%
* Contract with the City of Concord to treat and dispose of wastewater for Concord and Clayton.
The District implemented GASB 34 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year, one year earlier than required.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Sewer Service Charge
List Of Ten Largest Customers
Ten Fiscal Years
2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004
2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
Fiscal Year Local Secured Unsecured Total
2003-2004 $46,821,339,668 $1,446,650,234 $48,267,989,902 8.2%
2004-2005 50,577,841,843 1,416,240,351 51,994,082,194 7.7%
2005-2006 55,586,311,888 1,463,536,750 57,049,848,638 9.7%
2006-2007 61,409,513,246 1,533,076,135 62,942,589,381 10.3%
2007-2008 66,416,736,187 1,583,187,663 67,999,923,850 8.0%
2008-2009 68,888,723,534 1,738,606,038 70,627,329,572 3.9%
2009-2010 68,640,287,188 1,723,710,536 70,363,997,724 -0.4%
2010-2011 67,889,370,916 1,647,537,385 69,536,908,301 -1.2%
2011-2012 67,486,938,247 1,591,574,852 69,078,513,099 -0.7%
2012-2013 67,538,246,870 1,604,518,295 69,142,765,165 0.1%
Property Tax*Sewer Service Charges*
Fiscal Year Levied & Collected % Change Levied & Collected
2003-2004 $9,013,484 6.5%$41,499,031 10.7%
2004-2005 4,027,427 -55.3%43,327,756 4.4%
2005-2006 4,856,758 20.6%44,261,318 2.2%
2006-2007 11,860,961 144.2%46,694,671 5.5%
2007-2008 12,092,637 2.0%48,883,932 4.7%
2008-2009 12,492,502 3.3%50,743,258 3.8%
2009-2010 11,253,233 **-9.9%50,896,210 0.3%
2010-2011 12,171,725 8.2%50,196,629 -1.4%
2011-2012 12,032,525 -1.1%54,586,208 8.7%
2012-2013 13,185,988 9.6%60,068,807 10.0%
* General County taxes collected are the same as the amount levied since the County participates in California's alternative method of
apportionment called the Teeter Plan. The Teeter Plan as provided in Section 4701 et seq. of the State Revenue and Taxation Code,
establishes a mechanism for the County to advance the full amount of property tax and other levies to taxing agencies based on the
tax levy, rather than on the basis of actual tax collections. Although this system is a simpler method to administer, the County assu-
mes the risk of delinquencies. The County in return retains the penalties and accrued interest thereon.
** Actual amount received from the County. Net of Prop 1A loan to state of $985,916.
Source: Contra Costa County Auditor-Controller's Office
% Change
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Assessed and Estimated Actual Valuation of Taxable Property
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Property Tax and Sewer Service Charge Fees Levied and Collected
% Change
Fiscal Total Total Total Revenue Water Rec.Total Debt
Year Principal Interest Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service Bonds Loan Outstanding
2003-2004 1,375,000 1,583,739 2,958,739 127,323 59,796 187,119 1,502,323 1,643,535 3,145,858 35,940,000 2,172,519 38,112,519
2004-2005 1,995,000 1,719,372 3,714,372 130,634 56,485 187,119 2,125,634 1,775,857 3,901,491 33,945,000 2,041,885 35,986,885
2005-2006 2,060,000 1,641,215 3,701,215 134,030 53,089 187,119 2,194,030 1,694,304 3,888,334 31,885,000 1,907,855 33,792,855
2006-2007 2,135,000 1,559,500 3,694,500 137,515 49,604 187,119 2,272,515 1,609,104 3,881,619 29,750,000 1,770,340 31,520,340
2007-2008 2,210,000 1,472,113 3,682,113 141,090 46,029 187,119 2,351,090 1,518,142 3,869,232 27,540,000 1,629,250 29,169,250
2008-2009 2,300,000 1,379,326 3,679,326 144,759 42,360 187,119 2,444,759 1,421,686 3,866,445 25,240,000 1,484,491 26,724,491
2009-2010 2,390,000 1,514,871 3,904,871 148,523 38,596 187,119 2,538,523 1,553,467 4,091,990 54,125,000 1,335,968 55,460,968
2010-2011 3,460,000 2,027,168 5,487,168 152,385 34,734 187,119 3,612,385 2,061,903 5,674,288 50,665,000 1,183,583 51,848,583
2011-2012 3,465,000 1,888,601 5,353,601 156,346 30,773 187,119 3,621,346 1,919,375 5,540,721 47,200,000 1,027,237 48,227,237
2012-2013 3,605,000 1,775,376 5,380,376 160,411 26,708 187,119 3,765,411 1,802,084 5,567,495 43,595,000 866,827 44,461,827
Total Total Operating Non-Operating Debt Service Capital Debt Service Annual Debt Annual Debt Total Debt
Fiscal Debt Operating Expenses less Revenue &Net Coverage Improvement Adjusted Net Coverage Service to Service per Outstanding
Year Service Revenue Depreciation Contributions Revenue *1 (Net Revenue) *2 Fees/Concord Revenue *3 (Adj. Net Revenue)*4 Operating Exp.Customer Per Customer
2003-2004 3,145,858 41,754,572 41,790,374 35,339,234 35,303,432 11.22 8,370,344 26,933,088 8.56 7.53%20.21 244.83
2004-2005 3,901,491 40,171,544 43,484,679 41,881,058 38,567,923 9.89 13,351,448 25,216,475 6.46 8.97%24.65 227.41
2005-2006 3,888,334 46,438,353 46,159,655 33,865,366 34,144,064 8.78 12,931,577 21,212,487 5.46 8.42%24.08 209.29
2006-2007 3,881,619 45,758,121 51,805,315 46,337,472 40,290,278 10.38 12,353,170 27,937,108 7.20 7.49%23.58 191.51
2007-2008 3,869,232 49,879,586 54,906,462 43,034,983 38,008,107 9.82 14,595,433 23,412,674 6.05 7.05%23.29 175.56
2008-2009 3,866,445 53,384,144 57,975,254 35,500,685 30,909,575 7.99 10,511,351 20,398,224 5.28 6.67%23.33 161.26
2009-2010 4,091,990 58,832,086 55,868,745 30,316,640 33,279,981 8.13 10,707,584 22,572,397 5.52 7.32%24.47 331.68
2010-2011 5,674,288 59,896,560 58,235,679 22,850,951 24,511,832 4.32 6,731,994 17,779,838 3.13 9.74%34.67 316.81
2011-2012 5,540,721 61,616,639 64,285,187 29,583,084 26,914,536 4.86 8,266,521 18,648,015 3.37 8.62%34.06 296.47
2012-2013 5,567,495 69,082,686 67,141,476 30,569,164 32,510,374 5.84 9,708,300 22,802,074 4.10 8.29%33.78 269.73
Note: Details regarding the District's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements.
*1 Net Revenue = Operating Revenue less Total Operating Expenses less Depreciation plus Non-Operating Revenue & Contributions.Debt Restrictions:
*2 This ratio must be above 1.00 to meet the Debt Rate Covenant (Net Revenue/Total Debt Service).Revenue Pledge & Covenant: The District pledges
*3 Adjusted Net Revenue = Net Revenue less Capital Improvement Fees (Connection Fees) and City of Concord Capital Charges.Property Tax Revenue along with its ability to raise Sewer
*4 This ratio must be above 1.25 to meet the Debt Rate Covenant (Adjusted Net Revenue/Total Debt Service).Service Charge (SSC) rates. Debt Coverage requirements
are discussed in the footnotes to the left.
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Audited Financial Statements and Internal Accounting Records
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Summary Of Debt Service
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Summary By Type Of Debt
Debt Ratios
Revenue Bonds (2009, 2002 & 1998)Water Reclamation Loan Total Debt Service Annual Expense
Debt Service Coverage Summary
Debt Service Paid Each Fiscal Year
Outstanding Debt Each Fiscal Year
I n 2009, the District issued Bonds which retired the 2002 and 1998 bond
debt and gained $30 million in net proceeds dedicated to fund Capital Improvements.
Inside District Concord/Total %
As Of January 1 Boundaries Clayton Served Change
2004 303,980 135,845 439,825 0.3%
2005 308,428 135,780 444,208 1.0%
2006 309,600 135,400 445,000 0.2%
2007 314,400 134,300 448,700 0.8%
2008 317,340 134,560 451,900 0.7%
2009 322,200 134,000 456,200 1.0%
2010 326,600 135,400 462,000 1.3%
2011 321,800 133,600 455,400 -1.4%
2012 326,900 134,200 461,100 1.3%
2013 332,600 134,900 467,500 1.4%
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Environmental Services Division
Estimated % of Total County Estimated % of Total County
Employers Employees Rank Employment Employees Rank Employment
John Muir Physician Network --2,200 1 0.5%
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals 2,300 3 0.5%2,000 2 0.4%
Chevron Corporation 5,000 1 1.0%1,329 3 0.3%
Target Corporation 3,400 2 0.7%1,262 4 0.3%
Walmart Stores, Inc --1,150 5 0.2%
Contra Costa Newspapers, Inc.--1,140 6 0.2%
Doctors Medical Center 900 8 0.2%937 7 0.2%
Shell/Martinez Refinery 1,000 6 0.2%900 8 0.2%
Bio-Rad Laboratories --900 9 0.2%
Texaco Inc --800 10 0.2%
USS Posco Industries 975 7 0.2%--
John Muir Medical Center 1,900 4 0.4%--
John Muir/Mt. Diablo Medical Center 1,500 5 0.3%--
Bank of the West 800 9 0.2%--
Aetna Health Services 600 10 0.1%--
All Others 465,825 96.2%465,281 97.3%
484,200 100.0%477,899 100.0%
Source: * County of Contra Costa, California, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 6/30/12, Statistical Section, excludes government employers.
Data for 2002, 2003, and 2004 are unavailable.
List of Ten Largest Employers in Contra Costa County
Last Year and Seven Years Ago
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Demographic and Economic Data
Population Served
Last Ten Calendar Years
Fiscal Year Per Capita
Ended Personal Personal
June 30 Population*Income*Income*
2003 987,531 45,775,727,000 46,354 6.1%
2004 992,424 48,923,798,000 49,297 5.4%
2005 999,013 51,534,263,000 51,585 5.1%
2006 1,000,834 55,318,933,000 55,273 4.5%
2007 1,009,152 58,043,926,000 57,518 4.7%
2008 1,023,344 59,914,142,000 58,547 6.3%
2009 1,037,890 55,781,843,000 53,745 10.8%
2010 1,052,605 57,700,398,000 54,817 11.3%
2011 1,066,096 60,778,675,000 57,011 11.0%
2012 N/A N/A N/A 9.0%
N/A - Information not available at this time.
* U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2009 & 2010 Per Capita Personal Income updated. Estimates as of April 2012.
** State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD), annual calendar figure.
Demographic and Economic Statistics
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Contra Costa County
Average Annual
Department 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Administration 42 43 42 42 45 45 45 44 39 39
Engineering 71 76 73 75 76 80 76 75 71 75
Collection Systems 45 46 49 50 50 52 47 44 47 56
Plant 82 81 88 83 77 82 78 74 71 76
Pumping Station 9 9 9 10 11 10 10 8 7 8
Operations Total 136 136 146 143 138 144 135 126 125 140
District Total 249 255 261 260 259 269 256 245 235 254
District Total 163 167 167 177 178 187 201 215 237 244
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Full-time Equivalent Employees as of June 30
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Full-time Equivalent Employees by Department
Last Ten Fiscal Years
Number of Retirees and Surviving Spouses as of June 30
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Capital Asset and Operating Statistics
Last Ten Calendar or Fiscal Years
Treatment Plant Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Treatment Plant Permitted Capacity Calendar 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8
Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)Calendar 40.0 40.6 41.4 41.6 38.6 36.6 32.5 38.9 37.2 33.2
Wastewater Treated per day Calendar 42.9 44.7 48.0 50.4 41.2 41.0 37.0 40.6 41.9 39.8
Tons per Year
Sludge to Furnace (Dry)*1 Fiscal 16,053 16,727 15,841 15,341 15,340 15,212 15,299 15,056 15,790 15,097
Ash to Reuse Site (Wet)*2 Fiscal 5,384 5,397 5,074 4,418 4,418 4,177 4,082 3,814 3,850 3,667
*1 In the multi-hearth furnace, the wet sludge is converted to dry ash. Water is added to the dry ash as it is loaded into trucks (ratio of 60 percent ash to 40 percent water) to prevent the ash from blowing out of the truck during transport.
*2 Wet sludge, which at 19 to 23 percent solids, is pumped to the multiple-hearth furnace for incineration. The table above shows the dry tons per year of sludge to the furnace, excluding the 77 to 81 percent water in the wet sludge.
Collection Systems/Pumping Stations/Outfall Sewers Other Data
Pipeline Miles Calendar 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,526
Number of pumping stations Calendar 20 21 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16
Recycled Water
Recycled Water Produced per day Calendar 1.4 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.5 mgd 1.6 mgd 1.6 mgd
Number of Recycled Water Customers Calendar 21 23 24 30 30 31 30 33 35 35
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) - Inception 1997/1998
Program Participation (Number of cars)Fiscal 23,061 22,872 23,897 26,392 27,940 28,210 29,347 29,441 29,112 29,119
Percentage of Households in Service Area Fiscal 12.3%12.1%12.3%13.6%14.5%14.4%15.0%15.6%15.4%15.4%
Operating Cost per Car Fiscal 62 $ 58 $ 60 $ 64 $ 61 $ 76 $ 76 $ 82 $ 87 $ 93 $
Pounds of HHW per Car Fiscal 71 64 65 80 71 67 65 68 67 68
Governing Body: Elected 5-Member Board of Directors
Governmental Structure: Established in 1946 under the Sanitary District Act of 1923
Staff: 254 full-time equivalent employees
Authority:California Health and Safety Code Section 4700 et. Seq.
Services:Wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal
Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Recycled Water
Type Of Treatment:Discharge - Secondary; Reclamation - Tertiary
Service Area:144 square miles
Total Population Served: 467,500
Sewer Service Charge:$371 annually per residential equivalent unit
Source: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District records.
Millions of Gallons per Day (mgd)
Miscellaneous Statistics