HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE ACTION SUMMARY 11-04-13Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
(th and the environment • Imhoff , ..
President Pro Tem
P.-1 UL H. CA i SEF
Chair McGill PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
F4-I: (925) 676 -7211
Member Nejedly ivivi v.xenrtnlsan.org
Monday, November 4, 2013
3:00 p.m.
Collection System Operations (CSO) Main Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Rd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
PRESENT: Chair Mike McGill, Member Jim Nejedly, General Manager Roger Bailey,
Finance Manager Thea Vassallo, Director of Operations Curt Swanson, Environmental
Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Senior Engineer Thomas Brightbill,
Engineering Assistant III Earlene Millier, Safety and Risk Management Administrator
Shari Deutsch (left after Item 3.), Purchasing and Materials Manager Stephanie King
(for Item 13.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 3 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Old Business
a. Review staff's responses to the Committee's request for information
regarding the following expenditures at the previous meeting:
Check Date Amount Vendor
196842- 197009 9/23/13 Various Various District Retirees
If the District's auditors audit the reimbursements for Medicare Part
B paid to District retirees.
Budget and Finance Committee Action Summary
November 4, 2013
Page 2
Check Date Amount Vendor
197027 9126113 $2,612.34 Child Environmental
Directed staff to review other options for wet ash disposal.
b. Review staff's response regarding an inquiry by Member Nejedly at a
previous meeting regarding the possibility of Pacific Gas and Electric
(PG &E) performing an energy audit
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed staff's responses. Director of
Operations Curt Swanson to provide information on alternative
options for wet ash disposal at a later date.
4. Risk Management
a. Review Loss Control Report and discuss outstanding claims
Member McGill asked that staff inquire with District counsel on whether
legal fees related to AB 197 should be charged to Operations or Self
Insurance, Sub Fund B - Employment related risks.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report.
5. Approve the Statement of Investment Policy No. BP 005 for District assets and
the Investment Guidelines Document for the Government Accounting Standards
Board (GASB) 45 Trust (Item 3.d. in Board Binder)
Finance Manager Thea Vassallo summarized information in Attachment 3,
Schedule of Allowable Investment and Current Rate of Returns, and asked if the
Committee wanted to consider changing the Investment Policy. Member McGill
recommended that the current policy be left as is. Ms. Vassallo stated that the
Board Policy objectives are 1. Liquidity, 2. Safety, and 3. Yield. It was discussed
that higher return would require longer maturities.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
6. Consider recommendation of the District's Deferred Compensation Advisory
Committee to consolidate management of the District's 457 and 401(a) Deferred
Compensation Plan assets under one carrier, ICMA -RC; approve the
Administrative Services Agreement between the District and ICMA -RC; and
authorize staff to execute the appropriate documents (Item 6.a. in Board Binder).
The estimated completion of transition is March 2013.
Member McGill stated that the Committee has monitored and reviewed the
progress throughout the consolidation process and has performed its fiduciary
responsibility. Ms. Vassallo discussed the 457 and 401(a) balances and number
Budget and Finance Committee Action Summary
November 4, 2013
Page 3
of members with ICMA -RC, Nationwide, and MassMutual (previously Hartford).
See Item 6.a. in Board Binder, Attachment 1.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
7. Consider request from property owner for an installment payment plan for
delinquent charges related to the property located at 700 Via Hermosa in
Danville, to be placed on the Contra Costa County property tax roll for collection
in five annual installments starting in Fiscal Year 2013 -14
Engineering Assistant 111 Earlene Millier reported that the property owners at
700 Via Hermosa will not be able to attend the November 21St Board meeting.
Member Nejedly stated that the item could either be scheduled late in the
meeting or the property owners could send a letter with their request.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Considered request and confirmed that the
Committee is not recommending the installment payment plan.
*8. Receive update on preliminary administrative overhead calculations
Ms. Vassallo reported that the in -house overhead calculation has been
completed early this year in order to provide information to an outside consultant.
Using the current full cost recovery method used in past years, the percentage
calculated is 234% for Fiscal Year 2014 -15. District staff met with Matrix
Consulting Group on Friday, November 1, 2013 and is anticipating a preliminary
report from the consultant by the end of November. Ms. Vassallo anticipates this
matter will be brought to the full Board in December for discussion and staff
direction. General Manager Roger Bailey stated that the consultant thought the
current calculation used by the District was fairly simple, and multiple rates will
be reviewed as part of the scope of work.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
9. Review September 2013 Financial Statements and Investment Reports (Item 3.c.
in Board Binder)
Ms. Vassallo and Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell
reported that activity at the Permit Counter has increased and that the
September increase in Facility Capacity Fees is a result of a $1.7 million check
received for an apartment complex being built in Walnut Creek.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
10. Review Expenditures (Item 3.b. in Board Binder)
Budget and Finance Committee Action Summary
November 4, 2013
Page 4
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
Requested the following information:
Servicemaster Restoration
Dept of Toxic Substances
Ms. Vassallo announced that she would be away from the District
November 24th through December 1, 2013.
Suggestions for future agenda items
Discuss the Quarterly report from HighMark Capital Management, which
has been received for the GASB 45 Trust.
Visit Solids Control Building (SCB) and MSB Warehouse for further
inventory review.
Visit warehouse at Collection System Operations (CSO) Building
Mr. Swanson summarized the daily activities of the CSO warehouse. The
Committee and Mr. Bailey discussed the importance of managing and putting in
place internal controls for open inventory. Purchasing and Materials Manager
Stephanie King explained the roles of warehouse staff and CSO staff in
managing this inventory. The warehouse staff comes to CSO once or twice a
year to inventory the items at this location. The CSO staff is in charge of
managing the issuance of items and reporting this back to warehouse staff. The
on -hand value of the CSO inventory is approximately $100,000. An observation
was made that the size of the inventory was relatively small, and the items that
are of more value and tend to be more prone to go missing were placed in a
separate locked area and needed to be issued out by designated staff. Given
this information, employing tighter controls, such as adding an employee to be
stationed at this site during business hours to issue out supplies, does not
appear to be necessary at this time. The other two inventory locations will be
visited at the next Committee meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Visited the warehouse.
Adjournment — at 4:10 p.m.
* Attachment
use tsuoge[
2014 - 2015 2013 -2014 Increase
Employee Benefits 87% 84%
Administrative Overhead 129% 117%
Non -work Hours 18°% 18°%
Increases to Employee Benefits:
Employee healthcare premiums and CCCERA rate increase
Benefit Increases
IAdmin Overhead:
Additional S5.0 million CCCERA payment 22°%
Impact of artificially low salaries used In the denominator Iasi year -8°%
180.15% Alternative Method
216.00% 3 -Year Smoothing
Summary 1415 Page 1
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Administrative Overhead Summary
For the 2014 -15 Budget - Calculated using 2012 -2013 Audited Financial Statements
Last Year's for
Current Calculation Comparison (For
- For 2014 -2015 2013 -2014)
Employee Benefits
86.58% 84.39%
Administrative Overhead
129.32% 117.18%
Non -work Hours
18.00% 18.15%
0 %
233.91% 219.72%
use tsuoge[
2014 - 2015 2013 -2014 Increase
Employee Benefits 87% 84%
Administrative Overhead 129% 117%
Non -work Hours 18°% 18°%
Increases to Employee Benefits:
Employee healthcare premiums and CCCERA rate increase
Benefit Increases
IAdmin Overhead:
Additional S5.0 million CCCERA payment 22°%
Impact of artificially low salaries used In the denominator Iasi year -8°%
180.15% Alternative Method
216.00% 3 -Year Smoothing
Summary 1415 Page 1