HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS ACTION SUMMARY 09-26-13Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Pilecki Member Causey Thursday, September 26, 2013 2:00 p.m. Multi Purpose Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California B(-4RD OF'DIKECTOKS: JAdIESA.NEJEDLP President DA b7D R. WILLIAD IS President Pro Tem PA UL H CA USE 111CHAEL R.11CGILL TAD J. PILECKI PHOEE: (925) 228 -9500 FIV: (925) 676 -7211 www. centralsan. oty PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, General Manager Roger Bailey, Director of Operations Curt Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak, Provisional Plant Maintenance Division Manager Dave Robbins, Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Thomas Brightbill, Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments 1►❑101 *3. Review draft Position Paper approving the revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1) with actual rather than estimated carryover of unspent funds previously allocated to ongoing projects and revised total FY 2013 -14 authorizations for each program, needed for FY 2013 -14 based on end of FY 2012 -13 financial data Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak presented the original and revised funding authorization tables as well as a chart showing historical carryover amounts (attached) and stated that the Board will be asked at its October 3, 2013 meeting to approve the revised table as laid out in the draft Position Paper included in the agenda packet. Capital Projects Committee Action Summary September 26, 2013 Page 2 Chair Pilecki asked that major projects with carryover amounts and the reasons for each carryover be included in the final Position Paper. In the interest of time, staff will present the requested information at the Board meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. *4. Receive update on the District's current Asset Management Plan Senior Engineer Dana Lawson gave an overview of the current status of the District's Asset Management Plan (attached). She described asset hierarchy, the difference between replacement costs and asset costs, criticality and consequences of failure, calculation of risk, prioritization of assets, Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Projects prioritization by scoring matrix, and a proposed Asset Management Team structure. She stated that staff has confirmed the values for consequence of failure with Plant Operations Department (POD) staff, and will enter redundancy and contingency plans into Mainsaver once they are factored. For the Fiscal Year 2013 -14, staff plans to define the Asset Management Team, determine replacement and asset costs, develop a procedure for electronic data entry, and formalize the project- prioritization process. The Committee discussed the value of asset management and the need for dedicated staff to put it into practice, including clerical and data support. General Manager Roger Bailey noted that he hoped to appoint an Asset Manager soon and would be looking at staffing plans. Member Causey stated the importance of developing an overarching philosophy for asset management and educating to obtain buy -in from staff. He encouraged staff to develop a relationship with Seattle Public Utilities District and other agencies with developed asset management plans, adding that it might be beneficial to coordinate site visits as well. Member Causey also suggested doing the following in future phases of the plan. clearly define service life utilizing back - end data, and consider the means of keeping and using that data. Ms. Lawson mentioned that staff had been participating in Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA)'s Asset Management working group, which meets quarterly. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. *5. Discuss "Water Infrastructure Asset Management: Adopting Best Practices to Enable Better Investments" publication from the July 2013 National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Conference (publication not to be uploaded to the District's website due to copyright issues) Capital Projects Committee Action Summary September 26, 2013 Page 3 Ms. Lawson gave a presentation (attached) discussing excerpts from the publication and how they relate to the District's plan. She noted that the District currently employs at least 2 of the 14 current asset management practices and of the 5 most effective asset management practices listed in the publication for the Treatment Plant. She stated her goal that the District becomes an asset management practitioner over the next year by establishing an implementation plan, developing a policy, and training staff. Chair Pilecki noted that he concurred with the assessment of 2 practices for the Treatment Plant, but that he assumed 9 of the 14 practices for the Collection System. Member Causey requested that staff develop an overarching program for all infrastructure within the District rather than developing a piecemeal approach. He recommended that future CIP summaries include Operations and Maintenance (O &M) costs, which would provide additional information to assist in justifying awarding a project. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed the publication. 6. Receive report on funding if Board authorizes participation in the Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition, District Project 7312 Director of Operations Curt Swanson reported that, at the October 3, 2013 Board meeting, the Board will be asked to authorize the General Manager to execute a joint exercise of powers agreement to become a member in the Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition and approve a contingency allocation of $260, 000 from the Treatment Plant Program of the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to cover the membership contribution and other related costs. He explained that the District could benefit from exploring alternatives to its older multiple hearth incineration technology; possibly serving as a regional biosolids operation, diversifying the District's solids- handling options, and having a back -up for handling biosolids, should the furnaces become inoperable. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 7. Receive updates on the construction status of Capital Projects, including: • Concord Landscape Irrigation Project • Primary Treatment Renovations • Treatment Plant Piping Renovations Phase 7 • 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project • Walnut Creek Phase 9 Sewer Renovation • Headquarters Office Building (HOB) Seismic Retrofit Project Capital Projects Committee Action Summary September 26, 2013 Page 4 Senior Engineers Sasha Mestetsky and Edgar Lopez presented updates on the above - listed projects (attached). Mr. Bailey suggested that a Committee meeting be scheduled in October to discuss how to meet the Committee's desire for information and to talk about the award and construction processes. Chair Pilecki suggested that bringing change orders, construction statuses, quarterly budget updates, and other documents which are generated regardless to the Committee may be sufficient for its request for information. He stated that he did not seek to create work for staff, but to utilize pre- existing documents. Member Causey requested to see the bids the Collection System group has received the last several years and noted that he was looking forward to the Board's discussion regarding the possible creation of a dedicated fund for Recycled Water. He suggested that, for historical tracking purposes, it would be cleaner to open a new project for change orders to contracts, with relation to the emergency repair of the Dissolved Air Floatation Tank's inclusion in the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 7. He echoed Chair Pilecki's sensitivity to creating additional work for staff and noted that he sought to bring more transparency to the Capital Program. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the updates. 8. Announcements None. 9. Suggestions for future agenda items Mr. Bailey recapped that the following discussions would take place to ensure the Board and Committee's needs are being met, possibly at a meeting to be scheduled for October: • Discuss how to handle change orders (e.g. creating a separate project number) • Review factors in deciding project priority, and when projects can be delayed • Discuss creating a template for information regarding CIB tracking • Discuss targets for producing the CIP schedule /timeline, and establish a reasonable variance for actual cost versus budgeted or baseline cost Member Causey mentioned that he would like to discuss the approval process for projects that exceed their budgets and at what level the Committee should be engaged, including when a project has changed in scope or award. He asked if the Committee should do a quick review before or after bids to form a recommendation to the full Board. He noted that Committee review Capital Projects Committee Action Summary September 26, 2013 Page 5 recognizes and adds credibility to staff when the Board is asked to approve projects. Member Causey asked where the District stood in implementing the 14 asset management practices listed in "Water Infrastructure Asset Management: Adopting Best Practices to Enable Better Investments," in the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), Treatment Plant, and Collection System Operations (CSO) Departments. Member Causey suggested that a design engineer walk him through the geographic information system (GIS) to look for opportunities for improvement. 10. Adjournment — at 4:42 p.m. * Attachment LIVILMMMIL%Imolm Original -- Table 1 : Capital Improvement Bu dget Su mmary for Fiscal Year 2013-14 (Adopted June : 201 3) 3. Program 96% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIE 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIE Estimated Allocations this FY (All Projects) Estimated Carry -over from Previous Fly Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2813 -14 Expenditures Treatment Plant 313,515,650 3711,350 $14,277,000 $1,134,000 $15,361,000 $9,038,000 Collection System $11.931.050 $677,950 $17,559,DOC $1,985,DOC $14,544,000 $17,370,000 General Improvements $3,346,850 $176,150 $3,573,000 $1,848,000 $5,371,000 $4,756,000 Recycled Water $766,650 $40,350 $807,000 $7,746,000 $3,553,000 $3,416:000 Total this Fiscal Year $29,560,200 $15555,800 $31,116,000 $7,713,000 $38,879,000 $29,580,000 Revised- Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2013 -14 (Revised August 14, 201 3) Program 96% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIE 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIE Estimated Allocations this FY (All Projects) Actual Carry -over from Previous Fly Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2013 -14 Expenditures Treatment Plant $13, 515, 650 $711,35C $14, 777,000 $5,734.10 : $19, 961,.190 $9,038,000 Collection System $11,931,050 $677,950 $17,559,000 $3,783,471 $16,347,471 $17,370,000 General Improvements $3,346,850 $176,150 $3,573,000 $4,364,534 $7,887,534 $4,756,000 Recycled Water $766,650 $40,350 $807,000 $7,017,705 $7,874,705 $3,416,000 F otsl this Fiscal Year $29,560.700 $1,555,880 $31,115,000 $15,899,350 $47,015,354 $29,580,000 HISTORICAL CARRYOVER FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATED ALLOCATION ESTIMATED CARRYOVER ACTUAL CARRYOVER TOTAL AUTHORIZATION ESTIMATED EXPENSES 2013 -14 317110 7 7713 15f899 477015 29 7580 2012-13 29x601 117349 15T947 457548 327343 2011 -12 207217 97580 157228 357445 257914 2010 -11 187368 197098 287557 467925 287464 2009 -10 487331 201191 267717 08, 522 407117 2008 -09 317469 30 r 780 467698 787167 387858 * In the thousands 44-. Treatment Plant Asset Management y � y Capital Project Committee Meeting September 26, 2013 Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer Engineering Department/Environmental Services Division Overview 1. Asset Hierarchy 2. Lifecycle and Replacement Costs 3. Consequence of Failure 4. Risk 5. CIP Prioritization 6. Asset Management Team 7. Next Steps � 10! te from ntation steps ate is 3 1 Asset Management Process Develop Assess Determine Determine Set Target ASSCL Cenditia n, Residual Life Cycle & levels of Registry Failure Modes life Replacement Service (L OS) [ osts Dctermi nc Optimize Optimize Determine inc Risk O &M Capital Funding Build AM plan (- Criticality -) Investment Investment Strategy WERF's 10 -Steps of Asset Management from SIMPLE Program Asset Hierarchy prou I Syttam �t Treatment Plant _R1111111111— dsjb� P�ag Td— r "_ Jm16 L FhW Nc®eC son" — FWNWL. D F Lifecycle and Replacement Costs • Entered for all assets in Mainsaver • 1997 Major Equipment Replacement Study (MW) • Maintenance inputs Next Step • Online equipment catalogs • Replacement vs. Asset Cost • Prelim design estimates • update • Capital projects bid prices • Service life = deprec term " r o m ® ! s o 0 9 d i 4 OI C a ;;— el uses es--,4 yaer.1sill I— 'fir. -ae.n aF.. Laerac •u aunrm a..«e.nr.. euvn...r cuur_as j —xe�. a.r �..►r e.ww �f�1u s f —I ?� st rr 3 Consequence of Failure Criticality an CalMraerle. CIabY alWasare Yyr Y.MN. Ylnar YInYW N•aaxlel. le.lalYe.•N. a.n•rN Yrdrrb inYn.xa. Tr.Yn.d arer�..T Olree.rll.n. laOea eager r e6 IMC%l.e SYWaW, Ana. S.MFeW FInSWtrn Woe e,.— FYW ElIw. Ow.MM tY^dAq WaW OewYra OF— 1 7 5 4 1 Pme... .1 lw YY 1. r TV INN, Caneal AN T.nb E—s sep FE CI.mr Csiroisi iw Am syr.n -- Camm.wae. C—F- eaePmcn• wrr e/P Oral Armes 'V FS Puo. CFn Fmuev FOMPW WFPay Ch- sT•l.m F.1ael.. � GV— emai0 girs- C— YCC 23 Alo er41 IlA l wAS Fe. CFO F— LFO Sri— M sr F— E. Sl- Cil SF— SyNm SWp..alin PutP .F.- Conllrmed with P0D Fable Pr.sedTarb e.sera t7unl em 11 Nt"as" CFUPdy OCu FYe� apress laru^P e.tN• P1fAN Tank cog.,illl SWD tahrrarY OAF Pe Scup Nlpesill em fern Itl.eW AIacA SKP Endn.Yer, 0") FreYOI In Y stroll WY• Dab W eFleel 2013 P-09 d0a" '"l °mss taw ecc el � A4T 1 F2euln Prn.y FO a,.— W eaab W &"q 9.4. S« 5cun M e2 LIetl� Sl.p UeNCaFSro Svarwp E— alyd"o sYr•m _ _.. ....._ sy.- Neat Step lel.re 08P aFer.a e0..8 Lleu.r WOYWp audit. 1N.beee seli"eae sister" aiaeDr.- YCCa We llperng Inputto F saw»Ax Sm el lei srul- Seem eseerev wMars— M ae Yse Wlfl te121nSYVBF mw eilm em" A& Pill fine Paeuva AAneelaal Sm ae Sl.ere P"V Pupae. I,-- alY ex aerere sry.m am Table. T— sm ss Sturm Dial Redundaamr. If redundant units eaist ones with VFDa and ones enthout then the ones w/o will be reduced by one pant Th s apples generally to PE Pumps Standby Effluent Pumps and Sen ce Air Compressors Redundann that a less rulical. Do-rating assets by one point that are less reliable/ functional and therefore less critical to pant operation Such as Eleark Blower Influent Pumps 2 6 a lh liry, Warm Pump 5 Steam Boiler Feed Water Pumps Bamm A 6 C 3 Risk = Consequence x Likelihood Consequence of failure - criticality TO BE UPDATED — Set for all assets in Mainsaver — 10 high to 1 low Likelihood of failure - primary failure mode — 5 = F = very poor, imminent failure — 1 = A = excellent, new — From reports (if avail) otherwise install date /service life s,..l^WI•^..vV ®�Ikww �a�... �......ia,,,,�„•, iw...l...... , +s�*.w.+un.ewnnw� .ca wux c.. eu- .,sme„ Prioritize Assets by Risk le Asset no. Description BRE 11001, 11002 Influent Gate :1 & 2 a r 50 87159, 87160 Sub 82 Normal & Em�ency Feeder Switches 50 21300 Grit Structure 40 22201,2,3,4 Long Flight Collectors (in PSTs) �v 22105 Pri Sludge Pump :1 ' • Update with new 22121,2,4,5,6,45 Grit Pumps 1 -7 COF values. 22400,2240:1 MCC 22 B1, B2 • Incorporate into CIP. 52102,52:150 Pri Effluent Pump 2, 3 52190 FE Pump 3 35 52000 P &B Building 28 This will trigger a higher level assessment and involvement of Capital Projects to determine how to lower risk to a tolerable level. 4 CI P Project Prioritization • W ERF template provides guidance for prioritizing projects. • This can be used for the entire CIP —NEED WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS AND GET BUY-IN yJ •�..�....o,.,.w�...,. >.....a.. r r v c.w yJ Proposed Asset Management Team wM�t f1lLlI.NIelO.+u�e& lw.....en wn Team {Lode! ..�.�: L Next Steps for FY 13/14 ✓ Confirm values for consequence of failure — Factor in redundancy and contingency plans (Oct/Nov) — Enter into Mainsaver O (Nov /Dec) • Define the Asset Management Team (Mar,staffingplanifneeded) • Determine costs inclusive to "replacement cost" as opposed to "asset cost" (Jan -Feb) • Develop written procedure for entering information into Mainsaver® for future analysis (Mar -Apr) • Formalize project prioritization process (Jun 2014) ��PCD_ 0 Future Phases • Future phases, beyond FY 13/14, should include: — Confirm rehabilitation assumptions for structures and protective coatings. — Verify /adjust asset and replacement costs with Capital Projects and Maintenance. — Additional condition assessments. Parking lot items include: — Field inventory of piping & conduits, in coordination with TP GDI. — Evaluate alternative software that includes both CMMS and EAM (enterprise asset management). Recommendations not included in this project: — Convert all preventative maintenance procedures into a standard format (template created in 2012). — Determine how to utilize RIME number for work orders. 7 Water Infrastructure Asset Management: Adopting Best Practices to Enable Better Investments (NACWA 2013) r Capital Project Committee Meeting September 26, 2013 Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer D Engineering Department/Environmental Services Division Benefits of Asset Management (p.1 &5) Yes, same No doubt the benefits being experienced reasons we have by asset management practitioners have Identified helped to encourage this adoption. a B09b report an improved ability to exptam and defend their budgets and investments a 67% have abetter focus on priorities Top Asset Manap.ment 6ansats (Aawding to Procildoners Abnp the Asset tenement spectrum) Vfw • tybrnNrry .le. ieeheora as% 76% e.�rlaaa onhwett lox lax cox an% am �34% tra.cwsatwh aria. sseda asx nx c.oa ur q.�,riy r,�.aem.aa aax —39% AMOM coo wuwtbvdcp sacs. L—b —1110% six sax S. 1 Benefits of Asset Management (p.18 & 19) Benefits with the Greatest Need to explain budget to Positive Impact Board & defend rate When asked to select the single benefitthat providesthe increases to our customers with the greatest positive impact, the respondents'toptwo choices mirror the benefits most f requently achieved. • ImprovedAbilitytoExplain and Defend Budgets/ e.g. cost impacts of Investments to Governing Bodies. 33% (� potential nutrient rags to • Better Focus on Pdorlties.23% Reg. Board plans for larger Invest ,dr. Then tools help utilities to make better decisiW .Out they also p_r_o�videclear, uu�an• YrfieddeteSMaXA4n eredwAhgovemnGgbodiesand regulator 1es, RETPEE FOCUS ON PRIORITIES This bandit was reported by 67% of as asset manegemant pmctlHo ars. One kay element ofessdmanagement is the shift fro m a rascdve maneoino aPProadr to a Proactive approach based on the needs of the utility and th—e-Population that it serves .A proactive epproarhallms Where do we want to be? (p.1) "...the analysis identified practitioners based on how many of the 14 specific asset management practices... are currently used by a utility." • "65 %... are doing four or more asset management practices, the minimum for designation as an asset management practitioner" • "18 %... are doing 10 or more... vanguard of leaders in the industry" K Most Effective Asset Management Practices (p.6) Top -Five Most EHeotive Asset Management Praoticoa bwne� w O1w.H.Caw�e�w� ]OU N Not Effective Newel N meetiva Asset- Condition Assessment for Renewal/Replecement Planning Development of an Asset Managment Policy Strategic Asset Managornent Plan We do 1 out of 5 24i Asset R_ egister to Facilitate Analvels and Planning t.eeim_ puterhed Maintenance Managiimitnt System 3 ..set Ift""n —t Reetlees Asset Management yumWtly 1U. Cmpw4p t.Year.oWrO.sw. trs.m pits Practices Currently in A.pi {..de.. �weaen.lor terser Use (p.9) 11nn hpYmraheirs /w/pY.� Mwip M% M% The District does at least 2 of the 14, andet% �AtldnO... Mltlpm.n.. possibly a couple more: ✓ Computerized Maintenance Management �..% System tGWm._kC=w..A s ft a s. .tExW.nd 4 ✓ Reliability- Centered Maintenance '°" bnftwM�M n.e �ss% • Consideration of Risks and Consequences of 4 awnvui..w hd.sa.. n..e.. Alternative Investment/Budget Decisions —••% • Consideration of Environmental, Social, and Economics Costs and Benefits (aka triple - !„.«. bottom line) ,!;� A.Ma.ete.M nv, ®ii% C�.q A.0 ®am ��e.:.. — ✓ :e% Most Effective Asset Management Practices (p.6) Top -Five Most EHeotive Asset Management Praoticoa bwne� w O1w.H.Caw�e�w� ]OU N Not Effective Newel N meetiva Asset- Condition Assessment for Renewal/Replecement Planning Development of an Asset Managment Policy Strategic Asset Managornent Plan We do 1 out of 5 24i Asset R_ egister to Facilitate Analvels and Planning t.eeim_ puterhed Maintenance Managiimitnt System 3 Improving the CMMS (p.15) COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMMS) Among the advanced practitioners who participated in the In -depth interviews, several noted that the devel- opment of their asset management program included improving the effectiveness of their use of a CMMS. We would benefit from \ improving the use of Mainsaver D Decision Making (p.15) Processes and Methods for Sound Investment Decision With a higher percentage of asset management practi- tioners at the high and of the spectrum finding four out of five of the practices that support Ywesbnent dad. alone to, e more effec&^ k is clear that better decision making builds —' We could consider - BUS as CASES INS Blghty -one peteeM of high-level practitioners find using developing a standard 1 business cases effective, compared tse2%ofmedium- business case template J end low-level practitioners. Business cases were also f considered most effective by several of the advanced participants In the in-depth Interviews. According to one, e buskms case 'Pulls together' trivia bottom Ilne evalu edone, Iffecycle and O&M eviluallena and dd risk_ analyses. We do consider O &M OPTIMIZATION OF THE BALANCE BETWEEN vs. CIP, however we O$M AND CEP INVESTMENTS could consider how IN Strlkingty,87 %of the high-level practitioners consider should be documented this effective, far more than medium - (0B %) and iowlevel - (60%) practitioners. ADDETIONAL PRACTICES CONSIDERED MORE EFFECTIVE BY SIDS -LEVEL USERS ■ of Atternetive In Con ildered effective byg0%jvsstmK o tle r: n Strategies for Funding Top strategies for Allocating Fund. Asset Repairs, Maint,.� far Repair. Maintenance and Reptaoament of Renewal, Replace p,1 &f; ■ Aaa Nwp,aa.Mp.n. comis:eAu"101e04 CJ e.� tl le P+prdcuces provioeu in the survey, Asset condition Ana PuWausoW. assessment is fundamental to understand maintenance _M.m and eplacement needs and would be at the center of and advanced asset management program, and the industry PI.YM Ue. 22% slaw wew"M%th response clearly reflects that importance. °"U% -- YenAY1Mr��v, -- 21% We would benefit from a defined condition ax r "'�"m"das°"dr aaprriAnm assessment program tax xx 4rpry lnr borne lab.. Specise Mc.auyr 16% Staffing (p. 23) Full Time Stan One factor that Campanella reports as critical to taking a comprehensive approach was having a dedic d staff forjust asset management. ampane a believes that "- kplaced a lot of focus on the initiative and [sent) a message to the rest of the utili that this is serious." He also finds t at a dedicated staff is able to think re long -term because they are re ved from day to day operatlqri"hich Need to define our Asset Management Team 5 Goal: Become Asset Management Practitioner by adding these practices over next year (p.9) 1. Benchmarking and /or a Needs Assessment Establish an Asset Management Implementation Plan • this would identify 2 & 3 below • define an asset management team 2. 14 Development of an Asset Management Policy • Board and Management commitment • level of A.M. will define level of resource commitment Staff Training and Development on Asset Management • For this to become a way of business, all levels of staff need to be educated wet Manau -t Reattaa. Carr•ntly In Uaa Caahaalr.A M4.arae Mrry.mW Etas..% AxedmOb.11otasN M hraay hyllst•NA P11111d1• t,>x MW rte"".' Mw ltvl ln..�.ta«�a E...t rta heihp A.W.h.M ll�t M% O.tliW.. M W 5A—. E.m.0 OEM m. CO' .at..a�.:...�:.t... ��33% Or..rya Mrt M.mPaa. f 4ia �3a% Fundamental to completing steps identified in last presentation... ✓ Confirm values for consequence of failure — Factor in redundancy and contingency plans — Enter into Mainsaver O • Define the Asset Management Team • Determine costs inclusive to "replacement cost" as opposed to "asset cost" • Develop written procedure for entering information into Mainsaver® for future analysis • Formalize project prioritization process 7 WO, N -1-. CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS STATUS UPDATE September 26, 2013 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Current Major Projects • Concord Landscape • 2013 Cured -In -Place (CIPP) Lining • Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 • Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 7 • Primary Treatment Renovations • HOB Seismic Improvements Concord Landscape Project Project Purpose: Extension of the reclaimed water main to the Diamond Boulevard commercial area. Scope of Work: Installation of approximately $12,100 LF of new recycled water pipe (4 to 14 inch in diameter) using open cut and horizontal directional drilling methods. M e"C.D_ Concord Landscape Project w' 01 V 54 t 61 �1 nt a N LsMns 2 Concord Landscape Project Project Schedule •NTP (Platinum Pipeline, Inc.) April 23, 2013 *Work Completed to Date 100% *Completion Date March 3, 2014 MOVIE- Concord Landscape Project Financial Summary • Construction Contract • Change Orders to Date • Total Project Cost $2,150,351 $86,000 (4 %) $3,915,000 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project Project Purpose: Repair corroded large- diameter pipelines in order to extend the useful life of essential infrastructure assets. Scope of Work: Renovation of approximately $6,200 LF of existing large- diameter (18 inch to 36 inch) deteriorated, reinforced concrete and tar -lined steel corrugated pipelines located in Walnut Creek and Martinez using cured -in -place lining (CIPP) method. 5 Concord Landscape Project p r ' 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project Project Purpose: Repair corroded large- diameter pipelines in order to extend the useful life of essential infrastructure assets. Scope of Work: Renovation of approximately $6,200 LF of existing large- diameter (18 inch to 36 inch) deteriorated, reinforced concrete and tar -lined steel corrugated pipelines located in Walnut Creek and Martinez using cured -in -place lining (CIPP) method. 5 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Prowect b� IIN. \\yam WNn.a VHIN%6 d I i W.Nw cp a N OWL 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project Project Schedule • NTP (California Trenchless, Inc.) • Work Completed to Date • Completion Date May 16, 2013 45% October 18, 20131 I. 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project Financial Summary • Construction Contract $2,046,630 • Change Orders to Date $4,500 (0.2 %) • Total Project Cost $2,978,000 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining Project 2013 Cured -In -Place Lining of —: ka f, ` -wig_ f Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 Project Purpose: Renovation of deteriorated sewer lines to avoid structural failure, reduce overflows, control maintenance cost, and comply with Federal, State and local regulations. Scope of Work: Renovation of approximately $12,000 LF of sewer mains (6 to 10 inch in diameter) using open cut and pipebursting methods in Walnut Creek and unincorporated Contra Costa County areas. Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 WA M f CMK O �•m� ir��a�wti WWWf CIFEII fEW911FM0VATM I �� "11M 1 MAO IOCATM5 M 1101 9 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 Project Schedule • NTP July 16, 2012 (Ranger Pipeline, Inc.) • Work Completed to Date 100% • Completion Date June 5, 2013 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 Financial Summary • Construction Contract $1,969,446 • Change Orders to Date* $74,239 (3.8 %) • Total Project Cost $3,088,000 '$30,000 — emergency repairs. 10 11 Piping Renovations, Phase 7 Project Purpose: To improve the reliability of the piping systems in the treatment plant above and below ground by inspection, renovation, and replacement as required. Scope of Work: • Centrate piping at the SCB centrifuges. • Discharge and hypo piping and valves at the RAS pits. • Replace ash bin collector. • Replacement of sluice gates at the filter plant forebays. • Flow meter and pH meters on the scrubber piping in SCB. • Emergency Repair of DAF Tank. -j 12 13 Financial Summary • Construction Contract $ 735,800 (D.W. Nicholson) • Change Orders (12.4 %) $ 91,832 DAF Emergency (21.3 %) $ 156,855 • Total Construction $ 9841487 • Engr, CM, Admin (39.3 %) $ 387,097 • Total Expenditures to date $1,371,584 Primary Treatment Renovations Project Purpose: This project will improve the reliability of the Primary Treatment facilities and equipment. Scope of Work: • Replace grit handling facility. • Install baffles in sedimentation tanks. • New primary pumps with VFDs. • Replace scum thickening system. • Sedimentation tank improvements, replacing chain drives, scum skimmers, sludge equipment, etc. 14 Primary Treatment Renovations Contractor: W. M. Lyles Co. from Sacramento Contract costs: $10.2 million Construction schedule: • Notice to Proceed issued July 15, 2013 • Completion date in November 2015 • Starting at the Chem Feed building and new grit facility location, concrete and electrical demolitionz 15 HOB SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS Welding modifications 100% accepted. All floor framing restored Ongoing activities: • Drywall and painting in progress • Floor tile work and carpeting in progress • Cabinetry, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical • Network and Fire Improvements Project nearing completion 16 Schedule • Contract Completion date: October 2013 • As of 9/25/13: - Total project work complete: 85% - Time expired: 90% • Staff anticipates substantial completion by late October • Punch list and moving coordination in November • Staff anticipates moving back in December 17 Questions?