HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS ACTION SUMMARY 08-30-13Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Pilecki Member Causey Friday, August 30, 2013 8:45 a.m. Multi Purpose Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J.4.IIESA. nEJEDLP President DAT7DR. TTZLL1.4.IIS' President Pro Ten? R4 FL H. (' r_ EF 111CHAEL R. 1IC(TILL TAD J. PILECB7 PHME: (925) 228 -9500 FAI: (925) 676 -7211 www. centralsan. org PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, General Manager Roger Bailey, Director of Operations Curt Swanson, Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak, Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Plant Maintenance Superintendent David Robbins, Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani, Information Technology Administrator Roy Li, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme (for Item 3.), Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson (for Item 3.), Engineering Assistant III Earlene Millier Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 8:48 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. *7. Review draft Position Paper adopting a resolution authorizing the General Manager to enter into a sole- source contract with Solar Turbines, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $650,000 for the installation of fuel and control system upgrades to the cogeneration system, Cogeneration System Renovation Project, District Project 7308, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(c)(3) and Purchasing Procedures Manual Section 5.3.15; and find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (taken out of order) Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2013 Page 2 Director of Operations Curt Swanson said that the Board's approval is needed for a sole source contract and to make a supplemental authorization from the Sewer Construction Fund. A revised draft Position Paper and resolution (attached) were distributed. Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani presented a summary of the project, which was made necessary by the cogeneration explosion, and which will upgrade the cogeneration system control systems so that the District can enter into a long -term service contract that will include parts and labor. The upgrade will also help ensure a stable power supply for the Treatment Plant. The cogeneration system saves the District about $2 million per year. Member Causey asked what adjustments to the Capital Program would be made in order to accommodate the increased spending on this project, and expressed concern that a rate increase could be made necessary by spending more on projects than was budgeted. There was a discussion of how projects are prioritized, how adjustments are made to accommodate project expenditure changes, and how large projects are taken into account in the ten year plan. Mr. Swanson said that staff is heading toward a capital plan /financial plan that would account for large projects. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 3. Discuss and prioritize Capital Projects topics to be discussed at the Board Priorities Workshop The Committee discussed the items listed on the memo included in the agenda packet and recommended the following disposition. Review Asset Management Plan under development (CauseylPilecki) This was deemed the highest priority Workshop item by both Chair Pilecki and Member Causey, who suggested inserting the word "comprehensive" in the description to indicate that the Asset Management Plan currently under development should be an overall plan, one that would dovetail into the District's overall financial planning process. At the Workshop, the Committee desired a brief presentation explaining how the District's assets are managed at the present time, and how they would be managed under a program using a Triple - Bottom -Line- approach. Member Causey suggested using a Nessie Curve to illustrate how the Asset Management Plan would work, with a view toward developing an overall asset management philosophy. Review staff authority limits (CauseylPilecki) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop. Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2013 Page 3 Review the Board's role in the capital projects budget planning process (Causeyl Pilecki) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop. Review assumptions used in Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIB) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop. Review factors in deciding project priority, and when projects can be delayed (CauseylPilecki) It was noted that the above item is tied to the Asset Management Plan item above and would be covered as part of a comprehensive asset management program. Update on status of major ongoing projects (Swanson) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop. Discuss approval process for projects that exceed budget (Causey) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop. Consultants - review selection process, contract extensions, and how increases in consultant contract amounts are handled (CauseylWilfiams) The above item was considered more suitable for discussion at the Committee level rather than at the Workshop unless significant changes were envisioned. As part of the discussion that is expected to take place at the Board Priorities Workshop relating to Board Committee charters, structure, etc., Member Pilecki suggested the following. Creation of an ad hoc committee to review matters related to the Concord Naval Weapons Center project, which will significantly impact the District's operations and revenues; 2. Review the scope, function, and names of the Board Committees with a view toward possibly combining the Outlook and Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2013 Page 4 Environmental Services Committees because they meet so infrequently; 3. Review the composition and term of the Committees. Member Causey added that he would like staff to consider regular, possibly monthly, meetings of the Capital Projects Committee. Finally, it was suggested that time should be allotted at the Board Priorities Workshop for a free -form brainstorming session where Board Members can exchange ideas for the future. One such idea of Member Causey's would be to consider requiring lateral replacements upon sale or major remodeling of properties. He cited that 92 percent of laterals are in poor shape and this could be an effective method of remedying the problem over time. COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided direction to staff. 4. Review Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) June 30, 2013 Year -End Status Report Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak presented a summary of the Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Program. The Capital Improvement Budget was underspent, and the program received a larger share of revenue than projected, so the draw from funds available was smaller than anticipated in the CIB /CIP. Member Causey said that a line needs to be added to the report to account for grant income. He also asked whether capacity fees fund expansion only, and cited Government Code Section 66000 as requiring that capacity fees pay solely for expansion of the treatment plant and sewer system and not renovation projects. A discussion about allocations, expenditures, reports, and project contingencies followed. Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak reviewed the Fiscal Year 2012 -13 expenditures by program and gave a brief overview of several major projects. A discussion of project expenditure increases followed. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board receipt at the September 5, 2013 Board meeting. Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2013 Page 5 *5. Review Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects Senior Engineer Edgar Lopez presented a summary of Fiscal Year 2012 -13 closeout projects in the Treatment Plant, General Improvements, and Recycled Water programs. Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky presented a summary of Fiscal Year 2012 -13 closeout projects in the Collection System program (attached). Staff has revised the memo originally included as an attachment to this item in the agenda packet (attached). COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 6. Receive update on Information Technology (IT) Master Plan development Information Technology Administrator Roy Li presented an update of the status of the IT Master Plan development. The Master Plan will include hardware and software recommendations and will examine staffing and organization of the IT work group. The District used a Request for Proposal (RFP) process, and received three bids. The chosen vendor was the lowest bid as well as the best qualified. The Master Plan should be ready by March 2014, and preliminary recommendations will be included in the 2014 -15 CIB /CIP. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. Item 7 was taken out of order, directly following Public Comments, as noted above. *8. Update on possible streamlining of CIB /CIP process, and development of "triggers" that would require Capital Projects Committee review of certain projects prior to Board action. Mr. Antkowiak distributed the updated CIB /CIP Financial Process document (attached), which has been updated since the Committee first received it in July. He said that discussions with IT about possible software have begun. He stated that significant streamlining was done on the 2013 -14 CIB /CIP and requested that Committee members look through the document to identify unnecessary information. Member Causey asked if the CEQA information could be eliminated from the CIB /CIP. Staff will look into this. Member Pilecki said that he found the P11 report to be most useful and requested the same format for allocations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update and provided direction to staff. Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2013 Page 6 9. Announcements Mr. Swanson said that another Capital Projects Committee meeting will be scheduled for September, possibly in combination with an Environmental Services Committee meeting. 10. Suggestions for future agenda items Staff should take a look at other special districts to see how their capital budgets are structured and bring this information back to the Committee. The Committee requested a report on what staff is learning from the second round of television inspection of sewers about degradation rates and any other useful information. The Committee requested an update on the comprehensive Asset Management Plan. 11. Adjournment — at 11:10 a. m. * Attachment s. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 29, 2013 (Revised) TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE _ VIA: ROGER BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGE ANDREW ANTKOWIAK, CAPITAL PROS DIV. MANAGER DANEA GEMMELL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIV. MANAGER THOMAS BRIGHTBILL, SENIOR ENGINEER,] FROM: EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III £Ay SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 21 capital improvement projects during the 2012 -13 fiscal year. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $1,019,402 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program. Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and underun /(overrun) amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. Program Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2013 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Treatment Plant $10,970,000 $10,521,123 $448,877 Collection System $9,360,600 $9,301,161 $59,439 General Improvements $3,528,374 $3,000,557 $527,817 Recycled Water $163,000 $179,731 ($16,731) Totals $24,021,974 $23,002,572 $1,019,402 Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary - 2013 Closeouts TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 7255 Primary Structures Demolition 1,580,000 1,537,099 42,901 7256 Alternative Energy Study 700,000 706,242 -6,242 7276 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 2,902,000 2,484,924 417,076 7288 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 2,253,000 2,267,250 - 14,250 7290 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 3,535,0001 3,525,608 9,392 Program Totals $10,970,000 1 $10,521,123 $448,877 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5965 Collection System Planning 1,250,000 1,219,494 30,506 5967 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 1,447,000 1,356,786 90,214 5987 Cathodic Protection System Replacement 400,000 349,392 50,608 5989 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 2,907,000 2,904,199 2,801 5992 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 2,111,700 2,104,896 6,804 6476 Sunnybrook Road Contractual Assessment District 158,900 156,744 2,156 6513 St. Mary's Road Contractual Assessment District 375,000 386,660 - 11,660 8416 2012 -13 Development Sewerage 1 711,000 822,990 - 111,990 Program Totals 1 $9,360,600 1 $9,301,161 $59,439 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8210 Kiewit Parcel Development 300,000 147,529 152,471 8219 HOB Improvements 795,000 781,916 13,084 8221 POD Improvements Program 497,000 150,903 346,097 8224 District Rental Property Improvements 540,500 569,496 - 28,996 8228 District Easement Acquisition 790,000 740,018 49,982 8231 Seismic Improvements - Rental Property 371,000 375,821 -4,821 8512 2011 -12 Equipment & Vehicles Acquisition 234,874 234,874 0 Program Totals $3,528,374 $3,000,557 $527,817 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT NO. BUDGET AS OF 6130112 (OVERRUN) 7303 RW Line to Conco & Maltby Pump Stations 163,000 179,731 - 16,731 Program Totals 1 $163,000 1 $179,731 ($16,731) Attachment 2 Project Descriptions (2013 Closeouts) TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 7255 Primary Structures Demolition This project increased safety around the old abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and prepared the area for future expansion of the primary sedimentation tanks and related facilities. This project demolished the old abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and backfilled the area with clean fill material. It also demolished the not used lime storage silos, building, and associated piping systems. Other obsolete and not used facilities were also demolished and removed. DP 7256 Alternative Energy Study The study evaluated renewable energy sources and made recommendations for meeting future greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirements. In addition, the study reviewed current energy use and made recommendations for future energy reduction projects and recommended power portfolio to meet the Treatment Plant's energy needs, while complying with AB 32. DP 7276 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 This project was a 5th phase of a multiple -phase treatment plant piping renovation program. This project improved the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant. It replaced the aging aeration air supply headers and down comers at the aeration tanks. It also replaced other plant piping showing signs of corrosion, such as the water supply and drain lines on the aeration condensers and number 3 high pressure water (3WHP) pipelines in the West Gallery. DP 7288 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 This project was a 6th phase of a multiple -phase treatment plant piping renovation program. It included piping renovations and replacement work not included in previous phases of the program. As part of the project sections of the scrubber water piping, centrate pipe at the foam suppression tank, flow meter in the discharge piping of aeration blower #2, scrubber drain piping in the SCB plenum were replaced. Also as a pilot test baffles were installed in one primary sedimentation tank. DP 7290 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 This project inspected both the land and submarine portions of the 72 -inch outfall pipeline. Every joint was tested to a specified threshold and failed joints were repaired by installation of mechanical seals. As part of the project a new meter vault and a new 60 -inch magnetic flow meter was installed for measurement of final effluent flow. The submarine section of the outfall was stabilized by placing additional ballast rock around the pipe. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 5965 Collection System Planning This project purpose is to identify, evaluate, and schedule short and long -term sewer improvement projects and to provide design flow rates for major facility plans. Collection System Planning studies provide the basis for improvements to the District's sewer system and flow rates for facility plans. Studies focus on six major activities: Local Capacity Studies (LCS) in response to proposed developments, LCS to identify and define existing deficiencies in the sewer main system, land use and collection system database management, flow rates for facility plans and for special studies to assure District sewer renovation plans and priorities are consistent with capacity, routing, and acceptable service level guidelines, and Pumping Stations Master Plan DP 5967 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 The project purpose was to complete the amended grants of easements for the A -Line Interceptor and other sewers through the Iron Horse Corridor and to secure property rights for existing and future segments of the A -Line Relief Interceptor, Walnut Creek Bypass, Main Trunk No. 1, and the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer. The majority of the proposed easement alignment is within the Iron Horse Trail corridor and the Walnut Creek Channel. DP 5987 Cathodic Protection System Replacement This project included performing a District -wide cathodic protection survey of all underground facilities, including the pumping stations and buried metallic piping and replacing existing spent facilities and installing new systems where required. As part of this project, a master plan was updated with recommendations for required maintenance, replacement and /or addition of new cathodic protection for facilities requiring such protection. The master plan includes cathodic protection implementation and monitoring recommendations. DP 5989 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 This project is a fifth phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. The project installed approximately 11,000 linear feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewer lines within public right of way and in easements. Construction methods used were horizontal directional drilling, pipeburst, and open cut. Included in this project was the easement site along Camino Encinas, which was removed from the Hall Drive project in 2011 due to right of way issues. DP 5992 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 This project is eight phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. The project installed approximately 10,000 linear feet of 6 -inch through 12 -inch sewer lines within public right of way and easements in Contra Costa County in the City of Walnut Creek. Construction methods used were pipebursting and open cut. In addition, there was one site located in the Town of Clyde that installed four access structures along the force main. These structures allow the force main to be cleaned and CCTV inspected as necessary. DP 6476 Sunnybrook Road Contractual Assessment District Sunnybrook Road CAD 2010 -1 designed and constructed approximately 610 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities along Sunnybrook Road in Alamo. The project serves 16 residential properties. DP 6513 St. Mary's Road Contractual Assessment District St. Mary's Road CAD 2011 -1 designed and constructed approximately 1,557 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities along a portion of St. Mary's Road in Lafayette. The project serves 11 residential properties, one undeveloped residential property, and a City of Lafayette property containing ball fields and community meeting room. DP 8416 2012 -13 Development Sewerage Work done by District staff to ensure that contributed sewers meet the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction is funded from the Sewer Construction Fund, since it results directly in District capital assets (completed main sewers, easements and permanent records.) This project provided a means to capitalize District labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities during the 2012 -13 fiscal year. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Proiiect # Project Title DP 8210 Kiewit Parcel Development District used the Kiewit property as a source of revenue by leasing it as a clean fill site. County Quarry was contracted to oversee the leasing agreement and operate the clean fill site. This project brought clean fill to the Kiewit parcel and raised the elevation approximately five feet. DP 8219 HOB Improvements This project included limited renovation of the interior and exterior of the Headquarters Office Building (HOB). It included conditioning the exterior, some renovation of interior wall finishes and ceiling, replacing some flooring and carpeting, upgrading electrical and lighting systems, reconfiguring offices and workstations. This project included funds to design improvements needed to bring the building's interior and exterior into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. DP 8221 POD Improvements Program This project made various improvements to the interior and exterior of the Plant Operations Department (POD) Administration offices. This was a multi -year project that provided an allowance to renovate and upgrade the interior and exterior of the POD Administration offices and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located in the Multi - Purpose Room. It included limited renovation and /or reconfiguration of offices and workstation spaces to match employee needs and duties, replaced outdated and /or worn out furniture, and incorporated new office technologies. DP8224 District Rental Property Improvements The purpose of this project was to protect and enhance the District's rental properties, surrounding parking lots and grounds through additions, improvements, betterments, replacements, and extraordinary repairs. This was a multi -year project and the improvements were typically triggered by equipment or building failure, or a need to improve the property. DP 8228 District Easement Acquisition As capital projects are designed, sanitary sewer easements may have to be acquired through budgets for those specific projects. This project provided funds for the acquisition of easements for projects where specific funds were not identified in the Capital Improvement Budget. DP 8231 Seismic Improvements — Rental Properties This project improved the seismic performance of the District's rental property buildings. The 4737 warehouse building was seismically retrofitted to provide basic life safety for building occupants. Work included limited structural modifications to the building. DP 8512 2011 -12 Equipment and Vehicles Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2011 -12. The project did not close at the end of FY 2011 -12 because of the late delivery of one of the purchased vehicles. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Project # Proiect Title DP 7303 Recycled Water Line to Conco & Maltby Pump Stations This project addressed potential failure points on the recycled water line that feeds Conco and Maltby Pumping Station within the District's treatment plant property. Pipe at risk of future failure was replaced and a flow meter and monitoring system was installed to help determine any future leaks. Projects Completed /Closed out in FY 2012 -13 Board Capital Projects Committee Workshop August 30, 2013 Total 2012 -13 Closed /Completed Projects by Program Program Total Expenditures Treatment Plant $10,521,139 General Improvements $3,000,561 Recycled Water $179,731 Collection System $9,301,174 Total $239002,605 1 Treatment Plant Program > $1 million Project Title Total Expenditures Primary Structures Demolition $ 1,537,099 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 $ 2,484,924 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 $ 2,267,259 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 $ 3,525,615 Treatment Plant Program < $1 million Project Title Total Expenditures Alternative Energy Study $ 706,242 ask I 2 General Improvements Program < $1 million Project Title T Total Expenditures Kiewit Parcel Development $ $147,529 HOB Improvements $ $ 781,916 POD Improvements Program $ $150,903 District Rental Property Improvements $ $569,496 District Easement Acquisition $ $ 740,022 Seismic improvement - Rental Property $ $375,821 2011 -12 Equip. &Vehicles Acquisition $ $ 234,874 Project Title T Total Expenditures Kiewit Parcel Development $ $147,529 HOB Improvements $ $ 781,916 POD Improvements Program $ $150,903 District Rental Property Improvements $ $569,496 District Easement Acquisition $ $ 740,022 Seismic improvement - Rental Property $ $375,821 2011 -12 Equip. &Vehicles Acquisition $ $ 234,874 Recycled Water Program Project Title Total Expenditures RW Line to Conco & Maltby Pumping Stations $ 179,731 Collection System Program > $1 million Project Title Project Title Total Expenditures Total Expenditures South Orinda Renovations. Ph 5 South Orinda Renovations. Ph 5 $2,904,206 $2,904,206 Walnut Creek Renovatlons. Ph 8 Walnut Creek Renovations. Ph 8 $2,104,898 $2,104,898 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Ph 2 A -Line EasementAcquisitlon, Ph 2 $1,356,786 $1,35fi,786 Collection System Planning Collection System Planning $1,219,492 $1,219,492 Project Title Project Title Total Expenditures Total Expenditures South Orinda Renovations. Ph 5 South Orinda Renovations. Ph 5 $2,904,206 $2,904,206 Walnut Creek Renovatlons. Ph 8 Walnut Creek Renovations. Ph 8 $2,104,898 $2,104,898 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Ph 2 A -Line EasementAcquisitlon, Ph 2 $1,356,786 $1,35fi,786 Collection System Planning Collection System Planning $1,219,492 $1,219,492 Collection System Program < $1 million Project Title Project Title Total Expenditures Total Expenditures 2012 -13 Development Sewerage 2012 - 13 Development Sewerage $822,995 $822,995 St. Marys CAD St. Mary's CAD $386,660 $386,6fi0 Cathodic Protection System Cathodic Protection System Replacement Replacement $349,393 $349,393 Sunnybrook CAD Sunnybrook CAD $156,744 $156,744 Project Title Project Title Total Expenditures Total Expenditures 2012 -13 Development Sewerage 2012 - 13 Development Sewerage $822,995 $822,995 St. Marys CAD St. Mary's CAD $386,660 $386,6fi0 Cathodic Protection System Cathodic Protection System Replacement Replacement $349,393 $349,393 Sunnybrook CAD Sunnybrook CAD $156,744 $156,744 Primary Structures Demolition Proiect Purpose: This project will increase safety around the abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and allow for future expansion of the primary system and related facilities. Scope of Work: • Demolish and backfill the original primary sedimentation tanks • Demolish the abandoned lime storage silos, building, and associated piping systems • Remove abandoned electrical and piping systems from the tunnels and basements associated with the original primary system Financial Summary • Construction Contract $929,000 (Pantano Demolition) • Change Orders (14.8 %) $1375675 • Total Construction $1,0669675 • Engr, CM, Admin (44.1 %) $ 470.424 • Total Expenditures $1,537,099 tI 0 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 Project Purpose: To improve the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant by inspection, renovation, and replacement as required Scope of Work: • Replace the aging aeration air supply headers, down comers, and diffusers at the aeration tanks • Replace the water supply and drain piping on the aeration condensers • Replace the 3WHP pipelines in the West Gallery 7 Financial Summary • Construction Contract $25077,440 (NCCI, Inc.) • Change Orders (1.8 %) $38,294 • Total Construction $251155734 • Engr. CM, Admin (17.4 %) $369,190 • Total Expenditures $25484,924 91 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 Proiect Purpose: To improve the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant by inspection, renovation, and replacement as required. Scope of Work: • Replace sections of the scrubber water piping at the seal tank on Wet Scrubber No. 2 • Replace centrate piping at the foam suppression tank • Replace flow meter In the discharge piping of Aeration Blower No. 2 • Replace scrubber drain piping In the SCB plenum • Replace leaking connections at the cake pump feed pipelines • Pilot test installation of a primary baffle in one tank Financial Summary • Construction Contract (Aztec Consultants) • Change Orders (1.2 %) • Total Construction • Engr, CM, Admin (41.9 % • Total Expenditures $1,578,000 $19,441 $1,597,441 L $669,809 $2,267,250 IFE Abatement at West Gallery. Pre -air Piping at Sed Tanks 11 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 Proiect Purpose: This project will inspect both the land and Submarine portions of the treatment plant outfall as allowed by the current NPDES Permit, and will make repairs as needed Scope of Work: • Retest the joints in the land portion of the outfall and install new seals as necessary. Similar to the work conducted in 2003 • Construct a meter vault and install a 60 -inch flow. meter • Stabilize the submarine portion 0 12 Financial Summary • Construction Contract (Sierra Mountain) • Change Orders (9 %) • Total Construction • Engr, CM, Admin (44.7% • Total Expenditures $2,234,500 $201,636 $2,436,136 L $1,089,472 $3,525,608 13 14 South Orinda Renovations, Phase 5 Proiect Purpose: Replace /Renovate deteriorating and high maintenance sewer lines Scope of Work: Reconstruct approximately 11,000 linear feet of 6- to 8 -inch sewers in Orinda Financial Summary • Construction Contract $1,538,000 (K. J. Woods Construction, Inc.) • Change Orders (8.1 %) $124,940 • Total Construction $1,662,940 • Right -of -Way (19.6 %) $326,712 • Survey (15.5 %) $257,774 • Engr. CK Admin (39.5 %) $656,780 • Total Expenditures $2,904,206 15 .wr P41 '7d° Fi n. i F+11 °► w 1J r /fir' ►� South Orinda F1! F { f- + \ '* Renovations, F! P" Phase 5 1! P610 s Location Map N / 16 17 Walnut Creek Renovation, Phase 8 Proiect Purpose: Replace /Renovate deteriorating and high maintenance sewer lines. Scone of Work: Reconstruct of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 6 through 12- inch sewer in Contra Costa County and Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Renovations, Ph. 8 Financial Summary • Construction Contract $19289,500 (K. J. Woods Construction, Inc.) • Change Orders (8.1 %) $104,421 • Total Construction $1,3932921 • Right -of -Way (3.8 %) $53,386 • Survey (7.5 %) $104,060 • Engr, CM, Admin (39.7 %) $553,531 • Total Expenditures $2,104,898 18 4 v ak Rannvatinna- Phi; 1% Ic Questions? 20 Q - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REV ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 5, 2013 Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SOLAR TURBINES, INC. FOR THE COGEN CONTROLS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7308, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $800,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Submitted By. Initiating Dept/Div.: Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer Plant Operations / Operations Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. A Antkowiak, Capital Projects Division Manager D. Robbins, Provisional Plant Maintenance Division Mgr. C. Swanson, Director of Operations K. Alm R. Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is requested to enter into a sole- source contract with Solar Turbines, Inc., the original equipment manufacturer for the District's cogeneration gas turbine system. Board authorization is required for the addition of funds to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a sole- source contract with Solar Turbines, Inc. for the installation of fuel and control system upgrades to the District's cogeneration system for an amount not to exceed $650,000; and approve a supplemental authorization of $800,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the FY 2013 -14 CIB to cover this and other project elements. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total anticipated cost for the work under this contract is approximately $650,000. This project is included in the FY 2013 -14 CIB. The total project cost is estimated to be $1,300,000. However, this estimate exceeds the FY 2013 -14 project budget by $800,000. A supplemental authorization to the Treatment Plant Program is necessary to be able to complete the project in this fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Sole- source requests bypass the competitive bidding process. The supply and installation of the upgrade does not lend itself to competitive bidding as the design of the equipment is proprietary and only the manufacturer has the unique product knowledge to safely and economically upgrade the system. The District recently experienced a catastrophic failure of the cogeneration system when maintenance was performed by an aftermarket service provider. BACKGROUND: The cogeneration system produces electricity and steam for the Treatment Plant and provides significant savings over purchasing power from a utility (PG &E). Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Dare: September 5, 2013 subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SOLAR TURBINES, INC. FOR THE COGEN CONTROLS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7308, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $800,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Failure /Recommissioning of Cogeneration Unit: On March 29, 2012, the cogeneration unit suffered a catastrophic failure caused by an explosion in the exhaust system. The unit was recommissioned by Solar Turbines, the original equipment supplier, and was restored to service on October 3, 2012. The six- month outage resulted in an increase in utility expenses of approximately $960,000. The recommissioning of the unit was hampered by the age of the fuel valves and control system. In addition, the fuel valves and control system were suspected as contributing factors to the explosion. Replacement fuel valves had to be manufactured as they are no longer a stocked item by either Solar Turbines or the valve manufacturer. The control system is based on a controller manufactured by Modicon. While Modicon controls are common to District equipment, they are no longer supported by Solar Turbines. The cogeneration system was first placed into service in the early 1990s. From initial startup to 2011, the system was maintained under a long -term maintenance agreement with Solar Turbines. The agreement was all- inclusive, covered any repair, and guaranteed availability of the cogeneration system. In 2011, the District changed service providers to the Wood Group, which serviced the system until the explosion. Following the explosion, the District cancelled the service agreement with the Wood Group. Existing Short-Term Maintenance Agreement: Since being placed back into service, the cogeneration unit has been maintained under a short-term maintenance agreement with Solar Turbines. The short-term agreement is for routine maintenance only and does not cover unscheduled repairs. It provides only for labor and does not cover any parts or provide any guarantees for availability. The District is at significant financial and operational risk without a long -term service agreement. Upgrades Needed Prior to Long -Term Maintenance Agreement - $650,000: At the October 4, 2012 Board Meeting, staff stated they would pursue a long -term service agreement with Solar Turbines. However, Solar Turbines will not enter into a long -term service agreement unless the fuel and control systems are upgraded. The obsolescence of the equipment makes it impossible for them to provide a reasonable response time for equipment repair /replacement and the Modicon based controls are no longer supported by Solar Turbines. Page 2 of 4 a- P . POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 5, 2013 subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SOLAR TURBINES, INC. FOR THE COGEN CONTROLS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7308, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $800,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Due to the complex nature of the cogeneration turbine, staff recommends performing the fuel and control system upgrades using Solar Turbines on a sole- source basis. Solar Turbines has the proprietary engineering skill, product information, knowledge and parts to safely perform the upgrade. The estimated Solar Turbines contract cost for the upgrade is $650,000. Supplemental Authorization for Other Project Elements - $800,000: The fuel and control system upgrades will be part of the Cogen Controls Upgrade Project, District Project 7308. Other project elements required are selecting an electrical designer and electrical contractor to install interconnecting wiring between the turbine, control console, and District equipment. These contracts have an estimated cost of $50,000 and $250,000, respectively. These contracts will be awarded based on a qualified evaluation process, in accordance with District purchasing guidelines. In addition, the electrical generator on the cogeneration unit is approximately 20 years old and needs to be evaluated for replacement. Depending on the outcome of the evaluation, this piece of equipment may need to be replaced during the planned shutdown of the cogeneration unit. The estimated cost to replace the generator is $200,000. District staff will perform contract administration, design and construction management, and inspection services for the new interconnect wiring not provided by Solar Turbines. This staff effort is estimated to be $150,000. The revised total project cost is estimated to be $1,300,000. This project is included in the FY 2013 -14 CIB on page TP -20. The estimated total project cost listed in the FY 2013 -14 CIB for the project is $800,000. An allocation of $100,000 was made in FY 2012 -13 and an estimated allocation of $400,000 to the project was planned for FY 2013 -14. To complete the project in FY 2013 -14, an allocation of $1,200,000 will be necessary, which exceeds the budgeted allocation by $800,000. There are insufficient unallocated funds in the FY 2013 -14 CIB Treatment Plant Program to make the necessary allocation to the project. The cogeneration system will be in operation for the foreseeable future. The fuel valves and control system should be upgraded to ensure continued safe and reliable operation of the cogeneration system and these upgrades are required to re -enter into a long -term service agreement. Staff has concluded that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves repairs to an Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 5, 2013 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SOLAR TURBINES, INC. FOR THE COGEN CONTROLS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7308, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $800,000 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET existing public facility involving no expansion of use. Approval of this action will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was reviewed by the Capital Projects Committee on August 30, 2013. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Take the following actions: Adopt a resolution authorizing the following action and making the following findings in connection with the Cogen Controls Upgrade Project, District Project 7308: A. Authorize the General Manager to enter into a sole- source contract in an amount not to exceed $650,000 with Solar Turbines for the installation of fuel and control system upgrades to the cogeneration system, pursuant to subdivision (c)(3) of Public Contract Code section 3400 and District Purchasing Standard S -013; and B. Find that: a. The public interest is best served by utilizing the unique technology and proprietary knowledge that Solar Turbines, Inc., the original equipment manufacturer, has developed to upgrade the gas turbine generator set, which is part of the cogeneration system. b. Under the circumstances, Solar Turbines is the only qualified supplier to install the upgrade equipment and that it is in the best interest of the District to proceed with a sole- source contract with Solar Turbines. C. The contract is exempt from CEQA. 2. Approve a supplemental authorization of $800,000 to the Treatment Plant Program of the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Budget. Attached Supporting Document: 1 Proposed Resolution Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2013- A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT APPROVING A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SOLAR TURBINES, INC. FOR FUEL AND CONTROL SYSTEM UPGRADES COGENERATION SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Purchasing Procedures Manual Section 5.3.15 provides that, in those cases involving a unique or novel product application required to be used in the best public interest, a governmental entity may specify such unique or novel product as an appropriate sole source; and WHEREAS, the District has a Solar Centaur 40 gas turbine generator set as part of its cogeneration system which is in need of a fuel and control system upgrade; and WHEREAS, Solar Turbines, Inc.'s proprietary technology can be utilized and incorporated to upgrade the District's gas turbine generator set, thereby extending the service life of the turbine and increasing reliability and maintainability; and WHEREAS, Section 3400(c) of the California Public Contract Code sets forth certain conditions under which a particular material or product or service may be purchased without the necessity of competitive bidding; and WHEREAS, in order to allow for future long -term maintenance, it is prudent to have the upgrade performed by Solar Turbines, Inc., the original equipment supplier. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (the Board) as follows: THAT the Board hereby adopts the recitals set forth above as the basis of its findings. 2. THAT the Board finds the public interest is best served by utilizing the unique technology and proprietary knowledge that Solar Turbines, Inc., the original equipment manufacturer, has developed to upgrade the gas turbine generator set, which is part of the cogeneration system. 3. THAT, in accordance with Section 3400(c) of the California Public Contract Code, the Board finds that the proprietary technology offered by Solar Turbines, Inc. shall be utilized in the District's treatment plant to repair, modify and upgrade the District's Solar Centaur 40 gas turbine generator set, and that a sole - source contract with Solar Turbines, Inc. meets the criteria set forth in that section. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution 2013 - Sole- Source Contract — Solar Turbines, Inc. Page 2 of 2 4. THAT that the contract is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves repairs to an existing public facility involving no expansion of use. 5. THAT the Board authorizes the General Manager to enter into a sole- source contract with Solar Turbines, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $650,000 for the installation of fuel and control system upgrades to the cogeneration system, Cogen Controls Upgrade Project, District Project 7308. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 2013, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme, CIVIC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District C� CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 Introduction Each year, the District updates the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIB covers capital improvement projects and expenditures anticipated for the following fiscal year. The CIP includes the CIB year and nine additional future years, for a total of ten years. The CIP is sometimes referred to as the Ten Year Capital Plan. The capital program is divided into four programs (Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water), each of which is further divided into several sub - programs. Each project is assigned to a sub - program within one of the four programs. The Board adopts the CIB /CIP before the new fiscal year starts, and in so doing, authorizes not expenditures, but a total authorization for each of the four capital programs. The program authorization is the total of the anticipated allocations for projects in the program for the fiscal year. The General Manager then approves project - specific allocations from the four program authorizations, within approval limits set by the Board. The question of why the Board approves program authorizations rather than project expenditures has been discussed at length. Approving program authorizations and delegating project- specific allocation and expenditure approval to the General Manager gives staff the flexibility to adjust the scope and expenditures of current projects within limits set by the Board. It also gives staff the ability to respond to conditions that arise as projects progress without going back to the Board for approval each time. Each project in the CIB /CIP is assigned to a Project Manager who has overall responsibility for completion of the project and approving expenditures, within limits set by the Board. Each program in the CIB /CIP is overseen by a senior staff member, who has overall responsibility for planning which projects are to be included in the CIB /CIP for the program. The Capital Projects Division Manager has overall responsibility for the capital program. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 1 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 A. How Projects are Included in the CIB /CIP Projects are identified and included in the CIB /CIP for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The District's asset management plan calls for renovation or replacement of an asset; 2. The project is included for planning purposes, from which individual projects will be developed; 3. The project is determined to be necessary due to regulatory, environmental or customer service requirements; 4. Engineering judgment or maintenance considerations call for renovation or replacement; 5. Purchase of vehicles, computers and other equipment; 6. A necessary asset has failed or is about to fail (may be a contingency project and therefore not in the CIB); 7. The project is a mechanism for capitalization of expenditures such as planning studies, the purchase of easements, etc. B. Capital Budget/Plan Preparation The first preliminary- estimate of capital expenditures for the next fiscal year is typically done in November. Individual project expenditure estimates are updated, and the list of projects is refined. The Board meets in December for a high -level overview of estimated capital program expenditures. Total expenditure estimates for the four programs (Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water) are calculated and are used by management to develop the District's Ten -Year Financial Projections for Rate Setting. Various financial scenarios are developed and presented to the Board in January, based on the capital program expenditure estimates and O &M expenditure estimates. The rate setting process and development of the CIB /CIP are done in parallel. As the CIB /CIP is developed, a draft is presented to the Board in March, and project scopes and expenditure estimates are further refined. By this point, making large changes to the four programs' expenditure estimates is problematic because those numbers have been used to develop rate scenarios. Because of the long lead time needed to meet Proposition 218 requirements for sewer service charge rate setting, capital project expenditure estimates for the following fiscal year must be set fairly early in the process, even as multi -year projects are moving Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 2 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 forward, existing projects are undergoing changes, and new projects are under development. The Board holds a workshop in April to review the draft CIB /CIP. Changes are incorporated, and the final CIB /CIP is adopted by the Board in June. The attached Budget Schedule lays out the detailed development and approval process for the CIB /CIP as well as the Staffing Plan, O &M budget/SSC rate setting, and other fees. C. Initial and Supplemental Authorizations Initial authorization: Each year, the Board adopts the CIB /CIP, thereby approving the Total Proposed Authorization for each of the four capital programs. The Total Proposed Authorization includes the estimated carryover (allocated but unspent) amounts plus the estimated new allocation total for each program. The new allocation total is the sum of allocations planned for all projects in the program for the fiscal year. The estimated new program allocation total is the initial authorization to each program from the Sewer Construction Fund and becomes the beginning balance of funds available to be allocated in the new fiscal year. This amount is divided between two accounts for each program: Unallocated (95% of the approved new allocation amount) and Program Contingency (5% of the approved new allocation amount.) See the attached example of the Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012- 13, which shows the total of estimated allocations by program—,and the division of the amounts into Unallocated and Program Contingency beginning balances. Individual projects allocate money from the program balance on Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Requests, or CIBAs (example attached). As projects allocate money from the program, the amounts are deducted from either the Unallocated or Program Contingency beginning balance. If the project is in the CIB, it allocates from the Unallocated account. If the project was not in the CIB, it allocates from the Program Contingency account. Program balances are monitored by staff in Engineering as allocations occur. See the attached CIBA Log example. As allocations are later entered into the Sungard system by Accounting staff, the available balance in the system is reflected on an Account Activity Listing (example attached). The CIBA Log is reconciled with the Sungard report several times during the year to make sure all allocations are accounted for. The CIBA Log acts as an early warning of a low program balance so that appropriate steps can be taken, i.e., halt allocations or request a supplemental authorization. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 3 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 Because of project changes and delays, there is usually a difference between the amounts planned to be allocated and what is actually allocated during the fiscal year, but the program cannot be allocated down to below a zero balance. Any remaining balance in the Unallocated account is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund at the end of the fiscal year. Supplemental authorization: The estimated allocation for each project is determined well before the allocation will actually happen. Occasionally, a project that did not plan to allocate money in the fiscal year has to allocate. Perhaps the project is ahead of schedule, or it might have spent more money than anticipated due to a change in scope or costs. When this happens, staff might ask the Board for a supplemental authorization to the program. The supplemental authorization is needed when projects need to move forward and must allocate funds so that work can continue, but the balance in the program fund is depleted. The alternative to approving a supplemental authorization is to slow down or halt work on the project. An example of supplemental authorization language is attached. The supplemental authorization language is usually included in the contract award position paper. If the Board approves a supplemental authorization, the amount is added to the remaining balance in the program's Unallocated account. On rare occasions, a program balance might approach zero as a result of multiple projects moving ahead of schedule, changed timing of allocations, added scope and cost, or other need for an unanticipated allocation, and staff might prepare a position paper for a supplemental authorization that is not tied to a particular project's contract approval. D. Allocation Carryover (adjustment in September to reflect actual carryover amount) At the adoption of the CIB /CIP (usually in June or July) the Board approves the Total Proposed Authorization for each of the four programs, which includes an estimate of carryover (allocated but unspent funds.) The actual amount of carryover is not known until the fiscal year closes out. When the actual carryover is known, staff goes back to the Board with a report of the actual carryover and a position paper requesting approval of the revised Table 1 from the CIB /CIP. This position paper is usually included in an agenda for a Board meeting in September. A copy of the FY 2011 -12 revised carryover position paper is attached. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 4 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 E. Expenditures The Expenditure Estimates shown in the CIB /CIP are preliminary estimates. Because the planning and design phases of projects typically have not been completed, and bids have not been obtained, the cost estimates are preliminary. These estimates do not include project contingency. The contingency is excluded to reduce over - inflating and under - spending program budgets (the contingency may or may not be needed or used). As project designs are completed, a final construction cost estimate and total project cost is prepared. Depending on project criticality and the status of remaining program allocations and expenditures available, the project may proceed and /or be delayed to the following fiscal year. See item H: Project Budget Overrun. F. Program Contingency and Project Contingency The Program Contingency is 5% of the total of new planned allocations for each program, which is approved by the Board when the CIB /CIP is adopted. The 5% is set aside in a separate account and is used solely for allocations for projects that are not in the CIB. The 95% is used for allocations for projects in the CIB. The General Manager has authority from the Board to approve allocations of contingency funds up to $100,000 per project. Each of the four programs has a contingency beginning balance, and these amounts are generally not spent in their entirety. Any amount not allocated by the close of the fiscal year is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. Project contingencies are not included in estimated expenditures in the CIB in order to avoid over - estimating and under - spending. The Board has given the General Manager the authority to allocate up to 15% over the final project budget (as authorized in the contract award position paper). However, this is limited by the remaining balance in the applicable program account. The General Manager cannot approve allocations for more than the remaining balance in the program account. If allocations in excess of the allocation total in the CIB are needed, staff has to return to the Board to ask for a supplemental authorization. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 5 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 G. New Projects Not in the CIB New projects are occasionally created during the fiscal year that were not included in the CIB because they were not anticipated, or they have arisen suddenly in response to an emergency or other unanticipated factor. These projects can allocate up to $100,000 out of the Program Contingency balance. To allocate more than $100,000 or to allocate an amount less than $100,000 but exceeding the available contingency balance for a project not in the CIB, staff has to ask the Board to approve a supplemental authorization to the Program Contingency balance. It is fairly unusual for unanticipated projects to be created during the fiscal year, but it does happen. More frequently, a project that is planned to begin in the following year moves forward. For example, a project included in the FY 2013 -14 CIB might be ready to start in February, 2013. With the approval of the General Manager, and if funds remain in the Program Contingency account, that project can allocate money and can start spending before July 1, 2013. The maximum amount that can be allocated from the Program Contingency balance by a project is $100,000. If a project not in the CIB has to allocate more than that, Board approval is required. H. Project Budget Overrun Preliminary project budgets are typically set at the end of the calendar year when projects are identified for inclusion in the next-fiscal year's CIB. Project cost -estimates exclude the project contingency. At that time, project scope and expenditure estimates are very preliminary. As designs advance, the project scope of work and cost estimates become more precise. At the 100% design phase, the project engineer prepares a final Engineer's Estimate and total project cost. The project is put out to bid, and once the winning bid is selected, the project budget is refined to reflect actual construction bid costs. Because of the substantial project development that typically takes place after the CIB /CIP numbers are determined, the final project budget may differ significantly from the numbers in the CIB /CIP. Before a project is advertised for bid, staff reviews the remaining available program balance and expenditures and proceeds with one of the following options: 1. Budget and allocations are adequate for bid and award — project may proceed to bid phase. 2. Project budget exceeds remaining program balance: a. Request supplemental authorization from the Board and proceed to bid phase Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 6 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 b. Slowdown and /or delay the project to the following fiscal year (non - critical projects) After the bid opening, staff evaluates the bids, checks the apparent low bid against the available program balance and makes a recommendation to the Board for award or rejection of the bids. The award position paper includes the current and needed allocation to complete the project and shows the estimated expenditures including a construction contingency. See item F, Program Contingency and Project Contingency. I. Project Close -Outs At the end of the fiscal year, all closing projects (projects whose work is completed and that do not appear in the following year's CIB) are closed out and are included in a report to the Board. The report includes a brief description of the work completed under the project, the total allocated by the project, the total expenditures, and the amount of allocated but unspent funds being returned to the program or the expenditures in excess of the total allocation that are required in order to pay for the work done. Closing projects either return money to the program or they allocate small additional amounts from the program. Because these close -out allocations are prepared before the fiscal year actually ends, the actual total expenditure is not known and the final underrun or overrun amount is adjusted in the Accounting department when final project expenditures are known. In general, closing projects return money to the program. Any remaining program balance that is not allocated by the close of the fiscal year is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund and is not carried over to the new fiscal year. Board members frequently request presentations on completed projects, and these presentations are scheduled soon after the close of the fiscal year. The FY 2012 -13 Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects report is attached. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 7 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Summary of Capital Improvement Budget/Plan Financial Process August 22, 2013 J. Board Approval and Staff Approval Authority: Board approval is required at the following points in the capital program financial system: • Sewer Service Charge Rate (a portion of which is designated to the Sewer Construction Fund) • Capacity Fees (all revenue goes to the Sewer Construction Fund) • Capital Improvement Budget and Annual Authorization (total of estimated allocations) from the Sewer Construction Fund to the four programs • Re- authorization of amount allocated but unspent in prior year (carryover) — estimated at time of CIB /CIP approval and updated with actual carryover amount in August • Supplemental Authorizations if allocations will exceed the remaining program balance • Allocations greater than $100,000 or exceeding the Program Contingency balance • Individual project contracts — position papers include final project budgets • Project overruns in excess of 15% Staff-Approval: The Board has delegated to staff the following approval authority: • Allocations from program balances to individual projects (with a limit of $100,000 for an individual project not in the CIB from the program contingency balance) • Project overruns up to 15 A copy of the Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits is attached. Prepared by E. Millier and A. Antkowiak Page 8 of 8 CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 2013 -14 BUDGET SCHEDULE As of 2/28/13 KEY OF SHADING: Yellow = Board Meetings; Green = 2 week early delivery of document to the Board; Blue = Committee Meetings; Orange = Prop 218 related DATE STAF FING PLAN SSC RATE SETTING/C� &M, SELF -INS. AN DEBT SERVICE BUDGETS BUDGET (INCLUDING EQUIPMENT BUDGET) FEES, ASSESSMENTS, RATES & CHARGES i s1 Capital Workshop (Committee meeting held priori GM at special meeting - meetings to be Dec 20 January 3 Final O &M SunGard Budget closed - no CIB /CIP Input from Program Mgrs (until 1/25/2012) Use Admin O/H calc update from Accounting January 7 Mee+ with B &F Committee or ' C -yr plan Update Capacity Fees/Developer Rates & Board Workshop (Special Board Meeting) CIB /CIP goals and assumptions Charges as appropriate Jan I i ! Equipment Budget Workpapers and Instructions Issued (IT requests memo from IT issued) January,„ 10 -year Plan Financial Board Workshop 1/25 - Kickoff GIB CIP Process Review Potenba Prop 218 content with Board f available January 31 W orkpapers and Instructions Issued Equip. Budget due to Accounting Review with Engineering Division Manager (Cap Fees. Developer Rates & Charges) April 22 IT requests due to IT - January 31 sit Week of Feb (45 days Edits Due (Both Descriptions and $ Amounts) 214- Review with GM 4 prior to 616) _ I Prepare memo to Board February 7 Review Potential Prop 218 content with APRIL 30 Board if available week of Feb 2/11 - Budget due to HR - Work papers & Instructions Issued 2/14 Department leads to discuss Equip Budget with GM, if 1 departments should cc submittals to needed j GM to keep him in the loop F- ---T i Feb 19 2119 - Board Finance Committee Mtg dote on contents of Prop 218 and Mid -Year Capital Review Review Capacity Fees & Develops, Charges February 21 Issuance - NOTICE IN ADVANCE Feb 22 February?? Final Changes due to HR Prop 218 notices to marling house 8 Final Equip. Budget signed sheets to Accounting Final Memo for Board weeks onor to Drop -Dead marling date of 4 22 that ;s 45 days BEFORE Public CIP /CIB to Senior Staff Hearing on 616 F ebruary 28 r Draft Budget to HR _ i ( Committee/Management March 1 -4 -- March i 3/4 - O &M Payroll B�t, get data due from departments to Accounting (See separate detailed schedule�or Budgeteers)Budgeteers) Fall back date oli needed !e voti Prop 218 content - notice to marling houses on 318,12 - 6 weeks sad time Instead of 8 March 4 - CIP /CIB comments/edits due back Final Report to Board Week of 3/6 - Board HR Comm. Review 3:00 3/8 - 2'"d draft CIB /CIP to senior staff and mgt - March 4 HOB comments due back by 3/15 March 15 CIB /CIP comments due back; Final IT Plan Due In RSC for inclusion in GIB /CIP & Equipment Budget March 21 Set Public Hearing (Capacity Fees, and Dev. Rates & Charges) Week of 1" O &M reviews: department reps w/ March 25 GM and at special meeting - meetings scheduled in Microsoft Office March 28 April 1 Review Self- Insurance Budget and ­,e� O &M budget assumptions with Board Finance Committee 3/28 - Distribute Admin Draft CIP /CIP and IT Budget to Board and Concord Review Delinquent Chargers/14D Capacity Use & delinquen, charge on tax rolls with Board F nance Committee Week of Apni Self- Insurance Budget - Board 2nd O &M reviews: department reps w/ and Adoption Requested Presentation i s1 GM at special meeting - meetings to be Charges on tax roll) April 9 j Final O &M SunGard Budget closed - no scheduled in Microsoft Office new numbers from this point on April a Board Presentation - Board Approval Self- Insurance Budget - Board Set Public Hearing (Set Delinquent Charges, and Adoption Requested Presentation collect CAD AVAD. Cap Use, & Delinquent Charges on tax roll) April 9 j Final O &M SunGard Budget closed - no new numbers from this point on April 11 Board Workshop (Special Board Meeting) CIB /CIP April 12 Budget Variance Explanations due to Accounting from D$partments -4/12 Board Approval' Public Hearing April 18 (Cap Fees. Developer Rates & Charges) April 22 Drop Dead date - Mail Prop 218 mailers (45 days to our rate payers prior to 616) APRIL 30 Publish New Rates (Rule: 6o days before they become effective) May 2 May 13 May 16 June 6 June 70 � — — - -- -- Budget Doc. including SA contribution, given to Board at Board meeting for 5/16 workshop (2 Wks before) and P.P. to Set Public Hearing to set SSC Rates & collection of SSC & Budget. Board Finance Committee - review O &N Budge, Board Workshop Presentation on Budget Board Approval and Adoption for O &M. Self -Ins., and Debt Service Budgets Public Hearing iSet SSC Rates) & Collect SSC on Tax Rolls I Set public hearing date for CIB /CIP Board Approval and Adoption( Public Hearing) Board Approval, Public Hearing - Set Delinquent Charges; collect CAD; AVAD, Cap Use, and Delinquent Charges on tax roll Public hearing to occur on July 25th — July 1 SSC Rate takes effect New Rates in Effect �, q* M T O N i d c� N M I- 0 A i tQ E 3 CD d aI .O 3 m AW W 0 CL E a LO v T d F° et O 0 O O O O O C �'; O O ON c+% ' r' 'p oc) O CO O ce) LO T- p H lL 6JX.1 � r N y G O O O O O Q'= 0 0 00 O O. T-:, " r O a O M LO � LO CND 3 Ln " Ln Q7 O �a 6s 6 40 U E O O 0 O O m O m O 6 6 C6 L •> CO co d r t0 ? 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V V \4CC T O 1"t'- U Ln r rr rmmmr r� C w � 0 °c E o LO O_ CD a � o � m m U L» 1� m !- o p `o 0 O m l[1 O 4 IL Ua O F a m c m W IM O C o = m ° o C [A 2 to CD GD a C O IL U) C r v y E n, E D1 L o w X c S� = O Ua m C o O p vo CO O d as c Oj D � T O C V ~a 0 0 m y S C m E C 0 d � a � m T a U) N CV T o # � o a m � N a � r m � o U CCCSD Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Request (CI ®A) Project o 8233 Initial Additional x_ Closeout Project title CSOD Facility (25 char, or fewer) t]+ Improvements Source of funds: unallocated x contingency This allocation amt $83,000 Project manager Aleut Ro¢ul Date July 18, 2013 PM's cost center 0250.470 Total project cost n) A B? Project cost Th)s FY (�)�� l� $355,000 ((t1)from the CIB / c7 � t1iW0.W() (D)current plan) $30,000 $30,00 Program General Improvements ISubprwrarn F Improvements Please enter here what the QB shows as your planned allocation for this FY $100,000 What amount have you already allocated during this FY? $0 8 -digit ro ect S 1233 Element- o. ect 01-00 Description Salaries & Wages Sum a4 or allocations $0 Thle allocation $18,000 Resultinj amount $18,000 02-00 Benefits $0 $40,000 $40,000 8233CC 11 -10 Materials lf<Supplias $37,000 $5,000 $42,000 All Other Unes $100,000 ( $0 COLUMN TOULS $137,000 ( ft1 re�9asesi hero hMarra a fn uecd ror pptell) $63,000 $200,000 Remarks: (also include a few words stating what this allocation will be used for) CSO Improvments include but not limited to. concrete work at the vehicle shop, hydro dump area, and ice machine; door port holes and other hardware; and other. Attachments: t°1 Monthly cashflow es_ —; e'fCIB WriEe -up X tOt Position paper.,,,-; (d)CIBA Memo_; "Cep Pro) Sum Rpt ( qu d by: (2) Rttiswed by.- (3) Recommended by: - Pro] er (signature & date) Division Mgr (signature j date) Department Director (signature a date) Yo be completed by CIB Coordinator CIB eat this task 3 5-0 6V-D CIB coordinator 's Description of work ,,, ..{.., t ..-{ Derived/ data ! (5) Reviewed By: ( Re road r� Director of Engineering General Manager of required) Approval Date (7J To be completed Date Accounting notified by Accouniing g Date closed account form last revised July 26, 2010 a I 1 O O O O O O O H H I EI W I O O o d d O I z u l 0 O O o 0 N I W z I w w w H H r r \ l a a I O d O O Vl W N I a .4 I 1n 11l of 1rl m W O I b a 1 w w M M O a 1 u m 1 z\ F F F W F F\ 04 1 1 m m .� •� m O I 1 N N H H w H I 1 0 m r h O a 1 1 aM I al U H W I 1 N N WH aA a 1 1 WH uH 1 U I W I I 1 z OazaHttl 04 99 z t 1 O Z H 1 i .iWWa Ha F 1 I Ha .7Wa99 z I Z F I ..799 1 W I 1.7HHW D 1 00 I O O O O O O I H D I O O O O O u I F O I zF az l/l z a 14 zZ E+ u I U x 1 a W DF ZH a 104041 ZW W Z OZ ZOW Ori0 z I N 1 OZ ZWOZ OZ 1z I zz 1 1 D ❑Ow u .a I DU❑UaauUW uW DOWW la 1 uW 0 1 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 m a W 1 1 W H H 1 1 3 I l a l F .7 F 1 1 I I u .i U .i W I I 1 1 W .4 a «7 IIWI IHWI a a I z u 1 O O O O O a I W z 1 O O O O O \ I a a I \ F \ F 1 a a 1 I M to I u z 1 1 \ D 1 1 O U I I F Z I 1rw1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 W I 1 z I 1 H 1 1 O o b o O O O O N O O O m N N M o m m M r r m w N N M o w w w N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 111 'I N 1fl M a H H w 10 m w w w 1 M r r w w w H H r r N ov O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O F I F sk 1 1 1 N I z O l O O O O M I Wa 1 mOOUI ►l I a a 1 100010 104041 i1 I Pa 1 mroln F I U\ I N m O H m a H 111 a I O M I U I W 1 a 1 1 1 r F 1 I z I 1 E•F a D I I W U m O 1 I 0:3 I o99 U I I DF W a 1 z I m w m O N w m N m 00 mN MM HH H H r r F a W m W ❑ D W m m O 111 M H H h I I I I I I I 000000000 mw0000000 OHm000000 MwmOO I w m w N r 0 O m w w M O h M N w 01 m M F F a W U m W D a W D E W m W m 0 m O M w O 00 v1 .n 01 tT rr N N w w F a W m W DW m m O N 01 r N w 11 0000 NOOV1 od vm mM111w M w a a w w M 1, E. 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I z 14 1 z •"1 U D a m a 1 Q H 1 H- Q W 1.7 •• Q I aQ 1 zF0 F i F 0 1 O Z m N H I{ 1 H D\ •• z l l I F Or o a l l 1 U U o •-� fq i 1 0 1 D U 1 U 1 a Q a m F 1 I En m N m 1 O 1 z O v O O I H a 1 O I .-. N U t U W I U O.� .-4 1 U W I �+ •-. N o Q t 4 I a• o N 0 It I W O \ m H 1 1 3 0 mE z l I W a. o C•l 0 I O a I f// I ulamt o O 1 z i N o W Z.4 1 00 a Q 4 1 I o 0 Qaa i a I 1 0. at9F i Da t oNo WOZ 0 I zo M a W I a z l D o a a U 1 19 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 6, 2012 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH D. L. TALK CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS, AND XEROX CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., KLEINFELDER, AND NUCP FUND I LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8226; AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,000,000 FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Submftted By. Initiating Dept/Dlv.: Nathan Hodges, Associate Engineer Engineering I Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC77ON: A. �jkaA4 yyf N. Hodges P. Seitz V A Antkowiak K Alm Ann E. Farrell, General Manager ISSUE: On November 20, 2012, fourteen (14) sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Seismic Improvements for HOB, District Project No. 8226. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. Board authorization is required for the General Manager to execute agreements beyond staffs authority. Approval by the Board of Directors is required for a supplemental authorization to the General Improvements Program of the Capital Improvement Budget RECOMMENDATION: Award a construction contract; authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Contractor license, and any other required submittals (SUBMITTALS); authorize amendments to existing and new consulting agreements; authorize the General Manager to execute agreements; and approve a supplemental authorization of $1.000,000 for the General Improvements Program of the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), and find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $5,716,000, including, preliminary design, detailed design, staff relocation, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. K\PESUPTosition PaperstHodges16226 - Award Construction ContractR doc Page 1 of 8 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 6, 2012 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTAND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH D. L. FALK CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS, AND XEROX CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., KLEINFELDER, AND NUCP FUND 1 LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8226; AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,000,000 FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET BACKGROUND: California adopted updated building codes in January 2008, which Included significant changes for seismic design parameters. A thorough analysis of District facilities was completed to assess the expected seismic performance based on the latest adopted design standards. Facilities analyzed include all structures on the treatment plant, Headquarters Office Building (HOB), 4737 Imhoff Place Warehouse, HHWCF, and the larger pumping stations. HOB was found to have serious deficiencies based on current seismic design standards. Due to the potential for severe damage to the building and possible injury to the 120 staff members housed in HOB, staff proceeded with the design of seismic improvements to HOB. After an extensive evaluation of alternatives, staff determined that an interior retrofit of an empty HOB was the most cost - effective. _- The-xojectronsists-of-a-seismic retrofit of_the_eAs ina rame_of_EfOB�The resulting retrofit will not significantly reduce existing floor space. Staff will use the opportunity of an empty building to include general improvements to HOB. These general improvements include new carpet, painting, and installing recycled water to the restrooms. Staff will be relocated to existing District facilities at the Treatment Plant site in Martinez, and a leased office building in Concord. The permit counter and a reception area will be in the adjacent Annex building. District staff executed a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) to prepare design drawings and specifications for the seismic retrofit. The architectural firm of Calpo Hom & Dong Architects (CHD) prepared the plans and specifications for the general architectural improvements. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Seismic Improvements for HOB is $5,700,000. This project was advertised on October 9 and 14, 2012. Fourteen (14) sealed bids ranging from $2,807,151 to $4,585,000 were received and publicly opened on November 20, 2012. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that D.L Falk Construction, Inc. is the N:TESUPTosition Papers\Hodges \8226 - Award Construction ContractR doc Page 2 of 8 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 6, 2012 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH D. L. FALK CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS, AND XEROX CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., KLEINFELDER, AND NUCP FUND I LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8226; AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,000,000 FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $2,807,151. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. An additive bid item was included in the Bid Schedule to replace the CAT 5 network cables with CAT 6 network cables, and upgrade the fiber optic backbone from 1 gigabyte to 10 gigabytes. Staff received several quotes during the bid process to estimate the costs associated with updating the cables. The costs ranged from $80,000 to $110,000. The low bidder for the project, D.L. Falk Construction, Inc., has shown his cost to be $293,585 to remove and install these new network cables. Therefore, staff recommends awarding the base bid without this additive bid item. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, office engineering, and submittal review. Staff recommends retaining KPFF and CHD to provide construction support for this project because these cons ultants_perfolmeda key role-in_preparing_the- plans_and-specifications and -have a unique understanding of the project. KPFF and CHD will review shop drawings and submittals, provide responses to requests for information, review design changes and change orders, attend progress meetings, as needed, and provide intermittent construction inspection. Amendments with not -to- exceed cost ceilings have been negotiated with each consultant: KPFF $75,000 (total agreement $485,103); CHD $30,000 (total agreement $92,860). The seismic retrofit work requires special inspection. Staff has negotiated an agreement with Kleinfelder in an amount not to exceed $100,000, and an agreement with Harvest Technical Services, Inc. to supplement District inspection staff in an amount not to exceed $150,000. Relocating staff out of HOB includes moving the Reprographics Service Center (RSC), which includes Xerox staff and Xerox's equipment. Xerox will move their equipment and provide an additional staff member to handle the increased mail and courier duties Staff has negotiated a contract amendment in an amount not to exceed $130,000. NVESUMPosMon PaperslHodges18226 -Award construction Contractkdoc Page 3 of 8 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 6, 2012 suboer AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH D. L. FALK CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS, AND XEROX CORPORATION, AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., KLEINFELDER, AND NUCP FUND I LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DISTRICT PROJECT NO, 8226; AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,000,000 FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Staff has negotiated a lease agreement with NUCP Fund I, LLC for additional office space to accommodate HOB staff relocation. The lease term is for 12 months at a cost of $29,000 /month. The funds required to complete this project, as shown In Attachment 2, are $4,746,000. The total cost of the Seismic Improvements for HOB is anticipated to be $5,716,000. The current bid climate Is very favorable, as indicated by the number of bids received. This translates to a very low construction price realized by the District that will affect the costs for planning, design, and construction management as a percent of construction. This project is Included in the fiscal year (FY) 2012 -2013 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages GI -34 and G1 -35. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Capital Improvement Program budget, and concluded that a supplemental authorization of $1,000,000 for the General Improvements Program will be necessary to complete this project. On September 20, 2012, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution finding that, in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 7201, the Seismic Improvements for HOB, DP 8226, is substantially complex to justify increasing the constructing contract retention amount from 5% to 10 %. The increased retention amount and resolution was included in the bid documents and is incorporated into the construction contract. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves minor alterations to an existing public facility involving no expansion of use. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Award a construction contract in the amount of $2,807,151 for the construction of the Seismic Improvements for HOB, District Project 8226, to D.L. Falk Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder. N WESUPToshion Papers\Hodges \8226 - Award Construction ContractR doc Page 4 of 8 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 6, 2012 suajecc AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH D. L. FALK CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS, AND XEROX CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS WITH HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., KLEINFELDER, AND NUCP FUND I LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HOB, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8226; AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $1,000,000 FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute amendments to existing,agreements with KPFF Consulting Engineers and Calpo Hom & Dong Architects not to exceed $75,000 (total agreement $485,103) and $30,000 (total agreement $92,860), respectively. 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing agreement with Xerox in an additional amount not to exceed $130,000. 5. Authorize the General Manager to execute technical services agreements with Kleinfelder and Harvest Technical Services, Inc. with amounts not to exceed $.100.0 44�ad_M000, pectiveLy — 6. Authorize the General Manager to execute a lease agreement for additional office space with NUCP FUND I LLC, c/o Thomas Properties, 3100 Oak Road, Suite 140, Walnut Creek, CA 94597. 7. Approve a supplemental authorization of $1,000,000 for the General Improvements Program of the Capital Improvement Budget. 8. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA. NVESUPTosition PapersWodges%8226 - Award Construction ContractR.doc Page 5 of 8 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Mewing Date: September 6, 2612 Subjeet: APPROVE A REVISED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUNDING AUTHORIZATION TABLE (TABLE 1) WITH ACTUAL RATHER THAN ESTIMATED CARRYOVER OF UNSPENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO ONGOING PROJECTS, AND REVISED TOTAL 2012 -13 AUTHORJZATIONS FOR EACH PROGRAM Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDlv.: Earlene Millier, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. v44 on %1 E Muller T. Brightbill J. Miyarribtowifla Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: Board approval of the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1) will result in an accurate presentation of the actual authorized funding level for the current budget year. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a revised 2012 -13 CIB funding authorization (Revised Table 1), and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Planned expenditures have not changed. ALTERNATIVESICONSIDERATIONS._ The- Board zould -�kect staff-to- modify-the..CIB by canceling and closing some ongoing projects to reduce the carryover of previously allocated funds, or defer some planned 2012 -13 allocations to reduce "Allocations This Fiscal Year° and thus keep the total funding authorization level consistent with the estimates included in the approved CIB. This alternative is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Board approved the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2012 -13 District Budget and adopted -the bkjdget on June 7, 2012. Final expenditures for FY 2011 -12 were not known at that time, and therefore, Table 1 of the CIB included estimated amounts for funds previously allocated to ongoing projects, but unspent at the end of the fiscal year, referred to as "carryover". Now that actual 2011 -12 expenditures for capital projects are known, Table 1 has been revised to reflect the actual carryover amounts. The difference in carryover between estimated and actual carryover (approximately $4.6 million) is due primarily to changes in the timing of projects, which left allocated funds unspent at the end of the fiscal year. Allocated but unspent amounts are carried over to the next fiscal year. Because of the project changes and consequent higher carryover, the Total Proposed Authorization is now $45,547,749. POSITION PAPER Board Meefing Date: September 6, 2012 subject APPROVE A REVISED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUNDING AUTHORIZATION TABLE (TABLE 1) WITH ACTUAL RATHER THAN ESTIMATED CARRYOVER OF UNSPENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO ONGOING PROJECTS, AND REVISED TOTAL 2012 -13 AUTHORIZATIONS FOR EACH PROGRAM It is appropriate for the Board to approve the revised 2012 -13 CIB Table 1 with actual, rather than estimated carryover of allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. Attachment 1 includes the Original Table 1 included in the approved CIB and the Revised Table 1 that includes actual carryover and total program authorizations. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget funding authorization table with actual, rather than estimated, previously allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. N. IENVRSEC1Position PapersWillleA20 M-6 -1211212 Revised Table 1 - 9.6 -12 FINAL doc Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINAL — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Adopted June 7, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorizatio n Estimated FY 2012 -13 Expenditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $1,944,000 $10,244,000 $7,438,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $9,013,000 $17,624,000 $13,723,000 General Improvements $8,520,000 $176,000 $8,606,000 $7,254,000 Recycled Water . $4,170,000 $216,000 $4,386,000 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $11,349,000 $40,,000 960 $32,343,000 REVISED — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Revised September, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Actual Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2012.13 Expenditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $0,227,535 $14,527,535 $7,436,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $6,284,290 $14,895,290 $13,723,000 General lm rovements $8,520,000 $2,870,572 $11,390,672 $7,254,000 Recycled Water $4,170,000 $564,352 $4,734,352 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $15,946,749 1 $45,547,749 $32,343,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 16, 2013 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: CURTIS W. SWANSON, PROVISIONAL GENERAL MANAGER DANEA GEMMELL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIV'N. MANAGER THOMAS BRIGHTBILL, SENIOR ENGINEER FROM: EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT 111 SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 22 capital improvement projects during the 2012 -13 fiscal year. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $1,084,854 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program. Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and "underun /(overrun) amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each eject Program Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2012 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Treatment Plant $10,970,000 $10,521,123 $448,877 Collection System $9,360,600 $9,401,161 ($40,561) General Improvements $4,485,028 $3,791,759 $693,269 Recycled Water $163,000 $179,731 ($16,731) Totals $24,978,628 $23,893,774 $1,084,854 Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary - 2013 Closeouts TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 7255 Primary Structures Demolition 1,580,000 1,537,099 42,901 7256 Alternative Energy Study 700,000 706,242 -6,242 7276 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 2,902,000 2,484,924 417,076 7288 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 2,253,000 2,267,250 - 14,250 7290 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 1 3,535,0001 3,525,6081 9,392 Program Totals 1 $10,970,000 1$10,521,123 1 $448,877 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5965 Collection System Planning 1,250,000 1,219,494 30,506 5967 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 1,447,000 1,356,786 90,214 5987 Cathodic Protection System Replacement 400,000 349,392 50,608 5989 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 2,907,000 2,904,199 2,801 5992 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 2,111,700 2,104,896 6,804 6476 �` 8urinybrook Road Contractual Assessment District 158,900 156,744 2,156 6513 St. Mary's Road Contractual Assessment District 375,000 386,660 - 11,660 8416 2012 -13 Development Sewerage 711,000 922,990 - 211,990 Program Totals $9,360,600 $9,401,161 {$40,561) GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8210 Kiewit Parcel Development 300,000 147,529 152,471 8219 HOB Improvements 795,000 781,916 13,084 8221 POD Improvements Program 497,000 150,903 346,097 8224 District Rental Property Improvements 540,500 569,496 - 28,996 8228 District Easement Acquisition 790,000 740,018 49,982 8231 Seismic Improvements - Rental Property 371,000 375,821 -4,821 8512 2011 -12 Equipment & Vehicles Acquisition 234,874 234,874 0 8513 2012 -13 Equipment & Vehicles Acquisition 956,6541 791,202 165,452 Program Totals $4,485,028 1 $3,791,759 1 $693,269 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT NO. BUDGET AS OF 6130112 (OVERRUN) 7303 RW Line to Conco & Maltby Pump Stations 163,000 179,731 - 16,731 Program Totals $163,000 $179,731 ($16,731) Attachment 2 Project Descriptions (2013 Closeouts) TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 7255 Primary Structures Demolition This project increased safety around the old abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and prepared the area for future expansion of the primary sedimentation tanks and related facilities. This project demolished the old abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and backfilled the area with clean fill material. It also demolished the not used lime storage silos, building, and associated piping systems. Other obsolete and not used facilities were also demolished and removed. DP 7256 Alternative Energy Study The study evaluated renewable energy sources and made recommendations for meeting future greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirements. In addition, the study reviewed current energy use and made recommendations for future energy reduction projects and recommended power portfolio to meet the Treatment Plant's energy needs, while complying with AB 32. DP 7276 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 This project was a 5th phase of a multiple phase's treatment plant piping renovation program. This project improved the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant. It replaced the aging aeration air supply headers and down comers at the aeration tanks. It also replaced other plant piping showing signs of corrosion, suc as the water supp y and drainTines on the aeration condensers and number 3 high pressure water (3WHP) pipelines in the West Gallery. DP 7288 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 This project was a 6th phase of a multiple phase's treatment plant piping renovation program. It included piping renovations and replacement work not included in previous phases of the program. As part of the project sections of the scrubber water piping, centrate pipe at the foam suppression tank, flow meter in the discharge piping of aeration blower #2, scrubber drain piping in the SCB plenum were replaced. Also as a pilot test baffles were installed in one primary sedimentation tank. DP 7290 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 This project inspected both the land and submarine portions of the 72 -inch outfall pipeline. Every joint was tested to a specified threshold and failed joints were repaired by installation of mechanical seals. As part of the project a new meter vault and a new 60 -inch magnetic flow meter was installed for measurement of final effluent flow. The submarine section of the outfall was stabilized by placing additional ballast rock around the pipe. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 5965 Collection System Planning This project purpose is to identify, evaluate, and schedule short and long -term sewer improvement projects and to provide design flow rates for major facility plans. Collection System Planning studies provide the basis for improvements to the District's sewer system and flow rates for facility plans. Studies focus on six major activities: Local Capacity Studies (LCS) in response to proposed developments, LCS to identify and define existing deficiencies in the sewer main system, land use and collection system database management, flow rates for facility plans and for special studies to assure District sewer renovation plans and priorities are consistent with capacity, routing, and acceptable service level guidelines, and Pumping Stations Master Plan DP 5967 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 The project purpose was to complete the amended grants of easements for the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor purchased form the County in 1985, and to secure property rights for existing and future segments of the A -Line Relief Interceptor, Walnut Creek Bypass, existing A -Line and Main Trunk No. 1, and the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer. A majority of the proposed easement alignment is within the lronhorse Trail, formerly known as the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor, and the Walnut Creek channel. DP 5987 Cathodic Protection System Replacement This project included performing a District -wide cathodic protection survey of all underground facilities, including the pumping stations and buried metallic piping and replacing emoting_ amt_faci-lities_ and installing new-syste ns ►Mere required. As part of this project, a master plan was updated with recommendations for required maintenance, replacement and /or addition of new cathodic protection for facilities requiring such protection. The master plan includes cathodic protection implementation and monitoring recommendations. DP 5989 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 This project is a fifth phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. The project installed approximately 11,000 linear feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewer lines within public right of way and in easements. Construction methods used were horizontal directional drilling, pipeburst, and open cut. Included in this project was the easement site along Camino Encinas, which was removed from the Hall Drive project in 2011 due to right of way issues. DP 5992 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 This project is eight phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. The project installed approximately 10,000 linear feet of 6 -inch through 12 -inch sewer lines within public right of way and easements in Contra Costa County in the City of Walnut Creek. Construction methods used were pipebursting and open cut. In addition, there was one site located in the Town of Clyde that installed four access structures along the force main. These structures allow the force main to be cleaned and CCTV inspected as necessary. DP 6476 Sunnybrook Road Contractual Assessment District Sunnybrook Road CAD 2010 -1 designed and constructed approximately 610 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities along Sunnybrook Road in Alamo. The project serves 16 residential properties. DP 6513 St. Mary's Road Contractual Assessment District St. Mary's Road CAD 2011 -1 designed and constructed approximately 1,557 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities along a portion of St. Mary's Road in Lafayette. The project serves 11 residential properties, one undeveloped residential property, and a City of Lafayette property containing ball fields and community meeting room. DP 8416 2012 -13 Development Sewerage Work done by District staff to ensure that contributed sewers meet the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction is funded from the Sewer Construction Fund, since it results directly in District capital assets (completed main sewers, easements and permanent records.) This project provided a means to capitalize District labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities during the 2012 -13 fiscal year. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 8210 Kiewit Parcel Development District used the Kiewit property as a source of revenue by leasing it as a clean fill site. County Quarry was contracted to oversee the leasing agreement and operate the clean fill site. This project brought clean fill to the Kiewit parcel and raised the elevation approximately five feet. DP 8219 HOB Improvements This project included limited renovation of the interior and exterior of the Headquarters Office Building (HOB). It included conditioning the exterior, some renovation of interior wall finishes and ceiling, replacing some flooring and carpeting, upgrading electrical and lighting systems, reconfiguring offices and workstations. This project included funds to design improvements needed to bring the building's interior and exterior into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. DP 8221 POD Improvements Program This project made various improvements to the interior and exterior of the Plant Operations Department (POD) Administration offices. This was a multi -year project that provided an allowance to renovate and upgrade the interior and exterior of the POD Administration offices and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located in the Multi - Purpose Room. It included limited renovation and /or reconfiguration of offices and workstation spaces to match employee needs and duties, replaced outdated and /or worn out furniture, and incorporated new office technologies. DP8224 District Rental Property Improvements The purpose of this project was to protect and enhance the District's rental properties, surrounding parking lots and grounds through additions, improvements, betterments, replacements, and extraordinary repairs. This was a multi -year project and the improvements were typically triggered by equipment or building failure, or a need to improve the property. DP 8228 District Easement Acquisition As capital projects are designed, sanitary sewer easements may have to be acquired through budgets for those specific projects. This project provided funds for the acquisition of easements for projects where specific funds were not identified in the Capital Improvement Budget. DP 8231 Seismic Improvements — Rental Properties This project improved the seismic performance of the District's rental property buildings. The 4737 warehouse building was seismically retrofitted to provide basic life safety for building occupants. Work included limited structural modifications to the building. DP 8512 2011 -12 Equipment and Vehicles Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2011 -12. The project did not close at the end of FY 2011 -12 because of the late delivery of one of the purchased vehicles. DP 8513 2012 -13 Equipment and Vehicles Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2012 -13. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 7303 Recycled Water Line to Conco & Maltby Pump Stations This project repaired failed portions of the recycled water line that feeds Conco and Maltby Pumping Station and installed flow meter to monitor for future leaks.