HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS ACTION SUMMARY 06-27-13Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (th and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE B0-41r)OFU1rff cTOxs: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA JAXIESA.NEJEDLF SANITARY DISTRICT President CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE DA b7D R. WILLIAd IS PresidentPi-oTem PA UL H. CA USE ACTION SUMMARY 111CHAEL R.11CGILL TAD J PILECKI PHOAE: (925 ) 228 -9500 Chair Pilecki F<Li: (925) 676 -7211 www. centralsmr. org Member Causey Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:30 p.m. Multi Purpose Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, Provisional General Manager Curt Swanson, Finance Manager Thea Vassallo, Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Thomas Brightbill, Plant Maintenance Superintendent David Robbins, Associate Engineer Nathaniel Morales, Engineering Assistant III Earlene Millier 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. *3. Receive update on Force Main Asset Management Plan Senior Engineer Dana Lawson presented an update on the Force Main Asset Management Plan (attached). The Committee discussed the potential use of an overall Asset Management Plan in capital project planning and budgeting. Capital Projects Division Manager Andrew Antkowiak described the status of asset management planning for gravity lines, force mains, and the treatment plant. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and recommended that staff consider the social consequences of a force main failure, such as a busy road being closed down; that staff refine the Force Main Asset Capital Projects Committee June 27, 2013 Page 2 Management Plan and use a higher risk factor on larger force mains (those that serve more customers); that Asset Management scores be included in future Capital Improvement Plans; and that staff travel to other agencies that do asset management planning to see how they use it. *4. Discuss case study of cost /scope changes for the Primary Treatment Renovations, District Project 7285 (timeline with available cost estimates for the project versus the Capital Budget timeline) Senior Engineer Nate Morales presented a summary of the development of the scope of work and budget for the Primary Treatment Renovations, District Project 7285 (attached). The Committee and staff discussed the project costs, cash flow, allocations, and how projects are prioritized in the capital plan and budget. The discussion included Item 5, how to track and justify budget and scope changes from a Board perspective. The Committee appreciated that recent Position Papers have been more clear in explaining cost differences between the CIB /CIP and the final project budget. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and recommended that information about project prioritization and asset management planning factors be included in the capital budget project description; that Capital Projects staff meet periodically with the Committee to review large projects; and that criteria be established to trigger scheduling a Committee review before a project is advertised. Directed staff to present a specific proposal for this "trigger," perhaps including but not limited to the following: • Projects with a well- defined scope (not routine renovation projects) • Projects with a total project cost greater than a certain amount (e.g. $10 million) • Projects where the final project budget exceeds the CIB costs by a certain percentage, but not increases due to combining or "bundling" projects together • Projects where the Engineer's Estimate exceeds the Total Project Cost listed in the CIB by more than the contingency amount 5. Discuss how to track /justify budget and scope changes from approved budget from a Board perspective. This item was discussed as part of Item 4 COMMITTEE ACTION: Included under Item 4. Capital Projects Committee June 27, 2013 Page 3 6. Receive report on Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) / Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Financial Process: • Initial /supplemental authorizations • Allocation carryover from Fiscal Year (adjustment in August to reflect actual) • Expenditures • Contingency - Budget /Program and Project (where is contingency for the Budget or Program approved by the Board ?) • Supplemental program authorizations • New projects not in the Budget • Project Budget overrun once set • Project Close -outs Mr. Antkowiak and Engineering Assistant 111 Earlene Millier presented a report outlining the CIB /CIP Financial Process (attached). The Committee discussed the financial system as it pertains to capital projects, Board authorization of program- estimated allocations and carry -over of funds from the prior fiscal year; program and project contingencies, and staff's authorization limits. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 7. Discuss Project Prioritization within the CIB /CIP Programs and overall Capital Improvement Budget Senior Engineer Alexander Mestetsky described how projects are prioritized in the Capital Improvement program. An Asset Management Plan is in place for the gravity portion of the Collection System and is in draft form for the force mains. Substantial work has been done on an Asset Management Plan for the Treatment Plant. Staff is working to refine the Treatment Plant Plan using better criticality analysis. While Asset Management Plans are being developed and refined, projects are prioritized using engineering judgment and monitoring by inspection to determine which assets are most in need of renovation or replacement. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and recommended that formal Asset Management Plans be completed for all District assets and that project priorities be included in the CIB /CIP. Capital Projects Committee June 27, 2013 Page 4 8. Announcements Provisional General Manager Curt Swanson announced that the contractor on the Concord Landscape Recycled Water Project has been moving the project forward, but the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has decided to re -issue the permit for the work, which may cause some delay. The new permit should be issued on July 11, 2013. 9. Suggestions for future agenda items • Streamlining the CIB /CIP, including all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) discussion in only one place in the document, and including project prioritization information. • A "trigger," or tracking mechanism, that would require a Committee meeting to be scheduled based on several potential factors for capital projects. • What topics, including policy issues, does the Committee want to put on the agenda for the Board Priorities Workshop? Possible timing of the Board Priorities Workshop could be in late August or September, possibly to coincide with the report on capital project closeout and the report on revised capital project carryover from Fiscal Year 2012 -13. • Schedule a Capital Projects Committee Meeting to be immediately followed by an Environmental Services Committee Meeting (Pilecki /Causey). 10. Adjournment — at 4:37 p.m. Force Main Asset Management Plan ER ... cnn I ® © 'w OW—d N Capital Projects Board Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer Overview 1. What is asset management? 2. Current state of assets 3. Required level of service 4. Risk, Criticality, Prioritization 5. O &M strategies 6. Capital Strategies & CIP 7. Next Steps SIb 1 What is Asset Management? To manage the lifecycle -cost of owning, operating, and maintaining assets while continuing to meet the District's mission through the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater. The objective is to provide information to Management & the Board for rate - setting and budgeting each fiscal year. ervic ` Low 1 _ Z RISK r p The 10 -Step Program Develop Assess Determine Determine Set Target i Asset Condition, Residual Life Cycle & Levels of Registry Failure Modes Life Replacement Service (LOS) Costs Qetermine Optimize Optimize Determine Ousiness Risk O&M Capital Funding Budd AM Plan (`Criticality -) Investment Investment Strategy da RF's 10-Steps of Asset Management from SIMPLE e, IN nicss olem�mpn:) L Current State of Assets 679 Inventory: 21 miles of pipe, 1" - 30" diameter 4 3 3,347 ACP CIP 270 6 6 STL 15,391 3•� 612 3% 1% 4,302 12 1 4% 14 1 14,575 16 1 10,495 1B 3 3,000 20 2 26,761 24 1 17,119 27 7 7,000 30 3 3.000 Total LF 1 112,1% Total Miles 2 21 C F ennastran 4.302 4% HDPE 15,273 CL6C 49257 I$% DIP 2.870 43% 11% D olem�mpn:) L Lmytlt (L� 1 6 679 2 4 4,373 4 3 3,347 6 2 270 6 6 6,150 10 4 4,302 12 1 10,291 14 1 14,575 16 1 11,329 1B 3 3,000 20 2 26,761 24 1 17,119 27 7 7,000 30 3 3.000 Total LF 1 112,1% Total Miles 2 21 C Asset Information PART MEZ F� 14NA 6 7<.. 30 of force mains with asset details in GDI, such as location, length, diameter, material, nodes, cathodic protection. n 1! 3 Replacement Cost $46M assuming 25% OH for design & construction management Diameter (in) Length (LF) Unn cast ($ILF) contractor subtotal Reference 1 679 $177 $120,067 Use 4" value 2 4,373 $177 $773,275 Use 4- value 4 3,347 5177 $591,760 Acacia FM, OP 5727, 2004, $136/LF 6 270 $177 547,744 Average of 4- & 6- costs 8 6,150 5177 $1,087,501 Flushkleen FM, DP 5949, 2008, $1521LF 10 4,302 $205 $1,226,850 Flushkleen FM, OP 5949, 2008, S246ILF 12 10,291 5293 53,018,313 Flushklean FM, DP 5949, 2008, 5253/LF 14 14,575 $298 $4,336,336 ratio of 12' -18' 16 11,329 1 $302 53,418,426 ratio of 12' -18' 16 3.000 5306 $917,891 Lafayette, PH Trunk Sewer. DP 5994, 2010, open cut gravity PVC. S2WLF 20 26,761 $340 59,111,150 Average of 18' and 24' 24 17,119 $375 $6,419,008 PHRI. DP 5659. 2005, open cut gravity VCP, 5296/LF 27 7,000 $504 $3,529,221 Average of 24' and 30' 30 3,000 $633 $1,900,155 PHRI, OP 5659, 2005, open cut gravity PVC, S50011.1' Total (LF) 112,196 $36,497,696 Estimated Contractor Replacement Cost in 2013 $ Condition Assessments To determine the likelihood of failure of the asset and rehab options. Type Method Requirements Results Non - destructive CCTV Launching Port; Visual for internal corrosion or defects, Limited by distance roots, cracks Acoustic Launching Port; Leak detection, air pockets Pipe must be clean if <10" Excavation Traffic control, Visual for outside corrosion or defects Site Restoration Destructive Coupon Traffic control, Measure pipe wall thickness to Site & Pipe Restoration determine amount of corrosion Note: Currently investigating launching ports for individual force mains. Some of the smaller and shorter force mains can be Wed from the downstream end. D 4 Required Level of Service Pump Stations are required to be operable at all times; • therefore force main(s) must be as well. Central Contra Costa Sanitary DisWct `. QUR MISSIOON To pprotect the pu,"' health and the environment by • CMlecting and treat.ng wastewater • necycling high quatty water • Promudng pollution prevention OUR VISION Be a high perhxmance organlraUon that provides exceptional chstomer tervlce and full regulatory compliance at respon- siblerates OUR VALUES W will achieve our goals by valuing ' • Each other • Elhla arM Integdly - eti healthy and sak em'Iratmem •Community relaUonshlppss • (lx rrreeting of nxnmllnients • All aspeAS of dhrcrslty Determine Risk & Prioritize Projects Assets Consequence of Failure Likelihood of Failure -Dry weather redundancy 'Condition Assessment -Reliability (i.e. proximity to waters of the state) -Age I -Service requirements (number of homes it serves) Determine Risk Likelihood x Consequence Prioritize & Scope Proiects Incorporate in 10 yr CIP -r D 5 Failure Modes & Mitigation Methods Pipe failure and defects are dependent upon pipe material and diameter. Pipe Material I Internal E External S Stress Vacuum ACP x x x x CIP x x x x CL &C x x x x DIP x x x x HDPE x x x x Permastran x x x x PVC x x x x STL, CL 8 TW x x x x Mitigation Method I Internal E External S Stress V Vacuum Cathodic Protection x x x x Hydrogen SultideControl x x Engineering Design x x x x x x x x Pipe Material I Internal E External S Stress Vacuum ACP x x x x CIP x x x x CL &C x x x x DIP x x x x HDPE x x x x Permastran x x x x PVC x x x x STL, CL 8 TW x x x x Mitigation Method I Internal E External S Stress V Vacuum Cathodic Protection x x x x Hydrogen SultideControl x x Engineering Design x x x x x x x x Consequence of Failure • service requirements — 1 - serves a few homes — 10 -serves a large sewershed • reliability requirements — 1 - no possibility of Category I SSO or EBMUD watershed — 5 - Category I SSO or EBMUD watershed — 10 - Category I SSO and EBMUD watershed weather redundancy — 5 - bypassing the force main to the next downstream manhole -- 7 - using a Vactor to pump down the wet well in case of a force main failure — 10 - no reasonable contingency options available r.1 Consequence of Failure Diameter P Pipe S Service R Reliability C Contingency C Consequence Location ( (In.) M Material R Requirements R Requirements O Options o of Failure Orinda 18 C CL &C 7 7 1 10 2 2 6 To Crossroads 1 10 66 (P,) 6.3 Orinda 30 C CL &C 7 7 1 10 2 2 6 CIP Crossroads 3 75 64% 10 64 Concord 6.3 Moraga 1 16 C CL &C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Moraga 2 27 C CL &C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Lower Orinda 1 16 C CL & C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Lower Orinda 2 24 C CL 8 C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Maltby 2 20 (M -2A) C CLBTW 1 10 5 5 2 2 5 5.7 Maltby 2 20 (M -28) H HPDE 1 10 5 5 2 2 5 5 7 Fairview 2 20 (M -4B) S Sit &HDPE 9 9 5 5 2 2 5 5.3 r. ME Likelihood of Failure Based on remaining service life and adjusted by condition assessment factor (when available). Material Diameter P Pipe S Service R Reliability C Contingency C Consequence Location ( (In.) M Material R Requirements R Requirements O Options o of Failure Orinda 18 C CL &C 7 7 1 10 2 2 6 To Crossroads 1 10 66 (P,) 6.3 Orinda 30 C CL &C 7 7 1 10 2 2 6 CIP Crossroads 3 75 64% 10 64 Concord 6.3 Moraga 1 16 C CL &C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Moraga 2 27 C CL &C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Lower Orinda 1 16 C CL & C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Lower Orinda 2 24 C CL 8 C 6 6 1 10 2 2 6 6.0 Maltby 2 20 (M -2A) C CLBTW 1 10 5 5 2 2 5 5.7 Maltby 2 20 (M -28) H HPDE 1 10 5 5 2 2 5 5 7 Fairview 2 20 (M -4B) S Sit &HDPE 9 9 5 5 2 2 5 5.3 Likelihood of Failure Based on remaining service life and adjusted by condition assessment factor (when available). Material Service Life(yts) ACP 70 CIP 75 CLBC 100 DIP 110 HDPE 100 Permastran 50 Polyethylene too PVC 100 STL CLBTW 75 Likelihood of Location Diameter (in.) Pipe Material Install year Service Life %Consumed CA Fact"— Failure Wagner Ranch 6 ACP 1967 To 66% 10 66 (P,) Bates BNd. 4 CIP 1965 75 64% 10 64 Concord 10 Permastran 1991 50 64% 1.0 64 Industrial Sleepy Hollow 6 CIP 1952 75 81% 0.75 6.1 Maltby 20(M -2A) STL, CLBTW 1969 75 59% 1A 5.9 Initial Risk Calculations Location Diameter (In.) Pipe Material Consequence of Failure Likelihood of Failure Risk Bates Blvd. 4 CIP 5.3 6.4 34 Maltby 20 (M -2A) STL, CL &TW 5.7 5.9 33 Moraga 16 CL &C 6.0 5.4 32 Moraga 27 CL &C 6.0 5.4 32 Lower Orinda 16 CL & C 6.0 5.1 31 Lower Orinda 24 CL & C 6.0 5.1 31 Martinez 20 (M -6A) STL, CL &TW 5.0 5.9 29 Martinez 20 (M -613) STL, CL &TW 5.0 5.9 29 Sleepy Hollow 6 CIP 4.0 6.1 24 Note: Likelihood of Failure is currently based on consumed asset n life. This will be updated as condition assessments are completed. U Tolerable Risk & Triggers q — I % d Tr-laae r Le vei Replacertxsnf & included OP 7 W !OM !OMAJ RRA i i . Eot i L-,- i 4 ( Y w rI e v Flyay; `0 5 Ar . v � Periodic cdntlieon L � essessment required t rrantor the face n>3n 09 th Ckmd a-, to, ds 3 o Roble 2 1 8 TA onal A C 3non D Fi ev� t 2 3 4 5 8 9 10`JL _ —J Conae quenee of Failure 1.1 O&M Strategies • Operational Strategies — Contingency Plans (for Foos w/o redundancy) • Maintenance Strategies — Visual Inspection — Corrosion Control (ferrous or concrete only) • H2S Control • Cathodic Protection — Maintenance of air release valves (Fairview only) — Hydroflushing — Pigging and Swabbing Location Bypaaa FM Vector Wat W11 Bates Blvd x Clyde x x Sleepy Hollow x Via Roble x x W apner Ranch (Prv) x x W Ilder Lower x x Wilde, Upper x x Capital Strategies • Redundancy • Capital Improvement Plan — rehab — replacement — launching ports, etc. • Next FY CIP will be adjusted based on: — this asset management plan — Condition assessments 9 Next Steps • Cleaning • Condition Assessments • Continue to evaluate: — cleaning methods — assessment methods — design of launching ports for CCTV, smartballs, etc. • Develop prioritized project list for FY 14/15 CIP based on AM Plan and Condition Assess. — launching ports — rehab — redundancy — etc. - p 10 a� a� E 0 U U N �O d. m 4-0 CCS U G M O N ti N 46 O ^O W 4-0 W W L L E 1� ^1 W W W m N O a-+ C a-1 In 0 U 9 M O LD O f` O O O CO Lf] Lf) Lf7 M C7 !f "grOmMNOM OD I-- C:) Li) co M f*_ M O M E& � r4 m r4 CO M GO 'q M � fag C� H r fA ff! 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Initial and supplemental authorizations Each year, the Board adopts the CIB /CIP, thereby approving the Total Proposed Authorization for each of the four capital programs. The Total Proposed Authorization includes the estimated carryover (allocated but unspent) amounts plus the estimated new allocation total for each program. The estimated new program allocation total is the initial authorization to each program from the Sewer Construction Fund and becomes the beginning balance of funds available to be allocated in the new fiscal year. This amount is divided and set up in two accounts for each program: Unallocated (95% of the approved new allocation amount) and Contingency (5% of the approved new allocation amount.) See the attached example of the Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2013 -14, which shows the total of estimated allocations by program, and the division of the amounts into Unallocated and Contingency beginning balances. Individual projects allocate money from the program balance on Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Requests, or CIBAs (example attached). As projects allocate money from the program, the amounts are deducted from either the Unallocated or Contingency beginning balance. If the project is in the CIB, it allocates from the Unallocated account. If the project was not in the CIB, it allocates from the Contingency account. In most years, the full amount of the Contingency account is not allocated, and the balance is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund at the end of the fiscal year. Any remaining balance in the Unallocated account is also returned to the Sewer Construction Fund at the end of the fiscal year. Program balances are monitored by staff in Engineering as allocations occur. See the attached CIBA Log example. As allocations are later entered into the Sungard system by Accounting staff, the available balance in the system is reflected on a report (example attached). The CIBA Log is reconciled with the Sungard report several times during the year to make sure all allocations are accounted for. The CIBA Log acts as an early warning of a low program balance so that appropriate steps can be taken, i.e., halt allocations or request a Supplemental Authorization. Because of project changes and delays, there is usually a difference between the amounts planned to be allocated and what is actually allocated, but the program cannot be allocated down to below a zero balance. Occasionally, a project that did not plan to allocate money in the fiscal year has to allocate. Perhaps the project is ahead of schedule, or it might have spent Page 1 of 6 Capital Projects Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Item 6: Report on CIB /CIP Financial Process more money than anticipated. When this happens, staff might ask the Board for a supplemental authorization to the program. The supplemental authorization language is usually included in the contract award position paper. If the Board approves a supplemental authorization, the amount is added to the remaining balance in the program's Unallocated account. On rare occasions, a program balance might approach zero as a result of multiple projects moving ahead of schedule, added scope and cost, or other need for an unanticipated allocation, and staff might prepare a position paper for a supplemental authorization that is not tied to a particular project's contract approval. B. Allocation Carryover from Fiscal Year (adjustment in August to reflect actual carryover amount) The Board approves the Total Proposed Authorization for each of the four programs, which includes an estimate of carryover (allocated but unspent funds. The actual amount of allocated but unspent funds is not known until the fiscal year closes out. When the actual carryover is known, staff goes back to the Board with a report of the actual carryover and a position paper requesting approval of the revised Table 1 from the CIB /CIP. This position paper is usually included in an agenda for a Board meeting in August or September. A copy of the FY 2011 -12 position paper is attached. C. Expenditures The Expenditure Estimates shown in the CIB /CIP are preliminary estimates. Because the planning and design phases of projects have not been completed, and bids have not been obtained, the cost estimates are preliminary. These estimates do not include project contingency. The contingency is excluded to reduce over - inflating and under spending program budgets (the contingency may or may not be needed or used). As project designs are completed a final construction cost estimate and total project cost is prepared. Depending on project criticality and the status of remaining program allocations and expenditures available the project may proceed and /or be delayed to the following Fiscal Year. See item G: Project budget overrun once set. Page 2of6 Capital Projects Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Item 6: Report on CIB /CIP Financial Process D. Contingency — Program and Project (where is contingency for the Budget or Program approved by the Board ?) There are two contingencies. One is the program contingency. This is 5% of the total of new planned allocations for each program, which is approved by the Board when the CIB /CIP is adopted. The 5% is set aside in a separate account and is used for allocations for projects that are not in the CIB. The 95% is used for allocations for projects in the CIB. The General Manager has authority from the Board to approve allocations of contingency funds up to $100,000 per project. Each of the four programs has a contingency beginning balance, and these amounts are generally not spent in their entirety. Any amount not allocated by the close of the fiscal year is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. The other contingency is a project contingency. The Board has given the General Manager the authority to allocate up to 15% over the final project budget (as authorized in the contract award position paper), but this is limited by the remaining balance in the applicable program account. The General Manager cannot approve allocations for more than the remaining balance in the program account. If allocations in excess of the allocation total in the CIB are needed, staff has to return to the Board to ask for a supplemental authorization. E. Supplemental Program Authorizations The estimated allocation for each project is determined well ahead of when the allocation will actually happen. Because of projects moving ahead of schedule, and project scope and cost changes, it occasionally becomes necessary for staff to ask for Board approval of a supplemental authorization. The supplemental program authorization is needed when projects need to move forward (need allocation of funds) but the balance in the program fund is depleted. The alternative to approving a supplemental authorization is to slow down or halt work on the project. An example of supplemental authorization language is attached. F. New Projects Not in the CIB New projects are occasionally created during the fiscal year that were not included in the CIB because they were not anticipated, or they have arisen suddenly in response to an emergency or other unanticipated factor. These projects can allocate up to $100,000 out of the program contingency balance. To allocate more than $100,000 for a project not in the CIB, staff has to ask the Board to approve a supplemental authorization to the contingency balance. It is fairly unusual for unanticipated projects to be created during the fiscal year, but it does happen. Page 3of6 Capital Projects Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Item 6: Report on CIB /CIP Financial Process More frequently, a project that is planned to begin in the following year moves forward. For example, a project included in the FY 2013 -14 CIB might be ready to start in February, 2013. With the approval of the General Manager, and if funds remain in the contingency program account, that project can allocate money from the remaining balance in the contingency program account and can start spending before July 1, 2013. G. Project Budget Overrun Once Set Project budgets are typically set at the end of calendar year when projects are identified for inclusion in the next FY Capital Improvement Budget (Project cost estimates exclude contingency). At that time project scope and estimates are very preliminary. As designs advance, the project scope of work and cost estimates become more precise. At the 100% design phase, the project engineer prepares a final Engineers Estimate and total project cost. Before a project is recommended for advertisement for bids staff reviews the remaining available program allocation amounts and expenditures and proceeds with one of the following options: 1. Budget and allocations are adequate for bid and award — project may proceed to bid phase 2. Project budget exceeds remaining program balance: 2a. Request supplemental authorization from the Board and proceed to bid phase 2b. Slow down and /or delay the project to following FY (non - critical projects) After the bid opening, staff evaluates the bids, again checks available program allocation /expenditures and makes a recommendation to the Board for award or rejection of the bids. The award position paper includes the current and needed allocation to complete the project and shows the estimated expenditures including a construction contingency. The contingency may or may not be spent. See item D, "Contingency - Program and Project ". Page 4 of 6 Capital Projects Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Item 6: Report on CIB /CIP Financial Process H. Project Close -Outs At the end of the fiscal year, all closing projects (projects whose work is completed and that do not appear in the following year's CIB) are closed out and are included in a report to the Board. The report includes a brief description of the work completed under the project, the total allocated by the project, the total expenditures, and the amount of allocated but unspent funds being returned to the program or the expenditures in excess of the total allocation that are required in order to pay for the work done. Closing projects either return money to the program or they allocate small additional amounts from the program. Because these close -out allocations are prepared before the fiscal year actually ends, the actual total expenditure is not known and the final underrun or overrun amount is adjusted in the Accounting department when final project expenditures are known. In general, closing projects return money to the program. Any remaining program balance that is not allocated by the close of the fiscal year is returned to the Sewer Construction Fund and is not carried over to the new fiscal year. Board members frequently request presentations on completed projects, and these presentations are scheduled soon after the close of the fiscal year. The FY 2011 -12 Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects report is attached. I. Board Approval: Board approval is required at the following points in the capital program financial system: • Sewer Service Charge Rate (a portion is designated to the Sewer Construction Fund) • Capacity Fees (all revenue goes to the Sewer Construction Fund) • Capital Improvement Budget and Annual Authorization (total of estimated allocations) from the Sewer Construction Fund to the four programs • Re- authorization of amount allocated but unspent in prior year (carryover) — estimated at time of CIB /CIP approval and updated with actual carryover amount in August • Supplemental Authorizations if allocations will exceed the remaining program balance • Allocations greater than $100,000 from the program contingency fund • Individual project contracts — position papers include final project budgets • Project overruns in excess of 15% Page 5of6 Capital Projects Committee Meeting June 27, 2013 Item 6: Report on CIB /CIP Financial Process Staff Approval: The Board has given staff the authority to approve the following: • Allocations from program balances to individual projects • Project overruns up to 15% A copy of Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits is attached. Page 6 of 6 d' r Ch T O N L d v N LL L O A L E O N ++ d 3 m T C d E O L a E Q V r .3 O H M O O O O O O r O O O O 0 E To 00 CO CO Do +r N d cy) 0 Co I- It Ln W � T � � N LJ 69 403- d O O 0 0 O O O O 00 00 O O .R '- T O - L `t Lri C i °0 �a T T Cl) 40- a E u" 00 00 V o rn 00 O 00 " L6 ao co vi IM L O CO 00 '�t lct Ar EO T T T N I� N ER 64 64 64 03- w LL 00 .a .L O O p O 0 O 0 p 0 t4 O •O E O M :r = G. N CV Lo LO N LO O r r y m = w °a Ct N 6 CO r Vi E '� •= O +r m O O O 0 00 ch C r- O a) v M � r t0f) C � L6 C r co Ln .r � LO G H9} 64 Q' 6�} U E r CO O 00 LO N +r O • L T Q: O gym♦ w c i • T �n m a) co LO v o a> O •IfSO LO 4. T/T �Tp 6g M 69- N Y/ rn cn C C cz a) a > i CD U C/) C- N E: • N O E LL fA cc U U L 0 as 0 C CD U cc H C7 aC 0 W, Cu 0) C O 4- U 0 C m U T co O N CCCSD Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Request (CIBA) Project # 7298 Initial Additional X Closeout Project title (25 char. or fewer) piping Renovations, Ph 7 Source of funds: unallocated X contingency This allocation amt $250,000 Project manager Nathan Hodges Date June 25, 2013 PM's cost center 0250470 Total project cost ((A)from the CIB/ (B)your current plan) A) u) $725,000 I $1,417,000 Project cost this FY ((C)from the CIB / (D)current plan) C) ; D! $700,000 I $1,085,000 Program Treatment Plant Subprogram Recurring Renovation Please enter here what the CIB shows as your planned allocation for this FY $ 700,000 What amount have you already allocated during this FY? $ 1,092,000 Date received/ date processed 6 -digit project # Element- object Description Sum of prior allocations This allocation Resulting amount (See Page 3) COLUMN TOTALS (totals repeated here if page 3 is used for detail) $1,167,000 $250,000 $1,417,000 Remarks: This allocation is for the emergency repair of DAF Tank No. 1 repair. Funds cover contractor and staff costs associated with the repair work. (5) Reviewed By: (6) Reviewed By: Director of Engineering General Manager (if required) Approval Date (7) To be completed Date Accounting notified Date closed account by Accounting form last revised July 26, 2010 Attachments: tat Monthly cashflow estimates _X ; (b)CIB Write -up X ; I`t Position paper _; (d)CIBA Memo X ; (')Cap Proj Sum Rpt O Re uested by: J (2) Reviewed by: (3) Recommended by: ate, I %� A. Qk 6/�/� . Project Manager (signature & date) Division Mgr (signature & date) Department Director (signature & date) (4) To be completed by CIB Coordinator CIB est this task CIB coordinator Description of work Date received/ date processed (5) Reviewed By: (6) Reviewed By: Director of Engineering General Manager (if required) Approval Date (7) To be completed Date Accounting notified Date closed account by Accounting form last revised July 26, 2010 CCCSD Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Request (CIBA) Does the scope of work in the CIB describe the work anticipated for this project now? _yes; X no. If no, please descirbe how this project differs. For example, it is likely that more information about the work that will actually be done is now available. (change in scope) On April 19, 2013, DAF Tank No. 1 failed. The collector arms had sheared off. On May 2, 2013, the Board declared an emergency. The repair work was performed under this capital project as the contractor had the experience and expertise to perform this work. Does the budget section of the CIB pages accurately reflect what you believe will be spent for this project? _ yes; X no. If "no" provide your best guess as to the appropriate updated budget and explain why it differs. (change in budget) The engineer's estimate for this work was $950,000. After bids were opened, the low bidder for the work had the work priced at $735,800. Therefore, with construction administration, inspection and office engineering during construction, the estimated total budget was $1,067,000. With the additional construction activity and staff time to complete construction the total budget increased to $1,167,000. This current allocation increases the total project cost to $1,417,000. The increased costs are for the emergency repair of the DAF Tank No. 1. Does the schedule shown in the CIB pages reflect what you now believe the schedule will be? X yes, _no. If "no ", provide an approximate updated schedule and explain why it differs. (change in schedule) form last revised July 26, 2010 CCCSD Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Request (CIBA) CIBA FORM - page 3 6 -digit project # Element- object Description Sum of previous allocations This allocation Resulting amount 7298PA 01 00 Project M mt/ Salaries $1,500 $0 $1,500 02 00 Benefits $1,500 $0 $1,500 7298PC 01 00 Project Eng/ Salaries $2,500 $0 $2,500 02 00 Benefits $2,500 $0 $2,500 7298DA 01 00 Project M mt/ Salaries $9,000 $0 $9,000 02 00 Benefits $9,000 $0 $9,000 7298DC 01 00 Project Eng/ Salaries $15,500 $0 $15,500 02 00 Benefits $15,500 $0 $15,500 7298DC 09 10 Outside Services $15,000 $0 $15,000 7298DC 11 10 Materials and Supplies $500 $0 $500 7298DC 90 11 Outside Printing $500 $0 $500 7298DK 01 00 Desi n Documents $1,000 $0 $1,000 02 00 Employee Benefits $1,000 $0 $1,000 7298CA 01 00 Salaries $21,000 $5,000 $26,000 02 00 Benefits $23,000 $5,000 $28,000 7298 CC 01 00 Salaries $20,000 $7,000 $27,000 02 00 Benefits $21,000 $8,000 $29,000 7298CI 01 00 Salaries $40,000 $0 $40,000 02 00 Benefits $40,000 $0 $40,000 90 19 Outside Inspection $40,000 $40,000 $80,000 7298CR 20 35 D.W. Nicholson $760,800 $180,000 $940,800 7298CR 20 99 Contingency $110,200 $0 $110,200 7298CS 01 00 Salaries $8,000 $5,000 $13,000 02 00 Benefits $7,000 $0 $7,000 7298CY 90 10 Misc $1,000 $0 $1,000 COLUMN TOTALS1 $1,167,000 $250,000 $1,417,000 form last revised July 26, 2010 O O O LO co d U Mm W 0) d m OO LL C f9 N � E t CL y N 'O } m LL rA N m U H O_ x ar U a H O N d a U a H m N m U O N C O :3 m U) U O a 01 g �O d U V O � O Q LL = W F D a C O E cc d L M T N T O N LL Q1 O J Q m V N_ C O O U O E a Q _ c O CL U a O �Q H 'o a �o CL 2 cc G CD C O O O O O o o O O O O Ln O O O O o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C') O O p 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 W O In In N OO co l°f7 m COO Ch O O O LO co O -'r V C m V Ln N N CO 64 fA Ch O m O Ln fA r` CO m O O d9 N d9 _ EA ce fA CA _ fA En N CA f.A ell N fA COA p 0 CD CA O O 0 0 EF3 fA fA E9 C) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O_ O O O O O O O O O O O O O p C C c 6 C 0 0 LO Cp to Ln CO O N ° p O o VI p C C En U3, CA fA co V) N fA � C\l r fA us 69 r CA C!i CO r fA 6% E9 C#D� CA CA C. 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Brightbill J Miyamoto -Mills Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: Board approval of the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1) will result in an accurate presentation of the actual authorized funding level for the current budget year. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a revised 2012 -13 CIB funding authorization (Revised Table 1), and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Planned expenditures have not changed. ALTERNATIVESICONSIDERATIONS: The Board could direct staff to modify the CIB by canceling and closing some ongoing projects to reduce the carryover of previously allocated funds, or defer some planned 2012 -13 allocations to reduce "Allocations This Fiscal Year" and thus keep the total funding authorization level consistent with the estimates included in the approved CIB This alternative is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Board approved the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2012 -13 District Budget and adopted the budget on June 7, 2012. Final expenditures for FY 2011 -12 were not known at that time, and therefore, Table 1 of the CIB included estimated amounts for funds previously allocated to ongoing projects, but unspent at the end of the fiscal year, referred to as "carryover ". Now that actual 2011 -12 expenditures for capital projects are known, Table 1 has been revised to reflect the actual carryover amounts. The difference in carryover between estimated and actual carryover (approximately $10,428,000) is due primarily to changes in the timing of projects, which left allocated funds unspent. Allocated but unspent amounts are carried over to the next fiscal year. Because of the project changes and consequent higher carryover, the Total Proposed Authorization is now $51,377,883. N ENVRSEMPosdion Papers M Ilier\2012 8 -16 -12 Cap Proj Committee PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 6, 2012 Subject. APPROVE A REVISED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUNDING AUTHORIZATION TABLE (TABLE 1) WITH ACTUAL RATHER THAN ESTIMATED CARRYOVER OF UNSPENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO ONGOING PROJECTS, AND REVISED TOTAL 2012 -13 AUTHORIZATIONS FOR EACH PROGRAM It is appropriate for the Board to approve the revised 2012 -13 CIB Table 1 with actual, rather than estimated carryover of allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. Attachment 1 includes the Original Table 1 included in the approved CIB and the Revised Table 1 that includes actual carryover and total program authorizations. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget funding authorization table with actual, rather than estimated, previously allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Millier\2012 \8 -16 -12 Cap Proj Committee \PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft.doc ATTACHMENT1 ORIGINAL — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Adopted June 7, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2011 -12 Ex enditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $1,944,000 $10,244,000 $7,436,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $9,013,000 $17,624,000 $13,723,000 General Improvements $8,520,000 $176,000 $8,696,000 $7,254,000 Recycled Water $4,170,000 $216,000 $4,386,000 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $11,349,000 $40,950,000 $32,343,000 REVISED — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Revised September, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2011 -12 Expenditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $7,008,513 $15,308,513 $7,436,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $7,276,520 $15,887,520 $13,723,000 General Improvements $8,520,000 $3,871,660 $12,391,660 $7,254,000 Recycled Water $4,170,000 $3,620,190 $7,790,190 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $21,776,883 $51,377,883 $32,343,000 N \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Millier\2012 \8 -16 -12 Cap Prot Committee \PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 21, 2012 subject: CONSIDER BID RELIEF TO K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC., AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401, AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000,000 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET b. He or she gave the public entity written notice within five (5) days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. C. The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. d. The mistake was made in filling out the bid, and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans and specifications." Subsequently, K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. submitted additional information to corroborate their assertion of mathematical mistakes and request for bid relief (Attachment 3). Under the above Public Contract Code, it appears to staff that the error, as explained by K. J. Woods Construction, Inc., may well have been a mathematical error, and that relief may be granted to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. The Board must evaluate the facts submitted, consider other information that may be presented at the Board meeting, and determine whether there is an adequate basis to grant K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. relief from the bid due to the mathematical error. A representative from K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. will be present to provide additional information. Staff conducted a commercial and technical evaluation of the bids and has determined that in the event K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. is granted relief from its bid, the second low bidder, Ranger Pipelines, Inc., is the lowest responsive bidder with the bid amount of $1,969,446. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 4, are $2,788,000. The total cost of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, is anticipated to be $3,088,000. This project is included in the FY 2011 -12 CIB on page CS -24. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Collection System Program budget and concluded that supplemental authorization of $3,000,000 is needed in order to provide adequate funds for this allocation and other allocations that are planned to take place before the end of FY 2011 -12. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERSWIolina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger\8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 3 of 23 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 16, 2012 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Z VIA: ANN E. FARRELL, GENERAL MANAGER (�Q� JARRED MIYAMOTO- MILLS, PROVISIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER THOMAS BRIGHTBILL, SENIOR ENGINEER < FROM: EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 23 capital improvement projects during the 2011 -12 fiscal year. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $1,002,004.00 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and "underun /(overrun)" amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. Program Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2012 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Treatment Plant $14,379,685 $13,891,474 $488,211 Collection System $9,554,680 $9,263,007 $291,673 General Improvements $15,240,972 $15,024,688 $216,284 Recycled Water $1,041,000 $1,035,164 $5,836 Totals $40,216,337 $39,214,333 $1,002,004 Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 6169 Instrument & Control - PLC System Upgrades Ph 2 420,000 355,235 64,765 7247 Treatment Plant Protective Coating Phase 4 846,000 815,570 30,430 7248 Standby Power Facility Improvements 5,667,000 5,570,902 96,098 7260 Solids Handling Improvements 5,520,600 5,520,536 64 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion 468,085 468,086 -1 7277 SCB Mechanical Room 570,000 503,298 66,702 7281 Treatment Plant Elevators Modernization 561,000 492,188 68,812 7282 Perimeter Fencing 165,000 153,554 11,446 8213 ITreatment Plant Security Upgrade 162,000 12,105 149,895 Program Totals $14,379,685 $13,891,474 $488,211 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5900 2011 Storm Damage Repair 20,000 9,323 10,677 5915 Collection System Modeling Systems Upgrade 656,000 597,327 58,673 5947 Manhole Rehab 60,000 51,391 8,60 5953 Diablo Renovations Phase 1 2,501,000 2,500,122 87E 5983 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control 30,000 27,784 2,21E 5990 Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 7 2,764,680 2,764,053 62-/ 5994 Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer 2,495,000 2,308,756 186,242 5997 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan 178,000 170,927 7,07: 6001 Martinez Facilities Plan 35,000 34,035 96,1 6499 Vista del Orinda CAD 165,000 167,150 (2,150 8400 2011 -12 Development Sewerage 650,0001 632,139 17,86' Program Totals 1 $9,554,680 1 $9,263,007 1 $291,673 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT N0. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8208 CSOD Facility Improvements 14,883,000 14,666,716 216,284 8511 2011 -12 Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition 357,9721 357,972 5,836 Program Totals ---- $15,240,972 1 $15,024,688 1 $216,284 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT N0. BUDGET AS OF 6130112 (OVERRUN) 7194 Zone 1 Recycled Water Phase 1 C 1,041,000 1,035,164 5,836 Program Totals $1,041,000 1 $1,035,164 1 $5,836 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 6169 Instrument & Control — PLC System Upgrades Phase 2 The Treatment Plant's Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) System was upgraded to current technology for increased performance and improved compatibility. Work done included replacing the original PLCs used in the Solids Conditioning Building and the original PLC communication network, replacing the 984 series CPUs and the 800 series 1 /0, providing new Programmable Device Support (PDS) hardware and software so that the system can be backed up, and numerous other upgrades. DP 7247 Treatment Plant Protective Coating Phase 4 Much of the treatment plant's process infrastructure is almost 30 years old and has received limited coating or repainting, except for that completed under the first three phases of this project. The Phase 4 project contributed to the efforts of the Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan by providing a detailed evaluation of the entire plant coating system to identify the critical infrastructure to be cleaned and coated. Under this project, protective coatings were applied to the headworks bar screens, fuel oil storage tanks, piping and structural supports in the basement of the pump and blower building, structural steel and piping at the clear well, carbide lime tanks, and the crane on top of the sludge storage tanks. DP 7248 Standby Power Facility Improvements This project replaced the treatment plant standby power diesel engine generators to meet new California Air Resource Board regulations, improve reliability, and provide enough run time to meet District needs. The facility building was modified to accept the new engine generators and also brought up to current seismic standards. A permanent connection point was constructed for trailer- mounted generators. Power generation was changed over to 12kv to improve reliability by eliminating the 4160v/12kv transformer, and feeder cables were replaced. DP 7260 Solids Handling Improvements The Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update of September 2005 recommended improvements for emergency and non - routine handling of biosolids to meet the ultimate solids capacity needs for year 2035. This project included the design and construction of those recommended improvements, which are intended to provide sludge handling capability in the event of emergency or in case of regulatory changes that require shut- down of the Multiple Hearth Furnaces. A sludge truck loading station with odor control and sludge cake hoppers for storage of sludge cake generated overnight or on holidays was constructed. DP 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion This project evaluated improvements to increase operational flexibility, redundancy, and to increase capacity for wet weather flows through the primary treatment process. The need for improvements was identified in the 2002 Effluent Discharge Limit Increase Project Final Environmental Impact Report and during record wet weather flows in the winter of 2005 -06. The project developed a preliminary design concept for the addition of two primary sedimentation tanks, and evaluated upgrades to the existing tanks and systems. Design and construction of the new primary sedimentation tanks, if needed, will be under a new project that is not currently scheduled in the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan. DP 7277 Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) Mechanical Room This project designed and constructed improvements to the SCB HVAC system to replace worn out system components. The mechanical room on the first floor of the SCB contains pumps, a chiller, steam and water piping, and an air - handling unit that provides conditioned air to the MCC Room on the second floor and to various areas within the Furnace Control Room on the third floor. The chiller, pumps, and some piping were replaced during the SCB Ventilations Improvements project. However, the original air - handling unit installed during the treatment plant expansion in the mid 1970s was still in service. This project replaced the aging air - handling unit and control system and associated steam and water piping, and replaced five roof exhaust fans. DP 7281 Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization Two elevators in the SCB were installed in 1975 and are critical for operation and maintenance activities. In addition to scheduled monthly maintenance, an elevator maintenance company is frequently called out for unscheduled maintenance. In 2009, the District hired a consultant to assess the condition of the elevators. The major findings were that the elevators are obsolete; the manufacturer is out of business; spare parts and technical support are no longer available; and the equipment is out of compliance with current electrical and fire codes. This project modernized the freight and passenger elevators in the SCB, and replaced the door sensor on the HOB elevator. DP 7282 Perimeter Fencing Renovations The treatment plant has over 20,000 feet of fencing, mostly chain -link that was installed in the 1970s. In addition, there are single -swing and double -swing gates. Portions of the perimeter fencing have been repaired or replaced over the years. However, the entire perimeter required evaluation to ensure that plant security was maintained. This project evaluated the security and condition of the perimeter fencing and renovated and replaced portions as needed. DP 8213 Treatment Plant Security Upgrade Locks at the Treatment Plant and other locations were upgraded to bring them into conformity with the District's master key system under this project. Additional work was planned but was put on hold pending FEMA mandates for infrastructure security upgrades which were not issued. Upgrading other aspects of the District's security system, such as a card reader system upgrade, will be included under future projects. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 5900 2011 Storm Damage Repair As part of the Collection System Urgent Projects Program, this project repaired damage to sewers from winter storms. DP 5915 Collection System Modeling Systems Upgrade The District's former hydraulic model (Sewer Network Analysis Program, or SNAP) was a DOS based system that provided results in a format that were not user friendly, and had no graphical interface. This project included designing and commissioning a replacement model (ArcSNAP) that provides results in a format that are more readily interpreted and also has a Geographic Information System interface. The District has been using the new ArcSNAP model since 2004. A hydraulic grade line analysis feature (surcharge analysis) was added during FY 2004- 05. In FY 2005 -06 model calibration was performed using flow monitoring from the previous winter's storm. In FY 2006 -07 the model was revised to handle the new Geomedia GIS mapping software that Engineering Support acquired. In FY 2007 -08, a set of SunGard data queries was generated to assist with parcel related data. In 2009- 10, minor software changes were made. DP 5947 Manhole Rehabilitation Project The District has approximately 30,000 active manhole structures throughout the service area. Some are in various stages of degradation from corrosion, root intrusion, excessive infiltration, structural failure, etc. This project evaluated and prepared recommendations and specifications for demonstration of the various repair products available in the marketplace. The demonstration projects will be included in upcoming renovation projects. DP 5953 Diablo Sewer Renovations Phase 1 Sewers in the Diablo area are some of the oldest and least accessible sewers in the District's collection system. They are shallow in depth and are generally in poor condition. This project replaced or renovated approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewers in the public right of way and easements. DP 5983 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control Under this project, a Ferrous Pipe Inventory was created for the District's Collection System. It includes details of pipe size and type, and locations. The document describes existing inspection technologies, failure mechanisms, rehabilitation methods and sulfide control techniques. DP 5990 Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 7 This project replaced or rehabilitated approximately 13,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewers at several sites in the City of Lafayette and neighboring areas. DP 5994 Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer The 2010 update of the Collection System Master Plan analyzed the District's entire sewer system using the ArcSNAP hydraulic model. The design flows to the sewers in this corridor were calculated at 130% to 270% of full pipe capacity. The project diverted flow away from the 10 -inch sewer across Acalanes High School property into a new 15- inch sewer along Pleasant Hill Road from Springhill Road to Stanley Boulevard. The remaining deficient sewers were upsized within their current alignments and connected to the 18 -inch sewer crossing under Highway 24. DP 5997 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan This project investigated possible alignments for bringing wastewater from the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Redevelopment Area to the Treatment Plant. The technical reports completed as part of this work include: • Alternative Alignments for Serving the CNWS Redevelopment Area, • Improvement Needs of North Concord Collection System, and • Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Alternative Alignments for Serving the CNWS Redevelopment Area. DP 6001 Martinez Facilities Plan Ths project developed a prioritized list of pipes that are in need of renovation for the sewer shed upstream of the Martinez Pump Station. Utilizing the maintenance data, CCTV scores, and other historical data, these sewers have been evaluated to determine which are in need of replacement. This information will aid in the future site selection for pipeline renovation projects in Martinez. DP 6499 Vista del Orinda Contractual Assessment District (CAD) This project designed and constructed approximately 850 linear feet of 8 -inch sanitary sewer pipeline, four manholes, and appurtenant work and facilities located along Vista Del Orinda in Orinda. The project serves ten residential parcels, eight of which are developed with homes using septic systems. Two of the properties have already converted to sanitary sewer service. DP 8400 2011 -12 Development Sewerage Work done by District staff to ensure that contributed sewers meet the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction is funded from the Sewer Construction Fund, since it results directly in District capital assets (completed main sewers, easements and permanent records.) This project provided a means to capitalize District labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities during the 2011 -12 fiscal year. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 8208 Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) Facility Improvements The CSOD administration and crew building was originally constructed as the District's headquarters office building and was not designed for use as a collection systems operations building. The old facility did not meet the current and future needs of the District. After a comprehensive evaluation of alternatives, the District built a new administration, crew, and warehouse building at the location of the old one. Site improvements such as new paving and landscaping were also included. The new facility opened in the fall of 2011. DP 8511 2011 -12 Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2011 -12. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 7194 Zone 1 Recycled Water Phase 1C This project provided funds for the planning, design, and construction of reycled water facilities for landscape irrigation customers and other identified uses in the Zone 1 Project Area. Table 4: Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits' ' General Manager authority was revised by Board Resolution on December 15, 2011 2 Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program budget and contingency account 3 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable program contingency account 4 Final project budget is established at time of award of construction contract 5 Reduced by project overrun allocations previously made by Department Managers 2013 -14 CIB Introduction Page 10 Department General Board of Action Director Manager Directors Approve Capital Plan None None No limit Authorize Capital Program budgets None None No limit Allocate funds to individual project $25,000 or less Total program No Board authorization budgets budget plus required contin enc 2 Authorize Professional Consulting $35,000 or less $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Consultant Services Contracts Technical Consulting $35,000 or less $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Services. Professional Eng. $35,000 or less $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Services. Allocate funds from program $10,000 $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 contingency accounts to projects not per project included in the CIB Individual equipment items and None $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 equipment contin enc Authorize supplemental funds to Not applicable Not applicable Sewer Construction program budgets/ contingency Fund balance accounts Allocate funds for project budget 5% of final project 15% of final project Greater than 15% of overruns budget4 or a budget 2,3 final project budget 2,3 maximum of $10,000 Award construction contracts None $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 Authorize Additive $35,000 or less $100,000 or less Greater than $100,000 construction change orders Deductive More than ($50,000) No limit No Board authorization re uired Subcontractor substitutions None All substitutions Substitutions protested unless protested by by subcontractor subcontractor Construction project acceptance None All projects Informational announcement to the Board Close out project None All projects Memo provided to the Board at end of FY ' General Manager authority was revised by Board Resolution on December 15, 2011 2 Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program budget and contingency account 3 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable program contingency account 4 Final project budget is established at time of award of construction contract 5 Reduced by project overrun allocations previously made by Department Managers 2013 -14 CIB Introduction Page 10