HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. Approve Staffing Plan for FY 2013-14Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS • a • POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 4, 2013 Subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -14 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Curt Swanson Administration /Human Resources Provisional General Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Craig, Interim Director of Plant Operations D. Gemmell, Environmental Services Division Manager A. Antkowiak, Capital Projects Division Manager C. Swanson P. Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager Provisional General Manager T. O'Malley, Human Resources Manager ISSUE: The Board approves the District's annual Staffing Plan. Accordingly, staff is submitting for Board approval the District's Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 -14. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Staffing Plan for FY 2013 -14. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed Staffing Plan would decrease budgeted annual salary costs in FY 2013 -14 by $112,801 and benefit costs by $11,017, for a total reduction of $123,818. This action will eventually result in a maximum net annual cost of $34,127 which takes into account salary, benefits, and pension costs at the maximum steps of the salary ranges for all permanent personnel changes (excluding Co -ops). ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Modify or reject the proposed Staffing Plan. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for FY 2013- 14. The Staffing Plan, which was sent under separate cover, includes departmental overviews, personnel actions, requested changes and their justifications, and organizational charts reflecting current staff and proposed changes. To date, there have been 133 personnel actions taken since the FY 2012 -13 Staffing Plan was recommended for approval at the Human Resources Committee meeting on March 8, 2012. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District and the cost of salaries and benefits. The number of authorized regular positions in the District will remain unchanged. Seven Co -op student positions are requested, which is a decrease from the nine positions that were approved for FY 2012 -13. The salaries and wages in the FY 2013 -14 perations and Maintenance Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year's budget due to cost -of- living salary C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Rev Position Paper- Staffing Plan FY13 -14 (2).doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 4, 2013 subject APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -014 adjustments and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in FY 2013 -14. Staff is recommending the salaries for Operations and Engineering Co -ops remain at $24.00 an hour, which has not changed since 2007. Administration Delete one Accounting Technician I (G -52, $51,976- $62,791) position and one Accounting Technician II (G -56, $57,200 - $69,138) position. Add two Accounting Technician III (G -60, $62,791- $75,994) positions and underfill the positions with the current Accounting Technician II (Janet Weeks) and Accounting Technician I (Nicole Marshall). 2. Reclassify two Human Resources Assistant (S -64, $69,383- $84,015) positions and their incumbents (Judy Rivers and Twila Mullenix) to Human Resources Analyst (S -72, $84,015 - $101,708) positions; abolish the Human Resources Assistant classification; delete one Human Resources Analyst (S -72, $84,015 - $101,708) position; and add one Senior Administrative Technician (S -57, $58,709 - $71,056) position. Operations 3 No Requested Changes Engineering 4. No Requested Changes Secretary of the District Co-op 5. No Requested Changes 6. Authorize the hiring of students to fill 7 Co -op positions in 2013 — 2014. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was reviewed by the Human Resources Committee at its March 6, 2013, meeting and recommended for Board approval. C:\ Users \dandersonWppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Rev Position Paper- Staffing Plan FY13 -14 (2).doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 4, 2013 subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -014 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the Staffing Plan for FY 2013 -14 herein identified by items 1 — 6. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Summary Sheet C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Rev Position Paper- Staffing Plan FYI 3-14 (2).doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2013 -14 Staffing Plan Cn -nns Authorized SteNino Department Reclassified Positions Deleted Regular Position Additional Regular Positions Salary Range 2012- 2013 2013- 2014 2012- 2013- 2013 2014 Salaries Benefits Salary and Benefits Administration — 49 47 0 0 $ 2 Accounting Technicians VII I: G -52, $51,976 - $62,791 II: G -56 $57,200 - $69139 $ (125,866) $ (106,986) L$(232,852) 2 Accountin Technicians III III: G -60 $62 791 - $75 995 $ 130 947 $ 111 305 242 252 2 Human Resource Assistants S -64 $69 383 - $84 015 $ 174 331 $ 148 181 322,512 2 Human Resource Anal Is S -72, $84,015 - $101,708 $ 182,757 $ 155,343 338,100 1 Human Resource Anal t S -72, $84,015 - $101,708 S 88,076 $ 74,865 162,941 1 Senior Administrative Technician S -57 $58,709 - $71,056 $ 61,608 $ 52 367 S 113 975 (. Subtotal for Administration $ 12,961 $ 11,017 $ (23.978 Engineering 83 83 6 5 $ 49,920 $ 49,920 Subtotal for Engineering S 49,920 $ S 49,920 (Operations __- 151 154 3 1 2 $ 49 920 $ (49,920) Subtotal for Plant Operations $ 49,920 $ S 49,920 District Total Additions (Savings) 9 7 203 284 $ (112,801) S (11,017) S (123,818) ' NOTE: The co-op salaries only reflect the decrease in the number of positions approved in FYI 3/14. Total cost of the 7 co -op positions = $349,440. 3/2212013 12:53 PM C:\ Users\ danderson\AppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook\DVCGBC5G \Staffing Plan 2013 -14 calculations 2013 -14 positions