HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Receive 2012 Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Annual ReportCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 21, 2013 Subject: 2012 COLLECTION SYSTEM SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOW ANNUAL REPORT Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Paul A. Seitz, Collection System Collection System Operations Operations Division Manager Department / Field Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: e,4 C. Swanson Provisional General Manager ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Annual Report (attached) has been prepared for the District Board of Directors' information. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 2012 Collection System SSO Annual Report. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The 2012 Collection System SSO Annual Report summarizes the overflows that occurred in the District's sanitary sewer system during the period of January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012. This is the eighth SSO Annual Report; however, it is no longer required to be submitted pursuant to the Regional Water Quality Control Board's revised requirements. The report summarizes SSOs by the number and size, the volume, the causes, the locations, and the trends. The collection system experienced 49 overflows last year. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the 2012 Sewer System Overflow Annual Report. Attachments: - Annual Report of Sanitary Sewer Overflows for Calendar Year 2012 - October 3, 2012 letter from San Francisco Bay RWQCB CSO /C: \Users \danderson \Desktop \(Rev3) SSO Annual Rpt -2012 (2).doc ANNUAL REPORT OF SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOWS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2012 The 2012 Collection System SSO Annual report summarizes the overflows that occurred in the District's sanitary sewer system during the period of January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012. The requirements to submit annual reports for Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) Audits were discontinued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board as per the attached letter dated October 3, 2012. Number and Size of SSOs The total number of SSOs for the reporting period was 49. All of the SSOs were associated with gravity sewers. No overflows were experienced as a result of surcharging in wet weather conditions. The volumes of the SSOs are summarized as shown on Table 1. Table 1. Number of SSOs Size of SSO (gallons) Number Percent of Total by Number Greater than or equal to 1,000 2 4% Between 100 and 999 19 39% Between 10 and 99 17 35% Less than 10 11 22% Public portion of lateral N/A — Total 49 100% The volume of spills contained and returned to the sewer system, as well as the volume reaching the waters of the State, is shown in Table 2. Table 2. Volume of SSOs Volume (gallons) Percent of Total by Volume Total volume reaching waters 4,036 43% of the State Total volume not recovered but not reaching waters of the 5,413 57% State Total 9,449 100% Volume (gallons) Total volume contained and returned to sewer system for 1,880 treatment This report does not include SSOs that occurred from private sewer service laterals within the District jurisdiction that were caused by conditions in privately owned laterals or on private property. The property owners are responsible for the condition and operation of those sewer service laterals. Cause of SSOs The predominant cause of SSOs during the period of this report was roots. The distribution of SSOs by cause is shown on Table 3. Table 3. Causes of SSOs Cause of SSO Number Percent of Total Blockage: Roots 37 76% Grease 2 4% Debris (rags, rock, paper) 6 12% Debris from laterals — — Vandalism — — Construction debris — — Contractor error 3 6% Multiple causes — — Subtotal for blockages 48 98% Infrastructure failure 1 2% Inflow and infiltration — — Flow capacity deficiency — — Cause unknown — — Total 49 100% Location of SSOs The District's Engineering department is currently working on multi - phased rehabilitation projects in the District's service area. The Collection System Operations department is continuing its "quality cleaning" program as well. There were no repeat overflows in 2012. SSO Trends The following graph shows a comparison of data for the current reporting period, 2012, with previous reporting periods from years 2009 through 2011. rigure i. i otai bbUs 2009 - 2012 Updated through December 2012 Year: 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total SSOs by year: 1 631 431 371 49 0 oral JAN 7 5 7 6 FEB 5 6 7 3 MAR 8 3 0 3 APR 10 5 1 3 MAY 8 2 1 2 JUN 5 4 3 2 JUL 2 1 4 3 iii AUG 4 2 3 5 SEP 5 2 3 0 OCT 0 3 2 6 NOV 2 5 3 4 ii i !� �M DEC 7 5 3 12 iii EaNUNa O. BROWN JR, aoveRNOR QAUIOaarA N1AITtl{W 1>fOOR10Ul2 Water Boards 41C.1-Al /CA iNVIRONMIRTAt /ROTFarbN San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board October 3, 2012 To: Attached Mailing List Subject: Discontinuation of Requirements for Annual Reports of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), and Annual Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) Audits This letter notifies you, as an agency or entity that owns or operates a sanitary sewer system in the San Francisco Bay Region enrolled in State Water Board Order No. 2006- 0003 -DWQ (Sanitary Sewer Order), of the discontinuation of requirements for annual SSO reports, and annual SSMP audit reports. This discontinuation of requirements is effective immediately. This means there will be no need to submit the annual SSO report and SSMP audit report due in 2013. Furthermore, this discontinuation of requirements effectively rescinds, except for enforcement purposes, the Regional Water Board's Water Code section 13267 orders issued on November 15, 2004, and July 7, 2005. Please be aware that you are still required to comply with Provision D.13(x) of the Sanitary Sewer Order. Provision D.13(x) requires enrollees, regardless of the population served, to conduct an SSMP internal audit, at a minimum every two years, and prepare an audit report to be kept on file. The Sanitary Sewer Order requires that the audit shall focus on evaluating the effectiveness of the SSMP and the enrollee's compliance with the SSMP requirements identified in Provision D.13, including identification of any deficiencies in the SSMP and steps to correct them. Because of the Regional Water Board's previous more frequent requirement for annual SSMP audit reports and somewhat different submittal schedule compared to the Sanitary Sewer Order, the following reconciles the minimum schedule for the next SSMP audit report to ensure compliance with the Sanitary Sewer Order. Future audits reports would be due two years after the dates listed below. If your collection system serves a population greater than 2,500, you must complete your next SSMP internal audit and SSMP Audit Report by May 2, 2014, The SSMP internal audit shall cover calendar years 2012 and 2013. For collection system serving a population of less than 2,500, the SSMP Audit Report covering calendar years 2012 and 2013 must be completed by August 2, 2014. Please note that if you own and /or operate more than one collection system, you must maintain a separate SSMP audit report on file for each collection system enrolled under the Sanitary Sewer Order. JOHN MULLER, CNAIR 1 BRUCE H. WOLFE, EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1515 Clay St., Suite 1400, Oakland, CA 94012 1 www. waterboarda ce.gov /aantraoclacobay 4i RCavcuo P- Discontinuation of Annual Reporting Requirements - 2 - October 3, 2012 Please note that the State Water Board is scheduled to consider amendments to the monitoring and reporting program of the Sanitary Sewer Order in early 2013. If adopted as currently drafted, enrollees will be required to include specific information in the SSMP internal audits to satisfy compliance with Provision D. 13(x) of the Sanitary Sewer Order. This information would include current and projected SSO reduction performance goals, changes employed to meet target goals, and planned corrective actions to address the top SSO causes. A copy of the proposed amended Monitoring and Reporting Program is available at http: / /www.waterboards.ca.gov /water issues /programs /sso /index.shtml. If you have any questions regarding our SSO Reduction Program requirements or the contents of this letter, please contact Claudia Villacorta, Section Leader, at cvillacorta (rb waterboards.ca.�ov or (510) 622 -2485. Sincerely, Lila Tang Chief, Wastewater Division Attachment: Mailing List Copy to (by email only): Ken Greenberg, USEPA Region 9, Greenberg. ken @epa.gov Russell Norman, State Water Board, Russell .norman @waterboards.ca.gov Victor Lopez, State Water Board, Lopez.victor @waterboards.ca.gov Jim Fischer, State Water Board, Fischer.Jim @waterboards.ca.gov