HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-24-13 (Special)MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JANUARY 24, 2013 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a special meeting in the Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 24, 2013. President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Causey, McGill, Pilecki, Williams, Nejedly ABSENT: Members: None a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. HOLD FINANCIAL PLANNING AND POLICY WORKSHOP, INCLUDING REVIEW OF 10 -YEAR FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS FOR RATE SETTING AND THE FISCAL YEAR 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB) MID -YEAR STATUS REPORT Finance Manager Thea Vassallo provided an overview of the District's basic approach to rate - setting, costs associated with debt financing, assumptions used in the District's cash flow model, mid -year financial results for both Operations and Maintenance (O &M) and the capital program, items that impact sewer service rates, and the staff recommendation for a proposed two -year rate increase. Ms. Vassallo explained that the rate - setting approach since 2001 has been to use a financial cash flow model to analyze policy issues and predict future rates. The cash flow model utilizes four basic premises: 1) a pay -as- you -go approach, 2) no short -term debt borrowing, 3) utilization of reserves to allow smooth, modest annual rate increases, and 4) generally drawing down reserves so that funds required roughly equal funds available. With respect to the latter, she pointed out that the Board's policy starting with the Ten -Year Plan approved last year was that, by the tenth year, the amount of funds available should exceed funds required by $20 million. With regard to debt financing, Ms. Vassallo said the Board typically has limited its use to unanticipated opportunities and projects. She cautioned that the costs Book 62 — Page 118 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 associated with bond financing can be high. As an example, she said the $54 million bond issuance in 2009 will ultimately cost about $75 million, including issuance costs and interest. Ms. Vassallo emphasized the importance of cash reserves. Among other things, sufficient cash reserves allow for year -to -year rate stabilization, prefunding of retirement plan contributions, dollar cost averaging on payments to the GASB 45 Trust, insulation from the effects of possible elimination of ad valorem tax proceeds, avoidance of borrowing fees and staff time associated with securing financing, and increased interest income. She said the District's cash flow model incorporates all of the District's stated goals (excellent customer service, regulatory compliance, responsible rates, and being a high - performance organization). It also addresses the District's needs and challenges over the next fiscal year and decade in terms of the capital program; unfunded liabilities; annual pension obligations; GASB 45 Trust funding; debt service; and medical, dental and life insurance for active and retired employees. It also assumes cash payment for equipping the Treatment Plant for nitrification. Ms. Vassallo briefly reviewed the mid -year financial results and year -end financial projections for O &M and the capital program. O &M revenues are running $2.9 million more than budgeted due to receipt of a $1.5 million reimbursement for repair of the cogeneration unit, nearly $0.9 million higher than anticipated revenue from the City of Concord, and $0.5 million in additional revenues from the sewer service charge. Conversely, expenses are running roughly $1.9 million more than budgeted owing to $1.5 million in repairs to the damaged cogeneration unit, $0.8 million for increased salaries based on the recently completed labor negotiations, as well as $0.4 million in other expenses. At mid year, O &M revenues exceeded expenses by $2.9 million, $1 million more than projected. With regard to the capital program, revenue is on track and expenditures are running $3 million less than projected; this is expected to result in a similar increase in the Sewer Construction Fund balance at year end of $38.8 million. Ms. Vassallo presented a breakdown of the O &M versus capital components of the sewer service charge rate history going back to Fiscal Year 2001 -02. Since FY 2004 -05, the capital program has been deficit spending as more and more of the revenue was directed toward O &M. Major expense increases anticipated next year include $1.1 million for additional labor costs, $2.3 million for benefits, and $0.3 million (6.6 percent) for utilities (largely due to AB 32 which will necessitate periodic shut downs of the cogeneration unit). She noted that every $1 dollar increase in the sewer service charge equates to $170,000 of revenue; a 1 percent salary increase equates to a $2 increase in the sewer service charge. O &M costs exceed the consumer price index (CPI) due to salary and benefits, there are minimal near -term cost savings in the new 5.5 -year labor contracts, and any significant savings from the new Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) legislation will not be realized for at least a decade. Book 62 —Page 119 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 After running multiple scenarios in the cash flow model, Ms. Vassallo said that staff believes that a $34- per -year sewer service charge increase for each of the next two years would support the District's stated goals, address capital program needs and challenges over the next decade, address unfunded liabilities, and assumes cash flow payment for nitrification. A comparison chart of current sewer service charge rankings for other Bay Area agencies was presented, with the District ranking in the lower half even after factoring in two $34 rate increases. The Board would need to vote by March 7, 2013 on a maximum sewer service rate increase and the number of years in which rates would be increased (up to five years), in order to comply with Proposition 218 deadlines and to set a June 6, 2013 public hearing to set the rates. Member Causey asked questions about 1) the rationale behind delaying commencement of payments on the District's unfunded liabilities until FY 2015 -16 and the benefits of commencing payments earlier, 2) potential cost savings associated with approving rate increases for a period longer than two years, 3) the philosophy behind how much of the sewer service charge is apportioned to capital program versus O &M, 4) reconciling actual capital asset life with a capital program that is generally flat in its spending, 5) the philosophy that establishes and drives the District's self- insurance fund. While he said he had no problem with what staff was recommending, he requested that the Board meet in a separate session in the next several months to consider some of his questions and the District's current fiscal policy. Member Pilecki suggested that staff take a long -term look at its organizational structure for ways to utilize efficiency because it has such a large impact on the overall budget. He expressed concern with funding projects like nitrification when it is not yet known if nitrification will be required, and stated that the District could raise the sewer service charge or issue bonds at the time such a project was actually needed. Ms. Vassallo explained that the District's bonding capacity is a maximum of 20 percent of revenues, or approximately $18.4 million at this time. After subtracting the current $5.6 million debt service, roughly $100 to $120 million could be raised through bonds. For next year, Mr. Pilecki asked staff to research how connection fees are calculated. With respect to the sewer service charge, he would like to see a schedule of rates, given that most of the District's customers' concerns are of inequity, and other agencies' fees are based partly on types and sizes of units. Member Williams stated that the District's financial plan should be asset - management driven and agreed that bond funding would be an appropriate consideration in the event nitrification is required. President Nejedly recalled that the District used to raise rates every year, and, while it is better to say there will be no rate increase during a certain year, he suggested it might be better to have regular rate increases. Book 62 — Page 120 None. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve minutes of Board meetings held on the following dates: December 20, 2012 (Special) and December 20, 2012 (Regular). b. Approve expenditures dated January 24, 2013. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. C. Adopt amendments to the District's Employee Computer Purchase Assistance Program, Board Policy No. BP 001, effective January 24, 2013. Approval recommended by Budget and Finance Committee. Continued from July 31, 2012 meeting. d. Set February 7, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on increasing the construction contract retention amount to 10 percent for the Primary Treatment Renovations, District Project 7285, in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7201. e. Direct staff to secure the services of an arbitrator to hear the Step Four Grievance of David Rolley, Accounting Technician III, in accordance with the District's grievance procedures. Appoint Curtis W. Swanson as Provisional General Manager, M -05 ($18,421- $22,391, effective January 15, 2013. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Member Causey requested a change to the December 20, 2012 minutes to reflect more clearly that he did not vote or abstain on Item 5.c. Member McGill and Member Pilecki amended their motion and second to include Member Causey's amendment and adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER Item 7.a. was taken out of order to accommodate public speakers who were present on the matter. Book 62 — Page 121 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 6. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER The following written announcements were included with the agenda packet: 1) Registration Differential for Senior Engineer Randy Schmidt 2) Award of Contract — Bay 5 Workroom Remodeling at 4737 Imhoff Place, District Project 8224A 3) New Hydro Sewer Cleaning Truck being used by Collection System Operations There were no additional written announcements made at the meeting. b. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT No reports. C. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme announced the Human Resources Committee meeting scheduled for January 25, 2013. She also reminded the Board Members that their Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) campaign statements (Forms 460/470) must be filed by January 31, 2013. d. BOARD MEMBERS 1) Board Member reports on recent meetings for which they received the stipend, and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses; future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses Member McGill Member McGill reported on the January 10, 2013 Contra Costa Mayors Conference hosted by the City of Lafayette, which featured a presentation by the Greenbelt Alliance. Member McGill and President Nejedly reported on the January 14, 2013 Enterprise Committee meeting as well as the January 22, 2013 Budget and Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summaries. The Board received the reports without comment. Book 62 — Page 122 2) CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 Member McGill also reported on his attendance at the January 16 -18, 2013 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Mid -Year Conference in Indian Wells. Member Pilecki Member Pilecki reported on the January 15, 2013 Seminar put on by the California Special Districts Association on the following topic — How to be an Effective Board Member. Announcements Member McGill provided a written report covering Announcements. 7. REAL PROPERTY a. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENTERPRISE COMMITTEE TO MOVE UP CONSIDERATION OF CONCEPTUAL ENDORSEMENT OF COCO SUSTAINABLE FARM PROPOSAL TO THIS MEETING RATHER THAN FEBRUARY 21, 2013, THE DATE TENTATIVELY SET BY THE BOARD AT ITS PREVIOUS MEETING Provisional General Manager Curt Swanson stated that the CoCo San Sustainable Farm, a non - profit group partnered with Earth Island Institute and led by Dr. Carolyn Phinney and Bethallyn Black, has submitted a proposal for use of the District -owned Kiewit property. Pursuant to a request from Member McGill, the Board decided to consider the proposal at its scheduled February 21 meeting. At the January 14 Enterprise Committee meeting, Dr. Phinney, requested that the Board move up its consideration of conceptual endorsement of the proposal to this meeting, and the Committee concurred. Member Williams asked for a more thorough analysis of the proposal from staff, including the costs, liabilities, risks, question of whether the District would be supplying free water and land, and if the District is open to other potential proposals. He also asked if there would be a need to increase monitoring of waterborne parasites and viruses, or of the nearby homeless encampments. He asked if the project would be in the District's best interest, and stated the fundamental question of whether the project would constitute a gift of public funds. He asked if the District has done its due diligence in its responsibility to its ratepayers or found a nexus with its mission statement and values. Member Causey stated that he shared some of Member Williams' concerns and raised a broad range of issues, including whether the farm would need a permit for recycled water, what staff would be on site, and what guidelines would need to be met with the Department of Health Services (DOHS) or other agencies. He stated that considering the matter on February 21 would allow the Board to have Book 62 — Page 123 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 additional information, and, without the full staff report, he would have difficulty evaluating the concept. He expressed concern that the Board's endorsement may commit an unknown amount of staff time to move forward with the project. Member Pilecki stated his concern that the District is over - studying the concept, noting that only a conceptual endorsement is being asked to allow the farm's proponents to raise money, and that it is implied that the Board only supports the concept on the condition that it meets other criteria to be set down the road. President Nejedly noted that there are still issues to be resolved, and there is time to clarify those issues. In response to a question from Member Causey about the staff time involved in clarifying the issues, President Nejedly said he would expect staff to give equal attention to evaluating all proposals for use of the Kiewit property. Member McGill stated that if there is specific interest in the farm proposal, he would prefer that staff focus its efforts on obtaining answers to the questions raised about that proposal before entertaining other proposals, which may or may not be viable. Assuming no insurmountable hurdles, he hoped that approval of the farm project then would be put to a Board vote. President Nejedly did not share this viewpoint and Member Williams expressed concern that, by conceptually endorsing the farm, the Board would be excluding other options for the property, without knowing what those options are. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by President Nejedly to accept the recommendation of the Enterprise Committee to move up consideration of conceptual endorsement of the CoCo Sustainable Farm proposal to this meeting. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: McGill, Pilecki, Nejedly NOES: Members: Causey, Williams ABSTAIN: Members: None 1) Consider conceptual endorsement of the CoCo Sustainable Farm proposal and, if endorsed, provide appropriate direction to staff (such as initiating the lease process, permitting process, or undertaking other planning activities). Provisional General Manager Curt Swanson stated that staff and Counsel determined that the Board could not conceptually approve a farm proposal until California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other processes are conducted. However, the Board could conceptually endorse the farm in a non - binding action. District Counsel Kent Alm clarified that the Board was not being asked to approve the farm proposal, but may direct staff to file permits, proceed in obtaining additional information for the Board, better define the project, or any other action to assist the Board with analyzing the proposal. Ultimately, the vote would be on the general concept being a good one, and, at best, to give direction to staff to proceed at a normal or expedited pace. Book 62 — Page 124 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell provided a history and background on the proposal from the CoCo San Sustainable Farm to utilize the entire 33 -acre Kiewit property site for a demonstration garden with produce raised for area schools and the Contra Costa Food Bank. They estimated they would need to raise $200,000 to operate for the first 15 months, not including payments to the District. Initially, the District would provide the land and recycled water either free of charge or below market rates to serve the farm, as well as in -kind staff services. Development costs are uncertain, but the proponents have been looking to fund the project by donations. The potential benefits to the District would be to demonstrate the use of recycled water for agriculture as a resource, educate the public, perform outreach, give goodwill to the community, and enhance public relations. Development steps would include the County Land Use Permit requiring a $2,700 deposit, application, full project description and site plans; CEQA Negative Declaration or Exemption, traffic impact fees and circulation, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Airport Land Use Commission Review. She outlined restrictions by the Airport Safety Zone, noting a maximum density of 30 people per acre and a height limitation of two stories. Samples of the Kiewit area road dust were collected from the County Quarry road sweeper and analyzed by a local laboratory. Most detected metals were present at low background levels that would normally occur in soil, and only mercury was above background level, but below Regulatory Levels for worker exposure. Member McGill stated that he would be in support of moving forward with conceptual endorsement of the farm proposal. In response to a question from Member Williams as to whether this project would amount to a gift of public funds, District Counsel Kent Alm said the issue is whether the public purpose would be served. It would be technically permissible to rent land at less than its fair market value under the gift of public funds regulations if a strong nexus can be found between one of the District's purposes and the benefits being received. The District would have to examine the lease and find justifiable consideration, but Mr. Alm said he did not find anything that could not be overcome, if that was the direction of the Board, and if the Board were willing to make findings in that regard. Member Williams noted that, with upcoming recycled water projects already scheduled and existing recycled water customers already connected, the District is not in need of a way to promote the use of recycled water. He stated that, while he likes the farm in concept, he sees a significant amount of staff time already spent and on the horizon; potentially large out -of- pocket costs the District does not fully understand; and a lack of a firm assessment of the liability and risks. He noted that, while voting against the proposal may reflect poorly on the Board as individuals, the Board has a responsibility Book 62 — Page 125 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 to its ratepayers to follow the rules. He stated that he would not be voting to conceptually endorse the proposal and urged his fellow Board Members to look at their duties and vote appropriately. Member Causey added to Member Williams' concern regarding staff time and noted that endorsing the farm may not be fair to other interested parties in the property. He believed the District should have an open competition for use of the property, and conceptual endorsement may make it difficult to vote against going forward with the project at a later date. He stated that he would like all the facts before going forward, and he would be amenable to consider the endorsement in February if the Board receives the information requested by then. Mr. Frank Gorham, representing the Pleasant Hill Martinez Soccer Association ( PHMSA), described his organization as a non - profit bringing soccer to 2,200 children ages 5 -19 years old. He stated that he previously appeared before the Board with a need for more active playing fields, requesting lease opportunities for the Kiewit parcel. He noted that the PHMSA has an outstanding proposal for the property, and, while not opposed to the farm proposal, he was concerned that the Board's endorsement of the farm would end his quest for more soccer fields on the property. He asked the Board to delay its vote on the conceptual endorsement to give staff time to negotiate a mutually - beneficial solution for the 33 acres, or to conditionally approve both proposals so both would be on equal footing to raise money. He requested the Board consider his constituents and the PHMSA's mission, which he described as similar to the Farm's. Member Williams stated that, as a public agency, the District should not exclude another interested party whose mission is aligned with the District's, noting that the soccer fields would also use recycled water. Dr. Carolyn Phinney stated her opinion that Assistant Director of Airports Betty Lee would not approve the PHMSA's proposal, due to the density of children. She also stated that Bethallyn Black would not be willing to share the property with a large group of children due to the intrinsically dangerous nature of the farm, which requires her supervision. She stated that she could not agree to share the property for those reasons. She also distributed a written list of reasons she believed the farm achieves the District's stated mission and goals and noted that there are interested members of the public and legislative support for the project. District Counsel Kent Alm stated that Director of Airports Keith Freitas did not decline the PHMSA's proposal, but the County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan mandates that there cannot be more than 30 people per acre, with a provision to appeal to raise the limit to 45. Book 62 — Page 126 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 Mr. Gorham stated that, having met with the Airport Planning Commissioner, he has run the calculations and concluded that the density requirements could be met. He advocated mixed use of the property, noting that the soccer fields would not be in use all day. President Nejedly stated that there are three proposals: the farm, a soccer field, and the development of a clean fill /dirt project. He noted that the District has received significant revenue with the potential for more with the latter proposal, and the Board would be remiss in conceptually endorsing the farm and not the other two. He stated that he did not see an issue in a mixed use of the property, and he would be willing to vote conceptually on the ideas, as long as they were all included. Member McGill stated that he liked the idea of conceptually endorsing the farm in a non - binding way and directing staff to do the necessary work, without excluding the other proposals. He posed the question of how to make the farm work and what would happen to the balance of the land. It was moved by Member Williams to issue a brief RFP to be advertised for two weeks. He advocated this as the normal process of a public agency and stated that the District needs to notify more potential tenants of its existence. Motion died for lack of second. Member Causey stated that the District needs to determine the best use for the property, whether it be one proposal that fits all, or a synergy between groups to break the property into multiple leases. He noted that the District owns other properties, one of which could house the farm. He stated that he did not believe two weeks to be an adequate amount of time for an RFP, noting that the District already has one from the PHMSA. He stated that perhaps the Enterprise Committee ought to consider that proposal again. It was moved by Member McGill to endorse the farm proposal in a conceptual and non - binding manner; direct staff to work with the proponents to develop a project description and budget, environmental documents, and submission of an agricultural Land Use Permit; and direct staff to bring the project proposal back to the Board for final consideration at a later date. He stated that the motion does not preclude other proposals but is for the purpose of getting a defined project and working out the economics and terms of the lease. He stated that he was convinced the District will lose the farm proposal and whatever goodwill it would bring if the Board did not vote at this meeting to endorse it. Motion died for lack of second. Member Pilecki encouraged the Farm and PHMSA to share the property and split costs, noting that this was an ideal opportunity to work together and offer the District an opportunity to promote itself. Book 62 — Page 127 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 It was moved by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member McGill to conceptually endorse the CoCo San Sustainable Farm, PHMSA, and fill /dirt or other commercial proposals for a possible mixed use of the property. Member Causey requested that staff time assessing any proposals for future use of the District's Kiewit property be tracked. Member Pilecki amended his motion to restrict staff to only perform work related to CEQA. Other work, such as assessing traffic impact fees and obtaining County land use permits, should be at the expense and effort of the other parties. He asked that the District limit its costs to about $15,000. Member McGill seconded the amendment. President Nejedly said he would vote against placing restrictions on who pays for the ordinary costs associated with a lease proposal because it deviates from the District's normal procedures with excess property and other projects. He agreed that the District should track all costs and recover them in the lease rates, as has been the practice. Member Pilecki added another amendment to his motion to track costs, not restrict them, and recover them in the lease revenues. Engineering Assistant III Russ Leavitt noted that, if staff looks at the three proposals, the Board would need to form an endorsement to go ahead with all three or drop one or more to focus the CEQA. Otherwise, the project would be too vague. Member McGill requested that staff form a definable project on which to do the CEQA. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to conceptually endorse the following three proposals for use of the Kiewit property, direct staff to further develop each proposal for presentation to the Enterprise Committee, and direct staff to track time and costs associated with developing these proposals for cost recovery upon lease of the property: (1) CoCo Sustainable Farm proposal; (2) PHMSA soccer fields proposal; and (3) Clean fill /dirt quarry or other commercial proposal. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. President Nejedly left the meeting at this time, and President Pro Tem Williams assumed the duties of the Board President. Book 62 — Page 128 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 E:MIVW_�I1V11a101r »_1019 a. ACCEPT THE 2012 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION None. SYSTEM (NPDES) REPORT Provisional Plant Operations Division Manager Alan Weer submitted a series of slides highlighting the performance of the Treatment Plant and the contents of the NPDES Report, which is ready for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The presentation indicated that the plant treated 13.7 billion gallons of water in 2012, with an average daily flow of 37.6 million gallons. In 2012, the peak hourly flow was at the level of 183 million gallons per day. In terms of ash disposal, 3,700 tons (wet weight) were disposed of for use as soil amendment. Mr. Weer's slides indicated the laboratory completed over 15,000 analyses in 2012, which equated to approximately 11,000 hours of laboratory work. The Outfall Improvements Project was successfully completed; there was 100 percent compliance with NPDES Permit requirements, and 15th consecutive year winning the NACWA Platinum Award. It was the consensus of the Board to accept the District's 2012 NPDES Report. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to accept the 2012 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Report. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 9. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION 10. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Causey suggested that the Board convene in a Workshop to review the District's background and philosophy, particularly in relation to long -term financial planning. Member Pilecki added that he would like to go over the District's strategic goals and plans. Member McGill asked to consider the District's mission statement, its policies and priorities, noting that, as a new Board, the Board Members should look at all these as a package and learn how the District has gotten to where it is. Member Williams directed that, by consensus of the Board, staff schedule a Board Workshop in the next several months. Book 62 — Page 129 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of January 24, 2013 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Pro Tern Williams adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. J es A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: 6:F&2-el� Elaine R. Boehme, CMC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Book 62 — Page 130