HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE ACTION SUMMARY 03-04-13Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94= SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA B04RD OFDZRECTOKS: J.4.1IESA. nEJEDLP SANITARY DISTRICT Prvs,aknt BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE D_�FZDR TZLLL �� President Pro Tem R4rIH.(' r_EF A C T 10 N SUMMARY _j11('HAELR.:W(YTILL T.4D J. PILECB7 Chair McGill Member Nejedly Monday, March 4, 2013 3:00 p.m. Middle Conference Room 1470 Enea Circle, Second Floor Concord, California PHOAE: (925) 228 -9500 E_-I: (925) 676 -7211 innr. centralsan. org PRESENT: Mike McGill, Jim Nejedly, Curt Swanson, Thea Vassallo, Todd Smithey 1 2 3 Call Meeting to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Public Comments None. Old Business a. Review staff's response to the Committee's request for information regarding the following expenditures at a previous meeting: Check# Amount Vendor 193700 $3,932.11 Consulting Team LLC Total of contract? 193733 $4,614.80 MuniQuip, Inc. What are wear plates? COMMITTEE ACTION: Received staff's responses. Budget and Finance Committee March 4, 2013 Page 2 4. Risk Management a. Review Loss Control Report and discuss outstanding claims COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report. *5. Discuss Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) Update Finance Administrator Todd Smithey gave an update (attached) on both Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) and Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA). Provisional General Manager Curt Swanson reported that the District had received a letter from CCCERA stating that CCCERA will file a motion to join all participating employers in the litigation challenging the constitutionality of newly - enacted state law AB 197. Mr. Swanson will be working with District Counsel Kent Alm on this issue. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and discussed the updates. 6. Review report to the Board on outcome of Fieldman Rolapp study re possible use of Pension Obligation Bonds to fund CCCERA Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) (Item 5.a.1) in Board Binder) Staff discussed its conference call of Friday, March 1, 2013 and stated that Fieldman, Rolapp plans to present the basics of how Pension Obligation Bond issuance works and their original November 2012 recommendations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the staff report. The full Board will receive the report at its March 7 meeting. 7. Review January 2013 Financial Statements and Investment Reports (Item 3.c. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 8. Expenditures a. Review Expenditures (Item 3.b. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. Budget and Finance Committee March 4, 2013 Page 3 Requested additional information on the following: Check# Date Vendor Amount 35136 2121113 DD Management $28,675.46 b. Review Legal Expenditure Summary COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed Legal Expenditure Summary. *9. Reports and Announcements Finance Manager Thea Vassallo reported that signing of checks by the Secretary of the District and invoices by the Finance Manager has had the same $1,000 limit for the estimated last 30 years. The Committee concurred with staff's recommendation to increase the limit to $2,500, effective immediately. Ms. Vassallo distributed the Benefit and Overhead Benchmark Comparison results received to date (attached). The previous 2008 Survey was also provided (attached). Ms. Vassallo provided the Committee with information on the history of the District overhead rate for the last 5 years (attached). An item will be placed on the March 18, 2013 Budget and Finance Committee agenda for discussion. Ms. Vassallo distributed the results of a Cash Reserve Survey initiated by Orange County Sanitation District the last week of February (attached). 10. Suggestions for future agenda items Discussion of the District overhead rate will be placed on the March 18, 2013 Budget and Finance Committee agenda. 11. Adjournment — at 3:59 p.m. * Attachment 5 Update on Public Employees' Pension Reform Act ( PEPRA) • The District is currently paying a rate of 51.5% of payroll for PEPRA -tier employees. This compares to a rate of 59.7% & 56.4% for all other employees. Per the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association ( CCCERA) Board decision on 1/9/13, CCCERA's staff is reviewing all participating agencies' pay codes to determine which codes are pensionable under PEPRA. At issue is special compensation. CalPERS issued a Circular Letter giving the criteria by which such compensation would be pensionable. The criterion that seems to cause the most debate is that the pay must paid pursuant to publicly available pay schedule. CCCERA staff plans on presenting their findings to the Board on 3/27/13. • Because some of the language in PEPRA is unclear, CCCERA staff stated that clean -up language to the law is expected to pass and will give more guidance on the legislative intent. Of great interest to the District is the outcome of the lawsuit filed by employee groups against CCCERA regard changes enacted by AB197. The State has recently agreed to defend the law in Contra Costa County Superior Court as CCCERA had not been arguing against the lawsuit. Should the lawsuit fail, the District would see a reduction in rates as the terminal pay assumption for most employees would drop from 24% to a number closer to 8 %. The next hearing is scheduled for 3/26/13 at 9:30am. Other CCCERA Updates • The unofficial investment earnings return for 2012 was 14.1 % (compared to 13.26% for CalPERS). As is there practice, this gain will be smoothed over the next five years, and that amount will be amortized over the next 18 years. • The triennial review of economic actuarial assumptions was presented to the CCCERA Board on 2/27/13. The Board voted to accept the actuary's recommendation of lowering the current investment return assumption from 7.75% to 7.25% (tied with one other County- system for the lowest in the State). This will raise the normal costs of retirement while lowering the interest expense on our unfunded liability. The net cost impact of this change is an increase in our rates by about 5.8% (4.8% when employee cost - sharing is fully implemented) The CCCERA board will vote later on whether to implement this rate increase all at once or over a period of 2 -3 years. • The triennial experience study (demographics) will also be performed this year and its results will also affect contribution rates. q. Benefit and Overhead Benchmark Comparison February 2013 THESE RATES DO NOT INCLUDE THE SALARY COMPONENT DEFINITION OF OVERHEAD FOR THIS SURVEY (EMPLOYEE BENEFITS +ADMINISTRATIVE AND DIVISION OVERHEAD + NON -WORK PRODUCTIVE) COSTS - Don't Include Salary Benefits Overhead Non -Work •' Check this box if you calculate different division rates, or use different rates for capital projects compared to outside billings or for other purposes. Use multiple lines if you use multiple rates (See Oro Loma example) and use the comments section to describe the purpose. Comments Agency Benefits Overhead Non -Work Total se multiple rates? Comments/ Effective Date of Rates Castro Valley Sanitary District 65% 125% 20% 210% No Effective 2012 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 85% 117% 18% 220% No For 2013 -14; increases in pension, GASB 45 and medical premiums. Salaries, which are the denominator, decreased due to several retirements and unfilled positions. Prior year was 194 %. Central Marin Sanitation Agency 165% Based on 2001 -02, 17% dept exp included In Overhead Column Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District 0% N/A N/A Delta Diablo Sanitation District Don't have need to charge overhead reimbursement Oro Loma (1) 70% 0% 23% 151% Dublin/San Ramon Services District 48% 86% 20% 153% Yes From hand -out at January 2013 Finance Group Meeting. Overhead for Divisions are calculated separately. Used the Engineering Division overhead of 153 %; the highest rate is Mechanical Maintenance Full Cost Recovery at 289.71% Effective for 2013 Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District WA 60% WA 60% y nave a suandard 6111% for overhead, that y rarely use. Just salary and benefits is charged to capital projects. Mt. View Sanitary District 70% - 159% 0% Napa Sanitation 0% not been updateed since 1989 and do not represent the collection of the cost of service. Oro Loma 1 0% Oro Loma 2 0% Ross Valley Sanitary District 0% South Ba side Sewer Authority 0% UniOn San o C� H $ N/A N/A N/A 234% NO Using 171% total (without depreciation); 234% with depreciation - for 2012 -13. We did not receive a breakdown of the components. Vallejo Sanitation & Flood Control District 0% West Bay Sanitary 0% West County Wastewater District 0% From Previous Survey Benefit and Overhead Benchmark Comparison February 2008 Agency Benefits Overhead Non -Work Total Comments Castro Valley Sanitary District 63% 100% 15% 178% 2006 -2007 Proposed for 2008 -09 based on 2006 -07 actual. Using 1761,6 in 2007 - CCCSD 71% 100% 19% 190% 08 Delta Diablo 43% 105% 17% 165% Based on 2001 -02, 17% dept exp included In Overhead Column Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District N/A N/A 0% Don't have need to charge overhead reimbursement Oro Loma (1) 70% 58% 23% 151% For 2007 -08 and 2008 -09 - Two Year Budget Oro Loma (2) 70% 156% 23% 249% (Includes additional 'cost of depreciations) to bill developers) South Bayside System Authority 28% 15% 17% 60% West County 89% 70% - 159% Non -work hours in benefit 2/28/2013 3:26 PM N:\ACCOUNTING \GMTEMPI\Admin Overhead \benchmark chartFeb 2013 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT History of Overhead Fiscal Year Admin O/H Non -Work Hours Employee Benefits Total Overhead % Indirect Costs Salaries Admin O/H % 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 q. 3 Yr 5 Yr Average Average 98 98 93 105 117 105.0 102.2 19 19 19 18 18 18.3 18.6 61 61 61 71 85 72.3 67.8 220 178 178 173 194 195.7 188.6 10/11 audit 11/12 audit 22,176,335 24,548,295 21,201,139 20,949,444 1.05 1.17 Note - Salaries are the denominator. Salaries were lower due to several retirements and unfilled positions. (Higher denominator results in lower OH %, Lower denominator results in higher OH %) N:WDMINSUP\ADMIN \FINANCE MANAGER \Budget and Finance Committee \Overhead summary 3- 4- 133/5/2013 q. Comparison of Agency Reserves FY 2011 -12 Reserves Total FY 2011 -12 % of Reserves to Budgeted Outlay Budgeted Outlay CCCSD* 55.0 99.0 55.6% EMBUD ** 80.2 127.3 63.0% SRCSD * ** 165.7 201.2 82.4% OCSD * * ** 577.3 405.8 142.3% CSDLA * * * ** 1,878.4 841.8 223.1% *Central Contra Costa Sanitary District *Eastern Municipal Utility District * *Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District ** *Orange County Sanitation District * ** *County Sanitation District of Los Angeles ca -o c w M_ O N CL N L m m m O N 0 N cu O N N O co h �V O a 7 •v �1 Q l"J U c 'm m U w, p�\ co a 0 ffi m m \ c a � 0 ° o m cu ai o D •E pip L W > m ph y V! 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