HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. 2012 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report for 2012' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District t Environment 2012 RECYCLED WATER QUALITY AND DISTRIBUTION '�' ANNUAL REPORT ,Oed q; �� ,Ae y CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 2012 RECYCLED WATER QUALITY AND DISTRIBUTION ANNUAL REPORT INDEX Page No. Discharger's Self- Monitoring Program Report — Recycled Water .......... ..............................1 —8 Figure 1 Recycled Water at Work ................................... ............................... 9-10 Table 1 Summary of Recycled Water Usage — 2012 ......................... .............................11 Table 2 Monthly Recycled Water Usage — 2012 ................................. .............................12 Figure 2 CCCSD Recycled Water System Map .................................. .............................13 Table 3 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — January .............. .............................14 Table 4 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — February ............. .............................15 Table 5 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — March ................. .............................16 Table 6 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — April ................... .............................17 Table 7 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — May .................... .............................18 Table 8 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — June .................... .............................19 Table 9 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — July .................... .............................20 Table 10 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — August ............... .............................21 Table 11 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — September ......... .............................22 Table 12 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — October .............. .............................23 Table 13 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — November .......... .............................24 Table 14 CCCSD Recycled Water Characteristics — December .......... .............................25 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORTS Inspection Site: Page No. Buchanan Fields Golf Course, Concord ..................................................... .............................26 CCCSD Headquarters Office Building and Annex Building, Martinez .......... .............................27 CCCSD Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, Martinez ............ .............................28 CCCSD Maltby Pump Station, Martinez ...................................................... .............................29 CCCSD Treatment Plant Site, Martinez ..................................................... .............................30 CCCSD Warehouse (4737 Imhoff Place), Martinez ..................................... .............................31 City of Pleasant Hill, Corporation Yard, Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill .............. .............................32 City of Pleasant Hill, Medians ( #1 - #4 on Golf Club Road, Old Quarry Road, Contra Costa Boulevard, Chilpancingo Parkway, Taylor Blvd. /Civic Drive) Viking Drive Landscaping, and Taylor Blvd. /Ruth Drive Landscaping, Pleasant Hill ................33 City of Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill Police Station, Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill .............................34 Conco Companies, Martinez ....................................................................... .............................35 Contra Costa Country Club Golf Course, Pleasant Hill ................................ .............................36 Contra Costa County Animal Shelter, Martinez .......................................... .............................37 Contra Costa County Corporation Yard, Martinez ...................................... .............................38 Contra Costa Topsoil, Martinez .................................................................. .............................39 County Quarry, Martinez ............................................................................. .............................40 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill ............................................................ .............................41 Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Demonstration Garden, Pleasant Hill .... .............................42 Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Pleasant Hill Middle School, Pleasant Hill .........................43 Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Sequoia Elementary and Middle Schools, PleasantHill ................................................................................................. .............................44 NAPOSUP \Laboratory\Recycled Water \2012 \Index.doc II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORTS Inspection Site: Page No. Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Valley View Middle School and College Park High School, Pleasant Hill ........................................................................... .............................44 Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, Chilpancingo Park, Pleasant Hill ..........................45 Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, Community Center / Frank Salfingere Park, Pleasant Hill ....................................................................................... .............................46 Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, Pleasant Oaks Park, Pleasant Hill ........................47 Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, Pleasant Hill Park, Pleasant Hill ...........................48 Stubbs Road Triplexes, Pleasant Hill .......................................................... .............................49 NAPOSUP \Laboratory \Recycled Water \2012 \Index.doc III DISCHARGER'S SELF - MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT REPORTING DISCHARGER: DATE OF REPORT: ORDER: REPORTING PERIOD: RECYCLED WATER Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 5, 2013 96 -011 January through December 2012 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM OVERVIEW Recycled water is an integral part of the mission of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD), and CCCSD has been operating a successful and growing recycled water program since 1996. Since that time, CCCSD has been providing recycled water for in -plant usage, irrigation customers, and a range of commercial uses. In 2012, CCCSD provided approximately 580 acre -feet (AF), or 190 million gallons (MG), of recycled water to a variety of customers in Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Martinez near the Interstate 680 freeway. Recycled water was used for landscape irrigation at schools, parks, golf courses, and street medians and for commercial uses such as truck washing, concrete manufacturing, dust control, and washing kennels at the local animal shelter. In addition to supplying recycled water to offsite customers, CCCSD used approximately 1,260 AF, or 411 MG, of recycled water internally at CCCSD's wastewater treatment plant in Martinez for process water and landscape irrigation. The total volume of recycled water provided by CCCSD in 2012 for offsite customer locations and internal uses was approximately 1,840 AF, or 601 MG. This annual report covers CCCSD's production and distribution of tertiary- treated recycled water over the period of January through December 2012. Figure 1 includes photographs showing examples of recycled water use sites. Table 1 provides a summary of recycled water usage for calendar year 2012 by reuse application category. Table 2 shows the monthly usage of recycled water by customer. Figure 2 is a map showing the location of each recycled water customer. Tables 3 through 14 represent the water quality characteristics. The 2012 Recycled Water Site Inspection Reports follow these tables. All sampling and analyses were performed in accordance with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Order No. 96 -011. Recycled water remained in compliance with applicable tertiary recycled water quality standards, except for October 27, 28 and 30, 2012, when the dissolved oxygen (DO) was below 1.0 mg /L, which is an aesthetic standard to control odors. However, no odors or sulfide were detected on these days. Low feed rates to the filter plant or excessive microbial growth in the forebay or clearwell are believed to be the cause of the low DO. Additionally, in late 2012, CCCSD revised standard operating procedures (SOP) for forebay and clearwell management. The revisions include operating the filter plant at higher flow rates for shorter periods of time. The higher flow rates provide increased agitation as the filtered water cascades over the overflow structure into the clearwell, providing aeration of the recycled water. FUTURE EXPANSION CCCSD continues to seek opportunities and partnerships to expand recycled water use, add new customers, and obtain financial assistance to build new recycled water projects. CCCSD's projects have been on the forefront of the development of new and innovative uses of recycled water. The interior hot water use of recycled water for kennel wash -down was the first of its kind in California. CCCSD's expansion into the provision of dual plumbing for interior uses for toilet and urinal flushing as well as the proposed use of recycled water for cooling towers and boiler feed water at local petroleum refineries represent some of recycled water's most advanced uses. The following describes CCCSD's work in 2012 to expand recycled water use. Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project CCCSD developed plans to construct the Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project that will provide up to 190 AFY (62 MG /year) of recycled water for landscape irrigation at businesses and street medians in the Diamond /Meridian Park Boulevard area of Concord. The project will begin construction in March 2013 and install 2.3 miles of new recycled water distribution piping for 36 new customer connections. This project will more than double CCCSD's recycled water connections. The distribution system piping phase is expected to be completed by the end of 2013, and the customer connections phase (including installation of meters and connections to customer irrigation systems) is expected to be completed in 2014. In 2011, the project was awarded a $1,030,000 Proposition 84 Implementation Grant from the State Department of Water Resources and a $97,000 Title XVI planning grant from the United States Bureau of Reclamation. CCCSD is currently seeking federal legislative authorization and appropriation for an additional $1.8 million in Title XVI funding for the project. The Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project is covered by the Zone One Project Agreement with the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) discussed below. Recycled Water Zone One Project CCCSD has an agreement with CCWD to allow CCCSD to supply up to 1,162 AFY (379 MG /year) of recycled water for landscape irrigation and light commercial uses in the Zone One Project area, which consists of portions of Martinez, Pleasant Hill, and Concord near the Interstate 680 freeway. CCCSD constructed and operates approximately 11 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines in these areas and provides recycled water service to 35 sites. During 2012, CCCSD focused its efforts on expanding the use of recycled water for the following toilet and urinal flushing (dual plumbing) applications: 1. CCCSD Headquarters Office Building - CCCSD completed the design and obtained approval from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to convert the toilets and urinals in CCCSD's 40,000 square foot administration building in Martinez from 2 potable water to recycled water. CCCSD plans to complete the construction work in 2013 as part of a seismic improvements project. A total of 14 toilets and 6 urinals will use recycled water for flushing with an estimated annual recycled water use of 500,000 gallons per year. 2. Diablo Valley College (DVC) Commons — DVC is completing construction of two new classroom and faculty buildings of approximately 86,000 square feet that will use recycled water for toilet /urinal flushing and landscape irrigation of interior courtyards. In 2012, CCCSD obtained CDPH approval for the project, and DVC completed construction of the first building, which is expected to begin using recycled water in early 2013. The second building is expected to be completed in 2014. A total of 35 toilets and 9 urinals will use recycled water for flushing with an estimated annual recycled water use of 1,000,000 gallons per year. The use of recycled water is one of the sustainable design features that will enable the new buildings to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification when completed. CCCSD is continuing efforts to identify and connect additional cost - effective recycled water customers in the Zone One project area, particularly those located near existing recycled water pipelines. Contra Costa County Refinery Recycled Water Project CCCSD continued efforts to develop a refinery recycled water project that would provide up to 22,500 AFY (20 MG /day) of recycled water to the Shell Martinez Refinery and the Tesoro Refinery for use as cooling tower makeup water and as boiler feedwater. The refineries are currently supplied by CCWD with untreated Delta water via the Contra Costa Canal, which is predominantly supplied by the US Bureau of Reclamation's (USBR) Central Valley Project (CVP). The refinery project is particularly attractive because it represents a large year -round demand for recycled water, and it could potentially make use of existing recycled water conveyance and storage facilities that are already in place from CCCSD's treatment plant to each refinery. The costs of the refinery project could be up to $100 million, depending on whether the entire full scale project is implemented. As a result, CCCSD needs financial assistance and /or project partners to make the project cost - effective. In this regard, CCCSD is actively pursuing federal grant funding through the federal Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) and the Title XVI Program and continues to look for possible sources of state funding. In 2011, CCCSD was awarded an $180,000 Title XVI planning grant from the USBR to fund 50% of the costs to prepare a feasibility study and environmental documentation for the proposed project. The USBR requires the project sponsor to prepare a feasibility study to demonstrate that the proposed project is a viable, well thought -out, and long term source of water that justifies the expenditure of federal funds for construction of the proposed facilities. CCWD has agreed to participate and share local agency cost contributions for the feasibility study. 3 In order to complete the feasibility study, the actual water supply yield and benefits of the project must first be determined. In 2012, CCCSD and CCWD began work on a yield study that will determine the following: 1. How much water the project actually creates (i.e., how much Delta water is freed up by the project) 2. How the water could potentially be used by CCWD or marketed. 3. Who could benefit from the freed up water (or conserved water) and whether a phased approach may be appropriate. The yield study is expected to be completed in 2013, and the results of the study will be reviewed by the USBR. If the findings of the yield study indicate that the project appears to be viable, then CCCSD plans to proceed with completion of the Title XVI feasibility study and environmental documentation. Development of Recycled Water Projects on CCCSD Buffer Properties CCCSD has been exploring options for recycled water projects on vacant buffer land owned by CCCSD near its waste water treatment facilities in Martinez. These options include using recycled water for growing agricultural products as well as the development of a soccer field complex. Several nearby properties already have recycled water supply pipelines on or adjacent to them, which reduces implementation costs. For example, CCCSD is currently evaluating a proposal from a local community organization to develop and operate a demonstration farm /garden on a 33 acre CCCSD owned parcel adjacent to the treatment plant. This innovative proposal includes areas to grow food crops to donate fresh produce to school lunch programs and the Food Bank, as well as community gardening plots. The project would also be used to demonstrate the science and benefits of recycled water and sustainable gardening and farming practices (e.g., avoiding the use of pesticides and other toxic products). The proposed farm project could potentially serve as a model for other wastewater agencies that have available land near their treatment facilities and would like to increase water recycling. Concord Naval Weapons Station Redevelopment The planned redevelopment of the Concord Naval Weapons Station property provides an excellent opportunity to expand recycled water use. In 2009, the City of Concord selected a preferred development plan (Clustered Villages concept) consisting of a mixture of commercial, residential, institutional, and recreational land uses interspersed between parks and open space. This mixture of land uses will create opportunities to use recycled water, not only for landscape irrigation but also for non - potable uses such as toilet flushing and cooling towers in commercial buildings. Recycled water demand for the new development is estimated to be approximately 2,800 AFY (900 MG /year) at build -out. In 2012, CCCSD completed a Recycled Water Facilities Plan for the Naval Weapons Station redevelopment that evaluated alternatives and costs for new recycled water infrastructure needed to meet the anticipated demand. The redevelopment of the property and construction of supporting recycled water infrastructure is not expected to begin for at least five to ten years because of additional planning work that must be completed by the City of 9 Concord and the Navy before property ownership can be transferred from the Navy to the City of Concord and /or a developer. Diablo Country Club Satellite Recycled Water Project In 2012, CCCSD entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Diablo Country Club and EBMUD (the water purveyor) to evaluate construction of a satellite recycled water treatment plant to supply irrigation water to the Club's 18 hole golf course located near Danville. CCCSD would provide wastewater from its sewerage collection system and receive solids returned from the satellite plant. The Diablo Country Club has proposed to finance the capital and operating costs of the satellite plant and own and operate the facilities. A Satellite Recycled Water Treatment Plant Feasibility Study was completed in 2012 by the Country Club with assistance from CCCSD and EBMUD. The study found that the best use of resources to meet long term sustainable water supply needs for the golf course was to utilize a blend of recycled water, ground water, and potable water for irrigation. Further investigations into the regulatory, environmental, and design requirements will be completed in 2013. TRUCK FILL HYDRANT PROGRAM During the last drought in 2009, CCWD recalled its potable hydrant meters to conserve water, and contractors were no longer able to obtain water from potable water hydrants for construction activities and other needs. To help address this problem, CCCSD initiated a truck fill hydrant program in 2009 to provide recycled water to contractors, companies, and public agencies for dust control, compaction, irrigation and other non - potable uses. CCCSD installed a purple recycled water hydrant in Concord near the Interstate 680 /Highway 4 interchange and provided portable hydrant meters to contractors and others who could no longer obtain water from potable water hydrants. Over the last several years the demand for recycled water from CCCSD's truck fill program has been limited due to more normal rainfall conditions and an easing of prior drought restrictions by local water agencies. CCCSD plans to make its truck fill program available to the community as needed to respond to future drought situations. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE UPDATE CCWD field crews have performed maintenance and repair work on CCCSD's recycled water distribution system under contract since 2004. CCWD's cross - connection control specialists also assist CCCSD with cross - connection inspections for new recycled water sites and testing and recertification of existing sites where piping modifications have been made. In 2012, CCCSD completed installation of a new in -line coagulant mixing system at the filter plant to improve filter performance. In 2013, CCCSD plans to continue its efforts to optimize filter plant performance including updating coagulant control systems and cleaning /refurbishing filter media as appropriate. CUSTOMER TRAINING CCCSD has an ongoing customer training program to educate recycled water customers about the precautions and appropriate uses of recycled water and train new Recycled Water 5 Site Supervisors. During annual site inspections, CCCSD provides refresher training to customer staff where needed and verifies that each customer has up to date training materials, including CCCSD's brochures and guidance documents on the proper use of recycled water. In 2013, CCCSD will be updating its customer training program for dual plumbing systems to reflect recent updates to the plumbing code related to recycled water use in interior applications, such as toilet and urinal flushing. REGIONAL ALLIANCES TO DEVELOP RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition Since 2009, CCCSD has been a member of the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition, which is a partnership of 14 agencies committed to developing recycled water as a resource for municipal, industrial, commercial and agricultural uses across the San Francisco Bay Area. The Coalition has enjoyed broad support and will be expanding in 2013 to include agencies outside of the Bay Area, such as the Central Valley, which will strengthen the regional alliance. The Coalition has developed a successful regional approach to pursing recycled water funding and was instrumental in helping CCCSD to secure the Title XVI planning grants for the Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project and the Refinery Project. Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Planning In 2012, CCCSD collaborated with other Bay Area agencies to update the Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan ( IRWMP), which was prepared in 2006. The IRWMP is a nine - county effort to coordinate and improve water supply reliability, protect water quality, manage flood protection, maintain public health standards, protect habitat and watershed resources, and enhance the overall health of the bay. Projects listed in the IRWMP are eligible to apply for state grant money, such as Proposition 84 funding, which is providing grant funding for the Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project. CCCSD recycled water projects that are currently being implemented or may be initiated within the next three to five years have been listed in the latest IRWMP update including the Recycled Water Zone One Project; Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project; and Contra Costa County Refinery Recycled Water Project. SALT AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE On February 3, 2009, the California State Water Resources Control ( SWRCB) adopted a Statewide Recycled Water Policy establishing uniform requirements for the use of recycled water. Among other provisions, the Policy requires regions overlying groundwater basins in the State where recycled water use is occurring and planned for the future to develop a salt and nutrient management plan by May 2014. The SWRCB has indicated it plans to develop a streamlined reporting process by which groundwater basins with limited use of the groundwater resources or those basins which are not likely to have adverse impacts from recycled water irrigation (such as those within CCCSD's service area) can prepare simplified salt and nutrient management plans. Due to the very limited extent that groundwater is used as a potable water supply in CCCSD's service area, it appears that the basins underlying CCCSD's recycled water current and planned service areas would likely qualify for the streamlined reporting process. The specific reporting requirements are currently being N developed by the SWRCB. In the meantime, as part of the Bay Area IRWMP update process, templates are being developed that will allow Bay Area agencies to prepare their salt and nutrient management plans in an efficient and streamlined manner. These templates should be available in 2013 and will be used by CCCSD as a basis to develop a site specific plan for CCCSD's limited use groundwater basins. LIMITS TO EXPANSION OF RECYCLED WATER The Board of Directors of CCCSD has consistently expressed an interest in maximizing recycled water opportunities. However, there are many institutional and financial impediments that are outside the control of CCCSD. On the institutional side, CCCSD must work with the potable water purveyors in our service area and either wholesale recycled water to them or obtain their permission to purvey recycled water. Some Northern California potable water purveyors assert they have significant sunk costs in existing facilities, and contend the California duplication of services law allows them to recoup stranded costs if recycled water is made available. Although recycled water producers may dispute the applicability of this law, the issue can add another institutional barrier and significant additional costs to recycled water projects. In addition, even when institutional issues are overcome, the cost to construct new recycled water treatment and conveyance facilities can be high. For example, recycled water projects often require construction of pipelines through congested urban areas, or require additional treatment facilities to increase capacity. When all of these costs are added together, the unit cost of recycled water can exceed the cost of other available, but less- sustainable, water supplies. Although recycled water projects may have substantial additional quantifiable benefits versus conventional alternatives, additional sources of funding are needed to make recycled water projects more competitive with other alternatives available to local water purveyors. The limited availability of state and federal funding for recycled water projects in the past has restricted the growth of CCCSD's recycled water program. Despite these challenges, CCCSD is increasing recycled water use in the Bay Area by developing new recycled water projects where economically and financially viable. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report Facility: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Water Reuse Program Order: 96 -011 Report Due Date: March 15, 2013 Period Covered by this Report:_ January 1, 2012 to December 31 2012 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments are prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there a . nificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine nd im nsonment for ing violations. `- - 2/67-//-z Signatur6-of Official Douglas J. Craig, P.E. Interim Director of Plant Operations f:] Date CONSERVING OUR RESOURCES FIGURE 1 RECYCLED WATER AT WORK I -47 10 RES'lli-A00M FIGURE 1 RECYCLED WATER AT WORK Ir_ 44ASI SUMMARY OF RECYCLED WATER USAGE Calendar Year: 2012 Reuse Application Category No. of Sites Area Applied Acres Amount Distributed (MG) % of Total Reuse Flow Landscape Irrigation 28 192 181.3 30.2 Parks 5 22 17.6 2.9 Golf Courses 2 110 110.2 18.3 Green Belts 8 1 1.6 0.3 Schools 4 52 45.7 7.6 Other 9 7 6.1 1.0 Agriculture 0 0 0.0 0.0 Vineyards 0 0 0.0 0.0 Other 0 0 0.0 0.0 Industrial (1) 6 N/A 418.7 69.7 Cooling 0 0 0.0 0.0 Other 6 N/A 418.7 69.7 Environmental Enhancement (2) 0 0 0.0 0.0 Dual Plumbing (3) 1 1 0.7 0.1 Total (4) 35 193 600.7 100 Notes: 1. Industrial recycled water use: concrete manufacturing, dust control, construction water, truck washing, truck fill hydrant, and treatment plant site. 2. Environmental Enhancement includes wildlife habitat, wetland /marsh applications, etc. 3. Dual Plumbing: Animal Shelter (interior use and landscape irrigation). Table 2 Monthly Report on Recycled Water -- Calendar Year 2012 CUSTOMERS Total for JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Calendar (All readings in gallons) 2012 Conco 36,241 36,465 32,635 43,489 46,286 41,334 49,016 66,961 49,854 33,929 54,065 34,460 524,737 CC Topsoil 43,833 29,172 37,400 71,958 160,970 185,953 219,089 239,285 186,701 80,934 25,582 150 1,281,025 CC County Corp Yard 8,976 2,992 2,244 3,740 77,792 151,844 127,160 100,232 200,464 192,984 53,856 12,716 935,000 CC County Animal Shelter 21,300 17,400 25,246 69,450 48,000 114,039 107,069 89,156 88,203 92,370 55,197 13,396 740,827 Pacheco (Seasons) Cemetery` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Quarry Products 250,580 166,804 207,944 270,028 724,064 764,456 857,956 993,344 727,056 514,624 260,304 124,168 5,861,328 Buchanan Fields Golf Course 425,986 67,544 95,819 425,238 4,702,377 5,357,849 5,865,218 5,734,467 3,075,103 1,229,562 56,848 14,062 27,050,074 Contra Costa Blvd. - City of PH Median 0 5,236 4,488 2,992 29,172 27,676 32,164 35,156 27,676 10,472 0 0 175,032 Chilpancingo Parkway - City of PH Median 17,204 11,220 0 2,992 9,724 8,228 17,204 17,952 6,732 748 0 2,992 94,996 Chilpancingo Park - PH Park & Rec 14,960 9,724 0 47,124 142,868 132,396 115,940 150,348 85,272 53,856 0 0 752,488 Medians - Golf Club /Old Quarry Road Meter No. 1 - Safeway Parking Lot 748 0 0 0 2,992 6,732 7,480 1,496 2,244 748 0 0 22,440 2 - Church 2,992 0 0 6,732 28,424 45,628 74,052 117,436 58,344 42,636 25,432 0 401,676 3 - Upper GC Road 0 0 0 6,732 14,960 35,156 39,644 44,880 21,692 12,716 4,488 0 180,268 4 - DVC tennis courts 0 0 0 2,992 20,944 47,124 92,004 104,720 19,448 23,188 8,976 0 319,396 Diablo Valley College (less Stubbs Rd.) 731,619 448,800 432,120 1,068,518 3,392,629 3,902,316 3,961,632 4,173,316 3,451,796 1,888,700 505,798 189,020 24,146,263 Stubbs Road Triplexes 17,952 11,968 14,212 55,352 110,704 90,508 124,916 127,160 86,020 59,840 67,320 20,944 786,896 Taylor Blvd /Civic Drive Medians - City of PH 7,480 0 0 0 41,888 72,556 80,784 83,028 62,084 73,304 25,432 0 446,556 City Landscaping Taylor Blvd /Ruth Drive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC Country Club Golf Course 1,092,080 205,700 0 2,632,960 15,483,600 15,588,320 16,852,440 18,232,500 9,780,100 3,309,900 0 0 83,177,600 Viking Drive Landscaping - City of PH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Valley View MS and College Park HS 109,208 47,872 69,564 178,772 1,517,692 1,798,940 1,564,068 1,528,164 1,096,568 647,768 94,248 23,188 8,676,052 City of Pleasant Hill Corporation Yard 3,740 1,496 2,244 4,488 20,944 28,424 52,360 50,116 19,448 10,472 5,984 2,244 201,960 Pleasant Hill Police Department 24,684 33,660 26,180 66,572 228,140 265,540 323,884 255,068 211,684 98,736 2,244 0 1,536,392 Pleasant Hill Community Center and Frank Salfingere Park 103,374 50,116 31,790 90,209 395,617 376,094 386,417 345,950 328,372 83,252 14,287 224 2,205,702 Pleasant Hill Park, Gregory Lane 131,648 98,736 105,468 319,396 1,401,752 1,227,468 1,202,784 1,453,364 1,367,344 561,000 361,284 33,660 8,263,904 Sequoia Schools 216,920 157,080 157,080 7,480 1,028,500 1,103,300 938,740 1,107,040 890,120 811,580 153,340 0 6,571,180 Pleasant Hill Middle School 93,500 56,100 22,440 11,220 635,800 1,196,800 1,926,100 957,440 811,580 482,460 134,640 0 6,328,080 Pleasant Hill Demonstration Garden 8,976 2,244 5,984 5,984 17,204 18,700 36,652 72,556 33,660 20,196 748 0 222,904 Pleasant Oaks Park 183,260 138,380 97,240 374,000 1,021,020 953,700 932,008 1,469,072 579,700 374,000 59,840 0 6,182,220 Hydrant Sales 0 0 1 0 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 172 Subtotal - Recycled Water Sales 3,547,260 1,598,709 1,370,099 5,768,417 31,304,234 33,541,082 35,986,781 37,550,208 23,267,264 10,709,976 1,969,912 471,224 187,085,168 HHW Drop -Off Facility 19,448 22,440 35,156 46,376 392,700 318,648 439,824 638,044 228,140 160,820 23,188 0 2,324,784 Maltby Pumping Station 1,860 1,740 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,800 1,860 21,960 4737 Imhoff Place (warehouse) 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,448 17,204 2,244 2,244 748 0 41,888 4838 Imhoff Place (HOB Annex) 2,992 0 0 2,244 41,140 38,148 53,856 58,344 32,164 33,660 6,732 0 269,280 Subtotal - District Remote Sites**l 24,3001 24,180 37,016 50,420 435,700 358,596 514,988 715,452 264,348 198,584 32,468 1,860 2,657,912 GRAND TOTALS 3,571,5601 1,622,889 1,407,115 5,818,837 31,739,934 33,899,678 36,501,769 38,265,660 23,531,612 10,908,560 2,002,380 473,084 189,743,080 *Not in operation during this reporting period * *Does not include use on treatment plant site of approximately 411 million gallons per year 12 Figure 2 MALTBY PUMP STATION N O \ ✓ m A 4 "REW � r� \ 10 "AEW i CC TOPSOIL Ro c EnawEU r' COUNTY CORP. (N, COU TY 0 YARD QUAR Y �\ _ BLUM VIEW —� ies ESTATES (PENDING) 2,PEV+ gpiN O SEASON'S —� CEMETERY �O • COUNTY ANIMA L /� TREATMENT SERVICES HHWFJ PLANT CCCSD WAREHOUSE�� • �� HOB ANNEX Nay ))) III IN PLANT USE; J Uv ��— TRUCK FILL HYDRANT 9 II � _ GF v 11 � 000 CONTRA COSTA COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE JTRA COSTA-,,,- D MEDIANS PANCINGO m' BLVD MEDIANS GOLF CLUB / "OLD QUARRY ROAD MEDIANS CHILPANCINGC PAR 8" REW STUBBS RD—' • TRIPLEXES � CAMPUS VIKING ,`VALLEY VIEW & DRIVE U ,, COLLEGE PARK SCHOOLS P.H. CORP. \ • YARD P.H.POLICE TAYLOR /CIVIC DEPT 1 l MEDIANS B� l F. SALFINGERE� /` �Q PARK CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT AREA DI I! IJAAIAAI nog nc n 0 O ♦ 9'Q �'p♦ TAYLOR BLVD /RUTH DRIB LANDSCAPING � N a 0 2000 4000 a D 0 FEET Ej CCCSD RECYCLED m �C P.H. PARK GREGORY LN�' WATER SYSTEM o L IA H LE E RY i MSEQU IDDLE c� S SCHQOL PIPELINE LEGEND C PL ANT IL III � EXISTING O GA E ��. PLANNED EXTENSION P Q S II�o C M APPROBMATBOUNDARY R M L E III �� �J �0 S ® LOCATIONSCUSTOMER ' I\ CONCORD LANDSCAPE AREA a 26- JAN -2012 10 :33 K:A spclmaps\ mappinq ArecwcAboard_new_ineO6_MOD.dgn 13 \vI„ ` i, qv" ,< L06011 / TABLE 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JANUARY 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE NTU Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 1/1/2012 <2 6.24 4.40 1.61 59 1/2/2012 <2 3.32 3.80 1.75 85 1/3/2012 <2 2.89 3.80 1.60 149 1/4/2012, <2 3.29 4.00 1.33 182 1/5/2012 <2 2.08 3.80 1.22 439 1/16/2012 <2 3.77 3.20 1.48 89 1/7/2012 <2 4.64 3.20 1.56 96 1/8/2012 <2 3.55 3.90 1.59 43 1/9/2012 <2 6.15 3.80 1.67 70 1/10/2012 <2 5.95 4.20 1.55 254 1/11/2012 <2 7.10 4.00 1.27 87 1/12/2012 <2 6.59 4.00 1.46 228 1/13/2012 <2 6.64 4.40 1.44 458 1/14/2012 <2 4.98 6.00 1.14 426 1/15/2012 <2 5.53 4.65 1.28 96 1/16/2012 <2 5.55 3.50 1.31 119 1/17/2012 <2 6.20 6.50 1.28 68 1/18/2012 <2 5.52 3.00 1.24 68 1/19/2012 <2 6.69 4.60 1.40 85 1/20/2012 <2 7.03 4.80 1.40 57 1/21/2012 <2 5.98 4.60 1.47 51 1/22/2012 <2 5.80 4.50 1.84 48 1/23/2012 <2 6.50 4.55 1.77 52 1/24/2012 <2 7.63 4.50 1.78 29 1/25/2012, <2 7.70 3.80 1.59 40 1/26/2012 <2 7.06 4.00 1.48 49 1/27/2012 <2 5.94 4.40 1.36 39 1/28/2012 <2 6.38 4.80 1.42 56 1 /29/2012 <2 6.39 4.20 1.25 41 1 /30/2012 <2 7.38 4.00 1.37 50 1 /31 /2012 <2 6.72 3.60 1.25 50 Minimum <2 2.08 3.00 1.14 29 Maximum <2 7.70 6.50 1.84 458 Average <2 5.72 4.21 1.46 118 14 TABLE 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS FEBRUARY 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE NTU Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 2/1/2012 <2 6.69 3.50 1.34 52 2/2/2012 <2 7.50 3.60 1.42 73 2/3/2012 <2 7.01 3.20 1.35 97 2/4/2012 <2 5.86 3.00 1.45 99 2/5/2012 <2 5.98 3.60 1.60 55 2/6/2012 <2 6.59 3.30 1.67 66 2/7/2012 <2 6.45 3.40 1.82 62 2/8/2012 <2 6.73 3.80 1.83 43 2/9/2012 <2 6.36 3.40 1.69 56 2/10/2012 <2 6.38 2.60 1.65 50 2/11 /2012 <2 6.04 5.60 1.71 75 2/12/2012 <2 5.95 4.70 1.63 43 2/13/2012 <2 6.26 5.10 1.50 51 2/14/2012 <2 6.82 5.30 1.46 45 2/15/2012 <2 7.05 4.40 1.40 31 2/16/2012 <2 6.78 5.00 1.48 40 2/17/2012 <2 7.13 4.00 1.44 30 2/18/2012 <2 4.90 4.20 1.57 53 2/19/2012 <2 5.48 4.10 1.51 37 2/20/2012 <2 5.26 3.70 1.59 45 2/21/2012, <2 7.20 4.60 1.80 47 2/22/2012 <2 6.80 3.90 1.68 60 2/23/2012 <2 7.14 3.20 1.68 83 2/24/2012 <2 7.43 4.20 1.47 67 2/25/2012 <2 5.94 5.00 1.35 226 2/26/2012 <2 6.17 2.50 1.36 55 2/27/2012 <2 7.49 2.00 1.62 60 2/28/2012 <2 7.11 3.00 1.52 94 2/29/2012 <2 6.48 3.50 1.53 51 Minimum <2 4.90 2.00 1.34 30 Maximum <2 7.50 5.60 1.83 226 Average <2 6.52 3.84 1.56 64 15 TABLE 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS MARCH 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 3/1/2012 <2 6.01 3.00 1.43 36 3/2/2012 <2 5.96 2.80 1.36 42 313/2012 <2 5.26 3.40 1.43 40 3/4/2012 <2 5.81 3.60 1.52 53 3/5/2012 <2 7.48 2.20 1.58 46 316/2012 <2 6.74 4.40 1.56 69 3/7/2012 <2 6.80 3.00 1.51 39 3/8/2012 <2 6.23 2.60 1.54 109 3/9/2012 <2 5.70 3.40 1.57 64 3/10/2012 <2 5.46 3.00 1.54 82 3/11 12012 <2 6.26 3.60 1.50 67 3/12/2012 <2 7.30 2.80 1.32 53 3/13/2012 <2 5.72 3.40 1.47 104 3/14/2012 <2 6.62 3.20 1.49 44 3/15/2012 <2 5.47 3.40 1.46* 45 3/16/2012 <2 7.54 3.20 1.11 28 3/17/2012 <2 5.84 5.40 1.46 49 3/1812012 <2 6.08 4.70 1.34 37 3/1912012 <2 5.30 3.80 1.15 36 3/20/2012 <2 5.15 3.75 1.26 30 3/21/2012 <2 5.19 2.40 1.30 388 3/2212012 <2 5.46 2.60 1.39 556 3/23/2012 <2 6.93 3.60 1.47 119 3/24/2012 <2 5.61 3.60 1.52 48 3/25/2012 <2 6.43 4.20 1.55 22 3/26/2012 <2 7.40 4.00 1.57 19 3/27/2012 <2 7.03 3.30 1.56 34 3/28/2012 <2 7.00 4.00 1.46 27 3/29/2012 <2 5.48 3.60 1.50 27 3/30/2012 <2 6.35 3.40 1.42 28 3/31/20121 <2 5.29 1 3.80 1.46 28 Minimum <2 5.15 2.20 1.11 19 Maximum <2 7.54 5.40 1.58 556 Aver. a <2 6.17 3.49 1.45 79 * = There were no turbidity readings between 1 pm to 8pm due to computer system maintenance. However, grab samples collected during the day indicated that turbidity was in compliance. 16 TABLE 6 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS APRIL 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 4/1/2012 <2 5.86 3.90 1.56 18 4/2/2012 <2 7.28 3.80 1.67 18 4/3/2012 <2 8.10 3.00 1.74 25 4/4/2012 <2 6.98 3.40 1.56 30 4/5/2012 <2 6.73 3.40 1.65 58 4/6/2012 <2 5.69 3.50 1.80 43 4/7/2012 <2 5.39 3.00 1.73 52 4/8/2012 <2 5.76 3.30 1.63 52 4/9/2012 <2 5.42 4.20 1.28 31 4/10/2012 <2 6.54 3.10 1.19 63 4/11/2012 <2 7.20 4.40 1.15 51 4/12/2012 <2 6.29 3.40 1.10 51 4/13/2012 <2 6.83 3.40 0.83 29 4/14/2012 <2 5.76 4.00 1.09 29 4/15/2012 <2 6.22 3.80 1.56 25 4/16/2012 <2 6.74 2.30 1.44 26 4/17/2012 <2 6.80 2.40 1.41 47 4/18/2012 <2 6.64 3.40 1.52 64 4/19/2012 <2 5.91 3.40 1.55 95 4/20/2012 <2 7.02 4.00 1.52 106 4/21/2012 <2 6.48 7.20 1.33 260 4/22/2012 <2 6.48 2.90 1.22 188 4/23/2012 <2 6.20 3.90 1.00 432 4/24/2012 <2 6.85 4.60 1.45 323 4/25/2012 <2 6.56 4.60 1.64 121 4/26/2012 <2 6.82 3.40 1.37 358 4/27/2012 <2 5.42 3.80 1.47 93 4/28/2012 <2 6.32 4.20 1.43 413 4/29/2012 <2 6.23 2.90 1.59 78 4/30/2012 <2 5.40 3.10 1.60 461 Minimum <2 5.39 2.30 0.83 18 Maximum <2 8.10 7.20 1.80 461 Average <2 6.42 3.65 1.43 125 IN TABLE 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS MAY 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE NTU Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 5/1/2012 <2 5.62 2.40 1.67 210 5/2/2012 <2 5.32 4.30 1.75 539 5/3/2012 <2 6.36 2.60 1.65 292 5/4/2012 <2 7.14 3.00 1.4 484 5/5/2012 <2 5.96 2.00 1.42 322 5/6/2012 <2 5.22 3.00 1.35 263 5/7/2012 <2 5.24 2.70 1.41 683 5/8/2012 <2 6.60 3.00 1.43 579 5/9/2012 <2 6.10 2.80 1.61 810 5/10/2012 <2 4.92 2.00 1.4 629 5/11/2012 <2 5.42 4.10 1.4 648 5/12/2012 <2 5.47 4.60 1.45 778 5/13/2012 <2 5.35 4.00 1.42 698 5/14/2012 <2 5.37 3.10 1.16 334 5/15/2012 <2 5.15 2.20 1.19 651 5/16/2012 <2 6.17 3.10 1.5 705 5/17/2012 <2 4.01 2.10 1.49 646 5/18/2012 <2 2.38 3.30 1.35 661 5/19/2012 <2 2.04 5.00 1.23 762 5/20/2012 <2 2.98 4.20 1.33 497 5/21/2012 <2 3.35 3.60 1.47 724 5/22/2012 <2 3.99 4.10 1.24 868 5/23/2012 <2 2.01 3.45 1.22 724 5/24/2012 <2 6.36 4.40 1.29 727 5/25/2012 <2 2.45 3.60 1.53 701 5/26/2012 <2 1.90 3.20 1.38 907 5/27/2012 <2 2.85 6.10 1.33 721 5/28/2012 <2 2.48 4.50 1.44 726 5/29/2012 <2 5.28 3.40 1.48 463 5/30/2012 <2 5.82 6.40 1.47 782 5/31 /2012 <2 6.42 5.01 1.59 673 Minimum <2 1.90 2.00 1.16 210 Maximum <2 7.14 6.40 1.75 907 Average <2 4.70 3.59 1.42 620 18 TABLE 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JUNE 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE NTU Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 6/1/2012 <2 2.56 3.20 1.43 631 6/2/2012 <2 3.60 3.20 1.41 840 6/3/2012 <2 2.71 3.60 1.48 832 6/4/2012 <2 2.47 3.40 1.46 699 6/5/2012 <2 5.49 3.20 1.44 633 6/6/2012 <2 5.26 2.20 1.49 752 6/7/2012 <2 5.37 2.20 1.42 778 6/8/2012 <2 3.48 3.50 1.44 676 6/9/2012 <2 2.05 4.20 1.47 787 6/10/2012 <2 3.24 4.10 1.57 789 6/11/2012 <2 2.81 7.00 1.58 725 6/12/2012 <2 4.87 4.60 1.42 789 6/13/2012 <2 5.46 4.40 1.33 885 6/14/2012 <2 2.80 4.60 1.44 1047 6/15/2012 <2 2.10 2.80 1.42 809 6/16/2012 <2 4.56 3.40 1.38 899 6/17/2012 <2 2.62 3.30 1.42 1035 6/18/2012 <2 5.01 3.40 1.47 1205 6/19/2012 <2 3.12 2.90 1.51 745 6/20/2012 <2 2.26 3.20 1.45 698 6/21/2012 <2 1.55 2.10 1.18 814 6/22/2012 <2 3.67 3.80 1.11 902 6/23/2012 <2 3.85 5.00 1.11 860 6/24/2012 <2 2.56 4.40 0.96 645 6/25/2012 <2 2.58 3.45 0.87 1057 6/26/2012 <2 3.45 3.80 0.88 839 6/27/2012 <2 2.63 4.20 1.01 828 6/28/2012 <2 1.84 3.40 1.08 838 6/29/2012 <2 5.50 3.40 1.05 698 6/30/2012 <2 2.12 2.40 1.23 948 Minimum <2 1.55 2.10 0.87 631 Maximum <2 5.50 7.00 1.58 1205 Average <2 3.39 3.61 1.32 823 m TABLE 9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JULY 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 7/1/2012 <2 2.45 6.7 1.35 1136 7/2/2012 <2 2.55 4.2 1.23 542 7/3/2012 <2 4.22 5.2 1.17 797 7/4/2012 <2 1.95 2.8 1.23 803 7/5/2012 <2 2.14 4.1 1.38 554 7/6/2012 <2 4.25 2.2 1.44 1226 7/7/2012 <2 2.68 7 1.41 845 7/8/2012 <2 2.47 4.8 1.46 740 7/9/2012 <2 2.73 3.8 1.44 754 7/10/2012 <2 2.67 2.2 1.45 828 7/11/2012 <2 5.42 7 1.28 831 7/12/2012 <2 2.59 3 1.05 756 7/13/2012 <2 2.37 4.6 1.06 739 7/14/2012 <2 2.78 3.2 1.02 827 7/15/2012 <2 2.77 3.4 1.04 862 7/16/2012 <2 3.33 3.8 1.1 700 7/17/2012 2 2.53 3.5 1.13 1106 7/18/2012 <2 2.99 5.1 1.2 1404 7/19/2012 <2 2.36 3.1 1.31 698 7/20/2012 <2 1.07 2.9 1.33 781 7/21/2012 <2 1.29 4.7 1.38 843 7/22/2012 <2 2.1 3.8 1.42 536 7/23/2012 <2 6.25 5.5 1.42 884 7/24/2012 <2 2.1 3.35 1.6 567 7/25/2012 <2 2.24 3 1.53 993 7/26/2012 <2 1.84 3.75 1.39 776 7/27/2012 <2 2.31 5.7 1.36 1280 7/28/2012 <2 2.58 5.2 1.48 740 7/29/2012 <2 2.21 5 1.64 582 7/30/2012 <2 2.57 4.15 1.45 673 7/31 /2012 <2 2.01 5.8 1.33 1496 Minimum <2 1.07 2.20 1.02 536 Maximum 2 6.25 7.00 1.64 1496 Average <2 2.70 4.28 1.33 848 20 TABLE 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS AUGUST 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE NTU Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 8/1/2012 <2 1.99 3.45 1.52 600 8/2/2012 <2 1.83 3.70 1.6 796 8/3/2012 <2 1.70 3.15 1.47 874 8/4/2012 <2 2.33 9.00 1.45 921 8/5/2012 <2 3.28 5.30 1.36 854 8/6/2012 <2 5.92 3.20 1.51 531 8/7/2012 <2 2.94 5.32 1.49 938 8/8/2012 <2 3.42 3.75 1.47 857 8/9/2012 <2 2.72 3.40 1.42 780 8/10/2012 <2 2.70 4.45 1.36 782 8/11/2012 <2 2.79 5.00 1.37 1333 8/12/2012 <2 2.70 3.40 1.49 466 8/13/2012 <2 1.82 3.00 1.55 1038 8/14/2012 <2 1.74 3.20 1.59 816 8/15/2012 <2 2.14 3.40 1.53 830 8/16/2012 <2 1.98 2.30 1.57 750 8/17/2012 <2 2.35 4.60 1.62 762 8/18/2012 <2 3.47 7.60 1.67 759 8/19/2012 <2 2.49 3.50 1.52 512 8/20/2012 <2 3.45 4.45 1.47 1302 8/21/2012 <2 3.02 3.45 1.45 482 8/22/2012 <2 2.60 4.00 1.47 703 8/23/2012 <2 1.88 3.95 1.33 650 8/24/2012 <2 1.91 2.75 1.31 748 8/25/2012 <2 2.19 2.40 1.43 737 8/26/2012 <2 1.96 6.10 1.37 782 8/27/2012 <2 2.01 2.60 1.42 639 8/28/2012 <2 3.37 3.70 1.54 834 8/29/2012 <2 3.64 5.85 1.57 768 8/30/2012 <2 2.79 4.80 1.58 377 8/31/20121 <2 1 2.30 1 6.10 1.48 1301 Minimum <2 1.70 2.30 1.31 377 Maximum <2 5.92 9.00 1.67 1333 Average <2 2.63 4.22 1.48 791 21 TABLE 11 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS SEPTEMBER 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On-Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity NTU Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 9/1/2012 <2 2.30 6.20 1.54 443 9/2/2012 <2 3.27 6.60 1.39 604 9/3/2012 <2 2.29 4.40 1.37 584 9/4/2012 <2 3.70 4.10 1.39 1295 9/5/2012 <2 2.30 3.30 1.44 412 9/6/2012 <2 1.81 2.60 1.41 674 9/7/2012 <2 1.80 4.10 1.37 639 9/8/2012 <2 3.23 4.00 1.27 540 9/9/2012 <2 2.00 4.90 1.74 535 9/10/2012 <2 5.78 3.30 1.79 678 9/11/2012 <2 3.08 3.50 1.62 696 9/12/2012 <2 3.93 3.75 1.41 670 9/13/2012 <2 1.72 3.00 1.32 651 9/14/2012 <2 4.49 4.20 1.25 406 9/15/2012 <2 3.02 5.80 1.26 547 9116/2012 <2 2.72 4.00 1.19 465 9/17/2012 <2 2.83 3.05 1.14 706 9/18/2012 <2 4.13 6.20 1.19 648 9/19/2012 <2 3.37 4.50 1.46 664 9/20/2012 <2 3.13 3.15 1.46 617 9/21/2012 <2 3.96 5.60 1.3 642 9/22/2012 <2 1.68 4.30 1.27 597 9/23/2012 <2 2.33 5.80 1.26 571 9/24/2012 <2 3.24 6.10 1.35 732 9/25/2012 <2 2.89 3.00 1.42 651 9/26/2012 <2 2.83 3.80 1.32 723 9/27/2012 <2 2.16 4.25 1.28 520 9/28/2012 <2 2.09 4.75 1.05 382 9/29/2012 <2 1.70 5.00 1.06 619 9/30/2012 <2 1.40 5.20 1.29 433 Minimum <2 1.40 2.60 1.05 382 Maximum <2 5.78 6.60 1.79 1295 Average <2 2.84 4.42 1.35 611 22 TABLE 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS OCTOBER 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity NTU Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 10/1/2012 <2 3.02 4.00 1.47 365 10/2/2012 <2 3.68 7.10 1.4 575 10/3/2012 <2 4.57 4.30 1.29 1092 10/4/2012 <2 4.21 2.80 1.34 483 10/5/2012 <2 2.07 5.40 1.21 269 10/6/2012 <2 1.21 4.00 1.33 722 10/7/2012 <2 1.28 5.90 1.25 448 10/8/2012 <2 2.29 4.00 1.16 304 10/9/2012 <2 2.84 4.10 1.15 681 10/10/2012 <2 2.88 9.40 1.18 368 10/11/2012 <2 1.82 1.50 1.09 392 10/12/2012 <2 1.26 2.90 1.22 195 10/13/2012 <2 1.72 6.20 1.19 515 10/14/2012 <2 1.81 7.00 1.14 403 10/15/2012 <2 3.03 3.60 1.22 251 10/16/2012 <2 1.30 5.75 1.26 455 10/17/2012 <2 3.24 3.25 1.24 368 10/18/2012 <2 2.88 4.85 1.27 442 10/19/2012 <2 1.68 4.60 1.21 274 10/20/2012 <2 2.38 4.20 1.35 743 10/21/2012 <2 1.61 3.80 1.43 242 10/22/2012 <2 3.14 3.10 1.44 171 10/23/2012 <2 1.55 4.10 1.27 50 10/24/2012 <2 1.52 4.10 0.85 78 10/25/2012 <2 1.37 3.90 1.1 35 10/26/2012 <2 3.66 3.40 1.49 53 10/27/2012 <2 0.9 ' 4.40 1.46 88 10/28/2012 <2 0.94 ' 3.80 1.57 154 10/29/2012 <2 1.14 2.85 1.7 103 10/30/2012 <2 0.92 ' 4.70 1.58 114 10/31/2012 <2 2.95 2.40 1.47 147 Minimum <2 0.90 1.50 0.85 35 Maximum <2 4.57 9.40 1.70 743 Avera a <2 2.22 4.37 1.30 300 * = Sulfide Not Detected 23 TABLE 13 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS NOVEMBER 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On -Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 11/1/2012 <2 4.08 3.80 1.42 74 11/2/2012 <2 2.13 3.80 1.43 66 11/3/2012 <2 1.67 6.40 1.49 41 11/4/2012 <2 1.09 4.40 1.55 61 11/5/2012 <2 1.42 2.60 1.40 66 11/6/2012 <2 3.21 5.40 1.29 68 11/7/2012 <2 3.15 3.90 1.23 72 11/8/2012 <2 2.29 3.50 1.29 91 11/9/2012 <2 1.39 4.00 1.26 91 11/10/2012 <2 1.80 3.60 1.19 56 11/11/2012 <2 3.19 3.70 1.16 71 11/12/2012 2 2.45 4.85 0.83 65 11/13/2012 <2 2.60 3.30 0.90 57 11/14/2012 <2 2.74 3.00 0.94 107 11/15/2012 <2 2.54 3.35 0.92 80 11/16/2012 <2 3.92 4.20 0.78 49 11/17/2012 <2 4.26 5.40 0.80 72 11/18/2012 <2 3.36 4.80 0.82 54 11/19/2012 <2 3.08 4.45 0.83 40 11/20/2012 <2 2.88 4.50 0.88 31 11/21/2012 <2 2.75 5.80 0.97 39 11/22/2012 <2 3.12 4.70 0.99 27 11/23/2012 <2 2.74 4.10 0.96 30 11/24/2012 <2 2.31 4.90 0.97 38 11/25/2012 <2 1.63 5.20 1.03 51 11/26/2012 <2 1.70 4.80 1.00 37 11/27/2012 <2 1.25 6.30 1.07 33 11/28/2012 <2 2.55 8.20 1.21 56 11/29/2012 <2 2.26 3.20 1.20 30 11/30/2012 <2 1.45 3.00 1.10 41 Minimum <2 1.09 2.60 0.78 27 Maximum 2 4.26 8.20 1.55 107 Average <2 2.50 4.44 1.10 56 24 TABLE 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS DECEMBER 2012 Date Total Coliform MPN per 100 ml Dissolved Oxygen mg /L Chlorine Residual mg /L Hach On-Line Meter Daily AVE Turbidity NTU Daily Average Recycle Flow GPM 12/1/2012 <2 1.65 4.40 0.96 27 12/2/2012 <2 1.48 3.90 1.05 31 12/3/2012 <2 1.15 5.30 1.08 19 12/4/2012 <2 2.04 4.70 1.17 30 12/5/2012 <2 2.69 3.10 0.9 38 12/6/2012 <2 2.84 3.40 1.06 23 12/7/2012 <2 1.84 3.30 1.19 32 12/8/2012 <2 2.14 3.00 1.21 26 12/9/2012 <2 1.24 3.40 1.14 28 12/10/2012 <2 2.44 3.00 1.09 18 12/11/2012 <2 1.36 2.20 1.09 23 12/12/2012 <2 1.51 3.80 1.07 34 12/13/2012 <2 2.20 4.20 0.97 20 12/14/2012 <2 2.48 3.30 1.11 38 12/15/2012 <2 1.49 3.80 1.26 27 12/16/2012 <2 1.12 5.20 1.26 24 12/17/2012 <2 1.56 3.60 1.26 20 12/18/2012 <2 3.32 4.60 1.23 25 12/19/2012 <2 4.25 4.20 1.46 31 12/20/2012 <2 2.61 3.40 1.46 28 12/21/2012 <2 2.10 3.20 1.43 40 12/22/2012 <2 2.74 5.40 1.04 25 12/23/2012 <2 3.16 4.30 1.05 24 12/24/2012 <2 3.31 5.10 1.4 21 12/25/2012 <2 4.12 3.40 1.46 26 12/26/2012 <2 3.28 4.20 1.27 39 12/27/2012 <2 3.20 4.00 1.28 33 12/28/2012 <2 3.02 4.00 1.3 20 12/29/2012 <2 3.59 4.30 1.31 18 12/30/2012 <2 3.61 5.20 1.14 18 12/31/2012 <2 4.36 4.00 1.21 18 Minimum <2 1.12 2.20 0.90 18 Maximum <2 4.36 5.40 1.46 40 Average <2 2.51 3.96 1.19 27 25 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Buchanan Fields Golf Course Location of Site: 1091 Concord Ave, Concord. Inspection Date: 08 -24 -12 Customer Representative Present: Leopoldo Lopez, Maintenance Superintendent Application of Recycled Water at Site: Golf course irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No N/A • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ /1 ■ /1 ■ Z ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ ■ /1 ■ .1 ■ ■ .1 = ■ /1 ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Provided an updated laminated recycled water use permit. Installed new purple locating stake at meter box. Located and uncovered meter isolation valve. Inspector's Signature: Date: 08 -24 -12 ® Recycled Paper 26 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5079 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 945534392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Headquarters Office Bldg. (HOB) and Annex, Imhoff Place, Martinez Inspection Date: 09 -11 -12 Customer Representative Present: Alfredo Romero, New Image Landscaping Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 09 -11 -12 N(, ,,,1ed Pan, 27 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, 4797 Imhoff PI, Martinez Inspection Date: 09 -11 -12 Customer Representative Present: Alfredo Romero, New Image Landscaping Application of Recycled Water at Site: landscape irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* El 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: 1 6 — Date: 09 -11 -12 ® Recycled Paper 28 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Maltby Pumping Station Inspection Date: 08 -23 -12 Customer Representative Present: Leo Gonzales, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Seal water for pumps and wash down hose Weather conditions: sunny Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ❑ ❑* 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: l " . Date: 08 -23 -12 ® Recycled Paper 29 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Treatment Plant Site, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez Inspection Date: 09 -11 -12 Customer Representative Present: Alfredo Romero, New Image Landscaping Application of Recycled Water at Site: landscape irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ® ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: � Date 09 -11 -12 ® Recycled Paper Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Warehouse, 4737 Imhoff Place, Martinez Inspection Date: 09 -11 -12 Customer Representative Present: Alfredo Romero, New Image Landscaping Application of Recycled Water at Site: landscape irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5 6 7 9. 10 11 12. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No N/A E ■ ■ E ■ ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ .1 ■ E ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ ■ Z ■ I■■■�►�', ■ .1 ■I All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: ( Date: 09 -11 -12 31 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: City of Pleasant Hill Location of Site Inspection Date ration Yard 7/31/12 Customer Representative Present: Michael Moore, Maintenance Manager Application of Recycled Water at Site: Truck fill station for landscape median irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ® ❑* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ❑ ❑* 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Added recycled water sign to inside of fence adjacent to Valley View Middle School. Inspector's Signature: Date: 7/31/12 ® R,cyded Paper 32 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: City of Pleasant Hill Location of Site: Medians ( #1 -4 on Golf Club Rd, Old Quarry Rd, Contra Costa Blvd, Chilpancingo Pkwy, Taylor Blvd /Civic Dr); Viking Dr landscaping, and Taylor Blvd /Ruth Dr landscaping Inspection Date: 9/6/2012 Customer Representative Present: Barry Milliken, Lead Gardener Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Installed recycled water sign for median at east end of Golf Club Rd. near 7 -11 store. Inspector's Signature: _ Date: 9/6/2012 ® Recycled Paper 33 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: City of Pleasant Hill Location of Site: Pleasant Hill Police Station (330 Civic Drive) Inspection Date: 12 -10 -12 Customer Representative Present: Michael Moore, Maintenance Manager Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, cool Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: , Date: 12 -10 -12 ® Recycled Paper 34 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5079 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Conco Companies Location of Site: Waterbird Way, Martinez Inspection Date: 08 -23 -12 Customer Representative Present: Jim Brammeier, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Truck washing, Mixing agent, Dust control Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No Z ■ ■ ►1 ■ ■ ■ ■ // ■ /1 ■ ■ ■ Z ■ .1 ■ ■ ■ .1 M ■ A ■ 0 ■ .1 ■ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Provided customer with various new recycled water signs /tags for replacement of old ones. No vehicles are currently haulina recvcled water. Inspector's Signature: I °� Date: 08 -23 -12 ® Recycled Paper 35 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Contra Costa Country Club Golf Course Location of Site: 801 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: 8/31/2012 Customer Representative Present: John Martin, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Golf course and clubhouse landscape irrigation Weather conditions: sunnv Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ® ❑* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ® ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Installed new recycled water signage at pond equipment. Inspector's Signature Date: 8/31/2012 ® Recycled Paper 36 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Contra Costa County Location of Site: Animal Shelter, Martinez Inspection Date: 9/6/2012 Customer Representative Present Mary Tennyson, Operations Manager Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation and dog kennel wash down Weather conditions: sunny Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ® ❑* ❑ contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: i °0 Date: 9/6/2012 ® Recycled Paper 37 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Contra Costa County Location of Site: Corporation Yard, Martinez Inspection Date: 9/30/2012 Customer Representative Present: Roland Hindsman, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No N/A /1 ■ ■ E ■ ■ /1 ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ E ■ ■ ■ /1 ■ ■ .1 ■ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: I Date: 9/30/12 ® Recycled Paper 38 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Contra Costa Topsoil Location of Site: Waterbird Way, Martinez Inspection Date: 7/09/12 Customer Representative Present: Shane Einevoll, Operations Manager Application of Recycled Water at Site: Dust Control Weather conditions: Sunny and warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No N/A • ■ ■ • ■ ■ /1 ■ ■ ■ Z ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ .1 ■ ■ .1 ■ ■ ■ �1 ■ eI ■ ■ ■ �I All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Replaced recycled water sign on K -rail at entrance to site. Inspector's Signature: I Date: 7/09/12 ® Recycled Paper 39 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553. -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: County Quarry Location of Site: 5501 Imhoff Drive, Martinez Inspection Date: 08 -27 -12 Customer Representative Present: Chris Gray, Operations Manager Application of Recycled Water at Site: process water for base rock manufacturing, concrete batch plant and dust control. Minimal irrigation use along south and west fence lines. Weather conditions: sunny Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ® ❑* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? IT ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Provided new recycled water signage at several locations. Inspector's Signature Date: 08 -27 -12 ® Recycled Paper 40 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 50191mhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Diablo Valley College Location of Site: 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: 8/31/2012 Customer Representative Present: Joe Morgado , Lead Gardener Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation and water pond feature Weather conditions: Sunny Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ® ❑* ❑ contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ® ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Issued new laminated recycled use permit and new recycled water Do's and Don'ts signage. Inspector's Signature Date: 8/31/2012 ® Recycled Paper 41 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5079 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Mount Diablo Unified School District Location of Site: Demonstration Garden, Santa Barbara Way, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: 8/31/2012 Customer Representative Present: Monica Olson, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: Clear, mild Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ® ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Adjusted site pressure and installed new recycled water tag on irrigation valve. Inspector's Signature: Date: 8/31/2012 ® aew�:ed raue� 42 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5079 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Mount Diablo Unified School District Location of Site: Pleasant Hill Middle School Inspection Date: 08 -21 -12 Customer Representative Present: Charles Wolfkill, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: - —`\ Date: 08 -21 -12 ® Recycled Paper 43 L Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Mount Diablo Unified School District Location of Site: Sequoia Elementary and Middle Schools Inspection Date: 08 -21 -12 Customer Representative Present: Charles Wolfkill, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: Sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Provided two additional recycled water signs at middle school. Inspector's Signature: I —' \_ Date: 08 -21 -12 ® Recycled Paper 44 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Mount Diablo Unified School District Location of Site: Valley View Middle and College Park High Schools Inspection Date: 08 -21 -12 Customer Representative Present: Charles Wolfkill, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Provided additional recycled water sign for baseball field backstop at middle school. Inspector's Signature: Date: 08 -21 -12 45 ® Recycled Paper Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District Location of Site: Chilpancincio Park Inspection Date 09 -13 -12 Customer Representative Present: Tom Bradley, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: I ___ Date: 09 -13 -12 ® Recycled Paper 46 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District Location of Site: Community Center / Frank Salfingere Park Inspection Date: 09 -13 -12 Customer Representative Present: Tom Bradley, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No /1 ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ /1 ■ /1 ■ // ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ ■ .1 ■ 1 .1 ■ 10=06411 K1 ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: ( ,` Date: 09 -13 -12 ® Recycled Paper 47 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District Location of Site: Pleasant Oaks Park Inspection Date 09 -13 -12 Customer Representative Present: Tom Bradley, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunny, warm Standard Observations: 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? Yes No N/A /1 ■ ■ /. ■ ■ ■ ■ /1 ■ // ■ /1 ■ ■ ■ Z ■ ■ Z ■ ■ ■ .1 a ■ Re. 1 ■ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: I Date: 09 -13 -12 ® Recycled Paper 48 L Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District Location of Site: Pleasant Hill Park (147 Gregory Lane) Inspection Date: 12 -10 -12 Customer Representative Present: Todd Smith, Park Supervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunnv. warm Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ® ❑* ❑ contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 12 -10 -12 Recycled Paper 49 Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 2012 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Stubbs Road Triplexes Location of Site: 700 -780 Stubbs Road Buildings 1 -7, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: 8/31/2012 Customer Representative Present: #1 Doug Brown, #2 +3 Jean Edwards, #4 +5 Jim Freethy, #6 Jeanne Papir, #7 Audrey Han (owners) Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: sunnv, mild Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled -water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray or runoff entering dwellings, ❑* ® ❑ designated outdoor eating areas or food - handling facilities? 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against ❑ ❑* contact with recycled water spray or runoff? 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ❑* ❑ ponds or impoundments? 11. Have appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system ❑* ® ❑ piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk ( *) require explanation of follow -up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Installed new recycled water signage in two landscape areas Inspector's Signature: � Date 8/31/2012 ® Recycled Paper