HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.b. Adopt Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) effective April 18, 2012 through December 17, 2017a. L. CCCSD / MS /CG — 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS DISTRICT COUNTER PROPOSAL TO MS /CG'S 11/1/12 CONDITIONAL PROPOSAL 11/2/12 Term: April 18, 2012 through December 17, 2017 Holiday Comp: Effective 1/1/13, employees may only cash -out holiday comp at the time of separation /retirement. (See attached language.) Pension Contributions by Employees to Employee Share: Effective 4/18/12, employees contribute 1.25 %; add'I 1.25% in 4/14; add'I 1.25% in 4/15; add'I 1.25% in 4/16; employees pay full employee share starting in 4/17. (See attached language.) Salary Increases: Effective 4/18/12, and in each subsequent April for the term of the MOU, CPI adjustment based on change in CPI from February to February, with a maximum of 5% each year. An additional 1 % wage increase will be added to each CPI adjustment for the term of the MOU. (See attached language.) Dual Health Contribution: Increase District's contribution to those who show health coverage from $200 to $400 per month with entire amount contributed to deferred compensation. (See attached language.) Longevity Pay: For current employees as of the Board's ratification of the new MOU, an additional two and one -half (2Y2 %) percent career service pay increase (for a total of 5 %) will be granted to employees after twenty (20) years of continuous employment with the District. The 20 -year longevity increase shall be applied retroactive to April 18, 2012, to employees still employed at the time the Board approves this new MOU. Me Too Clause: Employees in MS /CG shall receive any across - the -board compensation adjustment, or other indirect economic benefits (e.g. additional leave, vacation allowances), received by either Local One or the Management Group during the current 2012 round of MOU negotiations that is more advantageous than contained in this agreement such as, but not limited to, a larger wage increase or a lesser percentage employee contribution obligation to pension than is contained in this agreement. Employee Contribution to Health Care PPO Premium: Effective July 1, 2013, employees who select the PPO plan shall pay through payroll deduction the difference in premiums between the PPO plan and the highest cost HMO plan. (MOU language to be developed.) Incorporate written tentative agreements CCCSD / MS /CG — 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS ATTACHMENT TO DISTRICT COUNTER PROPOSAL TO MS /CG'S 11/1/12 CONDITIONAL PROPOSAL Holiday Compensation (Article IV) All employees, with the exception of Temporary status employees who are required or authorized to work on a holiday listed above, will be paid at the rate of time and one -half the normal regularly assigned basic pay rate in addition to the normal monthly pay except for New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, which will be paid at a double -time rate in addition to the normal monthly pay. Employees required to work on a Friday immediately preceding a holiday or Monday immediately following will receive pay at time and one -half the normal basic pay rate or receive time and one -half off at a later date. Employees who earn holiday compensatory time may accumulate a maximum of what can be earned in a one -year period (currently 104 hours). Any employee with more than 104 hours of Holiday Compensatory Time accumulated as of June 17, 2000, may keep those accruals but will not accumulate more Holiday Compensatory Time until his /her accumulated Holiday Compensatory Time falls below the maximum. Effective on and after January 1 2013 employees may cash -out Holiday Compensation at the time of separation or retirement but may not cash out Holiday Compensation prior to separation or retirement Pay/Wages — General Increases (Article II) Deleted: Effective April 18, Zoos, the District shall continue to contribute the employee's current basic retirement contribution. Additionally, a three percent (3 %) general increase shall s by cove red this Memorandum of Effective April 18, 2012 April 18 2013 April 18 2014 April 18 2015 April 18 2016 and April 18 Understanding.¶ April 18, 2010, the wage 2017, employees wages shall be adjusted by the chance in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all adjustve shall be Price Urban Consumers (San Francisco /Oakland /San Jose) during the most recently ComDleted changes in the Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers February to February time period Prior to the applicable April with a maximum of 5% An (San Francisco /Oakland /San Jose) additional 1 % wage Increase will be added to each CPI adjustment for the term of the MOU The Payment of the first wage Increase back to April 18 2012 during the February 2009 to 2010 base period. Depending on the shall apply only to emolovees still em loved at the time the Board approves this MOU and shall not impact any District obligation with CPI, the salary adjustment shall be at least two percent (2 %), but no more respect to Incentive pays overtime m cash -outs or other types of Day or compensation other than wage already east than Effective Aprircl ent 2011, the wage Drovided by the District prior to Board approval adjustment shall be based on changes In the Consumers Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers (San Francisco /Oakland /San Jose) during the February 2010 to February 2011 base period. Depending on the CPI, the salary adjustment shall be at least two percent (2 %), but no more than four percent (4 %). Deleted: (During the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, the employee will continue to contribute to the employee cost-of-living (COL) share of the retirement system as required by the Contra Costa County Retirement System Longevity Compensation (Article Ill Career Service Pay A two and one -half (2 %: %) percent career service pay increase will be granted to employees after ten (10) years of employment with the District. For current employees as of the Board's ratification of this MOU an additional two and one - half (2'/z %) percent career service pay increase (for a total of 5 %) will be granted to employees after twenty (20) years of continuous employment with the District (The 20 -year longevity increase shall be applied retroactive to April 18 2012 to employees still employed at the time this MOU Is approved) Dual Health Coverage (Article VI Those employees having dual coverage under a health insurance program may withdraw from the District's health insurance coverage and, in lieu of such coverage, and effective the first full pay Period following Board approval -S&L-: MOU feceive a District contribution to deferred Plan ca satlon c the amount of $�00 _ger month. Continuation of this program is subject to Health Plan carrier acceptance. Retirement (Article V) The District shall provide a retirement program for all employees covered under this Memorandum of Understanding. District employees who were members of the Retirement Association on or prior to March 1, 1973, and who have vested thirty (30) years service in the Retirement Plan are not required to make any further contributions to the Retirement Plan. Those District employees so qualifying shall be entitled to receive a cash supplement to their compensation equivalent to, and in lieu of, any District payment as may be granted and made as a portion of employee retirement contributions to the retirement program. Employees will continue to contribute to . the employee cost- of -livin COL share of the retirement system as re uired b the Contra Costa Count Retirement System. In addition effective April 18 2012 employees shall contribute 1.25% of the em to tee contribution rate toward their ension. The a ment of the first 1.25% of the employee contribution rate toward their ension back to April 18 2012 shall a I onl to em to ees still employed at the time the Board a roves this MOU and shall not apply to any District Payments with res ect to incentive a s overtime cash -outs or other t es of a or com ensation other than wa a alread rovided b the District rior to Board 29p roval. Effective April 18 2014 em to e shall contribute an additional 1.25% for a total of 2.5%) of the employee contribution rate toward their pension Effective it 18 2015 employees shall contribute an additional 1.25 o for a total of 3.75% of the em to ee contribution rate toward their ension. Effective April 18 2016 em to ees shall contribute an additional 1.25% for a total of 5.0 %) of the employee contribution rate toward their pension Effective April 18 2017 employ ees shall pay the entire em to ee contribution rate toward their pensi on based on their age at time of hire as calculated and determined by CCCERA. a ditional monthly n CCCSD 0/4 L 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Retiree Dental for Tla� n� �e�.� . - e . APPIY/effectuate the language added to the prior MOU for Tler III rat dental by replacing the sentence that states, 'The District shall on free fifty (50%) of the premium cost for the lowest coat m strict and Pay for the MUM and spouse.' With; dental plan Eddie Kreisberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: 7 /I, , Z TIM Potter Lead Negotiator, IWWCQ Dated; 7 Z. CCCSD / MS/CQ 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTAME AGREEMENT Dieciollne (Aft vm• District agrees to replace MS/CQ discipline requested sentence that states Procedure with MS✓CQ the disciplinary ProCedures as states, In the Local One Memory to follow Understanding unless the parties agree to other Memorandum a ca of case basis" Procedures on a case -by` District agrees to withdraw proposal to add clarifying sentence at beginning of Section A,1.b that states 'Grounds for discipline Include, are not limited to, the foUowing:° ude, but District agrees to withdraw proposal to add clarifying beginning of Section A,2,b that states °Sufflclnt cause for diarnMal Includes, but are not limited to, the following;° District agrees to withdraw proposal to add language stating, and MS/CO agree that _Violation of District Policies and Procedures constitute an additional and specifically set forth ground for ced ail MS/CQ agrees that the first discipline,,, Local One MO shall be Modified for MS/CO as follo Section 3,1.0 of the All acts of discipNne will be documented by a written notice to the employee stating the reasons discipline. The employee must acknowledge grounds for such waming by signing the same at the time Of n'�celpt of the s 833 s1anifies only mcelpt of the docum not this IY gr+sement b the contents thereof. !f en�rplayse refuses b sign, such wlil be noted on the form shall notify the employee and the Union in writing w�1 ma* (30 t due to the Incident V ery of the incident that discipline extend the dyne to provide srne p"98 nraY �y to MS/CG withdraws its proposal to Modify retention time records, for discussion t eEddle Kreisberg Lead Nego�l r, CCSD � Poor Dated: 11 Lead Neg r, MS/CG Dated: 2 Z CCCSD / MS/CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT �ievance (Art VII Ste„ e�, 'In the event such differences are not settled and the grievant desires the grievance to be considered further, it shall be presented, in win flue (5) working days by the employee Involved, and/or his/her g� within representatives) to the grievant's pepartment Director. e ce shall s fo e t MOU s ha cedur ale d •late b a d ° n,le av o .�[leaediv violated and (c) a reaU st �wn shall ed rAmafiv a Shall be arranged by the p a j t med re este ' of reoelpt of the written r r 9. Director wHhln five 5 A meeting 9 vanoe. The grievance shall be discussed wath the grievant and pertinent facts brought to light. The Depa,tment Director shall respond, in writing, within fifteen (15) working days after the final r meeting rendering the decision. Failure of the grievant to take further action within five (5) works after receipt of the decielon will constitute withdrawal of the grieV�dc s R�... � Eddie Kreisberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Lead Negotiator, MS/C(3 Dated: L Dated: I&k?--- CCCSD / MS/CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Aaooln, ne, of Relatives !Article VII• Replace �� Provision with the following: "Members of Immediate family of elected or appointed officials shag not be appointed to District employment. Members of the Immediate family of employees other than spouses and registered domestic partners shall not be appointed to the same division, nor shall be transferred, promoted or demoted Into the same division nor nor be placed in such a position as to evaluate a relative or be In the s fine of supervision. am Spouses and registered domestic partners shall not be appointed, transferred, promoted or demoted Into a position In which there would be either (a) a direct supervisory relationship between the couple or (b) Where there would exist a significant and likely adverse impact on supervision safe security, for creating an existing District employee marries or enters Inntto� a registered domestic partnership an partnership with another existing District employee that would cause either (a) or (b). Under either of these circumstances, the General Manager or designee shall either (1) redefine the duties of the employees Involved to avoid a supervisory relationship or eliminate the significant and likely potential for creating an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, morale or efficiency or (2) transfer one spouse/domesdo partner to a similar position. The District will provide notice to MS/Ce and the opportunity to comment prior to taking either of these two actions. Immediate family members are defined as mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, registered domestic partner, In-laws by marriage or registered domestic partnership, and grandparents. This provision shall apply to all types of employment status including temporary employees.,, Eddie Krelsberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: % t c Tim Potter Lead Negotiator, MS/CQ Dated: , CCCSC i MS /CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Orthodontic Covereoe: The District would agree to Increase orthodontic coverage to $3,000. ;Ed'd�llse Kreleberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Tlm Potter Lead Negatiator, MS/CO Dated: 2. Dated: - f z f t.= CCCSD / MS/CQ 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Er Upon Promotion; A promotion shall result In pay at least one full ste prior to the promotion, taking Into account i greater than received differ entlals received prior to the plpmotlon registration or certification Av� ) Eddie Krslsberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: 7 f r Tm Potter Negotiator, MS/CG1 Dated; CCCSD i Msica 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Class A/Clase B Drivers License- Add following new provision: The DlsMct shall pay the difference in cost between Class C Driver's License and Class A/B Driver's License who must renew or obtain his/her Class A/B California Driver's License. The District shall provide a vehicle to take the examination for the Class A or B License. Employees who are required and assigned by the District to hold a Class A or Class B commeMIBI driver's license will receive $75.00 per month. The $75.00 Is not Included In the employee's base pay. it will be paid only for time when the employee Is in active status and not on leave of absence. The $75.00 will not be paid for any time in which the employee Is unable to drive a District vehicle that requires a Class A or Class B commenced, restrict , th e, suspended, restricted, the such as when the license has been revoked, e employee Is an leave of absence, eto. ✓[ �- x Eddie Kreisberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: 7/17–//?- filN Tim Potter Lead Negotiator, MS/C(3 Dated: lWa- CCCSD / MS/CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Opt of Cleas P •:wllcla IB• Replace current MS /CQ provision requiring two weeks for epglbilRy for out Of class pay with the following provislom: Employees assigned to work In a higher classtilon in the absence of their supervisor shall necelve a minimum atone salary step after one continuous week In the higher classification. When a supervisor Is absent for one or more continuous weeks and where mom than one employee /s assigned the supervisor's r9sponsib/dties at d rent times during the absence wh/ch may be less than one week per employee, then those employees shall receive a minimum of one salary step for the actual hours worked in the higher classification. I4 Eddie Kreisberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: i'L- i t C Tim Potter Lead Negotlator, MS/CG Dated: % l 2 CCCSD / MS/CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT EducatIOMUidon Refund Polices Vale VI: Add the following sentence to the end of the "Education-Tuition Refund Poiloy° Provision, °Failure to request by March 15th shall not preclude approval of an appropriate request subject to acceptable budget." �� Eddie Krelsberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: Tim Potter Lead Negotiator, S/Ce Dated: 2wa-- CCCSD / MS /CG 2012 MOU NEGOTIATIONS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT Employees shall be allowed paid release time for work- felated_Injury doctor and physical therapy appointments. Use of employees accrued elck leave Is no longer required. ��. a 7 Eddlo Kreisberg Lead Negotiator, CCCSD Dated: L4Z K 17m Potter Lead Negotiator, MS /CG Date: ?I I lilz,