HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. California Open Meeting Law - The Ralph M. Brown Act (Handout)Y.
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The Ralph M. Brown Act ( "The Brown Act "), Government Code Section
54950 et seq.,1 is California's local government open meeting law.
In interpreting the Brown Act, the courts look to the Legislature's public
policy statements, which are listed below. There is a strong presumption in
favor of the public's "right to know" what and how decision - makers are
making decisions.
A. Brown Act Policy, Purpose and Intent.
The Brown Act's public policy statement provides:
In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares
that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other
public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the
people's business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be
taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.
The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the
agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do
not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for
the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The
people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control
over the instruments they have created. (Section 54950, emphasis
B. Scope of the Brown Act — What Bodies and What Meetings?
The Brown Act covers virtually every type of local governmental
body, elected or appointed, decision - making or advisory, permanent
or temporary. A meeting subject to the Brown Act includes not only a
formal gathering but also communication directly or through an
intermediary involving a majority of the decision - making body.
(Section 54951.)
A. "Legislative bodies" under the Brown Act. (Section 54952.)
I All statutory references are to the Government Code unless otherwise indicated.
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The Brown Act applies to "legislative bodies" of virtually all local
agencies in California. This includes cities (whether general law or
charter), counties, special districts (whether independent or
dependent districts), joint powers authorities, school districts, and a
variety of other entities created by statutes (e.g., local agency
formation commissions). The Brown Act defines a "legislative body"
to include the governing body of a local agency (e.g., the city council
or board of directors) and any commission, committee, board, or
other body of a local agency, whether permanent or temporary,
decision - making or advisory, created by charter, ordinance,
resolution, or formal action of the legislative body.
B. Committees under the Brown Act.
A standing committee is subject to the Brown Act. A standing
committee is any committee that meets on a continuing basis or is
created by charter, ordinance, resolution, or other formal action of the
legislative body. A common example is when a city council or board
of directors creates a finance committee which meets monthly to
review the warrant list or the budget.
Even a committee of short term duration is subject to the Brown Act,
unless the committee is an ad hoc advisory committee and its
members consist solely of less than a quorum of the decision - making
However, a committee formed by other than the Legislative body,
e.g. the manager, is not subject to the Brown Act.
C. Private Organizations under the Brown Act.
Also included as legislative bodies are any non - profit corporations
created by the local entity legislative body to exercise delegated
authority or any non - profit that receives funding from the local entity
legislative body and to whose board the local entity legislative body
appoints one or more of its members (Section 54952(c).)
In addition, a limited liability company's board is a legislative body if
the limited liability company was created by the local entity's
legislative body to exercise delegated authority or the board receives
funding from the local entity and its board contains a member
appointed by the local entity legislative body. (Section 54952.)
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D. New Members.
The Brown Act applies to new members who have been elected or
appointed but have not yet taken their oath of office.
A. "Meeting" is Broadly Defined.
The Brown Act broadly defines what constitutes a meeting as "any
congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at
the same time and place to hear, discuss, or deliberate upon any
item that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative
body or the local agency to which it pertains." (Section 54952.2(a)
B. Serial Meetings.
A meeting may occur even when a majority of the decision - making
body is not in the same place at the same time.
Although the Brown Act does not prohibit individual contacts or
conversations between a member of a legislative body and any
other person, it must be kept in mind that the Brown Act does,
however, prohibit a series of such individual contacts if they result
in a so- called "serial meeting."
The Brown Act expressly prohibits serial meetings which are
conducted through direct communications, intermediaries, or
technological devices for the purpose of allowing the legislative
body to "to discuss, deliberate, or take action on any item of
business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the
legislative body." (Section 54952.2(b).)
For example, a serial meeting occurs when Member A contacts
Member B about a particular matter of agency business. Member
B then contacts Member C. Member C then contacts Member D
and so on until a quorum is reached and has discussed the matter.
Another example of a serial meeting would be when a staff person
telephones the members of the legislative body one -by -one for a
decision on a proposed action or prior to a formal meeting and, in
the process, reveals information about the members' respective
views. The Brown Act does allow a staff member to provide
information or answer questions to the members of the legislative
body individually as long as the staff member does not
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communicate the comments or position of the members to other
Potential situations that may result in serial meetings include:
1. Individual Contacts Between Members of the Public and
Members of the Legislative Body.
Although the Brown Act allows for individual contacts or
discussions between a member of a legislative body and
another person, the member of the public should not be
asked to act as an intermediary to relay what other members
of the legislative body are considering. Additionally, if a
person wishes to discuss opinions of other members with the
member of the legislative body he or she has contacted, that
member should decline.
2. Writings as Meetings.
Although the unilateral distribution of written documents (e.g.
informational or advisory memos from staff) does not
normally constitute a meeting under the Brown Act, at least
one court has determined that the circulation of a proposal
amongst board members for their review and signature did,
in fact, constitute a meeting in violation of the Brown Act
when a majority of the members of the legislative body
signed the document.
3. E- mails.
E -mails are yet another way in which a meeting can
unintentionally occur. A board member may believe that a
message to a colleague about a matter that will be before
the board is entirely innocent and the recipient may well
agree. Indeed, the recipient might well forward it yet to a
second and third board member resulting in a serial meeting
prohibited by the Brown Act. All may be acting with no
intention to violate the Brown Act, and yet they have. This
can easily occur when a member selects "reply to all" in
response to a message from staff.
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4. Video Teleconferencing and Conference Telephone Calls.
The prohibition against serial meetings specifically exempts
video conferencing or teleconferencing meetings as long as
they are conducted according to the procedures set forth in
the Brown Act at Section 54953(b). Such procedures
require that an agenda be posted at all teleconference
locations. Each location must be identified in the notice and
agenda of the meeting and must be accessible to the public.
In addition, a quorum of the members of the legislative body
must participate from within the boundaries of the agency's
C. Express Exceptions to Definition of "Meeting" under the Brown Act.
(Section 54952.2(c).)
Individual Contacts
The Brown Act allows individual contacts between a member
of the decision making body and any other person. Thus, a
member of the public can have individual contact with
members A, B, C, D, and E.
2. Conferences
The Brown Act allows all or a majority of a legislative body to
attend a conference as long as a majority of the members
does not discuss among themselves, except as part of the
scheduled program, specific matters relating to the body's
3. Open Public Community Meeting.
Similarly, all or a majority of the legislative body may attend
an open and publicized community meeting organized to
address a topic of local concern as long as the agency did
not organize the event and a majority of the members do not
discuss among themselves, other than as part of the
scheduled program, specific matters relating to the agency's
4. Meeting of Another Public Entity.
All or a majority of the legislative body may attend an open
and noticed meeting of another public entity, as long as a
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majority of the members do not discuss among themselves,
other than as part of the scheduled meeting, specific matters
relating to the agency's business.
5. Social Function
All or a majority of a decision - making body may attend a
social function, as long as a majority of the members do not
discuss specific matters relating to the agency's business
among themselves.
6. Standing Committee
A majority of the members of a decision - making body may
attend an open and noticed meeting of a standing
committee, even when the attendees are not members of the
committee, as long as the attendees merely observe and do
not make any comments during the committee meeting.
A. Meetings Inside Boundaries.
Generally, a legislative body must hold its meetings within the
agency's boundaries.
B. Exceptions.
A legislative body may meet outside its legislative boundaries in the
following situations:
To comply with state or federal law or any court order, or to
attend a judicial administrative proceeding as to which the
local agency is a party.
2. To inspect real property located outside the agency's
jurisdiction or to inspect personal property which would be
inconvenient to bring inside the jurisdiction.
3. To participate in meetings or discussions of multi- agency
significance as long as the meetings are held within the
jurisdiction of one of the agencies and proper notice is
4. To meet at the nearest available facility if the legislative body
has no meeting facility within its jurisdiction or at the principal
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office of the legislative body if that office is located outside
the jurisdiction.
5. To meet with state or federal officials on legislative or
regulatory issues affecting the agency when a meeting within
the agency's boundaries would be impractical.
6. To meet in a nearby facility as long as the topic of the
meeting relates directly to the facility.
7. To meet in the office of the agency's legal counsel for a
closed session when such meeting would reduce legal fees
or cost.
8. Some entities, such as School Districts and Joint Powers
Agencies, enjoy additional exceptions.
C. Access for the Disabled. (Section 54961(a).)
The Brown Act and the American with Disabilities Act (the "ADA ")
require that legislative bodies meet at an accessible location.
The ADA requires that a public entity make accommodation to
allow disabled persons' participation in open meetings unless the
public entity can show that this causes an undue burden. This
means that public entities need to be prepared to respond to
requests for listening devices, sign language interpreters, and other
A. Regular Meeting. (Section 54954.)
Each legislative body, excluding advisory and standing committees,
must specify by ordinance, resolution, or bylaws the time and place
for its regular meeting. A regular meeting can be as infrequent as
once a year.
1. Agenda Requirements
The agency must post the agenda at least 72 hours prior to
the meeting. The agenda must be posted on the local
agency's website, if the agency has a website.
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The agenda must contain a brief general description of each
item of business to be conducted, and must specify the time
and location of the regular meeting.
The agenda should allow a reasonable person, who was not
familiar with the matter, to understand on what the legislative
body will be taking action or discussing. (Section
54954.2 (a ). )
If requested, agendas and agenda packets must be made
available in appropriate alternative formats (e.g. Braille or
audio) to disabled persons. (Section 54954.1.)
2. Non - agendized matters (Section 54954.2.)
Generally, the Brown Act prohibits the legislative body from
discussing or taking action on any non - agendized item, with
the following exceptions:
i. Member of the legislative staff may briefly respond to
statements made or questions posed by a member of the
ii. A member of the legislative body may ask questions for
clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a
report of his /her activities.
iii. A member of the legislative body may refer a matter to
staff, request staff to report back, or take action to direct
staff to place a matter on a future agenda.
iv. The legislative body, under limited circumstances, may
add a matter to its agenda for discussion and action if the
legislative body identifies the item and either (i)
determines by majority vote that an emergency situation
exists, as defined by Section 54956.5, (ii) determines by
two - thirds vote (or a unanimous vote in the event that
less than two - thirds of the members are present) that a
need exists to take immediate action on the matter and
the matter came to the attention of the local agency after
the agenda was posted, or (iii) the item was previously
posted for a prior meeting of the legislative body, which
occurred not more than five calendar days prior to the
date of the current meeting and, at the prior meeting the
legislative body continued the item to the current
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3. Public Comment (Section 54954.3.)
Every agenda for a regular meeting must include an
opportunity for members of the public to address the
legislative body on any item within the subject matter
jurisdiction of the body.
In addition, the public must be allowed to comment on any
item on the agenda before or during its consideration by the
legislative body unless such opportunity has already been
provided and the item has not been subsequently changed
The legislative body may adopt reasonable regulations
limiting the amount of time for public comment on particular
issues, as well as for individual speakers.
B. Special Meeting. (Section 54956.)
Either the presiding officer or a majority of the members of the
legislative body may call a special meeting at any time. The
agency may call a special meeting by delivering written notice to
each member of the legislative body so that each member receives
the notice at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting specified
in the notice. The notice of the meeting must also include an
agenda that identifies each item to be discussed, as well as the
time and place of the special meeting. The agenda must be posted
on the local agency's website, if the agency has a website.
Unlike a regular meeting, a legislative body may not add anything
to the agenda for the special meeting. In addition, the legislative
body may restrict public comment solely to those matters on the
Special meetings to consider local agency salary, salary schedule
or fringe benefits of the chief executive office (e.g. the general
manager or department heads) are prohibited.
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C. Emergency Meeting. (Section 54956.5.)
A legislative body may call an emergency meeting when there is an
emergency requiring prompt attention due to disruption or
threatened disruption of public facilities without having to comply
with the 24 -hour notice requirement of the special meeting. An
"emergency situation" is (1) work stoppage or other activity which
severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by a
majority of the legislative body, or (2) a crippling disaster which
severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by
majority of the legislative body. The legislative body may only meet
in closed session during an emergency meeting for law
enforcement or security matters.
D. Mailed Notice of Emergency Meeting.
Normally, the public entity must send notice of its meetings to any
member of the public who files a written request to receive such
written notice.
The Brown Act does not require mailed notice for emergency
meetings, but the legislative body's presiding officer or designee
must contact any newspapers, radio stations, or televisions stations
which have requested notice at least one hour prior to the
emergency meeting by telephone, unless telephone services are
not functioning.
Section 54957.5 requires that any writings relating to matters on the
agenda distributed to a majority of the members of the legislative body less
than 72 hours before the start of the meeting must be made available to the
public for inspection at the same time the writings are distributed to a
majority of the members of the legislative body. Also, the agency must list the
address of the location where the writings will be available on the agenda for
meetings of the legislative body. (Section 54957.5(b).)
A. Notice and Agenda.
1. Agenda Requirements.
Although closed sessions not open to the public may be
conducted at regular or special meetings, there must still be
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notice of the closed sessions even if no action is
The Brown Act provides certain "safe harbor" provisions or
model formats for descriptions of closed session matters.
Substantial compliance with these "safe harbor" provisions
satisfies agenda description requirements. (See Section
54954.5. )
2. Announcement of "Reportable Action" at the Conclusion of
Closed Session
The Brown Act requires that a legislative body reconvene in
open session after conducting a closed session if there is
"reportable action," as defined by the Brown Act, and the
vote or abstension of any member present on the reportable
action. (See Section 54957.1.)
B. Permissible Closed Sessions.
1. Introduction.
The basic purpose and reason for the Brown Act is to be
sure that the public business is conducted in public.
However, the Legislature has recognized those instances
when discussion of certain types of matters in open session
would not be in the best interest of the public.
Narrow Construction.
Closed sessions cannot be conducted unless expressly
authorized by specific statutory provisions of the Brown
Act. Since closed sessions are the exception to the open
meeting requirements of the Brown Act, the provisions
allowing closed sessions are narrowly construed. The
fact that a matter is sensitive, controversial,
cumbersome, embarrassing or could be handled in a
much more expeditious manner in closed session, does
not automatically allow the matter to be discussed in
closed session.
Permitted Attendance.
Sessions of legislative bodies are either "closed" or
"open." There should not be any so- called "semi- closed"
meetings. In other words, a legislative body cannot invite
selected members of the public to attend closed
sessions. In general, closed sessions should only
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include those members of the legislative body and any
additional support staff which may be necessary (e.g.,
legal counsel, supervisor in a disciplinary matter,
consultants, real estate or labor negotiators).
2. Bases for Closed Sessions.
Personnel Exception (Section 54957).
The "personnel" exception allows a legislative body to
meet in closed session to consider the "appointment,
employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or
dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or
charges brought against an employee by another person
or employee unless the employee requests a public
The term "employee" is defined as including an officer or
an independent contractor who functions as an officer or
an employee, but does not include any elected official,
member of a legislative body or other independent
contractors. It is important to keep in mind that this
particular closed session does not allow for discussion or
action on proposed compensation except for possibly
reducing compensation that results from imposition of
A closed session under the personnel exception which
involves specific complaints or charges brought against
an employee requires that written notice be given to the
employee of his or her rights to have complaints or
charges aired in open session. The notice must be
provided 24 hours before the meeting.
ii. Pending Litigation Exception (Section 54956.9)
a. The Brown Act provides that a legislative body may
meet in closed session to meet with legal counsel so as
to give direction to, or receive advice from, counsel as
to "pending litigation." "Litigation" is defined to include
any adjudicatory proceedings including eminent
domain, before a court, administrative body exercising
its adjudicatory authority, hearing officer or arbitrator.
For purposes of the Brown Act, litigation is considered
"pending" when any of the following circumstances
exist: (a) Litigation to which the agency is a party has
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been initiated formally, (b) when it has been determined
based on certain defined existing facts and
circumstances that there exists a significant exposure
to litigation (i.e., threatened or anticipated litigation
against the agency) or (c) to discuss potential litigation
to be initiated by the local agency.
With respect to "existing litigation" the most obvious
situation is when there has been an actual lawsuit filed
in court or where another administrative agency names
the local agency as a party.
With respect to threatened or anticipated litigation
against the local agency, there are six separate
categories of facts and circumstances that need to be in
place in order for a closed session to take place. The
agency should consult with its attorney to determine
whether or not these facts and circumstances exist in
order to support a basis for a closed session. It should
also be noted that the legislative body may also meet
under this exception to determine whether a closed
session is authorized based on information provided by
legal counsel or staff.
iii. Real Estate Negotiations Exception (Section 54956.8).
The real estate negotiation exception allows a
legislative body to have closed sessions to meet and
grant authority to its negotiator regarding real property
negotiations and the power to finalize any agreement
so negotiated. This closed session item concerns the
purchase, sale, lease or exchange of property by or for
the agency, and the closed session must be preceded
by an open session in which the body identifies both the
real property and the persons with whom the negotiator
may negotiate. If after negotiations for the purchase of
property there is an impasse, and the legislative body
wishes to consider eminent domain proceedings, such
discussions can be under the pending litigation
exception of the Brown Act rather than the real property
negotiation exception.
iv. Labor Negotiation Exception (Section 54957.6).
A legislative body may meet in closed session with its
labor negotiator regarding employment discussions with
employee organizations and unrepresented employees
regarding compensation. During such closed sessions,
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the legislative body may approve an agreement
including labor negotiations with represented
employees. However, closed sessions may not include
final actions on proposed compensation for
unrepresented employees. Prior to the closed session,
the legislative body shall, in open and public session,
identify the designated representatives and parties to
the negotiation.
V. Public Security Exception (Section 54957).
Legislative bodies may meet in closed session with the
Attorney General, District Attorney, Sheriff or Chief of
Police on matters posing a threat to the security of
public buildings or a threat to the public's right of
access to public services or public facilities.
Those who can meet with a legislative body in closed
session include agency counsel and security
consultants or security operation managers with respect
to matters posing a threat to the security of essential
public services, including water, drinking water,
wastewater treatment, natural gas service and electric
vi. License Application Exception (Section 54956.7.
The Brown Act provides special provisions for
consideration of license applications by persons with
criminal records.
vii. Other Authorized Exceptions.
a. Joint power agencies (JPAs) may meet in
closed session to discuss a claim for payment of a
tort liability loss, public liability loss, or workers'
compensation liability incurred by the point powers
agency or local agency member of such a joint powers
agency. (Section 54956.95.) JPAs may also adopt
policies or bylaws allowing JPA board members, who
are also members of the legislative body of a local
agency member, to disclose information obtained in
closed session that has direct financial or liability
implications for that local agency to either: the local
agency's legal counsel; or the other members of the
legislative body of the local agency in closed session.
(Section 54956.96.)
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b. Multi - jurisdictional drug law enforcement agencies:
Such agencies may meet in closed session to discuss
the case records of any ongoing criminal investigation
of the multi - jurisdictional drug law enforcement agency.
(Section 54957.8.)
C. Section 54957.10 allows a legislative body to
hold a closed session to discuss a local agency's
employee's application for early withdrawal of funds in a
deferred compensation plan when the application is
based on financial hardship arising from an
unforeseeable emergency due to illness, accident,
casualty or other extraordinary event.
d. County hospitals, hospital districts, school
districts and community colleges may conduct
additional closed sessions under certain statutory
provisions including Health and Safety Code sections
1461, 1462, 32106, 32155 or Government Code
sections 37606 and 37624.3 as they apply to hospitals,
or any provisions of the Education Code pertaining to
school districts and community college districts.
e. The legislative body of a local agency may meet in
closed session to discuss the agency's response to a
confidential final draft audit report from the Bureau of
State Audits. (Section 54956.75.)
3. Minute Book.
The Brown Act does not require keeping of a minute book
with respect to closed session. (See Section 54957.2.)
However, it has the discretion to do so, and may designate a
clerk or other officer or employee to attend the closed
session to keep the minute book. Such a minute book is not
a public record and therefore not subject to disclosure and
shall be kept confidential.
4. Confidentiality of Closed Sessions.
Section 54963 provides that a person may not disclose
confidential closed session information without the consent
of the legislative body holding the closed session. Violations
can be addressed by injunction or disciplinary action.
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A. Criminal Penalties. (Section 54959.)
Any member of a legislative body who attends a meeting of a
legislative body where action is taken in violation of the Act and
where the member "intends to deprive the public of information to
which the member knows or has reason to know the public is
entitled" is guilty of a misdemeanor.
B. Civil Penalties. (Sections 54960, 54560.1.)
Invalidating Action Taken
The district attorney or any interested person may file suit to
obtain a court order to invalidate actions taken in violation of
the Brown Act. However, prior to filing such a lawsuit, the
district attorney or interested person must provide a written
demand to the legislative agency to "cure and correct" the
alleged violation. The legislative body has thirty days within
which to cure and correct. If the legislative body does not
take action during this period, the requesting party may
initiate litigation.
2. Injunctive Relief. (Section 54960.)
The district attorney or any interested person may file suit for
an order declaring certain actions to be in violation of the
Brown Act.
3. Attorneys' Fees. (Section 54960.5.)
A court may award court costs and reasonable attorneys'
fees to a successful plaintiff in a lawsuit alleging Brown Act
violations. Similarly, the court may award court costs and
attorneys' fees to a defendant legislative body where the
legislative body has prevailed and the court finds the lawsuit
was clearly frivolous and totally lacking in merit.
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