HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) - October 2012J Sewer System Management Plan Central Contra Costa Sanitary District October 2012 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction and Goals Chapter 2. Organization Chapter 3. Overflow Emergency Response Plan Chapter 4. Fats Oils and Grease Control Program Chapter 5. Legal Authority Chapter 6. Operation and Maintenance Program Chapter 7. Design and Construction Standards Chapter 8. Capacity Management Chapter 9. Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications Chapter 10. SSMP Audits Chapter 11. Communication Program CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 1 Goals Chapter 1. Introduction and Goals This updated document has been assembled to present the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), which has been prepared pursuant to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board's (RWQCB) SSMP Development Guide (July 2005). All components of the management plan are currently in place in well - established programs. The SSMP describes the District's goals, organizational structure, emergency overflow response plan, Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) control program, legal authority, measures and activities, design and construction standards, capacity management, sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) monitoring, measurement and program modifications, and audits. Introduction This document describes how the District manages and maintains approximately $650 million in physical collection system assets and provides roughly 462,000 customers with sanitary sewer service. Formed in 1946 as a Special District in Contra Costa County, California, the District has approximately 250 employees. The District operates a 1500 -mile network of collection piping, and a treatment plant that processes an average daily flow of 42 million gallons. The following recent awards, among many others, recognize the District's commitment to and achievement of excellence: The Platinum Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for achieving violation -free operations for thirteen consecutive years (2011) CASA Technological Achievement Award (2009) EPA's National Clean Water Act Recognition Award for Large Secondary Plant, (EPA) (2008) CWEA California Large Treatment Plant of the Year Award (2008) CASA Innovation Award for Wastewater and Water Operator Training Program (2008) CASA Public Outreach /Education Award, Large Agency (2008) CWEA California Large Collection system of the Year Award (2007) CASA Technological Achievement Award (2006) EPA's National Pretreatment Excellence Award (for Source Control & Pollution Prevention programs) (2005) Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 1 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 1 Goals U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Operations and Maintenance Excellence Award (2003) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting — ten consecutive years from the Government Finance Officers Association National Purchasing Institute's Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award (2011, 2006 and 2004) The District is responsible for collection and treatment of wastewater from the City of Pleasant Hill, City of Walnut Creek, Town of Danville, City of Lafayette, Town of Moraga, City of Orinda, unincorporated areas in Central Contra Costa County, and a portion of the City of San Ramon and the City of Martinez. The District also receives and treats wastewater from the City of Concord and City of Clayton collection systems. Upcoming collection system improvement projects at the District are described in the Collection System Master Plan and the annually- renewed Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. During the preparation of these documents and the planning process District - wide, consideration is given to the impact of land use changes, population growth, regulatory changes, revenue forecasts, and information about the current condition of reaches of pipe and pumping stations. The District plans to spend approximately $168M over the next ten years on the Collection System Capital improvements program. The District's mission is to be a high performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and full regulatory compliance at responsible rates. To keep costs under control and to operate at the highest possible efficiency, the District employs advanced computer systems to manage information, communicate effectively, and plan for the future. The District uses databases to track cleaning, inspection, maintenance, operational data, and other data sets. Crews in the field use laptop computers to access and enter the data to keep the system information up to date. In addition, the District has a comprehensive digital mapping program called the Geographic Data Interface (GDI) that allows staff to access detailed information online via the District's intranet. In the future, it is planned that field crews will have access to this system on board their trucks. Another area where the District employs substantial computing power is a flow - modeling program called the Sewer Network Analysis Program (SNAP). The first version of this application was created in 1986 and it has been recently upgraded to keep pace with improvements in computing technology. The current version of the program is called ArcSNAP and it allows engineers to investigate the impacts of large flow events and new development to identify potential capacity issues. Engineers use the modeling results and other reports to update the Capital Improvement Plan. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 1 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 1 Goals The District has an excellent track record in preventing SSOs through its scheduled cleaning program, routine inspections, and careful planning. Some SSOs are unavoidable, such as those related to vandalism. All overflows are reported in accordance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board on -line reporting system. The District has developed an emergency response plan to dispatch crews to the scene, and workers are trained to contain the spill as much as possible while restoring normal flow. The District's Source Control program provides outreach materials to customers to educate them about proper grease disposal, and has a grease pretreatment program for food service establishments and other sources of FOG. The District enforces the use of grease pretreatment devices and all other connection requirements through the sewer connection permit process. Pretreatment device use, installation and design are described in Section 9 of the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction. This document governs requirements, design and all work in connection with sewer construction and /or projects financed by private individuals within the jurisdiction of the District. The District is proud of its record and its employees, and looks forward to meeting the challenges that economic growth and the passage of time will provide. Successful management of the sewer system will result in a smaller number of sewer system overflows. Goals District Board, management and staff have worked together to develop the goals of the District's SSMP. These goals are as follows: Responsibly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the wastewater collection system and adhere to the components of the SSMP Provide adequate capacity to convey design peak flows Minimize the frequency of SSOs Mitigate the impact of SSOs Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 1 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 2 Organization Chapter 2. Organization The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) has over 250 employees who maintain and operate a collection system of over 1500 miles of pipe with 19 pumping stations and a treatment plant that treats and discharges an average of 42 million gallons per day. An organization chart displaying the District groups that are responsible for work included in the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) is presented in Figure 1. The key responsibilities for each workgroup pertaining to the SSMP have been highlighted on the figure. For District managers, the roles are briefly stated as follows: The General Manager establishes policy, allocates resources, informs and solicits input and participation of the Board of Directors. The Director of Collection Systems Operations provides oversight for field operations and maintenance activities, and provides input for Engineering Department staff to optimize capital construction projects for sewer and pumping stations most in need of renovation or upgrade. The Director of Engineering authorizes the preparation of collection system planning documents and the design and construction of capital projects, and presents the annual Capital Improvement Budget and Plan for Board approval. The Environmental Services Division Manager manages the work and priorities for staff in Planning and Source Control. The Capital Proiects Division Manager manages the work and priorities for staff in the design and construction of capital projects for renovation and expansion of the collection system. Other staff and workgroup responsibilities are listed in Figure 1. Within the Collection System Operations (CSO) Department, Technical Services staff provide support for equipment and vehicles, both routine and emergency. The function of operation and maintenance scheduling is also included in this workgroup. The work of the Pumping Stations and Field Operations workgroups includes resources and budget, preventative maintenance, repairs, inspection, training, and sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) reporting and response. The Engineering Department includes staff in the Environmental Services Planning and Developer Services workgroups. Permit issuance and sewer inspection for new development resides in the Developer Services workgroup. The Source Control workgroup carries the major responsibility for actions related to fats, oils, and grease (FOG) issues. Staff in the Capital Projects Division are responsible for mapping the District's collection system and for the design and construction of capital projects in both renovation and capacity assurance projects. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 2 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 2 Organization The Director of Collection System Operations is the responsible representative for declaring all reports required by the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006 -003. The Field Operations Superintendent is the authorized representative for reporting SSOs to the State and Regional Water Boards and other agencies if applicable. SSMP Implementation The two departments most involved in implementing the SSMP are CSO and Engineering. The CSO Department focuses on the day -to -day tasks such as cleaning, inspection, repairs, maintenance, and SSO response and reporting. Engineering is in charge of the long -term needs of the collection system such as renovation and capacity planning, mapping, and enforcing of District standards. While the physical activities of the two departments are different, the management and staff of each department share information and work together as a team. SSMP Updating Engineers in the Planning workgroup of the Environmental Services Division are responsible for writing, updating, and monitoring the SSMP. However, the documents that are referred to in the SSMP are each the responsibility of some particular workgroup to maintain and update, as needed. For example, the Source Control workgroup is responsible for writing and updating the FOG control program document, and the CSO Department is responsible for the SSO Response Plan. SSO Notification Process and Chain of Communication The CSO Department is responsible for responding to overflows and reporting these overflows in accordance with regional and state requirements. Over the years, CSO has developed and maintained an SSO Emergency Response Plan and a Pumping Station Emergency Response Plan to spell out the District's procedures and staff responsibilities. Key elements of these plans include: 1. SSO notification chain of command 2. First responder responsibilities 3. Documentation requirements 4. SSO tracking 5. Regional reporting requirements 6. Contact phone numbers. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 2 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 2 Organization The District has participated in the online reporting process as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), beginning in September 2004 as a beta -test agency and as part of the formal required process beginning in December 2004. The document describing the requirements can be accessed from the Regional Water Board's website. All overflows are tracked in a database administered by the CSO Department. In addition to the notification of SSOs, the District has developed contact numbers for other collection system issues, such as odor complaints and illegal discharges that may be associated with the sewer system. This system allows any individual who identifies such issues to report the problem to the District. The phone is answered 24 hours per day. Contact information is also available on the web at: http : / /www.centralsan.org /index.cfm ?navid =87 Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 2 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 2 Organization Staff Directory for SSMP Implementation General Manager 925 - 229 -7302 Engineering Department Director of Engineering 925 - 229 -7302 Capital Projects Division Manager 925 - 229 -7396 Environmental Services Division Manager 925 - 229 -7335 Environmental Compliance Superintendent 925 - 229 -7380 Collection Systems Operations Department Director of Collection System Operations 925 - 229 -7336 Field Operations Superintendent 925 - 229 -7162 Pumping Stations Superintendent 925 - 229 -7157 Technical Services Superintendent 925 - 957 -7632 Technical Services Senior Engineer 925 - 335 -7713 Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 2 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Field Operations Superintendent 1 Soo 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Collection System Operations Department system Operations 1 M20 1 Field Operations Superintendent 1 S80 1 Pumping Stations Maintenance Supervisor Supervisor VMide 8 Equip. 2 375 1 4 S75 4 MdM. Supsnitor L Gonzalez T. Garitt 1 S73 1 vaunt D. Marchetti K Wright S. Sauter E. Slave Maintenance Crew Leader 18 G87 18 Pumping Stations P. Amaral M. Goss R. Robinson Vehicle & Equip Operator Inl D. Barlett M. Gratis S. Sarras q ip 8 661-88 5 A. een cl— R. Hodge L Szmidt Mseha tic R. Cleland C. Johnsen H. Tehrani 2 (GS65 2, S. Grabke ll D. Comstock K. Kirby D. Turk F. Dominguez C. Halsley ll P. Crouch J. Plascencia J. Walsh A. MacArthur II T. Kostlk M. Muhlestetn I Con;trucuon G. Palmerll Equipment Operator Vacant' 3 Gal 3 G. Collins L. Hernandez M. Klubben Maintenance Crew Member VII 17 G55-81 15 J. Anderson S. DiMaggioI J. Stoops S. Bitle It A. Harbaugh If R. Walkerl W. Brooks II J. Mangini I J. Whitman I r J. Brown I M. Rosen II Vacant Vehicle 6 Equip. J. Covington II R. Salva II Vacant t Service Worker J. Crowell B. Stihner I 1 648 1 P. Notarmaso October 1, 2012 65 Budgeted Authonzed Positrons (left) 59 Filled Positions (nght) 'Filled oath trainee Figure 1: District Organization Chart LAdministrative Services Supr. S62 1 OCO C AdmnistratNs Assistant 1 657 0 iota Field Operations Superintendent 1 Soo 0 Administrative Technician 2 658 2 D. Flanders M. Reynolds Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 2 -5 Chapter 2 Organization Senior Engineer 1 S83 1 A. Rozul Specialist 1 S71 1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 3 Emergency Response Chapter 3. Overflow Emergency Response Plan The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) collection system is a sanitary sewer system that is separate from the regional storm water conveyance system. That is, it is not a combined sewer system. It is the goal of the District to keep the sanitary flows inside the pipe. The District makes every effort to prevent and mitigate overflows and blockages, and maintains two types of emergency plans to reduce the risk and consequences of such occurrences. The District's Sewer Overflow Response Plan was revised (2/1/2007) to incorporate all current procedures in use. This plan deals primarily with overflows in gravity segments of the network. The Pumping Station Emergency Response Plans (2005) have been developed for the individual pumping stations. Each response plan specifies best practices for containment, mitigation, clean up, notification, and reporting of a spill. Beginning December 1, 2004, the District was required to report sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in accordance with the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) online reporting system. The District also maintains an internal database of all overflows to track system performance. As of May 2, 2007, the District began reporting overflows to the State's electronic reporting system as required by State Board Order No. 2006 -0003. Figure 1, entitled "Responding to a Sanitary Sewer Overflow 5A," presents the two -page protocol that District staff uses in response to an SSO. Pumping Station Emergency Response Plan As mentioned, each pumping station has a customized Pumping Station Emergency Response Plan to accommodate the presence of specific engines, fuels, chemicals, electrical equipment and high flows of wastewater that result in a changed workplace. A Pumping Station Emergency Response Plan is similar to the Sewage Overflow Response Plan, but has additional sections to cover topics such as personnel evacuation, first aid, fire and the specific equipment at the station. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 3 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 3 Emergency Response i.- 'arro_ rVio 3.SN4 RESPONDING TO A SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOW SAI 1. Evaluate the SSO extent & suspected cause 2. It the SSO will likely, or already is. impacting private property or receiving waters, photograph the areas impacted 3. Contact your supervisor or a, CSO Supt. & inform them of the SSO Are Additional Resources YE5 Needed? NO Is the spill entering an area where public contact may occur? NO Contact Necessary Resources - See Listing Tab 8 1. Past "WARNING - RAW SEWAGE' Signslother means of warning to public in immediate area 2. Photograph the means you used to warn the public 1. DIVERT AWAY FROM SENSITIVE AREAS a. UNPLUGGED STORM DRAINS, SCHOOLS, DAYCARES, PLAYGROUNDS. INTERSECTIONS, ETC. --) Cover unplugged storm drains with mats, dirt or other diking material to divert away from sensitive areas b. ENSURE PUBLIC CONTACT DOES NOT OCCUR. Use coneslbarricades for lane closures until spill can be completely removed 2. CONTAIN SPILL & RETURN TO SYSTEM, IF POSSIBLE 4 Techniques: -> Plug storm drain catch basins or use rubber mats to ewer basin inlet & divert flow to catch basin 4 Build or excavate a berm to channel flow to downstream manhole (barricade the manhole if you leave it open) 3 Use bypass pumps to pump around blockage until it can be removed --> Divert to low area of ground where it can be collected later 3. PHOTOGRAPH HOW THE SSO WAS DIVERTEDICONTAINED SPONSE Is the 530 Coming from a YES 1. Ensure all electrical hazards have been Locked & Tagged out, CCCSD pump station? 2. Determine the cause of the pump station failure 1 Reference the CCCSD Pump Station Emergency Response Plan NO 4. Photograph staff activities to document actions taken CLEAR THE B LOCKAGEISTOPPAGE t. Use appropriate cleaning equipment to the situation to hydroflush, rudder, or hand rod to clear blockage. Make certain to either have the vactor setup at downstream manhole or use a forkitrap at the manhole outlet to catch any Is the SSO coming from a YES debris released. If using the redder, set -up at First dry manhole & run CCCSD manhole, cteanout? 0 upstream to blockage. Once blockage is broken, pull out rods & cleaning tools. Leaving rods in the line could restrict flow. Once flow is normal, run NO line to next manhole. -9, HYDROFLUSHING SOP - SEE TAB 6 2. Photograph staff activities while clearing the blockage, if possible 1. Photograph & document all evidence that this SSO is from private property 2. Provide customer (if home) with Form 51K -"Sewer Spill Reference Guide -Your Responsibility as a Private Property Owner" & the CCCSD "Maintaining the Flow" brochure (in 5-$Q RESP_ RN_SE ENVELOFEI a. If customer is not home, complete the Customer Service Doorhangar (in SSO RESPONSE ENVELOPEI 3. Complete CCCSD DWR (in SSO RESPONSE ENVELOPEI Figure 1 Responding to a Sanitary Sewer Overflow Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 3 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 3 Emergency Response pasta, M JA — CWMght RESPONDING TO A SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOW side 2 Has SSO reachedllikely to reach creekslother natural NCY Were storm dra pacted? NO water toady or is there evidence of a fish kill? ins im YES I YES COLLECT "41,ATER SAMPLES Use the Hach Ammonia Kit (in Field USING THE FIELD SAMPLING KIT 4 Follow sampling Sampling Kit) to trace the extent of the SSO SOP in the Field Sampling Kit (see lab 5E) in the storm drain ASSIGN STAFF TO POST "WARNING- RAW SEWAGE'; 1. Seal or berm the storm drain immediately Signs/other means of warning along the shoreline of downstream of point the SSO reached impacted waters, as appropriate or as directed by the Z Photograph impacted storm drain catch County Environmental Health Department basins before cleaning 1 Vacuum any visible sewage — Record the volume of sewage recovered 4. Flush impacted sections of storm drain 1s it feasiblelpractical to containlrecoveravy of the NO with 3X amount of SSG, if possible — SSO from the contained area (i.e. small canal, Record volume of flush water `1 ditch, creek, etc)? %r 5. Remove all visible signs of sewage 6. Return flush water (if chlorinated) to YES sanitary sewer — Record volume of flush water recovered 1. Contact SUPERVISOR if additional containment 7. Photograph all storm drain catch basins assistance is required after cleaning is completed 2. It SSG is sufficiently large, contact PSC as directed by SUPERVISOR 3 PSC: 707.748.3040 (non - emergency response) or AREA CLEANUP 1 -800,567 .7455 (emergency response) 1. Assign staff to begin cleanup 3. Describe situation & request assistance a. NOTE: If SSO was caused by a failure in a private service line, clean up impacted public areas & document staff time, equipment ESTIMATE SPILL VOLUME used & expenses incurred 2• Remove all signs of gross pollution Estimate SSO volume using one of the methods listed in Tabs 5C -5F NOTE: Remember — the spill was probab l (toilet paper, solids, grease, etc.) 3. Flush area water — Unless occurring for a period of time before it was reported — [aloe raining (3Xamcun[afSSO, if possible) mount f S that into account when estimating SSO volume a. Setup berm /other means to contain all chlorinated flush water so it can be returned to sewer DOCUMENTATION & REPORTING Complete the CCCSD ORANGE SHEET & DWR b. Don't use disinfectants that may enter stormdrain system or other water body 4. Photograph the area when cleanup operations are complete PLACE IN SEWER OVERFLOW + ' 1. Completed CCCSD ORANGE SHEET & DWR 2. Digitall disposable camera used to take photographs 3. ALL notes/documentation made Figure 1 Responding to a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (continued) Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 3 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 3 Emergency Response Sanitary Sewer Overflow & Backup Response Plan A Sanitary Sewage Overflow & Backup Response Plan has been developed for the collection system to minimize the impact of overflows when they do occur. This document is maintained by the Collection System Operations (CSO) Department. The provisions of this response plan consist of the following components: • Purpose, Definitions & Claims Handling • Review Customer Relations Practices • Receiving a Sewage Overflow / Backup Report • Responding to a Sanitary Sewer Backup • Responding to a Sanitary Sewer Overflow • Hydroflusher - Mainline Blockage SOP • Customer Service Call Guidelines • Emergency Contact Information • Warning Raw Sewage Public Notification Posting Notification and Initial Response Business Hours: During business hours, incoming messages are routed to the District Dispatcher at CSO. When the District Dispatcher receives a phone call, radio call, or other report of an SSO, he or she collects sufficient data to locate the spill and uses a call list to notify the nearest CSO Cleaning Section Crew. The District's goal is to have a crew on site within 30 minutes of initial notification. Outside Business Hours: Outside of normal business hours, an answering service forwards the report to the on- call Crew Leader, who calls the source of the report to gather information on the incident. If appropriate, the Crew Leader schedules a response during normal business hours. If the situation requires an immediate response, a crew will be at the site within 45 minutes of the original call. Upon arrival, the Crew determines if the District has responsibility and determines the appropriate course of action. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 3 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 3 Emergency Response Field Response After a crew arrives on scene and determines the appropriate course of action, they classify the spill as a major or minor spill and follow the procedure described in the Sanitary Sewage Overflow & Backup Response Plan. During this time, the cause of the overflow may be determined and the crew will notify the responsible party or resident. The crews make every effort to contain the spill, reduce any further damage, restore the flow, and document the event, including regulatory requirements. All District field staff are trained in traffic control. Crowd control is primarily used to prevent the public from coming in contact with the overflow liquids. Cones and signage are used. For a large overflow, a portion of the crowd control is performed by local municipal employees, such as police and fire. Emergency Response Training The most important part of any emergency response plan includes the presence of skilled and knowledgeable workers. District employees receive initial and periodic refresher training in emergency response skills. The attendance of staff at training in these skills is recorded in a training database that is maintained on -site at the plant headquarters administration building for a minimum of three years. Contracted staff are not provided such training because the District does not employ contractors to perform emergency response work. In the case of a large overflow, where outside assistance is necessary, on -site supervision and direction will be provided by trained and competent District staff and management. Reporting Overflow Data Overflows are reported to the State Water Resources Control Board through the online California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS). SSO data is also maintained in Accela AMS (Asset Management System). Hard copies of data are maintained in the office of the Field Operations Superintendent. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 3 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Chapter 4. Fats Oils and Grease Control Program Purpose The goal of the Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control Program is to reduce the number of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) caused by FOG discharged to the sewer collection system while managing the operating and maintenance costs associated with FOG control. The FOG Control Program includes two primary components: 1) cleaning and maintenance of the collection system; and 2) plan review, inspection, enforcement, and education for sources of FOG from food service establishments (FSEs). This chapter provides a summary of the plans, procedures, and processes of the program. The FOG Control Program uses the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) Code Title 10 (Source Control Ordinance), the Standard Specifications, and customer outreach materials as reference documents. Relevant portions of the Code and the Standard Specifications are discussed in detail in Chapter 5 (Legal Authority) of this SSMP. Background information In the early 1990s the District recognized that FOG was a significant contributor to system blockages and overflows, and assigned responsibility to the Source Control workgroup to address the problem. The Source Control workgroup's original FOG program used some of the capacity of a supervisor and one staff person. This group was responsible for inspections, enforcement, and limited plan reviews. As staffing increased for Source Control, the ability to conduct more FOG fieldwork increased. In 2001, the Source Control workgroup expanded and re- organized the program. In 2011, the Source Control workgroup took over all commercial and industrial plan reviews. In accordance with these changes, the Source Control workgroup's FOG program is responsible for plan reviews, customer outreach, site inspections, and enforcement. Maintenance of the sanitary sewer pipes, including cleaning to control the accumulation of FOG, has always been the responsibility of the Collection System Operations Department (CSO). Legal Authority Ordinance: The District has the authority to adopt and implement grease control regulations on public and private property under the District Code, Title 10 as discussed in Chapter 5 (Legal Authority) of this SSMP. Under this ordinance and general permit conditions the following conditions are imposed. More details are available in Chapter 5. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Users who are currently connected or contribute to the District's facilities, or who propose to connect or contribute to the District's facilities must obtain a Connection Permit. FSEs are currently a Class III Industrial User, and are not required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit at this time (District Code 1.08 and 10.12.020 -030). Waste haulers that discharge to District facilities must obtain a District Waste Hauler Permit and meet performance standards (District Code Chapter 10.28). Users must install and maintain a grease pretreatment device when the District finds it is necessary for the proper handling of liquid waste containing grease (District Code 10. 12.090 and 10.32.010). Specific standards for the maintenance of a grease pretreatment device (e.g. minimum cleaning frequency, minimum performance standard for cleaning, prohibition for decanting wastes) are established in Title 10, Section 10.32.035. The District has the right to inspect users in order to ensure all standards and requirements are being complied with (District Code 1.08 and 10.12.080). This inspection authority enables inspectors to evaluate both production areas and waste management areas of facilities (e.g. pretreatment equipment). The enforcement mechanisms available to the District for violations of the provisions of Title 10, applicable District resolutions, and permit or permit contract provisions include the following (District Code 10.16.010): A. Informal administrative action (including Notice of Violations and warning notices) B. Administrative orders C. Institution of Sampling and Evaluation programs, Enforcement compliance Schedule Agreements, and related administrative orders D. Assessment of charges for obstruction or damage to District facilities or operations E. Suspension or termination of services F. Administrative complaints for administrative civil penalties G. Civil action H. Criminal action Pursuant to federal requirements, the District annually publishes, in the largest daily newspaper within the jurisdictional boundaries of the District, a list of the industrial users who were in significant noncompliance during the twelve previous months. The notification must also summarize enforcement actions taken against the user(s) during the same twelve months (District Code 10.12.100). This requirement is not typically used for FSEs unless a significant formal enforcement action is taken. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Standard Specifications: Section 9 of the District's Standard Specifications was adapted from the Uniform Plumbing Code and describes the requirements, design, and installation of a grease pretreatment device. The document is described in Chapter 7 of this Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and the entire text of section 9 is available at the following link: http: / /www.centralsan.org /documents /section 9 source control.pdf Section 9 was most recently revised in 2011. Under the Standard Specifications section 9 -01A, conditions such as the following are imposed: The grease pretreatment device must be installed in a suitable location (outside for a grease interceptor and inside for a grease trap) that is readily accessible for periodic cleaning, inspection, and /or sampling. The grease pretreatment device shall be connected to specific plumbing fixtures or drains as required by the District. The size of the grease pretreatment device is determined by the District on a case by case basis using criteria such as the size and type of facility, volume of business or operation, plumbing fixtures, square footage of the FSE and estimated flow rate. Current Program District Workgroups that participate in the FOG program: Connection Permits: The Permit workgroup is responsible for permitting new facilities or existing facilities that are being remodeled if plumbing modifications are involved. They work with the District's Construction Inspectors to assure correct installation of an outside grease interceptor device. Source Control: Source Control is a workgroup within the Environmental Services Division of the Engineering Department that controls the discharge quality of businesses connected to the sanitary sewer. The workgroup is responsible for completing plan reviews of FSEs, investigating FOG problems, inspecting facilities, including FSEs, issuing citations to enforce the provisions of Title 10, and processing enforcement actions to assess penalties when appropriate. The Source Control workgroup administers the Waste Hauler Permit Program and is responsible for conducting inspections and enforcement for violations. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Communication Services: Communication Services is the workgroup at the District responsible for the development and publication of flyers, brochures, and other promotional and educational material. The use of such materials is an integral part of the FOG program for both residential customers and FSEs. Collection System Operations: Collection System Operations (CSO) operates, maintains, inspects, cleans, and repairs the collection system, performing proactive and reactive maintenance associated with FOG accumulations. Treatment Plant Operations: The Treatment Plant allows permitted waste haulers that have collected FOG wastes from FSEs within the District's service area to dispose of this waste at a designated location at the headworks. The FOG waste is used to supplement the fuel used to operate the biosolids incinerator as part of the treatment process. Enforcement Waste Hauler Program: The District administers a Waste Hauler program that includes FOG waste haulers. As part of this program, a list of approved permitted waste haulers who pay a fee to offload FOG at the headworks of the treatment plant is maintained. Title 10 was modified in 2007 to require waste haulers to identify the disposal facility of the hauled wastes on the documentation provided to the generator of the waste (District Code 10.08.055). This documentation standard provides some paperwork to verify proper disposal or facilitate the investigation of illegally dumped wastes when they are discovered. Permits: Any customer that discharges wastewater must obtain a Connection Permit prior to connection. New facilities or facilities undergoing a remodel project involving plumbing modifications apply at the Permit Counter. Plan Review: Source Control and Permits section staff perform a Plan Review to determine the necessity of a grease pretreatment device and specify the design requirement if a device is needed. District staff uses the following criteria to determine the need for a pre- treatment device: • Type of facility • Volume of business or operation Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program • Size and nature of facilities • Type of service provided • Type of foods or other materials used in cooking, processing, or manufacturing operations • Overall potential for grease -laden discharges • Existence of devices, procedures, or processes which are designed to minimize the amount of grease entering the sewer system Certain types of FSEs have been identified as either requiring a grease interceptor, grease trap(s), or not requiring a grease removal device. If during the plan review process, a FSE operator does not believe that their operation needs or can install the designated grease removal device due to the nature of their business activities, space constraints or site conditions, they can request a variance from the standard. The Source Control workgroup will receive and process the variance request to determine if it has merit. Source Control staff will accept, deny or modify the variance request. The final determination of the variance request is communicated to the Permit Section for processing. Pretreatment Device Inspections: All new facilities with exterior grease removal devices receive a construction inspection and a portion of existing facilities receives a compliance inspection annually. FSEs are inspected on a regular basis to determine if they are employing proper Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control grease sources, if a grease pretreatment device is needed, and if they are properly maintaining a grease pretreatment device that is already in service. Title 10 was modified in 2007 to specify maintenance standards for grease pretreatment devices in order to clearly communicate the responsibilities for FSEs and waste haulers. Inspection sites are prioritized using the following criteria: • New facilities in need of an exterior sewer construction inspection • Existing and new facilities on a designated inspection cycle • Facilities with recorded violations of Title 10 • Facilities within an area defined by CSO as problematic due to FOG accumulation Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Construction Inspection: In order to determine the proper installation of a grease interceptor, the District will perform a construction inspection. Construction inspections are done either by Construction Inspectors or Source Control Inspectors. Because the District does not have jurisdiction over the plumbing inside a facility (Title 10 provides authority to require installation and maintenance of a grease removal device), city building departments are responsible for inspection of the installation of grease traps. Source Control staff often follow up with the building department or the FSE to verify that a required grease trap was installed. Compliance Inspection: Source Control performs more than 1000 sewer and /or storm water compliance inspections annually. These inspections include FSEs and other commercial facilities to ensure compliance with ordinances and proper operation to protect discharge quality. Compliance inspections at FSEs typically involve: • Recording the number of fixtures in the facility • Assessing the use of kitchen BMPs to control FOG discharges • Assessing the need for grease trap or interceptor at FSEs that don't currently have a unit • Checking the condition of the grease trap or interceptor, noting dates of cleaning and noting means of waste grease disposal or recycling • Identifying sources of wastewater and determining proper disposal Source Control designates the number of compliance inspections needed in each city and inspectors choose specific facilities to inspect by referring to a database that contains records of previous inspections. The frequency of inspections depends on a facility's potential for problems and compliance history. If a facility is found to be in compliance, then the next inspection will be in 2 -5 years depending on the potential to generate FOG wastes. A facility that is out of compliance will be inspected more frequently until Source Control is satisfied with customer's return to compliance and ability to maintain compliance. Inspections are normally carried out without notifying the customer so that the inspectors may get an accurate view of normal operating conditions. Enforcement Options During Compliance Inspections: The Source Control workgroup is authorized to enforce the conditions of Title 10 through the use of field enforcement actions including Warning Notices and Notices of Violation. Additional administrative enforcement remedies are available if these preliminary enforcement documents are not effective in achieving compliance with the Title 10 conditions, including FOG control. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -6 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Warning Notice: Warning Notices are issued for a minor ordinance violation or a condition that, if uncorrected, could result in a violation. Facilities have 30 days to identify how they corrected the condition and how they intend to prevent future occurrences. Notice of Violation: Notices of Violation (NOV) are issued for ordinance violations, failure to respond to a Warning Notice, or Violations of Permit Conditions. A facility must then propose a plan to achieve compliance. Facilities have 30 days to respond and up to 100 days to install a grease pretreatment device. Administrative Civil Penalties: The District has the authority to assess Administrative Civil Penalties for violations of Title 10 including FOG control requirements. This process is reserved for facilities that have egregious violations or that demonstrate a pattern of non - compliance with the standards. Customer Outreach and Education Source Control, in partnership with Communication Services, has created pamphlets, posters, and brochures, and delivers them to customers at the time of inspection and by mail. The current emphasis of the program is on FSEs. Outreach is key to FOG control because it promotes preventative measures to minimize grease in the collection system. The materials are designed to educate the public about improper grease disposal and to promote the use of BMPs. Specific operation and maintenance documents are provided for grease traps and for grease interceptors. Other documents outline proper grease disposal techniques, describe the available pretreatment devices, explain the inspection process, and provide tips on water pollution prevention. Copies of materials are located at the end of this chapter. Source Control and Communications Services are continually updating and improving existing outreach materials and creating new documents that focus on specific issues of grease, grease traps, and grease interceptors. In addition to Source Control outreach efforts, CSO leaves a door hanger for customers when they discover an overflow or blockage due to grease accumulation. The door hanger has tips on preventing grease from entering laterals and information about proper grease disposal. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -7 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program FOG Processing FOG enters the plant via influent flows and truck deliveries from permitted waste haulers. Haulers who participate in the Waste Hauler Program offload grease into the inlet located at the headworks and it flows into primary settling and on to treatment with the normal plant flows. The majority of FOG material floats to the top of the tanks and is skimmed off. This material is then pumped through heated lines to the Solids Conditioning Building where excess water is decanted and it is used as a supplemental fuel in the biosolids incinerator as part of the treatment process. Collection System Inspection and FOG Removal The CSO Department removes FOG from the sewer collection system. CSO also inspects pipe segments to identify problem areas and responds to service calls due to blockages and overflows. CSO has the most direct interaction with grease in the system and provides valuable information for FOG control from their on -site experiences. CSO sets cleaning priorities based on pipe inspections and SSO incidence. CSO communicates the location and status of problem areas with the Source Control workgroup to help set pretreatment device inspection priorities. New and upgraded pipes are placed on a 10 -year cleaning frequency. If inspections reveal problems with a particular pipe segment such as grease accumulation, cracks, leaks, or blockages (e.g. root), the cleaning frequency is increased as necessary. For FOG impacted pipes, the cleaning frequency is adjusted over time as field crews provide reports on current grease conditions in the pipe. Figure 1 provides an overview of the scheduling process. A hot spot evaluation program is implemented by the District to understand the causes of FOG accumulation in pipe segments that have a very frequent cleaning cycle. The program relies on the use of CCTV to evaluate FSE sources, pipe cleaning effectiveness, and impacts due to structural problems (e.g. sags, off -set joints). The findings of this program are used to prioritize operational responses and capital project schedules to optimize the costs associated with managing the impacts of FOG on the District's collection system pipes. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -8 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan i Grease /Root Moderate Schedule 2 year cleaning period Routine Inspection Known leaks, cracks, blockages, or grease accumulation prior to inspec- Grease /�Sehrdule oot Heavy cleaning period_ Scheduled Inspection Still Grease Heavy? Schedule 1 6 .s leaning perio_d_ Scheduled Inspection Still Grease Heavy? Schedule 3 mos. Scheduled Inspection Still Grease Heavy? Schedule 2 mos. Scheduled Inspection Still Grease Heavy? Schedule 1 mos. Figure 1: Flowchart of Cleaning Regimen Chapter 4 FOG Program inspection in 10 ears =cracks, Keep 1 yr. schedule Keep 6 mos. schedule Keep 3 mos. schedule Keep 2 mos. schedule Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -9 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Record Keeping and Reporting FSE database: Source Control maintains a database of FSEs within the service area. The database contains records of inspections, warning notices, notices of violation and any information on grease removal devices. In addition, files are maintained for each FSE inspected by the Source Control program. The files are maintained by the address of the FSE. Geographical Data Interface: The Geographical Data Interface (GDI) contains maps of pipelines and structures within the service area. Parcels and pipe segments can be selected to access supplementary information. Using GDI, one can access information such as permit and maintenance history. Cleaning Database: Collection System Operations maintains a database that records all maintenance and inspection events in the collection system. This includes repairs and cleaning. Pipe inspection is captured in video format with important details entered into the database as the inspection takes place. CSO notes lateral connection, debris, flow direction, size of pipe, and the qualitative condition of the pipe. CSO records job information as work takes place in the field using laptop computers and uploads the information to the main database at the CSO office. Definitions and Acronyms: BMP- Best Management Practices. Best Management Practice is defined as a practice or combination of practices that a designated agency determines to be the most effective, practical means of reducing the amount of pollution generated by nonpoint sources to a level compatible with water quality goals. CSO- Collection System Operations is the division at the District responsible for operation sewer collection system. They are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the pipes, structures, and pumping stations. FOG- fats, oils, and grease. FSE- A food service establishment is a place where food is prepared or served for consumption by the public. Grease Removal Device - This term refers the class of devices that remove grease from the wastewater flow. Grease interceptors and grease traps are types of pretreatment devices. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -10 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 4 FOG Program Grease Interceptor - It is a pretreatment device that is usually 500 gallons or larger and installed outside a facility. The unit is serviced via manhole access and is pumped out by a truck. The current CCCSD standard minimum size for grease interceptors is 1,000 gallons.. The Uniform Plumbing Code refers to these devices as "Gravity Grease Interceptors ". Grease Trap - This is a pretreatment device installed inside a facility, often serving an individual fixture. The Uniform Plumbing Code refers to these devices as "Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors" and "Grease Removal Devices ". GDI - Geographical Data Interface is a program that the District uses to generate digital system maps and to access information about the 1500 mile sewer network. Hydroflushing - The use of a concentrated spray of water to scour pipe walls and remove attached material. NOV - Notice of Violation. SSO - Sanitary sewer overflow. It is a term for a sewer spill or overflow that is commonly used in regulations and reporting requirements. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 4 -11 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority Chapter 5. Legal Authority Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) receives its legal authority from the California Health & Safety Code, Division 6, Part 1. This statute is referred to as the Sanitary District Act of 1923. The District was created in 1946 as a special district in Central Contra Costa County. With this authority, the District Board of Directors passes ordinances that are incorporated into the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Code (the Code), and the Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (Standard Specs). These documents govern all aspects of the sewage collection system, from the connection of the private lateral to the terminus of the District's outfall in Suisun Bay. Central Contra Costa Sanitary Code The Code is available on the District's website and at the following link: http .//munici,oalcodes.lexisnexis. com /codes /cccostasandis/ The Code is composed of the following Titles: Title 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Title 2 ADMINISTRATION Title 3 (Reserved) Title 4 PERSONNEL Title 5 PERMITS AND LICENSES Title 6 FEES AND CHARGES Title 7 REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS Title 8 (Reserved) Title 9 SEWERS Title 10 SOURCE CONTROL (PRETREATMENT) Title 11 RECYCLED WATER Title 1 of the Code grants the District the power to enter private property to inspect sewer facilities and to levy fines and terminate service in the event that users fail to comply with District rules and policies. Other titles have additional enforcement provisions that expand upon these powers granted in Title 1. For example, Title 10 enables District staff to conduct inspections and obtain samples from businesses discharging to the District's system in order to ensure compliance with the Source Control (Pretreatment) standards. Provisions in Title 6 of the code grant the District the power to assess fees to recoup the operating and capital costs of the District from users. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority Standard Specifications for Design and Construction The District uses its Standard Specifications for Design and Construction to describe how to properly install and operate sewer lines in the District service area. The legal authority for this document is cited from Title 9 of the Code, Section 9.08.010 — Planning, design and construction: Sewers that are intended for dedication to the District as public sewers shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed and repaired in accordance with this code and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (referred in this code as "standard specifications'). The standard specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. The use of any sewer facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the standard specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District sewer facilities constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and private property and the environment, and shall be considered a public nuisance. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. Public sewers shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed and repaired in accordance with this title and the Plans and Specifications of the District and the orders of the General Manager. (Ord. 223 § 2(part), 2002; Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) Service Agreements In addition to serving its prescribed territory, the District provides sewage treatment services for the City of Concord and the City of Clayton. These cities operate their own collection systems, which ultimately deliver their sewage to the District's Martinez treatment facility. Concord has entered into service agreements with the District that stipulate that they must operate their collection systems in accordance with District Codes and policies; the flow from Clayton is treated as a portion of Concord's flow. As part of this service agreement, the District has authority to conduct pretreatment inspections in order to enforce the requirements of the Source Control Ordinance (Title 10) in the cities of Concord and Clayton. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority Specific Legal Authority Enforcement: Sections 1.08 -1.20, 5.10, 6.24.050 and 10.16.010 of the Code prescribe the enforcement actions available to the District. District Ordinances 117, 198 and 223 are used as the legal basis for these chapters. All enforcements and remedies are cumulative. Violation of the Code is a misdemeanor in accordance with District Code section 1.08.060A and section 6523, Health and Safety Code, State of California. Customers or Contractors who violate the provisions of the Code will receive a notice of violation and may suffer penalties, disconnection of service, and may be charged with a misdemeanor. Contractors may forfeit any bonds in association with their work, and lose the ability to do future work with the District. The District may disconnect and /or correct any defective work and collect the costs from the customer or the contractor. Infiltration and Inflow From Satellite Wastewater Collection Systems and Laterals: All inflow is prohibited as part of the District's Source Control ordinance in Title 10. Ordinance 183 created section 10.08.040J, which prohibits all inflow with the following text: 10.08.040 Prohibited substances or characteristics. A user shall not discharge, or cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly to a District facility any of the following: Any stormwater, groundwater, rain water, street drainage, subsurface drainage, yard drainage, diatomaceous earth filter backwash or swimming pool drainage, unless a specific permit is issued by the District. The District may approve such discharge only when no reasonable alternative is available or such water is determined to constitute a pollution hazard, if not discharged into the sewer; (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) Infiltration is regulated in section 4 -01 and 4 -02 of the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction. The area of the property and the mean annual rainfall are used to calculate an acceptable volume of infiltration flow. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority The District has entered into a customer service agreement with the City of Concord to receive and treat flows from its collection system. While this agreement does not specifically address inflow /infiltration (I &I) issues, it states that the City of Concord must follow the same practices in their collection systems that are employed in the District's network. The City of Clayton discharges sewer flows from their collection system into the City of Concord's network, and a memorandum of understanding between the District and the City of Clayton also states that District practices must be followed in their service territory. In accordance with the service agreement and memorandum of understanding, the City of Concord receives bills from the District that are based on volume received. The City of Concord then shares these costs with the City of Clayton. Therefore, these two customers have an incentive to control I &I flows to reduce their bills. The District's Source Control workgroup enforces the requirements of Title 10 that includes section 10.08.040 referenced above. Customers that have connections or discharges that violate this section (e.g. roof leaders connected to sanitary sewer drains) are cited and required to remedy the condition. Design and Construction of New and Rehabilitated Sewers and Connections: The District uses Title 5 (Permits and Licenses) and Title 9 (Sewers) of the Code and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction to ensure that any changes to the collection system are properly designed and constructed. The ordinances that create this authority are District ordinances 116,154,198 and 223. Installation, Testing, and Inspection of New and Rehabilitated Sewers: Chapter 5.04 (General Provisions of Permits and Licenses) of the Code and Section 11 of the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (Control of the Work) describe the requirements for installation, testing and inspection of collection system modifications. The ordinances that create this authority are District ordinances 198 and 223. Private Laterals Specific Overflow Enforcement and Prohibitions: The District has authority to regulate overflows from private laterals from the California Health and Safety Code, Division 6, Part 1, Chapter 4, section 6521 C. An excerpt is below: 6521. It may make and enforce all necessary and proper regulations for. (a) The removal of garbage. (b) The cleanliness of the roads and streets of the district. (c) All other sanitary purposes not in conflict with the laws of this State. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority 6521.5. Any district may exercise the power granted to sanitation districts by Section 4765 of this code. 6522. It may do any act necessary or proper to the complete exercise and effect of any of its powers, or for the purposes for which it is formed. 6522.1. No regulation or ordinance of a district which regulates or prescribes standards for the installation of plumbing inside of buildings and structures, shall be effective within any county, city and county, or city which has adopted an ordinance, regulation, or code incorporated in an ordinance governing such installations. Any private lateral that causes an overflow in the District's system is in violation of sections 10.08.030A -D of the Code. The text of this section is quoted below, which also includes other restrictions. Remedies available to the District include fines and disconnection and are described in more detail in the enforcement section. 10.08.030 Prohibited effects. A user may not discharge, or cause to be discharged, wastewater into any District facility if it contains substances or has characteristics which either alone or by interaction with other wastewater, cause or threaten to cause: A. Damage to District facilities; B. Interference or impairment of operation or maintenance of District facilities; C. Obstruction of flow in District facilities; D. Hazard to human life; E. Interference with treatment plant or disposal processes, including recycling or any reclamation processes; F. The treatment plant's effluent or any other product of the treatment plant such as residues, sludge, ash, or scum, to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse. In no case shall substances discharged to the District facilities cause the plant to be in noncompliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelines, or regulations; G. The District to violate its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or the receiving water quality standards; H. Flammable or explosive conditions; I. A noxious or malodorous condition, a public nuisance, a hazard to life, or conditions sufficient to prevent normal entry into the Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 5 Legal Authority sewers or other District facilities for maintenance and repair; J. Objectionable coloration or other condition in the quality of the District's treatment plant influent which interferes with or passes through the treatment plant, K. Conditions which violate any statue, rule, regulation, or ordinance of any public agency, relating to releases of hazardous waste, hazardous substances, or other pollutants to the environment when such release is to a publicly owned sanitary sewer, L. Any alteration or change of the District's NPDES permit or any additional regulatory supervision, intervention, or oversight of the District's operations; M. Any alteration of the District's treatment plant processes; N. Any significant alteration of District operations, including but not limited to, affecting the ability of the District to procure adequate insurance and /or subjecting the District operations to significantly increased potential liability. The District's Source Control workgroup uses the standards established in Title 10 that include Section 10.08.030, or Discharge Permits to regulate the quantity and quality of discharges from businesses operating in the District's service area. These standards apply to fixed facilities with permanent connections to the District's collection system and temporary dischargers (e.g. dewatering from construction projects, mobile service providers). Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 - page 5 -6 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Chapter 6. Operation and Maintenance Program Resources, Budgets and Plans The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) was established in 1946 under the Sanitary District act of 1923. The District is a special District, with fiscal and administrative autonomy. The District is empowered to tax its residents to fund its operations. The District uses an enterprise fund to provide for its operations and currently has one enterprise fund which is comprised of four internal sub - funds: • Running Expense — accounts for the general operations of the District. Substantially all operating revenues and expenses are accounted for in this fund (also referred to as Operations & Maintenance or O &M). • Sewer Construction — accounts for non - operating revenues that are to be used for acquisition or construction of plant, property and equipment (also referred to as the Capital Fund). • Self- Insurance — accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub -fund and cash allocations from other funds, as well as costs of insurance premiums and claims not covered by the District's insurance policies. • Debt Service Fund — accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District's long -term debt in the form of bonds and loans. Each year, the Board adopts the following six budgets: Staffing Plan, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, Equipment, Self- Insurance and Debt - Service. The District publishes a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that is submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association for independent review. These are available on the District's website at http : / /www.centralsan.org /index.cfm ?navld =78. Resources: The District employs approximately 250 employees organized in four departments led by Department Directors, who are responsible for their budgets and expenses and report to the General Manager. The four departments are: Administrative, Engineering, Collection System Operations and Plant Operations. The department responsible for the sewer system is Collection System Operations (CSO). The other departments provide support to CSO as needed. In particular the Administrative department provides human resources, purchasing, financial and outreach support. The Engineering department is responsible for capital projects to renovate, replace and increase capacity of the sewer system. In addition, the Engineering department also manages new customer connections. Within CSO, there are currently approximately 60 employees who operate and maintain the District's 19 pumping stations and 1,500 miles of sewer. They are assisted by a fleet of specialized vehicles, a fleet services facility, technical services for maintenance data management, and safety staff. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Budgets: Operation and Maintenance Budget - The District operates under a fiscal year budget cycle beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The fiscal year O &M budget for 2012 -13 was approximately $68.3 million. Most O &M revenues were generated from an annual $371 per residential unit equivalent sewer service charge. Other sources of revenue include a service contract with the Cities of Concord and Clayton, commercial, industrial, and institutional fees and other charges. Capital Improvement Budget - The District's Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funds the capital investment needed to maintain the current infrastructure and accommodate new connections. The budget is divided into four areas: • Treatment Plant • Collection System • General Improvements • Recycled Water The fiscal year Capital budget for 2012 -13 was approximately $32.3 million, of which $13.7 million was targeted for renovation and capacity improvements to the collection system. The projected revenue for fiscal year 2012 -13 is $21.7 million. Plans: In January of each year the District prepares a Ten Year Plan. This plan includes expenditure and revenue projections for both the Operations & Maintenance and Capital Budgets for ten years into the future. The principal purpose of the Ten Year Plan is to provide the Board of Directors with the information needed to formulate long -range policy regarding rates and charges. By utilizing different expenditure and revenue scenarios, the Board can explore different rate setting alternatives and develop rates and fees that properly fund the priorities supported by the Board of Directors. Collection System Map The District uses a Geographic Information System (GIS) to track sewer related spatial data. This system links many of the disparate geographically oriented databases used at the District and presents them to employees over an intranet web interface called Geographic Data Integration (GDI). This project links most of the District sewer and parcel related spatial databases: 1. Permit Records 2. Mapping 3. Sewer Service Charge 4. Land Base 5. Sewer Maintenance Management System (sewer maintenance logs, see Figure 4) Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program 6. Sewer Network Analysis Program: capacity and velocity under various flow conditions 7. Source Control Program (Fats, Oils, and Grease): inspection dates and results 8. Sewer TV Inspection Program: condition logs and photos W -67 I O GDI 3.0 !� Q Irt . L page • .' Tools . �> � 1 L-1 htramt -1100% Figure 1: GDI Screen View A sample GDI screen with a creek crossing selected and highlighted is shown in Figure 1. This system allows District employees to search for District assets by assessor's parcel number, street address, job number, pipeline segment ID, and other special fields, and view them online at appropriate map scales. The user can also zoom into a specific site using various graphics tools. The sewer line data is updated when as -built drawings are provided as changes are made to the system. After the construction inspector signs off on the work, she or he sends a final set of the plans with the new system configuration to Engineering Support workgroup, and they update GDI. Changes are usually made within a few months of completion of the work, but the maximum update interval goal is one year. Other GDI layers, such as orthophotos and other agency utilities, are updated as they become available. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Pipe segments, manholes, junction structures, pumping stations, District -owned properties or other fixed assets are indicated on the dynamic map. The user can double -click on the feature to bring up maintenance data, as -built drawings, pipe diameters, and other information as shown in Figure 2. Maintenance information is recorded on paper by service crews, and then entered into the appropriate database. Each feature has a unique identifier that uses the District's map grid, structure type, and structure number to name the structure. For example, manhole 75132 M87 is in District map quadrant 75132 and is the 87th manhole named in that quadrant. Figure 2: Facility Information Report Another advantage of the dynamic interface is that data layers are listed on the left hand side of the screen and can be turned on and off as desired. Orthophotos, parcel information, streets, and other features can be displayed or turned off to create whatever map a user wants, and then printed for use offline. The same view as Figure 1 with the orthophoto layer turned on and a sewer pipe scheduled for renovation highlighted is shown in Figure 3. GDI also displays the latitude and longitude values of the mouse position at the bottom left corner of the page. They are required in reporting sanitary sewer overflows by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Lhttr,'.Ugdil * j .NI3.0 R e Q `•A `0.Q 0 0 Q lJ M 0 A a% 10 0 4 Geographic Data Integration , � � Pape' {�}TOOIs •• Links. —Select a Link -- Figure 3: Orthophoto Layer Active in GDI GDI is based on MapGuide software made by Autodesk, and it is updated as changes are made to the District's system. In addition, improvements to GDI are planned, such as the integration of TV inspection video clips with the pipe segment data. This will allow maintenance workers to visualize the trouble spots in a particular pipeline, and better focus their cleaning efforts. Data available in GDI: 1. General: a. Unique ID number for each feature b. Location with reference to street, property lines, latitude and longitude, and the California Grid c. Topographic contours d. Other utility storm sewer lines e. Other utility water lines f. Soils polygons g. City boundaries h. Streams i. Liquefaction zones j. Earthquake fault zones and traces Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan 2. Pipeline related data: a. TV inspection data b. Size c. Material type d. Depth from rim to invert, if known e. Maintenance data f. Flow direction g. Slope, if known h. Invert and rim elevations, if known i. Date constructed j. As -built drawings k. Creek crossings layer and database I. Historical overflows; size and date 3. Parcel related data: Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program a. Permit status b. Owner information c. Annexation status d. Easement locations /documents e. Developer review (data from cities to assess for capacity issues) f. Source control layer and database g. Subdivision boundaries h. Sewershed boundaries Prioritized Preventative Maintenance The District has a pro- active approach to preventative maintenance. All lines that are 15" in diameter ore less are on cleaning schedules ranging from one to 60 month intervals. The maintenance schedules are predicated based on the lines' history, results of TV inspection and proximity to environmentally sensitive areas as well as other factors. Areas with a history of overflows and other issues (a.k.a. "hotspots ") are assigned a more frequent cleaning schedule in order to prevent sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). The District conducts the cleaning and maintenance of sewer lines with an approach collectively described as "quality cleaning ". Different cleaning tools are evaluated, and the most effective tools for various situations are identified. Standard operating procedures are developed. District assets have an average age of approximately 37 years, with some facilities approaching 100 years. Keeping all these components in working order requires a methodical approach of inspection, cleaning, maintenance, repair, renovation and planning. The District's goal is to reduce SSOs. In the last couple of years, significant reduction in SSOs has been achieved. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -6 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program The District uses video inspection, feedback from cleaning crews and information from customers to evaluate the condition of its 1,500 -mile network. Data analysis is conducted by planning engineers and used to develop the Capital Improvement Plan and the Capital Improvement Budget. O &M information is collected in paper form and on laptop computers used by field crews, then transferred to the master database upon return to the office. Every pipe segment has a cleaning and maintenance history that can be accessed from GDI by double - clicking on the segment and then the "Maint." (Sewer Maintenance Management System) button in Figure 2, which will open the interface displayed in Figure 4. Figure 4: SMMS Report The District cleans approximately 1,250 of its 1,500 miles of pipes on a regular basis. The remaining pipes are large diameter pipes that do not require routine cleaning. The District's goal is to clean all lines every 60 months. An overview of the cleaning frequency decision process is shown in Figure 5. The Collection System Operations Department maintains the cleaning and maintenance database, called ACCELA, which collects data for input to the SMMS system. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -7 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Start Assigned Cleaning Interval Set Cleaning Interval between I and 60 months NO Figure 5: Cleaning Frequency Flowchart Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program • Consult Maintenance Database • Choose Equipment • Perform Cleaning • Document Results Need Repair or Maintenance? YES • Schedule Detailed Inspection • Document Problems • Identify Renovation Needs • Rectify Problem The District cleans 4" to 15" sewers in the collection system and employs two types of cleaning methodology: mechanical "rodders" (pictured in Figure 6), and high pressure "hydroflush" (pictured in Figure 7). Rodders are effective in the removal of roots. Hydroflush is used mainly in the removal of grease and debris but can be used to remove roots as well. Cleaning crews are given a monthly schedule of locations to service, and carry out the cleaning work with rodders or hydroflush equipment appropriately. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -8 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Atl Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program ry Figure 6: District Rodder Truck Figure 7: District Hydroflush Truck Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -9 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Root Control: The District had approximately 125,000 feet of mostly hard to access lines on a chemical root control program. The District worked with a contractor to perform a pilot study. District staff followed the manufacturer's guidelines (i.e. pre - cleaned and televised the subject lines, waited 6 to 8 weeks for re- growth and then applied the root control chemical). Staff, then, monitored the lines using closed circuit TV inspection. The program was discontinued in 2008 in response to an unacceptable failure rate exhibited in these line segments of approximately 20 %. The District is currently testing the chemical, Diquat Dibromide, to determine its effectiveness in controlling root intrusion into manholes. Odor Control: District employees respond to odor complaints with a visit to the site and an interview with the customer. Methods used to deal with odors include carbon /permanganate air scrubber systems, pumping station operation changes, and chemicals added to the forcemain such as nitrate solutions, air injection, caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide. Cleaning of Forcemains: Forcemains are scoured on a daily basis with high velocity flow and occasionally the slime layer is removed with a shock treatment of sodium hydroxide or other chemical. This treatment is performed throughout the year, but more frequently in the summer as conditions warrant. The District does not currently perform any mechanical or hydraulic cleaning of forcemains. Cathodic Protection: Several District facilities and systems (Treatment Plant, Collection Systems and Recycled Water) require continuous cathodic protection. The District has a program to survey the existing cathodic protection systems, identify deficiencies and provide recommendations for required maintenance, replacement and /or addition of new cathodic protection for facilities requiring such protection. Corrosion Control: To reduce the presence of hydrogen sulfide, air injection and chemical additives have been implemented to prolong the life of sewer lines. These preventative methods are significantly less expensive than major structural replacements and reflect the importance of sulfide control measures in maintenance of the District's sewer systems. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -10 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Inspection Programs TV Inspection: The District began a comprehensive collection system video inspection program in 2002. The plan is that all sewer lines will be inspected by video; manholes and other structures will be visually inspected as part of the process. The District selected a private contractor by a competitive bid process to carry out this work. Virtually, the entire collection system was inspected by 2010 at a cost of approximately $7M. Video inspection results are analyzed and sewer pipes that need immediate attention, modified cleaning activities /schedules and future sewer replacement are identified. Sewers identified for replacement are evaluated for other significant factors — maintenance accessibility, sewer capacity, sewer stoppage history, and utility /road surface renovation coordination. Pipe segments are then prioritized and organized into projects by geographic area. Sewer pipes and manholes are inspected using closed- circuit television (CCTV) on a schedule predicated on a baseline video inspection conducted from 2003 - present. The inspection schedules run from once every 15 years for pipes in excellent condition to much more frequently for pipes in poor condition. The condition of the pipe is assessed using a numerical system that scores each televised defect and is summarized in a score for that pipe segment. Rehabilitation and replacement projects are created using this ranked data as well as other relevant data, such as capacity, utility coordination, watershed sensitivity, frequency of maintenance, and number of stoppages, if any. The results are grouped geographically and technically (replacement method) and incorporated into the capital improvement plan and budget. The video is recorded in digital format and excerpts and still images are available via the District's intranet. All data is archived and organized in a database for access. In addition to the work performed by the contractor, the District owns two video trucks that are used to inspect new installations and repairs, as well as provide assistance to cleaning crews when they are working on a difficult stretch of pipe. Remote Area Inspection: Another inspection program focuses on District assets that are inside easements, often residential backyards, and are not readily accessible by vehicle. District employees and contractors walk the pipelines, inspect for damage along the pipelines and inspect inside manholes to verify proper flow conditions as well as for root growth. Inspectors look for tell tale signs of leaks such as heavy vegetation growth during the dry summer season, and inconsistent flow between manholes. This program was initiated in 2005 and has been successful in detecting areas in need of maintenance. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -11 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Flow Monitoring: The District contracted with a consultant to collect flow data from 30 locations in the collection system and rainfall data from 10 locations during the wet season of winter 2004 -05. Data was combined with flow data from pumping stations and the treatment plant to provide an update to the original District flow model developed in the Sewer Master Plan of 1985. Contingency Equipment and Replacement Inventories Emergency Response Vehicles: The Collection System Operations Department maintains a number of emergency response vehicles in addition to cleaning vehicles. The vehicles are located at the NAX plant, near the filter plant. The purpose of these vehicles is to quickly restore flow and repair the damage in the pipe. The Sewer Overflow Response Plan and the Pumping Station Overflow Response Plan describe how to use these vehicles to react to an overflow event. Because system problems range from simple plugs to complex failures of pipes or pumping equipment, not all of the vehicles are used in every situation. Figure 8 shows the District's confined space van. This vehicle carries all the necessary equipment to safely enter the sewer system. Figure 8: Confined Space Van Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -12 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Figure 9 shows the District's emergency pump truck. This vehicle carries a variety of pump sizes ranging from 2" to 4" and is used to bypass failed pump stations or areas of the collection system that are blocked and cannot be quickly cleared. 1 y� Figure 9: Emergency Pump Truck 9 Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -13 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Figure 10: Construction Vehicle Figure 10 shows a construction vehicle that carries tools, equipment, and parts needed for spot repairs. Figure 11 shows the emergency response trailer that carries sections of pipe that can be quickly deployed to route flow around a blockage with the help of the emergency pump truck. Figure 11: Emergency Response Trailer Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -14 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan e ,r 4 Figure 12: Cornell Bypass Pump Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program 4 Figure 12 shows the Cornell portable bypass pump installed at the Orinda Crossroads pumping station, and Figure 13 shows the Gorman -Rupp bypass pump installed at the Collection System Operations office. The District currently owns two trailer mounted Cornell pumps and two trailer mounted Gorman -Rupp pumps exclusively for bypass pumping of pumping stations. WI �I 9��7 LAWor, -1 �. Ah._ I Figure 13: Gorman -Rupp Bypass Pump Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -15 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Replacement Inventories: The CSO Division maintains a warehouse of material for repairs at its location in Walnut Creek. In addition, each pumping station maintains an inventory of spare parts such as belts, hoses, and other critical components. Whenever possible, pumps and other equipment are standardized to reduce the complexity of working with different types of equipment. Training Training Records: District training records are kept on file for each employee. Additionally, a training database is maintained for the purpose of reviewing employee qualifications and adding or modifying training requirements for individual employees. These training records are maintained at the plant headquarters administration building at http:// cros/ trainingdatabase /Reportlndex.cfm. Competency Training: The District operators receive on- the -job training as required by the work assignments. They are certified with operator grade levels administered by the California Water Environment Association. Emergency Response Training: The most important component of any emergency response plan is skilled and knowledgeable workers. District employees receive initial and periodic refresher training in emergency response skills. The District training program consists of both introductory and continuing education on the topics of health, safety, and environment. Training is customized to serve the different needs of the District's workers and is provided by both District staff and contractors. The training program has the following basic structure. a. New Employee and Contractor Orientation b. Refresher Training Programs c. Special Training Sessions d. Tailgate Training Sessions e. Training Records Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -16 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program Employee and Contractor Orientation: Employees and contractors who work on District projects receive training on safety topics in order to provide orientation, information on safe work practices, and background on the District's Safety Program. The following outline lists the course subjects. Appropriate items from the outline are selected for the orientation based on the job requirements: a. District Safety Policy & Responsibilities b. New Employee Plant Orientation c. Unique Hazards d. Methane & Hydrogen Sulfide e. General Safe Work Practices f. Personal Protective Equipment g. Respirators h. Hard Hats i. Eye & Face Protection j. Safety Shoes k. Hearing & Body Protection I. Emergency Evacuation Procedure m. Fire Evacuation n. Safety Directives and Safety Directive Quiz o. Accident Prevention and First Aid p. Hazard Communication Standard (Hazardous Materials /MSDSs) q. District Smoking Policies r. Vehicle Safe Driving Practices (Safety Belts, Speed Limits - Plant 15 mph) Refresher Training Topics: District employees are subject to periodic refresher training such as respiratory protection training, emergency response /evacuation training, and others as necessary. Refresher sessions are provided on topics when new materials or processes are added to the workplace, or when new regulatory requirements or new hazards are identified. Ongoing refresher training is an important element of the District's training program. Special Training Topics: Special topics are presented to employees on an as needed basis. An employee's supervisor or the District Safety and Risk Management team may determine what type and amount of training may be appropriate for an individual employee based on their work tasks, previous training and projected work tasks. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -17 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program These topics vary each year but are represented by the following list: a. Respirator Care and Use b. Hazard Communication c. Confined Space Entry Procedures d. CPR /First Aid e. Ladder Safety f. Electrical Safety g. Forklift /Heavy Equipment h. Ergonomics i. Cranes and Rigging j. Emergency Preparedness Drill k. Personal Protective Equipment I. Fire Drill m. Fire Extinguisher Safety Tailgate Training Sessions: Tailgate training sessions are provided to both plant and remote jobsite locations when preparing crews for specific jobs and are a part of the ongoing safety training program. These sessions are logged and documented in the field. A representative list of these training sessions is included below: a. Confined Space Hazards b. Materials Handling Safety c. Hydrogen Sulfide Control d. Storage and Use of Chemicals e. OSHA Asbestos Standard f. Permissible Exposure Limits g. Exposure to Hazardous Materials h. Polysulfide Caulking Health Hazards i. Material Safety Data Sheets Contractor and Plumber Outreach The District's outreach program consists of jobsite interaction between inspectors and contractors, and outreach materials sent by mail. Contractors and plumbers who live in areas served by the District receive The Pipeline, a newsletter sent to all customers. Every issue provides valuable information on how customers can make the operations of the District run more smoothly. Contractors and plumbers who work in the District's territory must register with the District. This registration list is used to send mailings to them whenever the Standards and Specifications described in section 7a or the District Code described in section 5 are changed, or there is a need to notify them of some other District concern. Through these methods of contact, the District keeps contractors and plumbers up to date on current Best Management Practices. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -18 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance Program The District has identified building demolition as a potential source of SSOs because the contractors may not cap the cleanout of the sewer lateral during the demolition and foreign material entering there may then cause a blockage. The District will establish communications with city and county building departments to confirm their awareness of the importance of these caps and to make sure that the potential for these overflows are minimized. The District will also be using a one -page flyer that was developed by the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Collection System Committee and the Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group that reaches out to plumbers and sewer contractors to request that they coordinate with agency staff to jointly remove lateral plugs, rather than pushing them to the sewer main, where they can potentially cause SSOs. The District will distribute the flyer to plumbing contractors who visit the Permit Counter, and it will be posted on the website (www.centralsan.org). Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 6 -19 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 7 Design and Construction Standards Chapter 7. Design and Construction Standards The design and construction standards for Developer projects, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) projects, and Collection System Operations (CSO) projects are described in this chapter. Developer Projects Developer projects are projects designed and constructed with private funds. The projects range from housing complexes to shopping centers. Standards and Specifications for Design and Construction of New and Rehabilitation Projects: The District has published minimum design and construction standards for the use of customers, contractors, and engineers beginning in 1956. The title of the document is "Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (Standard Specifications) ". The legal authority for this document comes from the following section of the District's Code. 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. Sewers that are intended for dedication to the District as public sewers shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed and repaired in accordance with this code and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (referred in this code as "standard specifications'). The standard specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. The use of any sewer facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the standard specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District sewer facilities constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and private property and the environment, and shall be considered a public nuisance. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) Future revisions to the code will occur as needed. Whenever a section or the entire document is modified, a letter is sent to all engineers and contractors who are registered with the District. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 7 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 7 Design and Construction Standards The Standard Specifications for Design and Construction govern requirements for the design and all work in connection with sewer construction and /or projects financed by private individuals within the jurisdiction of the District in Contra Costa County, California. The Code and all ordinances of the District are considered a part of these Specifications and all plans, profiles, cut sheets, right -of -way documents, and specifications must conform to the standards and requirements herein established. The jurisdiction of the District includes the entire sewerage system and its appurtenances from the point of connection with the building plumbing to the discharge terminus of the treatment plant outfall. Ownership and maintenance of the building lateral to the point of connection with the sewer main is the responsibility of the property owner. The following is a list of the section titles in the 2011 Edition CCCSD Standard Specifications document: 1. Introduction, Authority and Compliance with Law 2. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms 3. Code Provisions and Policies 4. Design Standards 5. Plan Preparation 6. Plan Review 7. Surveying for Construction 8. Property Rights for Wastewater Facilities 9. Source Control 10. Permits, Contractor's Licenses, Insurance and Owner's Sewer Improvement Agreements 11. Control of the Work 12. Control of Material 13. Not Used 14. Not Used 15. Technical Specifications These standards ensure that infrastructure built in the District's service area will conform to accepted practices and that equipment will operate properly. New developments are of particular interest because the developer is often responsible for constructing new sewer mains, and then dedicates them to the District upon completion of the project. The District must ensure that the new infrastructure will not cause any short term or long term operational problems once the District has ownership of the collection assets. Adherence to the Standard Specifications supports this aim. Project plans must be approved by the District prior to issuance of a construction permit. All plans for sewer projects are reviewed for compliance with District design standards at several points before construction. At least two preliminary reviews and a final review occur before a construction permit is issued. Cut sheets are prepared by the developer's engineer and reviewed by District staff during the final plan review. The trench excavation is staked in the field. The cut sheets are compared to the construction stakes in the field. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 7 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 7 Design and Construction Standards District Protects District projects, also known as capital projects, are construction or rehabilitation projects on District owned facilities. These projects are managed by District staff and funded by the District. Standards and Specifications for Design and Construction of New and Rehabilitation Projects: The Standard Specifications are used as guidelines for District projects and variance from these requirements may only be allowed when existing conditions prevent conformance to the Standard Specifications and when such variance is deemed permissible. Such conditions include existing underground facilities and elevations of connection points to the existing sewer system, among others. In cases where materials and construction techniques not covered in the Standard Specifications are used, the District engineers use best engineering judgment to approve or develop the design of the new /replacement sewers and pumping stations. The District uses standard General Conditions and project- modified Special Conditions and Technical Specifications for bidding and constructing District projects. District sewer projects may be designed by District staff or by consultants. They are reviewed typically at the 10 %, 50 %, 95% and 100% design completion level. District staff also conducts a scope check with CSO staff between 30 % -50% of the design phase to ensure that all operational issues are addressed. Construction of District sewer projects is managed and inspected by District staff or contract staff. Standards for Inspection and Testing of New and Rehabilitated Facilities: Inspectors use the District's Standard Specifications, the District's Code, approved project plans, the permit, and the construction contract as the basis for inspection. Sewer projects are inspected during construction as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work performed, and manner of the performance of construction. The permit states that it is the contractor's responsibility to arrange for timely inspection throughout the project and to coordinate with District staff. The District inspects and approves work in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 11, "Control of the Work" and Section 15, "Technical Specifications." Inspection occurs during the construction project and prior to the end of the contractor's one -year warranty period. During the construction a District inspector will inspect the construction of a developer sewer on a regular basis. During critical construction sequences, a District inspector is present at all times. Inspection reports are prepared daily. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 7 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 7 Design and Construction Standards After trench backfilling and before final acceptance of sewer projects, all sewers are inspected by closed- circuit television, and for new sewer installation, a low- pressure air test is conducted. After the sewer is inspected, a one year warranty period begins. When the warranty is about to expire, the line is re- televised to determine if any defects are present. Construction files are archived following the completion of the projects. Collections System Operation Projects All of the construction projects performed by the Collection System Operation (CSO) Staff consist of spot repairs in pipe segments and manhole repairs/ replacements. The typical length of these spot repairs is 6 ft. to 10 ft. CSO staff relies on the District Standard Specifications for Design and Construction for all projects. Standards and Specification for Design and Construction of New and Rehabilitation Projects: CSO projects use the same design and construction standards as Developer and District projects. Standards for Inspection and Testing of New and Rehabilitated Facilities: The CSO projects are TV- inspected by CSO staff after completion, only if the crew leader, supervisor or manager decides the conditions warrant an inspection. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 7 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management Chapter 8. Capacity Management This section documents the process to assess the current and future capacity requirements for the collection system. It also describes the capacity assurance plan providing hydraulic capacity for key sewer elements under peak flow conditions. Capacity Assessment The Collection System Asset Management Plan (2011) documents the District's current practices related to its sewer main renovation program. Various tools and methods are used to evaluate current and future sewer capacity needs /requirements. They are described below: Sewer TV (Pipe Evaluation) Program: Capacity issues may result from pipe defects, such as offset joints or collapsed pipes. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) TV inspection program identifies defects that could cause capacity problems. In 2002, the District began a program to televise and assess the condition of all 1500 miles of gravity line. The initial phase of inspecting the entire system is complete. A subsequent TV inspection program will re- evaluate all lines that received a fair rating to determine the rate of deterioration and also determine a realistic TV inspection frequency. During the inspection process, pipe condition is assessed and severe problems such as blockages or missing pipe (potential for overflow) are immediately referred to the Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) for action. During the assessment process, each pipe defect (roots, grease sag, offset joint, etc.), depending on its severity, is given a numerical score which is totaled for each line segment. Line segments scoring 5,000 points or more are further analyzed using weighted criteria such as proximity to environmentally sensitive areas (schools, creek, etc.), pipe age, type and size, capacity, maintenance history and the number of stoppages or sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) on that line segment. This additional evaluation is utilized to determine the size and scope of the District's Collection System Renovation Program. Figure 1, is a flow chart highlighting the pipe evaluation process. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Pipe Evaluation Flow Chart TV Severe No Score Pipe mmmmmmmOO Problem Pipe Segment Segments Yes --------------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -, CSO T e Engineering increases oV replaces maintenance Problem a) line ; U E- C ; Q 1 Fix CSO point repair Risk for overflow ; -------------- ------- ---- --- ----------- - -- --- Chapter 8 Capacity Management / \ EVALUATION: • Prior overflows Score Yes . Location >500ou • Maint. frequency • Age /pipe type/length • Flow /capacity No Good Pipe: Routine maintenance & TV Prioritize pipe segments Fix based on score Solution and evaluation Maintain Capital Budget CSO & Plan increases maintenance Replace /rehab 8005 -11/04 Figure 1: Pipe Evaluation Flow Chart Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management Maintenance /Cleaning History: Capacity can also be affected by the accumulation of roots, fats, grease or other debris in pipes. The CSOD has a goal of cleaning all lines 18- inches and smaller at least once every 60 months. A computerized maintenance management program is utilized to track /schedule the cleaning activity. Based on the results of the cleaning, the cleaning schedules /frequencies are adjusted to optimize results and labor utilization. This cleaning data is also utilized in identifying possible segments that need replacement. Collection System Master Plan: The Collection System Master Plan evaluates the present and future capacity needs of the District's entire collection system. It identifies specific pipe segments that are capacity deficient. Design capacities for main sewer (8" to 10" in diameter) shall be based on sewers flowing two - thirds full. Design capacities for a trunk sewer (12" and larger in diameter) shall be based on sewers flowing full without surcharge. If a pipe segment surpasses its design capacity, a hydraulic grade line calculation /analysis occurs. This study occurs on a five to ten year cycle. A prioritized list of sewer capacity improvement projects are developed where the largest deficiencies are prioritized. The Collection System Master Plan was last updated in May 2010. The District's hydraulic model is used to simulate the District's collection system in different flow scenarios. It will identify capacity deficient pipes throughout the District. The model has been calibrated with an extensive flow monitoring program that verified the model's predicted flows. The flow monitoring program collected flow data for both dry weather and wet weather events at many key structures in the collection system. In general, wet weather flows represent the design flows for the collection system. The model is a land -use based model and is described further in section below titled "ArcSNAP ". The latest changes to land -use data are acquired from cities /county General Plan and Specific Plans and through meetings with city /county planners. These cities and counties include: Martinez, Concord, Clayton, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Danville, San Ramon, and Contra Costa County. The changes are input into the model, ensuring accurate flows are calculated. Up -to -date data on pipe sizes and lengths from the District's geographic information system /collection system database (GDI described in Chapter 6), is also input in the hydraulic model. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management ArcSNAP: ArcSNAP is the District's steady -state collection system hydraulic model. It is a land - use based model meaning that each parcel within the District service area contributes a certain flow to the collection system. ArcSNAP models flow for all District owned pipe. Parcels within the District boundary are treated as point loads. Hydraulic modeling is used extensively during the Collection System Master Plan update to identify capacity deficient pipes. During the design phase of a project the model is used to verify the new design's capacity requirements and can simulate different scenarios where pipe diameters or alignments vary. Presently two different design flows are used in the hydraulic model: 5 year and 20 year sewer events. The 5 year sewer event is used for purposes of near -term planning and prioritization. The 20 year sewer event is used to design for ultimate conditions. These design flows incorporate inflow /infiltration, ground water contributions, base wastewater flow, and peaking factors. The base wastewater flow is a number extracted from the model and used during the design phase of a project, to ensure a proper flushing velocity. Facilities Plans: A facilities plan focuses on a geographic area that is known to have capacity concerns, pipe defects, and operational problems or is likely to experience problems in the future. Specific issues, such as pipe deficiencies, maintenance problems, and pumping requirements, are identified and prioritized. These plans do not occur on an annual cycle but occur when potential issues within a specific area are identified. An example of this was completed in 2005 when the Danville Facilities Plan was created and focused on that town's sewer infrastructure. Development Capacity Study: When a new development, such as a shopping center or housing complex, is proposed within the District boundary a capacity analysis is performed before project approval is granted. Simulations are performed to determine if the new development may cause capacity issues. If the hydraulic model suggests the proposed development may cause capacity issues, the developer is required to upsize the capacity deficient pipes directly connected to the development. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management Special Discharge Permits: On occasion, outside parties request to discharge wastewater, as a point load, into the District's collection system. This prompts a review of the discharge. The location and amount of wastewater discharged are examined. A capacity review of the affected area is completed to ensure no sanitary sewer overflows will occur due to the additional flow. For example, a large municipal water agency occasionally requests to discharge residue after they clean their reservoir. The District works closely with them to ensure the system has enough capacity. Pumping Station Master Plan: The Pumping Station Master Plan, last completed in 1986, evaluated the current and future needs of all the District pumping stations. As a result of that Master Plan, significant improvements were made to all the major District pumping stations. ArcSNAP is used to generate current and future flow rates entering each pumping station. Capacity deficiencies are identified, if present, and projects developed to address the issues. Improvement projects are prioritized based on largest deficiencies and critical locations. Periodic updates to this Plan have been made in a related document, the Pumping Station Inventory (PSI). This document tracks improvements made to each of the pumping stations. The last revision to the PSI was in 2011. The District intends to start the development of a new Pumping Station Master Plan in the near future. System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan A flow chart, Figure 2, describes the planning process, system evaluation and capacity assurance plan for the collection system. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Capital Improvement Budget Capital Improvement Plan I Collection System Asset Management Plan Collection System Master Plan ArcSNAP Pumping Station Hydraulic Inventory & Model Master Plan n I Accounting/ Billing Data Land Use GWI Planning BWF Chapter 8 Capacity Management Facilities Plans Maintenance/ Cleaning History Sewer TV (Pipe Evaluation) Program Development Capacity Study Figure 2: Flow chart describing Collection System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -6 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management Collection System Capital Improvement Budget: The Capital Improvement Budget Plan delineates projects that increase capacity and rehabilitate deficient pipe segments. The fiscal year Capital Improvement Budget provides funding for each project and is approved by the Board of Directors each year. The Capital Improvement Plan is a ten -year plan, prioritizing various District improvement projects. There are four distinct programs within the Capital Improvement Plan and Budget: Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water. These documents are updated on an annual basis ensuring the inclusion of critical projects, and a proper prioritization schedule for the upcoming ten - year period. The Collection System Program The Collection System Program includes projects to provide renovation of the collection system infrastructure and to serve new development in the District's service area. Projects also provide improvements to pumping stations and force mains. These improvements provide capacity and renovation to reduce the likelihood of sewage overflows during dry and wet weather. Renovation and Urgent The renovation program goal is to address recurring renovation needs and is budgeted at $124.5 million for the next ten years (FY 2012 CIP), or 74% of the collection system Capital Improvement Plan. Regulatory Compliance /Planning /Safety The Regional and State Water Quality Control Boards require each collection system agency to have prepared a Sewer System Management Plan. The plan requires careful review and documentation of the District's continuing evaluation and planning for the collection system in the areas of capacity management, operation and maintenance. This sub - program is budgeted at $2.8 million over the next ten years (FY 2012 CIP), or nearly 2% of the collection system CIP. Expansion As part of the ongoing Collection System Master Plan Update (2010), the District's sewer system hydraulic model was updated; capacity deficiencies were identified and prioritized. Implementation of the full set of recommendations has a projected cost of $31.8 million (2012 dollars) over the ten years or 19% of the collection system CIP. Pumping Stations Significant funds have been invested in the pumping stations over the last several years. Subsequently all major pumping stations in the service area have been improved Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -7 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 8 Capacity Management and or renovated. Expenditures of $9.6 million are budgeted for pumping stations and force mains over the next ten years, approximately 6% of the total collection system CIP. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 8 -8 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 9 Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications Chapter 9. Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications Modifications This chapter measures the effectiveness of the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and describes the SSMP modification process. The parameters that indicate the success of the SSMP are the following: 1) the number of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) per 100 miles; 2) the overflow cause; and 3) the overflow volume. Other parameters that describe the collection system maintenance and capital improvement program are tracked but are not displayed in this document. These other parameters include, but are not limited to, response time, number of repairs, and customer service rating. This document's main performance indicator is SSOs and will focus on the SSO parameters. Monitoring and Measurement When an overflow occurs, several parameters are recorded. The Collection System Operations (CSO) department is responsible for gathering overflow data. Table 1 shows the ratio of overflows per 100 miles of pipe, for the past five years. It is assumed that the District is responsible for 1500 miles of pipe. This ratio has been decreasing over time. When comparing the 2007 ratio to the 2011 ratio, a 54% decrease is present. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 5.4 5.7 4.3 2.9 2.5 Table 1: Number of Overflows per 100 Miles from 2007 to 2011 for All Locations Figure 1 plots the number of overflows categorized by cause from 2007 to 2011. Table 2 lists the cause of each overflow in this period of years plotted in Figure 1. As is seen in Figure 1, an overall declining trend is present in the number of overflows. Root infiltration causes a majority of the overflows each year. Root infiltration is responsible for 70.6% of the overflows from 2007 -2011 (Figure 2). The next major cause of overflows is the "other" category at 18.7% followed by grease at 6.8 %, dual causes (meaning two issues caused the overflow such as roots and grease) at 3.9 %, and capacity related issues at 0 %. The "other" category includes, but is not limited to, rocks, rags, concrete and paper. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 9 - 1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 9 Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications ® Grease B Roots ® Dual Causes* © Other ** ■ Capacity 100 7 2 90 3 Roots 50 63 50 34 22 80 12 0 0 0 0 Other ** 14 16 11 N 0 70 12 Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 60 O 50 6 40 30 z 20 10 O ♦Y aYY t�fYtYYYt�fY ?Y YiY V�+Y�Yl�+ ♦ Y Y 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Figure 1: 2007 -2011 Total Number of Overflows by Year and Cause 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Grease 5 7 2 4 3 Roots 50 63 50 34 22 Dual Causes* 12 0 0 0 0 Other ** 14 16 11 5 12 Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 Table 2: 2007 -2011 Total Number of Overflows by Year and Cause (Plotted in Figure 1) * The dual cause category is defined as two issues, such as roots and grease or grease and rags, causing the overflow. ** The other category includes, but is not limited to, rocks, rags, concrete, and paper. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 9 - 2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 9 Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications Capacity 0.0% Grease Other's � 6 8% 18.7% -' r�yrr'yrr +i ♦ "arr "aryr _ aqr "ar�r" ♦part', Dual Causes* 3.9% " +'r t x Roots 70.6% Figure 2: Percentage of Overflow Causes from 2007 -2011 Figure 3 plots the number of overflows categorized by estimated volume from 2007 to 2011. Each overflow volume is placed in four volume brackets: less than 10 gallons, between 10 and 100 gallons, between 100 and 1,000 gallons, and greater than 1,000 gallons. Table 3 lists the estimated volume of these overflows. The majority of overflows are less than 100 gallons in each year. Twenty -one percent of the overflows from 2007 to 2011 are less than 10 gallons; 54% of the overflows were between 10 and 100 gallons. These two volume categories made up an overwhelming majority of the spill volume at 75 %. Only 5% of the overflows for this period were over 1000 gallons (Figure 4). 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <10 Gallons 20 16 13 7 10 10 - 100 Gallons 46 44 40 21 17 100 - 1,000 Gallons 11 19 9 13 9 >1,000 Gallons 4 7 1 2 1 Table 3: 2007 -2011 Total Number of Overflows by Year and Volume, plotted in Figure 3 Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 9 - 3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 9 Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications p <10 Gallons 010 -100 Gallons 0100 -1,000 Gallons ■> 1,000 Gallons 100 90 80 N 0 70 m 60 rrrrrr rrrrrr > 50 - rrrrrr rrrrrr r, -, -, , rr rfrfrrr rffrri 0 rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrr d 40 rrrrrr rrrrrrr vrrrrr s � 30 rrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrr» rrrrrrr �.-fJrri _rrrir �� z rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrr 20 rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrir �:�rrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrr 10 rfarfr rrrrrr 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Figure 3: 2007 -2011 Total Number of Overflows by Year and Volume Starting in 2006, the CSO staff began to estimate the amount of overflow volume returned to the collection system. In 2006, 68% of the total overflow volume was returned back to the collection system. In 2007, 81 % of the total overflow volume was returned back to the collection system. In 2008 and 2009, 41 % of the total overflow volume was returned to the collection system for each year. In 2010, 12% of the volume was returned to the system. In 2011, 77% of the volume was returned to the system. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 9 - 4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 9 Monitoring, Measurement and Program Modifications > 1,000 Gallons 5.3% 100 -1,000 Gallons 18.0% rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <10 Gallons 22.0% . ��frrr:rrr:rrr:rr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 10 -100 Gallons 54.7% Figure 4: Percentage of Volume of Overflows from 2007 -2011 Program Modifications The Environmental Services staff, within the Engineering Department, is responsible for updating and reviewing the SSMP. Relevant collection system data, program shifts, and organizational changes are updated annually. Engineering staff will keep in close contact with the collections system operations staff to review the SSMP effectiveness and identify areas of improvement and change. Engineering and CSO staff will annually review the updated SSMP. Meetings and workshops, with pertinent staff, will occur to collect all comments and acquire internal approval on the update to the SSMP. External review, by a consultant or another wastewater agency, could occur if staff deems necessary or helpful. If major changes are made to the SSMP, the revised SSMP will require approval by the Board of Directors. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 9 - 5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits Chapter 10. SSMP Audits This section of the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) will describe the audit process and includes an annual audit of the current SSMP. The SSMP is a document that draws upon other documents. As a result, the SSMP may not contain the most up to date information but will refer to other documents that do. Audits are typically conducted by District staff. Audit Description The audit will consist of a written report and the completed attached audit worksheet. The written report will describe achievements and areas needing improvement regarding the implementation of the most recent version of the SSMP. Current overflow and collection system data will be updated and analyzed. Benchmarking and best management practices (BMPs) will be evaluated and applied. Trends of the data will be developed to determine the effectiveness of the SSMP and collection system programs. Additions or improvements to collection system operations will be documented, as well as any planned additions or improvements. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits SAMPLE Sewer System Management Plan Annual Audit Worksheet Name of agency Date of audit Name of auditor System Overview LF of gravity sewer mains LF of lower lateral LF of force mains Total LF of all sewer lines Number of pump stations Population served Current average monthly single family residential sewer rate I. GOALS 1. Are the goals stated in the SSMP still appropriate and YES / NO accurate? (circle one) 2. If you answered NO to question 1, describe content and schedule for updates. II. ORGANIZATION REFERENCE MATERIAL Organization chart ➢ Phone list 3. Is the SSMP up -to -date with agency organization and YES / NO staffing contact information? (circle one) 4. If you answered NO to question 3, describe content and schedule for updates. III. OVERFLOW EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL Data submitted to CIWQS Service call data Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits Table 1: Annual SSO Statistics 5. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain an YES / NO up -to -date version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan? 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the Overflow YES / NO Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and /or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementation. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -3 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of dry weather SSOs Number of wet weather SSOs Total number of SSOs Number of SSOs per 100 miles of sewer per year Number of SSOs < 100 gallons Number of SSOs 100 to 999 gallons Number of SSOs 1,000 to 9,999 gallons Number of SSOs >10,000 gallons Total volume of SSOs Total volume recovered Net volume of SSOs total minus recovered Total volume conveyed to wastewater treatment plant Percent volume conveyed (100 x (Total volume conveyed — Volume of SSOs) / Total volume conveyed SSOs caused by: Roots Grease Debris Pipe failure Pump station failure Capacity-limited pipe segment no debris Other Table 1: Annual SSO Statistics 5. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain an YES / NO up -to -date version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan? 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the Overflow YES / NO Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and /or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementation. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits IV. FATS, OILS, AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service area ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ Restaurant inspection reports or summaries ➢ Data submitted to CIWQS ➢ Service call data Table 2: FOG Control Statistics 8. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's FOG control program? 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current FOG YES / NO program effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources? 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and /or 9, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Ordinances ➢ Enforcement actions 11. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's legal authority? 12. Does your agency have sufficient legal authority to control YES / NO sewer use and maintenance? Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -4 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by FOG Schedule Pipes LF Routine Pipes LF Ratio of schedule to routine pipes LF Number of FOG inspections completed Table 2: FOG Control Statistics 8. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's FOG control program? 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current FOG YES / NO program effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources? 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and /or 9, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Ordinances ➢ Enforcement actions 11. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's legal authority? 12. Does your agency have sufficient legal authority to control YES / NO sewer use and maintenance? Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -4 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits 13. If you answered NO to questions 11 and /or 12, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES A. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL y- Summary of information included in mapping system 14. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's maps? 15. Are your agency's collection system maps complete, up- YES / NO to -date, and sufficiently detailed? 16. If you answered NO to questions 14 and /or 15, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. B. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget 17. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's resources and budget? 18. Are your agency's resources and budget sufficient to YES / NO support effective sewer system management? 19. Do your agency's planning efforts support long -term YES / NO goals? 20. If you answered NO to questions 17, 18, and /or 19, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -5 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits C. PRIORITIZED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Work orders Service call data ➢ Customer feedback Table 3: Annual Blockage Statistics and Preventive Maintenance Activities 21. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? 22. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your YES / NO agency's preventive maintenance activities sufficient and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and /or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. D. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Inspection reports ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (1 /1) monitoring studies and reports ➢ Pipe and manhole condition data 24. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's inspections and condition assessment? Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -6 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Blockages in the past year Blockages due to: Roots Grease Debris Other Table 3: Annual Blockage Statistics and Preventive Maintenance Activities 21. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? 22. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your YES / NO agency's preventive maintenance activities sufficient and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and /or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. D. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Inspection reports ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (1 /1) monitoring studies and reports ➢ Pipe and manhole condition data 24. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's inspections and condition assessment? Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -6 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits 25. Are your agency's scheduled inspections and condition YES / NO assessment system effective in locating, identifying, and addressing deficiencies? 26. If you answered NO to questions 24 and /or 25, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. E. CONTINGENCY EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT INVENTORIES REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Funds spent on equipment and materials ➢ Equipment and parts inventory 27. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about equipment and replacement inventories? 28.Are contingency equipment and replacement parts YES / NO sufficient to respond to emergencies and properly conduct regular maintenance? 29. If you answered NO to questions 27 and /or 28, describe content and schedule for necessary arrangements. F. TRAINING REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Employee training records 30. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's training expectations and programs? 31. Do supervisors believe that their staff is sufficiently YES / NO trained? 32. Are staff satisfied with the training opportunities and YES / NO support offered to them? Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -7 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits 33. If you answered NO to questions 30, 31, and /or 32, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. G. OUTREACH TO PLUMBERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Fliers /mailings ➢ Mailing lists 34. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's outreach to plumbers and building contractors? 35. Has your agency conducted or participated in any YES / NO outreach activities to plumbers and building contractors? 36. If you answered NO to questions 34 and /or 35, describe content and schedule for future activities. VII. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Design and construction standards ➢ Ordinances 37. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain YES / NO up -to -date information about your agency's design and construction standards? 38. Are design and construction standards, as well as YES / NO standards for inspection and testing of new and rehabilitated facilities sufficiently comprehensive and up- to -date? 39. If you answered NO to questions 38 and /or 39, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -8 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan VIII. CAPACITY MANAGEMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Capacity assessment reports ➢ CIP ➢ SSO data Chapter 10 SSMP Audits 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by capacity limitations Table 4: SSOs Caused by Hydraulic Limitations 40. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up -to -date information about your agency's capacity assessment? YES / NO 41. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment and YES / NO identified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system? 42. If you answered NO to questions 41 and /or 42, describe content and schedule for necessary activities. IX. MONITORING, MEASUREMENT, AND PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 43. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's data collection and organization? 44. Is your agency's data collection and organization sufficient YES / NO to evaluate the effectiveness of your SSMP? 45. If you answered NO to questions 44 and /or 45, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -9 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 10 SSMP Audits X. SSMP AUDITS 46. Will this SSMP Audit be submitted with the Annual Report YES / NO to the Regional Water Board by March 15? XI. COMMUNICATION PROGRAM REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Mailings and mailing lists ➢ Website Other communication records such as newspaper ads, site postings, or other outreach Customer feedback 47. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's public outreach activities? 48. Does the SSMP or Collection System Program contain up- YES / NO to -date information about your agency's communications with satellite and tributary agencies? 49. Has your agency effectively communicated with the public YES / NO and other agencies about the SSMP, and addressed feedback? 50. If you answered NO to questions 47, 48, and /or 49, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — Page 10 -10 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitar y District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228 -9500 • www.centralsan.org Dear Mrs. Villacorta: Enclosed is the audit of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan as outlined on page 22 of the July 2005 San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Sewer System Management Plan Development Guide. This audit was done for calendar year 2011. Sincerely, Curtis W. Swanson Collection System Operations Department Director CWS /gbv Enclosure cc: Alex Rozul David Hefflefinger Bill Echols i,i PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 938 -2956 www.centralsan.nre March 14, 2012 JAMGS1Ll. KI:IJ.Y Geneml Mmiager KI:AW)N L AI.M Counsel for the District (510) 808 -2001 IJ AINE R BOEHMI- Secretary of t1m DIStnut Mrs. Claudia Villacorta California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region 1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Mrs. Villacorta: Enclosed is the audit of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan as outlined on page 22 of the July 2005 San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Sewer System Management Plan Development Guide. This audit was done for calendar year 2011. Sincerely, Curtis W. Swanson Collection System Operations Department Director CWS /gbv Enclosure cc: Alex Rozul David Hefflefinger Bill Echols i,i Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan Annual Audit Report Date of audit February 23, 2012 David Hefflefinger, P.E. Name of auditor System Overview LF of gravity sewer mains 7.7 million (1,460 miles) LF of force mains 116,000 (22 miles) Total LF of all sewer line 7.9 million (1,500 miles) Number of pumping stations 17 Population served 322,000 (plus 134,000 sewage treatment only) Current monthly single family residential sewer rate — $28 /month ($341/yr) GOALS 1. Are the goals stated in the SSMP still appropriate? eNO (circle one) Discussion: The goals guide Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) to responsibly manage, operate, and maintain the sewer collection system. Additionally, the various CCCSD departments develop annual strategic goals which support the SSMP. II. ORGANIZATION REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Organization chart ➢ Phone list 2. Is the SSMP yp4Q,,date with agency organization and staffing contact information? YES NO Discussion: Currently, the organization chart and phone list shown in the SSMP are updated annually after each audit, which means that some of the information will be incorrect some of the time. Every effort has been made to use job descriptions and job titles where possible instead of providing the actual name of the person assigned to a position to prevent the information from becoming outdated. CCCSD is looking into developing and maintaining the SSMP using single - source publishing to aid in keeping the information easily retrievable and up to date. Page 1 of 10 III. OVERFLOW EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL > Data submitted to CIWQS > Service call data Table 1. Annual SSO Statistics 3. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan . YES NO 4. Considering the information in Table 1, is the Pw<ow Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? ES / O Discussion. The Overflow Emergency Response Plan is unchanged for the 2011 calendar year. CCCSD tracks the "average response time" (Table 1) on a monthly and yearly basis. The "average response time" is one indicator of the effectiveness of the Collection System Operations Staffs (CSOD) ability to respond to and handle a SSO. This year's average response time after normal working hours Page 2 of 10 2008 86 2009 63 2010 43 2011 37 2012 _ Number of dry- weather SSOs Number of wet - weather SSOs 0 0 0 0 Total number of SSOs 86 63 43 37 Number of SSOs per 100 miles of sewer per year 5.7 4.3 2.9 2.5 Number of SSOs < 100 gallons 60 53 128 27 Number SSOs 100 to 999 gallons 19 9 13 9 Number of SSOs 1,000 to 9,999 gallons 7 1 1 1 Number of SSOs > 10,000 gallons 0 0 1 0 Total volume of SSOs (1000 gals) 27.2 6.1 21.6 10.3 Total volume recovered (1000 gals) 11.2 2.5 12.6 7.9 Net volume of SSOs (total minus recovered) (1000 gals) 16 3.6 19 2.4 SSOs caused by: Roots 64 50 34 22 Grease 7 2 14 3 Debris 13 8 5 9 Pipe failure 2 2 0 2 Pump station failure 0 0 0 0 Capacity — limited pipe segment (no debris) 0 0 0 0 Other 0 1 0 1 Number of locations with more than one SSO in the past year 2 0 0 0 Average response time (minutes) — during business hours 20 20 21 26 Average response time (minutes) — after business hours 37 37 36 39.5 3. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan . YES NO 4. Considering the information in Table 1, is the Pw<ow Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? ES / O Discussion. The Overflow Emergency Response Plan is unchanged for the 2011 calendar year. CCCSD tracks the "average response time" (Table 1) on a monthly and yearly basis. The "average response time" is one indicator of the effectiveness of the Collection System Operations Staffs (CSOD) ability to respond to and handle a SSO. This year's average response time after normal working hours Page 2 of 10 was 39.5 minutes, slightly longer than previous years but within the CCCSD goal of 45 minutes. Another indicator of the District's effectiveness is the "net volume of SSOs" which is the total volume of SSO's minus the total volume recovered. For the year 2011, 7905 gallons were recovered through the efforts of the collection system crews. That is a recovery rate of 77 %. IV. FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ Restaurant inspection reports or summaries ➢ Data submitted to CMQS ➢ Service call data Table 2. FOG Control Statistics 5. Does the SSMP gw4gin up -to -date information about your agency's FOG control program tD NO 6. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current FO gram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . YES NO Discussion: The District's Source Control section continued to implement the FOG control inspection program through 2011. Scheduled inspections, to cycle through the inventory of food service facilities, and reactive investigations, in response to problems downstream of food service facilities, were conducted. The Enforcement Response Plan was followed when violations of CCCSD's Source Control Ordinance were identified during these inspections. One formal enforcement action was taken against a food service facility in Pleasant Hill after a small overflow occurred due to grease plug of the District's line downstream of the restaurant which was the only grease source to the line segment that was blocked. Corrective actions were specified, and a fine and cost recovery for the CSOD staff time to respond to the overflow were collected, to resolve this enforcement action. Page 3 of 10 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by FOG 7 2 4 3 FOG inspections for grease interceptor installation 15 19 10 23 FOG inspections for discharge compliance 638 454 606 1525 Total number of FOG inspections completed 653 473 616 1548 5. Does the SSMP gw4gin up -to -date information about your agency's FOG control program tD NO 6. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current FO gram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . YES NO Discussion: The District's Source Control section continued to implement the FOG control inspection program through 2011. Scheduled inspections, to cycle through the inventory of food service facilities, and reactive investigations, in response to problems downstream of food service facilities, were conducted. The Enforcement Response Plan was followed when violations of CCCSD's Source Control Ordinance were identified during these inspections. One formal enforcement action was taken against a food service facility in Pleasant Hill after a small overflow occurred due to grease plug of the District's line downstream of the restaurant which was the only grease source to the line segment that was blocked. Corrective actions were specified, and a fine and cost recovery for the CSOD staff time to respond to the overflow were collected, to resolve this enforcement action. Page 3 of 10 V. LEGAL AUTHORITY 7. Does the PSMR contain up -to -date information about your agency's legal authority YES O 8. Does your agejrcyTtNve sufficient legal authority to control sewer use and maintenance? YES / NO Discussion. The CCCSD code that contains the legal authority is available online at www.municode.com/Library/. The text of each pertinent code that is referenced in the SSMP was reviewed and code 9.08.010 was found to have changed. The SSMP is undergoing an update this year and the revised code will be added. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES A. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Summary of information included in mapping system 9. Does t P contain up -to -date information about your agency's maps? YES 1 O 10. Are your agency's c n system maps complete, up to date and sufficiently detailed YES NO Discussion: The CCCSD collection system maps are contained in a computerized geographic information system (GIS). The collection system maps are available to all employees through the CCCSD local network. Most field crews are provided paper map books, while a few have electronic maps loaded on special laptops. The CCCSD Engineering Support division performs map updates regularly in accordance with established procedures. If errors are found, map change requests are processed and the map updated. B. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget 11. Does the SSMP cont ' -to -date information about your agency's resources and budget? Q9 O Page 4 of 10 12. Are your agency's resourcepOURS, budget sufficient to support effective sewer system management. YES/ O 13. Do your agency's planning efforts support long -term goals . YES O Discussion: Each year the CCCSD Board of Trustees adopts budgets for staffing, operations and maintenance, equipment, and capital improvements. To meet budget requirements sewer rates were increased with residential sewer rates going from $311 to $341. The collection system department has hired 7 new employees in the calendar year 2011 in order to keep a fully operational maintenance staff. C. PRIORITIZED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE REFERENCE MATERIAL , Cleaning schedules List or map of hotspots Work orders ➢ Service call data ➢ Customer feedback Table 3. Annual Blockage Statistics and Preventive Maintenance Activities 14. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date iphtzragition about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YES/ O 15. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities s nt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? YES/ O Page 5 of 10 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Blockages in the past year 130 80 20 25 Blockages due to: Roots J 97 67 13 21 Grease 9 4 3 4 Debris 13 8 14 0 Other 11 1 0 0 Average response time (minutes) 35 24 26 26 Ratio of unplanned cleaning to planned cleaning LF .014 .16 .09 .21 Number of customer feedback surveys received in the last year 133 110 82 83 Average Rating in feedback surveys (4.0 max) 3.8 3.82 3.79 3.81 14. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date iphtzragition about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YES/ O 15. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities s nt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? YES/ O Page 5 of 10 Discussion: In 2011, the Capital Projects Division created the "Collection System Asset Management Plan" to aid in prioritizing the replacement and repair of existing sewer infrastructure. D. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Inspection reports ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (Ill) monitoring studies and reports ➢ Pipe and manhole condition data 16. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date inforpmAqn about your agency's inspections and condition assessment 1YES O 17. Are your agency's scheduled inspections and condition assessment em effective in locating, identifying and addressing deficiencies? YES O Discussion: CCCSD relies on an established maintenance schedule and CCTV sewer inspection to determine which pipe is in need of immediate cleaning. Experienced crew members review thousands of feet of video footage on a weekly basis. If a problem is seen in the video, a snapshot of the potential blockage is printed and attached to a work order. The sewer is then repaired or cleaned in a timely manner. This method is believed to have helped decrease the number of overflows as seen in the year to year trends by allowing us to optimize our cleaning efforts. E. CONTINGENCY EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT INVENTORIES REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Funds spent on equipment and materials ➢ Equipment and parts inventory 18. Does the SSMP contain u ate information about equipment and replacement inventories . YES O 19. Are contingency equipment and replacement parts sufficient and to emergencies and properly conduct regular maintenance? YES/ O Discussion: CCCSD's replacement inventories and equipment budget for CSOD is reviewed yearly to keep the vehicle fleet fully operational and maintenance parts fully stocked. During the 2010 -2011 fiscal year, it was determined that the collection Page 6 of 10 system department needed two new vehicles. CCCSD is in the final stages of adding a rodder truck and a combo hydro/vacuum truck to the fleet The finalized purchase will occur in 2012. F. TRAINING REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Employee training records 20. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date infgwFRJion about your agency's training expectations and programs? YES/ O 21. Do supervisors believe that their staff is sufficiently trained? 90 22. Are sta ied with the training opportunities and support offered to them? YES PO Discussion. CCCSD maintains a training matrix for all employees. For CSOD, the Administrative Supervisor maintains the training records. For the 2011 calendar year, CSOD decided to add an overflow training video that will help crew members determine the rate of flow of sewage from a manhole. The training video is expected to be completed in the 2012 calendar year. CCCSD increased its Emergency Response Training for the pumping stations in 2011. Lower Orinda pumping station and Orinda Crossroads pumping station were part of a joint training exercise with the collections system and pumping station staff. G. OUTREACH TO PLUMBERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS REFERENCE MATERIAL Y Fliersimailings Mailing lists 21 Does the SSMP contain up -to -date informati out your agency's outreach to plumbers and building contractors? Q9 O 24. Has your agency conducted or pat ' ted in any outreach activities to plumbers and building contractors? Q9 O Discussion: For 2011, the Outreach that was completed to Plumbers and Building Contractors consisted of communicating the latest version of the CCCSD Standard Specifications to the P &BC and collecting their commentslinput. Upcoming outreach will include issues surrounding building demolition as well as overflow protection devices installations. Page 7 of 10 VII. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Design and construction standards ➢ Ordinances 25. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date 0d6TftVtion about your agency's design and construction standards . YES O 26. Are design and construction standards, as well as standards for inspection and testing of neyeand, rehabilitated facilities, sufficiently comprehensive and up to date? YES / O Discussion: The last update for the design and construction standards occurred in the year 2011. Section 9.08. 010 – Planning, design, and construction, of Chapter 9.08 – Public Sewers, of the CCCSD California Code of Laws has been revised. The revised version will be incorporated by reference when SSMP is updated this year. VIII. CAPACITY MANAGEMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Capacity assessment reports ➢ CIP ➢ SSO data Table 4. SSOs Caused by Hydraulic Limitations 27. Does the SSMP conta to -date information about your agency's capacity assessment Q910 28. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment entified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system YES O Discussion: The pumping station inventory was updated in 2011. The Collection System Master Plan was last updated in May 2010. The District intends to start the development of a new Pumping Station Master Plan in the near future. A facilities plan for the City of Martinez is being prepared. Page 8 of 10 2008 2009 2010J-2-011 2012 1 Number of SSOs caused by capacity limitations 0 0 0 10 27. Does the SSMP conta to -date information about your agency's capacity assessment Q910 28. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment entified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system YES O Discussion: The pumping station inventory was updated in 2011. The Collection System Master Plan was last updated in May 2010. The District intends to start the development of a new Pumping Station Master Plan in the near future. A facilities plan for the City of Martinez is being prepared. Page 8 of 10 IX. MONITORING, MEASUREMENT AND PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 29. Does the SSMP contain up-topdatp, information about your agency's data collection and organization? Q!)` O 30. Is your agency's data collectiqwe4 organization sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of your SSMP . YES O Discussion: CCCSD prepares monthly reports which track overflows, partial blockages, sewer pipe footage cleaned, and pipe repaired. These reports are distributed to the collection system management staff, as well as to other departments for analysis and future decision making. In addition, CCCSD has a program to annually inspect at least 10% of the collection system pipes using CCTV. The inspection results allow staff to evaluate the sewers for repair or replacement and aid in identifying sewers for future renovation projects. The CCTV results also allow staff to assess the effectiveness of sewer cleaning efforts, and aid in determining the proper sewer maintenance frequency. X. SSMP AUDITS 31. Will this SSMP Audit be sub d to the Regional Water Board by March 15. YES O Discussion: SSMP audits are conducted on a yearly basis. Each audit becomes a supplement to the SSMP and is placed in Chapter 10 — SSMP Audits. Xi. COMMUNICATION PROGRAM REFERENCE MATERIAL Mailings and mailing lists Website ➢ Other communication records such as newspaper ads, site postings or other outreach ➢ Customer feedback 32. Does the SSMP con#;to -date information about your agency's public outreach activities? ES O 33. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date information about y agency's communications with satellite and tributary agencies . YES O 34. Has your agency effectively communicated with the ptJAGQnd other agencies about the SSMP and addressed feedback? ES O Page 9 of 10 Discussion: CCCSD communicates with the public in various ways. • Sewer Science is a weeklong wastewater treatment lab for high school students. The curriculum integrates chemistry, physics, and microbiology, while informing students about the District and the wastewater industry. In 2011, more than 1,300 students in six different high schools had Sewer Science as part of their curriculum. • CCCSD is a major sponsor of the Delta Discovery Program. This science program targets 51n grade students and takes them aboard the Marine Science Institute research vessel, the RV Brownlee, which was custom built to provide a safe and stable floating laboratory for students. On this three - and -a -half hour excursion on the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta, students leam about the water in the Delta, its aquatic life, water conservation, the effects of pollution, and the work of wastewater agencies to prevent that pollution. A total of 2,204 students from the CCCSD service area took the voyage in 2011. • In 2011, the CCCSD website averaged more than 200 distinct visits every day for a total of 71,368 visits. • During 2011, CCCSD conducted a number of plant tours for nearly 200 people. • CCCSD's Speakers Bureau provides staff speakers at no cost to local organizations. Topics covered range from how the wastewater system works to pollution prevention. More than 600 people attended such presentations in the past year. • The Pipeline is an informational newsletter that is sent out three times a year to all CCCSD's customers to their homes and businesses to approximately 160, 000 addresses. Page 10 of 10 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Chapter 11. Communication Program The goal of the Communication Program is to increase public awareness, understanding, and support of the mission, goals, and values of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District). Keeping the public informed, promoting pollution prevention, and encouraging feedback about our activities helps us to more efficiently and effectively manage our wastewater and environmental responsibilities. Elements of our communication program in all departments of the District include: The Pipeline The Pipeline is a newsletter published three times a year and mailed to approximately 150,000 households and businesses in our service area. This newsletter details ways that the reader can prevent pollution, informs them how the District prevents pollution, and details how their sewer service charge fees are spent. Other topics regularly covered include fats, oils, and grease (FOG) and `flushable' wipes as issues, the need for overflow protection devices on private property, our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, the Pharmaceutical Disposal Program, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods, and right -of -way concerns. The work done by the Collection System Operations Department is often high - lighted as well as ongoing collection system construction projects. Along with disseminating information, the newsletter builds support in our communities and maintains open communication with the people we serve. Permit Counter The permit counter staff issues permits and educates homeowners, builders, and plumbers on design standards for our collection system and private laterals. Plumbers registered with our permit counter receive updated information after every fee increase or change in design standard. Customers can also find information for ongoing or future projects, or make inquiries about their sewer lateral or nearby main at the permit counter. FOG Mailers Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) blockages are a leading cause of sewer spills in the United States. Communication Services distributes FOG brochures in bulk to large apartment complexes, Chambers of Commerce and municipal permit counters throughout the services area. Flushable Wipes With the growing problem of sewer line blockages and possible overflows caused by so- called "flushable" wipes, diapers and cleaners, the Communication Services Division has expanded its outreach to the public with activities similar to the FOG program, Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 11 -1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program including exhibits at environmental fairs, mailers, brochures and postings at municipal permit counters. Door Hangers Door hangers are used to inform residents and businesses when a project will be coming to their neighborhood. They include basic information and a phone number to call with any additional questions that they may have. Door hangers may also be placed where high amounts of grease have been found in the adjacent sewers. These provide information on proper grease handling and disposal. CSO staff may use a door hanger to provide information when they have responded to a service call, so the customer knows how the District responded to their request. Door hangers are also used when crews notice that a home may not have an overflow protection device, instructing the home owner on the importance of the device and where they can be bought. Site Visits/ Construction Liaison Visits Site visits by the Community Affairs Representative occur prior to construction to discuss the potential impacts of a project with affected home and business owners. The outreach begins with a mailed notice of anticipated work anywhere from 6 to 12 months in advance of the project. These notices are followed by letters, phone calls, public meetings and face to face meetings in the months prior to the start of the project. These methods also provide an opportunity for educating customers about the District's overall activities and mission. The Source Control workgroup also conducts site visits to and inspections of businesses for proper grease disposal or required industrial pre- treatment. Signage Prior to every construction project, signs are placed on the affected streets to inform travelers and residents of the upcoming construction. These signs give approximate dates when people should expect construction impacts, and provide a phone number to call for additional information. Direct Mail Letters are sent to homes and business owners by the Community Affairs Representative when a construction or renovation project will be coming to their neighborhood. They include basic information on the project and a phone number to call for additional information. The letters contain more details than a door hanger and explain potential construction impacts to the individual property. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 11 -2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Phone Calls Depending on the project, phone calls may be made by District staff to follow -up on direct mail or door hangers, and to coordinate issues with home and business owners. Board Meetings and Public Hearings We encourage the public to attend all Board meetings and public hearings to provide input on issues important to them. www.CentralSan.org Our website provides current, detailed information on a wide variety of topics, such as District structure, description of the wastewater treatment process, education programs for children, pollution prevention activities, Green and IPM recommendations, current construction projects, employment opportunities, and public notices. Website viewers are encouraged to provide feedback, and a phone number for reporting a sewer spill is posted at the top of the homepage. In 2011, the website averaged more than 200 distinct visits every day for a total of 71,368 visits. The Human Resources pages and the Household Hazardous Waste pages were the most frequently visited. Media Releases Media releases about District activities are sent to all media outlets including local blogs and websites in our service area to help keep the public informed about major projects, water quality issues, awards, or other timely items of interest. Student Programs Central San maintains the most active student programming of any wastewater district in the East Bay. Sewer Science is a weeklong wastewater treatment lab for high school students. The curriculum integrates chemistry, physics, and microbiology, while informing students about the District and the wastewater industry. In 2011, more than 1,300 students in six different high schools had Sewer Science as part of their curriculum. Nearly 1,000 third- and fifth -grade students took part in the Water Wizards program, learning about water resources, Bay Area water issues and protecting their local watershed. It also provides a basic overview of how the collection system and wastewater treatment processes work. These programs raise awareness of the younger members of our public, educating them on the underworld of sewers and how they can be involved, primarily in the practice of pollution prevention. Frequently, discussions in the home occur as a result of the instruction provided to students who've participated in these programs. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 11 -3 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Central San is also a major sponsor of the Delta Discovery Program. This science program targets 5t" grade students and takes them aboard the Marine Science Institute research vessel, the RV Brownlee, which was custom built to provide a safe and stable floating laboratory for students. On this three - and -a -half hour excursion on the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta, students learn about the water in the Delta, its aquatic life, water conservation, the effects of pollution, and the work of wastewater agencies to prevent that pollution. A total of 2,204 students from the CCCSD service area took the voyage in 2011. Environmental and Community Fairs The Communication Services group takes part in a number of community fairs and special celebrations such as Earth Day. Members staff a booth to promote public awareness of wastewater issues, pollution prevention tips, and other topics important to the District's wastewater conveyance and treatment. Treatment Plant Tours CCCSD's treatment plant tour program shows employees, students and members of the public the role our wastewater treatment plant plays in the community, particularly as it relates to protecting our waterways. During 2011, CCCSD conducted a number of plant tours for nearly 200 people. Speakers Bureau CCCSD's Speakers Bureau provides staff speakers at no cost to local organizations. Topics covered range from how the wastewater system works to pollution prevention. More than 600 people attended such presentations in the past year. Sewer System Management Plan — October 2012 — page 11 -4