HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a.Authorize an agreement with cost ceiling of $306,000 with Geosyntec Consultants for a Site Characterization StudyCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District 7a I • BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS FOR A SITE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF THE AREA POTENTIALLY NEEDED FOR NUTRIENT REMOVAL FACILITIES (TREATMENT PLANT PLANNING PROJECT - DP 7301) Submitted By. Tim Potter, Environmental Compliance Superintendent Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: \Y( 1/t�v /yl%X T. Potter . Penny J. My oto -Mills W___ - Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for professional engineering services agreements with cost ceilings above $100,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with a cost ceiling of $306,000 with Geosyntec Consultants for a Site Characterization Study of the Surcharge Fill Area (Treatment Plant Planning Project - DP 7301). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If the Surcharge Fill Area of the treatment plant is needed for future nutrient removal facilities, management of the hazardous materials known to exist in the area could cost between $10 million to $120 million, depending on whether the required management approach allows relocation and capping or treatment onsite, or mandates transportation and disposal offsite. The Site Characterization Study will inform the District's decision - making with a focus on determining the least expensive approach to properly manage the material. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The recommended Site Characterization Study is a required element of the "Facility Plan and Site Characterization Work Plan" mandated under the District's current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Wastewater Discharge Permit. The permit requires that the study report be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) by February 28, 2014. BACKGROUND: An area of the District's treatment plant site, identified as the Surcharge Fill Area (see attached Site Map), has been determined to be the most likely location for construction of new nutrient removal facilities in the future. The Surcharge Fill Area is located to the east of the existing aeration basins and covers an area of approximately 6 acres. The soil in the Surcharge Fill Area is known to contain chemical N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Potter\2012 \11- 15 -12 \PP Geosyntec Agreement 11 -15 -12 FinalIDOC Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS FOR A SITE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF THE AREA POTENTIALLY NEEDED FOR NUTRIENT REMOVAL FACILITIES (TREATMENT PLANT PLANNING PROJECT - DP 7301) constituents of concern including heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. Proper management of any soil removed from this area will be required prior to the construction of additional treatment facilities. The material in the Surcharge Fill Area is a mixture of native soil from the surrounding District property and heavy hydrocarbon sludge waste that the District received from a settling pond at the Shell Oil Company refinery in Martinez in the 1960's. In 1987, the District conducted an investigation of the treatment plant site and determined that contaminated soils containing metals and organic compounds characterized as hazardous substances were present on the property, mainly in two areas of the site referred to as the Surcharge Fill Area and Basin A South. Information from this investigation resulted in the District working extensively with the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to fully assess the risks posed by the contaminants and to eventually stabilize the affected areas. Following are milestone events associated with the project: • The District and DTSC entered into a Voluntary Clean -Up Agreement in 1995 • Studies were completed and reports prepared • DTSC approved the strategy to cap the affected areas as a means of managing the risks associated with leaving the contaminated soils on -site • The District and DTSC entered into an Enforceable Agreement in 2004 • DTSC determined in 2007 that the affected areas did not pose a groundwater migration threat and approved decommissioning eleven monitoring wells • The Enforceable Agreement is still in effect requiring periodic reports and notification if the cap is disturbed In 2011, Conestoga- Rovers & Associates evaluated waste management alternatives for the capped soil pile located in the Surcharge Fill Area. Waste management alternatives analysis included off -haul to Class I (RCRA and /or California -only hazardous waste) or Class II landfills in California, off -haul to a landfill outside of California, on -site fixation, and relocation of the contaminated soil to another area of the District's property. Should the nutrient removal facilities improvements be necessary, it is anticipated that some portion of the Surcharge Fill Area will be excavated for the construction. The soil removed during excavation will need to be relocated, treated or off - hauled for disposal. Characterization of the current soil contaminant concentrations is needed in order to identify remediation options for the proposed location of the nutrient removal facilities. The area anticipated to be used for the Nutrient Removals Facilities project is part of the District property named in the Enforceable Agreement with DTSC. The District will notify and begin communications with DTSC in order to complete the work under the N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Potter\2012 \11- 15 -12 \PP Geosyntec Agreement 11 -15 -12 FinaIIDOC Page 2 of POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS FOR A SITE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF THE AREA POTENTIALLY NEEDED FOR NUTRIENT REMOVAL FACILITIES (TREATMENT PLANT PLANNING PROJECT - DP 7301) Enforceable Agreement to determine the actions needed to proceed with construction. The information obtained from the Site Characterization Study will enable the District to work with DTSC to gain approval for the options chosen. The recommended Site Characterization Study is a required element of the "Facility Plan and Site Characterization Work Plan" mandated under the District's current NPDES Wastewater Discharge Permit. The work required to complete the study requires specialized geotechnical, environmental and hazardous waste management expertise. The Environmental Services Division (ESD) conducted a formal proposal evaluation process to select an appropriate consultant to provide the necessary services. In August 2012, Requests for Proposal (RFP) were sent to five firms known to practice the specialties needed. Three firms submitted detailed written proposals, which were evaluated by ESD and Plant Operations Department staff. The proposals of two firms were identified as being particularly responsive to the project criteria included in the RFP, and these two firms were invited to a final evaluation interview. In their interview, the proposed project team from Geosyntec Consultants demonstrated the most thorough knowledge of the geotechnical, environmental and hazardous waste management issues relevant to the District's needs, as well as a detailed familiarity with the history of the project, the treatment plant site and material contained in the Surcharge Fill Area. The District's interview team was unanimous in its recommendation that Geosyntec be engaged for the Site Characterization Study. Staff has negotiated a professional engineering services agreement with Geosyntec that would provide for reimbursement of costs up to an initial cost ceiling of $196,000, with options for the District to add, if needed, specific related sampling and geotechnical studies that would cost up to an additional $110,000. The total cost ceiling of the proposed agreement is $306,000. Staff has concluded that this agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it will provide information for design of treatment plant improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. The Board of Directors' approval of this agreement will constitute an independent finding that the agreement is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with a cost ceiling of $306,000 with Geosyntec Consultants for a Site Characterization Study of the Surcharge Fill (Treatment Plant Planning Project - DP 7301). N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Potter\2012 \11- 15 -12 \PP Geosyntec Agreement 11 -15 -12 FinallDOC Page 3 of 4 J �sy Attachment Site Map tl R 1 t 06 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Potter\2012\1 1-1 5-12\PP Geosyntec Agreement 11 -15 -12 Final3.DOC Page 4 of 4