HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS AGENDA 08-16-12Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Hockett Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:00 p.m. Second Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES A. NEJEDLY President DA V7D R. 97LLIAMS President Pro Tem BARBARA D. HOCKETT MICHAEL R. MCGILL MARIO M. MENESINI PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX.- (925) 676 -7211 www.centralsan.org Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. Capital Projects Committee August 16, 2012 Page 2 Call Meeting to Order 2. Public Comments *3. Review process for selecting vendor for pilot test of Board portal, a collaborative software which will facilitate the transition to paperless agendas and electronic calendar and document management (Li /Boehme) Staff Recommendation: Review process and provide input to staff. *4. Review Contractual Assessment District (CAD) Policy in light of exception discussions (Policy attached) (Brightbill /Leavitt /Swanson) Staff Recommendation: Review the policy and provide input to staff. *5. Review Project Closeout memo (Millier) Staff Recommendation: Review the memo and receive the report. Staff will be available to answer questions on the projects contained within the memo and a discussion of key projects is included under item 7. 6. Receive Capital Program Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Year -End Financials, including discussion of key projects (Antkowiak) Staff Recommendation: Receive the report and review the financials. *7. Review draft Position Paper approving a revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget funding authorization table (Table 1) with actual rather than estimated carryover of unspent funds previously allocated to ongoing projects, and revised total 2012 -13 authorizations for each program, needed for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 based on end of FY 2011 -12 financial data (Millier /Antkowiak) Staff Recommendation: Recommend Board approval. 8. Review lease options and next steps for securing space for Headquarters Office Building (HOB) staff during seismic retrofit of HOB (Hodges) Staff Recommendation: Provide input to staff on lease options and next steps. 9. Reports and Announcements 10. Suggestions for future agenda items 11. Adjournment * Attachment 3. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 8, 2012 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTE FROM: ROY LI, IT ADMINISTRATOR Z6eZ SUBJECT: UPDATE - ONLINE BOARD PORTAL/BINDER PROJECT Summary: The District is interested in exploring a paperless agenda management process and a secure online Board binder /portal system. Some of the benefits of a Board portal/binder are as follows: • Reduce costs and increase efficiency in preparing, updating, distributing and management of Board materials • Faster access to information by Board members and management • The most current Board materials are accessible by any Board members from any location and at any time In determining the District needs and the required feature set for this system, an online survey was taken collectively among the members of the Capital Projects Committee, managers, and Board administration staff. Based on the responses of this survey, the required (Must -Have) feature and optional (Nice -to -Have) feature sets were used to identify four (4) vendors that may meet these criteria. These vendors were asked to complete a preliminary survey. The cost estimate for an average Board portal/binder may be based on the number of users. Most vendors charge a one -time setup fee. For 20 users, the recurring annual cost estimates provided by some of the vendors range from $970 to $22,000 per year. This estimate includes web -based training, support, maintenance, updates, security, and backups. The staff recommendation is to proceed to the next step and work with Purchasing in preparing a Request for Proposal for the Board Portal/Binder system. Once a vendor is selected it is recommended that a pilot study be conducted to determine how effective the study is before rolling out to the whole District. Determine District's Online Board Portal/Binder needs: We determined the required (Must -Have) and the optional (Nice -to -Have) feature sets for the online Board Portal/Binder through a series of surveys to the following groups: the Capital Projects Committee members, managers, and the Board admin staff. • Exhibit AA — Online Board Portal/Binder Feature List and • Exhibit AB — Board Portal Feature - Staff Survey Results Survey Vendors - Request for Information: Using the survey results, Elaine Boehme, Donna Anderson and I researched and identified four vendors that may meet our needs - Granicus, Board Vantage, Diligent and Board Effect. We also requested these vendors to complete our survey (Exhibit B). Based on the preliminary vendor survey, the vendors that meet most of the feature sets are as follows: Request for Proposal and Demo Staff recommends to the committee to proceed with the next step of working with Purchasing in requesting a proposal from the vendors. The proposal will consist of vendor demos and evaluation of their products based on our established requirements. The recommendation is to setup a 4- person evaluation team made up of Purchasing (1), IT (1), Capital Projects Committee member (optional), and Board Admin (1). Staff would like feedback if a Capital Projects Committee member would like to participate and which one. Once the Request for Proposal process is completed, the evaluation team will report back to the full committee with their recommendation. Pilot Study When the vendor is selected, several users will be needed for a pilot to determine if the benefits of the portal system are such that it should be rolled out to the entire Board and staff. Board Committee input is welcome on who should participate in the pilot. At this time, it is assumed the participants would provide their own hardware. Annual Estimate Nice to Recurring One -Time Cost Must Have Have Cost Setup Fee Based on Features, Features, Estimate, Estimate, Number of Vendor % % $ $ Users 1. Granicus 100.0 100 $969 $18,050 Unlimited 2. BoardVantage 100.0 83 $22,000 $2,500 - $4,000 20 3. Diligent 95.5 83 $18,400 $3,500 20 4. Board Effect 86.4 83 $9,500 $0 Unlimited Request for Proposal and Demo Staff recommends to the committee to proceed with the next step of working with Purchasing in requesting a proposal from the vendors. The proposal will consist of vendor demos and evaluation of their products based on our established requirements. The recommendation is to setup a 4- person evaluation team made up of Purchasing (1), IT (1), Capital Projects Committee member (optional), and Board Admin (1). Staff would like feedback if a Capital Projects Committee member would like to participate and which one. Once the Request for Proposal process is completed, the evaluation team will report back to the full committee with their recommendation. Pilot Study When the vendor is selected, several users will be needed for a pilot to determine if the benefits of the portal system are such that it should be rolled out to the entire Board and staff. Board Committee input is welcome on who should participate in the pilot. At this time, it is assumed the participants would provide their own hardware. EXHIBIT AA Board Portal/Binder Feature List Exhibit AA - Online Board Binder/Portal Feature List Must -Have Features: Board Packet • Create Board book/s and centrally manage corporate documents • Update documents after they've been uploaded Security • Board members have inbound access to confidential Board materials and communications • User accounts with different level of access /permissions. User -level defined access to Board and committee materials • Secure connection between computer /tablet and to the portal • Requires sign -in by Board members Minutes Taking and Audio Recording • Take minutes online and record audio Document Management • Upload and update organizational charts, key contact phone list, District phone list Mobility • Download materials onto computers /tablets before or during the trip, and review them in locations that don't have Internet access • Remote access from any computer, iPad, and Android tablet Usability • Word searchable board packet. Materials can be searched by keywords, by topic, by committee, and by date • Note - taking. Board members can make online notes as they review the meeting packet and access their notes during meetings • Ability to print materials with or without personal notes • Book - marking capabilities Communications • An alert system that notifies Board members when new information is available • Board staff or administrators can broadcast materials to all Board members, or to a specific committee or selected individuals 4 Support • Portal is a hosted environment, and the vendor provides software, servers, storage, and backup systems that ensure business continuity • Help with start -up and initial Board meeting setup • Training on site, web, or by phone • Help with scanning /uploading archival documents • Upgrades and support included in annual license • Unlimited storage Nice to Have Features • The portal shows the complete Board calendar, including all meetings and Board events. • Link calendars to materials for each scheduled meeting. • Email or pop -up reminders of calendar events. • Board administrators can reach a document even if stored with an off -line version of the software, and set rules for document retention and destruction. • Tag audio clips to related sections in minutes. • Vendor offers 24/7 support. 5 EXHIBIT AB Summary Results Board Portal/Binder Staff Survey Exhibit AB - Board Portal /Binder Staff Survey Summary Board Packet Create Board books and centrally manage corporate documents Nice to tiave (I Not Needed (0( Update documents after they've been uploaded N-ce to Havc t -- Not Needed f t Must Havc [41 Must Have 5 63% Nice to Have 1 13% Not Needed 0 0% Must Have 4 Nice to Have 1 Not Needed 1 7 Board administrators can reach a document even if stored with an off -line version of the software, and set rules for document retention and destruction ti ce Ie;ia:e , Misti-Im 3 Nceto Have 3 Not Needed 0 MLs1 Have 131 Reliable Security Not Needed 101 Board members have inbound access to confidential Board materials and communications. MustHaw S 63% Nceto Hate 1 13% N co to Have [ 11 Nd Needed 0 0% 431 Needed (0[ Must Have [51— User accounts with different level of accesslpermissions. Usewlevel defined access to Board and committee materials. Must Have [51 MistHave 5 63% Wela Have 1 13% Nlcn to Have [I Not Needed 0 0% Not Needed [01 8 Secure connection between cam putedtablet and to the portal Must I lave (si Requires sign -in by Board members N cc to Have ®su Nice to Have l01 Not Needed [01 Not Needed 101 Calendar Management, Scheduling, and Meeting MtstHave Niceto Hate Nd Needed MtstHave 3 We to Have 3 Nd Needed 0 The portal showsthe complete Board calendar, including all meetings and Board events. c) Nice to Have [3j ­­—= MustHave 3 33% Ni�eto Have 3 33% Nd Needed 0 0% Not Needod [01 Must Have [31— Link calendars to materials for each scheduled meeting N co to WtHaae 3 33% Web Have 3 33% Ndhbeded 0 0% Not Needod (01 Must I lavo (31 _* Email or pop -up reminders MmIHave 1 13% We to Have d 50% Not Needed jt( NdNeeded 1 13% N co to Have [41— ti 1i�} Must Havo (►( Minutes Taking and Audio Recording 10 Take minutes online and record audio Nice to Have 131 MustHave 2 25% Nceto Hate 3 33% Not Needed [I [ Nd Needed 1 13% Must Havo [21 Tag audio clips to related sections in minutes N co to Have [4j— Not Noedod [u] Must Have [21 Domment Management MustHaw 2 25% We lo Hate d 5A Not Needed 0 0% Upload and update organizational charts, key contact phone list, District phone list M1stHave 5 Web Hate 7 N,co to Have [t; NdNeeded 0 Must (lave [5[ Not Needed j0] Mobility Download materials onto computersttablets before or during the trip, and review them in locations that don't have Internet access. MustHaw 5 N,ce to Have 121 Nice to Haw 2 Not Needed 0 Not Needed 101 Most Ilave 15) _"V Remote access from any computerltablet Must I lavo 151 MtstHave 5 p °G —Nice to Have 12I Nieeto Have 2 25% NdNeeded 0 0% Nat Necdod (01 Ifyou can easily access and use the Board binder on a laptop or tablet, which one would you prefer to use? 12 1 i .ir �tr•n Go Paperloss 121 Usability �On'y Hardcopy of .Y` Go Paperless 2 OnlyHardmpyof Board BnderPaM 1 Word searchable board packet. Materials can be searched by keywords, by topic, by committee, and by date. Must I lavo [51 MustHade 5 Nice to Hate 2 Not Needed 0 Note- taking. Board members can make online notes as they review the meeting packet and access their notes during meetings Must I Invo [5[ MustHave 5 N4C m Havo [21, Niceto Have 2 Nd Needed 0 Nor Needod '' 13 Ability to print materials with or without personal notes MuSi Ilave [5( Book-marking capabipties Nco to have [21 Nei Needed 101 – -.C-- N co io tiavo (3j NaI Noedod (0j Musi liavo (4[ MustHave Nieeto Haee Nat NMeded MustHave Nteto Hake Net Needed Easy access to notes during meetings, then archive notes after meetings. —Nice lo liave [3[ MustHave M& N Not Needed Have MuSI Have [41 Nei Needed [Oj S 6✓% 2 25% 0 0% 4 50% 3 36% 0 0% d 3 0 1.1 communication An alert system that notifies Board members when new information is available. Must Havo (51 MuetHane Nteto Have Nice toHavc 1t1 NdNeeded Not Needed (01 Board staff or administrators can broadcast materials to all Board members, or to a specific committee or selected individuals. Must Ilave (51 Support M%IHave 5 63% Ntelb Hake 1 13% NicetoFta -€ujt_ NdNeeded 0 0% Not Necdod (01 Portal is a hosted environment, and the vendor provides software, servers, storage, and backup systems that ensure business continuity. 15 Nice to Have Must Have Vendor offers 2417 support N co to Have 13: Must Have [3j Not Needod (01 Not Needed [Gj Help with start-up and initial Board meeting setup Must I lave [u "j Training an site, web, or by phone MustHave 3 Nbeio Have 3 Nd Meded 0 MustHave 3 Niceto Have 3 Nd Needed 0 MustHave 6 Nice to Have 0 Not Needed 0 16 Must Have [5( MtdHave 5 0396 Nceto Haw 1 13% N co to Have [ 1) Nd Needed 0 0% Not Needed (0( Help with scanning /uploading archival documents _11t`i _—_ i,i Must I lave [3[ Upgrades and support included in annual license Nice to Have (2 Must I lave [4[ Unlimited storage Not Needed 101 Mist Haxe 3 33% Nleeto Haw 2 25% Nd Needed 1 13% MtstHave 4 Nice to Haw 2 Nd Needed 0 17 fOust Have [41 &mail and discussion tools N.ce to Have [4; Survey and online voting tools Not Needed [41 Nice to Have [2, MustHade 4 50% Niceto Hate 2 25% Not Needed 0 0% Not Needod 101 MusiHaae 1 13% Niceto Hate 4 5096 Not Needed 111 Not Needed 1 13% 'Aust Have III MlstHade 0 0% Nicola Hate 2 25% Nd Needed 4 51196 — Must I lave [01 Nze to Have [21 Additional Must Have Features 1 Pas- -Wtd online rew#dke McGill warded to be able to sHpto iterm easfy,pmbady, meaning th4 he would want to be able 10 dick on an agenda item to go dredhJtotie asmdated position paper We watt be be able to naugdethrough the audo recording with foot pedals. and be able to slowand fast P. forward as we transcribe ( e adjustable speed playback) At the Board meeting itself the Secretary takes notes in real time with the recording (she records votes Board member comments etc) It would be nice tithe new system would have some sat of text box for each item wh ch she c Additional Nice to Have Features 1. Ability to store other dots outsides of,packef2. Beirtg able to view multiple dots al same time 3, Abilit to,annotate udng finger, stylus, type and choose font size, styleA, Mimic almost Ike�working on papa 5. Ability to work on dots and emad,docWe may wanfto somehow block the Board's ability to communicate with one another through the tablet^ via emad/ehallelc to prevent senal meetn`gs, espedally during a Board meeting. I donl know how that would be achievable - perhaps by taking down Wifeless access during the Board Meeting? Ifs not really necessary to do so, jui something Questions for Vendors 1 See ifwe can schedule meetings with members and see free or busy schedul 2 Ab4ity to link d,fferent people's calendars on differerd email systems 3 Different level of bookmmdts?Why, should we choose you over your canpebtors7 How user friendly and easily navigable is your software? if we passwo :d protect the software would it be easy for a Board Member to reset Msiber password should he forget it? I assume the Board wadd not share their personal passwords with District staff Is d possible for District staff to pas —word protect specific documents without District staff Mowing https: / /docs.googie.com/ spreadsheet/ gform? ke... KSOmdDB6MnRIalhgWUSXZjRLOUEwbOVt akE&gridld =0 (13 of 13) [8(2/2012 3:28:54 PM] 19 EXHIBIT B Board Portal/Binder Vendor Survey 20 Item No. Vendor Survey Results 1 Timestamp 2 Please type your company name 3 Create Board books and centrally manage corporate documents 6/29/2012 7/2/2012 11:18:06 16:57:39 BoardVantage Granicus Yes Yes 7/5/2012 7/6/2012 12:52:14 15:32:14 Diligent Board BoardEffect, Member Inc. Services Yes Yes 4 Update documents after they've been uploaded Yes Yes Yes Yes Board administrators can reach a document even if stored with an 5 off -line version of the software, and set rules for document retention and destruction. Yes Yes Yes Yes Board members have inbound access to 6 confidential Board materials and communications Yes Yes Yes Yes User accounts with different level of access /permissions. 7 User -level defined access to Board and committee materials Yes Yes Yes Yes Secure connection 8 between computer /tablet and to the portal Yes Yes Yes Yes 21 9 Requires sign -in by Board members Yes Yes Yes The portal shows the complete Board 10 calendar, including all meetings and Board events. Yes Yes Yes 11 Link calendars to materials for each scheduled meeting. Yes Yes Yes 12 Take minutes online and record audio Yes Yes No 13 Tag audio clips to related sections in minutes. No Yes No Download materials onto computers /tablets 14 before or during the trip, and review them in locations that don't have Internet access Yes Yes Yes 15 Remote access from any computer, Wad, and Android tablet Yes Yes No Word searchable board packet. Materials can be 16 searched by keywords, by topic, by committee, and by date Yes Yes Yes Note - taking. Board members can make online notes as they 17 review the meeting packet and access their notes during meetings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 22 18 Book marking capabilities Yes Yes Yes Yes 19 Email or pop -up reminders. Yes Yes Yes Yes Upload and update 20 organizational charts, key contact phone list, District phone list Yes Yes Yes Yes Ability to print 21 materials with or without personal notes Yes Yes Yes Yes An alert system that notifies Board 22 members when new information is available Yes Yes Yes Yes Board staff or administrators can broadcast materials to 23 all Board members, or to a specific committee or selected individuals Yes Yes Yes Yes Portal is a hosted environment, and the vendor provides 24 software, servers, storage, and backup systems that ensure business continuity Yes Yes Yes Yes W Vendor offers 24/7 support. Yes Yes Yes Yes 26 Help with start up and initial Board meeting setup Yes Yes Yes Yes 27 Training on site, web, or by phone Yes Yes Yes Yes 23 28 29 ;L 31 Help with scanning /uploading archival documents Yes Yes Yes Upgrades and support included in annual license Yes Yes Unlimited storage Yes Yes Yes Note for question #3- If you have additional this is for features or comments iPad only please list them. We appreciate your Question #1 assistance for in Usability completing our feature section- Yes set survey. Please for click the Submit individual button when finished. packets Thank you. only Yes Yes Yes 24 Number: BP 010 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: January 7, 1999 Revised: February 1, 2001, September 5, 2002 Reviewed: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Env. Services BOARD POLICY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY STATEMENT PURPOSE The purpose of the Contractual Assessment District (CAD) program is to provide financial assistance to small groups of homeowners with inadequate septic tank systems so that they may extend the public sewer system to serve their properties. The intent of the CAD program is to assist single family homeowners with failing or inadequate septic tanks who might not otherwise have the means to finance the cost of extending the public sewer. The CAD program is intended for residential properties, primarily owner - occupied, and not commercial properties. POLICY Introduction This policy statement for the CAD program establishes the criteria for formation of CAD projects, the process for the CAD program and methodology for allocating costs and assessments among CAD participants. CADs are small assessment districts formed pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 5898, et seq. to extend sewer facilities to residential areas currently served by septic tank and leachfield systems. The District Board of Directors first approved a CAD Policy Statement in January 1999. Also, at that time, the Board authorized $1,000,000 per fiscal year for three fiscal years beginning July 1998 and ending June 2001. The Board desired to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAD program toward the end of the third fiscal year. A Board workshop regarding the CAD program was held November 30, 2000. This revised policy statement is an outcome of that evaluation. CAD Program Funding The District will continue with the policy of a $1,000,000 per year budgetary ceiling for CADs during the fiscal years 2001 -02 and 2002 -03. This ceiling amount is to be BP 010 Page 2 of 8 calculated based on the total allocation to CAD projects receiving Board approval during each fiscal year. The Board of Directors, in their discretion, may modify this program, including increasing or decreasing the budgetary ceiling, at anytime. Nothing in this policy is intended to bind the District to continue with the program for any predetermined time period, nor does it create any right or entitlement in favor of potential program participants. In the absence of any intervening action of the Board of Directors, it will review the effectiveness of the CAD program at or near the end of Fiscal Year 2002 -03. Definitions • A Contractual Assessment District (CAD) is a legal entity established pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Chapter 5898 for the purpose of financing the construction of sewers in residential areas currently being served by septic tanks. • Parcel or property denotes in this policy a piece of residential real estate, including land and anything permanently affixed to the land, including buildings. The terms "parcel" and "property' have the same meaning herein and shall refer to the divisions of property as indicated on County Assessor's Parcel maps. • Participants are owners of properties directly tributary to the proposed facilities who voluntarily agree to enter into a CAD contract. • Non participants are owners of properties directly tributary to the proposed facilities who do not to enter into a CAD contract. Non - participants will not be assessed for their share of the sewer improvement costs until the time of connection. • Non participant reimbursement fees are fees collected from owners of non- participant parcels at the time of connection to the sewer to reimburse current participant parcel owners for the non - participant parcel's share of the cost of sewer improvements installed under the CAD. Criteria for Formation In order to be eligible for participation in the District's CAD assessment financing program, the proposed sewer extension project must meet the CAD formation criteria. District staff will make a threshold eligibility determination and will provide proponents with a written determination of eligibility. The criteria are as follows: 1. A minimum of five properties must be directly tributary to the proposed CAD facilities. 2. A minimum of 60 percent of the properties directly tributary to the proposed CAD facilities must have existing homes served by the septic tank systems. BP 010 Page 3of8 3. A participant parcel may not have more than two (2) dwellings to participate in a CAD. Notwithstanding the above - listed criteria, the District's decision as to whether to form a CAD will be determined on a case -by -case basis and is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. The Board may consider technical, economic, staffing, budgetary, environmental and other factors in its consideration of whether to form a CAD. CAD Formation Process There are several staff -level actions and three Board approval steps in the CAD process. The District Board of Directors will consider approval of individual CAD projects which staff has determined meet the formation criteria. The following Board actions are required: (1) initiation of a CAD; (2) approval of the Engineer's Report and assessments, ordering of the improvements, and approval of the CAD election; and (3) approval and levying of final assessments. Initial Actions 1. Small groups of property owners may be eligible for a CAD if (1) they occupy houses served by septic tanks, and (2) they seek a sewer main extension to provide for connection to the District system. District staff will work with the owners to explain the CAD process. If a sufficient number of property owners and the District remain interested in proceeding with a CAD and the criteria for CAD formation appears to be met, the District will consider initiation of a CAD. Property owners will be requested to submit letters indicating their interest in formation of a CAD. Property owners will also be requested to submit annexation petitions if their properties are not already part of the District. Staff will issue a letter setting forth its initial determination of eligibility for the CAD program. 2. If District staff determines that a proposed CAD does not meet the formation criteria, staff will notify the property owners in the proposed CAD of the staff decision in writing. Property owners may appeal this staff decision to the District Board of Directors in accordance with Chapter 1.16 of the District Code except as modified by this policy. This policy allows property owners 30 days to request an appeal of a staff decision. The Secretary of the District will schedule the matter for a hearing before the Board of Directors and provide written notice of the time and place of that hearing to the affected property owners. Creation of Assessment Dist Participants are required to retain an engineer to design and solicit bids for the private work (the sewer facilities). BP 010 Page 4 of 8 2. An Engineer's Report estimating project costs and assessment levels will be prepared by the District in accordance with state law. Residents will have 18 months from when the District initiates formation of a CAD to submit sewer plans, construction bids and other information necessary for the District to prepare an Engineer's Report. 3. The District will distribute Notices of Proposed Assessment and conduct an election in accordance with state law by which property owners may indicate their approval of or opposition to the proposed assessment. 4. The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing to announce the outcome of the election and receive public comment about the proposed assessment. In addition, the public hearing will be to receive comments on annexation of properties in a CAD if a public hearing is required as part of the annexation process. 5. Following the public hearing, Board of Directors will determine the election results and consider approval of the Engineer's Report, preliminary assessments, and the CAD improvements. 6. If the proponent property owners do not provide all necessary information, including approved plans and construction bids, within 18 months of District's initiation of CAD proceedings, the CAD process will be terminated. Assessment Contract and Construction 1. Following approval by the Board of Directors of the Engineer's Report and CAD improvements, the participants must enter into a written contract with the District which describes the responsibilities of the parties, the work, and the provisions for payments. 2. The District will undertake the procedural requirements to form the CAD, and will review the plans for compliance with District standards, finance the work, and establish the assessments. 3. Participants are required to hire a contractor and to supervise the construction of the private works CAD facilities. The District will have no contractual relationship with the contractor and will not provide construction management or site supervision; however, the District will inspect the project consistent with prevailing District inspection procedures. 4. The District will accept the work if the work is done in accordance with District standards. 5. Participants shall be required to provide all project cost records and related information. District staff will review project costs, evaluate eligible project costs, BP 010 Page 5 of 8 and determine the proposed final assessments. The Board of Directors will then consider approval and levying of the final assessments. Payments and Assessments 1. Unless limited by other provisions of this policy, each participant shall have the option to pay for his share of CAD expenses after the work is completed by either (1) lump sum cash payment or (2) by contractually subjecting his property to an annual assessment, including interest, over the term of the CAD. Regardless of the payment option chosen, participants pay all costs of the sewer main extension and other appurtenant facilities required to bring service to the participants' parcels. The existence or non - existence of potential non - participant connectors shall not affect the obligation of the participants to pay for all costs associated with the project. 2. The term of the participants' assessment (payback period) shall be ten years. The interest rate shall be fixed when the contract between the participants and the District is signed for the District by the General Manager. The annual interest rate for assessments shall be one percent (1 %) above the current average interest rate on District temporary investments or an interest rate of six percent (6 %), whichever is greater.' 3. Participants are limited to use of the ten -year annual assessment payment option for a single parcel at any given time. If a person(s) owns two or more parcels in the same CAD or different CADs, that person(s) may be a participant for more than one parcel, but will be eligible for the annual assessment option for a single parcel. The shares of the CAD expenses for the other parcels must be paid by the lump sum payment option. 4. In the event a participant is not eligible for the CAD assessment financing option, the participant shall make a full lump sum payment prior to initiation of contract based on the preliminary assessment figures set forth in the Engineer's Report. Return of any excess payment or additional required payments shall be made at the time of fixing of final assessments. 5. The assessments shall be equal for each participant's parcel unless otherwise provided for in the contract and documents creating the CAD. If an existing participant's parcel can be legally subdivided, there are two dwellings currently existing on a single parcel, or other cost -of- service related factors justifying differing assessments are present, said parcel may be assigned more than one assessment. The language regarding the minimum 6% interest resulted from an amendment adopted September 5, 2002 via Resolution No. 2002 -071. BP 010 Page 6 of 8 6. The costs of the work associated with sanitary sewer mains, manholes, rodding inlets and private sewer laterals within public streets or rights of way may be included as eligible costs of the CAD. Eligible CAD costs may also include costs for other appurtenances within public streets or rights of way necessary to bring the sewer service to the participants. The cost of septic tank abandonment, installation of the private sewer laterals (not within a public street or public right of way), and District fees and charges customarily due upon connection to the public sewer shall be excluded from CAD financing. For purposes of this paragraph, "rights of way" shall include public or private roads providing legal ingress and egress to multiple parcels. 7. The CAD assessments will be imposed on each participant's parcel and recorded as a lien against the parcel. The assessment will include the principal and interest and will be collected on the property tax bill as an assessment along with taxes and other assessments and charges on the subject parcel. CAD Non - Participant Reimbursement Fees CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be established by the District Board of Directors in accordance with District practice and the CAD contract if District staff determines that there are non - participant parcels which could connect to the CAD facility. The District will collect CAD non - participant reimbursement fees for a period of 20 years from the date of the CAD formation. The obligation of a non- participant parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee upon connection to a CAD sewer will expire after the 20 -year period. 2. CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be established by the Board after a public hearing and after final assessments have been established. 3. For purposes of calculating the amount of a CAD non - participant reimbursement fee to be applied to a subsequently connecting parcel, a non - participant parcel will be treated as a participant parcel for the purposes of calculation and distribution of subsequently collected reimbursement fees. 4. CAD non - participant reimbursement fees will be calculated by dividing the total CAD cost by the current number of participants. The number of participants for this purpose shall include the total of the original and subsequent connectors, and the current non - participant reimbursement fee payor. The following example illustrates this calculation process. BP 010 Page 7of8 Assume- Total assessments to be paid = $80,000; there are 4 original participants and 4 non- participants. Each of the 4 original participants assumes a $20,000 assessment. REIMBURSEMENT FEE CALCULATION Non - Participant Fee Credit to Each Prior Net Cost to All Connection Participant Participants First $80,000 - 5 = $16,000 - 4 = $20,000 -4,000 $16,000 $4,000 $16,000 Second $80,000 = 6 = $13,333 T 5 = $16,000 -2,667 $13,333 $2,667 $13,333 Third $80,000 = 7 = $11 429 - 6 = $13,333 -1,904 $11,429 $1,904 $11,429 Fourth $80,000 = 8 = $10,000 _ 7 = $111,4 , 9 $10,000 $1,429 $10,000 6. As non - participating owners connect their homes to the sewer extension, District staff will collect a CAD non - participant reimbursement fee from each newly connecting non - participant parcel owner. Each newly received CAD non- participant reimbursement fee will be divided uniformly among the current owners of participant parcels. The owner(s) of the participant parcel at the time of the distribution shall receive any excess amount of a reimbursement share over that needed to extinguish any remaining CAD assessment, such amount to be limited to the total amount of CAD assessments or lump sum payment paid by the then current parcel owner(s), reduced by other excess reimbursement amounts previously paid to this same parcel owner(s). The District will forward a notification of available funds and a verification form to the current participant parcel owner(s) at the address reflected in the then current Assessor's records. Upon receipt of a properly completed verification form by the District, the District will forward a check to the then current participant parcel owner in the amount of the participant parcel owner's share as determined herein. 7. The District shall have no affirmative responsibility to locate the eligible participant parcel owner(s), other than to mail notice to the Assessor's address 2 After a non - participant parcel owner pays their reimbursement fee, the non - participant parcel owner becomes a participant for the purpose of further reimbursement fee calculations. BP 010 Page 8of8 for the parcel owner; nor shall the District be required to attempt to contact an eligible owner's estate, or heirs, nor to locate or protect other potential interest holders. Any proceeds from collections of CAD non - participant reimbursement fees which are held by the District for over three years due to inaction on the part of an eligible owner, or excess proceeds from CAD non - participant reimbursement fees accumulated pursuant to the procedures set forth herein, will become the property of the District. 5. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 16, 2012 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: ANNE. FARRELL, GENERAL MANAGER` JARRED MIYAMOTO- MILLS, PROVISIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER THOMAS BRIGHTBILL, SENIOR ENGINEER FROM: EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 23 capital improvement projects during the 2011 -12 fiscal year. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $1,002,004.00 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program. Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and "underun /(overrun)" amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. Program Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2012 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Treatment Plant $14,379,685 $13,891,474 $488,211 Collection System $9,554,680 $9,263,007 $291,673 General Improvements $15,240,972 $15,024,688 $216,284 Recycled Water $1,041,000 $1,035,164 $5,836 Totals $40,216,337 $39,214,333 $1,002,004 Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 6169 Instrument & Control - PLC System Upgrades Ph 2 420,000 355,235 64,765 7247 Treatment Plant Protective Coating Phase 4 846,000 815,570 30,430 7248 Standby Power Facility Improvements 5,667,000 5,570,902 96,098 7260 Solids Handling Improvements 5,520,600 5,520,536 64 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion 468,085 468,086 -1 7277 SCB Mechanical Room 570,000 503,298 66,702 7281 Treatment Plant Elevators Modernization 561,000 492,188 68,812 7282 Perimeter Fencing 165,000 153,554 11,446 8213 ITreatment Plant Security Upgrade 162,000 12,105 149,895 Program Totals $14,379,685 $13,891,474 $488,211 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5900 2011 Storm Damage Repair 20,000 9,323 10,677 5915 Collection System Modeling Systems Upgrade 656,000 597,327 58,673 5947 Manhole Rehab 60,000 51,391 8,609 5953 Diablo Renovations Phase 1 2,501,000 2,500,122 878 5983 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control 30,000 27,784 2,216 5990 Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 7 2,764,680 2,764,053 627 5994 Lafayette- Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer 2,495,000 2,308,756 186,244 5997 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan 178,000 170,927 7,073 6001 Martinez Facilities Plan 35,000 34,035 965 6499 Vista del Orinda CAD 165,000 167,150 (2,150) 8400 2011 -12 Development Sewerage 650,0001 632,1391 17,861 Program Totals $9,554,680 1 $9,263,007 1 $291,673 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130112 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8208 CSOD Facility Improvements 14,883,000 14,666,716 216,284 8511 2011 -12 Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition 357,9721 357,9721 0 Program Totals $15,240,972 1 $15,024,688 1 $216,284 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT N0. BUDGET AS OF 6130112 (OVERRUN) 7194 Zone 1 Recycled Water Phase 1 C 1,041,000 1,035,164 5,836 Program Totals $1,041,000 1 $1,035,164 $5,836 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 6169 Instrument & Control — PLC System Upgrades Phase 2 The Treatment Plant's Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) System was upgraded to current technology for increased performance and improved compatibility. Work done included replacing the original PLCs used in the Solids Conditioning Building and the original PLC communication network, replacing the 984 series CPUs and the 800 series 1 /0, providing new Programmable Device Support (PDS) hardware and software so that the system can be backed up, and numerous other upgrades. DP 7247 Treatment Plant Protective Coating Phase 4 Much of the treatment plant's process infrastructure is almost 30 years old and has received limited coating or repainting, except for that completed under the first three phases of this project. The Phase 4 project contributed to the efforts of the Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan by providing a detailed evaluation of the entire plant coating system to identify the critical infrastructure to be cleaned and coated. Under this project, protective coatings were applied to the headworks bar screens, fuel oil storage tanks, piping and structural supports in the basement of the pump and blower building, structural steel and piping at the clear well, carbide lime tanks, and the crane on top of the sludge storage tanks. DP 7248 Standby Power Facility Improvements This project replaced the treatment plant standby power diesel engine generators to meet new California Air Resource Board regulations, improve reliability, and provide enough run time to meet District needs. The facility building was modified to accept the new engine generators and also brought up to current seismic standards. A permanent connection point was constructed for trailer- mounted generators. Power generation was changed over to 12kv to improve reliability by eliminating the 4160v/12kv transformer, and feeder cables were replaced. DP 7260 Solids Handling Improvements The Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update of September 2005 recommended improvements for emergency and non - routine handling of biosolids to meet the ultimate solids capacity needs for year 2035. This project included the design and construction of those recommended improvements, which are intended to provide sludge handling capability in the event of emergency or in case of regulatory changes that require shut- down of the Multiple Hearth Furnaces. A sludge truck loading station with odor control and sludge cake hoppers for storage of sludge cake generated overnight or on holidays was constructed. DP 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion This project evaluated improvements to increase operational flexibility, redundancy, and to increase capacity for wet weather flows through the primary treatment process. The need for improvements was identified in the 2002 Effluent Discharge Limit Increase Project Final Environmental Impact Report and during record wet weather flows in the winter of 2005 -06. The project developed a preliminary design concept for the addition of two primary sedimentation tanks, and evaluated upgrades to the existing tanks and systems. Design and construction of the new primary sedimentation tanks, if needed, will be under a new project that is not currently scheduled in the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan. DP 7277 Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) Mechanical Room This project designed and constructed improvements to the SCB HVAC system to replace worn out system components. The mechanical room on the first floor of the SCB contains pumps, a chiller, steam and water piping, and an air - handling unit that provides conditioned air to the MCC Room on the second floor and to various areas within the Furnace Control Room on the third floor. The chiller, pumps, and some piping were replaced during the SCB Ventilations Improvements project. However, the original air - handling unit installed during the treatment plant expansion in the mid 1970s was still in service. This project replaced the aging air - handling unit and control system and associated steam and water piping, and replaced five roof exhaust fans. DP 7281 Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization Two elevators in the SCB were installed in 1975 and are critical for operation and maintenance activities. In addition to scheduled monthly maintenance, an elevator maintenance company is frequently called out for unscheduled maintenance. In 2009, the District hired a consultant to assess the condition of the elevators. The major findings were that the elevators are obsolete; the manufacturer is out of business; spare parts and technical support are no longer available; and the equipment is out of compliance with current electrical and fire codes. This project modernized the freight and passenger elevators in the SCB, and replaced the door sensor on the HOB elevator. DP 7282 Perimeter Fencing Renovations The treatment plant has over 20,000 feet of fencing, mostly chain -link that was installed in the 1970s. In addition, there are single -swing and double -swing gates. Portions of the perimeter fencing have been repaired or replaced over the years. However, the entire perimeter required evaluation to ensure that plant security was maintained. This project evaluated the security and condition of the perimeter fencing and renovated and replaced portions as needed. DP 8213 Treatment Plant Security Upgrade Locks at the Treatment Plant and other locations were upgraded to bring them into conformity with the District's master key system under this project. Additional work was planned but was put on hold pending FEMA mandates for infrastructure security upgrades which were not issued. Upgrading other aspects of the District's security system, such as a card reader system upgrade, will be included under future projects. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 5900 2011 Storm Damage Repair As part of the Collection System Urgent Projects Program, this project repaired damage to sewers from winter storms. DP 5915 Collection System Modeling Systems Upgrade The District's former hydraulic model (Sewer Network Analysis Program, or SNAP) was a DOS based system that provided results in a format that were not user friendly, and had no graphical interface. This project included designing and commissioning a replacement model (ArcSNAP) that provides results in a format that are more readily interpreted and also has a Geographic Information System interface. The District has been using the new ArcSNAP model since 2004. A hydraulic grade line analysis feature (surcharge analysis) was added during FY 2004- 05. In FY 2005 -06 model calibration was performed using flow monitoring from the previous winter's storm. In FY 2006 -07 the model was revised to handle the new Geomedia GIS mapping software that Engineering Support acquired. In FY 2007 -08, a set of SunGard data queries was generated to assist with parcel related data. In 2009- 10, minor software changes were made. DP 5947 Manhole Rehabilitation Project The District has approximately 30,000 active manhole structures throughout the service area. Some are in various stages of degradation from corrosion, root intrusion, excessive infiltration, structural failure, etc. This project evaluated and prepared recommendations and specifications for demonstration of the various repair products available in the marketplace. The demonstration projects will be included in upcoming renovation projects. DP 5953 Diablo Sewer Renovations Phase 1 Sewers in the Diablo area are some of the oldest and least accessible sewers in the District's collection system. They are shallow in depth and are generally in poor condition. This project replaced or renovated approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewers in the public right of way and easements. DP 5983 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control Under this project, a Ferrous Pipe Inventory was created for the District's Collection System. It includes details of pipe size and type, and locations. The document describes existing inspection technologies, failure mechanisms, rehabilitation methods and sulfide control techniques. DP 5990 Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 7 This project replaced or rehabilitated approximately 13,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewers at several sites in the City of Lafayette and neighboring areas. DP 5994 Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer The 2010 update of the Collection System Master Plan analyzed the District's entire sewer system using the ArcSNAP hydraulic model. The design flows to the sewers in this corridor were calculated at 130% to 270% of full pipe capacity. The project diverted flow away from the 10 -inch sewer across Acalanes High School property into a new 15- inch sewer along Pleasant Hill Road from Springhill Road to Stanley Boulevard. The remaining deficient sewers were upsized within their current alignments and connected to the 18 -inch sewer crossing under Highway 24. DP 5997 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan This project investigated possible alignments for bringing wastewater from the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Redevelopment Area to the Treatment Plant. The technical reports completed as part of this work include: • Alternative Alignments for Serving the CNWS Redevelopment Area, • Improvement Needs of North Concord Collection System, and • Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Alternative Alignments for Serving the CNWS Redevelopment Area. DP 6001 Martinez Facilities Plan Ths project developed a prioritized list of pipes that are in need of renovation for the sewer shed upstream of the Martinez Pump Station. Utilizing the maintenance data, CCTV scores, and other historical data, these sewers have been evaluated to determine which are in need of replacement. This information will aid in the future site selection for pipeline renovation projects in Martinez. DP 6499 Vista del Orinda Contractual Assessment District (CAD) This project designed and constructed approximately 850 linear feet of 8 -inch sanitary sewer pipeline, four manholes, and appurtenant work and facilities located along Vista Del Orinda in Orinda. The project serves ten residential parcels, eight of which are developed with homes using septic systems. Two of the properties have already converted to sanitary sewer service. DP 8400 2011 -12 Development Sewerage Work done by District staff to ensure that contributed sewers meet the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction is funded from the Sewer Construction Fund, since it results directly in District capital assets (completed main sewers, easements and permanent records.) This project provided a means to capitalize District labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities during the 2011 -12 fiscal year. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Pr_oiect # Project Title DP 8208 Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) Facility Improvements The CSOD administration and crew building was originally constructed as the District's headquarters office building and was not designed for use as a collection systems operations building. The old facility did not meet the current and future needs of the District. After a comprehensive evaluation of alternatives, the District built a new administration, crew, and warehouse building at the location of the old one. Site improvements such as new paving and landscaping were also included. The new facility opened in the fall of 2011. DP 8511 2011 -12 Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2011 -12. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 7194 Zone 1 Recycled Water Phase 1 C This project provided funds for the planning, design, and construction of reycled water facilities for landscape irrigation customers and other identified uses in the Zone 1 Project Area. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 00+0,b ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 6, 2012 subject: APPROVE A REVISED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUNDING AUTHORIZATION TABLE (TABLE 1) WITH ACTUAL RATHER THAN ESTIMATED CARRYOVER OF UNSPENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO ONGOING PROJECTS, AND REVISED TOTAL 2012 -13 AUTHORIZATIONS FOR EACH PROGRAM Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Earlene Millier, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Millier T. Brightbill J. Miyamoto -Mills Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: Board approval of the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1) will result in an accurate presentation of the actual authorized funding level for the current budget year. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a revised 2012 -13 CIB funding authorization (Revised Table 1), and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Planned expenditures have not changed. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could direct staff to modify the CIB by canceling and closing some ongoing projects to reduce the carryover of previously allocated funds, or defer some planned 2012 -13 allocations to reduce "Allocations This Fiscal Year" and thus keep the total funding authorization level consistent with the estimates included in the approved CIB. This alternative is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Board approved the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2012 -13 District Budget and adopted the budget on June 7, 2012. Final expenditures for FY 2011 -12 were not known at that time, and therefore, Table 1 of the CIB included estimated amounts for funds previously allocated to ongoing projects, but unspent at the end of the fiscal year, referred to as "carryover ". Now that actual 2011 -12 expenditures for capital projects are known, Table 1 has been revised to reflect the actual carryover amounts. The difference in carryover between estimated and actual carryover (approximately $10,428,000) is due primarily to changes in the timing of projects, which left allocated funds unspent. Allocated but unspent amounts are carried over to the next fiscal year. Because of the project changes and consequent higher carryover, the Total Proposed Authorization is now $51,377,883. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Millier\2012 \8 -16 -12 Cap Proj Committee\PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 6, 2012 subject. APPROVE A REVISED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUNDING AUTHORIZATION TABLE (TABLE 1) WITH ACTUAL RATHER THAN ESTIMATED CARRYOVER OF UNSPENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO ONGOING PROJECTS, AND REVISED TOTAL 2012 -13 AUTHORIZATIONS FOR EACH PROGRAM It is appropriate for the Board to approve the revised 2012 -13 CIB Table 1 with actual, rather than estimated carryover of allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. Attachment 1 includes the Original.Table 1 included in the approved CIB and the Revised Table 1 that includes actual carryover and total program authorizations. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the revised 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget funding authorization table with actual, rather than estimated, previously allocated but unspent funds for ongoing projects, and total 2012 -13 revised authorizations for each program. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Nlillier\2012 \8 -16 -12 Cap Proj Committee\PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft.doc ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINAL — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Adopted June 7, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2011 -12 Expenditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $1,944,000 $10,244,000 $7,436,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $9,013,000 $17,624,000 $13,723,000 General Improvements $8,520,000 $176,000 $8,696,000 $7,254,000 Recycled Water $4,170,000 $216,000 $4,386,000 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $11,349,000 $40,950,000 $32,343,000 REVISED — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2012 -13 (Revised September, 2012) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2011 -12 Expenditures Treatment Plant $8,300,000 $7,008,513 -- $15,308,513 $7,436,000 Collection System $8,611,000 $7,276,520 $15,887,520 $13,723,000 General Improvements $8,520,000 $3,871,660 $12,391,660 $7,254,000 Recycled Water $4,170,000 $3,620,190 $7,790,190 $3,930,000 Total this FY $29,601,000 $21,776,883 $51,377,883 $32,343,000 NAENVRSEC \Position Papers\Millier\2012 \8 -16 -12 Cap Proj Committee \PP Revised Table 1 - 08 -16 -12 Draft.doc