HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. (Handout) L. Benvenue #1E� (Ilandoai-) - 6er�venue�}1- From: Iouise.benvenue@)comcast.net rmailto :louise.benvenue@)comcast.net1 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 11:23 AM To: Elaine Boehme Cc: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills; Ann Farrell Subject: Fwd: Maps and Notes from CCCSD - El Toyonal CAD Exceptions Dear Elaine, Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your time off. At the conclusion of the Board Meeting of June 21 st, President Pro Tern Williams requested a summary of the variety of maps that have been produced. We mentioned the maps had errors, always in favor of the sewer. Attached are 5 maps, with my comments. The map dated May 17 is of particular importance, because it was used at the Board Meeting, when the decision was made to allow the CAD exceptions. My notes should be self - explanatory, but just to clarify: Where I wrote "XXX is a YES, should be NO" it means that household was contacted, they clearly communicated they were not in favor of the sewer, and ended up otherwise on the map. In the case of the Kidd's at 244 El Toyonal, they were contacted by telephone and they attended a meeting; expressing their NO vote on both occasions. They still ended up as a YES on the map, which was carried forward with each iteration. Leo Kidd drove all the way to Martinez for the June 21 Board meeting and repeated his NO position. This has finally been corrected. In addition to the maps, I included some pages from position papers and meeting minutes submitted on this topic that appear biased. I may not understand everything about this process, so if I stand to be corrected, please advise. Would you be so kind as to forward this email and these maps to Williams, other Board Members, and whoever else you deem appropriate? Thank you so much for your help, and if you need anything else from me, please advise. Regards, Louise Benvenue L rr S V a s � 3 0 � n -+- Z c II .,� V o u N v h (1 LL M 0 aao� ao ao� oa a as �vUiU vU.�oOo w ' � F >1 Low �a � 5. a � wwz az0w Hz a-W o > a � on oz W�U.< ti 1 m o > z ti w U Cl) Q..r D Q 'k > J Q Z O i .� L = J w � a � z w > O CL Z V w V � � s V s Z 0 Z Q./ V 7 v O ti 0 s rt t J M 10 0 1z- z GLvViU aigo ' ��0.1 iri ✓b v a � 4 � y � a � Q Z W U V J Q Z O J W J a j � t z w O a` a N Z W U .a Z I. 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