HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. Adopt resolution accepting terms of Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management Grant re Concord Landscape projectCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District 3-c ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 19, 2012 subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THE PROPOSITION 84 INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT GRANT FOR THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT (DP 7299) AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH THE BAY AREA CLEAN WATER AGENCIES AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROCESS THE GRANT Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: v M- D. Berger v M. Penny J. M moto -Mills Kenton L. Alm Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: Recipients of Proposition 84 grant funding are required to adopt a resolution accepting the terms of the grant funding agreement, and Board authorization is required for the General Manager to execute the grant agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution accepting the terms of the Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management grant for the Concord Landscape Project (DP 7299), and authorize the General Manager to execute the grant Implementation Agreement with the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and other related documents as may be necessary to process the grant. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) has been awarded a State Proposition 84 grant that will provide $1,030,000 in funding assistance for construction of the Concord Landscape Project. This grant is in addition to $97,000 in federal Title XVI grant funds already received for work completed during the planning phase. The grant funding will allow the project to generate approximately a 15 -year payback from revenue generated from recycled water sales and minimize financial impacts to the District. The total estimated project cost is $4,200,000, and the District's share of the costs after deducting grant funding will be approximately $3,073,000. The District is pursuing additional grant funding through the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition and could potentially receive up to an additional $1.8 million in federal Title XVI funding if pending legislation (HR 3910) is enacted by Congress. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be to not accept the Proposition 84 grant funding. However, the District would lose this opportunity to receive grant funding for approximately 25% of the project costs. WENVRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\2012 \7- 19 -12 \PP - Prop 84 - 7 -19 -12 FINAL.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 19, 2012 subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THE PROPOSITION 84 INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT GRANT FOR THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT (DP 7299) AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH THE BAY AREA CLEAN WATER AGENCIES AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROCESS THE GRANT BACKGROUND: In January 2011, the District in partnership with other Bay Area water and wastewater agencies, submitted a grant application to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to obtain an Integrated Regional Water Management Implementation Grant pursuant to Proposition 84, the California Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006. In August 2011, DWR awarded approximately $30 million in Proposition 84 grant funding for Bay Area projects including $1.03 million for the District's Concord Landscape Project. The Bay Area Clean Water Agencies ( BACWA) submitted the grant application to DWR on behalf of participating agencies, and BACWA will be the contracting entity to administer the grant agreement with DWR and will establish individual implementation agreements with each agency receiving grant funding. Recipients of Proposition 84 grant funding must authorize a resolution accepting the terms of the implementation agreement with BACWA and the grant funding agreement between BACWA and DWR. The Concord Landscape Project is included in the District's 2012/2013 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page RW -3. The current schedule for this project is to begin advertising in November and start construction in early 2013. Construction is expected to be completed by approximately December 2013. At its March 19, 2009 meeting, the Board independently found that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk. On December 20, 2011, the United States Bureau of Reclamation determined that the project is in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and approved a Finding of No Significant Impact. With NEPA requirements now complete, the District will be able to receive federal grant funding for the construction phase of this project if it becomes available in the future. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt resolution accepting the terms of the Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management grant for the Concord Landscape Project (DP 7299), and authorize the General Manager to execute the grant Implementation Agreement with the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and other related documents as may be necessary to process the grant. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BAY AREA CLEAN WATER AGENCIES, AND THE GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND THE BAY AREA CLEAN WATER AGENCIES, FOR PROPOSITION 84 INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT GRANT FUNDING The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( "District'), a public agency located in Contra Costa County, California, formed under the Sanitary District Act of 1923, hereby states and resolves as follows: WHEREAS, in January 2011, the District in partnership with other Bay Area water and wastewater agencies, submitted a grant application to the California Department of Water Resources ( "DWR ") to obtain an Integrated Regional Water Management ( "IRWM ") Implementation Grant pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006, for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District — Concord Recycled Water Project (also known as the Concord Landscape Project, District Project number 7299); and WHEREAS, the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) was the grant applicant on behalf of the participating agencies and would be the contracting entity to execute and administer the grant agreement with DWR; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2011, BACWA received notice of a conditional IRWM Implementation Grant from DWR; and WHEREAS, BACWA must provide notice to DWR that the participating Bay Area agencies, which are considered local project sponsors under the grant agreement and who will be receiving portions of the state grant, are aware of and agree to comply with the terms of the DWR grant agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: The District agrees to accept and comply with the contract terms, as a local project sponsor, set forth in the grant funding agreement between BACWA and DWR; and 2. The District agrees to accept and comply with the contract terms, as the "Project Sponsor ", set forth in the Implementation Agreement between BACWA and the District; and Resolution No. 2012 -050 Proposition 84 Page 2 of 2 3. The General Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Implementation Agreement with BACWA for the Proposition 84 IRWM grant funding and any other related documents as may be necessary to process the grant. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of July 2012, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: ABSTAIN: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme, CIVIC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District