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Board Meeting of July 5, 2012
Written Announcements:
Staff Updates
a) Recent Personnel Advancements
Anthony Fernandez has advanced to Plant Operator III in the Plant Operation Division
effective June 10, 2012.
b) Temporary Hiring Back of Retired Laboratory Superintendant
Bhupinder Dhaliwal
On January 17, 2012, Bhupinder Dhaliwal retired as Laboratory Superintendant after 33
years of service to the District. Mr. Dhaliwal has specialized expertise in water quality
issues in the Bay and this knowledge is particularly helpful in understanding the complex
issues being analyzed to determine if and how nutrients impact Suisun Bay. Mr. Dhaliwal
will be assisting the District by providing technical review of the ongoing nutrient studies
being conducted in Suisun Bay as required in the District's 2012 National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Therefore, staff proposes to utilize
Mr. Dhaliwal's services on an as- needed, hourly basis.
Treatment Plant
c) 2012 Plant Cleanup Day
All Plant Operations Division (POD) staff participated in the annual plant clean -up day on
June 20, 2012. POD personnel from various work groups labored together to clean the
entire plant site, including the Plant Operations Building, the Laboratory and various areas
within the plant. An appreciation barbeque lunch was cooked and served by the Plant
Safety Team.
d) Cogeneration Incident Update
As reported at the Board meeting on June 7, 2012, work continues to restore the
cogeneration unit that was damaged on March 29, 2012. Work on the heat recovery
equipment will be finished by the end of July. District staff has completed upgrades to the
programmable logic controllers. The District has issued a purchase order to Solar
Turbines for the re- commissioning work on the turbine. Solar is currently procuring parts
and is expected to begin work on site in early August.
Engineering, Design, and Testing, the technical expert for the District's insurance
provider, is continuing its investigation into the cause of the explosion. District staff is
continuing to work with them to provide the information they need for the investigation.
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e) Facility Plan and Site Characterization Work Plan
On Friday, June 29, 2012, staff submitted a work plan to the Regional Water Quality
Control Board in accordance with the District's NPDES permit to evaluate alternative
treatment technologies to remove ammonia from our discharge. Work plan elements
include an evaluation to optimize the existing plant to remove ammonia, a nutrient
removal facilities plan that will evaluate various conventional and emerging technologies
for removing ammonia and other nutrients, and site characterization study of the area
where future treatment facilities may be built to determine if any soil remediation is
necessary. The work plan elements must be completed and submitted to the Regional
Board by February 28, 2014.
. Collection System Operations
f) District Partnership in California Alliance for Sewer System
Excellence (CASSE)
During the 1990's and early 2000's, the District was a member of the California Collection
System Collaborative Benchmarking Group along with seven other California sewer
agencies. This collaboration has evolved into a larger group of 24 sewer collection
agencies from Northern and Southern California. The mission of this collaboration has
changed over time to include developing and recommending minimum best sewer
maintenance practices, reviewing and commenting on proposed regulations relating to
sewer collection systems, developing educational and training programs, helping
agencies achieve high compliance levels with the State Waste Discharge Requirements
for Sanitary Sewers, and sharing ideas and experiences about sewer maintenance in
addition to sewer system performance benchmarking. In recognition of the group's
expanded mission, the name has been changed to the California Alliance for Sewer
System Excellence (CASSE). The alliance has written a charter agreement describing the
mission, organizational structure, and responsibilities of member agencies. Staff proposes
that the District become a signatory to this charter agreement. At this time, there are no
annual dues to be a member of CASSE. There will be two to three meetings per year
alternating between Northern and Southern California. The District will incur costs related
to travel and staff time by being a member of CASSE.
Financial Matters
g) Federal Reimbursement for Early Retiree Reinsurance Program
(ERRP) Approved
As the Board may recall, the Patient and Affordability Care Act provides $5 billion in
financial assistance to employers, state, and local governments to help them maintain
healthcare coverage for early retirees and their spouses age 55 and older who are not
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eligible for Medicare. In September 2010, Human Resources and Accounting staff
submitted an application for reimbursement to the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program
On June 22, 2012, the ERRP Center approved the District's reimbursement request in the
amount of $149,629.42. This is the first reimbursement the District has received since
submittal of the application. The reimbursement will be used to offset increases in the
District's healthcare insurance premiums for early retirees (between the ages of 55 to 64)
and their families.
Summer Student Annual Picnic
h) Annual Summer Student Picnic on July 18, 2012
This is a friendly reminder that the Annual Summer Student Safety Picnic will beheld on
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the garden /lawn area next to
the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. It is a triple staff day for the Plant
Operations Department so we are hoping to have a good number of attendees. Staff will
be grilling hamburgers, turkey burgers, boca burgers, and hot dogs. The menu includes
salads, chips, dessert and drinks. Board Members are cordially invited to attend.
Out -of -State Conference Attendance
i) Plant Operations Division Manager Ba Than's Attendance at the
2012 National Association of Clean Water Agencies ( NACWA)
Summer Conference in Philadelphia and Acceptance of 2011
NACWA Platinum Peak Performance Award
As previously reported, the District recently received notification that its Treatment Plant
has earned the Platinum Peak Performance Award for the fourteenth consecutive year of
100 percent compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit. The District will be recognized during the July 16, 2012 Awards
Ceremony at the NACWA Summer Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Plant
Operations Division Manager Ba Than will attend the conference from July 15 -18, 2012 in
Philadelphia. He will accept the Platinum Peak Performance Award on behalf of the
District and will attend seminars on water quality and biosolids.
j) Human Resources Analyst Selina Zapien's Attendance at the 2012
NeoGov Training Conference in Las Vegas
Human Resources Analyst Selina Zapien will be attending the 2012 NeoGov Training
Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada from October 17 -19, 2012. NeoGov is the District's
applicant tracking system. This conference is held annually by NeoGov to provide
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intensive hands -on training for its users, as well as to provide system development
updates. The 2012 conference sessions will feature electronic onboarding for new hires,
testing best practices, streamlining the online application process, and roundtable
discussions on public sector HR challenges.