HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a. Bid relief to K.J. Woods Construction, Inc.; award contract to Ranger Pipelines, Inc. re Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, District Project 8401Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ' a'' POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 21, 2012 Subject: CONSIDER BID RELIEF TO K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC., AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401, AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000,000 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Nancy Molina, Associate Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: aect'j A. Uka--s%4-k a�v N. Molina S. Mestetsk A. Antkowiak <. Alm Ann E. Farrell General Manager ISSUE: On May 23, 2012, five (5) sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, District Project No. 8401. On May 31, 2012, K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. requested relief from their bid and return of the bid security. The Board of Directors must determine whether to grant relief of the bid and to award the construction contract to the second lowest bidder or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. Approval by the Board of Directors is required for a supplemental authorization to the Collection System Program of the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). RECOMMENDATION: Grant bid relief to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. and authorize the award of the construction contract to Ranger Pipelines, Inc., authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Contractor license, and any other required submittals (SUBMITTALS), approve a supplemental authorization of $3,000,000 for the Collection System Program of the CIB, and find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $3,088,000, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives include (1) reject the request for withdrawal of the bid and award the construction contract to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc.; (2) grant the request for withdrawal of the bid for K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. and authorize award of the construction contract to Ranger Pipelines, Inc.; or (3) reject N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger \8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 1 of 23 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 21, 2012 subject: CONSIDER BID RELIEF TO K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC., AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401, AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000,000 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET all bids, which is not recommended. If the supplemental authorization is not approved, work on the project will be delayed until fiscal year (FY) 2012 -13. BACKGROUND: This project is the ninth phase of multiple phases anticipated in Walnut Creek (see Attachment 1). The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 project, will renovate approximately 12,000 linear feet of 6 -, 8 -, 10 -, and 15 -inch sewer lines in Walnut Creek. Construction of the sewers in easements will involve close cooperation with customers for site access and restoration. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, is $2,000,000. This project was advertised on May 4 and 9, 2012. Five (5) sealed bids, ranging from $1,688,000 to $2,599,599, were received and publicly opened on May 23, 2012. The apparent low bidder is K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. with a bid amount of $1,688,000. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. On May 31, 2012, within five (5) business days of the bid opening, District staff received a letter from Kieran Woods of K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. indicating a mathematical error was made in preparing their bid, therefore, requesting relief from their bid and return of their bid security (see Attachment 3). The letter explains that the Contractor inadvertently omitted the material costs for the unit cost for bid item No. 11. The unit cost for this bid item was calculated as $120 per LF, but the unit cost should have been $169.58 per LF. The mathematical error results in a difference of $262,873.16. Under the California Public Contract Code Section 5103, a bidder may request relief of bid within five (5) business days after bid opening in the event of a clerical or arithmetical error in preparing the bid proposal. The law is stringent with regard to relief from bids and allows relief to be granted by the awarding authority only under specific circumstances. Specifically, the law states that: "The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that: a. A mistake was made. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger \8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 2 of 23 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 21, 2012 Subject: CONSIDER BID RELIEF TO K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC., AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401, AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000,000 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET b. He or she gave the public entity written notice within five (5) days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. C. The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. d. The mistake was made in filling out the bid, and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans and specifications." Subsequently, K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. submitted additional information to corroborate their assertion of mathematical mistakes and request for bid relief (Attachment 3). Under the above Public Contract Code, it appears to staff that the error, as explained by K. J. Woods Construction, Inc., may well have been a mathematical error, and that relief may be granted to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. The Board must evaluate the facts submitted, consider other information that may be presented at the Board meeting, and determine whether there is an adequate basis to grant K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. relief from the bid due to the mathematical error. A representative from K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. will be present to provide additional information. Staff conducted a commercial and technical evaluation of the bids and has determined that in the event K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. is granted relief from its bid, the second low bidder, Ranger Pipelines, Inc., is the lowest responsive bidder with the bid amount of $1,969,446. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 4, are $2,788,000. The total cost of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, is anticipated to be $3,088,000. This project is included in the FY 2011 -12 CIB on page CS -24. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Collection System Program budget and concluded that supplemental authorization of $3,000,000 is needed in order to provide adequate funds for this allocation and other allocations that are planned to take place before the end of FY 2011 -12. WPESUP\Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger \8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 3 of 23 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 21, 2012 Subject: CONSIDER BID RELIEF TO K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC., AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401, AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000,000 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302, since it involves replacement of existing public facilities on the same sites and with substantially the same purpose and level of activity as the facility being replaced. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: Consider K. J. Woods Construction, Inc.'s request for withdrawal of their bid. A representative from K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. will be present to provide additional information; 2. Grant bid relief to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. and direct staff to return their bid bond; 3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,969,446 for the construction of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, District Project No. 8401, to Ranger Pipelines, Inc., the next lowest responsive bidder; 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements; 5. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA; and 6. Approve a supplemental authorization of $3,000,000 for the Collection System Program of the Capital Improvement Budget. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger \8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 4 of 23 (ID� - wNI -19 :e ao w , MILE LEGEND: Me ST J WALNUT CREEK PROJECT LOCATION a Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATION PHASE 9 PROJECT LOCATIONS 1 f DP 8401 V V Page 5 of 23 ATTACHMENT 2 WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 8401 DATE: MAY 23, 2012 PROJECT NAME: WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9 PROJECT LOCATION: WALNUT CREEK, CA NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 ENGINEER EST.: $2,000,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. $1,688,000 San Francisco, CA 94124 2 Ranger Pipelines, Inc. $1,969,446 San Francisco, CA 94124 3 California Trenchless, Inc. $2,025,078 Dublin, CA 94568 4 Mountain Cascade, Inc. $2,111,055 Livermore, CA 94550 5 Precision Engineering, Inc. $2,599,599 San Francisco, CA 94124 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE May 23, 2012 WPESUMbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger \8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc Page 6 of 23 ATTACHMENT 3 BID RELIEF REQUEST K. J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC. SUPPLEMENTAL ATTACHMENTS Page 7 of 23 n r RECEIVED X J. WOODS CONSTRUCnON, I11IC. MAY 312012 Cali£ Inc. No. 701707 "• +game IL Boamh I Secretary of the District Central Cora Costa sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place CA 94553 May 31, 2012 RE: Bid - Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 Deaf' Secretary of the Boats, This letter is in regards to the above referenced project for which K.J. Woods Construction Inc. submitted a Bid Proposal on May 23, 2012. Upon fiufher review of our Bid Proposal, vve: have discovered a mistake in our bid in the foam of a mathemoatical error. 'he mistake made our bid materially different am what we intended. We therefore ale requesting relief from our bid and return of our bid security pursuant to Public COS huCt Code Section 5103 and Section 15 of the Instn"ons to Biddea More specifically, in calculating the Unit Price of Bid Item No. 11 (Installation of 6- and 8 -inch PVC pipe using open -cast method), the cost of the materials for Bid Items No. 11 in the amount of $259,594.94 was inadvertently omitted from the Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet. Had the cost of the materials been correctly included in the Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet, the correct Unit Cost for Bid Item No. 11 would have calculated to be $169.58 Per LF, and not $120.00 Per LF as included in our bid. This has resulted in a mathematical error of $262,873.16 in our submitted bid. We have attached a copy of the Material Costs Sheet and Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet for Bid Item No. I 1 for your information. We have also attached the Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet for Bid Item No. 11 with the material costs included to show the correct Unit price calculation for Bid Item No. 11 which should have been included in our bid proposal had the cost of the materials been included. Page 8 of 23 Based on the above mathematical error, the actual Total Bid amount of the bid submitted by K.J. Woods Construction Inc should have been $1,950,873.10. K.J. Woods Construction Inc cannot perform the work on this project at the submitted bid of $1,688, 000.00 which would result in a severe financial hardship and in jury to the company- To this efFect, K.J. Woods Construction Inc hereby requests that our bid be withdrawn per Public Contract Code Section 5103 and Section 15 of the Instructions to Bidders. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions or require additional information. Yours Sincerely Kieran Woods President, K.J. Woods Construction Inc Page 9 of 23 NAPESUMCbradley\POSITION PAPERSWIolina\8401 PP Award - Ranger.doc as 1"WilliFillpTill RATE 10 7815o&wfw 10 $4,571TO $45741 $3,8:0CCO-0 $30400. sn nn _ BID ITEM UNIT PRICE CALCULATION SHEET — C o its, c, -&P 1'0 i v t. L%x b -cam coo- o-e- Y+�At + ALA Page 11 of 23 11 K.J. Woods Construction Inc. PROJECT: VMLNUT CREEK 88 - PHASE 9 2:29Jedmh Sta2 REPORT NO: sun Finack y CA.Dft22 OyYNER:� ata WORK PERFOPAW BV DF$CrIQMof WOM W1TE:1 5!23/2012 MTERI& COM K.J. Woods Constnpibn 6• & 8" PVC Open Cot aosb EASE/ STREETS (N j 8111 81 CAY 6.302 LF TAM Off 6.290 LF & a12 EA LAT RECONNS (5,112 LF S" OC & 1971E t3 OC) - - MATERIALS Qty. UMr 1MT C081 VM. a' soR 2es PvC iad e%+�asva 5112 LF 4.91 31600.00 'roe x 1400 LF 6 EA 32x48 ` 194AS '/4 bass: .00 TON 11 SUBTOTAL C CL A Type CPwmmbb Mato w 1 TON 1 70 28866.80 ' Dtar� tes -A>r 467 TON 89.28 33739.38 440.00 Fee- 289 LtY 34.00 880S.OD ' 8OR 2a PVC Pipe �8 1.5$ 4 EA 438 17.32 47 5x41' 264 8• SOAR 28 PVC Ise 535.08 00 sxa PVC vrrES SX4 PVC MW 4 as , EA 29.!90 411M 118.00 40 ae�d° Cou VCP x PVC 1 ' 82 12 27.8 140.E 17112JD PVC x PVC es 6% 1 973AD cutback / tamp AC IW SM 892A0 0.00 Sheet i sw CcnaMie Cy 1 sbartk; EA 50.00 0.00 0.00 COST OF MATERIALS -A to sUBntiTALA 79 9.84 - - QTM -- tpNl COST TOTAL 318 Ldsx t to 31S tits 100.00 31600.00 AWO T nXk - 2sD Ltla x 18 -1 440 Hra 100.00 440W.W COST OF SUSSm m c .00 s S3 776.00 SUBTOTAL C Q9 SUBTOTAL TOTAL COST OF uxro mA SUBCONTRACT TOTAL TM REPORT CERTIFIED CORRECT: TOTAL COSTA t C .94 DATE Page 12 of 23 C.e1i£ IAc. No. 701797 Mr. Andrew Antkowiak Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff place Martinez CA 94553 June 7, 2012 RE: Bid - Walnut Creek, Sewer Renovations, pie 9 Dear Mr. Antkowiak, Tb's letter is in response'to your letter dated June 6, 2012 regarding our request for relief from our bid due to a mathematical error submitted for the above referenced project. In addressing Your specific comments and questions, we request that any infom uMon provided as to the methods used by K.J. Woods Construction Inc in preparing the bid are not to be disclosed to any other parties not directly involved in the relief from bid review With regards to the bidding process, in preparing the unit price for pipeline installation work such as Bid Item No. 11, KJ. Woods Construction Inc. estimating staff after a comprehensive review of the contract documents, drawings and physical site conditions, prepare a takeoff of all the materials required to perform the wow labor and equipment requirements, subcontractors and any other costs including but not necessarily limited to landscape and improvements restoration, specialist work, Permits etc. A K.J. Woods Construction Inc proprietary spreadsheet template titled the Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet is used to calculate the total cost of a work item and also the Unit Cost. Material costs along with labor and equipment shift rates am imputed into the spread sheet along with restoration crew casts, subcontractors, trucking, specialty work cost etc. to calculate the total cost of the work, including the Unit Cost. Page 13 of 23 Regarding the three questions in Your letter, the following are presented as Mows: 1. Quotes were solicited and received for the materials prior to bid opening, 2. The estimating gaff member who eaoneously omitted the cost of the materials from the Bid Item Unit Price Capon Sheet was responsible for checking the calculation for Bid Item No. 11. Also, the Unit Cost ,four Bid Item No. 11 inserted into the bid schedule did not stand out as an obviously mistake as the amount did not appear to differ substantially for the Unit Costs for Bid Items 12 dt 13. However, the installation of the 6" dt 8" pipe in Bid Barn No. 11 requires Bidsnb i� materials, labor and equipment than installation of the pipe in to depth, location of work within City of Walnut Creek and Contra Costa County streets, utilities eta 3. Because the Bid. Item Unit price Calculation Shoat spaeadshed is a standard template, there can be multiple items with a value of $0.00 where items are not required for a particular work item, which h why the $0.00 for the material costa did not stand out as an obvious enw. As stated in our letter dated May 31, 2012, the mistake made our bid materially different from what we intended. K.J. Woods Construction Inc cannot perform the work on this project at the submitted bid of $1,688, 000.00 which would result in a severe financial bm%bWp and kdM to the company. We are therefore requesting relief from our bid and le of our bid security pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 5103 and Section 15 of the Instructions to Bidders. PINSO do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions or require additional information. Yours Sincerely Kieran Woods President, R.J. Woods Construction Inc Page 14 of 23 a „ K J. WOODS copismucnom INC. GFWMAL UNGINURING CON RAMOR Calif. Liic. No. 701797 1W Bap&ore Blvd. # 1 9• = Tk ncieco, CA 94124 • Tel. (W M-06W • rex (415) 1 Mr. Andrew Antkowiak Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 June 1], 2012 RE: Bid - Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 Dear Mr. Antkowiak, Please see below additional requested information with regards to a request by K.J. Woods Construction Inc on May 31, 2012 for relief from our bid, submitted on May 23, 20] 2 for the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 project. Quotes for materials were solicited for and received by K.J. Woods Construction Inc. prior to preparing our bid for the work included in Bid Item No. 11- installation of 6 and 8 inch PVC pipe using open — cut method. The material quotes are attached for your records. Furthermore, I Chris Reilly certify that I was the lead estimator for the bid and that the mistake made of not imputing the material costs for Bid Item No. 11 into the Bid Item Unit Price Calculation Sheet was a mathematical error which was made by a member of my staff and which resulted in our bid being materially different from what we intended. As stated in our letter dated May 31, 2012, the mistake made our bid materially different from what we intended. K.J. Woods Construction Inc cannot perform the work on this project at the submitted bid of $1,688,000.00 which would result in a severe financial hardship and injury to the company. We are therefore requesting relief from our bid and return of our bid security pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 5103 and Section 15 of the Instructions to Bidders. Page 15 of 23 Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions or require additional information. Yours Sincerely Chris Reilly Estimator, K.J. Woods Construction Inc Kieran Woods President, K.J. Woods Construction Inc. Encl: Material Quotes Page 16 of 23 GROENIGER 03300 (HAYWARD) Groeniger 27760 INDUSTRIAL BLVD & Company HAYWARD, CA 94845 -3620 DWIVerTa david.fostes$ferquson.aom From David Foster Commerrte: Le 18:62:59 MAY 212012 GROENIGER GROENIGER Price Quotatlon Page # 1 Phone: 510. 786 -M Fax :610 - 782 -7905 Bid No.......: 8165249 Bid Defe....: 05/21/12 Cult 610 -786 3333 Quoted By.: DXF Toms, ....... : CASH ON DEMAND Cuslfomer., BID GROENIGER #3300 (HAYWARD) Ship To: WALNUT CREEK SEWER PHASE 9 FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY BIDS 5 -23-12 27760 INDUSTRIAL BLVD WALNUT CREEEK, CA 94595 HAYWARD. CA 94646.3829 CuSt PDT...: BIDS 5 -23-12 Job NBAfe: WALNUT CREEK SEWER 9 Itan Description Quantity Net Price UM Total BID ITEM #10 '-- -• - ---- - -._._ ..___._ __ _ SSSF1247 8X12 LAMPHOLE SWR CO 3 185.000 EA 556.00 813F1248 1248 FIRM & LID 2 165.000 EA 310.00 F1066BORC 8 Cl PVC X 8 Cl PVC COUP RC 1 50.000 EA 50,00 F105588RC 8 X 8 RC COUP ASS OR DI TO AS 1 48.600 EA 48.50 F106168RC 8 X 8 RC COUP CNCRT TO Cl OR 2 48.500 EA 97.00 MMRS16MC 8 ACIDI X 6 Cl/PL PVC SHLD COUP 2 40.000 EA 80.00 PHW8G4X 8 PVC HW SWR GXG 45 ELL 2 41.860 EA 83.70 PHWSG4U 6 PVC HW SWR GXG 45 ELL 2 17250 EA 34.50 MJ4LAX 8 MJ C153 45 BEND UA 1 65.000 EA 6 &00 IMJAPX B MJ C153 ACCY PK WIGLND 2 19.750 EA 39.50 SOR26MSPX14 BX14 SDR28 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 14 4.530 FT 83,42 SDR26HWSPU14 BX14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 14 2.520 FT 36.28 SUBTOTAL 1461,90 BID rTEM #11 SDR26HWSPX14 8X14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 5096 4.530 FT 23084.88 SOR26HWSPU14 6X14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 198 2.620 FT 493.92 HDUO43 3X1000 FT DET TAPE BLK/GRN SWR 8 30.000 EA 180.00 N102725 8 WHOLE ST RNG 47 6.000 EA 235.00 N102700 6 WHOLE ST RNG 4 4.000 EA 16.00 SUBTOTAL 24009.80 BID ITEM #12 SDR26HWSPI014 10X14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 644 7.110 FT 4578.84 HDUO43 3X1000 FT DET TAPE BLKIGRN SWR 1 30.000 EA 30.00 N102750 10 WHOLE ST RNG 8 7.250 EA 58.00 SUBTOTAL 4666.84 BID ITEM #13 Page 17 of 23 Groeniger GROENIGER & Company GROENIGER " 1f 1 ,M.�ljkrtic «. Piles Quotallon Page# 2 DISMPX Phone: 510 - 788.3333 18:52:59 MAY 212012 Fax :610-782-7905 Reference NO: 8165248 hem Deao►lptlon Quantity Net Price UM Total DISMPX 8 CL62 DI SJ PIPE 604 23.460 FT 11823.84 CWRP20400SAWWA 20X400 BLAC POLYWRAP 2 125.000 EA 260.00 HDUO43 3X1000 FT DET TAPE BLKIGRN SWR 1 30.000 EA 30.00 PSPW210 'TRN 2X10010 MIL BLK PIPE WRAP TAP 6 4.500 EA 27.00 SUBTOTAL 12130.84 BID ITEM #14 PE1170YX40 8X401PS SDR17 HOPE PIPE GRAY 4720 672.000 C 31718x40 SUBTOTAL 31718.40 BID ITEM #16 PED17GY1040 10X40 IPS SOR17 HOPE PIPE GREY \' 200 Yi 1045.000 C 2D90.00 SUBTOTAL 2090.00 BID ITEM #16 15" HOPE NOT MADE PEI17A1640 I6X401PS SDR17 HOPE PIPE L1240 2313000 C 6661.20 SUBTOTAL 6551.20 BID ITEM #17 ONLY FOUND 160-LF SOR26HWSPUI4 6X14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 168 2.620 FT 423.36 MMR028BARC 6 CLAY X 6 Cl SHIELDED COUP 8 52.000 EA 416.00 SUBTOTAL 838.38 BID ITEM #18 138 OUT OF 160 SHOWN SOR26LATERALS PHWSGY10P 10X4 PVC HW SWR GXGXG WYE 9 96.600 EA 868.50 PHWSGYXP 8X4 PVC HW SWR GXGXG WYE 62 38.150 EA 2365.30 PHWSGYUP 6X4 PVC HW SWR GXGXG WYE 3 27.260 EA 81.75 N102675 4 WHOLE ST RNG 10 3.500 EA 35.00 1PHWSGS4P 4 PVC HW SWR GXS 45 ELL 74 8.600 EA 629.00 MMR0244ARC 4 CLAY X 4 Cl SHIELDED COUP 84 25.600 EA 2142.00 DIP LATERALS MJYLAXP 8X4 MJ C153 WYE UA 8 146.000 EA 1166.00 MJPE4LAP 4 MJXPE C153 45 BEND UA 8 30.000 EA 240.00 IMJAPX 8 MJ C153 ACCY PK WIGLND 16 19.750 EA 316.00 IMJAPP 4 MJ C153 ACCY PK W /GLND 18 14.500 EA 232.00 N103164 4 MJ TRAN GSKT FISDR35 PIPE 8 4.750 EA 38.00 MMR0244ARC 4 CLAY X 4 Cl SHIELDED COUP 8 25.600 EA 204.00 HOPE LATERALS SP -4 "DRI ISTUB 4" DR11 STUB SADDLE 47 23.600 EA 1104.60 MMR0244ARC 4 CLAY X 4 Cl SHIELDED COUP 47 25.500 EA 1198.50 SUBTOTAL 10622.56 BID ITEM 019 SDR26HWSPP14 4X14 SDR26 HW PVC GJ SWR PIPE 112 1.180 FT 132.16 t:�, .- \ if �(. -''� �,• Page 18 of 23 Groeniger GROENIGER & Company GROENIRER Price Quotation Page # 3 Phone: 510.780.3533 18:62:58 MAY 212012 Fax : 510- 782 -7M Reference No: 8165248 Item Description Quantity Not Pdoo UM Total PE117GYP20 4X20 IPS SDR17 HDPE PIPE GRAY 80 183.000 C 148.40 SUBTOTAL 278.66 Net Total: $93369.45 Tax: $8694.86 Ffelght: $6000.00 Total: $108064.31 Quoted prices are based upon receipt of the total quantity for Immediate shipment (48 hours). SHIPMENTS BEYOND 48 HOURS SHALL BE AT THE PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Seller not responsible for delays, lack of product or Increase of pridna due to causes beyond our control, and/or based upon Local, State and Federal laws governing type of products that can be said or put to commerce. This quole Is offered contingent upon the buyers acceptance of Seller's terms and conditions, which are �COrporeted by reference and found either following this document, or on the web at httpJlwoiselayna.cotnbrms condkWnaSale.hbnl. Govt Buyers: A8 items are open market unless noted otherwise. LEAD LAW NOTICE: Bres3lbronze products without "LF" In the description field may contain lead and thus not comply with low lead laws. These products must not be used in potable water applications. Page 19 of 23 ZZckmax �S � CUSTOMER: KJ Woods DATE: 512312012 ATTN: Conor MacNamara QUOTE. CM -1022 PRICE 1 TO ! o MAT. TAX PHONE: 415. 759 -0508 BID DATE: L4- FAX: 415.759.1348 START DATE: WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: PROJECT: CCCSD Walnut Creed Sewer Improvements ADDRESS: 15,000 314" Recycled Cl 2 AB CITY: Pleasant Hills 1544 Stanley Blvd, CA 94567 SAND, GRAVEL S INDUSTRIAL SOD PRICING (Parton) QTY MATERIAL MATERIAL „tt,,�� NT F.O,B, PLANT PRICE 1 TO ! o MAT. TAX 15,000 314” VI in Cl 2 AS 510.50 -, $0.92 Eliot - Pleasanton 1544 Stanley Blvd CA 94567 Eliot - Pleasanton 15,000 314" Recycled Cl 2 AB $7.60 $0.88 1544 Stanley Blvd, CA 94567 Eliot - Pleasanton 600 314" Crushed Rock $14.50 $1.27 1544 Stanley Blvd CA 94567 Clayton 800 314" Virgin Cl 2 AB $8.00 $0.88 515 Mitchell Canyon Rd, CA 94517 Clayton 800 314" Crushed Rock $14.50 $1.20 615 Mitchell Canyon Rd, CA 94517 Eliot - Pleasanton i DUMP Clean Sol $30.00 per Load , $0.00 1544 3tenley Blvd, CA 04668 Eliot - Pleasanton i DUMP Concrete t AC $10.00 per Load $0.00 1544 Stanley Blvd, CA 04588 Escalators: Prices firm until 1213112012 COMMENTS: ALL MATERIALS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY BY PLANT INVENTORY, BY PRODUCTION SCHEDULES, BY SHIPPING SCHEDULES. BY PLANT FAILURES AND / 9 EWJIPMt:NT BREAKDOWNIL PRICING BASED ON HMLING DURING REGULAR AGOB GATE PLANT HOURS OFF HOUR SHIPMENTS BELOW 2,000 TONS PER S� A WILL BE SUBJECT TO FLT OPENING FEE ALL $OIL MUST BE APPROVED BY CEMEX PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCENO SMOM DUMPS ALLOWED ADD $2.00 PER TRUCKLOAD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL FEES REQ!N 8s; of TONNAGE Should litigation be commenced to enforce payment, the prevailing party will be enUt ed to reasonable r r' attorney and court fees. ALL PRICES ARE NET 30 DAYS. ! / THIS PROPOSAL 18 SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER WITHIN 30 DAYS. ACCEPTANCE SIGNATURE: ACCEPTANCE DATE: CHRIS MATHIAS Phone 925 - 200.6207 Fax 661- 885.4989 131 Vultes Ave, Shafter, CA 93263 Return elgned copy via lax Page 20 of 23 05/23/2012 07:25 9256820399 COUNTY ASPHALT LLC Cry PAGE 01 COUM osphalf, LIC. - Office Phone (925).602-2299 Batch Plant Phone: (925 682 -g506 Fax: (925) 662 -0399 Rspbait Concrele sales 5501 tmhcif DrIve, mamnez, CA 44553 QUOTATION C `- Q (,� � QUOTE DATE: _ �J ^ � ) - ) cl. JOB 0 / P.O >r: COMPANY NAME• —_ ATTENTION: JOB NAME: C C G JOB LOCATION: t�) C , START DATE: PHONEM FAX Ill: BID DATE: ILL. AV salsa are subject to a arms:, conditions and gmbllons set fonh by Oounty Aepho% LLO, County Quan LLC, and Oentral CmW am Ale Prices ere quoted F.O.B. plant AD pdcee are quoted wnhoul tax. Creel Is subl to reo w and a*"& Prim are subject to change without notes unl� gerote ia_accenteld with a purchase order .4 ASPHALT CONCRETE: SIZE a TYPE TONS *$ASE PRICE BASED ON PER TON OIL. GOOD THROUGH *PRICE WITH OIL ESCALATORS GOOD THROUGH *PRICE WILL FLUCTUATE $1.00 FOR EVERY $20.00 CHANGE IN OIL PRICES PRICE INCREASES AFTER ADD $ PER TON. NEW QUOTE REQUIRED AFTER *G All Apply PRICE &1 $4. cis (rx NO'tEg: . C*unty Quarry Products, L.L.C. C7onCMe & Asphalt Recycling . Rock Sales Office Phone: (925) 682.0707 D Fax: (925) 682 -0594 PRODUCT QUANTITY PRICE CLASS II RECYCLED 3/4 " TONS 614M Zr . -� IMPING OF CONCRETE /ASPHALT /GRINDINoSt )W CLEAN GRINDINGS - $ 2,0 /%» 0 l BROKEN AWCON. TRUCK SIZEI # OF LOADSt O AC WITH FABRIC - $ QUOTE GOOD THROUGH: NOTES: Clean Grindings NO DIRT &OR FABRIC Central County Clean Fill Clean Dirt Dump Site Site Telephone: 925 - 250.9973 0 Billing: (925) 682 -0707 Q Fax: (925) 662.0594 TitUCK SIZE # OF LOADS QUOTED BY: ` Dptae PRICE Goo Page 21 of 23 (y4' LdLL s+►s TRUCKING PROTECT NAME: CCCSD Sewer Renovation Phase 9 LOCATION: Walnut Creek BID DATE: May 22, 2012 Hour1v Tx 1 r End Dumps .................$ 100.00 hr. Good Luck, S & S Trucking Page 2 of 2 MAILING: P.O. BOX 14046 - OAKLAND, CA 94614.2046 477 ROLAND WAY - OAKLAND, CA 94621.2014 - (510) 383 -3556 - FAX (510) 383 -2917 Page 22 of 23 ATTACHMENT 4 WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 9 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8401 POST -BID / PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description Amounts % Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $1,969,446 b. Contingency at 15% $296,554 c. Permit $20,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COST $2,286,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Inspection $190,000 - Construction Management $38,000 - Public Relations $12,000 b. Consultants - Material Testing $20,000 - Geotechnical and Arborist $32,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $292,000 13% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering $322,000 14% b. Right of Way $38,000 2% c. Survey $150,000 6% SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $510,000 22% 4. TOTAL PROJECT COST $3,088,000 5. FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $300,000 6. ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT (Line 4 - Line 5) 2 7 N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS \Molina \8401 - PP Award - Ranger\Attachment 4.doc Page 23 of 23